%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Author: Kostis Sagonas %%% %%% Contains code examples, mostly taken from the mailing list, that %%% crashed the BEAM compiler or gave an internal error at some point. %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(basic_issues_beam). -export([test/0]). test() -> ok = test_crash_R10_hinde(), ok = test_error_R10_mander(), ok = test_error_R11_bjorklund(), ok = test_error_R11_rath(), ok = test_error_R12_empty_bin_rec(), ok = test_bug_R12_cornish(), ok = test_crash_R12_morris(), ok = test_error_R13_almeida(), ok = test_error_R13B01_fisher(), ok = test_error_R13B01_sawatari(), ok = test_error_R13B01_whongo(), ok = test_error_R16B03_norell(), ok = test_error_try_wings(), ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Fisher R10 compiler crash %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(r, {a, b, c}). test_crash_R10_hinde() -> rec_R10_hinde(#r{}). rec_R10_hinde(As) -> case As of A when A#r.b == ""; A#r.b == undefined -> ok; _ -> error end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Peter-Henry Mander %% Date: 27 Jan, 2005 %% %% I managed to isolate a non-critical BEAM compilation error %% (internal error in v3_codegen) when compiling the following code: %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R10_mander() -> try just_compile_me_R10() catch _:_ -> ok end. just_compile_me_R10() -> URI_Before = {absoluteURI, {scheme, fun() -> nil end}, {hier_part, {net_path, {srvr, {userinfo, nil}, fun() -> nil end}, nil}, {port, nil}}}, {absoluteURI, {scheme, _}, {hier_part, {net_path, {srvr, {userinfo, nil}, _HostportBefore}, nil}, {port, nil}}} = URI_Before, %% ... some funky code ommitted, not relevant ... {absoluteURI, {scheme, _}, {hier_part, {net_path, {srvr, {userinfo, nil}, HostportAfter}, nil}, {port, nil}}} = URI_Before, %% NOTE: I intended to write URI_After instead of URI_Before %% but the accident revealed that when you add the line below, %% it causes internal error in v3_codegen on compilation {hostport, {hostname, "HostName"}, {port, nil}} = HostportAfter, ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Martin Bjorklund %% Date: Aug 16, 2006 %% %% I found this compiler bug in R10B-10 and R11B-0. %% %% Function -just_compile_me/0-fun-2-/1 refers to undefined label 18 %% ./bjorklund_R11compiler_bug.erl:none: internal error in beam_clean; %% crash reason: {{case_clause,{'EXIT',{undefined_label,18}}}, %% [{compile,'-select_passes/2-anonymous-2-',2}, %% {compile,'-internal_comp/4-anonymous-1-',2}, %% {compile,fold_comp,3}, %% {compile,internal_comp,4}, %% {compile,internal,3}]} %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R11_bjorklund() -> just_compile_me_R11_bjorklund(). just_compile_me_R11_bjorklund() -> G = fun() -> ok end, try G() %% fun() -> ok end after fun({A, B}) -> A + B end end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Tim Rath %% Date: Sep 13, 2006 %% Subject: Compiler bug not quite fixed %% %% I saw a compiler bug posted to the list by Martin Bjorklund that %% appeared to be exactly the problem I'm seeing, and then noticed %% that this was fixed in R11B-1. Unfortunately, though R11B-1 appears %% to fix the code submitted by Martin, it does not fix my case. %% %% Function -just_compile_me/0-fun-2-/1 refers to undefined label 13 %% ./rath_R11compiler_bug.erl:none: internal error in beam_clean; %% crash reason: {{case_clause,{'EXIT',{undefined_label,13}}}, %% [{compile,'-select_passes/2-anonymous-2-',2}, %% {compile,'-internal_comp/4-anonymous-1-',2}, %% {compile,fold_comp,3}, %% {compile,internal_comp,4}, %% {compile,internal,3}]} %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R11_rath() -> just_compile_me_R11_rath(). just_compile_me_R11_rath() -> A = {6}, try io:fwrite("") after fun () -> fun () -> {_} = A end end end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Program that crashed the R12B-0 compiler: internal error in v3_codegen %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(rec, {a = <<>> :: binary(), b = 42 :: integer()}). test_error_R12_empty_bin_rec() -> 42 = test_empty_bin_rec(#rec{}), ok. test_empty_bin_rec(R) -> #rec{a = <<>>} = R, R#rec.b. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Simon Cornish %% Date: Jan 13, 2008 %% %% The attached Erlang code demonstrates an R12B-0 bug with funs. %% Compile and evaluate the two die/1 calls for two different failure modes. %% It seems to me that the live register check for call_fun is off by one. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(b, {c}). test_bug_R12_cornish() -> {a2, a} = die(a), {a2, {b, c}} = die({b, c}), ok. die(A) -> F = fun() -> {ok, A} end, if A#b.c =:= [] -> one; true -> case F() of {ok, A2} -> {a2, A2}; _ -> three end end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Hunter Morris %% Date: Nov 20, 2008 %% %% The following code (tested with R12B-4 or R12B-5, vanilla compiler %% options) produces a compiler crash. It's nonsensical, and I realise %% that andalso can be quite evil, but it's a crash nonetheless. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- test_crash_R12_morris() -> foo(42). foo(Bar) when (is_integer(Bar) andalso Bar =:= 0) ; Bar =:= 42 -> ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Paulo Sergio Almeida %% Date: May 20, 2009 %% %% The following code when compiled under R13B gives a compiler error. %% Function loop/1 refers to undefined label 6 %% ./almeida_R13compiler_bug.erl:none: internal error in beam_peep; %% crash reason: {{case_clause,{'EXIT',{undefined_label,6}}}, %% [{compile,'-select_passes/2-anonymous-2-',2}, %% {compile,'-internal_comp/4-anonymous-1-',2}, %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R13_almeida() -> self() ! {backup, 42, false}, loop([]). loop(Tids) -> receive {backup, Tid, Dumping} -> case Dumping of false -> ok; _ -> receive {logged, Tab, Tid} -> put({log, Tab}, Tid) end end, collect(Tid, Tids, []) end. collect(_, _, _) -> ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Fisher R13B01 compiler error %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R13B01_fisher() -> perform_select({foo, "42"}). perform_select({Type, Keyval}) -> try if is_atom(Type) andalso length(Keyval) > 0 -> ok; true -> ok end catch _:_ -> fail end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Mikage Sawatari %% Date: Jun 12, 2009 %% %% I have the following compilation problem on Erlang R13B01. %% Compiler reports "Internal consistency check failed". %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R13B01_sawatari() -> test_sawatari([1, null, 3], <<1, 2, 3>>). test_sawatari([], _Bin) -> ok; test_sawatari([H|T], Bin) -> _ = case H of null -> <>; _ -> ok end, test_sawatari(T, Bin). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R13B01_whongo() -> S = "gazonk", S = orgno_alphanum(S), ok. orgno_alphanum(Cs) -> [C || C <- Cs, ((C >= $0) andalso (C =< $9)) orelse ((C >= $a) andalso (C =< $z)) orelse ((C >= $A) andalso (C =< $Z))]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% I'm getting an Internal Consistency Check error when attempting to %% build Wings3D on Mac OS X 10.4.2 (Erlang OTP R10B-6): %% %% erlc -pa /ebin +warn_unused_vars -I/include -I ../e3d -W +debug_info %% '-Dwings_version="0.98.31"' -pa ../ebin -o../ebin wings_color.erl %% wings_color: function internal_rgb_to_hsv/3+97: %% Internal consistency check failed - please report this bug. %% Instruction: {test,is_eq_exact,{f,80},[{x,0},{atom,error}]} %% Error: {unsafe_instruction,{float_error_state,cleared}}: %% %% The problem is the interaction of the 'try' construct with the %% handling of FP exceptions. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_try_wings() -> %% a call with a possible FP exception {199.99999999999997, 0.045454545454545456, 44} = rgb_to_hsv(42, 43, 44), ok. rgb_to_hsv(R, G, B) -> Max = lists:max([R, G, B]), Min = lists:min([R, G, B]), V = Max, {Hue, Sat} = try {if Min == B -> (G-Min)/(R+G-2.0*Min); Min == R -> (1.0+(B-Min)/(B+G-2.0*Min)); Min == G -> (2.0+(R-Min)/(B+R-2.0*Min)) end * 120, (Max-Min)/Max} catch error:badarith -> {undefined, 0.0} end, {Hue, Sat, V}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% From: Ulf Norell %% Date: Feb 28, 2014 %% %% This caused an internal error in v3_codegen %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_error_R16B03_norell() -> test_error_R16B03_norell(#r{}, gazonk). test_error_R16B03_norell(Rec, Tag) -> is_record(Rec, Tag, 3) orelse ok.