%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(inets_test_lib). -include("inets_test_lib.hrl"). -include_lib("inets/src/http_lib/http_internal.hrl"). %% Various small utility functions -export([start_http_server/1, start_http_server/2]). -export([start_http_server_ssl/1, start_http_server_ssl/2]). -export([hostname/0]). -export([connect_bin/3, connect_bin/4, connect_byte/3, connect_byte/4, send/3, close/2]). -export([copy_file/3, copy_files/2, copy_dirs/2, del_dirs/1]). -export([info/4, log/4, debug/4, print/4]). -export([tsp/1, tsp/2, tsf/1]). -export([check_body/1]). -export([millis/0, millis_diff/2, hours/1, minutes/1, seconds/1, sleep/1]). -export([oscmd/1, has_ipv6_support/0, has_ipv6_support/1, print_system_info/1]). -export([run_on_os/2, run_on_windows/1]). -export([ensure_started/1]). -export([non_pc_tc_maybe_skip/4, os_based_skip/1, skip/3, fail/3]). -export([flush/0]). -export([start_node/1, stop_node/1]). %% -- Misc os command and stuff has_ipv6_support() -> tsp("has_ipv6_support -> no ipv6_hosts config"), {ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(), case inet:getaddrs(Hostname, inet6) of {ok, [Addr|_]} when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (element(1, Addr) =/= 0) -> %% We actually need to test that the addr can be used, %% this is done by attempting to create a (tcp) %% listen socket tsp("has_ipv6_support -> check Addr: ~p", [Addr]), case (catch gen_tcp:listen(0, [inet6, {ip, Addr}])) of {ok, LSock} -> tsp("has_ipv6_support -> we are ipv6 host"), gen_tcp:close(LSock), {ok, Addr}; _ -> undefined end; _ -> undefined end. has_ipv6_support(Config) -> case lists:keysearch(ipv6_hosts, 1, Config) of false -> %% Do a basic check to se if %% our own host has a working IPv6 address... has_ipv6_support(); {value, {_, Hosts}} when is_list(Hosts) -> %% Check if our host is in the list of *known* IPv6 hosts tsp("has_ipv6_support -> Hosts: ~p", [Hosts]), {ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(), case lists:member(list_to_atom(Hostname), Hosts) of true -> tsp("has_ipv6_support -> we are known ipv6 host"), {ok, [Addr|_]} = inet:getaddrs(Hostname, inet6), {ok, Addr}; false -> undefined end; _ -> undefined end. oscmd(Cmd) -> string:strip(os:cmd(Cmd), right, $\n). print_system_info([]) -> do_print_system_info("System Info"); print_system_info(Prefix) when is_list(Prefix) -> NewPrefix = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s: System Info", [Prefix])), do_print_system_info(NewPrefix). do_print_system_info(Prefix) -> tsp("~s => " "~n" "~n OS Type: ~p" "~n OS version: ~p" "~n Sys Arch: ~p" "~n CPU Topology: ~p" "~n Num logical procs: ~p" "~n SMP support: ~p" "~n Num schedulers: ~p" "~n Scheduler bindings: ~p" "~n Wordsize: ~p" "~n~n", [Prefix, os:type(), os:version(), erlang:system_info(system_architecture), erlang:system_info(cpu_topology), erlang:system_info(logical_processors), erlang:system_info(smp_support), erlang:system_info(schedulers), erlang:system_info(scheduler_bindings), erlang:system_info(wordsize)]), ok. run_on_windows(Fun) -> run_on_os(windows, Fun). run_on_os(windows, Fun) -> case os:type() of {win32, _} -> Fun(); _ -> ok end. %% -- Misc node operation wrapper functions -- start_node(Name) -> Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), Args = case init:get_argument('CC_TEST') of {ok, [[]]} -> " -pa /clearcase/otp/libraries/snmp/ebin "; {ok, [[Path]]} -> " -pa " ++ Path; error -> "" end, A = Args ++ " -pa " ++ Pa, Opts = [{cleanup,false}, {args, A}], case (catch test_server:start_node(Name, slave, Opts)) of {ok, Node} -> Node; Else -> exit({failed_starting_node, Name, Else}) end. stop_node(Node) -> rpc:cast(Node, erlang, halt, []), await_stopped(Node, 5). await_stopped(_, 0) -> ok; await_stopped(Node, N) -> Nodes = erlang:nodes(), case lists:member(Node, Nodes) of true -> sleep(1000), await_stopped(Node, N-1); false -> ok end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ensure apps are started %% This to ensure we dont attempt to run teatcases on platforms %% where there is no working ssl app. ensure_started([]) -> ok; ensure_started([App|Apps]) -> ensure_started(App), ensure_started(Apps); ensure_started(crypto = App) -> %% We have to treat crypto in this special way because %% only this function ensures that the NIF lib is actually %% loaded. And only by loading that lib can we know if it %% is even possible to run crypto. do_ensure_started(App, fun() -> crypto:start() end); ensure_started(App) when is_atom(App) -> do_ensure_started(App, fun() -> application:start(App) end). do_ensure_started(App, Start) when is_function(Start) -> case (catch Start()) of ok -> ok; {error, {already_started, _}} -> ok; Error -> throw({error, {failed_starting, App, Error}}) end. ensure_loaded(App) -> case application:load(App) of ok -> ok; {error, {already_loaded,inets}} -> ok; Error -> Error end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% HTTPD starter functions %% start_http_server(Conf) -> start_http_server(Conf, ?HTTP_DEFAULT_SSL_KIND). start_http_server(Conf, essl = _SslTag) -> tsp("start_http_server(essl) -> try start crypto"), application:start(crypto), tsp("start_http_server(essl) -> try start public_key"), application:start(public_key), do_start_http_server(Conf); start_http_server(Conf, SslTag) -> tsp("start_http_server(~w) -> entry", [SslTag]), do_start_http_server(Conf). do_start_http_server(Conf) -> tsp("do_start_http_server -> entry with" "~n Conf: ~p" "~n", [Conf]), tsp("do_start_http_server -> load inets"), case ensure_loaded(inets) of ok -> tsp("do_start_http_server -> inets loaded - now set_env for httpd"), case application:set_env(inets, services, [{httpd, Conf}]) of ok -> tsp("do_start_http_server -> " "httpd conf stored in inets app env"), case (catch application:start(inets)) of ok -> tsp("do_start_http_server -> inets started"), ok; Error1 -> tsp(" Failed starting application: " "~n Error1: ~p", [Error1]), tsf({failed_starting_inets, Error1}) end; Error2 -> tsp(" Failed set application env: " "~n Error: ~p", [Error2]), tsf({failed_set_env, Error2}) end; {error, Reason} -> tsp("do_start_http_server -> failed loading inets" "~n Reason: ~p", [Reason]), tsf({failed_loading_inets, Reason}) end. start_http_server_ssl(FileName) -> start_http_server_ssl(FileName, ?HTTP_DEFAULT_SSL_KIND). start_http_server_ssl(FileName, essl = _SslTag) -> application:start(crypto), do_start_http_server_ssl(FileName); start_http_server_ssl(FileName, _SslTag) -> do_start_http_server_ssl(FileName). do_start_http_server_ssl(FileName) -> tsp("start (ssl) http server with " "~n FileName: ~p" "~n", [FileName]), application:start(ssl), catch do_start_http_server(FileName). %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% print functions %% info(F, A, Mod, Line) -> print("INF ", F, A, Mod, Line). log(F, A, Mod, Line) -> print("LOG ", F, A, Mod, Line). debug(F, A, Mod, Line) -> print("DBG ", F, A, Mod, Line). print(P, F, A, Mod, Line) -> io:format("~s[~p:~p:~p] : " ++ F ++ "~n", [P, self(), Mod, Line| A]). print(F, A, Mod, Line) -> print("", F, A, Mod, Line). hostname() -> from($@, atom_to_list(node())). from(H, [H | T]) -> T; from(H, [_ | T]) -> from(H, T); from(_, []) -> []. copy_file(File, From, To) -> file:copy(filename:join(From, File), filename:join(To, File)). copy_files(FromDir, ToDir) -> {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(FromDir), lists:foreach(fun(File) -> FullPath = filename:join(FromDir, File), case filelib:is_file(FullPath) of true -> file:copy(FullPath, filename:join(ToDir, File)); false -> ok end end, Files). copy_dirs(FromDirRoot, ToDirRoot) -> case file:list_dir(FromDirRoot) of {ok, Files} -> lists:foreach( fun(FileOrDir) -> %% Check if it's a directory or a file case filelib:is_dir(filename:join(FromDirRoot, FileOrDir)) of true -> FromDir = filename:join([FromDirRoot, FileOrDir]), ToDir = filename:join([ToDirRoot, FileOrDir]), case file:make_dir(ToDir) of ok -> copy_dirs(FromDir, ToDir); {error, Reason} -> tsp(" Failed creating directory: " "~n ToDir: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p" "~nwhen" "~n ToDirRoot: ~p" "~n ToDirRoot file info: ~p", [ToDir, Reason, ToDirRoot, file:read_file_info(ToDirRoot)]), tsf({failed_copy_dir, ToDir, Reason}) end; false -> copy_file(FileOrDir, FromDirRoot, ToDirRoot) end end, Files); {error, Reason} -> tsp(" Failed get directory file list: " "~n FromDirRoot: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p" "~nwhen" "~n FromDirRoot file info: ~p", [FromDirRoot, Reason, file:read_file_info(FromDirRoot)]), tsf({failed_list_dir, FromDirRoot, Reason}) end. del_dirs(Dir) -> case file:list_dir(Dir) of {ok, []} -> file:del_dir(Dir); {ok, Files} -> lists:foreach(fun(File) -> FullPath = filename:join(Dir,File), case filelib:is_dir(FullPath) of true -> del_dirs(FullPath), file:del_dir(FullPath); false -> file:delete(FullPath) end end, Files); _ -> ok end. check_body(Body) -> case string:rstr(Body, "") of 0 -> case string:rstr(Body, "") of 0 -> tsp("Body ~p", [Body]), tsf(did_not_receive_whole_body); _ -> ok end; _ -> ok end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Conditional skip of testcases %% non_pc_tc_maybe_skip(Config, Condition, File, Line) when is_list(Config) andalso is_function(Condition) -> %% Check if we shall skip the skip case os:getenv("TS_OS_BASED_SKIP") of "false" -> ok; _ -> case lists:keysearch(ts, 1, Config) of {value, {ts, inets}} -> %% Always run the testcase if we are using our own %% test-server... ok; _ -> case (catch Condition()) of true -> skip(non_pc_testcase, File, Line); _ -> ok end end end. os_based_skip(any) -> true; os_based_skip(Skippable) when is_list(Skippable) -> {OsFam, OsName} = case os:type() of {_Fam, _Name} = FamAndName -> FamAndName; Fam -> {Fam, undefined} end, case lists:member(OsFam, Skippable) of true -> true; false -> case lists:keysearch(OsFam, 1, Skippable) of {value, {OsFam, OsName}} -> true; {value, {OsFam, OsNames}} when is_list(OsNames) -> lists:member(OsName, OsNames); _ -> false end end; os_based_skip(_) -> false. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Socket functions: %% open(SocketType, Host, Port) -> {ok, Socket} | {error, Reason} %% SocketType -> ssl | ip_comm %% Host -> atom() | string() | {A, B, C, D} %% Port -> integer() connect_bin(SockType, Host, Port) -> connect_bin(SockType, Host, Port, []). connect_bin(ssl, Host, Port, Opts0) -> Opts = [binary, {packet,0} | Opts0], connect(ssl, Host, Port, Opts); connect_bin(essl, Host, Port, Opts0) -> Opts = [{ssl_imp, new}, binary, {packet,0}, {reuseaddr, true} | Opts0], connect(ssl, Host, Port, Opts); connect_bin(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts0) -> Opts = [binary, {packet, 0} | Opts0], connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts). connect_byte(SockType, Host, Port) -> connect_byte(SockType, Host, Port, []). connect_byte(ssl, Host, Port, Opts0) -> Opts = [{packet,0} | Opts0], connect(ssl, Host, Port, Opts); connect_byte(essl, Host, Port, Opts0) -> Opts = [{ssl_imp, new}, {packet,0} | Opts0], connect(ssl, Host, Port, Opts); connect_byte(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts0) -> Opts = [{packet,0} | Opts0], connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts). connect(ssl, Host, Port, Opts) -> tsp("connect(ssl) -> entry with" "~n Host: ~p" "~n Port: ~p" "~n Opts: ~p", [Host, Port, Opts]), ssl:start(), %% We ignore this option for ssl... %% ...maybe we should really treat this in the same way as ip_comm... case ssl:connect(Host, Port, lists:delete(inet6fb4, Opts)) of {ok, Socket} -> {ok, Socket}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; Error -> Error end; connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, Opts) -> tsp("connect(ip_comm) -> entry with" "~n Host: ~p" "~n Port: ~p" "~n Opts: ~p", [Host, Port, Opts]), %% We check for precence of inet6fb4. %% If found, we shall try inet6 and if that does not work %% try inet (regardless of error reason) case lists:delete(inet6fb4, Opts) of Opts -> %% Nope, run as usual, where we use error reason %% to detect if we are on IPv6 or not... case gen_tcp:connect(Host,Port, Opts) of {ok, Socket} -> tsp("connect success"), {ok, Socket}; {error, nxdomain} -> tsp("connect error nxdomain when opts: ~p", [Opts]), connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, lists:delete(inet6, Opts)); {error, eafnosupport} -> tsp("connect error eafnosupport when opts: ~p", [Opts]), connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, lists:delete(inet6, Opts)); {error, econnreset} -> tsp("connect error econnreset when opts: ~p", [Opts]), connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, lists:delete(inet6, Opts)); {error, enetunreach} -> tsp("connect error eafnosupport when opts: ~p", [Opts]), connect(ip_comm, Host, Port, lists:delete(inet6, Opts)); {error, {enfile,_}} -> tsp("connect error enfile when opts: ~p", [Opts]), {error, enfile}; Error -> tsp("connect(ip_conn) -> Unexpected error: " "~n Error: ~p" "~nwhen" "~n Host: ~p" "~n Port: ~p" "~n Opts: ~p" "~n", [Error, Host, Port, Opts]), Error end; Opts2 -> %% Yep, so try first with inet6 and if that fails inet case gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [inet6|Opts2]) of {ok, Socket} -> tsp("connect success"), {ok, Socket}; {error, Reason_inet6} -> tsp("inet6 connect failed: ~p", [Reason_inet6]), case gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [inet|Opts2]) of {ok, Socket} -> tsp("connect success"), {ok, Socket}; {error, Reason_inet} -> tsp("inet connect also failed: ~p", [Reason_inet]), {error, {connect_failure, [{inet6, Reason_inet6}, {inet, Reason_inet}]}} end end end. send(ssl, Socket, Data) -> ssl:send(Socket, Data); send(essl, Socket, Data) -> ssl:send(Socket, Data); send(ip_comm,Socket,Data) -> gen_tcp:send(Socket,Data). close(ssl,Socket) -> catch ssl:close(Socket); close(essl,Socket) -> catch ssl:close(Socket); close(ip_comm,Socket) -> catch gen_tcp:close(Socket). millis() -> erlang:now(). millis_diff(A,B) -> T1 = (element(1,A)*1000000) + element(2,A) + (element(3,A)/1000000), T2 = (element(1,B)*1000000) + element(2,B) + (element(3,B)/1000000), T1 - T2. hours(N) -> trunc(N * 1000 * 60 * 60). minutes(N) -> trunc(N * 1000 * 60). seconds(N) -> trunc(N * 1000). sleep(infinity) -> receive after infinity -> ok end; sleep(MSecs) -> receive after trunc(MSecs) -> ok end, ok. skip(Reason, File, Line) -> exit({skipped, {Reason, File, Line}}). fail(Reason, File, Line) -> String = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Failure ~p(~p): ~p~n", [File, Line, Reason])), tsf(String). flush() -> receive Msg -> [Msg | flush()] after 1000 -> [] end. tsp(F) -> tsp(F, []). tsp(F, A) -> Timestamp = formated_timestamp(), test_server:format("*** ~s ~p ~p " ++ F ++ "~n", [Timestamp, node(), self() | A]). tsf(Reason) -> test_server:fail(Reason). formated_timestamp() -> format_timestamp( os:timestamp() ). format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, N3} = Now) -> {Date, Time} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Now), {YYYY,MM,DD} = Date, {Hour,Min,Sec} = Time, FormatDate = io_lib:format("~.4w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w 4~w", [YYYY,MM,DD,Hour,Min,Sec,round(N3/1000)]), lists:flatten(FormatDate).