%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%



%% Includes and defines


-define(START_DAEMON(PortX, OptionsX),
        fun(Port, Options) ->
                {ok, Pid} = ?VERIFY({ok, _Pid}, tftp:start([{port, Port} | Options])),
                    Port == 0 ->
                        {ok, ActualOptions} = ?IGNORE(tftp:info(Pid)),
                        {value, {port, ActualPort}} =
                            lists:keysearch(port, 1, ActualOptions),
                        {ActualPort, Pid};
                    true ->
                        {Port, Pid}
        end(PortX, OptionsX)).

%% API

t() -> 
    tftp_test_lib:t([{?MODULE, all}]).

t(Cases) ->
    tftp_test_lib:t(Cases, default_config()).

t(Cases, Config) ->
    tftp_test_lib:t(Cases, Config).

default_config() ->

%% Test server callbacks

init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
    tftp_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Case, Config).

end_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    tftp_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Case, Config).

%% Top test case

suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].

all() -> 
    [simple, extra, reuse_connection, resend_client,

groups() -> 

init_per_suite(Config) ->

end_per_suite(_Config) ->

init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->

end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->

%% Simple

simple(doc) ->
    ["Start the daemon and perform simple a read and write."];
simple(suite) ->
simple(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?VERIFY(ok, application:start(inets)),

    {Port, DaemonPid} = ?IGNORE(?START_DAEMON(0, [{debug, brief}])),

    %% Read fail
    RemoteFilename = "tftp_temporary_remote_test_file.txt",
    LocalFilename = "tftp_temporary_local_test_file.txt",
    Blob = list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(2000, $1)),
    %% Blob = <<"Some file contents\n">>,
    Size = size(Blob),
    ?VERIFY({error, {client_open, enoent, _}},
            tftp:read_file(RemoteFilename, binary, [{port, Port}])),
    %% Write and read
    ?VERIFY({ok, Size}, tftp:write_file(RemoteFilename, Blob, [{port, Port}])),
    ?VERIFY({ok, Blob}, tftp:read_file(RemoteFilename, binary, [{port, Port}])),
    ?VERIFY({ok, Size}, tftp:read_file(RemoteFilename, LocalFilename, [{port, Port}])),

    %% Cleanup
    exit(DaemonPid, kill),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(LocalFilename)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(RemoteFilename)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, application:stop(inets)),

%% Extra

extra(doc) ->
    ["Verify new stuff for IS 1.2."];
extra(suite) ->
extra(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?VERIFY({'EXIT', {badarg,{fake_key, fake_flag}}},
            tftp:start([{port, 0}, {fake_key, fake_flag}])),

    {Port, DaemonPid} = ?IGNORE(?START_DAEMON(0, [{debug, brief}])),
    RemoteFilename = "tftp_extra_temporary_remote_test_file.txt",
    LocalFilename = "tftp_extra_temporary_local_test_file.txt",
    Blob = <<"Some file contents\n">>,
    Size = size(Blob),
    Host = "",
    Peer = {inet, Host, Port},
    Generic =
         {state,   []},
         {prepare, fun extra_prepare/6},
         {open,    fun extra_open/6},
         {read,    fun extra_read/1},
         {write,   fun extra_write/2},
         {abort,   fun extra_abort/3 }
    Options = [{host, Host},
               {port, Port},
               %%{ debug,all},
               {callback, {".*", tftp_test_lib, Generic}}],
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:write_file(LocalFilename, Blob)),
    ?VERIFY({ok, [{count, Size}, Peer]},
            tftp:write_file(RemoteFilename, LocalFilename, Options)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(LocalFilename)),
    ?VERIFY({ok,[{bin, Blob}, Peer]}, 
            tftp:read_file(RemoteFilename, LocalFilename, Options)),

    %% Cleanup
    exit(DaemonPid, kill),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(LocalFilename)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(RemoteFilename)),

-record(extra_state,  {file, blksize, count, acc, peer}).

%% Prepare

extra_prepare(Peer, Access, LocalFilename, Mode, SuggestedOptions, []) ->
    %% Client side
    BlkSize = list_to_integer(tftp_test_lib:lookup_option("blksize", "512", SuggestedOptions)),
    State = #extra_state{blksize = BlkSize, peer = Peer},
    extra_open(Peer, Access, LocalFilename, Mode, SuggestedOptions, State),
    {ok, SuggestedOptions, State};
extra_prepare(_Peer, _Access, _Bin, _Mode, _SuggestedOptions, _Initial) ->
    {error, {undef, "Illegal callback options."}}.

%% Open

extra_open(Peer, Access, LocalFilename, Mode, SuggestedOptions, []) ->
    %% Server side
    case extra_prepare(Peer, Access, LocalFilename, Mode, SuggestedOptions, []) of
        {ok, AcceptedOptions, []} ->
            BlkSize = list_to_integer(tftp_test_lib:lookup_option("blksize", "512", AcceptedOptions)),
            State = #extra_state{blksize = BlkSize, peer = Peer},
            extra_open(Peer, Access, LocalFilename, Mode, AcceptedOptions, State);
        {error, {Code, Text}} ->
            {error, {Code, Text}}
extra_open(_Peer, Access, LocalFilename, _Mode, NegotiatedOptions, #extra_state{} = State) ->
    {File, Acc} =
        case Access of
            read ->
                    is_binary(LocalFilename) ->
                        {undefined, LocalFilename};
                    is_list(LocalFilename) ->
                        {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(LocalFilename),
                        {LocalFilename, Bin}
            write -> 
                {LocalFilename, []}
    %% Both sides
    State2 = State#extra_state{file = File, acc = Acc, count = 0},
    {ok, NegotiatedOptions, State2}.

%% Read

extra_read(#extra_state{acc = Bin} = State) when is_binary(Bin) ->
    BlkSize = State#extra_state.blksize,
    Count = State#extra_state.count + size(Bin),
        size(Bin) >= BlkSize ->
            <<Block:BlkSize/binary, Bin2/binary>> = Bin,
            State2 = State#extra_state{acc = Bin2, count = Count},
            {more, Block, State2};
        size(Bin) < BlkSize ->
            Res = [{count, Count}, State#extra_state.peer],
            {last, Bin, Res}

%% Write

extra_write(Bin, #extra_state{acc = List} = State) when is_binary(Bin), is_list(List) ->
    Size = size(Bin),
    BlkSize = State#extra_state.blksize,
        Size == BlkSize ->
            {more, State#extra_state{acc = [Bin | List]}};
        Size < BlkSize ->
            Bin2 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse([Bin | List])),
            Res = [{bin,  Bin2}, State#extra_state.peer],
            file:write_file(State#extra_state.file, Bin2),
            {last, Res}

%% Abort

extra_abort(_Code, _Text, #extra_state{}) ->

%% Re-send client

resend_client(doc) ->
    ["Verify that the server behaves correctly when the client re-sends packets."];
resend_client(suite) ->
resend_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    Host = {127, 0, 0, 1},
    {Port, DaemonPid} = ?IGNORE(?START_DAEMON(0, [{debug, all}])),

    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_read_client(Host, Port, 10)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_read_client(Host, Port, 512)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_read_client(Host, Port, 1025)),

    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_write_client(Host, Port, 10)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_write_client(Host, Port, 512)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_write_client(Host, Port, 1025)),
    %% Cleanup
    exit(DaemonPid, kill),

resend_read_client(Host, Port, BlkSize) ->
    RemoteFilename = "tftp_resend_read_client.tmp",
    Block1 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $1),
    Block2 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $2),
    Block3 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $3),
    Block4 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $4),
    Block5 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $5),
    Blocks = [Block1, Block2, Block3, Block4, Block5],
    Blob = list_to_binary(Blocks),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:write_file(RemoteFilename, Blob)),

    Timeout = timer:seconds(3),
    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(0)),

    %% Open socket
    {ok, Socket} = ?VERIFY({ok, _}, gen_udp:open(0, [binary, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, true}])),

    ReadList = [0, 1, RemoteFilename, 0, "octet", 0],
    Data1Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 1 | Block1]),
    NewPort =
            BlkSize =:= 512 ->
                %% Send READ
                ReadBin = list_to_binary(ReadList),
                ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, ReadBin)),

                %% Sleep a while in order to provoke the server to re-send the packet
                timer:sleep(Timeout + timer:seconds(1)),

                %% Recv DATA #1 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                {udp, _, _, NewPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, _, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),
            true ->
                %% Send READ
                BlkSizeList = integer_to_list(BlkSize),
                Options = ["blksize", 0, BlkSizeList, 0],
                ReadBin = list_to_binary([ReadList | Options]),
                ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, ReadBin)),

                %% Recv OACK
                OptionAckBin = list_to_binary([0, 6 | Options]),
                {udp, _, _, NewPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, _, OptionAckBin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Send ACK #0
                Ack0Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 0>>,
                ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort0, Ack0Bin)),

                %% Send ACK #0 AGAIN (pretend that we timed out)
                ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort0, Ack0Bin)),

                %% Recv DATA #1 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort0, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Recv DATA #1 AGAIN (the re-sent package)
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #1
    Ack1Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 1>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack1Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #2
    Data2Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 2 | Block2]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data2Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #2
    Ack2Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 2>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack2Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #3
    Data3Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 3 | Block3]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data3Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #3
    Ack3Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 3>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack3Bin)),

    %% Send ACK #3 AGAIN (pretend that we timed out)
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack3Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #4 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
    Data4Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 4 | Block4]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data4Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Recv DATA #4 AGAIN (the re-sent package)
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data4Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #2 which is out of range
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack2Bin)),

    %% Send ACK #4
    Ack4Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 4>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack4Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #5
    Data5Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 5 | Block5]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data5Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #5
    Ack5Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 5>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack5Bin)),

    %% Close socket
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:close(Socket)),

    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(Timeout)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(RemoteFilename)),

resend_write_client(Host, Port, BlkSize) ->
    RemoteFilename = "tftp_resend_write_client.tmp",
    Block1 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $1),
    Block2 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $2),
    Block3 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $3),
    Block4 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $4),
    Block5 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $5),
    Blocks = [Block1, Block2, Block3, Block4, Block5],
    Blob = list_to_binary(Blocks),
    ?VERIFY({error, enoent}, file:read_file(RemoteFilename)),

    Timeout = timer:seconds(3),
    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(0)),

    %% Open socket
    {ok, Socket} = ?VERIFY({ok, _}, gen_udp:open(0, [binary, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, true}])),

    WriteList = [0, 2, RemoteFilename, 0, "octet", 0],
    NewPort =
            BlkSize =:= 512 ->
                %% Send WRITE
                WriteBin = list_to_binary(WriteList),
                ?VERIFY(ok,  gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, WriteBin)),

                %% Sleep a while in order to provoke the server to re-send the packet
                timer:sleep(Timeout + timer:seconds(1)),

                %% Recv ACK #0 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                Ack0Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 0>>,
                ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, _, Ack0Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Recv ACK #0  AGAIN (the re-sent package)
                {udp, _, _, NewPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, _, Ack0Bin}, recv(Timeout)),
            true ->
                %% Send WRITE
                BlkSizeList = integer_to_list(BlkSize),
                WriteBin = list_to_binary([WriteList, "blksize", 0, BlkSizeList, 0]),
                ?VERIFY(ok,  gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, WriteBin)),

                %% Sleep a while in order to provoke the server to re-send the packet

                %% Recv OACK (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                OptionAckBin = list_to_binary([0, 6, "blksize",0, BlkSizeList, 0]),
                ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, _, OptionAckBin}, recv(Timeout)),
                %% Recv OACK AGAIN (the re-sent package)
                {udp, _, _, NewPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, _, OptionAckBin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #1
    Data1Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 1 | Block1]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Data1Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #1 
    Ack1Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 1>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #2
    Data2Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 2 | Block2]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Data2Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #2
    Ack2Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 2>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack2Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #3
    Data3Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 3 | Block3]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Data3Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #3
    Ack3Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 3>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack3Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #3 AGAIN (pretend that we timed out)
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Data3Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #3 AGAIN (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack3Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #2 which is out of range
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Data2Bin)),

    %% Send DATA #4
    Data4Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 4 | Block4]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Data4Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #4
    Ack4Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 4>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack4Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #5
    Data5Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 5 | Block5]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Data5Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #5
    Ack5Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 5>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack5Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Close socket
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:close(Socket)),

    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(Timeout)),
    ?VERIFY({ok, Blob}, file:read_file(RemoteFilename)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(RemoteFilename)),

%% Re-send server

resend_server(doc) ->
    ["Verify that the server behaves correctly when the server re-sends packets."];
resend_server(suite) ->
resend_server(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    Host = {127, 0, 0, 1},

    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_read_server(Host, 10)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_read_server(Host, 512)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_read_server(Host, 1025)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_write_server(Host, 10)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_write_server(Host, 512)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, resend_write_server(Host, 1025)),

resend_read_server(Host, BlkSize) ->
    RemoteFilename = "tftp_resend_read_server.tmp",
    Block1 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $1),
    Block2 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $2),
    Block3 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $3),
    Block4 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $4),
    Block5 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $5),
    Block6 = [],
    Blocks = [Block1, Block2, Block3, Block4, Block5, Block6],
    Blob = list_to_binary(Blocks),

    Timeout = timer:seconds(3),
    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(0)),

    %% Open daemon socket
    {ok, DaemonSocket} = ?VERIFY({ok, _}, gen_udp:open(0, [binary, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, true}])),
    {ok, DaemonPort} = ?IGNORE(inet:port(DaemonSocket)),

    %% Open server socket
    {ok, ServerSocket} = ?VERIFY({ok, _}, gen_udp:open(0, [binary, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, true}])),

    %% Prepare client process
    ReplyTo = self(),
    ClientFun =
        fun(Extra) ->
                Options = [{port, DaemonPort}, {debug, brief}] ++ Extra,
                Res = ?VERIFY({ok, Blob}, tftp:read_file(RemoteFilename, binary, Options)),
                ReplyTo ! {self(), {tftp_client_reply, Res}},

    ReadList = [0, 1, RemoteFilename, 0, "octet", 0],
    Data1Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 1 | Block1]),
    Ack1Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 1>>,
    {ClientPort, ClientPid} =
            BlkSize =:= 512 ->
                %% Start client process
                ClientPid0 = spawn_link(fun() -> ClientFun([]) end),

                %% Recv READ
                ReadBin = list_to_binary(ReadList),
                {udp, _, _, ClientPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, DaemonSocket, Host, _, ReadBin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Send DATA #1
                ?VERIFY(ok,  gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Data1Bin)),

                %% Sleep a while in order to provoke the client to re-send the packet
                timer:sleep(Timeout + timer:seconds(1)),

                %% Recv ACK #1 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Ack1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Recv ACK #1 AGAIN (the re-sent package)
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, _, Ack1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),
                {ClientPort0, ClientPid0};
            true ->
                %% Start client process
                BlkSizeList = integer_to_list(BlkSize),
                ClientPid0 = spawn_link(fun() -> ClientFun([{"blksize", BlkSizeList}]) end),
                %% Recv READ
                Options = ["blksize", 0, BlkSizeList, 0],
                ReadBin = list_to_binary([ReadList | Options]),
                {udp, _, _, ClientPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, DaemonSocket, Host, _, ReadBin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Send OACK
                BlkSizeList = integer_to_list(BlkSize),
                OptionAckBin = list_to_binary([0, 6, "blksize",0, BlkSizeList, 0]),
                ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, OptionAckBin)),

                %% Sleep a while in order to provoke the client to re-send the packet
                timer:sleep(Timeout + timer:seconds(1)),

                %% Recv ACK #0 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                Ack0Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 0>>,
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Ack0Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Recv ACK #0 AGAIN (the re-sent package)
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Ack0Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Send DATA #1
                ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Data1Bin)),

                %% Recv ACK #1
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, _, Ack1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),
                {ClientPort0, ClientPid0}

    %% Send DATA #2
    Data2Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 2 | Block2]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data2Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #2
    Ack2Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 2>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack2Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #3
    Data3Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 3 | Block3]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data3Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #3
    Ack3Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 3>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack3Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #3 AGAIN (pretend that we timed out)
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data3Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #3 AGAIN (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack3Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #4
    Data4Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 4 | Block4]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data4Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #4
    Ack4Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 4>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack4Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #3 which is out of range
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data3Bin)),

    %% Send DATA #5
    Data5Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 5 | Block5]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data5Bin)),

    %% Recv ACK #5
    Ack5Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 5>>,
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack5Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send DATA #6
    Data6Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 6 | Block6]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data6Bin)),

    %% Close daemon and server sockets
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:close(ServerSocket)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:close(DaemonSocket)),

    ?VERIFY({ClientPid, {tftp_client_reply, {ok, Blob}}}, recv(Timeout)),

    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(Timeout)),

resend_write_server(Host, BlkSize) ->
    RemoteFilename = "tftp_resend_write_server.tmp",
    Block1 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $1),
    Block2 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $2),
    Block3 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $3),
    Block4 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $4),
    Block5 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $5),
    Block6 = [],
    Blocks = [Block1, Block2, Block3, Block4, Block5, Block6],
    Blob = list_to_binary(Blocks),
    Size = size(Blob),

    Timeout = timer:seconds(3),
    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(0)),

    %% Open daemon socket
    {ok, DaemonSocket} = ?VERIFY({ok, _}, gen_udp:open(0, [binary, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, true}])),
    {ok, DaemonPort} = ?IGNORE(inet:port(DaemonSocket)),

    %% Open server socket
    {ok, ServerSocket} = ?VERIFY({ok, _}, gen_udp:open(0, [binary, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, true}])),

    %% Prepare client process
    ReplyTo = self(),
    ClientFun =
        fun(Extra) ->
                Options = [{port, DaemonPort}, {debug, brief}] ++ Extra,
                Res = ?VERIFY({ok, Size}, tftp:write_file(RemoteFilename, Blob, Options)),
                ReplyTo ! {self(), {tftp_client_reply, Res}},

    WriteList = [0, 2, RemoteFilename, 0, "octet", 0],
    Data1Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 1 | Block1]),
    {ClientPort, ClientPid} =
            BlkSize =:= 512 ->
                %% Start client process
                ClientPid0 = spawn_link(fun() -> ClientFun([]) end),

                %% Recv WRITE
                WriteBin = list_to_binary(WriteList),
                io:format("WriteBin ~p\n", [WriteBin]),
                {udp, _, _, ClientPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, DaemonSocket, Host, _, WriteBin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Send ACK #1
                Ack0Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 0>>,
                ?VERIFY(ok,  gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Ack0Bin)),

                %% Sleep a while in order to provoke the client to re-send the packet
                timer:sleep(Timeout + timer:seconds(1)),

                %% Recv DATA #1 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Recv DATA #1 AGAIN (the re-sent package)
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, _, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),
                {ClientPort0, ClientPid0};
            true ->
                %% Start client process
                BlkSizeList = integer_to_list(BlkSize),
                ClientPid0 = spawn_link(fun() -> ClientFun([{"blksize", BlkSizeList}]) end),
                %% Recv WRITE
                Options = ["blksize", 0, BlkSizeList, 0],
                WriteBin = list_to_binary([WriteList | Options]),
                {udp, _, _, ClientPort0, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, DaemonSocket, Host, _, WriteBin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Send OACK
                BlkSizeList = integer_to_list(BlkSize),
                OptionAckBin = list_to_binary([0, 6, "blksize",0, BlkSizeList, 0]),
                ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, OptionAckBin)),

                %% Sleep a while in order to provoke the client to re-send the packet
                timer:sleep(Timeout + timer:seconds(1)),

                %% Recv DATA #1 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

                %% Recv DATA #1 AGAIN (the re-sent package)
                ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort0, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),
                {ClientPort0, ClientPid0}

    %% Send ACK #1
    Ack1Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 1>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack1Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #2
    Data2Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 2 | Block2]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data2Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #2
    Ack2Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 2>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack2Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #3
    Data3Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 3 | Block3]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data3Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #3
    Ack3Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 3>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack3Bin)),

    %% Send ACK #3 AGAIN (pretend that we timed out)
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack3Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #4 (the packet that the server think that we have lost)
    Data4Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 4 | Block4]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data4Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Recv DATA #4 AGAIN (the re-sent package)
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data4Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #4
    Ack4Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 4>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack4Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #5
    Data5Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 5 | Block5]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data5Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #3 which is out of range
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack3Bin)),

    %% Send ACK #5
    Ack5Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 5>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack5Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #6
    Data6Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 6 | Block6]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Data6Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #6
    Ack6Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 6>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(ServerSocket, Host, ClientPort, Ack6Bin)),

    %% Close daemon and server sockets
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:close(ServerSocket)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:close(DaemonSocket)),

    ?VERIFY({ClientPid, {tftp_client_reply, {ok, Size}}}, recv(Timeout)),

    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(Timeout)),


reuse_connection(doc) ->
    ["Verify that the server can reuse an ongiong connection when same client resends request."];
reuse_connection(suite) ->
reuse_connection(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    Host = {127, 0, 0, 1},
    {Port, DaemonPid} = ?IGNORE(?START_DAEMON(0, [{debug, all}])),

    RemoteFilename = "reuse_connection.tmp",
    BlkSize = 512,
    Block1 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize, $1),
    Block2 = lists:duplicate(BlkSize div 2, $2),
    Blocks = [Block1, Block2],
    Blob = list_to_binary(Blocks),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:write_file(RemoteFilename, Blob)),
    Seconds = 3,
    Timeout = timer:seconds(Seconds),
    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(0)),
    %% Open socket
    {ok, Socket} = ?VERIFY({ok, _}, gen_udp:open(0, [binary, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, true}])),
    ReadList = [0, 1, RemoteFilename, 0, "octet", 0],
    Data1Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 1 | Block1]),
    %% Send READ
    TimeoutList = integer_to_list(Seconds),
    Options = ["timeout", 0, TimeoutList, 0],
    ReadBin = list_to_binary([ReadList | Options]),
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, ReadBin)),

    %% Send yet another READ for same file
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, ReadBin)),

    %% Recv OACK
    OptionAckBin = list_to_binary([0, 6 | Options]),
    {udp, _, _, NewPort, _} = ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, _, OptionAckBin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #0
    Ack0Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 0>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack0Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #1
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data1Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #1
    Ack1Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 1>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack1Bin)),

    %% Recv DATA #2
    Data2Bin = list_to_binary([0, 3, 0, 2 | Block2]),
    ?VERIFY({udp, Socket, Host, NewPort, Data2Bin}, recv(Timeout)),

    %% Send ACK #2
    Ack2Bin = <<0, 4, 0, 2>>,
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, NewPort, Ack2Bin)),

    %% Close socket
    ?VERIFY(ok, gen_udp:close(Socket)),

    ?VERIFY(timeout, recv(Timeout)),
    ?VERIFY(ok, file:delete(RemoteFilename)),

    %% Cleanup
    exit(DaemonPid, kill),

%% Goodies

recv(Timeout) ->
        Msg ->
    after Timeout ->