The net kernel is a system process, registered as
An Erlang node is started using the command line flag
$ erl -sname foobar
It is also possible to call
1> net_kernel:start([foobar, shortnames]). {ok,<0.64.0>} (foobar@gringotts)2>
If the node is started with the command line flag
Normally, connections are established automatically when
another node is referenced. This functionality can be disabled
by setting the Kernel configuration parameter
Which nodes are allowed to communicate with each other is handled
by the magic cookie system, see
Limits access to the specified set of nodes. Any access
attempts made from (or to) nodes not in
Establishes a connection to
The calling process subscribes or unsubscribes to node
status change messages. A
As of
Note, that this is not guaranteed for
As of
As of
Note, that this is not guaranteed for
The format of the node status change messages depends on
{nodeup, Node} | {nodedown, Node}
Node = node()
{nodeup, Node, InfoList} | {nodedown, Node, InfoList}
Node = node()
InfoList = [{Tag, Val}]
Also, when
Currently valid values for
The tuple
Currently defined return values (
The local node is not alive.
Some definitions:
The time of the least number of consecutive
Returns one of the following:
The request was ignored; because,
Note that the argument is a list with exactly one, two or
three arguments.
Turns a non-distributed node into a distributed node by
Turns a distributed node into a non-distributed node. For
other nodes in the network, this is the same as the node
going down. Only possible when the net kernel was started