%% -*- Erlang -*- %% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% File : hipe_ssa_const_prop.inc %% Author : Kostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se> %% Description : Supporting routines for sparse conditional constant %% propagation on SSA form. %% %% Created : 21 June 2004 by Kostis Sagonas <kostis@it.uu.se> %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : propagate/1 %% Purpose : Perform sparse conditional constant propagation on a %% control flow graph %% Arguments : CFG - The cfg to work on %% Returns : A new cfg. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec propagate(#cfg{}) -> #cfg{}. propagate(CFG) -> Environment = create_env(CFG), StartEdge = {?CFG:start_label(CFG), ?CFG:start_label(CFG)}, NewEnvironment = scc([StartEdge], [], Environment), NewCFG = update_cfg(NewEnvironment), NewCFG. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : visit_expressions/2 & visit_expressions/4 %% Purpose : visit each instruction in a list of instructions. %% Arguments : Instructions - the list of instructions to visit %% Environment - have a guess. %% FlowWork - list of destination part of flowgraph edges %% from the visited instructions %% SSAWork - resulting ssa-edges from visited instrs. %% Returns : {FlowWorkList, SSAWorkList, Environment} %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- visit_expressions(Instructions, Environment) -> visit_expressions(Instructions, Environment, [], []). visit_expressions([], Environment, FlowWork, SSAWork) -> {FlowWork, SSAWork, Environment}; visit_expressions([Inst | Insts], Environment, FlowWork, SSAWork) -> {MoreFlowWork, MoreSSAWork, Environment1} = visit_expression(Inst, Environment), FlowWork1 = MoreFlowWork ++ FlowWork, SSAWork1 = MoreSSAWork ++ SSAWork, visit_expressions(Insts, Environment1, FlowWork1, SSAWork1). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The environment record: Shared between incarnations of SCCP. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(env, {cfg :: #cfg{}, executable_flags = gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set(), handled_blocks = gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set(), lattice_values = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_trees:tree(), ssa_edges = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_trees:tree() }). create_env(CFG) -> #env{cfg = CFG, executable_flags = gb_sets:empty(), handled_blocks = gb_sets:empty(), lattice_values = initialize_lattice(CFG), ssa_edges = initialize_ssa_edges(CFG) }. env__cfg(#env{cfg=CFG}) -> CFG. env__executable_flags(#env{executable_flags=Flags}) -> Flags. env__lattice_values(#env{lattice_values=Values}) -> Values. env__ssa_edges(#env{ssa_edges=Edges}) -> Edges. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : initialize_lattice/1 %% Purpose : Compute the initial value-lattice for the CFG %% Arguments : CFG a control flow graph %% Returns : a value-latice (gb_tree) %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- initialize_lattice(CFG) -> Lattice = gb_trees:empty(), Parameters = ?CFG:params(CFG), Inserter = fun(Parameter, Tree) -> gb_trees:insert(Parameter, bottom, Tree) end, lists:foldl(Inserter, Lattice, Parameters). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : initialize_ssa_edges/1 %% Purpose : Compute the SSA edges in the CFG. SSA edges are used to map %% the definition of a value to its uses. %% Arguments : CFG - the cfg %% Returns : A gb_tree of values (variables & registers) to %% lists of {Node, Instruction} pairs. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- initialize_ssa_edges(CFG) -> IterateNodes = fun(Node, Tree1) -> IterateInstructions = fun(Instruction, Tree2) -> IterateArguments = fun(Argument, Tree3) -> Data = gb_trees:lookup(Argument, Tree3), NewEdge = {Node, Instruction}, case Data of none -> %% insert assumes key is not present gb_trees:insert(Argument, [NewEdge], Tree3); {value, EdgeList} -> %% update assumes key is present gb_trees:update(Argument, [NewEdge|EdgeList], Tree3) end end, Arguments = ?CODE:uses(Instruction), lists:foldl(IterateArguments, Tree2, Arguments) end, Instructions = hipe_bb:code(?CFG:bb(CFG, Node)), lists:foldl(IterateInstructions, Tree1, Instructions) end, NodeList = ?CFG:labels(CFG), lists:foldl(IterateNodes, gb_trees:empty(), NodeList). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : scc/3 %% Purpose : Do the symbolic execution of a cfg and compute the resulting %% value-lattice, and reachability information (Environment). %% This is the main loop that does a fixpoint computation of the %% lattice-values for each variable and register. %% Arguments : FlowWorkList - work list of control-flow edges %% SSAWorkList - work list of ssa-edges %% Environment - the environment that have been computed so far. %% Returns : The environment after execution %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- scc([], [], Environment) -> Environment; %% Take an element from the FlowWorkList and process it scc([{Source,Destination} | FlowWorkList], SSAWorkList, Environment) -> case executable({Source, Destination}, Environment) of true -> scc(FlowWorkList, SSAWorkList, Environment); false -> Environment1 = mark_as_executable({Source,Destination}, Environment), Code = extract_code(Destination, Environment), {Environment2, Code1, ExtraSSA} = visit_phi_nodes(Code, Destination, Environment1, []), case handled(Destination, Environment2) of true -> scc(FlowWorkList, ExtraSSA ++ SSAWorkList, Environment2); false -> {MoreFlowDests, MoreSSAWork, Environment3} = visit_expressions(Code1, Environment2), MoreFlowWork = [{Destination, Node} || Node <- MoreFlowDests], FlowWorkList1 = MoreFlowWork ++ FlowWorkList, SSAWorkList1 = ExtraSSA ++ MoreSSAWork ++ SSAWorkList, Environment4 = mark_as_handled(Destination, Environment3), scc(FlowWorkList1, SSAWorkList1, Environment4) end end; %% Take an element from the SSAWorkList and process it scc([], [{Node, Instruction} | SSAWorkList], Environment) -> case reachable(Node, Environment) of true -> case ?CODE:is_phi(Instruction) of true -> {Environment1, MoreSSA} = visit_phi(Instruction, Node, Environment), scc([], MoreSSA ++ SSAWorkList, Environment1); false -> {MoreFlowDests, MoreSSAWork, Environment1} = visit_expression(Instruction, Environment), SSAWorkList1 = MoreSSAWork ++ SSAWorkList, MoreFlowWork = [{Node, Destination} || Destination<-MoreFlowDests], scc(MoreFlowWork, SSAWorkList1, Environment1) end; false -> scc([], SSAWorkList, Environment) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : update_cfg/1 %% Purpose : Transforms the cfg into something more pleasant. %% Here the mapping of variables & registers to lattice-values is %% used to actually change the code. %% Arguments : Environment - in which everything happens. %% Returns : A new CFG. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_cfg(Environment) -> NodeList = get_nodelist(Environment), CFG1 = update_nodes(NodeList, Environment), %% why not hipe_???_ssa:remove_dead_code ? CFG2 = ?CFG:remove_unreachable_code(CFG1), CFG2. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : update_nodes/2 %% Purpose : loop over all nodes in a list of nodes, ignoring any %% non-reachable node. %% Arguments : NodeList - the list of nodes. %% Environment - in which everything happens. %% Returns : a new cfg. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_nodes([], Environment) -> env__cfg(Environment); update_nodes([Node | NodeList], Environment) -> NewEnvironment = case reachable(Node, Environment) of true -> Instructions = extract_code(Node, Environment), Updater = fun(Instruction) -> update_instruction(Instruction, Environment) end, NewInstructions = lists:flatmap(Updater, Instructions), update_code(Node, NewInstructions, Environment); false -> Environment end, update_nodes(NodeList, NewEnvironment). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : update_code/3 %% Purpose : Insert a list of new instructions into the cfg in the %% environment %% Arguments : Node - name of the bb whose instructions we replace. %% NewInstructions - The list of new instructions %% Env - The environment %% Returns : A new environment %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_code(Node, NewInstructions, Environment) -> CFG = env__cfg(Environment), BB = ?CFG:bb(CFG, Node), OrderedInstructions = put_phi_nodes_first(NewInstructions), NewBB = hipe_bb:code_update(BB, OrderedInstructions), NewCFG = ?CFG:bb_add(CFG, Node, NewBB), Environment#env{cfg = NewCFG}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : put_phi_nodes_first/1 %% Purpose : Move all phi-instructions to the beginning of the basic block. %% Arguments : Instructions - The list of instructions %% Returns : A list of instructions where the phi-nodes are first. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- put_phi_nodes_first(Instructions) -> {PhiInstructions, OtherInstructions} = partition(fun(X) -> ?CODE:is_phi(X) end, Instructions), PhiInstructions ++ OtherInstructions. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- partition(Function, List) -> partition(Function, List, [], []). partition(_Function, [], True, False) -> {lists:reverse(True), lists:reverse(False)}; partition(Function, [Hd | Tail], True, False) -> case Function(Hd) of true -> partition(Function, Tail, [Hd | True], False); false -> partition(Function, Tail, True, [Hd | False]) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : visit_phi_nodes/4 %% Purpose : visit all the phi-nodes in a bb and return the list of %% remaining instructions, new ssa-edges and a new environment. %% Arguments : [Inst|Insts] - The list of instructions in the bb %% Node - Name of the current node. %% Environment - the environment %% SSAWork - the ssawork found so far. %% Returns : {Environment, Instruction list, SSAWorkList} %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- visit_phi_nodes([], CurrentNode, _Environment, _SSAWork) -> ?EXIT({"~w: visit_phi_nodes/4 Basic block contains no code", ?MODULE, CurrentNode}); visit_phi_nodes(Is = [Inst | Insts], Node, Environment, SSAWork) -> case ?CODE:is_phi(Inst) of true -> {Environment1, NewSSA} = visit_phi(Inst, Node, Environment), visit_phi_nodes(Insts, Node, Environment1, NewSSA ++ SSAWork); false -> {Environment, Is, SSAWork} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : visit_phi/3 %% Purpose : visit a phi-node %% Arguments : PhiInstruction- The instruction %% CurrentNode - Name of the current node. %% Environment - the environment %% Returns : {NewEnvironment, SSAWork} %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- visit_phi(PhiInstruction, CurrentNode, Environment) -> ArgumentList = ?CODE:phi_arglist(PhiInstruction), Value = get_phi_value(ArgumentList, CurrentNode, Environment, top), Name = ?CODE:phi_dst(PhiInstruction), {Environment1, SSAWork} = update_lattice_value({Name, Value}, Environment), {Environment1, SSAWork}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Procedure : get_phi_value/4 %% Purpose : compute the result of a phi-function, taking care to ignore %% edges that are not yet executable. %% Arguments : ArgList - the list of arguments {Node, Value pair} %% CurrentNode - the current node %% Environment - well... %% CurrentValue - the meet of the relevant already processed values %% Returns : Integer, top or bottom %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% the arglist contains {predecessor, variable} elements. Remember %% to be optimistic in this part, hopefully, topvalues will fall down %% to become constants. Hence topvalues are more or less ignored here. get_phi_value([], _CurrentNode, _Environment, CurrentValue) -> CurrentValue; get_phi_value([{PredecessorNode, Variable}| ArgList], CurrentNode, Environment, CurrentValue) -> case executable({PredecessorNode, CurrentNode}, Environment) of true -> NewValue = lookup_lattice_value(Variable, Environment), case NewValue of bottom -> bottom; top -> get_phi_value(ArgList, CurrentNode, Environment, CurrentValue); _ -> case CurrentValue of top -> get_phi_value(ArgList, CurrentNode, Environment, NewValue); _ -> case (NewValue =:= CurrentValue) of true -> get_phi_value(ArgList, CurrentNode, Environment, NewValue); false -> %% two different constants. bottom end end end; false -> %% non-executable transitions don't affect the value. get_phi_value(ArgList, CurrentNode, Environment, CurrentValue) end. %%------------------------------ environment ---------------------------------- reachable(Node, Environment) -> Predecessors = predecessors(Node, Environment), Executable = fun(Pred) -> executable({Pred, Node}, Environment) end, lists:any(Executable, Predecessors). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mark_as_executable(Edge, Environment) -> ExecutableFlags = env__executable_flags(Environment), ExecutableFlags1 = gb_sets:add(Edge, ExecutableFlags), Environment#env{executable_flags = ExecutableFlags1}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mark_as_handled(Node, Environment = #env{handled_blocks=Handled}) -> NewHandled = gb_sets:add_element(Node, Handled), Environment#env{handled_blocks=NewHandled}. handled(Node, #env{handled_blocks=Handled}) -> gb_sets:is_element(Node, Handled). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extract_code(Node, Environment) -> CFG = env__cfg(Environment), case ?CFG:bb(CFG, Node) of not_found -> ?WARNING_MSG("Could not find label ~w.\n", [Node]), []; BB -> hipe_bb:code(BB) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- predecessors(Node, Environment) -> CFG = env__cfg(Environment), ?CFG:pred(CFG, Node). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- executable(Edge, Environment) -> ExecutableFlags = env__executable_flags(Environment), gb_sets:is_member(Edge, ExecutableFlags). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- update_lattice_value({[], _NewValue}, Environment) -> {Environment, []}; update_lattice_value({Names, NewValue}, Environment) when is_list(Names) -> Update = fun(Dst, {Env, SSA}) -> {NewEnv, NewSSA} = update_lattice_value({Dst, NewValue}, Env), {NewEnv, SSA ++ NewSSA} end, lists:foldl(Update, {Environment, []}, Names); %% update_lattice_value({Name, {Res, N, Z, C, V} }, _) -> %% ?EXIT({"inserting dumt grejs", {Name, {Res, N, Z, C, V} } }); update_lattice_value({Name, NewValue}, Environment) -> LatticeValues = env__lattice_values(Environment), {LatticeValues1, SSAWork} = case gb_trees:lookup(Name, LatticeValues) of none -> {gb_trees:insert(Name, NewValue, LatticeValues), lookup_ssa_edges(Name, Environment)}; {value, NewValue} -> {LatticeValues, []}; {value, _} -> {gb_trees:update(Name, NewValue, LatticeValues), lookup_ssa_edges(Name, Environment)} end, {Environment#env{lattice_values = LatticeValues1}, SSAWork}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- lookup_ssa_edges(Variable, Environment) -> SSAEdges = env__ssa_edges(Environment), case gb_trees:lookup(Variable, SSAEdges) of {value, X} -> X; _ -> % Unused variable [] end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- get_nodelist(Environment) -> CFG = env__cfg(Environment), ?CFG:labels(CFG). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(DEBUG). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------- DEBUG ------------------------------------ error(Text) -> error(Text, []). error(Text, Data) -> io:format("Internal compiler error in ~w\n",[?MODULE]), io:format(Text, Data), io:format("\n\n"), halt(). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_environment(Environment) -> io:format("============================================================\n"), io:format("Executable flags: "), print_executable_flags(env__executable_flags(Environment)), io:format("Lattice values --->\n"), print_lattice_values(env__lattice_values(Environment)), io:format("SSA edges --->\n"), print_ssa_edges(env__ssa_edges(Environment)), io:format("============================================================\n"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_executable_flags(ExecutableFlags) -> ListOfFlags = gb_sets:to_list(ExecutableFlags), Printer = fun ({Source, Destination}) -> io:format("(~w, ~w), ", [Source, Destination]) end, lists:foreach(Printer, ListOfFlags), io:format("()\n"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_lattice_values(LatticeValues) -> ListOfLatticeValues = gb_trees:to_list(LatticeValues), Printer = fun ({Key, Value}) -> io:format("~w = ~w\n", [Key, Value]) end, lists:foreach(Printer, ListOfLatticeValues). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_ssa_edges(SSAEdges) -> ListOfSSAEdges = gb_trees:to_list(SSAEdges), Printer = fun ({Key, Value}) -> io:format("~w: ~w\n", [Key, Value]) end, lists:foreach(Printer, ListOfSSAEdges). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -endif. %% DEBUG %%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------