This module provides the API to a HTTP/1.1 client according to RFC 2616, caching is currently not supported.
When starting the Inets application a manager process for the default profile will be started. The functions in this API that does not explicitly use a profile will accesses the default profile. A profile keeps track of proxy options, cookies and other options that can be applied to more than one request.
If the scheme https is used the ssl application needs to be started.
Also note that pipelining will only be used if the pipeline timeout is set, otherwise persistent connections without pipelining will be used e.i. the client always waits for the previous response before sending the next request.
There are some usage examples in the
Type definitions that are used more than once in this module:
Type definitions that are related to HTTP:
For more information about HTTP see rfc 2616
Some type definitions relevant when using https,
for details
A HTTP client can be configured to start when starting the inets
application or started dynamically in runtime by calling the
inets application API
The client can be stopped using inets:stop(httpc, Pid) or inets:stop(httpc, Profile).
Cancels an asynchronous HTTP-request.
Equivalent to http:request(get, {Url, []}, [], []).
Sends a HTTP-request. The function can be both synchronous and asynchronous. In the later case the function will return {ok, RequestId} and later on message(s) will be sent to the calling process on the format:
{http, {RequestId, Result}} {http, {RequestId, {error, Reason}}} {http, {RequestId, stream_start, Headers} {http, {RequestId, stream, BinBodyPart} {http, {RequestId, stream_end, Headers} {http, {RequestId, saved_to_file}}.
Http option (
Timeout time for the request.
Defaults to
Connection timeout time, used during the initial request, when the client is connecting to the server.
Defaults to the value of the
If using SSL, these SSL-specific options are used.
Defaults to
Should the client automatically retreive the information from the new URI and return that as the result instead of a 30X-result code.
Note that for some 30X-result codes automatic redirect is not allowed in these cases the 30X-result will always be returned.
Defaults to
A proxy-authorization header using the provided user name and password will be added to the request.
Can be used to make the client act as an
Defaults to the trsing
If set to true workarounds for known server deviations from the HTTP-standard are enabled.
Defaults to
Option (
Shall the request be synchronous or asynchronous.
Defaults to
Streams the body of a 200 or 206 response to the calling
process or to a file. When streaming to the calling process
using the option
Note that it is possible that chunked encoding will add headers so that there are more headers in the stream_end message than in the stream_start. When streaming to a file and the request is asynchronous the message {http, {RequestId, saved_to_file}} will be sent.
Defaults to
Defines if the body shall be delivered as a string or as a binary. This option is only valid for the synchronous request.
Defaults to
Should a "full result" be returned to the caller (that is, the body, the headers and the entire status-line) or not (the body and the status code).
Defaults to
Shall the headers provided by the user be made lower case or be regarded as case sensitive.
Note that the http standard requires them to be case insenstive. This feature should only be used if there is no other way to communicate with the server or for testing purpose. Also note that when this option is used no headers will be automatically added, all necessary headers has to be provided by the user.
Defaults to
Sets options to be used for subsequent requests.
If possible the client will keep its connections alive and use persistent connections with or without pipeline depending on configuration and current circumstances. The HTTP/1.1 specification does not provide a guideline for how many requests that would be ideal to be sent on a persistent connection, this very much depends on the application. Note that a very long queue of requests may cause a user perceived delays as earlier request may take a long time to complete. The HTTP/1.1 specification does suggest a limit of 2 persistent connections per server, which is the default value of the max_sessions option.
Triggers the next message to be streamed, e.i. same behavior as active once for sockets.
Saves the cookies defined in SetCookieHeaders in the client profile's cookie database. You need to call this function if you set the option cookies to verify. If no profile is specified the default profile will be used.
Returns the cookie header that would be sent when making a request to Url using the profile Profile. If no profile is specified the default profile will be used.
RFC 2616,