%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2011. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(ic_pragma). -export([pragma_reg/2,pragma_cover/3]). -export([pragma_prefix/3,pragma_version/3,pragma_id/3]). -export([mk_alias/3,get_alias/2,scope2id/2,id2scope/2,mk_scope/1]). -export([mk_ref/3,get_incl_refs/1,get_local_refs/1]). -export([get_dependencies/1, add_inh_data/3, preproc/3]). -export([getBrokerData/3,defaultBrokerData/1,list_to_term/1]). -export([get_local_c_headers/2,get_included_c_headers/1,is_inherited_by/3]). -export([no_doubles/1,fetchRandomLocalType/1,fetchLocalOperationNames/2]). -export([is_local/2]). %% Debug -export([print_tab/1,slashify/1,is_short/1]). -import(lists,[suffix/2,delete/2,reverse/1,keysearch/3,member/2,last/1,flatten/1]). -import(string,[tokens/2]). -import(ets,[insert/2,lookup/2]). -import(ic_forms, [get_id2/1, get_body/1, get_line/1]). -import(ic_util, [to_atom/1]). -import(ic_genobj, [idlfile/1]). -import(ic_options, [get_opt/2]). -include("icforms.hrl"). -include("ic.hrl"). %% Initialization of the pragma table and %% start of pragma registration. %% NOTE : this pragma registration is build %% as a separate stage under compilation. %% If it is to be optimised, it should be %% embodied in one of other compiling stages. pragma_reg(G,X) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), init_idlfile(G,S), init_pragma_status(S), registerOptions(G,S), pragma_reg_all(G, S, [], X), denote_specific_code_opts(G), case get_pragma_compilation_status(S) of true -> %% Remove ugly pragmas from form PragmaCleanForm = cleanup(X), {ok,PragmaCleanForm}; false -> ErrorNr = get_pragma_error_nr(S), %% Just print the number of errors found case ErrorNr > 1 of true -> io:format("There were ~p errors found on file ~p~n", [ErrorNr,get_idlfile(S)]), error; false -> io:format("There were ~p error found on file ~p~n", [ErrorNr,get_idlfile(S)]), error end end. registerOptions(G,S) -> OptList = ets:tab2list(ic_genobj:optiontab(G)), registerOptions(G,S,OptList). registerOptions(_G,_S,[]) -> true; registerOptions(G,S,[{{option,{broker,Scope}},{Mod,Type}}|Rest]) -> insert(S, {codeopt, reverse(tokens(Scope,":")), {broker,{Mod,Type}}, -1, nil, nil}), registerOptions(G,S,Rest); registerOptions(G,S,[_|Rest]) -> registerOptions(G,S,Rest). %% Decide if to apply pragmas %% by checking backend switch applyPragmasInBe(G) -> case get_opt(G, be) of erl_plain -> false; _ -> true end. %% Decide if the code option directive %% is allowed to change backend applyCodeOpt(G) -> case get_opt(G, be) of erl_corba -> %% Does not support codeopt false; erl_plain -> %% Does not support codeopt false; c_native -> %% Does not support codeopt false; _ -> true end. %% This removes all pragma records from the form. %% When debugged, it can be enbodied in pragma_reg_all. cleanup(undefined,C) -> C; cleanup([],C) -> C; cleanup([X|Xs],CSF) -> cleanup(Xs, CSF++cleanup(X)). cleanup(X) when is_list(X) -> cleanup(X,[]); cleanup(X) when is_record(X, preproc) -> [X]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, pragma) -> []; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, op) -> % Clean inside operation parameters [ X#op{params = cleanup(X#op.params,[])}]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, module) -> % Clean inside module body [ X#module{body = cleanup(X#module.body,[])}]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, interface) -> % Clean inside interface body [ X#interface{body = cleanup(X#interface.body,[])}]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, except) -> % Clean inside exception body [ X#except{body = cleanup(X#except.body,[])}]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, struct) -> % Clean inside struct body [ X#struct{body = cleanup(X#struct.body,[])}]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, case_dcl) -> % Clean inside union body [ X#case_dcl{label = cleanup(X#case_dcl.label,[])}]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, union) -> % Clean inside union body [ X#union{body = cleanup(X#union.body,[])}]; cleanup(X) when is_record(X, enum) -> % Clean inside enum body [ X#enum{body = cleanup(X#enum.body,[])}]; cleanup(X) -> [X]. %% pragma_reg_all is top level registration for pragmas pragma_reg_all(_G, _S, _N, []) -> ok; pragma_reg_all(G, S, N, [X|Xs]) -> pragma_reg(G, S, N, X), pragma_reg_all(G, S, N, Xs). %% pragma_reg is top level registration for pragmas pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_list(X) -> pragma_reg_list(G, S, N, X); pragma_reg(_G, S, _N, X) when element(1, X) == preproc -> case X#preproc.aux of [{_, _, "1"}] -> IncludeEntryLNr = get_line(X#preproc.id), IncludeFileName = element(3,element(3,X)), insert(S,{includes,get_idlfile(S),IncludeFileName,IncludeEntryLNr}); _Other -> ok end, set_idlfile(S,element(3,element(3,X))); pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when element(1, X) == pragma -> case applyPragmasInBe(G) of %% Pragmas are allowed to be %% applied in this this backend. true -> File = get_idlfile(S), % The current file or an included one. Type = case idlfile(G) of % Local/Included flag File -> local; _ -> included end, %% Register pragmas into pragmatab. case X of {pragma,{_,LineNr,"prefix"}, _To, _Apply} -> insert(S,{prefix,X,LineNr,N,File,Type}); {pragma,{_,_,"ID"},_,_} -> pragma_reg_ID(G, S, N, X); {pragma,{_,_,"version"},_,_} -> pragma_reg_version(G, S, N, X ); {pragma,{_,_,"CODEOPT"},_,_} -> pragma_reg_codeOpt(G,S,N,X); {pragma,{_,LineNr,BadPragma}, _To, _Apply} -> io:format("Warning : on file ~p :~n",[get_idlfile(S)]), io:format(" Unknown pragma directive ~p on line ~p, ignored.~n", [BadPragma,LineNr]) end; %% Pragmas are not to be applied in %% this backend, ignore all pragmas. false -> true end, ok; pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_record(X, module) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(X) | N],mod_ref), mk_file_data(G,X,N,module), pragma_reg_all(G, S, [get_id2(X) | N], get_body(X)); pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_record(X, interface) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(X) | N],ifc_ref), mk_file_data(G,X,N,interface), pragma_reg_all(G, S, [get_id2(X) | N], get_body(X)); pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_record(X, op) -> %% Add operation in table insert(S,{op, get_id2(X), N, get_idlfile(S), get_filepath(S)}), mk_file_data(G,X,N,op), pragma_reg_all(G, S, N, X#op.params); pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_record(X, except) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(X) | N],except_ref), mk_file_data(G,X,N,except), pragma_reg_all(G, S, N, X#except.body); pragma_reg(G, _S, N, X) when is_record(X, const) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(X) | N],const_ref), mk_file_data(G,X,N,const); pragma_reg(G, _S, N, X) when is_record(X, typedef) -> XX = #id_of{type=X}, lists:foreach(fun(Id) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(Id) | N],typedef_ref), mk_file_data(G,XX#id_of{id=Id},N,typedef) end, ic_forms:get_idlist(X)); pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_record(X, enum) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(X) | N],enum_ref), mk_file_data(G,X,N,enum), pragma_reg_all(G, S, N, X#enum.body); pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_record(X, union) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(X) | N],union_ref), mk_file_data(G,X,N,union), pragma_reg_all(G, S, N, X#union.body); pragma_reg(G, S, N, X) when is_record(X, struct) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(X) | N],struct_ref), mk_file_data(G,X,N,struct), case X#struct.body of undefined -> ok; _ -> pragma_reg_all(G, S, N, X#struct.body) end; pragma_reg(G, _S, N, X) when is_record(X, attr) -> XX = #id_of{type=X}, lists:foreach(fun(Id) -> mk_ref(G,[get_id2(Id) | N],attr_ref), mk_file_data(G,XX#id_of{id=Id},N,attr) end, ic_forms:get_idlist(X)); pragma_reg(_G, _S, _N, _X) -> ok. pragma_reg_list(_G, _S, _N, []) -> ok; pragma_reg_list(G, S, N, List ) -> CurrentFileName = get_idlfile(S), pragma_reg_list(G, S, N, CurrentFileName, List). pragma_reg_list(_G, _S, _N, _CFN, []) -> ok; pragma_reg_list(G, S, N, CFN, [X | Xs]) -> case X of {preproc,_,{_,_,FileName},_} -> set_idlfile(S,FileName), pragma_reg(G, S, N, X), pragma_reg_list(G, S, N, FileName, Xs); _ -> pragma_reg(G, S, N, X), pragma_reg_list(G, S, N, CFN, Xs) end. pragma_reg_ID(G, S, N, X) -> {pragma,{_,LineNr,"ID"}, _To, Apply} = X, File = get_idlfile(S), % The current file or an included one. Type = case idlfile(G) of % Local/Included flag File -> local; _ -> included end, %% Check if ID is one of the allowed types : %% * OMG IDL %% * DCE UUID %% * LOCAL case tokens(element(3,Apply),":") of ["IDL",_,_] -> insert(S,{id,X,LineNr,N,File,Type}); ["DCE",_,VSN] -> case is_short(VSN) of true -> insert(S,{id,X,LineNr,N,File,Type}); false -> set_compilation_failure(S), io:format("Error on file ~p :~n",[get_idlfile(S)]), io:format(" Bad pragma ID ~p on line ~p,~n", [element(3,Apply),LineNr]), io:format(" the version part of ID is not a short integer.~n") end; ["LOCAL"|_] -> insert(S,{id,X,LineNr,N,File,Type}); _ -> set_compilation_failure(S), io:format("Error on file ~p :~n",[get_idlfile(S)]), io:format(" Bad pragma ID ~p on line ~p.~n", [element(3,Apply),LineNr]) end. pragma_reg_version(G, S, N, X) -> {pragma,{_,LineNr,"version"}, _To, Apply} = X, File = get_idlfile(S), % The current file or an included one. Type = case idlfile(G) of % Local/Included flag File -> local; _ -> included end, case tokens(Apply,".") of [Major,Minor] -> case is_short(Major) and is_short(Minor) of true -> insert(S,{version,X,LineNr,N,File,Type}); false -> set_compilation_failure(S), io:format("Error on file ~p :~n",[get_idlfile(S)]), io:format(" Bad pragma version ~p on line ~p,~n", [Apply,LineNr]), io:format(" the version is not valid.~n") end; _ -> set_compilation_failure(S), io:format("Error on file ~p :~n",[get_idlfile(S)]), io:format(" Bad pragma version ~p on line ~p,~n", [Apply,LineNr]), io:format(" the version is not valid.~n") end. pragma_reg_codeOpt(G, S, _N, {pragma,{_,LineNr,"CODEOPT"},_,Apply} )-> case applyCodeOpt(G) of true -> {_,_,OptionList_str} = Apply, case list_to_term(OptionList_str) of error -> ic_error:error(G,{pragma_code_opt_bad_option_list,LineNr}); OptionList -> case lists:keysearch(be,1,OptionList) of false -> %% Add the terms of the option list %% to the compiler option list applyCodeOpts(G,S,LineNr,OptionList); {value, {be,Type}} -> %% If backend is set from user, %% let the same backend be otherwize %% set backend by codeOpt directive case get_opt(G, be) of false -> %% Add the terms of the option list %% to the compiler option list applyCodeOpts(G,S,LineNr,OptionList); _ -> %% Add all the terms of the option list %% to the compiler option list but the %% backend option applyCodeOpts(G, S, LineNr, lists:delete({be,Type},OptionList)) end end end; false -> true end. applyCodeOpts(_,_,_,[]) -> true; applyCodeOpts(G,S,LNr,[{{broker,Scope},{M,T}}|Xs]) -> ScopedId = reverse(tokens(Scope,":")), case ets:match(S, {codeopt,ScopedId, '$1','$2','_','_'}) of [] -> %% Add pragma in table insert(S, {codeopt, ScopedId, {broker,{M,T}}, LNr, get_idlfile(S), get_filepath(S)}), %% Continue applyCodeOpts(G,S,LNr,Xs); _ -> %% Use the code option %% from user and continue applyCodeOpts(G,S,LNr,Xs) end; applyCodeOpts(G,S,LNr,[X|Xs]) -> case is_allowed_opt(X) of true -> %% Add that term of the option list %% to the compiler option list ic_options:add_opt(G, [X], true), %% Continue applyCodeOpts(G,S,LNr,Xs); false -> %% Print warning and continue io:format("Warning on file ~p :~n",[get_idlfile(S)]), io:format(" Bad option in pragma : ~p, ignored !~n",[X]), applyCodeOpts(G,S,LNr,Xs) end. is_allowed_opt({X,Y}) -> ic_options:allowed_opt(X,Y); is_allowed_opt(_X) -> false. %% Returns a tuple { PFX, VSN, ID }, that is the %% pragma prefix, version and id coverages of %% the scope SCOPE. This is done by use of the %% function pragma_cover/4. pragma_cover(G,Scope,Object) -> pragma_cover(ic_genobj:pragmatab(G),get_id2(Object),Scope,get_line(Object)). %% Returns a tuple { PFX, VSN, ID }, that is the %% pragma prefix, version and id coverages of %% the scope SCOPE pragma_cover(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,LineNr) -> PFX = pragma_prefix_cover(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,LineNr), VSN = pragma_version_cover(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,LineNr), ID = pragma_id_cover(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,LineNr), { PFX, VSN, ID }. %% Finds out which pragma PREFIX that affects %% the scope Scope pragma_prefix(G,Scope,Object) -> pragma_prefix_cover(ic_genobj:pragmatab(G),get_id2(Object),Scope,get_line(Object)). %% Finds out which pragma PREFIX that affects %% the scope Scope pragma_prefix_cover(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,LineNr) -> case lookup(PragmaTab,prefix) of [] -> none; PragmaPrefixList -> FilteredPragmaPrefixList = filter_pragma_prefix_list(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,PragmaPrefixList), case most_local(FilteredPragmaPrefixList,Scope) of [] -> none; MostLocalList -> case dominant_prefix(MostLocalList,LineNr) of none -> none; %% Just filter empty pragma prefix {prefix,{pragma,{_,_,_},_,{'<string_literal>',_,[]}},_,_,_,_} -> none; DP -> %% Return the scoped id (reversed list of %% path elements, but remember to remove %% '[]' that represents the top level slashify(lists:sublist(Scope, 1, length(Scope) - length(element(4,DP))) ++ [ element(3,element(4,element(2,DP)))]) end end end. %% Returns a slashified name, [I1, M1] becomes "M1/I1" slashify(List) -> lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) -> X++"/"++Acc end, hd(List), tl(List)). %% Finds out which pragma VERSION that affects %% the scope Scope pragma_version(G,Scope,Object) -> pragma_version_cover(ic_genobj:pragmatab(G),get_id2(Object),Scope,get_line(Object)). %% Finds out which pragma VERSION that affects %% the scope Scope pragma_version_cover(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,LineNr) -> case lookup(PragmaTab,version) of [] -> default_version(); PragmaVersionList -> case all_actual_for_version_or_id( PragmaVersionList, Name ) of [] -> default_version(); ActualVersionList -> case most_local(ActualVersionList,Scope) of [] -> default_version(); MostLocalList -> case dominant_version(MostLocalList,LineNr) of DV -> element(4,element(2,DV)) end end end end. default_version() -> "1.0". %% Finds out which pragma ID that affects %% the scope Scope pragma_id(G,Scope,Object) -> pragma_id_cover(ic_genobj:pragmatab(G),get_id2(Object),Scope,get_line(Object)). %% Finds out which pragma ID that affects %% the scope Scope pragma_id_cover(PragmaTab,Name,Scope,LineNr) -> case lookup(PragmaTab,id) of [] -> none; PragmaIdList -> case all_actual_for_version_or_id( PragmaIdList, Name ) of [] -> none; ActualIdList -> case most_local(ActualIdList,Scope) of [] -> none; MostLocalList -> case dominant_id(MostLocalList,LineNr) of PI -> element(3,element(4,element(2,PI))) end end end end. %% Finds out which pragma VERSION ( or ID ) that %% that affects the scope object with name NAME all_actual_for_version_or_id(NList, Name) -> all_actual_for_version_or_id( NList, [], Name ). all_actual_for_version_or_id([], Actual, _) -> Actual; all_actual_for_version_or_id([First|Rest], Found, Name) -> case is_actual_for_version_or_id(First,Name) of true -> all_actual_for_version_or_id(Rest, [First|Found], Name); false -> all_actual_for_version_or_id(Rest, Found, Name) end. is_actual_for_version_or_id( Current, Name ) -> case element(3,element(3,element(2,Current))) of Name -> true; OtherName -> suffix([Name],tokens(OtherName,"::")) end. %% Find the most locally defind pragmas %% to the scope SCOPE most_local( SList, Scope ) -> case SList of [] -> []; [First|Rest] -> case suffix( element(4,First), Scope ) of true -> most_local( Rest, First, Scope, [First] ); false -> most_local( Rest, Scope ) end end. %% Returns a list of all pragmas found in the %% same scope. Should choose the right one by looking %% att the position of the pragma in relation to %% the current object..... ( For hairy cases ). most_local( SList, Current, Scope, AllFound ) -> case SList of [] -> AllFound; [First|Rest] -> FirstScope = element(4,First), case suffix( FirstScope, Scope ) of true -> CurrentScope = element(4,Current), case suffix( CurrentScope, FirstScope ) of true -> case length( CurrentScope ) == length( FirstScope ) of true -> %% SAME SCOPE ! KEEP BOTH most_local( Rest, Current, Scope, [First|AllFound] ); false -> most_local( Rest, First, Scope, [First] ) end; false -> most_local( Rest, Current, Scope, AllFound ) end; false -> most_local( Rest, Current, Scope, AllFound ) end end. %% Find the most dominant prefix pragmas %% located onto the SAME scope. Now %% we look att the line number, the position %% on the file. dominant_prefix(SList,LineNr) -> case SList of [First|Rest] -> dominant_prefix(Rest,First,LineNr) end. dominant_prefix([],{prefix,X,PLNr,N,F,T},LineNr) -> case LineNr > PLNr of true -> {prefix,X,PLNr,N,F,T}; false -> none end; dominant_prefix([{prefix,FX,FPLNr,FN,F1,T1}|Rest],{prefix,CX,CPLNr,CN,F2,T2},LineNr) -> case LineNr > FPLNr of % Check if FIRST before the object true -> case FPLNr > CPLNr of % Check if FIRST after CURRENT true -> dominant_prefix(Rest,{prefix,FX,FPLNr,FN,F1,T1},LineNr); false -> dominant_prefix(Rest,{prefix,CX,CPLNr,CN,F2,T2},LineNr) end; false -> % FIRST does not affect the object dominant_prefix(Rest,{prefix,CX,CPLNr,CN,F2,T2},LineNr) end. %% Find the most dominant version pragmas %% located onto the SAME scope. Now %% we look att the line number, the position %% on the file. dominant_version(SList,LineNr) -> case SList of [First|Rest] -> dominant_version(Rest,First,LineNr) end. dominant_version([],Current,_) -> Current; dominant_version([{version,FX,FPLNr,FN,F1,T1}|Rest],{version,CX,CPLNr,CN,F2,T2},LineNr) -> case FPLNr > CPLNr of % Check if FIRST after CURRENT true -> dominant_version(Rest,{prefix,FX,FPLNr,FN,F1,T1},LineNr); false -> dominant_version(Rest,{prefix,CX,CPLNr,CN,F2,T2},LineNr) end. %% Find the most dominant id pragmas %% located onto the SAME scope. Now %% we look att the line number, the position %% on the file. dominant_id(SList,LineNr) -> case SList of [First|Rest] -> dominant_id(Rest,First,LineNr) end. dominant_id([],Current,_) -> Current; dominant_id([{id,FX,FPLNr,FN,F1,T1}|Rest],{id,CX,CPLNr,CN,F2,T2},LineNr) -> case FPLNr > CPLNr of % Check if FIRST after CURRENT true -> dominant_id(Rest,{id,FX,FPLNr,FN,F1,T1},LineNr); false -> dominant_id(Rest,{id,CX,CPLNr,CN,F2,T2},LineNr) end. %% This registers a module defined inside the file or %% an included file. A tuple that describes the module %% is added to the table. %% Observe that the modules registered are ONLY those %% who are in the top level, not definedd inside others ! mk_ref(G,Name,Type) -> case length(Name) > 1 of true -> %% The interface is NOT defined att top level true; false -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), File = get_idlfile(S), % The current file or an included one. case idlfile(G) of % The current file to be compiled. File -> insert(S,{Type,Name,File,local}); _ -> insert(S,{Type,Name,File,included}) end end. %% The same as mk_ref/3 but this registers everything with %% all vital information available inside files. %% Registers ESSENTIAL data for included files mk_file_data(G,X,Scope,Type) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), Name = get_id2(X), PreprocFile = get_idlfile(S), % The current file or an included one. CompFile = idlfile(G), % The current file compiled Depth = length(Scope), % The depth of the scope ScopedName = ic_util:to_undersc([Name|Scope]), Line = ic_forms:get_line(X), case PreprocFile of CompFile -> insert(S,{file_data_local,CompFile,CompFile,Type,Scope,Name,ScopedName,Depth,Line}); PreprocFile -> insert(S,{file_data_included,PreprocFile,CompFile,Type,Scope,Name,ScopedName,Depth,Line}) end. %% Return a list with all the headers from %% the local file that represent the module %% or interface that is preciding the current get_local_c_headers(G,X) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), Local = lookup(S,file_data_local), FoundLocal = get_local_c_headers(X,Local,Local), no_doubles(FoundLocal). get_local_c_headers(X,Local,Local) -> get_local_c_headers(X,Local,Local,[]). get_local_c_headers(_X,[],_All,Found) -> Found; get_local_c_headers(X,[{file_data_local,_PF_idl,_,module,_,_,SN,_,Line}|Hs],All,Found)-> case ic_forms:get_line(X) > Line of true -> get_local_c_headers(X,Hs,All,[SN|Found]); false -> get_local_c_headers(X,Hs,All,Found) end; get_local_c_headers(X,[{file_data_local,_PF_idl,_,interface,_,_,SN,_,Line}|Hs],All,Found)-> case ic_forms:get_line(X) > Line of true -> get_local_c_headers(X,Hs,All,[SN|Found]); false -> get_local_c_headers(X,Hs,All,Found) end; get_local_c_headers(X,[_|Hs],All,Found) -> get_local_c_headers(X,Hs,All,Found). %% Return a list with all the headers from %% the included file that represent the module %% or interface that have to be included get_included_c_headers(G) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), Included = lookup(S,file_data_included), FoundIncluded = get_included_c_headers(Included,Included), no_doubles(FoundIncluded). get_included_c_headers(Included,Included) -> get_included_c_headers(Included,Included,[]). get_included_c_headers([],_All,Found) -> Found; get_included_c_headers([{file_data_included,PF_idl,_CF_idl,T,_S,_N,SN,0,_}|Hs],All,Found) -> Len = length(PF_idl), FN = string:sub_string(PF_idl,1,Len-4), case only_top_level(PF_idl,All) of true -> %% L = string:tokens(FN,"/"), FN2 = lists:last(L), %% get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,["oe_"++FN2|Found]); false -> case T of module -> case contains_interface(PF_idl,All) of true -> %% L = string:tokens(FN,"/"), FN2 = lists:last(L), %% get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,["oe_"++FN2|Found]); false -> get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,[SN|Found]) end; interface -> case contains_interface(PF_idl,All) of true -> %% L = string:tokens(FN,"/"), FN2 = lists:last(L), %% get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,["oe_"++FN2|Found]); false -> get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,[SN|Found]) end; _ -> get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,["oe_"++FN|Found]) end end; get_included_c_headers([{file_data_included,_PF_idl,_,module,_,_,SN,_,_}|Hs],All,Found)-> get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,[SN|Found]); get_included_c_headers([{file_data_included,_PF_idl,_,interface,_,_,SN,_,_}|Hs],All,Found)-> get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,[SN|Found]); get_included_c_headers([_|Hs],All,Found) -> get_included_c_headers(Hs,All,Found). %% Help functions for the above only_top_level(_PF_idl,[]) -> true; only_top_level(PF_idl,[H|Hs]) -> case element(2,H) of PF_idl -> case element(8,H) > 0 of true -> false; false -> only_top_level(PF_idl,Hs) end; _ -> only_top_level(PF_idl,Hs) end. contains_interface(_PF_idl,[]) -> false; contains_interface(PF_idl,[H|Hs]) -> case element(2,H) of PF_idl -> case element(4,H) of interface -> case element(8,H) > 0 of true -> true; false -> contains_interface(PF_idl,Hs) end; _ -> contains_interface(PF_idl,Hs) end; _ -> contains_interface(PF_idl,Hs) end. %% This returns a list of everything defined in an included file. get_incl_refs(G) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), RefList = ets:match(S,{mod_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{ifc_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{const_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{typedef_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{except_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{struct_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{union_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{enum_ref,'$0','_',included}) ++ ets:match(S,{attr_ref,'$0','_',included}), case RefList of [] -> none; _ -> RefList end. %% This returns a list of everything locally defined. get_local_refs(G) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), RefList = ets:match(S,{mod_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{ifc_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{const_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{typedef_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{except_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{struct_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{union_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{enum_ref,'$0','_',local}) ++ ets:match(S,{attr_ref,'$0','_',local}), case RefList of [] -> none; _ -> RefList end. %% This is intented to be used for solving the identification %% problem introduced by pragmas. It creates aliases between %% scoped and "final" identities. mk_alias(G,PragmaId,ScopedId) -> %io:format("~nMaking alias -> ~p~n",[PragmaId]), S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), insert(S,{alias,ScopedId,PragmaId}). %% This is used to find out if the object described with %% the scoped id is created. If this is the case, it should %% be registered as an alias and the identity of the object %% is returned. Otherwize "none" is returned. get_alias(G,ScopedId) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), case ets:match(S,{alias,ScopedId,'$1'}) of [] -> none; [[IfrId]] -> %io:format("~nFound alias -> ~p~n",[IfrId]), IfrId end. %% Returns the alias id or constructs an id scope2id(G,ScopedId) -> case get_alias(G,ScopedId) of none -> case is_included(G,ScopedId) of true -> %% File included get_included_IR_ID(G,ScopedId); false -> %% File local NewIfrId = mk_id(ScopedId), % Create a "standard" id mk_alias(G,NewIfrId,ScopedId), % Create an alias NewIfrId end; IfrId -> IfrId end. is_included(G,ScopedId) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), Name = ic_util:to_undersc(ScopedId), case ets:match(S,{file_data_included,'_','_','_','_','_',Name,'_','_'}) of [[]] -> true; _ -> false end. get_included_IR_ID(G,ScopedId) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), ScopedName = ic_util:to_undersc(ScopedId), [[Scope,Name,LNr]] = ets:match(S,{file_data_included,'_','_','_','$3','$4',ScopedName,'_','$7'}), {Prefix,Vsn,Id} = pragma_cover(S,Name,Scope,LNr), case Id of none -> case Prefix of none -> IR_ID = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("IDL:~s:~s",[ScopedName, Vsn])), ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,IR_ID,ScopedId), IR_ID; _ -> IR_ID = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("IDL:~s:~s",[Prefix ++ "/" ++ ScopedName, Vsn])), ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,IR_ID,ScopedId), IR_ID end; _ -> ic_pragma:mk_alias(G,Id,ScopedId), Id end. %% Returns the scope for object id2scope(G,IfrId) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), case lookup(S,alias) of [] -> mk_scope(IfrId); AliasList -> case keysearch(IfrId,3,AliasList) of false -> mk_scope(IfrId); {value,{alias,ScopedId,_}} -> ScopedId end end. %% Returns a "standard" IDL ID by getting the scope list mk_id(ScopedId) -> "IDL:" ++ ic_pragma:slashify(ScopedId) ++ ":" ++ default_version(). %% Returns the scope of an object when getting a "standard" IDL ID mk_scope(IfrId) -> [_,Body,_] = tokens(IfrId,":"), reverse(tokens(Body,"/")). %% This is used to note the exact compiled file %% under pragma creation. There are two options, the %% main file or files included by the main file. This %% just denotes the CURRENT file, the main file or %% the included ones. A very usual field is the file %% path that shows the include path of the file init_idlfile(G,S) -> IdlFile = idlfile(G), insert(S,{file,IdlFile,[]}). set_idlfile(S,FileName) -> FilePath = get_filepath(S), case FilePath of [] -> ets:delete(S,file), insert(S,{file,FileName,[FileName|FilePath]}); _ -> case hd(FilePath) of [] -> ets:delete(S,file), insert(S,{file,FileName,[FileName|FilePath]}); _ -> case tl(FilePath) of [] -> ets:delete(S,file), insert(S,{file,FileName,[FileName|FilePath]}); _ -> case hd(tl(FilePath)) of [] -> ets:delete(S,file), insert(S,{file,FileName,[FileName|FilePath]}); FileName -> ets:delete(S,file), insert(S,{dependency,FilePath}), % Add dependency branch insert(S,{file,FileName,tl(FilePath)}); _ -> ets:delete(S,file), insert(S,{file,FileName,[FileName|FilePath]}) end end end end. get_idlfile(S) -> [FT] = lookup(S,file), element(2,FT). get_filepath(S) -> [FT] = lookup(S,file), element(3,FT). %% This returns a list of file names %% that direct or indirect the current %% compiled file is depended on. get_dependencies(G) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), case lookup(S,dependency) of [] -> []; Dependencies -> {get_idlfile(S),get_dependencies(Dependencies,[])} end. get_dependencies([],Dependencies) -> no_doubles(Dependencies); get_dependencies([{dependency,Path}|Tail],Current) -> get_dependencies(Tail,[hd(Path)|Current]). no_doubles(List) -> no_doubles(List,[]). no_doubles([],NoDoubles) -> NoDoubles; no_doubles([X|Xs],Current) -> case member(X,Xs) of true -> no_doubles(Xs,Current); false -> no_doubles(Xs,[X|Current]) end. %% Pragma compilation status initialization init_pragma_status(S) -> insert(S,{status,true,0}). %% Pragma compilation status set to failure %% and count up the number of errors set_compilation_failure(S) -> [{status,_,ErrorNr}] = lookup(S,status), ets:delete(S,status), insert(S,{status,false,ErrorNr+1}). %% Pragma compilation status set to lookup get_pragma_compilation_status(S) -> [Status] = lookup(S,status), element(2,Status). %% Pragma error number get_pragma_error_nr(S) -> [Status] = lookup(S,status), element(3,Status). %% Short check is_short(N_str) when is_list(N_str) -> case is_short_decimal_str(N_str) of true -> true; false -> false end; is_short(N) when is_integer(N)-> (N < 65535) and (N > -65536); is_short(_) -> false. %% Check if the string is a %% list of characters representing %% a short. Avoid crash !. is_short_decimal_str(N_str) -> case is_decimal_str(N_str) of true -> N = list_to_integer(N_str), (N < 65535) and (N > -65536); false -> false end. %% Check if the string is a %% list of characters representing %% decimals. is_decimal_str([]) -> true; is_decimal_str([First|Rest]) -> case is_decimal_char(First) of true -> is_decimal_str(Rest); false -> false end. %% True if D is a character %% representing a decimal (0-9). is_decimal_char(D) -> case (48=<D) and (D=<57) of true -> true; false -> false end. %% Prints out all the table print_tab(G) -> io:format("~nPragmaTab = ~p~n",[ets:tab2list(ic_genobj:pragmatab(G))]). list_to_term(List) -> case catch erl_scan:string(List) of {ok, Tokens, _} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens ++ [{dot, 1}]) of {ok,Term} -> Term; _ -> error end; _ -> error end. %% Cleanup all other code options for a specified scope %% in the same file, but the most dominant. cleanup_codeOptions(G,S,ScopedId) -> case ets:match(S,{codeopt,ScopedId,'$1','$2',idlfile(G),'$4'}) of [] -> %% No codeOpt directive is placed inside the %% currently compiled file. Try to find other %% directives located in included files. true; List -> %% A codeOpt directive is placed inside the %% currently compiled file. This dominates %% all other directives. CodeOption = best_positioned_codeOpt(List), %% Remove code options that do not affect %% the code production (redundant) remove_redundant_codeOpt(S,[ScopedId|CodeOption]) end. %% Best positioned is the codeopt located %% "highest" on the SAME file, the one with %% lowest line number. best_positioned_codeOpt([X|Xs]) -> best_positioned_codeOpt(Xs,X). best_positioned_codeOpt([],Found) -> Found; best_positioned_codeOpt([X|Xs],Current) -> case hd(tl(X)) > hd(tl(Current)) of true -> best_positioned_codeOpt(Xs,Current); false -> best_positioned_codeOpt(Xs,X) end. remove_redundant_codeOpt(S,[ScopedId,CodeOption,LNr,FilePath]) -> ets:match_delete(S,{codeopt,ScopedId,'$1','$2','$3','$4'}), ets:insert(S,{codeopt,ScopedId,CodeOption,LNr,last(FilePath),FilePath}). add_inh_data(G,InclScope,X) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), case X#interface.inherit of [] -> true; [InhBody] -> Scope = [get_id2(X)|InclScope], insert(S,{inherits,Scope,InhBody}); InhList -> add_inh_data(G, S, InclScope, X, InhList) end. add_inh_data(_,_,_,_,[]) -> true; add_inh_data(G, S, InclScope, X, [InhBody|InhBodies]) -> Scope = [get_id2(X)|InclScope], insert(S, {inherits,Scope,InhBody}), add_inh_data(G, S, InclScope, X, InhBodies). %% Returns a default broker data defaultBrokerData(G) -> {to_atom(ic_genobj:impl(G)),transparent}. %% Loops through the form and sdds inheritence data preproc(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, interface) -> %% Add inheritence data to pragmatab ic_pragma:add_inh_data(G,N,X), N2 = [get_id2(X) | N], preproc(G, N2, get_body(X)), lists:foreach(fun({_Name, Body}) -> preproc(G, N2, Body) end, X#interface.inherit_body), preproc(G, N, Xs); preproc(G,N,[X|Xs]) when is_record(X, module) -> N2 = [get_id2(X) | N], preproc(G, N2, get_body(X)), preproc(G,N,Xs); preproc(G,N,[_X|Xs]) -> preproc(G,N,Xs); preproc(_G, _N, []) -> ok. %% Returns a tuple / list of tuples { Mod, Type } %% Does not check overridence because it is the %% top scope for the module to be produced and %% cannot be overriden. getBrokerData(G,X,Scope) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), cleanup_codeOptions(G,S,Scope), %% Check if it is an operation denoted case isOperation(S,Scope) of %% Yes, check options true -> %% Look if there is a specific code option on top file case hasSpecificCodeoptionOnTopFile(S,ic_genobj:idlfile(G),Scope) of true -> %% Yes, let it work getBrokerData(G,S,X,Scope,[Scope],[]); false -> %% No, try to see if there is codeoption on top file case hasNonSpecificCodeoptionOnTopFile(S,ic_genobj:idlfile(G)) of true -> %% Yes, override every other specific code option [_H|T] = Scope, getBrokerData(G,S,X,Scope,[T],[]); false -> %% No, let inherited specific code options work getBrokerData(G,S,X,Scope,[Scope],[]) end end; %% No, continue false -> getBrokerData(G,S,X,Scope,[Scope],[]) end. %% Returns a tuple / list of tuples { Mod, Type } %% Inside loop, uses overridence. getBrokerData(G,X,RS,Scope,CSF) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), cleanup_codeOptions(G,S,Scope), OvScope = overridedFrom(S,RS,Scope), getBrokerData(G,S,X,RS,[OvScope],[OvScope|CSF]). getBrokerData(G,S,X,RS,[[[First]|Rest]],CSF) when is_integer(First) -> Scope = [[First]|Rest], case ets:match(S,{codeopt,Scope,'$1','_','_','_'}) of [] -> case ets:match(S,{inherits,Scope,'$1'}) of [] -> %% No inheritence, no pragma codeopt defaultBrokerData(G); %% Default [InhScope] -> getBrokerData(G,S,X,RS,InhScope,CSF); InhList -> getBrokerDataInh(G,S,X,RS,Scope,CSF,InhList) end; [[{broker,{Module,Type}}]] -> %% A branch only, with pragma codeopt {Module,Type}; List -> %% Multiple branches with pragma codeopt flatten(List) end; getBrokerData(G,S,X,RS,[[[First]|Rest]],CSF) -> getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,[[First]|Rest],CSF); getBrokerData(G,S,X,RS,[Scope],CSF) -> %io:format(" 1"), case ets:match(S,{codeopt,Scope,'$1','_','_','_'}) of [] -> %io:format(" 2"), case ets:match(S,{inherits,Scope,'$1'}) of [] -> %% No inheritence, no pragma codeopt %io:format(" 5"), defaultBrokerData(G); %% Default [InhScope] -> %io:format(" 6"), getBrokerData(G,S,X,RS,InhScope,CSF); InhList -> %io:format(" 7"), getBrokerDataInh(G,S,X,RS,Scope,CSF,InhList) end; [[{broker,{Module,Type}}]] -> %% A branch only, with pragma codeopt %io:format(" 3"), {Module,Type}; List -> %% Multiple branches with pragma codeopt %io:format(" 4"), flatten(List) end. %% Special treatment when X is an operation getBrokerDataInh(G,S,X,RS,Scope,CSF,InhList) when is_record(X,op)-> %io:format(" 8"), case ets:match(S,{op,get_id2(X),'$1','_','_'}) of [] -> %io:format(" 10"), CleanList = remove_inherited(S,InhList), getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,CleanList,CSF); [[Scope]] -> %io:format(" 11"), CleanList = remove_inherited(S,InhList), getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,CleanList,CSF); [[OpScope]] -> %io:format(" 12"), case member([OpScope],InhList) of true -> %io:format(" 14"), %% No inherited scopes getBrokerData(G,X,RS,OpScope,CSF); false -> %io:format(" 15"), %% Inherited scopes CleanList = remove_inherited(S,InhList), getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,CleanList,CSF) end; ListOfOpScopes -> %io:format(" 13"), case get_inherited(S,Scope,ListOfOpScopes) of [[OpScope]] -> case member([OpScope],InhList) of true -> getBrokerData(G,X,RS,OpScope,CSF); false -> CleanList = remove_inherited(S,InhList), getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,CleanList,CSF) end; _ -> CleanList = remove_inherited(S,InhList), getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,CleanList,CSF) end end; %% Just add InhList after removing all inherited getBrokerDataInh(G,S,X,RS,_Scope,CSF,InhList) -> %io:format(" 9"), CleanList = remove_inherited(S,InhList), getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,CleanList,CSF). %% Loops over a list of scopes getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,List,CSF) -> getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,List,[],CSF). getBrokerDataLoop(G,_,_X,_RS,[],BrokerDataList,_CSF) -> case no_doubles(BrokerDataList) of [BrokerData] -> %% No pragma codeopt / Multiple branches with pragma codeopt BrokerData; List -> DefaultBD = defaultBrokerData(G), case member(DefaultBD,List) of true -> %% Remove default, choose codeoption NewList = delete(DefaultBD,List), case NewList of [BData] -> %% A branch only, with pragma codeopt BData; _Other -> %% Multiple branches with pragma codeopt %%io:format("Multiple branches ~p~n",[Other]), NewList end; false -> %% Multiple branches with pragma codeopt flatten(List) end end; getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,[[Scope]|Scopes],_Found,CSF) when is_integer(Scope) -> getBrokerData(G,S,X,RS,[[Scope]|Scopes],CSF); getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,[[Scope]|Scopes],Found,CSF) -> %% Start from the beginning, check for overridings case member(overridedFrom(S,RS,Scope),CSF) of %% Avoid infinite loops true -> getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,Scopes,Found,CSF); false -> BrokerData = getBrokerData(G,X,RS,Scope,CSF), getBrokerDataLoop(G,S,X,RS,Scopes,[BrokerData|Found],[Scope|CSF]) end. %%%-------------------------------------- %%% Finds out the overrider of a scope %%%-------------------------------------- overridedFrom(S,RS,Scope) -> overridedFrom(S,RS,Scope,Scope). overridedFrom(S,RS,Last,Scope) -> case ets:match(S,{inherits,'$0',Scope}) of [] -> %% No inheritence, no pragma codeopt, %% choose the last scope. Last; [[RS]] -> %% Garbage, unused interface with pragma %% code option ! Danger ! Last; [[InhScope]] -> case ets:match(S,{codeopt,InhScope,'$1','_','_','_'}) of [] -> %% InhScope has no code options, keep Last. overridedFrom(S,RS,Scope,InhScope); _ -> %% InhScope has code option, Last = InhScope. overridedFrom(S,RS,InhScope,InhScope) end; List -> %% Several inherit from Scope, choose the one feeseble, %% the one DIRECTLY inherited by Scope and not through %% other interface. case remove_inheriters(S,RS,List) of [] -> Scope; Removed -> Removed end end. %%%------------------------------------------------------ %%% Removes all the scopes that inherit from others %%%------------------------------------------------------ remove_inheriters(S,RS,InheriterList) -> DominantList = dominantList(S,InheriterList), ReducedInhList = [X || X <- InheriterList, member(X,DominantList)], case ReducedInhList of [] -> []; [_OneOnly] -> ReducedInhList; _Other -> CleanList = ets:match(S, {inherits,'_','_'}), % CodeOptList = % [X || X <- EtsList, element(1,X) == codeopt], NoInheriters =remove_inheriters2(S,ReducedInhList,CleanList), [ [X] || [X] <- NoInheriters, inherits(RS,X,CleanList)] end. remove_inheriters2(_,[A],_) -> [A]; remove_inheriters2(_S,[A,B],EtsList) -> case remove_inh(A,B,[A,B],EtsList) of [[X]] -> X; List -> List end; remove_inheriters2(S,[A,B|Rest],EtsList) -> case remove_inh(A,B,[A,B|Rest],EtsList) of [A,B|Rest] -> [A,B|Rest]; NewList -> remove_inheriters2(S,NewList,EtsList) end. remove_inh([X],[Y],List,EtsList) -> case inherits(X,Y,EtsList) of true -> delete([X],List); false -> case inherits(Y,X,EtsList) of true -> delete([Y],List); false -> List end end. %%%---------------------------------------------- %%% Should remove all scope links that inherit %%% from others in the list %%%---------------------------------------------- remove_inherited(S,InheriterList) -> CleanList = ets:match(S, {inherits, '_', '_'}), remove_inherited(S,InheriterList,CleanList). remove_inherited(_S,[A,B],EtsList) -> case remove_inhed(A,B,[A,B],EtsList) of [[X]] -> [[X]]; List -> List end; remove_inherited(S,[A,B|Rest],EtsList) -> case remove_inhed(A,B,[A,B|Rest],EtsList) of [A,B|Rest] -> [A,B|Rest]; NewList -> remove_inherited(S,NewList,EtsList) end. remove_inhed([X],[Y],List,EtsList) -> case inherits(X,Y,EtsList) of true -> delete([Y],List); false -> case inherits(Y,X,EtsList) of true -> delete([X],List); false -> List end end. %%%---------------------------------------------- %%% Should return all scope links that is %% are inherited from scope in the list %%%---------------------------------------------- get_inherited(S,Scope,OpScopeList) -> EtsList1 = ets:match(S, {inherits, Scope, '$1'}), [X || X <- EtsList1, member(X, OpScopeList)]. %%%--------------------------------------------------- %%% Returns a the list of scopes that have codeoption %%% from a list of scopes %%%--------------------------------------------------- dominantList(S,IL) -> dominantList(S,IL,[]). dominantList(_S,[],Found) -> Found; dominantList(S,[[X]|Xs],Found) -> case ets:match(S,{codeopt,X,'$1','_','_','_'}) of [] -> dominantList(S,Xs,Found); _ -> dominantList(S,Xs,[[X]|Found]) end. %%%--------------------------------------------------- %%% Returns true if X direct or indirect inherits Y %%%--------------------------------------------------- inherits(X,Y,EtsList) -> case member({inherits,X,Y},EtsList) of true -> %% Direct inherited true; false -> %% Indirectly inherited AllInh = [ B || {inherits,A,B} <- EtsList, A == X ], inherits(X,Y,AllInh,EtsList) end. inherits(_X,_Y,[],_EtsList) -> false; inherits(X,Y,[Z|Zs],EtsList) -> case inherits2(X,Y,Z,EtsList) of true -> true; false -> inherits(X,Y,Zs,EtsList) end. inherits2(_X,Y,Z,EtsList) -> case member({inherits,Z,Y},EtsList) of true -> true; false -> inherits(Z,Y,EtsList) end. %% %% is_inherited_by/3 %% %% Returns : %% %% true if the first parameter is %% inherited by the second one %% %% false otherwise %% is_inherited_by(Interface1,Interface2,PragmaTab) -> InheritsList = ets:match(PragmaTab, {inherits, '_', '_'}), inherits(Interface2,Interface1,InheritsList). %% Filters all pragma prefix from list not in same file %% the object filter_pragma_prefix_list(PragmaTab, Name, Scope, List) -> IdlFile = scoped_names_idl_file(PragmaTab, Name, Scope), filter_pragma_prefix_list2(PragmaTab,IdlFile,List,[]). filter_pragma_prefix_list2(_,_,[],Found) -> Found; filter_pragma_prefix_list2(PT, IdlFile, [PP|PPs], Found) -> case PP of {prefix,_,_,_,IdlFile,_} -> %% Same file as the Object, keep filter_pragma_prefix_list2(PT, IdlFile, PPs, [PP|Found]); _Other -> %% NOT in same file as the Object, throw away filter_pragma_prefix_list2(PT, IdlFile, PPs, Found) end. scoped_names_idl_file(PragmaTab, Name, Scope) -> case ets:match(PragmaTab,{'_','$0','_','$2',Scope,Name,'_','_','_'}) of [[IdlFile, _Type]] -> %% Usual case IdlFile; [[_File,module]|_Files] -> %% Multiple modules, get LOCAL file case ets:match(PragmaTab,{file_data_local,'$0','_',module,Scope,Name,'_','_','_'}) of [[LocalIdlFile]] -> LocalIdlFile; _ -> %% Should NEVER occur error end; _ -> error %% Should NEVER occur end. %%------------------------------------------------- %% %% Register specific pragma code options %% %% If there is an operation with that %% scope, denote this as {codeopt_specific,Scope} %% %%------------------------------------------------- denote_specific_code_opts(G) -> case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of noc -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), COList = ets:match(S,{codeopt,'$0','_','_','_','_'}), OPList = ets:match(S,{op,'$0','$1','_','_'}), denote_specific_code_opts(S,COList,OPList); _ -> ok end. denote_specific_code_opts(_,_,[]) -> ok; denote_specific_code_opts(S,COList,[[OpN,OpS]|OPSs]) -> case lists:member([[OpN|OpS]],COList) of true -> insert(S, {codeopt_specific,[OpN|OpS]}); false -> ok end, denote_specific_code_opts(S,COList,OPSs). %%--------------------------------------------- %% %% Returns true/false if it denotes an operation %% %%--------------------------------------------- isOperation(_S,[]) -> false; isOperation(_S,[_]) -> false; isOperation(S,[H|T]) -> case ets:match(S,{op,H,T,'$2','$3'}) of [] -> false; _ -> true end. hasSpecificCodeoptionOnTopFile(S,File,Scope) -> case ets:match(S,{codeopt,Scope,'_','$2',File,[File]}) of [] -> false; _ -> true end. hasNonSpecificCodeoptionOnTopFile(S,File) -> case ets:match(S,{codeopt,'_','_','$2',File,[File]}) of [] -> false; _ -> true end. %%--------------------------------------------- %% %% Returns {ok,IfrId}/error when searching a random local type %% %%--------------------------------------------- fetchRandomLocalType(G) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), case ets:match(S,{file_data_local,'_','_','$2','$3','$4','_','_','_'}) of [] -> false; List -> fetchRandomLocalType(S,List) end. fetchRandomLocalType(_,[]) -> false; fetchRandomLocalType(S,[[module|_]|Tail]) -> fetchRandomLocalType(S,Tail); fetchRandomLocalType(S,[[_,Scope,Name]|Tail]) -> case ets:match(S,{alias,[Name|Scope],'$1'}) of [] -> fetchRandomLocalType(S,Tail); [[IfrId]] -> {ok,IfrId} end. %%--------------------------------------------- %% %% Returns A list of local operation mapping %% for a given scope %% %%--------------------------------------------- fetchLocalOperationNames(G,I) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), case ets:match(S,{file_data_local,'_','_',op,I,'$4','_','_','_'}) of [] -> []; List -> fetchLocalOperationNames2(List,[]) end. fetchLocalOperationNames2([],Found) -> lists:reverse(Found); fetchLocalOperationNames2([[Name]|Names],Found) -> fetchLocalOperationNames2(Names,[Name|Found]). %%------------------------------------------------ %% %% Returns a true if this scoped id is a local %% one, false otherwise %% %%------------------------------------------------ is_local(G,ScopedId) -> S = ic_genobj:pragmatab(G), Name = ic_util:to_undersc(ScopedId), case ets:match(S,{file_data_local,'_','_','_',tl(ScopedId),'_',Name,'_','_'}) of [[]] -> true; _ -> false end.