%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(httpd_util). -export([ip_address/2, lookup/2, lookup/3, multi_lookup/2, lookup_mime/2, lookup_mime/3, lookup_mime_default/2, lookup_mime_default/3, reason_phrase/1, message/3, rfc1123_date/0, rfc1123_date/1, day/1, month/1, flatlength/1, split_path/1, split_script_path/1, suffix/1, split/3, uniq/1, make_name/2,make_name/3,make_name/4,strip/1, hexlist_to_integer/1,integer_to_hexlist/1, convert_request_date/1,create_etag/1,create_etag/2, convert_netscapecookie_date/1, enable_debug/1, valid_options/3, modules_validate/1, module_validate/1, dir_validate/2, file_validate/2, mime_type_validate/1, mime_types_validate/1, custom_date/0]). -export([encode_hex/1, decode_hex/1]). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). ip_address({_,_,_,_} = Address, _IpFamily) -> {ok, Address}; ip_address({_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_} = Address, _IpFamily) -> {ok, Address}; ip_address(Host, IpFamily) when ((IpFamily =:= inet) orelse (IpFamily =:= inet6)) -> inet:getaddr(Host, IpFamily); ip_address(Host, inet6fb4 = _IpFamily) -> Inet = case gen_tcp:listen(0, [inet6]) of {ok, Dummyport} -> gen_tcp:close(Dummyport), inet6; _ -> inet end, inet:getaddr(Host, Inet). %% lookup lookup(Table,Key) -> lookup(Table,Key,undefined). lookup(Table,Key,Undefined) -> case catch ets:lookup(Table,Key) of [{Key,Value}|_] -> Value; _-> Undefined end. %% multi_lookup multi_lookup(Table,Key) -> remove_key(ets:lookup(Table,Key)). remove_key([]) -> []; remove_key([{_Key, Value}| Rest]) -> [Value | remove_key(Rest)]. %% lookup_mime lookup_mime(ConfigDB,Suffix) -> lookup_mime(ConfigDB,Suffix,undefined). lookup_mime(ConfigDB,Suffix,Undefined) -> [{mime_types,MimeTypesDB}|_]=ets:lookup(ConfigDB,mime_types), case ets:lookup(MimeTypesDB,Suffix) of [] -> Undefined; [{Suffix,MimeType}|_] -> MimeType end. %% lookup_mime_default lookup_mime_default(ConfigDB,Suffix) -> lookup_mime_default(ConfigDB,Suffix,undefined). lookup_mime_default(ConfigDB,Suffix,Undefined) -> [{mime_types,MimeTypesDB}|_]=ets:lookup(ConfigDB,mime_types), case ets:lookup(MimeTypesDB,Suffix) of [] -> case ets:lookup(ConfigDB,default_type) of [] -> Undefined; [{default_type,DefaultType}|_] -> DefaultType end; [{Suffix,MimeType}|_] -> MimeType end. %%% RFC 2616, HTTP 1.1 Status codes reason_phrase(100) -> "Continue"; reason_phrase(101) -> "Switching Protocols" ; reason_phrase(200) -> "OK" ; reason_phrase(201) -> "Created" ; reason_phrase(202) -> "Accepted" ; reason_phrase(203) -> "Non-Authoritative Information" ; reason_phrase(204) -> "No Content" ; reason_phrase(205) -> "Reset Content" ; reason_phrase(206) -> "Partial Content" ; reason_phrase(300) -> "Multiple Choices" ; reason_phrase(301) -> "Moved Permanently" ; reason_phrase(302) -> "Moved Temporarily" ; reason_phrase(303) -> "See Other" ; reason_phrase(304) -> "Not Modified" ; reason_phrase(305) -> "Use Proxy" ; reason_phrase(306) -> "(unused)" ; reason_phrase(307) -> "Temporary Redirect" ; reason_phrase(400) -> "Bad Request"; reason_phrase(401) -> "Unauthorized"; reason_phrase(402) -> "Payment Required"; reason_phrase(403) -> "Forbidden" ; reason_phrase(404) -> "Object Not Found" ; reason_phrase(405) -> "Method Not Allowed" ; reason_phrase(406) -> "Not Acceptable" ; reason_phrase(407) -> "Proxy Authentication Required" ; reason_phrase(408) -> "Request Time-out" ; reason_phrase(409) -> "Conflict" ; reason_phrase(410) -> "Gone" ; reason_phrase(411) -> "Length Required" ; reason_phrase(412) -> "Precondition Failed" ; reason_phrase(413) -> "Request Entity Too Large" ; reason_phrase(414) -> "Request-URI Too Large" ; reason_phrase(415) -> "Unsupported Media Type" ; reason_phrase(416) -> "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" ; reason_phrase(417) -> "Expectation Failed" ; reason_phrase(500) -> "Internal Server Error" ; reason_phrase(501) -> "Not Implemented" ; reason_phrase(502) -> "Bad Gateway" ; reason_phrase(503) -> "Service Unavailable" ; reason_phrase(504) -> "Gateway Time-out" ; reason_phrase(505) -> "HTTP Version not supported"; %%% RFC 2518, HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV reason_phrase(102) -> "Processing"; reason_phrase(207) -> "Multi-Status"; reason_phrase(422) -> "Unprocessable Entity"; reason_phrase(423) -> "Locked"; reason_phrase(424) -> "Failed Dependency"; reason_phrase(507) -> "Insufficient Storage"; %%% (Work in Progress) WebDAV Advanced Collections reason_phrase(425) -> ""; %%% RFC 2817, HTTP Upgrade to TLS reason_phrase(426) -> "Upgrade Required"; %%% RFC 3229, Delta encoding in HTTP reason_phrase(226) -> "IM Used"; reason_phrase(_) -> "Internal Server Error". %% message message(301,URL,_) -> "The document has moved <A HREF=\""++ maybe_encode(URL) ++"\">here</A>."; message(304, _URL,_) -> "The document has not been changed."; message(400,none,_) -> "Your browser sent a query that this server could not understand."; message(400,Msg,_) -> "Your browser sent a query that this server could not understand. "++ maybe_encode(Msg); message(401,none,_) -> "This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required."; message(403,RequestURI,_) -> "You don't have permission to access "++ maybe_encode(RequestURI) ++" on this server."; message(404,RequestURI,_) -> "The requested URL " ++ maybe_encode(RequestURI) ++ " was not found on this server."; message(408, Timeout, _) -> Timeout; message(412,none,_) -> "The requested preconditions where false"; message(413, Reason,_) -> "Entity: " ++ Reason; message(414,ReasonPhrase,_) -> "Message "++ ReasonPhrase ++"."; message(416,ReasonPhrase,_) -> ReasonPhrase; message(500,_,ConfigDB) -> ServerAdmin=lookup(ConfigDB,server_admin,"unknown@unknown"), "The server encountered an internal error or " "misconfiguration and was unable to complete " "your request.<P>Please contact the server administrator " ++ ServerAdmin ++ ", and inform them of the time the error occurred " "and anything you might have done that may have caused the error."; message(501,{Method, RequestURI, HTTPVersion}, _ConfigDB) -> if is_atom(Method) -> atom_to_list(Method)++ " to "++ maybe_encode(RequestURI)++" ("++HTTPVersion++") not supported."; is_list(Method) -> Method++ " to "++ maybe_encode(RequestURI)++" ("++HTTPVersion++") not supported." end; message(503, String, _ConfigDB) -> "This service in unavailable due to: "++String. maybe_encode(URI) -> case lists:member($%, URI) of true -> URI; false -> http_uri:encode(URI) end. %%convert_rfc_date(Date)->{{YYYY,MM,DD},{HH,MIN,SEC}} convert_request_date([D,A,Y,DateType| Rest])-> Func=case DateType of $\, -> fun convert_rfc1123_date/1; $\ -> fun convert_ascii_date/1; _ -> fun convert_rfc850_date/1 end, case catch Func([D,A,Y,DateType| Rest]) of {ok,Date} -> Date; _Error-> bad_date end. convert_rfc850_date(DateStr) -> [_WeekDay,Date,Time,_TimeZone|_Rest] = string:tokens(DateStr," "), convert_rfc850_date(Date,Time). convert_rfc850_date([D1,D2,_, M,O,N,_, Y1,Y2|_Rest],[H1,H2,_Col,M1,M2,_Col,S1,S2|_Rest2])-> Year=list_to_integer([50,48,Y1,Y2]), Day=list_to_integer([D1,D2]), Month = http_util:convert_month([M,O,N]), Hour=list_to_integer([H1,H2]), Min=list_to_integer([M1,M2]), Sec=list_to_integer([S1,S2]), {ok,{{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Min,Sec}}}. convert_ascii_date([_D,_A,_Y,_SP, M,O,N,_SP, D1,D2,_SP, H1,H2,_Col, M1,M2,_Col, S1,S2,_SP, Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4| _Rest])-> Year=list_to_integer([Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4]), Day=case D1 of $\ -> list_to_integer([D2]); _-> list_to_integer([D1,D2]) end, Month=http_util:convert_month([M,O,N]), Hour=list_to_integer([H1,H2]), Min=list_to_integer([M1,M2]), Sec=list_to_integer([S1,S2]), {ok,{{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Min,Sec}}}. convert_rfc1123_date([_D,_A,_Y,_C,_SP, D1,D2,_SP, M,O,N,_SP, Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,_SP, H1,H2,_Col, M1,M2,_Col, S1,S2|_Rest]) -> Year=list_to_integer([Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4]), Day=list_to_integer([D1,D2]), Month=http_util:convert_month([M,O,N]), Hour=list_to_integer([H1,H2]), Min=list_to_integer([M1,M2]), Sec=list_to_integer([S1,S2]), {ok,{{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Min,Sec}}}. convert_netscapecookie_date(Date)-> case (catch http_util:convert_netscapecookie_date(Date)) of Ret = {ok, _} -> Ret; _ -> {error,bad_date} end. %% rfc1123_date rfc1123_date() -> {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} = calendar:universal_time(), DayNumber = calendar:day_of_the_week({YYYY,MM,DD}), lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~s, ~2.2.0w ~3.s ~4.4.0w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w GMT", [day(DayNumber),DD,month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec])). rfc1123_date(undefined) -> undefined; rfc1123_date(LocalTime) -> {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} = case calendar:local_time_to_universal_time_dst(LocalTime) of [Gmt] -> Gmt; [_,Gmt] -> Gmt end, DayNumber = calendar:day_of_the_week({YYYY,MM,DD}), lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~s, ~2.2.0w ~3.s ~4.4.0w ~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w:~2.2.0w GMT", [day(DayNumber),DD,month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec])). custom_date() -> LocalTime = calendar:local_time(), UniversalTime = calendar:universal_time(), Minutes = round(diff_in_minutes(LocalTime,UniversalTime)), {{YYYY,MM,DD},{Hour,Min,Sec}} = LocalTime, Date = io_lib:format("~.2.0w/~.3s/~.4w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w ~c~.2.0w~.2.0w", [DD,httpd_util:month(MM),YYYY,Hour,Min,Sec, sign(Minutes), abs(Minutes) div 60, abs(Minutes) rem 60]), lists:flatten(Date). diff_in_minutes(L,U) -> (calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(L) - calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(U))/60. sign(Minutes) when Minutes > 0 -> $+; sign(_Minutes) -> $-. %% uniq uniq([]) -> []; uniq([First,First|Rest]) -> uniq([First|Rest]); uniq([First|Rest]) -> [First|uniq(Rest)]. %% day day(1) -> "Mon"; day(2) -> "Tue"; day(3) -> "Wed"; day(4) -> "Thu"; day(5) -> "Fri"; day(6) -> "Sat"; day(7) -> "Sun". %% month month(1) -> "Jan"; month(2) -> "Feb"; month(3) -> "Mar"; month(4) -> "Apr"; month(5) -> "May"; month(6) -> "Jun"; month(7) -> "Jul"; month(8) -> "Aug"; month(9) -> "Sep"; month(10) -> "Oct"; month(11) -> "Nov"; month(12) -> "Dec". %% decode_hex decode_hex(URI) -> http_uri:decode(URI). encode_hex(URI) -> http_uri:encode(URI). %% flatlength flatlength(List) -> flatlength(List, 0). flatlength([H|T],L) when is_list(H) -> flatlength(H,flatlength(T,L)); flatlength([H|T],L) when is_binary(H) -> flatlength(T,L+size(H)); flatlength([_H|T],L) -> flatlength(T,L+1); flatlength([],L) -> L. %% split_path split_path(Path) -> case inets_regexp:match(Path,"[\?].*\$") of %% A QUERY_STRING exists! {match,Start,Length} -> {http_uri:decode(string:substr(Path,1,Start-1)), string:substr(Path,Start,Length)}; %% A possible PATH_INFO exists! nomatch -> split_path(Path,[]) end. split_path([],SoFar) -> {http_uri:decode(lists:reverse(SoFar)),[]}; split_path([$/|Rest],SoFar) -> Path=http_uri:decode(lists:reverse(SoFar)), case file:read_file_info(Path) of {ok,FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular -> {Path,[$/|Rest]}; {ok, _FileInfo} -> split_path(Rest,[$/|SoFar]); {error, _Reason} -> split_path(Rest,[$/|SoFar]) end; split_path([C|Rest],SoFar) -> split_path(Rest,[C|SoFar]). %% split_script_path split_script_path(Path) -> case split_script_path(Path, []) of {Script, AfterPath} -> {PathInfo, QueryString} = pathinfo_querystring(AfterPath), {Script, {PathInfo, QueryString}}; not_a_script -> not_a_script end. pathinfo_querystring(Str) -> pathinfo_querystring(Str, []). pathinfo_querystring([], SoFar) -> {lists:reverse(SoFar), []}; pathinfo_querystring([$?|Rest], SoFar) -> {lists:reverse(SoFar), Rest}; pathinfo_querystring([C|Rest], SoFar) -> pathinfo_querystring(Rest, [C|SoFar]). split_script_path([$?|QueryString], SoFar) -> Path = http_uri:decode(lists:reverse(SoFar)), case file:read_file_info(Path) of {ok,FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular -> {Path, [$?|QueryString]}; {ok, _FileInfo} -> not_a_script; {error, _Reason} -> not_a_script end; split_script_path([], SoFar) -> Path = http_uri:decode(lists:reverse(SoFar)), case file:read_file_info(Path) of {ok,FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular -> {Path, []}; {ok, _FileInfo} -> not_a_script; {error, _Reason} -> not_a_script end; split_script_path([$/|Rest], SoFar) -> Path = http_uri:decode(lists:reverse(SoFar)), case file:read_file_info(Path) of {ok, FileInfo} when FileInfo#file_info.type =:= regular -> {Path, [$/|Rest]}; {ok, _FileInfo} -> split_script_path(Rest, [$/|SoFar]); {error, _Reason} -> split_script_path(Rest, [$/|SoFar]) end; split_script_path([C|Rest], SoFar) -> split_script_path(Rest,[C|SoFar]). %% suffix suffix(Path) -> case filename:extension(Path) of [] -> []; Extension -> tl(Extension) end. %% strip strip(Value)-> lists:reverse(remove_ws(lists:reverse(remove_ws(Value)))). remove_ws([$\s|Rest])-> remove_ws(Rest); remove_ws([$\t|Rest]) -> remove_ws(Rest); remove_ws(Rest) -> Rest. %% split split(String,RegExp,Limit) -> case inets_regexp:parse(RegExp) of {error,Reason} -> {error,Reason}; {ok,_} -> {ok,do_split(String,RegExp,Limit)} end. do_split(String, _RegExp, 1) -> [String]; do_split(String,RegExp,Limit) -> case inets_regexp:first_match(String,RegExp) of {match,Start,Length} -> [string:substr(String,1,Start-1)| do_split(lists:nthtail(Start+Length-1,String),RegExp,Limit-1)]; nomatch -> [String] end. %% make_name/2, make_name/3 %% Prefix -> string() %% First part of the name, e.g. "httpd" %% Addr -> {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined %% The address part of the name. %% e.g. "" or {123,234,55,66} or "otp.ericsson.se" %% for a host address or undefined if local host. %% Port -> integer() %% Last part of the name, such as the HTTPD server port %% number (80). %% Postfix -> Any string that will be added last to the name %% %% Example: %% make_name("httpd","otp.ericsson.se",80) => httpd__otp_ericsson_se__80 %% make_name("httpd",undefined,8088) => httpd_8088 make_name(Prefix,Port) -> make_name(Prefix,undefined,Port,""). make_name(Prefix,Addr,Port) -> make_name(Prefix,Addr,Port,""). make_name(Prefix,"*",Port,Postfix) -> make_name(Prefix,undefined,Port,Postfix); make_name(Prefix,any,Port,Postfix) -> make_name1(io_lib:format("~s_~w~s",[Prefix,Port,Postfix])); make_name(Prefix,undefined,Port,Postfix) -> make_name1(io_lib:format("~s_~w~s",[Prefix,Port,Postfix])); make_name(Prefix,Addr,Port,Postfix) -> NameString = Prefix ++ "__" ++ make_name2(Addr) ++ "__" ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++ Postfix, make_name1(NameString). make_name1(String) -> list_to_atom(lists:flatten(String)). make_name2({A,B,C,D}) -> io_lib:format("~w_~w_~w_~w", [A,B,C,D]); make_name2({A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H}) -> io_lib:format("~s_~s_~s_~s_~s_~s_~s_~s", [integer_to_hexlist(A), integer_to_hexlist(B), integer_to_hexlist(C), integer_to_hexlist(D), integer_to_hexlist(E), integer_to_hexlist(F), integer_to_hexlist(G), integer_to_hexlist(H) ]); make_name2(Addr) -> search_and_replace(Addr,$.,$_). search_and_replace(S,A,B) -> Fun = fun(What) -> case What of A -> B; O -> O end end, lists:map(Fun,S). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Converts a string that constists of 0-9,A-F,a-f to a %% integer %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- hexlist_to_integer(List)-> http_util:hexlist_to_integer(List). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Converts an integer to an hexlist %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer_to_hexlist(Num) when is_integer(Num) -> http_util:integer_to_hexlist(Num). create_etag(FileInfo) -> create_etag(FileInfo#file_info.mtime,FileInfo#file_info.size). create_etag({{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Min,Sec}},Size)-> create_part([Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec])++io_lib:write(Size); create_etag(FileInfo,Size)-> create_etag(FileInfo#file_info.mtime,Size). create_part(Values)-> lists:map(fun(Val0)-> Val=Val0 rem 60, if Val=<25 -> 65+Val; % A-Z Val=<50 -> 72+Val; % a-z %%Since no date s true -> Val-3 end end,Values). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Validate httpd options %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- modules_validate([]) -> ok; modules_validate([Head | Tail]) -> ok = module_validate(Head), modules_validate(Tail). module_validate(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> case code:which(Module) of non_existing -> throw({module_does_not_exist, Module}); _ -> ok end; module_validate(Module) -> throw({module_name_not_atom, Module}). dir_validate(ConfDir, Dir) -> case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of true -> ok; false when is_list(Dir) -> throw({non_existing, {ConfDir, Dir}}); false -> throw({ConfDir, Dir}) end. file_validate(ConfFile, File) -> case filelib:is_file(File) of true -> ok; false when is_list(File) -> throw({non_existing, {ConfFile, File}}); false -> throw({ConfFile, File}) end. mime_type_validate({Value1, Value2}) when is_list(Value1) andalso is_list(Value2) -> ok; mime_type_validate({_, _} = Value) -> throw({mime_type, Value}); mime_type_validate(MimeFile) -> file_validate(mime_types, MimeFile). mime_types_validate([{_, _} = Value | Rest]) -> ok = mime_types_validate(Value), mime_types_validate(Rest); mime_types_validate([]) -> ok; mime_types_validate(MimeFile) -> mime_type_validate(MimeFile). valid_options(Debug, AcceptTimeout, Config) -> valid_debug(Debug), valid_accept_timeout(AcceptTimeout), valid_config(Config). valid_debug([]) -> ok; valid_debug(disable) -> ok; valid_debug(L) when is_list(L) -> valid_debug2(L); valid_debug(D) -> throw({error, {bad_debug_option,D}}). valid_debug2([{all_functions,L}|Rest]) when is_list(L) -> try modules_validate(L) of ok -> valid_debug2(Rest) catch throw:Error -> throw({error, Error}) end; valid_debug2([{exported_functions,L}|Rest]) when is_list(L) -> modules_validate(L), valid_debug2(Rest); valid_debug2([{disable,L}|Rest]) when is_list(L) -> modules_validate(L), valid_debug2(Rest); valid_debug2([H|_T]) -> throw({error,{bad_debug_option,H}}); valid_debug2([]) -> ok. valid_accept_timeout(I) when is_integer(I) -> ok; valid_accept_timeout(A) -> throw({error,{bad_debug_option,A}}). valid_config(_) -> ok. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Enable debugging, %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- enable_debug([]) -> ok; enable_debug(Debug) -> dbg:tracer(), dbg:p(all, [call]), do_enable_debug(Debug). do_enable_debug(disable) -> dbg:stop(); do_enable_debug([]) -> ok; do_enable_debug([{Level,Modules}|Rest]) when is_atom(Level) andalso is_list(Modules) -> case Level of all_functions -> lists:foreach( fun(X) -> dbg:tpl(X, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]) end, Modules); exported_functions -> lists:foreach( fun(X) -> dbg:tp(X, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]) end, Modules); disable -> lists:foreach( fun(X) -> dbg:ctp(X) end, Modules); _ -> ok end, do_enable_debug(Rest).