%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: The main interface module of the inets application %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(inets). %% API -export([start/0, start/1, start/2, start/3, stop/0, stop/2, services/0, services_info/0, service_names/0]). -export([enable_trace/2, enable_trace/3, disable_trace/0, set_trace/1, report_event/4]). -export([versions/0, print_version_info/0, print_version_info/1]). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: start([, Type]) -> ok %% %% Type = permanent | transient | temporary %% %% Description: Starts the inets application. Default type %% is temporary. see application(3) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start() -> application:start(inets). start(Type) -> application:start(inets, Type). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: start(Service, ServiceConfig [, How]) -> {ok, Pid} | %% {error, Reason} %% %% Service = - ftpc | tftpd | httpc | httpd %% ServiceConfig = ConfPropList | ConfFile %% ConfPropList = [{Property, Value}] according to service %% ConfFile = Path - when service is httpd %% How = inets | stand_alone %% %% Description: Dynamically starts an inets service after the inets %% application has been started. %% %% Note: Dynamically started services will not be handled by %% application takeover and failover behavior when inets is run as a %% distributed application. Nor will they be automaticly restarted %% when the inets application is restarted, but as long as the inets %% application is up and running they will be supervised and may be %% soft code upgraded. Services started with the option stand alone, %% e.i. the service is not started as part of the inets application, %% will lose all OTP application benefits such as soft upgrade. The %% stand alone service will be linked to the process that started it. %% In most cases some of the supervison functionallity will still be %% in place and in some sense the calling process has now become the %% top supervisor. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- start(Service, ServiceConfig) -> Module = service_module(Service), start_service(Module, ServiceConfig, inets). start(Service, ServiceConfig, How) -> Module = service_module(Service), start_service(Module, ServiceConfig, How). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: stop() -> ok %% %% Description: Stops the inets application. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- stop() -> application:stop(inets). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: stop(Service, Pid) -> ok %% %% Service - ftp | tftpd | http | httpd | stand_alone %% %% Description: Stops a started service of the inets application or takes %% down a stand alone "service" gracefully. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- stop(stand_alone, Pid) -> true = exit(Pid, shutdown), ok; stop(Service, Pid) -> Module = service_module(Service), call_service(Module, stop_service, Pid). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: services() -> [{Service, Pid}] %% %% Description: Returns a list of currently running services. %% Note: Services started with the stand alone option will not be listed %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- services() -> Modules = [service_module(Service) || Service <- service_names()], try lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(Module) -> Module:services() end, Modules)) of Result -> Result catch exit:{noproc, _} -> {error, inets_not_started} end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: services_info() -> [{Service, Pid, Info}] %% %% Description: Returns a list of currently running services where %% each service is described by a [{Property, Value}] list. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- services_info() -> case services() of {error, inets_not_started} -> {error, inets_not_started}; Services -> Fun = fun({Service, Pid}) -> Module = service_module(Service), Info = case Module:service_info(Pid) of {ok, PropList} -> PropList; {error, Reason} -> Reason end, {Service, Pid, Info} end, lists:flatten(lists:map(Fun, Services)) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: print_version_info() %% %% Description: Simple utility function to print information %% about versions (system, OS and modules). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- print_version_info() -> {ok, Versions} = inets:versions(), print_version_info(Versions). print_version_info(Versions) when is_list(Versions) -> print_sys_info(Versions), print_os_info(Versions), print_mods_info(Versions). print_sys_info(Versions) -> case key1search(sys_info, Versions) of {value, SysInfo} when is_list(SysInfo) -> {value, Arch} = key1search(arch, SysInfo, "Not found"), {value, Ver} = key1search(ver, SysInfo, "Not found"), io:format("System info: " "~n Arch: ~s" "~n Ver: ~s" "~n", [Arch, Ver]), ok; _ -> io:format("System info: Not found~n", []), not_found end. print_os_info(Versions) -> case key1search(os_info, Versions) of {value, OsInfo} when is_list(OsInfo) -> Fam = case key1search(fam, OsInfo, "Not found") of {value, F} when is_atom(F) -> atom_to_list(F); {value, LF} when is_list(LF) -> LF; {value, XF} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [XF])) end, Name = case key1search(name, OsInfo) of {value, N} when is_atom(N) -> "[" ++ atom_to_list(N) ++ "]"; {value, LN} when is_list(LN) -> "[" ++ LN ++ "]"; not_found -> "" end, Ver = case key1search(ver, OsInfo, "Not found") of {value, T} when is_tuple(T) -> tversion(T); {value, LV} when is_list(LV) -> LV; {value, XV} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [XV])) end, io:format("OS info: " "~n Family: ~s ~s" "~n Ver: ~s" "~n", [Fam, Name, Ver]), ok; _ -> io:format("OS info: Not found~n", []), not_found end. versions() -> App = inets, LibDir = code:lib_dir(App), File = filename:join([LibDir, "ebin", atom_to_list(App) ++ ".app"]), case file:consult(File) of {ok, [{application, App, AppFile}]} -> case lists:keysearch(modules, 1, AppFile) of {value, {modules, Mods}} -> {ok, version_info(Mods)}; _ -> {error, {invalid_format, modules}} end; Error -> {error, {invalid_format, Error}} end. version_info(Mods) -> SysInfo = sys_info(), OsInfo = os_info(), ModInfo = [mod_version_info(Mod) || Mod <- Mods], [{sys_info, SysInfo}, {os_info, OsInfo}, {mod_info, ModInfo}]. mod_version_info(Mod) -> Info = Mod:module_info(), {value, {attributes, Attr}} = lists:keysearch(attributes, 1, Info), {value, {vsn, [Vsn]}} = lists:keysearch(vsn, 1, Attr), {value, {app_vsn, AppVsn}} = lists:keysearch(app_vsn, 1, Attr), {value, {compile, Comp}} = lists:keysearch(compile, 1, Info), {value, {version, Ver}} = lists:keysearch(version, 1, Comp), {value, {time, Time}} = lists:keysearch(time, 1, Comp), {Mod, [{vsn, Vsn}, {app_vsn, AppVsn}, {compiler_version, Ver}, {compile_time, Time}]}. sys_info() -> SysArch = string:strip(erlang:system_info(system_architecture),right,$\n), SysVer = string:strip(erlang:system_info(system_version),right,$\n), [{arch, SysArch}, {ver, SysVer}]. os_info() -> V = os:version(), case os:type() of {OsFam, OsName} -> [{fam, OsFam}, {name, OsName}, {ver, V}]; OsFam -> [{fam, OsFam}, {ver, V}] end. print_mods_info(Versions) -> case key1search(mod_info, Versions) of {value, ModsInfo} when is_list(ModsInfo) -> io:format("Module info: ~n", []), lists:foreach(fun print_mod_info/1, ModsInfo); _ -> io:format("Module info: Not found~n", []), not_found end. tversion(T) -> L = tuple_to_list(T), lversion(L). lversion([]) -> ""; lversion([A]) -> integer_to_list(A); lversion([A|R]) -> integer_to_list(A) ++ "." ++ lversion(R). print_mod_info({Module, Info}) -> % Maybe a asn1 generated module Asn1Vsn = case (catch Module:info()) of AI when is_list(AI) -> case (catch key1search(vsn, AI)) of {value, V} when is_atom(V) -> atom_to_list(V); _ -> "-" end; _ -> "-" end, Vsn = case key1search(vsn, Info) of {value, I} when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I); _ -> "Not found" end, AppVsn = case key1search(app_vsn, Info) of {value, S1} when is_list(S1) -> S1; _ -> "Not found" end, CompVer = case key1search(compiler_version, Info) of {value, S2} when is_list(S2) -> S2; _ -> "Not found" end, CompDate = case key1search(compile_time, Info) of {value, {Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec}} -> lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~w-~2..0w-~2..0w ~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec])); _ -> "Not found" end, io:format(" ~w:~n" " Vsn: ~s~n" " App vsn: ~s~n" " ASN.1 vsn: ~s~n" " Compiler ver: ~s~n" " Compile time: ~s~n", [Module, Vsn, AppVsn, Asn1Vsn, CompVer, CompDate]), ok. key1search(Key, Vals) -> case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Vals) of {value, {Key, Val}} -> {value, Val}; false -> not_found end. key1search(Key, Vals, Def) -> case key1search(Key, Vals) of not_found -> {value, Def}; Value -> Value end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: service_names() -> [ServiceName] %% %% ServiceName = atom() %% %% Description: Returns a list of supported services %%------------------------------------------------------------------- service_names() -> [ftpc, tftpd, httpc, httpd]. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% enable_trace(Level, Destination) -> void() %% enable_trace(Level, Destination, Service) -> void() %% %% Parameters: %% Level -> max | min | integer() %% Destination -> File | Port | io | HandlerSpec %% Service -> httpc | httpd | ftpc | tftp | all %% File -> string() %% Port -> integer() %% Verbosity -> true | false %% HandlerSpec = {function(), Data} %% Data = term() %% %% Description: %% This function is used to start tracing at level Level and send %% the result either to the file File, the port Port or to a %% trace handler. %% Note that it starts a tracer server. %% When Destination is the atom io (or the tuple {io, Verbosity}), %% all (printable) inets trace events (trace_ts events which has %% Severity withing Limit) will be written to stdout using io:format. %% %%----------------------------------------------------------------- enable_trace(Level, Dest) -> enable_trace(Level, Dest, all). enable_trace(Level, Dest, Service) -> case valid_trace_service(Service) of true -> enable_trace2(Level, Dest, Service); false -> {error, {invalid_service, Service}} end. enable_trace2(Level, File, Service) when is_list(File) -> case file:open(File, [write]) of {ok, Fd} -> HandleSpec = {fun handle_trace/2, {Service, Fd}}, do_enable_trace(Level, process, HandleSpec); Err -> Err end; enable_trace2(Level, Port, _) when is_integer(Port) -> do_enable_trace(Level, port, dbg:trace_port(ip, Port)); enable_trace2(Level, io, Service) -> HandleSpec = {fun handle_trace/2, {Service, standard_io}}, do_enable_trace(Level, process, HandleSpec); enable_trace2(Level, {Fun, _Data} = HandleSpec, _) when is_function(Fun) -> do_enable_trace(Level, process, HandleSpec). do_enable_trace(Level, Type, HandleSpec) -> case dbg:tracer(Type, HandleSpec) of {ok, _} -> set_trace(Level), ok; Error -> Error end. valid_trace_service(all) -> true; valid_trace_service(Service) -> lists:member(Service, [httpc, httpd, ftpc, tftp]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% disable_trace() -> void() %% %% Description: %% This function is used to stop tracing. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- disable_trace() -> %% This is to make handle_trace/2 close the output file (if the %% event gets there before dbg closes) inets:report_event(100, "stop trace", stop_trace, [stop_trace]), dbg:stop(). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% set_trace(Level) -> void() %% %% Parameters: %% Level -> max | min | integer() %% %% Description: %% This function is used to change the trace level when tracing has %% already been started. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- set_trace(Level) -> set_trace(Level, all). set_trace(Level, Service) -> Pat = make_pattern(?MODULE, Service, Level), change_pattern(Pat). make_pattern(Mod, Service, Level) when is_atom(Mod) andalso is_atom(Service) -> case Level of min -> {Mod, Service, []}; max -> Head = ['$1', '_', '_', '_'], Body = [], Cond = [], {Mod, Service, [{Head, Cond, Body}]}; DetailLevel when is_integer(DetailLevel) -> Head = ['$1', '_', '_', '_'], Body = [], Cond = [{ '=<', '$1', DetailLevel}], {Mod, Service, [{Head, Cond, Body}]}; _ -> exit({bad_level, Level}) end. change_pattern({Mod, Service, Pattern}) when is_atom(Mod) andalso is_atom(Service) -> MFA = {Mod, report_event, 4}, case Pattern of [] -> try error_to_exit(ctp, dbg:ctp(MFA)), error_to_exit(p, dbg:p(all, clear)) catch exit:{Where, Reason} -> {error, {Where, Reason}} end; List when is_list(List) -> try error_to_exit(ctp, dbg:ctp(MFA)), error_to_exit(tp, dbg:tp(MFA, Pattern)), error_to_exit(p, dbg:p(all, [call, timestamp])) catch exit:{Where, Reason} -> {error, {Where, Reason}} end; _ -> exit({bad_pattern, Pattern}) end, ok. error_to_exit(_Where, {ok, _} = OK) -> OK; error_to_exit(Where, {error, Reason}) -> exit({Where, Reason}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% report_event(Serverity, Label, Service, Content) %% %% Parameters: %% Severity -> 0 =< integer() =< 100 %% Label -> string() %% Service -> httpd | httpc | ftp | tftp %% Content -> [{tag, term()}] %% %% Description: %% This function is used to generate trace events, that is, %% put trace on this function. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- report_event(Severity, Label, Service, Content) when (is_integer(Severity) andalso (Severity >= 0) andalso (100 >= Severity)) andalso is_list(Label) andalso is_atom(Service) andalso is_list(Content) -> hopefully_traced. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% handle_trace(Event, Fd) -> Verbosity %% %% Parameters: %% Event -> The trace event (only megaco 'trace_ts' events are printed) %% Fd -> standard_io | file_descriptor() | trace_port() %% %% Description: %% This function is used to "receive" and print the trace events. %% Events are printed if: %% - Verbosity is max %% - Severity is =< Verbosity (e.g. Severity = 30, and Verbosity = 40) %% Events are not printed if: %% - Verbosity is min %% - Severity is > Verbosity %%----------------------------------------------------------------- handle_trace(_, closed_file = Fd) -> Fd; handle_trace({trace_ts, _Who, call, {?MODULE, report_event, [_Sev, "stop trace", stop_trace, [stop_trace]]}, Timestamp}, {_, standard_io} = Fd) -> (catch io:format(standard_io, "stop trace at ~s~n", [format_timestamp(Timestamp)])), Fd; handle_trace({trace_ts, _Who, call, {?MODULE, report_event, [_Sev, "stop trace", stop_trace, [stop_trace]]}, Timestamp}, standard_io = Fd) -> (catch io:format(Fd, "stop trace at ~s~n", [format_timestamp(Timestamp)])), Fd; handle_trace({trace_ts, _Who, call, {?MODULE, report_event, [_Sev, "stop trace", stop_trace, [stop_trace]]}, Timestamp}, {_Service, Fd}) -> (catch io:format(Fd, "stop trace at ~s~n", [format_timestamp(Timestamp)])), (catch file:close(Fd)), closed_file; handle_trace({trace_ts, _Who, call, {?MODULE, report_event, [_Sev, "stop trace", stop_trace, [stop_trace]]}, Timestamp}, Fd) -> (catch io:format(Fd, "stop trace at ~s~n", [format_timestamp(Timestamp)])), (catch file:close(Fd)), closed_file; handle_trace({trace_ts, Who, call, {?MODULE, report_event, [Sev, Label, Service, Content]}, Timestamp}, Fd) -> (catch print_inets_trace(Fd, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, Service, Content)), Fd; handle_trace(Event, Fd) -> (catch print_trace(Fd, Event)), Fd. print_inets_trace({Service, Fd}, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, Service, Content) -> do_print_inets_trace(Fd, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, Service, Content); print_inets_trace({ServiceA, Fd}, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, ServiceB, Content) when (ServiceA =:= all) -> do_print_inets_trace(Fd, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, ServiceB, Content); print_inets_trace({ServiceA, _Fd}, _Sev, _Timestamp, _Who, _Label, ServiceB, _Content) when ServiceA =/= ServiceB -> ok; print_inets_trace(Fd, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, Service, Content) -> do_print_inets_trace(Fd, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, Service, Content). do_print_inets_trace(Fd, Sev, Timestamp, Who, Label, Service, Content) -> Ts = format_timestamp(Timestamp), io:format(Fd, "[inets ~w trace ~w ~w ~s] ~s " "~n Content: ~p" "~n", [Service, Sev, Who, Ts, Label, Content]). print_trace({_, Fd}, Event) -> do_print_trace(Fd, Event); print_trace(Fd, Event) -> do_print_trace(Fd, Event). do_print_trace(Fd, {trace, Who, What, Where}) -> io:format(Fd, "[trace]" "~n Who: ~p" "~n What: ~p" "~n Where: ~p" "~n", [Who, What, Where]); do_print_trace(Fd, {trace, Who, What, Where, Extra}) -> io:format(Fd, "[trace]" "~n Who: ~p" "~n What: ~p" "~n Where: ~p" "~n Extra: ~p" "~n", [Who, What, Where, Extra]); do_print_trace(Fd, {trace_ts, Who, What, Where, When}) -> Ts = format_timestamp(When), io:format(Fd, "[trace ~s]" "~n Who: ~p" "~n What: ~p" "~n Where: ~p" "~n", [Ts, Who, What, Where]); do_print_trace(Fd, {trace_ts, Who, What, Where, Extra, When}) -> Ts = format_timestamp(When), io:format(Fd, "[trace ~s]" "~n Who: ~p" "~n What: ~p" "~n Where: ~p" "~n Extra: ~p" "~n", [Ts, Who, What, Where, Extra]); do_print_trace(Fd, {seq_trace, What, Where}) -> io:format(Fd, "[seq trace]" "~n What: ~p" "~n Where: ~p" "~n", [What, Where]); do_print_trace(Fd, {seq_trace, What, Where, When}) -> Ts = format_timestamp(When), io:format(Fd, "[seq trace ~s]" "~n What: ~p" "~n Where: ~p" "~n", [Ts, What, Where]); do_print_trace(Fd, {drop, Num}) -> io:format(Fd, "[drop trace] ~p~n", [Num]); do_print_trace(Fd, Trace) -> io:format(Fd, "[trace] " "~n ~p" "~n", [Trace]). format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, N3} = Now) -> {Date, Time} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Now), {YYYY,MM,DD} = Date, {Hour,Min,Sec} = Time, FormatDate = io_lib:format("~.4w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w 4~w", [YYYY,MM,DD,Hour,Min,Sec,round(N3/1000)]), lists:flatten(FormatDate). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_service(Service, Args, stand_alone) -> Service:start_standalone(Args); start_service(Service, Args, inets) -> call_service(Service, start_service, Args). call_service(Service, Call, Args) -> try Service:Call(Args) of Result -> Result catch exit:{noproc, _} -> {error, inets_not_started} end. service_module(tftpd) -> tftp; service_module(httpc) -> http; service_module(ftpc) -> ftp; service_module(Service) -> Service.