%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([do/1,load/2, store/2]).


%% do

do(Info) ->
  case proplists:get_value(status, Info#mod.data) of
    %% A status code has been generated!
    {_StatusCode, _PhraseArgs, _Reason} ->
    %% No status code has been generated!
    undefined ->
      case proplists:get_value(response, Info#mod.data) of
	%% No response has been generated!
	undefined ->
	  Path = mod_alias:path(Info#mod.data,Info#mod.config_db,
	  Suffix = httpd_util:suffix(Path),
	  MimeType = httpd_util:lookup_mime(Info#mod.config_db,Suffix,
	  Actions = httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db,action),
	  case action(Info#mod.request_uri,MimeType,Actions) of
	    {yes, RequestURI} ->
	      {proceed, [{new_request_uri, RequestURI} | Info#mod.data]};
	    no ->
	      Scripts = httpd_util:multi_lookup(Info#mod.config_db, script),
	      case script(Info#mod.request_uri, Info#mod.method, Scripts) of
		{yes, RequestURI} ->
		  {proceed,[{new_request_uri, RequestURI} | Info#mod.data]};
		no ->
		  {proceed, Info#mod.data} 
	%% A response has been generated or sent!
	_Response ->
	  {proceed, Info#mod.data}

action(_RequestURI, _MimeType, []) ->
action(RequestURI, MimeType, [{MimeType, CGIScript} | _Rest]) ->
  {yes, CGIScript ++ RequestURI};
action(RequestURI, MimeType, [_ | Rest]) ->
  action(RequestURI, MimeType, Rest).

script(_RequestURI, _Method, []) ->
script(RequestURI, Method, [{Method, CGIScript} | _Rest]) ->
  {yes, CGIScript ++ RequestURI};
script(RequestURI, Method, [_ | Rest]) ->
  script(RequestURI, Method, Rest).

%% Configuration

%% load

load("Action "++  Action, []) ->
  case inets_regexp:split(Action, " ") of
    {ok,[MimeType, CGIScript]} ->
      {ok,[],{action, {MimeType, CGIScript}}};
    {ok,_} ->
      {error,?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(Action)++" is an invalid Action")}
load("Script " ++ Script,[]) ->
  case inets_regexp:split(Script, " ") of
    {ok,[Method, CGIScript]} ->
      {ok,[],{script, {Method, CGIScript}}};
    {ok,_} ->
      {error,?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(Script)++" is an invalid Script")}

store({action, {MimeType, CGIScript}} = Conf, _) when is_list(MimeType),
						      is_list(CGIScript)  ->
    {ok, Conf};
store({action, Value}, _) ->
    {error, {wrong_type, {action, Value}}};

store({script, {Method, CGIScript}} = Conf, _) when is_list(Method),
						    is_list(CGIScript) ->
    case string:to_lower(Method) of
	"get" ->
	    {ok, Conf};
	"post" ->
	    {ok, Conf};
	_ ->
	    {error, {wrong_type, Conf}}

store({script, Value}, _) ->
    {error, {wrong_type, {script, Value}}}.