%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(httpc_manager). -behaviour(gen_server). -include_lib("inets/src/http_lib/http_internal.hrl"). -include("httpc_internal.hrl"). %% Internal Application API -export([ start_link/3, request/2, cancel_request/2, request_canceled/3, request_done/2, retry_request/2, redirect_request/2, insert_session/2, lookup_session/2, update_session/4, delete_session/2, which_sessions/1, which_session_info/1, set_options/2, get_options/2, store_cookies/3, which_cookies/1, which_cookies/2, which_cookies/3, reset_cookies/1, session_type/1, info/1 ]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -record(state, { cancel = [], % [{RequestId, HandlerPid, ClientPid}] handler_db, % ets() - Entry: #handler_info{} cookie_db, % cookie_db() session_db, % ets() - Entry: #session{} profile_name, % atom() options = #options{} }). -define(DELAY, 500). %%==================================================================== %% Internal Application API %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: start_link(ProfileName, CookieDir, ManagedHow) -> {ok, Pid} %% %% ProfileName - httpc_manager_ %% CookieDir - directory() %% ManagedHow - stand_alone | inets %% %% Description: Starts the http request manager process. %% (If ManagedHow = inets then started by the inets supervisor.) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link(Profile, CookieDir, stand_alone) -> ProfileName = httpc:profile_name("stand_alone_", Profile), Args = [ProfileName, CookieDir], Opts = [], %% Opts = [{debug, [log, statistics]}], gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, Opts); start_link(Profile, CookieDir, _) -> ProfileName = httpc:profile_name(Profile), Server = {local, ProfileName}, Args = [ProfileName, CookieDir], Opts = [], %% Opts = [{debug, [log, statistics]}], gen_server:start_link(Server, ?MODULE, Args, Opts). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: request(Request, ProfileName) -> %% {ok, Requestid} | {error, Reason} %% Request = #request{} %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Sends a request to the httpc manager process. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- request(Request, ProfileName) -> call(ProfileName, {request, Request}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: retry_request(Request, ProfileName) -> _ %% Request = #request{} %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Resends a request to the httpc manager process, intended %% to be called by the httpc handler process if it has to terminate with %% a non empty pipeline. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- retry_request(Request, ProfileName) -> cast(ProfileName, {retry_or_redirect_request, Request}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: redirect_request(Request, ProfileName) -> _ %% Request = #request{} %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Sends an atoumatic redirect request to the httpc %% manager process, intended to be called by the httpc handler process %% when the automatic redirect option is set. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- redirect_request(Request, ProfileName) -> cast(ProfileName, {retry_or_redirect_request, Request}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: cancel_request(RequestId, ProfileName) -> ok %% RequestId - ref() %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Cancels the request with . %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- cancel_request(RequestId, ProfileName) -> call(ProfileName, {cancel_request, RequestId}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: request_canceled(RequestId, ProfileName) -> ok %% RequestId - ref() %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Confirms that a request has been canceld. Intended to %% be called by the httpc handler process. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- request_canceled(RequestId, ProfileName, From) -> gen_server:reply(From, ok), cast(ProfileName, {request_canceled, RequestId}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: request_done(RequestId, ProfileName) -> ok %% RequestId - ref() %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Inform tha manager that a request has been completed. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- request_done(RequestId, ProfileName) -> cast(ProfileName, {request_done, RequestId}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: insert_session(Session, ProfileName) -> _ %% Session - #session{} %% ProfileName - atom() %% %% Description: Inserts session information into the httpc manager %% table _session_db. Intended to be called by %% the httpc request handler process. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- insert_session(Session, ProfileName) -> SessionDbName = session_db_name(ProfileName), ?hcrt("insert session", [{session, Session}, {profile, ProfileName}]), ets:insert(SessionDbName, Session). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: lookup_session(SessionId, ProfileName) -> _ %% SessionId - term() %% ProfileName - atom() %% %% Description: Looks up a session record in the httpc manager %% table __session_db. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- lookup_session(SessionId, ProfileName) -> SessionDbName = session_db_name(ProfileName), ?hcrt("lookup session", [{session_id, SessionId}, {profile, ProfileName}]), ets:lookup(SessionDbName, SessionId). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: update_session(ProfileName, SessionId, Pos, Value) -> _ %% Session - #session{} %% ProfileName - atom() %% %% Description: Update, only one field (Pos) of the session record %% identified by the SessionId, the session information %% of the httpc manager table __session_db. %% Intended to be called by the httpc request handler process. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- update_session(ProfileName, SessionId, Pos, Value) -> SessionDbName = session_db_name(ProfileName), ?hcrt("update session", [{id, SessionId}, {pos, Pos}, {value, Value}, {profile, ProfileName}]), ets:update_element(SessionDbName, SessionId, {Pos, Value}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: delete_session(SessionId, ProfileName) -> void() %% SessionId - {{Host, Port}, HandlerPid} %% ProfileName - atom() %% %% Description: Deletes session information from the httpc manager %% table __session_db. Intended to be called by %% the httpc request handler process. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- delete_session(SessionId, ProfileName) -> SessionDbName = session_db_name(ProfileName), ?hcrt("delete session", [{session_is, SessionId}, {profile, ProfileName}]), ets:delete(SessionDbName, SessionId). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: which sessions(ProfileName) -> SessionsInfo %% ProfileName - atom() %% SessionsInfo - {GoodSessions, BadSessions, NonSessions} %% GoodSessions - [#session{}] %% BadSessions - [tuple()] %% NonSessions - [term()] %% %% Description: Produces a list of all sessions in the session db. %% Used for debugging and since that is the intent, there is some %% checking and transforming done, which produces the results. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- which_sessions(ProfileName) -> ?hcrt("which_sessions", [{profile, ProfileName}]), SessionDbName = session_db_name(ProfileName), which_sessions2(SessionDbName). which_sessions2(SessionDbName) -> Sessions = which_sessions_order(ets:tab2list(SessionDbName)), GoodSessions = [GoodSession || {good_session, GoodSession} <- Sessions], BadSessions = [BadSession || {bad_session, BadSession} <- Sessions], NonSessions = [NonSession || {non_session, NonSession} <- Sessions], {lists:keysort(#session.id, GoodSessions), lists:keysort(#session.id, BadSessions), lists:sort(NonSessions)}. which_sessions_order([]) -> []; which_sessions_order([Session|Sessions]) when is_record(Session, session) -> [{good_session, Session} | which_sessions_order(Sessions)]; which_sessions_order([BadSession|Sessions]) when is_tuple(BadSession) andalso (element(1, BadSession) =:= session) -> [{bad_session, BadSession} | which_sessions_order(Sessions)]; which_sessions_order([NonSession|Sessions]) -> [{non_session, NonSession} | which_sessions_order(Sessions)]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: which session_info(ProfileName) -> list() %% %% Description: Produces a ets table info list of the sessions table %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- which_session_info(ProfileName) -> SessionDbName = session_db_name(ProfileName), ?hcrt("which_session_info", [{profile, ProfileName}]), ets:info(SessionDbName). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: set_options(Options, ProfileName) -> ok %% %% Options = [Option] %% Option = {proxy, {Proxy, [NoProxy]}} %% | {max_pipeline_length, integer()} | %% {max_sessions, integer()} | {pipeline_timeout, integer()} %% Proxy = {Host, Port} %% NoProxy - [Domain | HostName | IPAddress] %% Max - integer() %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Sets the options to be used by the client. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- set_options(Options, ProfileName) -> cast(ProfileName, {set_options, Options}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: get_options(OptionItems, ProfileName) -> Values %% %% OptionItems = [OptionItem] %% OptionItem = Any or all fields of the current #options{} record %% Values = [{OptionItem, Value}] %% Value = term() %% %% Description: Gets the specified options used by the client. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- get_options(Options, ProfileName) -> call(ProfileName, {get_options, Options}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: store_cookies(Cookies, Address, ProfileName) -> ok %% %% Cookies = [Cookie] %% Cookie = #http_cookie{} %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Stores cookies from the server. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- store_cookies([], _, _) -> ok; store_cookies(Cookies, Address, ProfileName) -> cast(ProfileName, {store_cookies, {Cookies, Address}}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: reset_cookies(ProfileName) -> void() %% %% Url = string() %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Resets the cookie database %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- reset_cookies(ProfileName) -> call(ProfileName, reset_cookies). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: which_cookies(ProfileName) -> [cookie()] %% which_cookies(Url, ProfileName) -> [cookie()] %% which_cookies(Url, Options, ProfileName) -> [cookie()] %% %% Url = string() %% Options = [option()] %% ProfileName = atom() %% option() = {ipv6_host_with_brackets, boolean()} %% %% Description: Retrieves the cookies that would be sent when %% requesting . %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- which_cookies(ProfileName) when is_atom(ProfileName) -> call(ProfileName, which_cookies). which_cookies(Url, ProfileName) when is_list(Url) andalso is_atom(ProfileName) -> which_cookies(Url, [], ProfileName). which_cookies(Url, Options, ProfileName) when is_list(Url) andalso is_list(Options) andalso is_atom(ProfileName) -> call(ProfileName, {which_cookies, Url, Options}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: info(ProfileName) -> list() %% %% ProfileName = atom() %% %% Description: Retrieves various info about the manager and the %% handlers it manages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- info(ProfileName) -> call(ProfileName, info). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: session_type(Options) -> ok %% %% Options = #options{} %% %% Description: Determines if to use pipelined sessions or not. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- session_type(#options{pipeline_timeout = 0}) -> keep_alive; session_type(_) -> pipeline. %%==================================================================== %% gen_server callback functions %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: init([ProfileName, CookiesConf]) -> {ok, State} | %% {ok, State, Timeout} | ignore |{stop, Reason} %% Description: Initiates the httpc_manger process %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init([ProfileName, CookiesDir]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), ?hcrv("starting", [{profile, ProfileName}]), case (catch do_init(ProfileName, CookiesDir)) of {ok, _} = OK -> ?hcrd("started", [OK]), OK; {error, Reason} -> {stop, Reason}; Crap -> {stop, Crap} end. do_init(ProfileName, CookiesDir) -> %% Create session db ?hcrt("create session db", []), SessionDbName = session_db_name(ProfileName), ets:new(SessionDbName, [public, set, named_table, {keypos, #session.id}]), %% Create handler db ?hcrt("create handler/request db", []), HandlerDbName = handler_db_name(ProfileName), ets:new(HandlerDbName, [protected, set, named_table, {keypos, 1}]), %% Cookie DB ?hcrt("create cookie db", []), SessionCookieDbName = session_cookie_db_name(ProfileName), CookieDbName = cookie_db_name(ProfileName), CookieDb = httpc_cookie:open_db(CookieDbName, CookiesDir, SessionCookieDbName), State = #state{handler_db = HandlerDbName, cookie_db = CookieDb, session_db = SessionDbName, profile_name = ProfileName}, {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} | %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} | %% {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %% Description: Handling call messages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call({request, Request}, _, State) -> ?hcri("request", [{request, Request}]), case (catch handle_request(Request, State, false)) of {reply, Msg, NewState} -> {reply, Msg, NewState}; Error -> {stop, Error, httpc_response:error(Request, Error), State} end; handle_call({cancel_request, RequestId}, From, #state{handler_db = HandlerDb} = State) -> ?hcri("cancel_request", [{request_id, RequestId}]), case ets:lookup(HandlerDb, RequestId) of [] -> %% The request has allready compleated make sure %% it is deliverd to the client process queue so %% it can be thrown away by httpc:cancel_request %% This delay is hopfully a temporary workaround. %% Note that it will not not delay the manager, %% only the client that called httpc:cancel_request timer:apply_after(?DELAY, gen_server, reply, [From, ok]), {noreply, State}; [{_, Pid, _}] -> httpc_handler:cancel(RequestId, Pid, From), {noreply, State#state{cancel = [{RequestId, Pid, From} | State#state.cancel]}} end; handle_call(reset_cookies, _, #state{cookie_db = CookieDb} = State) -> ?hcrv("reset cookies", []), httpc_cookie:reset_db(CookieDb), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call(which_cookies, _, #state{cookie_db = CookieDb} = State) -> ?hcrv("which cookies", []), CookieHeaders = httpc_cookie:which_cookies(CookieDb), {reply, CookieHeaders, State}; handle_call({which_cookies, Url, Options}, _, #state{cookie_db = CookieDb} = State) -> ?hcrv("which cookies", [{url, Url}, {options, Options}]), case uri_parse(Url, Options) of {ok, {Scheme, _, Host, Port, Path, _}} -> CookieHeaders = httpc_cookie:header(CookieDb, Scheme, {Host, Port}, Path), {reply, CookieHeaders, State}; {error, _} = ERROR -> {reply, ERROR, State} end; handle_call({get_options, OptionItems}, _, #state{options = Options} = State) -> ?hcrv("get options", [{option_items, OptionItems}]), Reply = [{OptionItem, get_option(OptionItem, Options)} || OptionItem <- OptionItems], {reply, Reply, State}; handle_call(info, _, State) -> ?hcrv("info", []), Info = get_manager_info(State), {reply, Info, State}; handle_call(Req, From, #state{profile_name = ProfileName} = State) -> error_report(ProfileName, "received unkown request" "~n Req: ~p" "~n From: ~p", [Req, From]), {reply, {error, 'API_violation'}, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %% Description: Handling cast messages %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_cast({retry_or_redirect_request, {Time, Request}}, #state{profile_name = ProfileName} = State) -> {ok, _} = timer:apply_after(Time, ?MODULE, retry_request, [Request, ProfileName]), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({retry_or_redirect_request, Request}, State) -> case (catch handle_request(Request, State, true)) of {reply, {ok, _}, NewState} -> {noreply, NewState}; Error -> httpc_response:error(Request, Error), {stop, Error, State} end; handle_cast({request_canceled, RequestId}, State) -> ?hcrv("request canceled", [{request_id, RequestId}]), ets:delete(State#state.handler_db, RequestId), case lists:keysearch(RequestId, 1, State#state.cancel) of {value, Entry = {RequestId, _, From}} -> ?hcrt("found in cancel", [{from, From}]), {noreply, State#state{cancel = lists:delete(Entry, State#state.cancel)}}; Else -> ?hcrt("not found in cancel", [{else, Else}]), {noreply, State} end; handle_cast({request_done, RequestId}, State) -> ?hcrv("request done", [{request_id, RequestId}]), ets:delete(State#state.handler_db, RequestId), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({set_options, Options}, State = #state{options = OldOptions}) -> ?hcrv("set options", [{options, Options}, {old_options, OldOptions}]), NewOptions = #options{proxy = get_proxy(Options, OldOptions), https_proxy = get_https_proxy(Options, OldOptions), pipeline_timeout = get_pipeline_timeout(Options, OldOptions), max_pipeline_length = get_max_pipeline_length(Options, OldOptions), max_keep_alive_length = get_max_keep_alive_length(Options, OldOptions), keep_alive_timeout = get_keep_alive_timeout(Options, OldOptions), max_sessions = get_max_sessions(Options, OldOptions), cookies = get_cookies(Options, OldOptions), ipfamily = get_ipfamily(Options, OldOptions), ip = get_ip(Options, OldOptions), port = get_port(Options, OldOptions), verbose = get_verbose(Options, OldOptions), socket_opts = get_socket_opts(Options, OldOptions) }, case {OldOptions#options.verbose, NewOptions#options.verbose} of {Same, Same} -> ok; {_, false} -> dbg:stop(); {false, Level} -> dbg:tracer(), handle_verbose(Level); {_, Level} -> dbg:stop(), dbg:tracer(), handle_verbose(Level) end, {noreply, State#state{options = NewOptions}}; handle_cast({store_cookies, _}, State = #state{options = #options{cookies = disabled}}) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({store_cookies, {Cookies, _}}, State) -> ok = do_store_cookies(Cookies, State), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(Msg, #state{profile_name = ProfileName} = State) -> error_report(ProfileName, "recived unknown message" "~n Msg: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages %%--------------------------------------------------------- handle_info({'EXIT', _, _}, State) -> %% Handled in DOWN {noreply, State}; handle_info({'DOWN', _, _, Pid, _}, State) -> ets:match_delete(State#state.handler_db, {'_', Pid, '_'}), %% If there where any canceled request, handled by the %% the process that now has terminated, the %% cancelation can be viewed as sucessfull! NewCanceldList = lists:foldl(fun(Entry = {_, HandlerPid, From}, Acc) -> case HandlerPid of Pid -> gen_server:reply(From, ok), lists:delete(Entry, Acc); _ -> Acc end end, State#state.cancel, State#state.cancel), {noreply, State#state{cancel = NewCanceldList}}; handle_info(Info, State) -> Report = io_lib:format("Unknown message in " "httpc_manager:handle_info ~p~n", [Info]), error_logger:error_report(Report), {noreply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> _ (ignored by gen_server) %% Description: Shutdown the httpc_handler %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(_, State) -> httpc_cookie:close_db(State#state.cookie_db), ets:delete(State#state.session_db), ets:delete(State#state.handler_db). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: code_change(_OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState} %% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_, #state{session_db = SessionDB} = State, upgrade_from_pre_5_8_1) -> Upgrade = fun({session, Id, ClientClose, Scheme, Socket, SocketType, QueueLen, Type}) -> {ok, #session{id = Id, client_close = ClientClose, scheme = Scheme, socket = Socket, socket_type = SocketType, queue_length = QueueLen, type = Type}}; (_) -> % Already upgraded (by handler) ignore end, (catch update_session_table(SessionDB, Upgrade)), {ok, State}; code_change(_, #state{session_db = SessionDB} = State, downgrade_to_pre_5_8_1) -> Downgrade = fun(#session{id = Id, client_close = ClientClose, scheme = Scheme, socket = Socket, socket_type = SocketType, queue_length = QueueLen, type = Type}) -> {ok, {session, Id, ClientClose, Scheme, Socket, SocketType, QueueLen, Type}}; (_) -> % Already downgraded (by handler) ignore end, (catch update_session_table(SessionDB, Downgrade)), {ok, State}; code_change(_, State, _) -> {ok, State}. %% This function is used to catch everything that falls through the cracks... update_session_table(SessionDB, Transform) -> ets:safe_fixtable(SessionDB, true), update_session_table(SessionDB, ets:first(SessionDB), Transform), ets:safe_fixtable(SessionDB, false). update_session_table(_SessionDB, '$end_of_table', _Transform) -> ok; update_session_table(SessionDB, Key, Transform) -> case ets:lookup(SessionDB, Key) of [OldSession] -> case Transform(OldSession) of {ok, NewSession} -> ets:insert(SessionDB, NewSession); ignore -> ok end; _ -> ok end, update_session_table(SessionDB, ets:next(SessionDB, Key), Transform). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- get_manager_info(#state{handler_db = HDB, session_db = SDB, cookie_db = CDB, options = Options} = _State) -> HandlerInfo = get_handler_info(HDB), SessionInfo = which_sessions2(SDB), OptionsInfo = [{Item, get_option(Item, Options)} || Item <- record_info(fields, options)], CookieInfo = httpc_cookie:which_cookies(CDB), [{handlers, HandlerInfo}, {sessions, SessionInfo}, {options, OptionsInfo}, {cookies, CookieInfo}]. sort_handlers(Unsorted) -> sort_handlers2(lists:keysort(1, Unsorted)). sort_handlers2([]) -> []; sort_handlers2([{HandlerPid, RequestId}|L]) -> {Handler, Rest} = sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, [RequestId], L), [Handler | sort_handlers2(Rest)]. sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, Reqs, []) -> {{HandlerPid, lists:sort(Reqs)}, []}; sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, Reqs, [{HandlerPid, ReqId}|Rest]) -> sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, [ReqId|Reqs], Rest); sort_handlers2(HandlerPid1, Reqs, [{HandlerPid2, _}|_] = Rest) when HandlerPid1 =/= HandlerPid2 -> {{HandlerPid1, lists:sort(Reqs)}, Rest}. get_handler_info(Tab) -> Pattern = {'$2', '$1', '_'}, Handlers1 = [{Pid, Id} || [Pid, Id] <- ets:match(Tab, Pattern)], Handlers2 = sort_handlers(Handlers1), [{Pid, Reqs, httpc_handler:info(Pid)} || {Pid, Reqs} <- Handlers2]. handle_request(#request{settings = #http_options{version = "HTTP/0.9"}} = Request, State, _) -> %% Act as an HTTP/0.9 client that does not know anything %% about persistent connections NewRequest = handle_cookies(generate_request_id(Request), State), NewHeaders = (NewRequest#request.headers)#http_request_h{connection = undefined}, start_handler(NewRequest#request{headers = NewHeaders}, State), {reply, {ok, NewRequest#request.id}, State}; handle_request(#request{settings = #http_options{version = "HTTP/1.0"}} = Request, State, _) -> %% Act as an HTTP/1.0 client that does not %% use persistent connections NewRequest = handle_cookies(generate_request_id(Request), State), NewHeaders = (NewRequest#request.headers)#http_request_h{connection = "close"}, start_handler(NewRequest#request{headers = NewHeaders}, State), {reply, {ok, NewRequest#request.id}, State}; handle_request(Request, State = #state{options = Options}, Retry) -> NewRequest = handle_cookies(generate_request_id(Request), State), SessionType = session_type(Options), case select_session(Request#request.method, Request#request.address, Request#request.scheme, SessionType, State, Retry) of {ok, HandlerPid} -> pipeline_or_keep_alive(NewRequest, HandlerPid, State); no_connection -> start_handler(NewRequest, State); {no_session, OpenSessions} when OpenSessions < Options#options.max_sessions -> start_handler(NewRequest, State); {no_session, _} -> %% Do not start any more persistent connections %% towards this server. NewHeaders = (NewRequest#request.headers)#http_request_h{connection = "close"}, start_handler(NewRequest#request{headers = NewHeaders}, State) end, {reply, {ok, NewRequest#request.id}, State}. start_handler(#request{id = Id, from = From} = Request, #state{profile_name = ProfileName, handler_db = HandlerDb, options = Options}) -> ClientClose = httpc_request:is_client_closing(Request#request.headers), {ok, Pid} = case is_inets_manager() of true -> httpc_handler_sup:start_child([whereis(httpc_handler_sup), Request, Options, ProfileName]); false -> httpc_handler:start_link(self(), Request, Options, ProfileName) end, HandlerInfo = {Id, Pid, From}, ets:insert(HandlerDb, HandlerInfo), insert_session(#session{id = {Request#request.address, Pid}, scheme = Request#request.scheme, client_close = ClientClose, type = session_type(Options) }, ProfileName), erlang:monitor(process, Pid). select_session(Method, HostPort, Scheme, SessionType, #state{options = #options{max_pipeline_length = MaxPipe, max_keep_alive_length = MaxKeepAlive}, session_db = SessionDb}, Retry) -> ?hcrd("select session", [{session_type, SessionType}, {max_pipeline_length, MaxPipe}, {max_keep_alive_length, MaxKeepAlive}]), case httpc_request:is_idempotent(Method) orelse (SessionType =:= keep_alive) of true -> %% Look for handlers connecting to this host (HostPort) %% session with record name field (session) and %% socket fields ignored. The fields id (part of: HostPort), %% client_close, scheme and type specified. %% The fields id (part of: HandlerPid) and queue_length %% specified. Pattern = case (Retry andalso SessionType == pipeline) of true -> #session{id = {HostPort, '$1'}, client_close = false, scheme = Scheme, queue_length = '$2', type = SessionType, persistent = true, _ = '_'}; false -> #session{id = {HostPort, '$1'}, client_close = false, scheme = Scheme, queue_length = '$2', type = SessionType, _ = '_'} end, %% {'_', {HostPort, '$1'}, false, Scheme, '_', '$2', SessionTyp}, Candidates = ets:match(SessionDb, Pattern), ?hcrd("select session", [{host_port, HostPort}, {scheme, Scheme}, {type, SessionType}, {candidates, Candidates}]), select_session(Candidates, MaxKeepAlive, MaxPipe, SessionType); false -> no_connection end. select_session(Candidates, Max, _, keep_alive) -> select_session(Candidates, Max); select_session(Candidates, _, Max, pipeline) -> select_session(Candidates, Max). select_session([] = _Candidates, _Max) -> ?hcrd("select session - no candicate", []), no_connection; select_session(Candidates, Max) -> NewCandidates = [{Pid, Length} || [Pid, Length] <- Candidates, Length =< Max], case lists:keysort(2, NewCandidates) of [] -> {no_session, length(Candidates)}; [{HandlerPid, _} | _] -> ?hcrd("select session - found one", [{handler, HandlerPid}]), {ok, HandlerPid} end. pipeline_or_keep_alive(#request{id = Id, from = From} = Request, HandlerPid, #state{handler_db = HandlerDb} = State) -> case (catch httpc_handler:send(Request, HandlerPid)) of ok -> HandlerInfo = {Id, HandlerPid, From}, ets:insert(HandlerDb, HandlerInfo); _ -> % timeout pipelining failed start_handler(Request, State) end. is_inets_manager() -> case get('$ancestors') of [httpc_profile_sup | _] -> true; _ -> false end. generate_request_id(Request) -> case Request#request.id of undefined -> RequestId = make_ref(), Request#request{id = RequestId}; _ -> %% This is an automatic redirect or a retryed pipelined request %% => keep the old id. Request end. handle_cookies(Request, #state{options = #options{cookies = disabled}}) -> Request; handle_cookies( #request{scheme = Scheme, address = Address, path = Path, headers = #http_request_h{other = Other} = Hdrs} = Request, #state{cookie_db = CookieDb}) -> case httpc_cookie:header(CookieDb, Scheme, Address, Path) of {"cookie", ""} -> Request; CookieHeader -> NewHeaders = Hdrs#http_request_h{other = [CookieHeader | Other]}, Request#request{headers = NewHeaders} end. do_store_cookies([], _) -> ok; do_store_cookies([Cookie | Cookies], #state{cookie_db = CookieDb} = State) -> ok = httpc_cookie:insert(CookieDb, Cookie), do_store_cookies(Cookies, State). session_db_name(ProfileName) -> make_db_name(ProfileName, "__session_db"). cookie_db_name(ProfileName) -> make_db_name(ProfileName, "__cookie_db"). session_cookie_db_name(ProfileName) -> make_db_name(ProfileName, "__session_cookie_db"). handler_db_name(ProfileName) -> make_db_name(ProfileName, "__handler_db"). make_db_name(ProfileName, Post) -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(ProfileName) ++ Post). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% These functions is just simple wrappers to parse specifically HTTP URIs %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- scheme_defaults() -> [{http, 80}, {https, 443}]. uri_parse(URI, Opts) -> http_uri:parse(URI, [{scheme_defaults, scheme_defaults()} | Opts]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- call(ProfileName, Msg) -> Timeout = infinity, call(ProfileName, Msg, Timeout). call(ProfileName, Msg, Timeout) -> gen_server:call(ProfileName, Msg, Timeout). cast(ProfileName, Msg) -> gen_server:cast(ProfileName, Msg). get_option(proxy, #options{proxy = Proxy}) -> Proxy; get_option(https_proxy, #options{https_proxy = Proxy}) -> Proxy; get_option(pipeline_timeout, #options{pipeline_timeout = Timeout}) -> Timeout; get_option(max_pipeline_length, #options{max_pipeline_length = Length}) -> Length; get_option(keep_alive_timeout, #options{keep_alive_timeout = Timeout}) -> Timeout; get_option(max_keep_alive_length, #options{max_keep_alive_length = Length}) -> Length; get_option(max_sessions, #options{max_sessions = MaxSessions}) -> MaxSessions; get_option(cookies, #options{cookies = Cookies}) -> Cookies; get_option(verbose, #options{verbose = Verbose}) -> Verbose; get_option(ipfamily, #options{ipfamily = IpFamily}) -> IpFamily; get_option(ip, #options{ip = IP}) -> IP; get_option(port, #options{port = Port}) -> Port; get_option(socket_opts, #options{socket_opts = SocketOpts}) -> SocketOpts. get_proxy(Opts, #options{proxy = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(proxy, Opts, Default). get_https_proxy(Opts, #options{https_proxy = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(https_proxy, Opts, Default). get_pipeline_timeout(Opts, #options{pipeline_timeout = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(pipeline_timeout, Opts, Default). get_max_pipeline_length(Opts, #options{max_pipeline_length = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(max_pipeline_length, Opts, Default). get_max_keep_alive_length(Opts, #options{max_keep_alive_length = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(max_keep_alive_length, Opts, Default). get_keep_alive_timeout(Opts, #options{keep_alive_timeout = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(keep_alive_timeout, Opts, Default). get_max_sessions(Opts, #options{max_sessions = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(max_sessions, Opts, Default). get_cookies(Opts, #options{cookies = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(cookies, Opts, Default). get_ipfamily(Opts, #options{ipfamily = IpFamily}) -> case lists:keysearch(ipfamily, 1, Opts) of false -> case proplists:get_value(ipv6, Opts) of enabled -> inet6fb4; disabled -> inet; _ -> IpFamily end; {value, {_, Value}} -> Value end. get_ip(Opts, #options{ip = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(ip, Opts, Default). get_port(Opts, #options{port = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(port, Opts, Default). get_verbose(Opts, #options{verbose = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(verbose, Opts, Default). get_socket_opts(Opts, #options{socket_opts = Default}) -> proplists:get_value(socket_opts, Opts, Default). handle_verbose(debug) -> dbg:p(self(), [call]), dbg:tp(?MODULE, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]); handle_verbose(trace) -> dbg:p(self(), [call]), dbg:tpl(?MODULE, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]); handle_verbose(_) -> ok. error_report(Profile, F, A) -> Report = io_lib:format("HTTPC-MANAGER<~p> " ++ F ++ "~n", [Profile | A]), error_logger:error_report(Report).