HOW THE DISTRIBUTION HANDSHAKE WORKS ------------------------------------ This document describes the distribution handshake introduced in the R6 release of Erlang/OTP. GENERAL ------- The TCP/IP distribution uses a handshake which expects a connection based protocol, i.e. the protocol does not include any authentication after the handshake procedure. This is not entirely safe, as it is vulnerable against takeover attacks, but it is a tradeoff between fair safety and performance. The cookies are never sent in cleartext and the handshake procedure expects the client (called A) to be the first one to prove that it can generate a sufficient digest. The digest is generated with the MD5 message digest algorithm and the challenges are expected to be very random numbers. DEFINITIONS ----------- A challenge is a 32 bit integer number in big endian order. Below the function gen_challenge() returns a random 32 bit integer used as a challenge. A digest is a (16 bytes) MD5 hash of [the Challenge (as text) concatenated with the cookie (as text)]. Below, the function gen_digest(Challenge, Cookie) generates a digest as described above. An out_cookie is the cookie used in outgoing communication to a certain node, so that A's out_cookie for B should correspond with B's in_cookie for A and the other way around. A's out_cookie for B and A's in_cookie for B need *NOT* be the same. Below the function out_cookie(Node) returns the current node's out_cookie for Node. An in_cookie is the cookie expected to be used by another node when communicating with us, so that A's in_cookie for B corresponds with B's out_cookie for A. Below the function in_cookie(Node) returns the current node's in_cookie for Node. The cookies are text strings that can be viewed as passwords. Every message in the handshake starts with a 16 bit big endian integer which contains the length of the message (not counting the two initial bytes). In erlang this corresponds to the gen_tcp option {packet, 2}. Note that after the handshake, the distribution switches to 4 byte packet headers. THE HANDSHAKE IN DETAIL ----------------------- Imagine two nodes, node A, which initiates the handshake and node B, which accepts the connection. 1) connect/accept: A connects to B via TCP/IP and B accepts the connection. 2) send_name/receive_name: A sends an initial identification to B. B receives the message. The message looks like this (every "square" being one byte and the packet header removed): +---+--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-...-+-----+ |'n'|Version0|Version1|Flag0|Flag1|Flag2|Flag3|Name0|Name1| ... |NameN| +---+--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-... +-----+ The 'n' is just a message tag, Version0 & Version1 is the distribution version selected by node A, based on information from EPMD. (16 bit big endian) Flag0 ... Flag3 are capability flags, the capabilities defined in dist.hrl. (32 bit big endian) Name0 ... NameN is the full nodename of A, as a string of bytes (the packet length denotes how long it is). 3) recv_status/send_status: B sends a status message to A, which indicates if the connection is allowed. Four different status codes are defined: ok: The handshake will continue. ok_simultaneous: The handshake will continue, but A is informed that B has another ongoing connection attempt that will be shut down (simultaneous connect where A's name is greater than B's name, compared literally), nok: The handshake will not continue, as B already has an ongoing handshake which it itself has initiated. (simultaneous connect where B's name is greater than A's) not_allowed: The connection is disallowed for some (unspecified) security reason. alive: A connection to the node is already active, which either means that node A is confused or that the TCP connection breakdown of a previous node with this name has not yet reached node B. See 3B below. This is the format of the status message: +---+-------+-------+-...-+-------+ |'s'|Status0|Status1| ... |StatusN| +---+-------+-------+-...-+-------+ 's' is the message tag Status0 ... StatusN is the status as a string (not terminated) 3B) send_status/recv_status: If status was 'alive', node A will answer with another status message containing either 'true' which means that the connection should continue (The old connection from this node is broken), or 'false', which simply means that the connection should be closed, the connection attempt was a mistake. 4) recv_challenge/send_challenge: If the status was 'ok' or 'ok_simultaneous', The handshake continues with B sending A another message, the challenge. The challenge contains the same type of information as the "name" message initially sent from A to B, with the addition of a 32 bit challenge: +---+--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--- |'n'|Version0|Version1|Flag0|Flag1|Flag2|Flag3|Chal0|Chal1|Chal2|Chal3| +---+--------+--------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--- ------+-----+-...-+-----+ Name0|Name1| ... |NameN| ------+-----+-... +-----+ Where Chal0 ... Chal3 is the challenge as a 32 bit big endian integer and the other fields are B's version, flags and full nodename. 5) send_challenge_reply/recv_challenge_reply: Now A has generated a digest and its own challenge. Those are sent together in a package to B: +---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-...-+------+ |'r'|Chal0|Chal1|Chal2|Chal3|Dige0|Dige1|Dige2|Dige3| ... |Dige15| +---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-...-+------+ Where 'r' is the tag, Chal0 ... Chal3 is A's challenge for B to handle and Dige0 ... Dige15 is the digest that A constructed from the challenge B sent in the previous step. 6) recv_challenge_ack/send_challenge_ack: B checks that the digest received from A is correct and generates a digest from the challenge received from A. The digest is then sent to A. The message looks like this: +---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-...-+------+ |'a'|Dige0|Dige1|Dige2|Dige3| ... |Dige15| +---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-...-+------+ Where 'a' is the tag and Dige0 ... Dige15 is the digest calculated by B for A's challenge. 7) A checks the digest from B and the connection is up. SEMIGRAPHIC VIEW ---------------- A (initiator) B (acceptor) TCP connect -----------------------------------------> TCP accept send_name -----------------------------------------> recv_name <---------------------------------------- send_status recv_status (if status was 'alive' send_status - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> recv_status) ChB = gen_challenge() (ChB) <---------------------------------------- send_challenge recv_challenge ChA = gen_challenge(), OCA = out_cookie(B), DiA = gen_digest(ChB,OCA) (ChA, DiA) send_challenge_reply --------------------------------> recv_challenge_reply ICB = in_cookie(A), check: DiA == gen_digest (ChB, ICB) ? - if OK: OCB = out_cookie(A), DiB = gen_digest (DiB) (ChA, OCB) <----------------------------------------- send_challenge_ack recv_challenge_ack DONE ICA = in_cookie(B), - else check: CLOSE DiB == gen_digest(ChA,ICA) ? - if OK DONE - else CLOSE THE CURRENTLY DEFINED FLAGS --------------------------- Currently the following capability flags are defined: %% The node should be published and part of the global namespace -define(DFLAG_PUBLISHED,1). %% The node implements an atom cache -define(DFLAG_ATOM_CACHE,2). %% The node implements extended (3 * 32 bits) references -define(DFLAG_EXTENDED_REFERENCES,4). %% The node implements distributed process monitoring. -define(DFLAG_DIST_MONITOR,8). %% The node uses separate tag for fun's (lambdas) in the distribution protocol. -define(DFLAG_FUN_TAGS,16). An R6 erlang node implements all of the above, while a C or Java node only implements DFLAG_EXTENDED_REFERENCES. Last modified 1999-11-08 -- Patrik Nyblom, OTP