%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : bs_catch_bug.erl %%% Author : Per Gustafsson <pergu@it.uu.se> %%% Purpose : Tests a catch-related bug which might destroy properties %%% of ICode CFGs which are assumed by the subsequent ICode %%% binary pass. %%% Created : 22 Jan 2004 %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(bs_catch_bug). -export([test/0]). test() -> test(foo, <<>>). %% Introduced auxiliary test/2 function so that constant propagation %% does not destroy the properties of the test. - Kostis 26/1/2004 test(X, Bin) -> catch (<<_/binary>> = X), X = case Bin of <<42,_/binary>> -> weird_bs_match; _ -> X end, ok.