%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(ic_union_java). -include("icforms.hrl"). -include("ic.hrl"). -include("ic_debug.hrl"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% External exports %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -export([gen/3]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal exports %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -export([]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% External functions %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: gen/3 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- gen(G, N, X) when is_record(X, union) -> %% Create a TK value if not existed %% Should be integrated in fetchTk %% instead NewX = case ic_forms:get_tk(X) of undefined -> S = ic_genobj:tktab(G), Tk = ictype:tk(G, S, N, X), #union{ id = X#union.id, type = X#union.type, body = X#union.body, tk = Tk }; _Tk -> X end, UnionName = ic_forms:get_java_id(NewX), WiredUnionName = ic_forms:get_id2(NewX), N2 = [UnionName ++ "Package"|N], %%?PRINTDEBUG2("Recursive call over type ~p", %% [[ic_forms:get_type(NewX)]]), ic_jbe:gen(G, N, [ic_forms:get_type(NewX)]), %%?PRINTDEBUG2("Recursive call over body: ~p", %% [ic_forms:get_body(NewX)]), ic_jbe:gen(G, N2, ic_forms:get_body(NewX)), emit_union_class(G, N, NewX, UnionName), emit_holder_class(G, N, NewX, UnionName), emit_helper_class(G, N, NewX, UnionName, WiredUnionName); gen(_G, _N, _X) -> ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_union_class/4 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_union_class(G, N, X, UnionName) -> {Fd, _} = ic_file:open_java_file(G, N, UnionName), DiscrType = ic_java_type:getType(G, [UnionName ++ "Package"|N], ic_forms:get_type(X)), MList = union_member_list(G, N, X, DiscrType), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "final public class ~s {\n",[UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // instance variables\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " private boolean _initialized;\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " private ~s _discriminator;\n", [DiscrType]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " private java.lang.Object _value;\n", []), {tk_union,_, _,DiscrTk, _, _} = ic_forms:get_tk(X), DV = get_default_val(G, [UnionName |N], DiscrType, DiscrTk, MList), case DV of none -> %% all values in case ok; _ -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " private ~s _default = ~s;\n", [DiscrType, DV]) end, ic_codegen:nl(Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // constructors\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~s() {\n", [UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _initialized = false;\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _value = null;\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []), ic_codegen:nl(Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // discriminator access\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~s discriminator() " "throws java.lang.Exception {\n", [DiscrType]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " if (!_initialized) {\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throw new java.lang.Exception(\"\");\n",[]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _discriminator;\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []), ic_codegen:nl(Fd), emit_union_members_functions(G, [UnionName ++ "Package"|N], X, Fd, UnionName, DiscrType, MList, MList), ic_codegen:nl(Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n", []), file:close(Fd). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_holder_class/4 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_holder_class(G, N, _X, UnionName) -> UName = string:concat(UnionName, "Holder"), {Fd, _} = ic_file:open_java_file(G, N, UName), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "final public class ~sHolder {\n",[UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // instance variables\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~s value;\n", [UnionName]), ic_codegen:nl(Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // constructors\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sHolder() {}\n", [UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sHolder(~s initial) {\n", [UnionName, UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " value = initial;\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n"), ic_codegen:nl(Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // methods\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void _marshal(~sOtpOutputStream out) throws java.lang.Exception {\n", [?ERLANGPACKAGE]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sHelper.marshal(out, value);\n", [UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void _unmarshal(~sOtpInputStream in) throws java.lang.Exception {\n", [?ERLANGPACKAGE]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " value = ~sHelper.unmarshal(in);\n", [UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n"), file:close(Fd). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_helper_class/4 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_helper_class(G, N, X, UnionName, WiredUnionName) -> UName = string:concat(UnionName, "Helper"), {Fd, _} = ic_file:open_java_file(G, N, UName), DiscrType = ic_java_type:getType(G, [ UnionName ++ "Package" |N], ic_forms:get_type(X)), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "public class ~sHelper {\n",[UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // constructors\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " private ~sHelper() {}\n", [UnionName]), ic_codegen:nl(Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // methods\n", []), MList = union_member_list(G, N, X, DiscrType), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static void marshal(~sOtpOutputStream _out, ~s _value)\n", [?ERLANGPACKAGE, UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"), emit_union_marshal_function(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName, WiredUnionName, MList), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static ~s unmarshal(~sOtpInputStream _in)\n", [UnionName, ?ERLANGPACKAGE]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"), emit_union_unmarshal_function(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName, WiredUnionName, MList), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static String id() {\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return ~p;\n",[ictk:get_IR_ID(G, N, X)]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static String name() {\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return ~p;\n",[UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_jbe:emit_type_function(G, N, X, Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static void insert(~sAny _any, ~s _this)\n", [?ICPACKAGE,UnionName]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpOutputStream _os = \n",[?ERLANGPACKAGE]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sOtpOutputStream();\n\n",[?ERLANGPACKAGE]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any.type(type());\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " marshal(_os, _this);\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any.insert_Streamable(_os);\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static ~s extract(~sAny _any)\n", [UnionName,?ICPACKAGE]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return unmarshal(_any.extract_Streamable());\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static int discriminatorAsInt(~s _discriminator)\n", [DiscrType]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n"), emit_discriminator_as_int(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), Fd), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n"), file:close(Fd). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_union_members_functions/7 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_union_members_functions(_, _, _, _, _, _, [], _) -> ok; emit_union_members_functions(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName, DiscrType, [{Label, Case, TypeDef, Id, Ls} | MList], MListTot) -> CaseId = Case#case_dcl.id, %% Maybe Array CaseType = Case#case_dcl.type, %% Maybe Sequence Type = if element(1,CaseId) == array -> ic_java_type:getType(G, N, TypeDef) ++ ic_java_type:getdim(CaseId#array.size); true -> ic_java_type:getType(G, N, TypeDef) end, HolderType = if element(1,CaseId) == array -> ic_java_type:getHolderType(G, N, CaseId); true -> if element(1,CaseType) == sequence -> ic_util:to_dot(G,[Id|N]) ++"Holder"; true -> ic_java_type:getHolderType(G, N, TypeDef) end end, %% %% Set method %% ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // ~s access and set functions\n",[Id]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void ~s(~s value) " "throws java.lang.Exception {\n", [Id, Type]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _initialized = true;\n", []), case Label of "default" -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _discriminator = (~s) _default;\n", [DiscrType]); _ -> case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X)) of true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _discriminator = (~s) " "~s;\n", [DiscrType, Label]); _ -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _discriminator = (~s) " "~s.~s;\n", [DiscrType, DiscrType, Label]) end end, ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _value = new ~s(value);\n", [HolderType]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []), %% %% Check this entry has more than one label and the generate an extra set method. %% case Ls of [] -> ok; _ -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void ~s(~s discriminator, ~s value) " "throws java.lang.Exception {\n", [Id, DiscrType, Type]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _initialized = true;\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _discriminator = (~s) discriminator;\n", [DiscrType]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _value = new ~s(value);\n", [HolderType]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []) end, %% %% Get method %% ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~s ~s() throws java.lang.Exception {\n", [Type, Id]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " if (!_initialized) {\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throw new java.lang.Exception(\"\");\n",[]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " switch (~sHelper.discriminatorAsInt" "(discriminator())) {\n", [UnionName]), if Label == "default" -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " default:\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " break;\n", []), emit_default_access_fun_switch_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, MListTot), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throw new java.lang.Exception(\"\");\n", []); true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n", [get_case_as_int(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), DiscrType, Label)]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " break;\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " default:\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throw new java.lang.Exception(\"\");\n", []) end, ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return ((~s) _value).value;\n", [HolderType]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n", []), ic_codegen:nl(Fd), emit_union_members_functions(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName, DiscrType, MList, MListTot). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_default_access_fun_switch_cases/6 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_default_access_fun_switch_cases(_G, _N, _X, _Fd, _DiscrType, []) -> ok; emit_default_access_fun_switch_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, [{"default", _, _, _, _} |MList]) -> emit_default_access_fun_switch_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, MList); emit_default_access_fun_switch_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, [{Label, _Case, _TypeDef, _Id, _} | MList]) -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n", [get_case_as_int(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), DiscrType, Label)]), emit_default_access_fun_switch_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, MList). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_union_unmarshal_function/5 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_union_unmarshal_function(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName, WiredUnionName, MList) -> DiscrTypeForm = ic_forms:get_type(X), DiscrType = ic_java_type:getType(G, [UnionName ++ "Package"|N], DiscrTypeForm), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _in.read_tuple_head();\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " if ((_in.read_atom()).compareTo(~p) != 0)\n", [ic_util:to_undersc([WiredUnionName|N])]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throw new java.lang.Exception(\"\");\n\n",[]), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s _value = new ~s();\n", [UnionName, UnionName]), %% Decode discriminator case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G, N, DiscrTypeForm) of true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s _discriminator = _in~s;\n\n", [DiscrType, ic_java_type:unMarshalFun(G, N, X, DiscrTypeForm)]); _ -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s _discriminator = ~s.unmarshal(_in);\n\n", [DiscrType,ic_java_type:getUnmarshalType(G, N, X, DiscrTypeForm)]) end, ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " switch (~sHelper.discriminatorAsInt(_discriminator)) {\n", [UnionName]), emit_union_unmarshal_function_loop(G, [UnionName ++ "Package"|N], X, Fd, DiscrType, MList), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _value;\n"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_union_unmarshal_function_loop/6 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_union_unmarshal_function_loop(_, _, _, _, _, []) -> ok; emit_union_unmarshal_function_loop(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, [{Label, Case, Type, Id, Ls} |MList]) -> case Label of "default" -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " default:\n"); _ -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n", [get_case_as_int(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), DiscrType, Label)]) end, gen_multiple_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, Ls), CaseId = Case#case_dcl.id, %% Maybe Array CaseType = Case#case_dcl.type, %% Maybe Sequence case element(1,CaseId) of array -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _value.~s(~s.unmarshal(_in));\n", [Id, ic_java_type:getUnmarshalType(G, N, Case, CaseId)]); _ -> case element(1, CaseType) of sequence -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _value.~s(~s.unmarshal(_in));\n", [Id, ic_java_type:getUnmarshalType(G, N, Case, CaseType)]); _ -> case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G, N, CaseType) of true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _value.~s(_in~s);\n", [Id, ic_java_type:unMarshalFun(G, N, X, Type)]); false -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _value.~s(~s.unmarshal(_in));\n", [Id, ic_java_type:getUnmarshalType(G, N, X, Type)]) end end end, ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " break;\n", []), emit_union_unmarshal_function_loop(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, MList). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_union_marshal_function/6 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_union_marshal_function(G, N, X, Fd, UnionName, WiredUnionName, MList) -> DiscrTypeForm = ic_forms:get_type(X), DiscrType = ic_java_type:getType(G, [UnionName ++ "Package" |N], DiscrTypeForm), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _out.write_tuple_head(3);\n"), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _out.write_atom(~p);\n", [ic_util:to_undersc([WiredUnionName|N])]), case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G, N, DiscrTypeForm) of true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _out~s(_value.discriminator());\n\n", [ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, DiscrTypeForm)]); false -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s(_out, _value.discriminator());\n\n", [ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, DiscrTypeForm)]) end, ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " switch(~sHelper.discriminatorAsInt(_value.discriminator())) {\n", [UnionName]), emit_union_marshal_function_loop(G, [ UnionName ++ "Package"|N], X, Fd, DiscrType, MList), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n", []). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: emit_union_marshal_function_loop/ %%----------------------------------------------------------------- emit_union_marshal_function_loop(_, _, _, _, _, []) -> ok; emit_union_marshal_function_loop(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, [{Label, Case, Type, Id, Ls} |MList]) -> case Label of "default" -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " default:\n", []); _ -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n", [get_case_as_int(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), DiscrType, Label)]) end, gen_multiple_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, Ls), CaseId = Case#case_dcl.id, %% Maybe Array CaseType = Case#case_dcl.type, %% Maybe Sequence case element(1,CaseId) of array -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s(_out, _value.~s());\n", [ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, Case, CaseId), Id]); _ -> case element(1, CaseType) of sequence -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s.marshal(_out, _value.~s());\n", [ic_util:to_dot(G,[Id|N]) ++ "Helper", Id]); _ -> case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G, N, CaseType) of true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _out~s(_value.~s());\n", [ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, Type), Id]); false -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s(_out, _value.~s());\n", [ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, Type), Id]) end end end, ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " break;\n", []), emit_union_marshal_function_loop(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, MList). gen_multiple_cases(_G, _N, _X, _Fd, _DiscrType, []) -> ok; gen_multiple_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, [Label |Ls]) -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " case ~s:\n", [get_case_as_int(G, N, ic_forms:get_type(X), DiscrType, getLabel(DiscrType, Label))]), gen_multiple_cases(G, N, X, Fd, DiscrType, Ls). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: union_member_list/3 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- union_member_list(G, N, X, DiscrType) -> M = lists:map( fun(Case) -> {Label, LabelList} = case check_default(ic_forms:get_idlist(Case)) of {{default, C}, List} -> {{default, C}, List}; {L, []} -> {L, []}; {_, [L |Ls]} -> {L, Ls} end, CName = ic_forms:get_java_id(Case), CId = Case#case_dcl.id, CType = Case#case_dcl.type, if element(1,CId) == array -> N2 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) ++ "Package" |N], ic_array_java:gen(G, N2, Case, CId); true -> if element(1,Case#case_dcl.type) == sequence -> N2 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) ++ "Package" |N], ic_sequence_java:gen(G, N2, CType, CName); true -> ok end end, {getLabel(DiscrType, Label), Case, ic_forms:get_type(Case), CName, LabelList} end, ic_forms:get_body(X)), lists:flatten(M). check_default([]) -> {false, []}; check_default([{default, X} |Ls]) -> {{default, X}, Ls}; check_default([L]) -> {false, [L]}; check_default([L |Ls]) -> {X, Y} = check_default(Ls), {X, [L | Y]}. getLabel(_, {'<integer_literal>', _, N}) -> N; getLabel(_, {'<character_literal>', _, N}) -> "'" ++ N ++ "'"; getLabel(_, {'<wcharacter_literal>', _, N}) -> "'" ++ N ++ "'"; getLabel(_, {'TRUE',_}) -> "true"; getLabel(_, {'FALSE',_}) -> "true"; getLabel(_, {default, _}) -> "default"; getLabel(_DiscrType, X) -> %%DiscrType ++ "." ++ ic_util:to_dot(ic_forms:get_id(X)). get_default_val(G, N, _, tk_short, MList) -> integer_default_val(G, N, 1, lists:map(fun({V, _, _, _, _}) -> V end, MList)); get_default_val(G, N, _, tk_long, MList) -> integer_default_val(G, N, 1, lists:map(fun({V, _, _, _, _}) -> V end, MList)); get_default_val(G, N, _, tk_ushort, MList) -> integer_default_val(G, N, 1, lists:map(fun({V, _, _, _, _}) -> V end, MList)); get_default_val(G, N, _, tk_ulong, MList) -> integer_default_val(G, N, 1, lists:map(fun({V, _, _, _, _}) -> V end, MList)); get_default_val(G, N, _, tk_char, MList) -> char_default_val(G, N, $a, lists:map(fun({V, _, _, _, _}) -> V end, MList)); get_default_val(G, N, _, tk_boolean, MList) -> boolean_default_val(G, N, lists:map(fun({V, _, _, _, _}) -> V end, MList)); get_default_val(G, N, DiscrType, {tk_enum, _, _, Values}, MList) -> enum_default_val(G, N, DiscrType, Values, MList). integer_default_val(G, N, Num, MList) -> Num2 = integer_to_list(Num), case lists:member(Num2, MList) of true -> integer_default_val(G, N, Num + 1, MList); false -> Num2 end. char_default_val(G, N, CharNum, MList) -> Str = "'", CharNum2 = Str ++ [CharNum | Str], case lists:member(CharNum2, MList) of true -> char_default_val(G, N, CharNum + 1, MList); false -> CharNum2 end. boolean_default_val(G, N, MList) -> if length(MList) > 2 -> ic_error:error(G, {plain_error_string, lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Default value found while all values have label on ~s", [ic_util:to_colon(N)]))}), none; true -> case MList of ["true"] -> "false"; ["false"] -> "true"; ["default","true"] -> "false"; ["true","default"] -> "false"; ["default","false"] -> "true"; ["false","default"] -> "true"; _ -> none end end. enum_default_val(G, N, DiscrType, Values, Mlist) -> VLen = length(Values), MLen = length(Mlist), case MLen > VLen of true -> ic_error:error(G, {plain_error_string, lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Default value found while all values have label on ~s", [ic_util:to_colon(N)]))}), none; false -> enum_default_val_loop(G, N, DiscrType, Values, Mlist) end. enum_default_val_loop(_G, _N, _, [], []) -> none; enum_default_val_loop(_G, _N, DiscrType, [Value| _], []) -> DiscrType ++ "." ++ Value; enum_default_val_loop(G, N, DiscrType, Values, [Case | MList]) when is_tuple(Case) -> NewValues = lists:delete(element(1,Case), Values), enum_default_val_loop(G, N, DiscrType, NewValues, MList). emit_discriminator_as_int(G, N, T, Fd) -> case ictype:isBoolean(G,N,T) of true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " if(_discriminator)\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return 1;\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " else\n", []), ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return 0;\n", []); false -> case ictype:isEnum(G, N, T) of true -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _discriminator.value();\n", []); false -> ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _discriminator;\n", []) end end. get_case_as_int(G, N, T, DiscrJavaTypeName, Label) -> case ictype:isBoolean(G,N,T) of true -> case Label of "true" -> "1"; "false" -> "0" end; false -> case ictype:isEnum(G, N, T) of true -> DiscrJavaTypeName ++ "._" ++ Label; false -> "(" ++ DiscrJavaTypeName ++ ") " ++ Label end end.