%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% File    : hipe_adj_list.erl
%% Author  : Andreas Wallin <d96awa@it.uu.se>
%% Purpose : Keeps track of adjacency lists for the inference graph.
%% Created : 18 Mar 2000 by Andreas Wallin <d96awa@it.uu.se>

-author("Andreas Wallin").
	 %% add_edges/3, 
	 %% remove_edges/3, 

%% Function:    new
%% Description: Creates an empty structure for adjacency lists
%% Parameters:
%%   Max_nodes          -- Limit for node numbers
%% Returns:
%%   Empty adj_list structure

new(Max_nodes) ->
  hipe_vectors:new(Max_nodes, []).

%% Function:    add_edges
%% Description: Adds edges from a node to other nodes
%% Parameters:
%%   U                  -- A node
%%   Vs                 -- Nodes to add edges to
%%   Adj_list           -- Old adjacency lists
%% Returns:
%%   An updated adj_list data-structure

%%add_edges(_, [], Adj_list) -> Adj_list;
%%add_edges(U, Vs, Adj_list) when is_list(Vs), is_integer(U) ->
%%    hipe_vectors:set(Adj_list, U, ordsets:union(Vs, hipe_vectors:get(Adj_list, U))).

%% Function:    add_edge
%% Description: Creates an edge between two nodes
%% Parameters:
%%   U                  -- A node
%%   V                  -- Another node
%%   Adj_list           -- Old adjacency lists
%% Returns:
%%   New adj_list data-structure with (U and V connected)

add_edge(U, V, Adj_list) -> % PRE: U =/= V, not V \in adjList[U]
  hipe_vectors:set(Adj_list, U,
			   [V | hipe_vectors:get(Adj_list, U)]).

%% Function:    remove_edges
%% Description: Removes edges from a node to other nodes
%% Parameters:
%%   U                  -- A node
%%   Vs                 -- Nodes to remove edges to
%%   Adj_list           -- Old adjacency lists
%% Returns:
%%   An updated adj_list data-structure

%% remove_edges(_, [], Adj_list) -> Adj_list;
remove_edges(U, Vs, Adj_list) when is_list(Vs), is_integer(U) ->
  hipe_vectors:set(Adj_list, U, hipe_vectors:get(Adj_list, U) -- Vs).

%% Function:    remove_edge
%% Description: Removes an edge between two nodes
%% Parameters:
%%   U                  -- A node
%%   V                  -- Another node
%%   Adj_list           -- Old adjacency lists
%% Returns:
%%   New adjacency lists with (U and V not connected)

remove_edge(U, U, Adj_list) -> Adj_list;
remove_edge(U, V, Adj_list) when is_integer(U), is_integer(V) ->
    remove_edges(U,  [V], Adj_list).

%% Function:    edges
%% Description: Tells where the edges of a node go
%% Parameters:
%%   U                  -- A node
%%   Adj_list           -- Adjacency lists
%% Returns:
%%   The set of nodes connected to U

edges(U, Adj_list) ->
    hipe_vectors:get(Adj_list, U).