%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

-export([start/1, start/2, start_boot/1, start_boot/2, stop/1, 
	 load/1, load/2, unload/1, takeover/2,
	 which_applications/0, which_applications/1,
	 loaded_applications/0, permit/2]).
-export([set_env/3, set_env/4, unset_env/2, unset_env/3]).
-export([get_env/1, get_env/2, get_env/3, get_all_env/0, get_all_env/1]).
-export([get_key/1, get_key/2, get_all_key/0, get_all_key/1]).
-export([get_application/0, get_application/1, info/0]).


-type start_type() :: 'normal'
                    | {'takeover', Node :: node()}
                    | {'failover', Node :: node()}.
-type restart_type() :: 'permanent' | 'transient' | 'temporary'.
-type application_opt() :: {'description', Description :: string()}
                         | {'vsn', Vsn :: string()}
                         | {'id', Id :: string()}
                         | {'modules', [Module :: module()]}
                         | {'registered', Names :: [Name :: atom()]}
                         | {'applications', [Application :: atom()]}
                         | {'included_applications', [Application :: atom()]}
                         | {'env', [{Par :: atom(), Val :: term()}]}
                         | {'start_phases',
                            [{Phase :: atom(), PhaseArgs :: term()}] | 'undefined'}
                         | {'maxT', MaxT :: timeout()}          % max timeout
                         | {'maxP',
                            MaxP :: pos_integer() | 'infinity'} % max processes
                         | {'mod', Start :: {Module :: module(), StartArgs :: term()}}.
-type application_spec() :: {'application',
                             Application :: atom(),
                             AppSpecKeys :: [application_opt()]}.

-type(tuple_of(_T) :: tuple()).


-callback start(StartType :: normal | {takeover, node()} | {failover, node()},
		StartArgs :: term()) ->
    {'ok', pid()} | {'ok', pid(), State :: term()} | {'error', Reason :: term()}.

-callback stop(State :: term()) ->

%%% This module is API towards application_controller and
%%% application_master.

-spec load(AppDescr) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      AppDescr :: Application | (AppSpec :: application_spec()),
      Application :: atom(),
      Reason :: term().

load(Application) ->
    load1(Application, []).

-spec load(AppDescr, Distributed) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      AppDescr :: Application | (AppSpec :: application_spec()),
      Application :: atom(),
      Distributed :: {Application,Nodes}
                   | {Application,Time,Nodes}
                   | 'default',
      Nodes :: [node() | tuple_of(node())],
      Time :: pos_integer(),
      Reason :: term().

load(Application, DistNodes) ->
    load1(Application, DistNodes).

%% Workaround due to specs.
load1(Application, DistNodes) ->
    case application_controller:load_application(Application) of
	ok when DistNodes =/= [] ->
	    AppName = get_appl_name(Application),
	    case dist_ac:load_application(AppName, DistNodes) of
		ok ->
		{error, R} ->
		    {error, R}
	Else ->

-spec unload(Application) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Reason :: term().

unload(Application) ->

-spec start(Application) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Reason :: term().

start(Application) ->
    start(Application, temporary).

-spec start(Application, Type) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Type :: restart_type(),
      Reason :: term().

start(Application, RestartType) ->
    case load(Application) of
	ok ->
	    Name = get_appl_name(Application),
	    application_controller:start_application(Name, RestartType);
	{error, {already_loaded, Name}} ->
	    application_controller:start_application(Name, RestartType);
	Error ->

-spec start_boot(Application :: atom()) -> 'ok' | {'error', term()}.

start_boot(Application) ->
    start_boot(Application, temporary).

-spec start_boot(Application :: atom(), RestartType :: restart_type()) ->
	     'ok' | {'error', term()}.

start_boot(Application, RestartType) ->
    application_controller:start_boot_application(Application, RestartType).

-spec takeover(Application, Type) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Type :: restart_type(),
      Reason :: term().

takeover(Application, RestartType) ->
    dist_ac:takeover_application(Application, RestartType).

-spec permit(Application, Permission) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Permission :: boolean(),
      Reason :: term().

permit(Application, Bool) ->
    case Bool of
	true -> ok;
	false -> ok;
	Bad -> exit({badarg, {?MODULE, permit, [Application, Bad]}})
    case application_controller:permit_application(Application, Bool) of
	distributed_application ->
	    dist_ac:permit_application(Application, Bool);
	{distributed_application, only_loaded} ->
	    dist_ac:permit_only_loaded_application(Application, Bool);
	LocalResult ->

-spec stop(Application) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Reason :: term().

stop(Application) ->

-spec which_applications() -> [{Application, Description, Vsn}] when
      Application :: atom(),
      Description :: string(),
      Vsn :: string().

which_applications() ->

-spec which_applications(Timeout) -> [{Application, Description, Vsn}] when
      Timeout :: timeout(),
      Application :: atom(),
      Description :: string(),
      Vsn :: string().

which_applications(infinity) ->
which_applications(Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout>=0 ->

-spec loaded_applications() -> [{Application, Description, Vsn}] when
      Application :: atom(),
      Description :: string(),
      Vsn :: string().

loaded_applications() -> 

-spec info() -> term().

info() -> 

-spec set_env(Application, Par, Val) -> 'ok' when
      Application :: atom(),
      Par :: atom(),
      Val :: term().

set_env(Application, Key, Val) -> 
    application_controller:set_env(Application, Key, Val).

-spec set_env(Application, Par, Val, Timeout) -> 'ok' when
      Application :: atom(),
      Par :: atom(),
      Val :: term(),
      Timeout :: timeout().

set_env(Application, Key, Val, infinity) ->
    application_controller:set_env(Application, Key, Val, infinity);
set_env(Application, Key, Val, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout>=0 ->
    application_controller:set_env(Application, Key, Val, Timeout).

-spec unset_env(Application, Par) -> 'ok' when
      Application :: atom(),
      Par :: atom().

unset_env(Application, Key) -> 
    application_controller:unset_env(Application, Key).

-spec unset_env(Application, Par, Timeout) -> 'ok' when
      Application :: atom(),
      Par :: atom(),
      Timeout :: timeout().

unset_env(Application, Key, infinity) ->
    application_controller:unset_env(Application, Key, infinity);
unset_env(Application, Key, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout>=0 ->
    application_controller:unset_env(Application, Key, Timeout).

-spec get_env(Par) -> 'undefined' | {'ok', Val} when
      Par :: atom(),
      Val :: term().

get_env(Key) -> 
    application_controller:get_pid_env(group_leader(), Key).

-spec get_env(Application, Par) -> 'undefined' | {'ok', Val} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Par :: atom(),
      Val :: term().

get_env(Application, Key) -> 
    application_controller:get_env(Application, Key).

-spec get_env(Application, Par, Def) -> Val when
      Application :: atom(),
      Par :: atom(),
      Def :: term(),
      Val :: term().

get_env(Application, Key, Def) ->
    case get_env(Application, Key) of
    {ok, Val} ->
    undefined ->

-spec get_all_env() -> Env when
      Env :: [{Par :: atom(), Val :: term()}].

get_all_env() -> 

-spec get_all_env(Application) -> Env when
      Application :: atom(),
      Env :: [{Par :: atom(), Val :: term()}].

get_all_env(Application) -> 

-spec get_key(Key) -> 'undefined' | {'ok', Val} when
      Key :: atom(),
      Val :: term().

get_key(Key) -> 
    application_controller:get_pid_key(group_leader(), Key).

-spec get_key(Application, Key) -> 'undefined' | {'ok', Val} when
      Application :: atom(),
      Key :: atom(),
      Val :: term().

get_key(Application, Key) -> 
    application_controller:get_key(Application, Key).

-spec get_all_key() -> [] | {'ok', Keys} when
      Keys :: [{Key :: atom(),Val :: term()},...].

get_all_key() ->

-spec get_all_key(Application) -> 'undefined' | Keys when
      Application :: atom(),
      Keys :: {'ok', [{Key :: atom(),Val :: term()},...]}.

get_all_key(Application) -> 

-spec get_application() -> 'undefined' | {'ok', Application} when
      Application :: atom().

get_application() -> 

-spec get_application(PidOrModule) -> 'undefined' | {'ok', Application} when
      PidOrModule :: (Pid :: pid()) | (Module :: module()),
      Application :: atom().

get_application(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
    case process_info(Pid, group_leader) of
	{group_leader, Gl} ->
	undefined ->
get_application(Module) when is_atom(Module) ->

-spec start_type() -> StartType | 'undefined' | 'local' when
      StartType :: start_type().

start_type() ->

%% Internal
get_appl_name(Name) when is_atom(Name) -> Name;
get_appl_name({application, Name, _}) when is_atom(Name) -> Name.