%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%



-export([parse/1, whole_body/2, validate/3, update_mod_data/5,

%% Callback API - used for example if the header/body is received a
%% little at a time on a socket. 
-export([parse_method/1, parse_uri/1, parse_version/1, parse_headers/1,

%%%  Internal application API
parse([Bin, MaxSizes]) ->
         parse_method(Bin, [], MaxSizes, []).

%% Functions that may be returned during the decoding process
%% if the input data is incompleate. 
parse_method([Bin, Method, MaxSizes, Result]) ->
    parse_method(Bin, Method, MaxSizes, Result).

parse_uri([Bin, URI, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result]) ->
    parse_uri(Bin, URI, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result).

parse_version([Bin, Rest, Version, MaxSizes, Result]) ->
    parse_version(<<Rest/binary, Bin/binary>>, Version, MaxSizes, 

parse_headers([Bin, Rest, Header, Headers, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result]) ->
    parse_headers(<<Rest/binary, Bin/binary>>, 
		  Header, Headers, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result).

whole_body([Bin, Body, Length])  ->
    whole_body(<<Body/binary, Bin/binary>>, Length).    

%% Separate the body for this request from a possible piplined new 
%% request and convert the body data to "string" format.
body_data(Headers, Body) ->    
    ContentLength = list_to_integer(Headers#http_request_h.'content-length'),
    case size(Body) - ContentLength of
 	0 ->
 	    {binary_to_list(Body), <<>>};
 	_ ->
 	    <<BodyThisReq:ContentLength/binary, Next/binary>> = Body,   
 	    {binary_to_list(BodyThisReq), Next}

%% validate(Method, Uri, Version) -> ok | {error, {bad_request, Reason} |
%%			     {error, {not_supported, {Method, Uri, Version}}
%%      Method = "HEAD" | "GET" | "POST" | "TRACE" | "PUT" | "DELETE"
%%      Uri = uri()
%%      Version = "HTTP/N.M"      
%% Description: Checks that HTTP-request-line is valid.
validate("HEAD", Uri, "HTTP/1." ++ _N) ->
validate("GET", Uri, []) -> %% Simple HTTP/0.9 
validate("GET", Uri, "HTTP/0.9") ->
validate("GET", Uri, "HTTP/1." ++ _N) ->
validate("PUT", Uri, "HTTP/1." ++ _N) ->
validate("DELETE", Uri, "HTTP/1." ++ _N) ->
validate("POST", Uri, "HTTP/1." ++ _N) ->
validate("TRACE", Uri, "HTTP/1." ++ N) when hd(N) >= $1 ->
validate(Method, Uri, Version) ->
    {error, {not_supported, {Method, Uri, Version}}}.

%% The request is passed through the server as a record of type mod 
%% create it.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
update_mod_data(ModData, Method, RequestURI, HTTPVersion, Headers)-> 
    ParsedHeaders =  tagup_header(Headers),
    PersistentConn = get_persistens(HTTPVersion, ParsedHeaders, 
    {ok, ModData#mod{data = [],
		     method = Method,
		     absolute_uri = format_absolute_uri(RequestURI, 
		     request_uri = format_request_uri(RequestURI),
		     http_version = HTTPVersion,
		     request_line = Method ++ " " ++ RequestURI ++ 
		     " " ++ HTTPVersion,
		     parsed_header = ParsedHeaders,
		     connection = PersistentConn}}.

%%% Internal functions
parse_method(<<>>, Method, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_method, [Method, MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_method(<<?SP, Rest/binary>>, Method, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_uri(Rest, [], 0, MaxSizes,
	      [string:strip(lists:reverse(Method)) | Result]);
parse_method(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Method, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_method(Rest, [Octet | Method], MaxSizes, Result).

parse_uri(_, _, CurrSize, {MaxURI, _}, _) when CurrSize > MaxURI,
 MaxURI =/= nolimit -> 
    %% We do not know the version of the client as it comes after the
    %% uri send the lowest version in the response so that the client
    %% will be able to handle it.
    HttpVersion = "HTTP/0.9", 
    {error, {uri_too_long, MaxURI}, HttpVersion};
parse_uri(<<>>, URI, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_uri, [URI, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_uri(<<?SP, Rest/binary>>, URI, _, MaxSizes, Result) -> 
    parse_version(Rest, [], MaxSizes, 
		  [string:strip(lists:reverse(URI)) | Result]);
%% Can happen if it is a simple HTTP/0.9 request e.i "GET /\r\n\r\n"
parse_uri(<<?CR, _Rest/binary>> = Data, URI, _,MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_version(Data, [], MaxSizes, 
		  [string:strip(lists:reverse(URI)) | Result]);
parse_uri(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, URI, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_uri(Rest, [Octet | URI], CurrSize + 1, MaxSizes, Result).

parse_version(<<>>, Version, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_version, [<<>>, Version, MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_version(<<?LF, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 
    parse_version(<<?CR, ?LF, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxSizes, Result);
parse_version(<<?CR, ?LF, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_headers(Rest, [], [], 0, MaxSizes, 
		  [string:strip(lists:reverse(Version)) | Result]);
parse_version(<<?CR>> = Data, Version, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_version, [Data, Version, MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_version(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_version(Rest, [Octet | Version], MaxSizes, Result).

parse_headers(_, _, _, CurrSize, {_, MaxHeaderSize}, Result) 
  when CurrSize > MaxHeaderSize, MaxHeaderSize =/= nolimit -> 
    HttpVersion = lists:nth(3, lists:reverse(Result)),
    {error, {header_too_long, MaxHeaderSize}, HttpVersion};

parse_headers(<<>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_headers, [<<>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize, 
			      MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?LF,Body/binary>>, [], [], CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 
    parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, [], [], CurrSize,  
		  MaxSizes, Result);

parse_headers(<<?LF,?LF,Body/binary>>, [], [], CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 
    parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, [], [], CurrSize,  
		  MaxSizes, Result);

parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, [], [], _,  _, Result) ->
    NewResult = list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([Body, {#http_request_h{}, []} |
    {ok, NewResult};
parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers, _,
	      _, Result) ->
    HTTPHeaders = [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers],
    RequestHeaderRcord = 
	http_request:headers(HTTPHeaders, #http_request_h{}),
    NewResult = 
	list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([Body, {RequestHeaderRcord, 
						    HTTPHeaders} | Result])),
    {ok, NewResult};

parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers, CurrSize, 
	      MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, CurrSize, 
			      MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_headers(<<?LF>>, [], [], CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 
    parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF>>, [], [], CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result);

%% There where no headers, which is unlikely to happen.
parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF>>, [], [], _, _, Result) ->
     NewResult = list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([<<>>, {#http_request_h{}, []} |
    {ok, NewResult};

parse_headers(<<?LF>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize, 
	      MaxSizes, Result) ->
    %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 
    parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result);

parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF>> = Data, Header, Headers, CurrSize, 
	      MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, CurrSize, 
			      MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_headers(<<?LF, Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize,
	      MaxSizes, Result) ->
    %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 
    parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF, Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize,
		  MaxSizes, Result); 
parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF, Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize,
	      MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_headers(Rest, [Octet], [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers], 
		  CurrSize + 1, MaxSizes, Result);

parse_headers(<<?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers, CurrSize,  
	      MaxSizes, Result) ->
    {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, CurrSize, 
			      MaxSizes, Result]};
parse_headers(<<?LF>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize,  
	      MaxSizes, Result) ->
    %% If ?CR is is missing RFC2616 section-19.3 
    parse_headers(<<?CR, ?LF>>, Header, Headers, CurrSize,  
		  MaxSizes, Result);

parse_headers(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers, 
	      CurrSize, MaxSizes, Result) ->
    parse_headers(Rest, [Octet | Header], Headers, CurrSize + 1,
		  MaxSizes, Result).

whole_body(Body, Length) ->
    case size(Body) of
	N when N < Length, Length > 0 ->
	  {?MODULE, whole_body, [Body, Length]};
	N when N >= Length, Length >= 0 ->  
	    %% When a client uses pipelining trailing data
	    %% may be part of the next request!
	    %% Trailing data will be separated from 
	    %% the actual body in body_data/2.
	    {ok, Body}

%% Prevent people from trying to access directories/files
%% relative to the ServerRoot.
validate_uri(RequestURI) ->
    UriNoQueryNoHex = 
	case string:str(RequestURI, "?") of
	    0 ->
		(catch httpd_util:decode_hex(RequestURI));
	    Ndx ->
		(catch httpd_util:decode_hex(string:left(RequestURI, Ndx)))	
    case UriNoQueryNoHex of
	{'EXIT',_Reason} ->
	    {error, {bad_request, {malformed_syntax, RequestURI}}};
	_ ->
	    Path = format_request_uri(UriNoQueryNoHex),
	    Path2=[X||X<-string:tokens(Path, "/"),X=/="."], %% OTP-5938
	    validate_path( Path2,0, RequestURI)

validate_path([], _, _) ->
validate_path([".." | _], 0, RequestURI) ->
    {error, {bad_request, {forbidden, RequestURI}}};
validate_path([".." | Rest], N, RequestURI) ->
    validate_path(Rest, N - 1, RequestURI);
validate_path([_ | Rest], N, RequestURI) ->
    validate_path(Rest, N + 1, RequestURI).

%% There are 3 possible forms of the reuqest URI 
%%  1. * When the request is not for a special assset. is is instead
%%     to the server itself
%%  2. absoluteURI the whole servername port and asset is in the request
%%  3. The most common form that http/1.0 used abs path that is a path
%%     to the requested asset.
format_request_uri("http://" ++ ServerAndPath) ->

format_request_uri("HTTP://" ++ ServerAndPath) ->

format_request_uri(ABSPath) ->

remove_server([]) ->
    case Url of
remove_server([_|Url]) ->

format_absolute_uri("http://"++ Uri, _)->
    "HTTP://" ++ Uri;

format_absolute_uri(OrigUri = "HTTP://" ++ _, _)->

    case proplists:get_value("host", ParsedHeader) of
	undefined ->
	Host ->

    case httpd_util:lookup(ConfigDB, keep_alive, true) of
	    case HTTPVersion of
		%%If it is version prio to 1.1 kill the conneciton
		"HTTP/1." ++ NList ->
		    case proplists:get_value("connection", ParsedHeader,
					     "keep-alive") of  
			%%if the connection is not ordered to go down
			%%let it live The keep-alive value is the
			%%older http/1.1 might be older Clients that
			%%use it.
			"keep-alive" when hd(NList) >= 49 ->
			    ?DEBUG("CONNECTION MODE: ~p",[true]),  
			"close" ->
			    ?DEBUG("CONNECTION MODE: ~p",[false]),  
			_Connect ->
  			    ?DEBUG("CONNECTION MODE: ~p VALUE: ~p",
				   [false, _Connect]),  
		_ ->
			   [false, HTTPVersion]),  
	_ ->

%% tagup_header
%% Parses the header of a HTTP request and returns a key,value tuple 
%% list containing Name and Value of each header directive as of:
%% Content-Type: multipart/mixed -> {"Content-Type", "multipart/mixed"}
%% But in http/1.1 the field-names are case insencitive so now it must be 
%% Content-Type: multipart/mixed -> {"content-type", "multipart/mixed"}
%% The standard furthermore says that leading and traling white space 
%% is not a part of the fieldvalue and shall therefore be removed.
tagup_header([]) ->          [];
tagup_header([Line|Rest]) -> [tag(Line, [])|tagup_header(Rest)].

tag([], Tag) ->
    {http_util:to_lower(lists:reverse(Tag)), ""};
tag([$:|Rest], Tag) ->
    {http_util:to_lower(lists:reverse(Tag)), string:strip(Rest)};
tag([Chr|Rest], Tag) ->
    tag(Rest, [Chr|Tag]).