%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*- %%% %%% %CopyrightBegin% %%% %%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %%% %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %%% under the License. %%% %%% %CopyrightEnd% %%% %%% HiPE/x86 assembler %%% %%% TODO: %%% - Simplify combine_label_maps and mk_data_relocs. %%% - Move find_const to hipe_pack_constants? -ifdef(HIPE_AMD64). -define(HIPE_X86_ASSEMBLE, hipe_amd64_assemble). -define(HIPE_X86_ENCODE, hipe_amd64_encode). -define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_amd64_registers). -define(HIPE_X86_PP, hipe_amd64_pp). -ifdef(AMD64_SIMULATE_NSP). -define(X86_SIMULATE_NSP, ?AMD64_SIMULATE_NSP). -endif. -define(EAX, rax). -define(REGArch, reg64). -define(RMArch, rm64). -define(EA_DISP32_ABSOLUTE, ea_disp32_sindex). -else. -define(HIPE_X86_ASSEMBLE, hipe_x86_assemble). -define(HIPE_X86_ENCODE, hipe_x86_encode). -define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_x86_registers). -define(HIPE_X86_PP, hipe_x86_pp). -define(EAX, eax). -define(REGArch, reg32). -define(RMArch, rm32). -define(EA_DISP32_ABSOLUTE, ea_disp32). -endif. -module(?HIPE_X86_ASSEMBLE). -export([assemble/4]). -define(DEBUG,true). -include("../main/hipe.hrl"). -include("../x86/hipe_x86.hrl"). -include("../../kernel/src/hipe_ext_format.hrl"). -include("../rtl/hipe_literals.hrl"). -include("../misc/hipe_sdi.hrl"). -undef(ASSERT). -define(ASSERT(G), if G -> [] ; true -> exit({assertion_failed,?MODULE,?LINE,??G}) end). assemble(CompiledCode, Closures, Exports, Options) -> ?when_option(time, Options, ?start_timer("x86 assembler")), print("****************** Assembling *******************\n", [], Options), %% Code = [{MFA, hipe_x86:defun_code(Defun), hipe_x86:defun_data(Defun)} || {MFA, Defun} <- CompiledCode], %% {ConstAlign,ConstSize,ConstMap,RefsFromConsts} = hipe_pack_constants:pack_constants(Code, ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:alignment()), %% {CodeSize,CodeBinary,AccRefs,LabelMap,ExportMap} = encode(translate(Code, ConstMap, Options), Options), print("Total num bytes=~w\n", [CodeSize], Options), %% put(code_size, CodeSize), %% put(const_size, ConstSize), %% ?when_option(verbose, Options, %% ?debug_msg("Constants are ~w bytes\n",[ConstSize])), %% SC = hipe_pack_constants:slim_constmap(ConstMap), DataRelocs = mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap), SSE = slim_sorted_exportmap(ExportMap,Closures,Exports), SlimRefs = hipe_pack_constants:slim_refs(AccRefs), Bin = term_to_binary([{?VERSION_STRING(),?HIPE_SYSTEM_CRC}, ConstAlign, ConstSize, SC, DataRelocs, % nee LM, LabelMap SSE, CodeSize,CodeBinary,SlimRefs, 0,[] % ColdCodeSize, SlimColdRefs ]), %% %% ?when_option(time, Options, ?stop_timer("x86 assembler")), Bin. %%% %%% Assembly Pass 1. %%% Process initial {MFA,Code,Data} list. %%% Translate each MFA's body, choosing operand & instruction kinds. %%% %%% Assembly Pass 2. %%% Perform short/long form optimisation for jumps. %%% Build LabelMap for each MFA. %%% %%% Result is {MFA,NewCode,CodeSize,LabelMap} list. %%% translate(Code, ConstMap, Options) -> translate_mfas(Code, ConstMap, [], Options). translate_mfas([{MFA,Insns,_Data}|Code], ConstMap, NewCode, Options) -> {NewInsns,CodeSize,LabelMap} = translate_insns(Insns, {MFA,ConstMap}, hipe_sdi:pass1_init(), 0, [], Options), translate_mfas(Code, ConstMap, [{MFA,NewInsns,CodeSize,LabelMap}|NewCode], Options); translate_mfas([], _ConstMap, NewCode, _Options) -> lists:reverse(NewCode). translate_insns([I|Insns], Context, SdiPass1, Address, NewInsns, Options) -> NewIs = translate_insn(I, Context, Options), add_insns(NewIs, Insns, Context, SdiPass1, Address, NewInsns, Options); translate_insns([], _Context, SdiPass1, Address, NewInsns, _Options) -> {LabelMap,CodeSizeIncr} = hipe_sdi:pass2(SdiPass1), {lists:reverse(NewInsns), Address+CodeSizeIncr, LabelMap}. add_insns([I|Is], Insns, Context, SdiPass1, Address, NewInsns, Options) -> NewSdiPass1 = case I of {'.label',L,_} -> hipe_sdi:pass1_add_label(SdiPass1, Address, L); {jcc_sdi,{_,{label,L}},_} -> SdiInfo = #sdi_info{incr=(6-2),lb=(-128)+2,ub=127+2}, hipe_sdi:pass1_add_sdi(SdiPass1, Address, L, SdiInfo); {jmp_sdi,{{label,L}},_} -> SdiInfo = #sdi_info{incr=(5-2),lb=(-128)+2,ub=127+2}, hipe_sdi:pass1_add_sdi(SdiPass1, Address, L, SdiInfo); _ -> SdiPass1 end, Address1 = Address + insn_size(I), add_insns(Is, Insns, Context, NewSdiPass1, Address1, [I|NewInsns], Options); add_insns([], Insns, Context, SdiPass1, Address, NewInsns, Options) -> translate_insns(Insns, Context, SdiPass1, Address, NewInsns, Options). insn_size(I) -> case I of {'.label',_,_} -> 0; {'.sdesc',_,_} -> 0; {jcc_sdi,_,_} -> 2; {jmp_sdi,_,_} -> 2; {Op,Arg,_Orig} -> ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:insn_sizeof(Op, Arg) end. translate_insn(I, Context, Options) -> case I of #alu{} -> Arg = resolve_alu_args(hipe_x86:alu_src(I), hipe_x86:alu_dst(I), Context), [{hipe_x86:alu_op(I), Arg, I}]; #call{} -> translate_call(I); #cmovcc{} -> {Dst,Src} = resolve_move_args( hipe_x86:cmovcc_src(I), hipe_x86:cmovcc_dst(I), Context), CC = {cc,?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:cc(hipe_x86:cmovcc_cc(I))}, Arg = {CC,Dst,Src}, [{cmovcc, Arg, I}]; #cmp{} -> Arg = resolve_alu_args(hipe_x86:cmp_src(I), hipe_x86:cmp_dst(I), Context), [{cmp, Arg, I}]; #comment{} -> []; #fmove{} -> {Op,Arg} = resolve_sse2_fmove_args(hipe_x86:fmove_src(I), hipe_x86:fmove_dst(I)), [{Op, Arg, I}]; #fp_binop{} -> case proplists:get_bool(x87, Options) of true -> % x87 Arg = resolve_x87_binop_args(hipe_x86:fp_binop_src(I), hipe_x86:fp_binop_dst(I)), [{hipe_x86:fp_binop_op(I), Arg, I}]; false -> % sse2 Arg = resolve_sse2_binop_args(hipe_x86:fp_binop_src(I), hipe_x86:fp_binop_dst(I)), [{resolve_sse2_op(hipe_x86:fp_binop_op(I)), Arg, I}] end; #fp_unop{} -> case proplists:get_bool(x87, Options) of true -> % x87 Arg = resolve_x87_unop_arg(hipe_x86:fp_unop_arg(I)), [{hipe_x86:fp_unop_op(I), Arg, I}]; false -> % sse2 case hipe_x86:fp_unop_op(I) of 'fchs' -> Arg = resolve_sse2_fchs_arg(hipe_x86:fp_unop_arg(I)), [{'xorpd', Arg, I}]; 'fwait' -> % no op on sse2, magic on x87 [] end end; #imul{} -> translate_imul(I, Context); #jcc{} -> Cc = {cc,?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:cc(hipe_x86:jcc_cc(I))}, Label = translate_label(hipe_x86:jcc_label(I)), [{jcc_sdi, {Cc,Label}, I}]; #jmp_fun{} -> %% call and jmp are patched the same, so no need to distinguish %% call from tailcall PatchTypeExt = case hipe_x86:jmp_fun_linkage(I) of remote -> ?CALL_REMOTE; not_remote -> ?CALL_LOCAL end, Arg = translate_fun(hipe_x86:jmp_fun_fun(I), PatchTypeExt), [{jmp, {Arg}, I}]; #jmp_label{} -> Arg = translate_label(hipe_x86:jmp_label_label(I)), [{jmp_sdi, {Arg}, I}]; #jmp_switch{} -> RM32 = resolve_jmp_switch_arg(I, Context), [{jmp, {RM32}, I}]; #label{} -> [{'.label', hipe_x86:label_label(I), I}]; #lea{} -> Arg = resolve_lea_args(hipe_x86:lea_mem(I), hipe_x86:lea_temp(I)), [{lea, Arg, I}]; #move{} -> Arg = resolve_move_args(hipe_x86:move_src(I), hipe_x86:move_dst(I), Context), [{mov, Arg, I}]; #move64{} -> translate_move64(I, Context); #movsx{} -> Arg = resolve_movx_args(hipe_x86:movsx_src(I), hipe_x86:movsx_dst(I)), [{movsx, Arg, I}]; #movzx{} -> Arg = resolve_movx_args(hipe_x86:movzx_src(I), hipe_x86:movzx_dst(I)), [{movzx, Arg, I}]; %% pseudo_call: eliminated before assembly %% pseudo_jcc: eliminated before assembly %% pseudo_tailcall: eliminated before assembly %% pseudo_tailcall_prepare: eliminated before assembly #pop{} -> Arg = translate_dst(hipe_x86:pop_dst(I)), [{pop, {Arg}, I}]; #push{} -> Arg = translate_src(hipe_x86:push_src(I), Context), [{push, {Arg}, I}]; #ret{} -> translate_ret(I); #shift{} -> Arg = resolve_shift_args(hipe_x86:shift_src(I), hipe_x86:shift_dst(I), Context), [{hipe_x86:shift_op(I), Arg, I}]; #test{} -> Arg = resolve_test_args(hipe_x86:test_src(I), hipe_x86:test_dst(I), Context), [{test, Arg, I}] end. -ifdef(X86_SIMULATE_NSP). -ifdef(HIPE_AMD64). translate_call(I) -> WordSize = hipe_amd64_registers:wordsize(), RegSP = 2#100, % esp/rsp TempSP = hipe_x86:mk_temp(RegSP, untagged), FunOrig = hipe_x86:call_fun(I), Fun = case FunOrig of #x86_mem{base=#x86_temp{reg=4}, off=#x86_imm{value=Off}} -> FunOrig#x86_mem{off=#x86_imm{value=Off+WordSize}}; _ -> FunOrig end, RegRA = begin RegTemp0 = hipe_amd64_registers:temp0(), RegTemp1 = hipe_amd64_registers:temp1(), case Fun of #x86_temp{reg=RegTemp0} -> RegTemp1; #x86_mem{base=#x86_temp{reg=RegTemp0}} -> RegTemp1; _ -> RegTemp0 end end, TempRA = hipe_x86:mk_temp(RegRA, untagged), PatchTypeExt = case hipe_x86:call_linkage(I) of remote -> ?CALL_REMOTE; not_remote -> ?CALL_LOCAL end, JmpArg = translate_fun(Fun, PatchTypeExt), I4 = {'.sdesc', hipe_x86:call_sdesc(I), #comment{term=sdesc}}, I3 = {jmp, {JmpArg}, #comment{term=call}}, Size3 = hipe_amd64_encode:insn_sizeof(jmp, {JmpArg}), MovArgs = {mem_to_rmArch(hipe_x86:mk_mem(TempSP, hipe_x86:mk_imm(0), untagged)), temp_to_regArch(TempRA)}, I2 = {mov, MovArgs, #comment{term=call}}, Size2 = hipe_amd64_encode:insn_sizeof(mov, MovArgs), I1 = {lea, {temp_to_regArch(TempRA), {ea, hipe_amd64_encode:ea_disp32_rip(Size2+Size3)}}, #comment{term=call}}, I0 = {sub, {temp_to_rmArch(TempSP), {imm8,WordSize}}, I}, [I0,I1,I2,I3,I4]. -else. translate_call(I) -> WordSize = ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:wordsize(), RegSP = 2#100, % esp/rsp TempSP = hipe_x86:mk_temp(RegSP, untagged), FunOrig = hipe_x86:call_fun(I), Fun = case FunOrig of #x86_mem{base=#x86_temp{reg=4}, off=#x86_imm{value=Off}} -> FunOrig#x86_mem{off=#x86_imm{value=Off+WordSize}}; _ -> FunOrig end, PatchTypeExt = case hipe_x86:call_linkage(I) of remote -> ?CALL_REMOTE; not_remote -> ?CALL_LOCAL end, JmpArg = translate_fun(Fun, PatchTypeExt), I3 = {'.sdesc', hipe_x86:call_sdesc(I), #comment{term=sdesc}}, I2 = {jmp, {JmpArg}, #comment{term=call}}, Size2 = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:insn_sizeof(jmp, {JmpArg}), I1 = {mov, {mem_to_rmArch(hipe_x86:mk_mem(TempSP, hipe_x86:mk_imm(0), untagged)), {imm32,{?X86ABSPCREL,4+Size2}}}, #comment{term=call}}, I0 = {sub, {temp_to_rmArch(TempSP), {imm8,WordSize}}, I}, [I0,I1,I2,I3]. -endif. translate_ret(I) -> NPOP = hipe_x86:ret_npop(I) + ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:wordsize(), RegSP = 2#100, % esp/rsp TempSP = hipe_x86:mk_temp(RegSP, untagged), RegRA = 2#011, % ebx/rbx TempRA = hipe_x86:mk_temp(RegRA, untagged), [{mov, {temp_to_regArch(TempRA), mem_to_rmArch(hipe_x86:mk_mem(TempSP, hipe_x86:mk_imm(0), untagged))}, I}, {add, {temp_to_rmArch(TempSP), case NPOP < 128 of true -> {imm8,NPOP}; false -> {imm32,NPOP} end}, #comment{term=ret}}, {jmp, {temp_to_rmArch(TempRA)}, #comment{term=ret}}]. -else. % not X86_SIMULATE_NSP translate_call(I) -> %% call and jmp are patched the same, so no need to distinguish %% call from tailcall PatchTypeExt = case hipe_x86:call_linkage(I) of remote -> ?CALL_REMOTE; not_remote -> ?CALL_LOCAL end, Arg = translate_fun(hipe_x86:call_fun(I), PatchTypeExt), SDesc = hipe_x86:call_sdesc(I), [{call, {Arg}, I}, {'.sdesc', SDesc, #comment{term=sdesc}}]. translate_ret(I) -> Arg = case hipe_x86:ret_npop(I) of 0 -> {}; N -> {{imm16,N}} end, [{ret, Arg, I}]. -endif. % X86_SIMULATE_NSP translate_imul(I, Context) -> Temp = temp_to_regArch(hipe_x86:imul_temp(I)), Src = temp_or_mem_to_rmArch(hipe_x86:imul_src(I)), Args = case hipe_x86:imul_imm_opt(I) of [] -> {Temp,Src}; Imm -> {Temp,Src,translate_imm(Imm, Context, true)} end, [{'imul', Args, I}]. temp_or_mem_to_rmArch(Src) -> case Src of #x86_temp{} -> temp_to_rmArch(Src); #x86_mem{} -> mem_to_rmArch(Src) end. translate_label(Label) when is_integer(Label) -> {label,Label}. % symbolic, since offset is not yet computable translate_fun(Arg, PatchTypeExt) -> case Arg of #x86_temp{} -> temp_to_rmArch(Arg); #x86_mem{} -> mem_to_rmArch(Arg); #x86_mfa{m=M,f=F,a=A} -> {rel32,{PatchTypeExt,{M,F,A}}}; #x86_prim{prim=Prim} -> {rel32,{PatchTypeExt,Prim}} end. translate_src(Src, Context) -> case Src of #x86_imm{} -> translate_imm(Src, Context, true); _ -> translate_dst(Src) end. %%% MayTrunc8 controls whether negative Imm8s should be truncated %%% to 8 bits or not. Truncation should always be done, except when %%% the caller will widen the Imm8 to an Imm32 or Imm64. translate_imm(#x86_imm{value=Imm}, Context, MayTrunc8) -> if is_atom(Imm) -> {imm32,{?LOAD_ATOM,Imm}}; is_integer(Imm) -> case (Imm =< 127) and (Imm >= -128) of true -> Imm8 = case MayTrunc8 of true -> Imm band 16#FF; false -> Imm end, {imm8,Imm8}; false -> {imm32,Imm} end; true -> Val = case Imm of {Label,constant} -> {MFA,ConstMap} = Context, ConstNo = find_const({MFA,Label}, ConstMap), {constant,ConstNo}; {Label,closure} -> {closure,Label}; {Label,c_const} -> {c_const,Label} end, {imm32,{?LOAD_ADDRESS,Val}} end. translate_dst(Dst) -> case Dst of #x86_temp{} -> temp_to_regArch(Dst); #x86_mem{type='double'} -> mem_to_rm64fp(Dst); #x86_mem{} -> mem_to_rmArch(Dst); #x86_fpreg{} -> fpreg_to_stack(Dst) end. %%% %%% Assembly Pass 3. %%% Process final {MFA,Code,CodeSize,LabelMap} list from pass 2. %%% Translate to a single binary code segment. %%% Collect relocation patches. %%% Build ExportMap (MFA-to-address mapping). %%% Combine LabelMaps to a single one (for mk_data_relocs/2 compatibility). %%% Return {CombinedCodeSize,BinaryCode,Relocs,CombinedLabelMap,ExportMap}. %%% encode(Code, Options) -> CodeSize = compute_code_size(Code, 0), ExportMap = build_export_map(Code, 0, []), {AccCode,Relocs} = encode_mfas(Code, 0, [], [], Options), CodeBinary = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(AccCode)), ?ASSERT(CodeSize =:= byte_size(CodeBinary)), CombinedLabelMap = combine_label_maps(Code, 0, gb_trees:empty()), {CodeSize,CodeBinary,Relocs,CombinedLabelMap,ExportMap}. nr_pad_bytes(Address) -> (4 - (Address rem 4)) rem 4. % XXX: 16 or 32 instead? align_entry(Address) -> Address + nr_pad_bytes(Address). compute_code_size([{_MFA,_Insns,CodeSize,_LabelMap}|Code], Size) -> compute_code_size(Code, align_entry(Size+CodeSize)); compute_code_size([], Size) -> Size. build_export_map([{{M,F,A},_Insns,CodeSize,_LabelMap}|Code], Address, ExportMap) -> build_export_map(Code, align_entry(Address+CodeSize), [{Address,M,F,A}|ExportMap]); build_export_map([], _Address, ExportMap) -> ExportMap. combine_label_maps([{MFA,_Insns,CodeSize,LabelMap}|Code], Address, CLM) -> NewCLM = merge_label_map(gb_trees:to_list(LabelMap), MFA, Address, CLM), combine_label_maps(Code, align_entry(Address+CodeSize), NewCLM); combine_label_maps([], _Address, CLM) -> CLM. merge_label_map([{Label,Offset}|Rest], MFA, Address, CLM) -> NewCLM = gb_trees:insert({MFA,Label}, Address+Offset, CLM), merge_label_map(Rest, MFA, Address, NewCLM); merge_label_map([], _MFA, _Address, CLM) -> CLM. encode_mfas([{MFA,Insns,CodeSize,LabelMap}|Code], Address, AccCode, Relocs, Options) -> print("Generating code for:~w\n", [MFA], Options), print("Offset | Opcode | Instruction\n", [], Options), {Address1,Relocs1,AccCode1} = encode_insns(Insns, Address, Address, LabelMap, Relocs, AccCode, Options), ExpectedAddress = align_entry(Address + CodeSize), ?ASSERT(Address1 =:= ExpectedAddress), print("Finished.\n\n", [], Options), encode_mfas(Code, Address1, AccCode1, Relocs1, Options); encode_mfas([], _Address, AccCode, Relocs, _Options) -> {AccCode, Relocs}. encode_insns([I|Insns], Address, FunAddress, LabelMap, Relocs, AccCode, Options) -> case I of {'.label',L,_} -> LabelAddress = gb_trees:get(L, LabelMap) + FunAddress, ?ASSERT(Address =:= LabelAddress), % sanity check print_insn(Address, [], I, Options), encode_insns(Insns, Address, FunAddress, LabelMap, Relocs, AccCode, Options); {'.sdesc',SDesc,_} -> #x86_sdesc{exnlab=ExnLab,fsize=FSize,arity=Arity,live=Live} = SDesc, ExnRA = case ExnLab of [] -> []; % don't cons up a new one ExnLab -> gb_trees:get(ExnLab, LabelMap) + FunAddress end, Reloc = {?SDESC, Address, ?STACK_DESC(ExnRA, FSize, Arity, Live)}, encode_insns(Insns, Address, FunAddress, LabelMap, [Reloc|Relocs], AccCode, Options); _ -> {Op,Arg,_} = fix_jumps(I, Address, FunAddress, LabelMap), {Bytes, NewRelocs} = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:insn_encode(Op, Arg, Address), print_insn(Address, Bytes, I, Options), Segment = list_to_binary(Bytes), Size = byte_size(Segment), NewAccCode = [Segment|AccCode], encode_insns(Insns, Address+Size, FunAddress, LabelMap, NewRelocs++Relocs, NewAccCode, Options) end; encode_insns([], Address, FunAddress, LabelMap, Relocs, AccCode, Options) -> case nr_pad_bytes(Address) of 0 -> {Address,Relocs,AccCode}; NrPadBytes -> % triggers at most once per function body Padding = lists:duplicate(NrPadBytes, {nop,{},#comment{term=padding}}), encode_insns(Padding, Address, FunAddress, LabelMap, Relocs, AccCode, Options) end. fix_jumps(I, InsnAddress, FunAddress, LabelMap) -> case I of {jcc_sdi,{CC,{label,L}},OrigI} -> LabelAddress = gb_trees:get(L, LabelMap) + FunAddress, ShortOffset = LabelAddress - (InsnAddress + 2), if is_integer(ShortOffset), ShortOffset >= -128, ShortOffset =< 127 -> {jcc,{CC,{rel8,ShortOffset band 16#FF}},OrigI}; true -> LongOffset = LabelAddress - (InsnAddress + 6), {jcc,{CC,{rel32,LongOffset}},OrigI} end; {jmp_sdi,{{label,L}},OrigI} -> LabelAddress = gb_trees:get(L, LabelMap) + FunAddress, ShortOffset = LabelAddress - (InsnAddress + 2), if is_integer(ShortOffset), ShortOffset >= -128, ShortOffset =< 127 -> {jmp,{{rel8,ShortOffset band 16#FF}},OrigI}; true -> LongOffset = LabelAddress - (InsnAddress + 5), {jmp,{{rel32,LongOffset}},OrigI} end; _ -> I end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fpreg_to_stack(#x86_fpreg{reg=Reg}) -> {fpst, Reg}. temp_to_regArch(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {?REGArch, Reg}. -ifdef(HIPE_AMD64). temp_to_reg64(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {reg64, Reg}. -endif. temp_to_reg32(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {reg32, Reg}. temp_to_reg16(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {reg16, Reg}. temp_to_reg8(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {reg8, Reg}. temp_to_xmm(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {xmm, Reg}. -ifdef(HIPE_AMD64). temp_to_rm64(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {rm64, hipe_amd64_encode:rm_reg(Reg)}. -endif. temp_to_rmArch(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {?RMArch, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_reg(Reg)}. temp_to_rm64fp(#x86_temp{reg=Reg}) -> {rm64fp, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_reg(Reg)}. mem_to_ea(Mem) -> EA = mem_to_ea_common(Mem), {ea, EA}. mem_to_rm32(Mem) -> EA = mem_to_ea_common(Mem), {rm32, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_mem(EA)}. mem_to_rmArch(Mem) -> EA = mem_to_ea_common(Mem), {?RMArch, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_mem(EA)}. mem_to_rm64fp(Mem) -> EA = mem_to_ea_common(Mem), {rm64fp, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_mem(EA)}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mem_to_rm8(Mem) -> EA = mem_to_ea_common(Mem), {rm8, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_mem(EA)}. mem_to_rm16(Mem) -> EA = mem_to_ea_common(Mem), {rm16, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_mem(EA)}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mem_to_ea_common(#x86_mem{base=[], off=#x86_imm{value=Off}}) -> ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:?EA_DISP32_ABSOLUTE(Off); mem_to_ea_common(#x86_mem{base=#x86_temp{reg=Base}, off=#x86_temp{reg=Index}}) -> case Base band 2#111 of 5 -> % ebp/rbp or r13 case Index band 2#111 of 5 -> % ebp/rbp or r13 SINDEX = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sindex(0, Index), SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base, SINDEX), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp8_sib(0, SIB); _ -> SINDEX = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sindex(0, Base), SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Index, SINDEX), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_sib(SIB) end; _ -> SINDEX = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sindex(0, Index), SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base, SINDEX), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_sib(SIB) end; mem_to_ea_common(#x86_mem{base=#x86_temp{reg=Base}, off=#x86_imm{value=Off}}) -> if Off =:= 0 -> case Base of 4 -> %esp, use SIB w/o disp8 SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_sib(SIB); 5 -> %ebp, use disp8 w/o SIB ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp8_base(Off, Base); 12 -> %r12, use SIB w/o disp8 SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_sib(SIB); 13 -> %r13, use disp8 w/o SIB ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp8_base(Off, Base); _ -> %neither SIB nor disp8 needed ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_base(Base) end; Off >= -128, Off =< 127 -> Disp8 = Off band 16#FF, case Base of 4 -> %esp, must use SIB SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp8_sib(Disp8, SIB); 12 -> %r12, must use SIB SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp8_sib(Disp8, SIB); _ -> %use disp8 w/o SIB ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp8_base(Disp8, Base) end; true -> case Base of 4 -> %esp, must use SIB SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp32_sib(Off, SIB); 12 -> %r12, must use SIB SIB = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sib(Base), ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp32_sib(Off, SIB); _ -> ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp32_base(Off, Base) end end. %% jmp_switch -ifdef(HIPE_AMD64). resolve_jmp_switch_arg(I,�_Context) -> Base = hipe_x86:temp_reg(hipe_x86:jmp_switch_jtab(I)), Index = hipe_x86:temp_reg(hipe_x86:jmp_switch_temp(I)), SINDEX = hipe_amd64_encode:sindex(3, Index), SIB = hipe_amd64_encode:sib(Base, SINDEX), EA = if (Base =:= 5) or (Base =:= 13) -> hipe_amd64_encode:ea_disp8_sib(0, SIB); true -> hipe_amd64_encode:ea_sib(SIB) end, {rm64,hipe_amd64_encode:rm_mem(EA)}. -else. resolve_jmp_switch_arg(I, {MFA,ConstMap}) -> ConstNo = find_const({MFA,hipe_x86:jmp_switch_jtab(I)}, ConstMap), Disp32 = {?LOAD_ADDRESS,{constant,ConstNo}}, SINDEX = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:sindex(2, hipe_x86:temp_reg(hipe_x86:jmp_switch_temp(I))), EA = ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:ea_disp32_sindex(Disp32, SINDEX), % this creates a SIB implicitly {rm32,?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:rm_mem(EA)}. -endif. %% lea reg, mem resolve_lea_args(Src=#x86_mem{}, Dst=#x86_temp{}) -> {temp_to_regArch(Dst),mem_to_ea(Src)}. resolve_sse2_op(Op) -> case Op of fadd -> addsd; fdiv -> divsd; fmul -> mulsd; fsub -> subsd; _ -> exit({?MODULE, unknown_sse2_operator, Op}) end. %% OP xmm, mem resolve_sse2_binop_args(Src=#x86_mem{type=double}, Dst=#x86_temp{type=double}) -> {temp_to_xmm(Dst),mem_to_rm64fp(Src)}; %% movsd mem, xmm resolve_sse2_binop_args(Src=#x86_temp{type=double}, Dst=#x86_mem{type=double}) -> {mem_to_rm64fp(Dst),temp_to_xmm(Src)}; %% OP xmm, xmm resolve_sse2_binop_args(Src=#x86_temp{type=double}, Dst=#x86_temp{type=double}) -> {temp_to_xmm(Dst),temp_to_rm64fp(Src)}. %%% fmove -> cvtsi2sd or movsd resolve_sse2_fmove_args(Src, Dst) -> case {Src,Dst} of {#x86_temp{type=untagged}, #x86_temp{type=double}} -> % cvtsi2sd xmm, reg {cvtsi2sd, {temp_to_xmm(Dst),temp_to_rmArch(Src)}}; {#x86_mem{type=untagged}, #x86_temp{type=double}} -> % cvtsi2sd xmm, mem {cvtsi2sd, {temp_to_xmm(Dst),mem_to_rmArch(Src)}}; _ -> % movsd {movsd, resolve_sse2_binop_args(Src, Dst)} end. %%% xorpd xmm, mem resolve_sse2_fchs_arg(Dst=#x86_temp{type=double}) -> {temp_to_xmm(Dst), {rm64fp, {rm_mem, ?HIPE_X86_ENCODE:?EA_DISP32_ABSOLUTE( {?LOAD_ADDRESS, {c_const, sse2_fnegate_mask}})}}}. %% mov mem, imm resolve_move_args(#x86_imm{value=ImmSrc}, Dst=#x86_mem{type=Type}, Context) -> case Type of % to support byte, int16 and int32 stores byte -> ByteImm = ImmSrc band 255, %to ensure that it is a bytesized imm {mem_to_rm8(Dst),{imm8,ByteImm}}; int16 -> {mem_to_rm16(Dst),{imm16,ImmSrc band 16#FFFF}}; int32 -> {_,Imm} = translate_imm(#x86_imm{value=ImmSrc}, Context, false), {mem_to_rm32(Dst),{imm32,Imm}}; _ -> RMArch = mem_to_rmArch(Dst), {_,Imm} = translate_imm(#x86_imm{value=ImmSrc}, Context, false), {RMArch,{imm32,Imm}} end; %% mov reg,mem resolve_move_args(Src=#x86_mem{type=Type}, Dst=#x86_temp{}, _Context) -> case Type of int32 -> % must be unsigned {temp_to_reg32(Dst),mem_to_rm32(Src)}; _ -> {temp_to_regArch(Dst),mem_to_rmArch(Src)} end; %% mov mem,reg resolve_move_args(Src=#x86_temp{}, Dst=#x86_mem{type=Type}, _Context) -> case Type of % to support byte, int16 and int32 stores byte -> {mem_to_rm8(Dst),temp_to_reg8(Src)}; int16 -> {mem_to_rm16(Dst),temp_to_reg16(Src)}; int32 -> {mem_to_rm32(Dst),temp_to_reg32(Src)}; tagged -> % tagged, untagged {mem_to_rmArch(Dst),temp_to_regArch(Src)}; untagged -> % tagged, untagged {mem_to_rmArch(Dst),temp_to_regArch(Src)} end; %% mov reg,reg resolve_move_args(Src=#x86_temp{}, Dst=#x86_temp{}, _Context) -> {temp_to_regArch(Dst),temp_to_rmArch(Src)}; %% mov reg,imm resolve_move_args(Src=#x86_imm{value=_ImmSrc}, Dst=#x86_temp{}, Context) -> {_,Imm} = translate_imm(Src, Context, false), imm_move_args(Dst, Imm). -ifdef(HIPE_AMD64). imm_move_args(Dst, Imm) -> if is_number(Imm), Imm >= 0 -> {temp_to_reg32(Dst),{imm32,Imm}}; true -> {temp_to_rm64(Dst),{imm32,Imm}} end. -else. imm_move_args(Dst, Imm) -> {temp_to_reg32(Dst),{imm32,Imm}}. -endif. -ifdef(HIPE_AMD64). translate_move64(I, Context) -> Arg = resolve_move64_args(hipe_x86:move64_src(I), hipe_x86:move64_dst(I), Context), [{mov, Arg, I}]. %% mov reg,imm64 resolve_move64_args(Src=#x86_imm{}, Dst=#x86_temp{}, Context) -> {_,Imm} = translate_imm(Src, Context, false), {temp_to_reg64(Dst),{imm64,Imm}}. -else. translate_move64(I, _Context) -> exit({?MODULE, I}). -endif. %%% mov{s,z}x resolve_movx_args(Src=#x86_mem{type=Type}, Dst=#x86_temp{}) -> {temp_to_regArch(Dst), case Type of byte -> mem_to_rm8(Src); int16 -> mem_to_rm16(Src); int32 -> mem_to_rm32(Src) end}. %%% alu/cmp (_not_ test) resolve_alu_args(Src, Dst, Context) -> case {Src,Dst} of {#x86_imm{}, #x86_mem{}} -> {mem_to_rmArch(Dst), translate_imm(Src, Context, true)}; {#x86_mem{}, #x86_temp{}} -> {temp_to_regArch(Dst), mem_to_rmArch(Src)}; {#x86_temp{}, #x86_mem{}} -> {mem_to_rmArch(Dst), temp_to_regArch(Src)}; {#x86_temp{}, #x86_temp{}} -> {temp_to_regArch(Dst), temp_to_rmArch(Src)}; {#x86_imm{}, #x86_temp{reg=0}} -> % eax,imm NewSrc = translate_imm(Src, Context, true), NewDst = case NewSrc of {imm8,_} -> temp_to_rmArch(Dst); {imm32,_} -> ?EAX end, {NewDst, NewSrc}; {#x86_imm{}, #x86_temp{}} -> {temp_to_rmArch(Dst), translate_imm(Src, Context, true)} end. %%% test resolve_test_args(Src, Dst, Context) -> case Src of #x86_imm{} -> % imm8 not allowed {_ImmSize,ImmValue} = translate_imm(Src, Context, false), NewDst = case Dst of #x86_temp{reg=0} -> ?EAX; #x86_temp{} -> temp_to_rmArch(Dst); #x86_mem{} -> mem_to_rmArch(Dst) end, {NewDst, {imm32,ImmValue}}; #x86_temp{} -> NewDst = case Dst of #x86_temp{} -> temp_to_rmArch(Dst); #x86_mem{} -> mem_to_rmArch(Dst) end, {NewDst, temp_to_regArch(Src)} end. %%% shifts resolve_shift_args(Src, Dst, Context) -> RM32 = case Dst of #x86_temp{} -> temp_to_rmArch(Dst); #x86_mem{} -> mem_to_rmArch(Dst) end, Count = case Src of #x86_imm{value=1} -> 1; #x86_imm{} -> translate_imm(Src, Context, true); % must be imm8 #x86_temp{reg=1} -> cl % temp must be ecx end, {RM32, Count}. %% x87_binop mem resolve_x87_unop_arg(Arg=#x86_mem{type=Type})-> case Type of 'double' -> {mem_to_rm64fp(Arg)}; 'untagged' -> {mem_to_rmArch(Arg)}; _ -> ?EXIT({fmovArgNotSupported,{Arg}}) end; resolve_x87_unop_arg(Arg=#x86_fpreg{}) -> {fpreg_to_stack(Arg)}; resolve_x87_unop_arg([]) -> []. %% x87_binop mem, st(i) resolve_x87_binop_args(Src=#x86_fpreg{}, Dst=#x86_mem{})-> {mem_to_rm64fp(Dst),fpreg_to_stack(Src)}; %% x87_binop st(0), st(i) resolve_x87_binop_args(Src=#x86_fpreg{}, Dst=#x86_fpreg{})-> {fpreg_to_stack(Dst),fpreg_to_stack(Src)}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap) -> lists:flatten(mk_data_relocs(RefsFromConsts, LabelMap, [])). mk_data_relocs([{MFA,Labels} | Rest], LabelMap, Acc) -> Map = [case Label of {L,Pos} -> Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap), {Pos,Offset}; {sorted,Base,OrderedLabels} -> {sorted, Base, [begin Offset = find({MFA,L}, LabelMap), {Order, Offset} end || {L,Order} <- OrderedLabels]} end || Label <- Labels], %% msg("Map: ~w Map\n",[Map]), mk_data_relocs(Rest, LabelMap, [Map,Acc]); mk_data_relocs([],_,Acc) -> Acc. find({MFA,L},LabelMap) -> gb_trees:get({MFA,L}, LabelMap). slim_sorted_exportmap([{Addr,M,F,A}|Rest], Closures, Exports) -> IsClosure = lists:member({M,F,A}, Closures), IsExported = is_exported(F, A, Exports), [Addr,M,F,A,IsClosure,IsExported | slim_sorted_exportmap(Rest, Closures, Exports)]; slim_sorted_exportmap([],_,_) -> []. is_exported(F, A, Exports) -> lists:member({F,A}, Exports). %%% %%% Assembly listing support (pp_asm option). %%% print(String, Arglist, Options) -> ?when_option(pp_asm, Options, io:format(String, Arglist)). print_insn(Address, Bytes, I, Options) -> ?when_option(pp_asm, Options, print_insn_2(Address, Bytes, I)), ?when_option(pp_cxmon, Options, print_code_list_2(Bytes)). print_code_list_2([H | Tail]) -> print_byte(H), io:format(","), print_code_list_2(Tail); print_code_list_2([]) -> io:format(""). print_insn_2(Address, Bytes, {_,_,OrigI}) -> io:format("~8.16b | ", [Address]), print_code_list(Bytes, 0), ?HIPE_X86_PP:pp_insn(OrigI). print_code_list([Byte|Rest], Len) -> print_byte(Byte), print_code_list(Rest, Len+1); print_code_list([], Len) -> fill_spaces(24-(Len*2)), io:format(" | "). print_byte(Byte) -> io:format("~2.16.0b", [Byte band 16#FF]). fill_spaces(N) when N > 0 -> io:format(" "), fill_spaces(N-1); fill_spaces(0) -> []. %%% %%% Lookup a constant in a ConstMap. %%% find_const({MFA,Label},[{pcm_entry,MFA,Label,ConstNo,_,_,_}|_]) -> ConstNo; find_const(N,[_|R]) -> find_const(N,R); find_const(C,[]) -> ?EXIT({constant_not_found,C}).