%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(httpc_response). -include_lib("inets/src/http_lib/http_internal.hrl"). -include("httpc_internal.hrl"). %% API %% Avoid warning for local function error/2 clashing with autoimported BIF. -compile({no_auto_import,[error/2]}). -export([parse/1, result/2, send/2, error/2, is_server_closing/1, stream_start/3]). %% Callback API - used for example if the header/body is received a %% little at a time on a socket. -export([parse_version/1, parse_status_code/1, parse_reason_phrase/1, parse_headers/1, whole_body/1, whole_body/2]). %%%========================================================================= %%% API %%%========================================================================= parse([Bin, MaxHeaderSize, Relaxed]) -> parse_version(Bin, [], MaxHeaderSize, [], Relaxed). whole_body([Bin, Body, Length]) -> whole_body(<<Body/binary, Bin/binary>>, Length). %% Functions that may be returned during the decoding process %% if the input data is incompleate. parse_version([Bin, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]) -> parse_version(Bin, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed). parse_status_code([Bin, Code, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]) -> parse_status_code(Bin, Code, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed). parse_reason_phrase([Bin, Rest, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]) -> parse_reason_phrase(<<Rest/binary, Bin/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed). parse_headers([Bin, Rest,Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]) -> parse_headers(<<Rest/binary, Bin/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed). whole_body(Body, Length) -> case size(Body) of N when (N < Length) andalso (N > 0) -> {?MODULE, whole_body, [Body, Length]}; %% OBS! The Server may close the connection to indicate that the %% whole body is now sent instead of sending a lengh %% indicator.In this case the lengh indicator will be %% -1. N when (N >= Length) andalso (Length >= 0) -> %% Potential trailing garbage will be thrown away in %% format_response/1 Some servers may send a 100-continue %% response without the client requesting it through an %% expect header in this case the trailing bytes may be %% part of the real response message. {ok, Body}; _ -> %% Length == -1 {?MODULE, whole_body, [Body, Length]} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% result(Response, Request) -> %% Response - {StatusLine, Headers, Body} %% Request - #request{} %% Session - #tcp_session{} %% %% Description: Checks the status code ... %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- result(Response = {{_, Code,_}, _, _}, Request = #request{stream = Stream}) when ((Code =:= 200) orelse (Code =:= 206)) andalso (Stream =/= none) -> stream_end(Response, Request); result(Response = {{_,100,_}, _, _}, Request) -> status_continue(Response, Request); %% In redirect loop result(Response = {{_, Code, _}, _, _}, Request = #request{redircount = Redirects, settings = #http_options{autoredirect = true}}) when ((Code div 100) =:= 3) andalso (Redirects > ?HTTP_MAX_REDIRECTS) -> transparent(Response, Request); %% multiple choices result(Response = {{_, 300, _}, _, _}, Request = #request{settings = #http_options{autoredirect = true}}) -> redirect(Response, Request); result(Response = {{_, Code, _}, _, _}, Request = #request{settings = #http_options{autoredirect = true}, method = head}) when (Code =:= 301) orelse (Code =:= 302) orelse (Code =:= 303) orelse (Code =:= 307) -> redirect(Response, Request); result(Response = {{_, Code, _}, _, _}, Request = #request{settings = #http_options{autoredirect = true}, method = get}) when (Code =:= 301) orelse (Code =:= 302) orelse (Code =:= 303) orelse (Code =:= 307) -> redirect(Response, Request); result(Response = {{_, 303, _}, _, _}, Request = #request{settings = #http_options{autoredirect = true}, method = post}) -> redirect(Response, Request#request{method = get}); result(Response = {{_,503,_}, _, _}, Request) -> status_service_unavailable(Response, Request); result(Response = {{_,Code,_}, _, _}, Request) when (Code div 100) =:= 5 -> status_server_error_50x(Response, Request); result(Response, Request) -> transparent(Response, Request). send(Receiver, Msg) when is_pid(Receiver) -> Receiver ! {http, Msg}; send(Receiver, Msg) when is_function(Receiver) -> (catch Receiver(Msg)); send({Module, Function, Args}, Msg) -> (catch apply(Module, Function, [Msg | Args])). %%%======================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%======================================================================== parse_version(<<>>, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_version, [Version, MaxHeaderSize,Result, Relaxed]}; parse_version(<<?SP, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> case lists:reverse(Version) of "HTTP/" ++ _ = Newversion -> parse_status_code(Rest, [], MaxHeaderSize, [Newversion | Result], Relaxed); NewVersion -> throw({error, {invalid_version, NewVersion}}) end; parse_version(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> parse_version(Rest, [Octet | Version], MaxHeaderSize,Result, Relaxed). parse_status_code(<<>>, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_status_code, [StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; %% Some Apache servers has been known to leave out the reason phrase, %% in relaxed mode we will allow this. parse_status_code(<<?CR>> = Data, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, true) -> {?MODULE, parse_status_code, [Data, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, true]}; parse_status_code(<<?LF>>, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, true) -> %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 parse_status_code(<<?CR, ?LF>>, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, true); parse_status_code(<<?CR, ?LF, Rest/binary>>, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, true) -> parse_headers(Rest, [], [], MaxHeaderSize, [" ", list_to_integer(lists:reverse( string:strip(StatusCodeStr))) | Result], true); parse_status_code(<<?SP, Rest/binary>>, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> parse_reason_phrase(Rest, [], MaxHeaderSize, [list_to_integer(lists:reverse(StatusCodeStr)) | Result], Relaxed); parse_status_code(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize,Result, Relaxed) -> parse_status_code(Rest, [Octet | StatusCodeStr], MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed). parse_reason_phrase(<<>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_reason_phrase, [<<>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF, ?LF, Body/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF, ?CR, ?LF, Body/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed); parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF, ?CR, ?LF, Body/binary>>, Phrase, _, Result, _) -> ResponseHeaderRcord = http_response:headers([], #http_response_h{}), {ok, list_to_tuple( lists:reverse([Body, ResponseHeaderRcord | [lists:reverse(Phrase) | Result]]))}; parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF, ?CR>> = Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_reason_phrase, [Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result], Relaxed}; parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF>> = Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_reason_phrase, [Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; parse_reason_phrase(<<?LF, Rest/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF, Rest/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed); parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF, Rest/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> parse_headers(Rest, [], [], MaxHeaderSize, [lists:reverse(Phrase) | Result], Relaxed); parse_reason_phrase(<<?LF>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed); parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR>> = Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_reason_phrase, [Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; parse_reason_phrase(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> parse_reason_phrase(Rest, [Octet | Phrase], MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed). parse_headers(<<>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_headers, [<<>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed); parse_headers(<<?LF,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed); parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, _) -> HTTPHeaders = [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers], Length = lists:foldl(fun(H, Acc) -> length(H) + Acc end, 0, HTTPHeaders), case ((Length =< MaxHeaderSize) or (MaxHeaderSize == nolimit)) of true -> ResponseHeaderRcord = http_response:headers(HTTPHeaders, #http_response_h{}), {ok, list_to_tuple( lists:reverse([Body, ResponseHeaderRcord | Result]))}; false -> throw({error, {header_too_long, MaxHeaderSize, MaxHeaderSize-Length}}) end; parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF>> = Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF, Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> parse_headers(Rest, [Octet], [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers], MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed); parse_headers(<<?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed]}; parse_headers(<<?LF>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 parse_headers(<<?CR, ?LF>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed); parse_headers(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed) -> parse_headers(Rest, [Octet | Header], Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result, Relaxed). %% RFC2616, Section 10.1.1 %% Note: %% - Only act on the 100 status if the request included the %% "Expect:100-continue" header, otherwise just ignore this response. status_continue(_, #request{headers = #http_request_h{expect = "100-continue"}}) -> continue; status_continue({_,_, Data}, _) -> %% The data in the body in this case is actually part of the real %% response sent after the "fake" 100-continue. {ignore, Data}. status_service_unavailable(Response = {_, Headers, _}, Request) -> case Headers#http_response_h.'retry-after' of undefined -> status_server_error_50x(Response, Request); Time when (length(Time) < 3) -> % Wait only 99 s or less NewTime = list_to_integer(Time) * 1000, % time in ms {_, Data} = format_response(Response), {retry, {NewTime, Request}, Data}; _ -> status_server_error_50x(Response, Request) end. status_server_error_50x(Response, Request) -> {Msg, _} = format_response(Response), {stop, {Request#request.id, Msg}}. redirect(Response = {StatusLine, Headers, Body}, Request) -> {_, Data} = format_response(Response), case Headers#http_response_h.location of undefined -> transparent(Response, Request); RedirUrl -> UrlParseOpts = [{ipv6_host_with_brackets, Request#request.ipv6_host_with_brackets}], case uri_parse(RedirUrl, UrlParseOpts) of {error, no_scheme} when (Request#request.settings)#http_options.relaxed -> NewLocation = fix_relative_uri(Request, RedirUrl), redirect({StatusLine, Headers#http_response_h{ location = NewLocation}, Body}, Request); {error, Reason} -> {ok, error(Request, Reason), Data}; %% Automatic redirection {ok, {Scheme, _, Host, Port, Path, Query}} -> NewHeaders = (Request#request.headers)#http_request_h{host = Host}, NewRequest = Request#request{redircount = Request#request.redircount+1, scheme = Scheme, headers = NewHeaders, address = {Host,Port}, path = Path, pquery = Query, abs_uri = atom_to_list(Scheme) ++ "://" ++ Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++ Path ++ Query}, {redirect, NewRequest, Data} end end. maybe_to_list(Port) when is_integer(Port) -> integer_to_list(Port); maybe_to_list(Port) when is_list(Port) -> Port. %%% Guessing that we received a relative URI, fix it to become an absoluteURI fix_relative_uri(Request, RedirUrl) -> {Server, Port0} = Request#request.address, Port = maybe_to_list(Port0), Path = Request#request.path, atom_to_list(Request#request.scheme) ++ "://" ++ Server ++ ":" ++ Port ++ Path ++ RedirUrl. error(#request{id = Id}, Reason) -> {Id, {error, Reason}}. transparent(Response, Request) -> {Msg, Data} = format_response(Response), {ok, {Request#request.id, Msg}, Data}. stream_start(Headers, Request, ignore) -> {Request#request.id, stream_start, http_response:header_list(Headers)}; stream_start(Headers, Request, Pid) -> {Request#request.id, stream_start, http_response:header_list(Headers), Pid}. stream_end(Response, Request = #request{stream = Self}) when (Self =:= self) orelse (Self =:= {self, once}) -> {{_, Headers, _}, Data} = format_response(Response), {ok, {Request#request.id, stream_end, Headers}, Data}; stream_end(Response, Request) -> {_, Data} = format_response(Response), {ok, {Request#request.id, saved_to_file}, Data}. is_server_closing(Headers) when is_record(Headers, http_response_h) -> case Headers#http_response_h.connection of "close" -> true; _ -> false end. format_response({{"HTTP/0.9", _, _} = StatusLine, _, Body}) -> {{StatusLine, [], Body}, <<>>}; format_response({StatusLine, Headers, Body = <<>>}) -> {{StatusLine, http_response:header_list(Headers), Body}, <<>>}; format_response({StatusLine, Headers, Body}) -> Length = list_to_integer(Headers#http_response_h.'content-length'), {NewBody, Data} = case Length of -1 -> % When no lenght indicator is provided {Body, <<>>}; Length when (Length =< size(Body)) -> <<BodyThisReq:Length/binary, Next/binary>> = Body, {BodyThisReq, Next}; _ -> %% Connection prematurely ended. {Body, <<>>} end, {{StatusLine, http_response:header_list(Headers), NewBody}, Data}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% These functions is just simple wrappers to parse specifically HTTP URIs %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- scheme_defaults() -> [{http, 80}, {https, 443}]. uri_parse(URI, Opts) -> http_uri:parse(URI, [{scheme_defaults, scheme_defaults()} | Opts]). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------