%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(httpd_1_1). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -export([host/4, chunked/4, expect/4, range/4, if_test/5, trace/4, head/4, mod_cgi_chunked_encoding_test/5]). %% -define(all_keys_lower_case,true). -ifndef(all_keys_lower_case). -define(CONTENT_LENGTH, "Content-Length: "). -define(CONTENT_RANGE, "Content-Range: "). -define(CONTENT_TYPE, "Content-Type: "). -else. -define(CONTENT_LENGTH, "content-length:"). -define(CONTENT_RANGE, "content-range:"). -define(CONTENT_TYPE, "content-type:"). -endif. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test cases %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- host(Type, Port, Host, Node) -> %% No host must generate an error ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 400}]), %% If it is a fully qualified URL no host is needed ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET HTTP://"++ Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port)++ "/ HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), %% If both look at the url. ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET HTTP://"++ Host ++ ":"++ integer_to_list(Port) ++ "/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:"++ Host ++ "\r\n\r\n",[{statuscode, 200}]), %% Allow the request if its a Host field ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:"++ Host ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), ok. chunked(Type, Port, Host, Node)-> ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host:"++ Host ++"\r\n" "Transfer-Encoding:chunked\r\n" "\r\n" "A\r\n" "1234567890\r\n" "4\r\n" "HEJ!\r\n" "0\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host:"++ Host ++"\r\n" "Transfer-Encoding:chunked\r\n" "Trailer:Content-Type\r\n" "\r\n" "A\r\n" "1234567890\r\n" "4\r\n" "HEJ!\r\n" "0\r\n" "Content-Type:text/plain\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), ok. expect(Type, Port, Host, Node)-> Request="GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nContent-Length:22\r\nExpect:100-continue\r\n\r\n", ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, Request, [{statuscode, 100}]). range(Type, Port, Host, Node)-> ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET /range.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nRange:bytes=110-120\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode,416}]), %%The simples of all range request a range Request1="GET /range.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nRange:bytes=0-9\r\n\r\n", {ok, Socket1} = inets_test_lib:connect_byte(Type, Host, Port), inets_test_lib:send(Type, Socket1,Request1), ok = validateRangeRequest(Socket1,[],"1234567890",$2,$0,$6), inets_test_lib:close(Type,Socket1), %% Request the end of the file Request2 = "GET /range.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nRange:bytes=90-\r\n\r\n", {ok, Socket2} = inets_test_lib:connect_byte(Type, Host, Port), inets_test_lib:send(Type, Socket2, Request2), ok = validateRangeRequest(Socket2,[],"1234567890",$2,$0,$6), inets_test_lib:close(Type,Socket2), %% The last byte in the file Request3 = "GET /range.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:"++ Host ++ "\r\nRange:bytes=-1\r\n\r\n", {ok, Socket3} = inets_test_lib:connect_byte(Type, Host, Port), inets_test_lib:send(Type, Socket3,Request3), ok = validateRangeRequest(Socket3,[],"0",$2,$0,$6), inets_test_lib:close(Type, Socket3), %%Multi Range Request4 = "GET /range.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nRange:bytes=0-0,2-2,-1\r\n\r\n", {ok, Socket4} = inets_test_lib:connect_byte(Type, Host, Port), inets_test_lib:send(Type, Socket4, Request4), ok = validateRangeRequest(Socket4,[],"130",$2,$0,$6), inets_test_lib:close(Type, Socket4). if_test(Type, Port, Host, Node, DocRoot)-> {ok, FileInfo} = file:read_file_info(filename:join([DocRoot,"index.html"])), CreatedSec = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(FileInfo#file_info.mtime), Mod = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime( CreatedSec-1)), %% Test that we get the data when the file is modified ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nIf-Modified-Since:" ++ Mod ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), Mod1 = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime( CreatedSec+100)), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type,Host,Port,Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++"\r\nIf-Modified-Since:" ++ Mod1 ++"\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 304}]), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nIf-Modified-Since:" ++ "AAA[...]AAAA" ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 400}]), Mod2 = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime( CreatedSec+1)), %% Control that the If-Unmodified-Header lmits the response ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type,Host,Port,Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nIf-Unmodified-Since:" ++ Mod2 ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), Mod3 = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime( CreatedSec-1)), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\nIf-Unmodified-Since:"++ Mod3 ++"\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 412}]), %% Control that we get the body when the etag match ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++"\r\n"++ "If-Match:"++ httpd_util:create_etag(FileInfo)++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\n"++ "If-Match:NotEtag\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 412}]), %% Control the response when the if-none-match header is there ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++"\r\n"++ "If-None-Match:NoTaag," ++ httpd_util:create_etag(FileInfo) ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 304}]), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\n"++ "If-None-Match:NotEtag," "NeihterEtag\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode,200}]), ok. trace(Type, Port, Host, Node)-> ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "TRACE / HTTP/1.1\r\n" ++ "Host:" ++ Host ++ "\r\n" ++ "Max-Forwards:2\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]). head(Type, Port, Host, Node)-> %% mod_include ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "HEAD /fsize.shtml HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}, {version, "HTTP/1.0"}]), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "HEAD /fsize.shtml HTTP/1.1\r\nhost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), %% mod_esi ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "HEAD /cgi-bin/erl/httpd_example/newformat" " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}, {version, "HTTP/1.0"}]), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, "HEAD /cgi-bin/erl/httpd_example/newformat " "HTTP/1.1\r\nhost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]), %% mod_cgi Script = case test_server:os_type() of {win32, _} -> "printenv.bat"; _ -> "printenv.sh" end, ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type,Host,Port,Node,"HEAD /cgi-bin/" ++ Script ++ " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}, {version, "HTTP/1.0"}]), ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type,Host,Port,Node, "HEAD /cgi-bin/" ++ Script ++ " HTTP/1.1\r\nhost:" ++ Host ++ "\r\n\r\n", [{statuscode, 200}]). mod_cgi_chunked_encoding_test(_, _, _, _, [])-> ok; mod_cgi_chunked_encoding_test(Type, Port, Host, Node, [Request| Rest])-> ok = httpd_test_lib:verify_request(Type, Host, Port, Node, Request, [{statuscode, 200}]), mod_cgi_chunked_encoding_test(Type, Port, Host, Node, Rest). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- validateRangeRequest(Socket,Response,ValidBody,C,O,DE)-> receive {_,Socket,Data} -> case string:str(Data,"\r\n") of 0-> validateRangeRequest(Socket, Response ++ Data, ValidBody, C, O, DE); _N -> case Response ++ Data of [$H,$T,$T,$P,$/,$1,$.,$1,$ ,C,O,DE | _Rest]-> case [C,O,DE] of "206" -> validateRangeRequest1(Socket, Response ++ Data, ValidBody); _ -> bad_code end; _-> error end end; _Error -> error end. validateRangeRequest1(Socket, Response, ValidBody) -> case end_of_header(Response) of false -> receive {_,Socket,Data} -> validateRangeRequest1(Socket, Response ++ Data, ValidBody); _-> error end; {true, Head1, Body, _Size} -> %% In this case size will be 0 if it is a multipart so %% don't use it. validateRangeRequest2(Socket, Head1, Body, ValidBody, getRangeSize(Head1)) end. validateRangeRequest2(Socket, Head, Body, ValidBody, {multiPart,Boundary})-> case endReached(Body,Boundary) of true -> validateMultiPartRangeRequest(Body, ValidBody, Boundary); false-> receive {_, Socket, Data} -> validateRangeRequest2(Socket, Head, Body ++ Data, ValidBody, {multiPart, Boundary}); {_, Socket} -> error; _ -> error end end; validateRangeRequest2(Socket, Head, Body, ValidBody, BodySize) when is_integer(BodySize) -> case length(Body) of Size when Size =:= BodySize -> case Body of ValidBody -> ok; Body -> error end; Size when Size < BodySize -> receive {_, Socket, Data} -> validateRangeRequest2(Socket, Head, Body ++ Data, ValidBody, BodySize); _ -> error end; _ -> error end. validateMultiPartRangeRequest(Body, ValidBody, Boundary)-> case re:split(Body,"--"++Boundary++"--", [{return, list}]) of %%Last is the epilogue and must be ignored [First | _Last]-> %%First is now the actuall http request body. case re:split(First, "--" ++ Boundary, [{return, list}]) of %%Parts is now a list of ranges and the heads for each range %%Gues we try to split out the body Parts-> case lists:flatten(lists:map(fun splitRange/1,Parts)) of ValidBody-> ok; ParsedBody-> error = ParsedBody end end; _ -> error end. splitRange(Part)-> case re:split(Part, "\r\n\r\n", [{return, list}]) of [_, Body] -> string:substr(Body, 1, length(Body) - 2); _ -> [] end. endReached(Body, Boundary)-> EndBound = "--" ++ Boundary ++ "--", case string:str(Body, EndBound) of 0 -> false; _ -> true end. getRangeSize(Head)-> case controlMimeType(Head) of {multiPart, BoundaryString}-> {multiPart, BoundaryString}; _X1 -> case re:run(Head, ?CONTENT_RANGE "bytes=.*\r\n", [{capture, first}]) of {match, [{Start, Lenght}]} -> %% Get the range data remove the fieldname and the %% end of line. RangeInfo = string:substr(Head, Start + 1 + 20, Lenght - (20 +2)), rangeSize(string:strip(RangeInfo)); _X2 -> error end end. %%RangeInfo is NNN1-NNN2/NNN3 %%NNN1=RangeStartByte %%NNN2=RangeEndByte %%NNN3=total amount of bytes in file rangeSize([$=|RangeInfo]) -> rangeSize(RangeInfo); rangeSize(RangeInfo) -> StartByte = lists:takewhile(fun(X)-> num(X, true) end, RangeInfo), RangeInfo2 = string:substr(RangeInfo, length(StartByte) + 2), EndByte = lists:takewhile(fun(X)-> num(X,true) end, RangeInfo2), case list_to_integer(EndByte) - list_to_integer(StartByte) of Val when is_number(Val) -> %%Add one since it is startByte to endbyte ie 0-0 is 1 %%byte 0-99 is 100 bytes Val + 1; _Val -> error end. num(CharVal, RetVal) when (CharVal >= 48) andalso (CharVal =< 57) -> RetVal; num(_CharVal, true) -> false; num(_CharVal, false) -> true. controlMimeType(Head)-> case re:run(Head,?CONTENT_TYPE "multipart/byteranges.*\r\n", [{capture, first}]) of {match, [{Start,Length}]}-> FieldNameLen = length(?CONTENT_TYPE "multipart/byteranges"), case clearBoundary(string:substr(Head, Start + 1 + FieldNameLen, Length - (FieldNameLen+2))) of error -> error; BoundaryStr -> {multiPart,BoundaryStr} end; nomatch-> 0; _ -> error end. clearBoundary(Boundary)-> case re:run(Boundary, "boundary=.*\$", [{capture, first}]) of {match, [{Start1, Length1}]}-> BoundLen = length("boundary="), string:substr(Boundary, Start1 + 1 + BoundLen, Length1 - BoundLen); _ -> error end. end_of_header(HeaderPart) -> case httpd_util:split(HeaderPart,"\r\n\r\n",2) of {ok, [Head, Body]} -> {true, Head, Body, get_body_size(Head)}; _Pos -> false end. get_body_size(Head) -> case re:run(Head,?CONTENT_LENGTH ".*\r\n", [{capture, first}]) of {match, [{Start, Length}]} -> %% 15 is length of Content-Length, %% 17 Is length of Content-Length and \r\ S = list_to_integer( string:strip(string:substr(Head, Start +1 + 15, Length-17))), S; _-> 0 end.