Erlang/OTP provides a standard API for logging. The backend of this API can be used as is, or it can be customized to suite specific needs.
It consists of two parts - the logger part and the handler part. The logger will forward log events to one or more handler(s).
Filters can be added to the logger and to each handler. The filters decide if an event is to be forwarded or not, and they can also modify all parts of the log event.
A formatter can be set for each handler. The formatter does the final formatting of the log event, including the log message itself, and possibly a timestamp, header and other metadata.
In accordance with the Syslog protocol, RFC-5424, eight severity levels can be specified:
A log event is allowed by Logger if the integer value of
A handler is defined as a module exporting the following function:
log(Log, Config) -> ok
A handler is called by the logger backend after filtering on logger level and on handler level for the handler which is about to be called. The function call is done on the client process, and it is up to the handler implementation if other processes are to be involved or not.
Multiple instances of the same handler can be added. Configuration is per instance.
Filters can be set on the logger or on a handler. Logger filters are applied first, and if passed, the handler filters for each handler are applied. The handler plugin is only called if all handler filters for the handler in question also pass.
A filter is specified as:
{fun((Log,Extra) -> Log | stop | ignore), Extra}
The configuration parameter
A formatter is defined as a module exporting the following function:
format(Log,Extra) -> string()
The formatter plugin is called by each handler, and the returned string can be printed to the handler's destination (stdout, file, ...).
This is the default handler used by OTP. Multiple instances can be started, and each instance will write log events to a given destination, console or file. Filters can be used for selecting which event to send to which handler instance.
This handler behaves much like logger_std_h, except it uses
This handler is to be used for backwards compatibility
only. It is not started by default, but will be automatically
started the first time an event handler is added
No built-in event handlers exist.
This filter provides a way of filtering log events based on a
This filter provides a way of filtering log events based
on the log level. See
This filter matches all progress reports
This filter matches all events originating from a process
that has its group leader on a remote node.
The default formatter is
Specifies the severity level to log.
Logger filters are added or removed with
By default, no filters exist.
Specifies what to do with an event if all filters
Default is
Handlers are added or removed with
Specifies the severity level to log.
Handler filters can be specified when adding the handler,
or added or removed later with
By default, no filters exist.
Specifies what to do with an event if all filters
Default is
Specifies if the depth of terms in the log events shall
be limited by using control characters
Specifies if the size of a log event shall be limited by truncating the formatted string.
The default module is
Note that
Logger provides backwards compatibility with the old
To use event handlers written for
This will automatically start the
Note that this handler will ignore events that do not
originate from the old
Also note that
The old
To get log events on the same format as produced
By default, all log events originating from within OTP, except the former so called "SASL reports", look the same as before.
By SASL reports we mean supervisor reports, crash reports and progress reports.
In earlier releases, these reports were only logged when
the SASL application was running, and they were printed
trough specific event handlers
The destination of these log events were configured by environment variables for the SASL application.
Due to the specific event handlers, the output format slightly differed from other log events.
As of OTP-21, the concept of SASL reports is removed, meaning that the default behavior is as follows:
If the old behavior is preferred, the kernel environment
All SASL reports have a metadata
Log data is expected to be either a format string and arguments, a string (unicode:chardata), or a report (map or key-value list) which can be converted to a format string and arguments by the handler. A default report callback should be included in the log event's metadata, which can be used for converting the report to a format string and arguments. The handler might also do a custom conversion if the default format is not desired.
If a filter or handler still crashes, logger will remove the filter or handler in question from the configuration, and then print a short error message on the console. A debug event containing the crash reason and other details is also issued, and can be seen if a handler is installed which logs on debug level.
When starting an erlang node, the default behavior is that all
log events with level info and above are logged to the
console. In order to also log debug events, you can either
change the global log level to
First, we add an instance of logger_std_h with
1> Config = #{level=>debug,logger_std_h=>#{type=>{file,"./debug.log"}}}. #{logger_std_h => #{type => {file,"./debug.log"}}, level => debug} 2> logger:add_handler(debug_handler,logger_std_h,Config). ok
By default, the handler receives all events, so we need to add a filter to stop all non-debug events:
3> Fun = fun(#{level:=debug}=Log,_) -> Log; (_,_) -> stop end. #Fun<erl_eval.12.98642416> 4> logger:add_handler_filter(debug_handler,allow_debug,{Fun,[]}). ok
And finally, we need to make sure that the logger itself allows debug events. This can either be done by setting the global logger level:
5> logger:set_logger_config(level,debug). ok
Or by allowing debug events from one or a few modules only:
6> logger:set_module_level(mymodule,debug). ok
The only requirement that a handler MUST fulfill is to export the following function:
log(logger:log(),logger:config()) ->ok
It may also implement the following callbacks:
adding_handler(logger:handler_id(),logger:config()) -> {ok,logger:config()} | {error,term()}
removing_handler(logger:handler_id()) -> ok
changing_config(logger:handler_id(),logger:config(),logger:config()) -> {ok,logger:config()} | {error,term()}
When logger:add_handler(Id,Module,Config) is called, logger will first call Module:adding_handler(Id,Config), and if it returns {ok,NewConfig} the NewConfig is written to the configuration database. After this, the handler may receive log events as calls to Module:log/2.
A handler can be removed by calling logger:remove_handler(Id). logger will call Module:removing_handler(Id), and then remove the handler's configuration from the configuration database.
When logger:set_handler_config is called, logger calls Module:changing_config(Id,OldConfig,NewConfig). If this function returns ok, the NewConfig is written to the configuration database.
A simple handler which prints to the console could be implemented as follows:
log(#{msg:={report,R}},_) ->
log(#{msg:={string,S}},_) ->
log(#{msg:={F,A}},_) ->
A simple handler which prints to file could be implemented like this:
-export([adding_handler/2, removing_handler/1, log/2]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, terminate/2]).
adding_handler(Id,Config) ->
{ok,Fd} = file:open(File,[append,{encoding,utf8}]),
removing_handler(Id,#{myhandler_fd:=Fd}) ->
_ = file:close(Fd),
log(#{msg:={report,R}},#{myhandler_fd:=Fd}) ->
log(#{msg:={string,S}},#{myhandler_fd:=Fd}) ->
log(#{msg:={F,A}},#{myhandler_fd:=Fd}) ->
Note that none of the above handlers have any overload protection, and all log events are printed directly from the client process. Neither do the handlers use the formatter or in any way add time or other metadata to the printed events.
For examples of overload protection, please refer to the
Below is a simpler example of a handler which logs through one single process, and uses the default formatter to gain a common look of the log events.
It also uses the metadata field
-export([adding_handler/2, removing_handler/1, log/2]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, terminate/2]).
adding_handler(Id,Config) ->
{ok,Pid} = gen_server:start(?MODULE,Config),
removing_handler(Id,#{myhandler_pid:=Pid}) ->
log(Log,#{myhandler_pid:=Pid} = Config) ->
init(#{myhandler_file:=File}) ->
{ok,Fd} = file:open(File,[append,{encoding,utf8}]),
handle_call(_,_,State) ->
handle_cast({log,Log,Config},#{fd:=Fd} = State) ->
terminate(Reason,#{fd:=Fd}) ->
_ = file:close(Fd),
do_log(Fd,#{msg:={report,R}} = Log, Config) ->
Fun = maps:get(report_cb,Config,fun my_report_cb/1,
{F,A} = Fun(R),
do_log(Fd,Log,#{formatter:={FModule,FConfig}}) ->
String = FModule:format(Log,FConfig),
my_report_cb(R) ->