%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : bs_bits.erl %%% Author : Per Gustafsson <pergu@it.uu.se> %%% Purpose : Tests for bit stream operations including matching, %%% construction, binary_to_list and list_to_binary %%% Created : 6 Sep 2006 %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(bs_bits). -export([test/0]). test() -> <<1:100>> = <<1:100>>, ok = match(7), ok = match(9), ok = match1(15), ok = match1(31), ok = horrid_match(), ok = test_bitstr(), ok = test_is_bitstr(<<1:1>>,<<8>>), ok = test_is_binary(<<1:1>>,<<8>>), ok = test_bitsize(), ok = asymmetric_tests(), ok = big_asymmetric_tests(), ok = bitstr_to_and_from_list(), ok = big_bitstr_to_and_from_list(), ok = send_and_receive(), ok = send_and_receive_alot(), ok. match(N) -> <<0:N>> = <<0:N>>, ok. match1(N) -> <<42:N/little>> = <<42:N/little>>, ok. test_is_bitstr(Bitstr, Binary) -> true = is_bitstring(Bitstr), true = is_bitstring(Binary), ok = if is_bitstring(Bitstr) -> ok end, ok = if is_bitstring(Binary) -> ok end. test_is_binary(Bitstr, Binary) -> false = is_binary(Bitstr), true = is_binary(Binary), ok = if is_binary(Bitstr) -> not_ok; true -> ok end, ok = if is_binary(Binary) -> ok end. test_bitsize() -> 101 = erlang:bit_size(<<1:101>>), 1001 = erlang:bit_size(<<1:1001>>), 80 = erlang:bit_size(<<1:80>>), 800 = erlang:bit_size(<<1:800>>), Bin = <<0:16#1000000>>, BigBin = list_to_bitstring([Bin||_ <- lists:seq(1,16#10)]++[<<1:1>>]), 16#10000001 = bit_size(BigBin), %% Only run these on computers with lots of memory %% HugeBin = list_to_bitstring([BigBin||_ <- lists:seq(1,16#10)]++[<<1:1>>]), %% 16#100000011 = bit_size(HugeBin), 0 = erlang:bit_size(<<>>), ok. horrid_match() -> <<1:4,B:24/bitstring>> = <<1:4,42:24/little>>, <<42:24/little>> = B, ok. test_bitstr() -> <<1:7,B/bitstring>> = <<1:7,<<1:1,6>>/bitstring>>, <<1:1,6>> = B, B = <<1:1,6>>, ok. asymmetric_tests() -> <<1:12>> = <<0,1:4>>, <<0,1:4>> = <<1:12>>, <<1:1,X/bitstring>> = <<128,255,0,0:2>>, <<1,254,0,0:1>> = X, X = <<1,254,0,0:1>>, <<1:1,X1:25/bitstring>> = <<128,255,0,0:2>>, <<1,254,0,0:1>> = X1, X1 = <<1,254,0,0:1>>, ok. big_asymmetric_tests() -> <<1:875,1:12>> = <<1:875,0,1:4>>, <<1:875,0,1:4>> = <<1:875,1:12>>, <<1:1,X/bitstring>> = <<128,255,0,0:2,1:875>>, <<1,254,0,0:1,1:875>> = X, X = <<1,254,0,0:1,1:875>>, <<1:1,X1:900/bitstring>> = <<128,255,0,0:2,1:875>>, <<1,254,0,0:1,1:875>> = X1, X1 = <<1,254,0,0:1,1:875>>, ok. bitstr_to_and_from_list() -> <<1:7>> = list_to_bitstring(bitstring_to_list(<<1:7>>)), <<1,2,3,4,1:1>> = list_to_bitstring(bitstring_to_list(<<1,2,3,4,1:1>>)), [1,2,3,4,<<1:1>>] = bitstring_to_list(<<1,2,3,4,1:1>>), <<1:1,1,2,3,4>> = list_to_bitstring([<<1:1>>,1,2,3,4]), [128,129,1,130,<<0:1>>] = bitstring_to_list(<<1:1,1,2,3,4>>), ok. big_bitstr_to_and_from_list() -> <<1:800,2,3,4,1:1>> = list_to_bitstring(bitstring_to_list(<<1:800,2,3,4,1:1>>)), [1,2,3,4|_Rest1] = bitstring_to_list(<<1,2,3,4,1:800,1:1>>), <<1:801,1,2,3,4>> = list_to_bitstring([<<1:801>>,1,2,3,4]), ok. send_and_receive() -> Bin = <<1,2:7>>, Pid = spawn(fun() -> receiver(Bin) end), Pid ! {self(),<<1:7,8:5,Bin/bitstring>>}, receive ok -> ok end. receiver(Bin) -> receive {Pid,<<1:7,8:5,Bin/bitstring>>} -> Pid ! ok end. send_and_receive_alot() -> Bin = <<1:1000001>>, Pid = spawn(fun() -> receiver_alot(Bin) end), send_alot(100,Bin,Pid). send_alot(N,Bin,Pid) when N > 0 -> Pid ! {self(),<<1:7,8:5,Bin/bitstring>>}, receive ok -> ok end, send_alot(N-1,Bin,Pid); send_alot(0,_Bin,Pid) -> Pid ! no_more, ok. receiver_alot(Bin) -> receive {Pid,<<1:7,8:5,Bin/bitstring>>} -> Pid ! ok; no_more -> ok end, receiver_alot(Bin).