%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Author: Kostis Sagonas %%% %%% Tests that when the native code compilation times out or gets killed %%% for some other reason, the parent process does not also get killed. %%% %%% Problem discovered by Bjorn G. on 1/12/2003 and fixed by Kostis. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(sanity_comp_timeout). -export([test/0]). test() -> ok = write_dummy_mod(), error_logger:tty(false), % disable printouts of error reports Self = self(), % get the parent process c:c(dummy_mod, [native, {hipe, [{timeout, 1}]}]), % This will kill the process Self = self(), % make sure the parent process stays the same ok. write_dummy_mod() -> Prog = <<"-module(dummy_mod).\n-export([test/0]).\ntest() -> ok.\n">>, ok = file:write_file("dummy_mod.erl", Prog).