%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(code_server). %% This file holds the server part of the code_server. -export([start_link/1, call/1, system_code_change/4, error_msg/2, info_msg/2 ]). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -import(lists, [foreach/2]). -type on_load_item() :: {reference(),module(),file:name_all(),[pid()]}. -record(state, {supervisor :: pid(), root :: file:name_all(), path :: [file:name_all()], moddb :: ets:tab(), namedb :: ets:tab(), mode = interactive :: 'interactive' | 'embedded', on_load = [] :: [on_load_item()]}). -type state() :: #state{}. -spec start_link([term()]) -> {'ok', pid()}. start_link(Args) -> Ref = make_ref(), Parent = self(), Init = fun() -> init(Ref, Parent, Args) end, spawn_link(Init), receive {Ref,Res} -> Res end. %% ----------------------------------------------------------- %% Init the code_server process. %% ----------------------------------------------------------- init(Ref, Parent, [Root,Mode]) -> register(?MODULE, self()), process_flag(trap_exit, true), Db = ets:new(code, [private]), foreach(fun (M) -> %% Pre-loaded modules are always sticky. ets:insert(Db, [{M,preloaded},{{sticky,M},true}]) end, erlang:pre_loaded()), Loaded0 = init:fetch_loaded(), Loaded = [{M,filename:join([P])} || {M,P} <- Loaded0], %Normalize. ets:insert(Db, Loaded), IPath = case Mode of interactive -> LibDir = filename:append(Root, "lib"), {ok,Dirs} = erl_prim_loader:list_dir(LibDir), Paths = make_path(LibDir, Dirs), UserLibPaths = get_user_lib_dirs(), ["."] ++ UserLibPaths ++ Paths; _ -> [] end, Path = add_loader_path(IPath, Mode), State = #state{supervisor = Parent, root = Root, path = Path, moddb = Db, namedb = init_namedb(Path), mode = Mode}, Parent ! {Ref,{ok,self()}}, loop(State). get_user_lib_dirs() -> case os:getenv("ERL_LIBS") of LibDirs0 when is_list(LibDirs0) -> Sep = case os:type() of {win32, _} -> $;; _ -> $: end, LibDirs = split_paths(LibDirs0, Sep, [], []), get_user_lib_dirs_1(LibDirs); false -> [] end. get_user_lib_dirs_1([Dir|DirList]) -> case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(Dir) of {ok, Dirs} -> Paths = make_path(Dir, Dirs), %% Only add paths trailing with ./ebin. [P || P <- Paths, filename:basename(P) =:= "ebin"] ++ get_user_lib_dirs_1(DirList); error -> get_user_lib_dirs_1(DirList) end; get_user_lib_dirs_1([]) -> []. split_paths([S|T], S, Path, Paths) -> split_paths(T, S, [], [lists:reverse(Path) | Paths]); split_paths([C|T], S, Path, Paths) -> split_paths(T, S, [C|Path], Paths); split_paths([], _S, Path, Paths) -> lists:reverse(Paths, [lists:reverse(Path)]). -spec call(term()) -> term(). call(Req) -> ?MODULE ! {code_call, self(), Req}, receive {?MODULE, Reply} -> Reply end. reply(Pid, Res) -> Pid ! {?MODULE, Res}. loop(#state{supervisor=Supervisor}=State0) -> receive {code_call, Pid, Req} -> case handle_call(Req, {Pid, call}, State0) of {reply, Res, State} -> _ = reply(Pid, Res), loop(State); {noreply, State} -> loop(State); {stop, Why, stopped, State} -> system_terminate(Why, Supervisor, [], State) end; {'EXIT', Supervisor, Reason} -> system_terminate(Reason, Supervisor, [], State0); {system, From, Msg} -> handle_system_msg(running,Msg, From, Supervisor, State0); {'DOWN',Ref,process,_,Res} -> State = finish_on_load(Ref, Res, State0), loop(State); _Msg -> loop(State0) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% System upgrade handle_system_msg(SysState, Msg, From, Parent, Misc) -> case do_sys_cmd(SysState, Msg, Parent, Misc) of {suspended, Reply, NMisc} -> gen_reply(From, Reply), suspend_loop(suspended, Parent, NMisc); {running, Reply, NMisc} -> gen_reply(From, Reply), system_continue(Parent, [], NMisc) end. gen_reply({To, Tag}, Reply) -> catch To ! {Tag, Reply}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% When a process is suspended, it can only respond to system %% messages. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- suspend_loop(SysState, Parent, Misc) -> receive {system, From, Msg} -> handle_system_msg(SysState, Msg, From, Parent, Misc); {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> system_terminate(Reason, Parent, [], Misc) end. do_sys_cmd(_, suspend, _Parent, Misc) -> {suspended, ok, Misc}; do_sys_cmd(_, resume, _Parent, Misc) -> {running, ok, Misc}; do_sys_cmd(SysState, get_status, Parent, Misc) -> Status = {status, self(), {module, ?MODULE}, [get(), SysState, Parent, [], Misc]}, {SysState, Status, Misc}; do_sys_cmd(SysState, {debug, _What}, _Parent, Misc) -> {SysState,ok,Misc}; do_sys_cmd(suspended, {change_code, Module, Vsn, Extra}, _Parent, Misc0) -> {Res, Misc} = case catch ?MODULE:system_code_change(Misc0, Module, Vsn, Extra) of {ok, _} = Ok -> Ok; Else -> {{error, Else}, Misc0} end, {suspended, Res, Misc}; do_sys_cmd(SysState, Other, _Parent, Misc) -> {SysState, {error, {unknown_system_msg, Other}}, Misc}. system_continue(_Parent, _Debug, State) -> loop(State). system_terminate(_Reason, _Parent, _Debug, _State) -> %% error_msg("~p terminating: ~p~n ", [?MODULE, Reason]), exit(shutdown). -spec system_code_change(state(), module(), term(), term()) -> {'ok', state()}. system_code_change(State, _Module, _OldVsn, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %% %% The gen_server call back functions. %% handle_call({stick_dir,Dir}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> {reply,stick_dir(Dir, true, S),S}; handle_call({unstick_dir,Dir}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> {reply,stick_dir(Dir, false, S),S}; handle_call({stick_mod,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> {reply,stick_mod(Mod, true, S),S}; handle_call({unstick_mod,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> {reply,stick_mod(Mod, false, S),S}; handle_call({dir,Dir}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> Root = S#state.root, Resp = do_dir(Root,Dir,S#state.namedb), {reply,Resp,S}; handle_call({load_file,Mod}, Caller, St) when is_atom(Mod) -> load_file(Mod, Caller, St); handle_call({add_path,Where,Dir0}, {_From,_Tag}, #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) -> {Resp,Path} = add_path(Where, Dir0, Path0, Namedb), {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}}; handle_call({add_paths,Where,Dirs0}, {_From,_Tag}, #state{namedb=Namedb,path=Path0}=S) -> {Resp,Path} = add_paths(Where, Dirs0, Path0, Namedb), {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}}; handle_call({set_path,PathList}, {_From,_Tag}, #state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) -> {Resp,Path,NewDb} = set_path(PathList, Path0, Namedb), {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path,namedb=NewDb}}; handle_call({del_path,Name}, {_From,_Tag}, #state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) -> {Resp,Path} = del_path(Name, Path0, Namedb), {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}}; handle_call({replace_path,Name,Dir}, {_From,_Tag}, #state{path=Path0,namedb=Namedb}=S) -> {Resp,Path} = replace_path(Name, Dir, Path0, Namedb), {reply,Resp,S#state{path=Path}}; handle_call(get_path, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> {reply,S#state.path,S}; %% Messages to load, delete and purge modules/files. handle_call({load_abs,File,Mod}, Caller, S) when is_atom(Mod) -> case modp(File) of false -> {reply,{error,badarg},S}; true -> load_abs(File, Mod, Caller, S) end; handle_call({load_binary,Mod,File,Bin}, Caller, S) when is_atom(Mod) -> do_load_binary(Mod, File, Bin, Caller, S); handle_call({load_native_partial,Mod,Bin}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture), Result = (catch hipe_unified_loader:load(Mod, Bin, Architecture)), Status = hipe_result_to_status(Result, S), {reply,Status,S}; handle_call({load_native_sticky,Mod,Bin,WholeModule}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture), Result = (catch hipe_unified_loader:load_module(Mod, Bin, WholeModule, Architecture)), Status = hipe_result_to_status(Result, S), {reply,Status,S}; handle_call({ensure_loaded,Mod}, Caller, St) when is_atom(Mod) -> case erlang:module_loaded(Mod) of true -> {reply,{module,Mod},St}; false when St#state.mode =:= interactive -> load_file(Mod, Caller, St); false -> {reply,{error,embedded},St} end; handle_call({delete,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) -> case catch erlang:delete_module(Mod) of true -> ets:delete(St#state.moddb, Mod), {reply,true,St}; _ -> {reply,false,St} end; handle_call({purge,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) -> {reply,do_purge(Mod),St}; handle_call({soft_purge,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) -> {reply,do_soft_purge(Mod),St}; handle_call({is_loaded,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) -> {reply,is_loaded(Mod, St#state.moddb),St}; handle_call(all_loaded, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> Db = S#state.moddb, {reply,all_loaded(Db),S}; handle_call({get_object_code,Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, St) when is_atom(Mod) -> Path = St#state.path, case mod_to_bin(Path, Mod) of {_,Bin,FName} -> {reply,{Mod,Bin,FName},St}; Error -> {reply,Error,St} end; handle_call({is_sticky, Mod}, {_From,_Tag}, S) -> Db = S#state.moddb, {reply, is_sticky(Mod,Db), S}; handle_call(stop,{_From,_Tag}, S) -> {stop,normal,stopped,S}; handle_call({set_primary_archive, File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun}, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) -> case erl_prim_loader:set_primary_archive(File, ArchiveBin, FileInfo, ParserFun) of {ok, Files} -> {reply, {ok, Mode, Files}, S}; {error, _Reason} = Error -> {reply, Error, S} end; handle_call(get_mode, {_From,_Tag}, S=#state{mode=Mode}) -> {reply, Mode, S}; handle_call({finish_loading,Prepared,EnsureLoaded}, {_,_}, S) -> {reply,finish_loading(Prepared, EnsureLoaded, S),S}; handle_call(Other,{_From,_Tag}, S) -> error_msg(" ** Codeserver*** ignoring ~w~n ",[Other]), {noreply,S}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% Path handling functions. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% Create the initial path. %% make_path(BundleDir, Bundles0) -> Bundles = choose_bundles(Bundles0), make_path(BundleDir, Bundles, []). choose_bundles(Bundles) -> ArchiveExt = archive_extension(), Bs = lists:sort([create_bundle(B, ArchiveExt) || B <- Bundles]), [FullName || {_Name,_NumVsn,FullName} <- choose(lists:reverse(Bs), [], ArchiveExt)]. create_bundle(FullName, ArchiveExt) -> BaseName = filename:basename(FullName, ArchiveExt), case split_base(BaseName) of {Name, VsnStr} -> case vsn_to_num(VsnStr) of {ok, VsnNum} -> {Name,VsnNum,FullName}; false -> {FullName,[0],FullName} end; _ -> {FullName,[0],FullName} end. %% Convert "X.Y.Z. ..." to [K, L, M| ...] vsn_to_num(Vsn) -> case is_vsn(Vsn) of true -> {ok, [list_to_integer(S) || S <- split(Vsn, ".")]}; _ -> false end. is_vsn(Str) when is_list(Str) -> Vsns = split(Str, "."), lists:all(fun is_numstr/1, Vsns). is_numstr(Cs) -> lists:all(fun (C) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 -> true; (_) -> false end, Cs). split(Cs, S) -> split1(Cs, S, []). split1([C|S], Seps, Toks) -> case lists:member(C, Seps) of true -> split1(S, Seps, Toks); false -> split2(S, Seps, Toks, [C]) end; split1([], _Seps, Toks) -> lists:reverse(Toks). split2([C|S], Seps, Toks, Cs) -> case lists:member(C, Seps) of true -> split1(S, Seps, [lists:reverse(Cs)|Toks]); false -> split2(S, Seps, Toks, [C|Cs]) end; split2([], _Seps, Toks, Cs) -> lists:reverse([lists:reverse(Cs)|Toks]). join([H1, H2| T], S) -> H1 ++ S ++ join([H2| T], S); join([H], _) -> H; join([], _) -> []. choose([{Name,NumVsn,NewFullName}=New|Bs], Acc, ArchiveExt) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Acc) of {_, NV, OldFullName} when NV =:= NumVsn -> case filename:extension(OldFullName) =:= ArchiveExt of false -> choose(Bs,Acc, ArchiveExt); true -> Acc2 = lists:keystore(Name, 1, Acc, New), choose(Bs,Acc2, ArchiveExt) end; {_, _, _} -> choose(Bs,Acc, ArchiveExt); false -> choose(Bs,[{Name,NumVsn,NewFullName}|Acc], ArchiveExt) end; choose([],Acc, _ArchiveExt) -> Acc. make_path(_, [], Res) -> Res; make_path(BundleDir, [Bundle|Tail], Res) -> Dir = filename:append(BundleDir, Bundle), Ebin = filename:append(Dir, "ebin"), %% First try with /ebin case is_dir(Ebin) of true -> make_path(BundleDir, Tail, [Ebin|Res]); false -> %% Second try with archive Ext = archive_extension(), Base = filename:basename(Bundle, Ext), Ebin2 = filename:join([BundleDir, Base ++ Ext, Base, "ebin"]), Ebins = case split_base(Base) of {AppName,_} -> Ebin3 = filename:join([BundleDir, Base ++ Ext, AppName, "ebin"]), [Ebin3, Ebin2, Dir]; _ -> [Ebin2, Dir] end, case try_ebin_dirs(Ebins) of {ok,FoundEbin} -> make_path(BundleDir, Tail, [FoundEbin|Res]); error -> make_path(BundleDir, Tail, Res) end end. try_ebin_dirs([Ebin|Ebins]) -> case is_dir(Ebin) of true -> {ok,Ebin}; false -> try_ebin_dirs(Ebins) end; try_ebin_dirs([]) -> error. %% %% Add the erl_prim_loader path. %% %% add_loader_path(IPath0,Mode) -> {ok,PrimP0} = erl_prim_loader:get_path(), case Mode of embedded -> strip_path(PrimP0, Mode); % i.e. only normalize _ -> Pa0 = get_arg(pa), Pz0 = get_arg(pz), Pa = patch_path(Pa0), Pz = patch_path(Pz0), PrimP = patch_path(PrimP0), IPath = patch_path(IPath0), P = exclude_pa_pz(PrimP,Pa,Pz), Path0 = strip_path(P, Mode), Path = add(Path0, IPath, []), add_pa_pz(Path,Pa,Pz) end. patch_path(Path) -> case check_path(Path) of {ok, NewPath} -> NewPath; {error, _Reason} -> Path end. %% As the erl_prim_loader path includes the -pa and -pz %% directories they have to be removed first !! exclude_pa_pz(P0,Pa,Pz) -> P1 = excl(Pa, P0), P = excl(Pz, lists:reverse(P1)), lists:reverse(P). excl([], P) -> P; excl([D|Ds], P) -> excl(Ds, lists:delete(D, P)). %% %% Keep only 'valid' paths in code server. %% Only if mode is interactive, in an embedded %% system we can't rely on file. %% strip_path([P0|Ps], Mode) -> P = filename:join([P0]), % Normalize case check_path([P]) of {ok, [NewP]} -> [NewP|strip_path(Ps, Mode)]; _ when Mode =:= embedded -> [P|strip_path(Ps, Mode)]; _ -> strip_path(Ps, Mode) end; strip_path(_, _) -> []. %% %% Add only non-existing paths. %% Also delete other versions of directories, %% e.g. .../test-3.2/ebin should exclude .../test-*/ebin (and .../test/ebin). %% Put the Path directories first in resulting path. %% add(Path,["."|IPath],Acc) -> RPath = add1(Path,IPath,Acc), ["."|lists:delete(".",RPath)]; add(Path,IPath,Acc) -> add1(Path,IPath,Acc). add1([P|Path],IPath,Acc) -> case lists:member(P,Acc) of true -> add1(Path,IPath,Acc); % Already added false -> IPath1 = exclude(P,IPath), add1(Path,IPath1,[P|Acc]) end; add1(_,IPath,Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc) ++ IPath. add_pa_pz(Path0, Patha, Pathz) -> {_,Path1} = add_paths(first,Patha,Path0,false), {_,Path2} = add_paths(first,Pathz,lists:reverse(Path1),false), lists:reverse(Path2). get_arg(Arg) -> case init:get_argument(Arg) of {ok, Values} -> lists:append(Values); _ -> [] end. %% %% Exclude other versions of Dir or duplicates. %% Return a new Path. %% exclude(Dir,Path) -> Name = get_name(Dir), [D || D <- Path, D =/= Dir, get_name(D) =/= Name]. %% %% Get the "Name" of a directory. A directory in the code server path %% have the following form: .../Name-Vsn or .../Name %% where Vsn is any sortable term (the newest directory is sorted as %% the greatest term). %% %% get_name(Dir) -> get_name_from_splitted(filename:split(Dir)). get_name_from_splitted([DirName,"ebin"]) -> discard_after_hyphen(DirName); get_name_from_splitted([DirName]) -> discard_after_hyphen(DirName); get_name_from_splitted([_|T]) -> get_name_from_splitted(T); get_name_from_splitted([]) -> "". %No name. discard_after_hyphen("-"++_) -> []; discard_after_hyphen([H|T]) -> [H|discard_after_hyphen(T)]; discard_after_hyphen([]) -> []. split_base(BaseName) -> case split(BaseName, "-") of [_, _|_] = Toks -> Vsn = lists:last(Toks), AllButLast = lists:droplast(Toks), {join(AllButLast, "-"),Vsn}; [_|_] -> BaseName end. check_path(Path) -> PathChoice = init:code_path_choice(), ArchiveExt = archive_extension(), do_check_path(Path, PathChoice, ArchiveExt, []). do_check_path([], _PathChoice, _ArchiveExt, Acc) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}; do_check_path([Dir | Tail], PathChoice, ArchiveExt, Acc) -> case is_dir(Dir) of true -> do_check_path(Tail, PathChoice, ArchiveExt, [Dir | Acc]); false when PathChoice =:= strict -> %% Be strict. Only use dir as explicitly stated {error, bad_directory}; false when PathChoice =:= relaxed -> %% Be relaxed case catch lists:reverse(filename:split(Dir)) of {'EXIT', _} -> {error, bad_directory}; ["ebin", App] -> Dir2 = filename:join([App ++ ArchiveExt, App, "ebin"]), case is_dir(Dir2) of true -> do_check_path(Tail, PathChoice, ArchiveExt, [Dir2 | Acc]); false -> {error, bad_directory} end; ["ebin", App, OptArchive | RevTop] -> Ext = filename:extension(OptArchive), Base = filename:basename(OptArchive, Ext), Dir2 = if Ext =:= ArchiveExt, Base =:= App -> %% .../app-vsn.ez/app-vsn/ebin Top = lists:reverse(RevTop), filename:join(Top ++ [App, "ebin"]); Ext =:= ArchiveExt -> %% .../app-vsn.ez/xxx/ebin {error, bad_directory}; true -> %% .../app-vsn/ebin Top = lists:reverse([OptArchive | RevTop]), filename:join(Top ++ [App ++ ArchiveExt, App, "ebin"]) end, case is_dir(Dir2) of true -> do_check_path(Tail, PathChoice, ArchiveExt, [Dir2 | Acc]); false -> {error, bad_directory} end; _ -> {error, bad_directory} end end. %% %% Add new path(s). %% add_path(Where,Dir,Path,NameDb) when is_atom(Dir) -> add_path(Where,atom_to_list(Dir),Path,NameDb); add_path(Where,Dir0,Path,NameDb) when is_list(Dir0) -> case int_list(Dir0) of true -> Dir = filename:join([Dir0]), % Normalize case check_path([Dir]) of {ok, [NewDir]} -> {true, do_add(Where,NewDir,Path,NameDb)}; Error -> {Error, Path} end; false -> {{error, bad_directory}, Path} end; add_path(_,_,Path,_) -> {{error, bad_directory}, Path}. %% %% If the new directory is added first or if the directory didn't exist %% the name-directory table must be updated. %% If NameDb is false we should NOT update NameDb as it is done later %% then the table is created :-) %% do_add(first,Dir,Path,NameDb) -> update(Dir, NameDb), [Dir|lists:delete(Dir,Path)]; do_add(last,Dir,Path,NameDb) -> case lists:member(Dir,Path) of true -> Path; false -> maybe_update(Dir, NameDb), Path ++ [Dir] end. %% Do not update if the same name already exists ! maybe_update(Dir, NameDb) -> (lookup_name(get_name(Dir), NameDb) =:= false) andalso update(Dir, NameDb). update(_Dir, false) -> true; update(Dir, NameDb) -> replace_name(Dir, NameDb). %% %% Set a completely new path. %% set_path(NewPath0, OldPath, NameDb) -> NewPath = normalize(NewPath0), case check_path(NewPath) of {ok, NewPath2} -> ets:delete(NameDb), NewDb = init_namedb(NewPath2), {true, NewPath2, NewDb}; Error -> {Error, OldPath, NameDb} end. %% %% Normalize the given path. %% The check_path function catches erroneous path, %% thus it is ignored here. %% normalize([P|Path]) when is_atom(P) -> normalize([atom_to_list(P)|Path]); normalize([P|Path]) when is_list(P) -> case int_list(P) of true -> [filename:join([P])|normalize(Path)]; false -> [P|normalize(Path)] end; normalize([P|Path]) -> [P|normalize(Path)]; normalize([]) -> []; normalize(Other) -> Other. %% Handle a table of name-directory pairs. %% The priv_dir/1 and lib_dir/1 functions will have %% an O(1) lookup. init_namedb(Path) -> Db = ets:new(code_names,[private]), init_namedb(lists:reverse(Path), Db), Db. init_namedb([P|Path], Db) -> insert_dir(P, Db), init_namedb(Path, Db); init_namedb([], _) -> ok. -ifdef(NOTUSED). clear_namedb([P|Path], Db) -> delete_name_dir(P, Db), clear_namedb(Path, Db); clear_namedb([], _) -> ok. -endif. %% Dir must be a complete pathname (not only a name). insert_dir(Dir, Db) -> Splitted = filename:split(Dir), Name = get_name_from_splitted(Splitted), AppDir = filename:join(del_ebin_1(Splitted)), do_insert_name(Name, AppDir, Db). insert_name(Name, Dir, Db) -> AppDir = del_ebin(Dir), do_insert_name(Name, AppDir, Db). do_insert_name(Name, AppDir, Db) -> {Base, SubDirs} = archive_subdirs(AppDir), ets:insert(Db, {Name, AppDir, Base, SubDirs}), true. archive_subdirs(AppDir) -> Base = filename:basename(AppDir), Dirs = case split_base(Base) of {Name, _} -> [Name, Base]; _ -> [Base] end, Ext = archive_extension(), try_archive_subdirs(AppDir ++ Ext, Base, Dirs). try_archive_subdirs(Archive, Base, [Dir | Dirs]) -> ArchiveDir = filename:append(Archive, Dir), case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(ArchiveDir) of {ok, Files} -> IsDir = fun(RelFile) -> File = filename:append(ArchiveDir, RelFile), is_dir(File) end, {Dir, lists:filter(IsDir, Files)}; _ -> try_archive_subdirs(Archive, Base, Dirs) end; try_archive_subdirs(_Archive, Base, []) -> {Base, []}. %% %% Delete a directory from Path. %% Name can be either the the name in .../Name[-*] or %% the complete directory name. %% del_path(Name0,Path,NameDb) -> case catch filename:join([to_list(Name0)]) of {'EXIT',_} -> {{error,bad_name},Path}; Name -> case del_path1(Name,Path,NameDb) of Path -> % Nothing has changed {false,Path}; NewPath -> {true,NewPath} end end. del_path1(Name,[P|Path],NameDb) -> case get_name(P) of Name -> delete_name(Name, NameDb), insert_old_shadowed(Name, Path, NameDb), Path; _ when Name =:= P -> case delete_name_dir(Name, NameDb) of true -> insert_old_shadowed(get_name(Name), Path, NameDb); false -> ok end, Path; _ -> [P|del_path1(Name,Path,NameDb)] end; del_path1(_,[],_) -> []. insert_old_shadowed(Name, [P|Path], NameDb) -> case get_name(P) of Name -> insert_name(Name, P, NameDb); _ -> insert_old_shadowed(Name, Path, NameDb) end; insert_old_shadowed(_, [], _) -> ok. %% %% Replace an old occurrence of an directory with name .../Name[-*]. %% If it does not exist, put the new directory last in Path. %% replace_path(Name,Dir,Path,NameDb) -> case catch check_pars(Name,Dir) of {ok,N,D} -> {true,replace_path1(N,D,Path,NameDb)}; {'EXIT',_} -> {{error,{badarg,[Name,Dir]}},Path}; Error -> {Error,Path} end. replace_path1(Name,Dir,[P|Path],NameDb) -> case get_name(P) of Name -> insert_name(Name, Dir, NameDb), [Dir|Path]; _ -> [P|replace_path1(Name,Dir,Path,NameDb)] end; replace_path1(Name, Dir, [], NameDb) -> insert_name(Name, Dir, NameDb), [Dir]. check_pars(Name,Dir) -> N = to_list(Name), D = filename:join([to_list(Dir)]), % Normalize case get_name(Dir) of N -> case check_path([D]) of {ok, [NewD]} -> {ok,N,NewD}; Error -> Error end; _ -> {error,bad_name} end. del_ebin(Dir) -> filename:join(del_ebin_1(filename:split(Dir))). del_ebin_1([Parent,App,"ebin"]) -> Ext = archive_extension(), case filename:basename(Parent, Ext) of Parent -> %% Plain directory. [Parent,App]; Archive -> %% Archive. [Archive] end; del_ebin_1([H|T]) -> [H|del_ebin_1(T)]; del_ebin_1([]) -> []. replace_name(Dir, Db) -> case get_name(Dir) of Dir -> false; Name -> delete_name(Name, Db), insert_name(Name, Dir, Db) end. delete_name(Name, Db) -> ets:delete(Db, Name). delete_name_dir(Dir, Db) -> case get_name(Dir) of Dir -> false; Name -> Dir0 = del_ebin(Dir), case lookup_name(Name, Db) of {ok, Dir0, _Base, _SubDirs} -> ets:delete(Db, Name), true; _ -> false end end. lookup_name(Name, Db) -> case ets:lookup(Db, Name) of [{Name, Dir, Base, SubDirs}] -> {ok, Dir, Base, SubDirs}; _ -> false end. %% %% Fetch a directory. %% do_dir(Root,lib_dir,_) -> filename:append(Root, "lib"); do_dir(Root,root_dir,_) -> Root; do_dir(_Root,compiler_dir,NameDb) -> case lookup_name("compiler", NameDb) of {ok, Dir, _Base, _SubDirs} -> Dir; _ -> "" end; do_dir(_Root,{lib_dir,Name},NameDb) -> case catch lookup_name(to_list(Name), NameDb) of {ok, Dir, _Base, _SubDirs} -> Dir; _ -> {error, bad_name} end; do_dir(_Root,{lib_dir,Name,SubDir0},NameDb) -> SubDir = atom_to_list(SubDir0), case catch lookup_name(to_list(Name), NameDb) of {ok, Dir, Base, SubDirs} -> case lists:member(SubDir, SubDirs) of true -> %% Subdir is in archive filename:join([Dir ++ archive_extension(), Base, SubDir]); false -> %% Subdir is regular directory filename:join([Dir, SubDir]) end; _ -> {error, bad_name} end; do_dir(_Root,{priv_dir,Name},NameDb) -> do_dir(_Root,{lib_dir,Name,priv},NameDb); do_dir(_, _, _) -> 'bad request to code'. stick_dir(Dir, Stick, St) -> case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(Dir) of {ok,Listing} -> Mods = get_mods(Listing, objfile_extension()), Db = St#state.moddb, case Stick of true -> foreach(fun (M) -> ets:insert(Db, {{sticky,M},true}) end, Mods); false -> foreach(fun (M) -> ets:delete(Db, {sticky,M}) end, Mods) end; Error -> Error end. stick_mod(M, Stick, St) -> Db = St#state.moddb, case Stick of true -> ets:insert(Db, {{sticky,M},true}); false -> ets:delete(Db, {sticky,M}) end. get_mods([File|Tail], Extension) -> case filename:extension(File) of Extension -> [list_to_atom(filename:basename(File, Extension)) | get_mods(Tail, Extension)]; _ -> get_mods(Tail, Extension) end; get_mods([], _) -> []. is_sticky(Mod, Db) -> erlang:module_loaded(Mod) andalso (ets:lookup(Db, {sticky, Mod}) =/= []). add_paths(Where,[Dir|Tail],Path,NameDb) -> {_,NPath} = add_path(Where,Dir,Path,NameDb), add_paths(Where,Tail,NPath,NameDb); add_paths(_,_,Path,_) -> {ok,Path}. do_load_binary(Module, File, Binary, Caller, St) -> case modp(File) andalso is_binary(Binary) of true -> case erlang:module_loaded(Module) of true -> do_purge(Module); false -> ok end, try_load_module(File, Module, Binary, Caller, St); false -> {reply,{error,badarg},St} end. modp(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> true; modp(List) when is_list(List) -> int_list(List); modp(_) -> false. load_abs(File, Mod, Caller, St) -> Ext = objfile_extension(), FileName0 = lists:concat([File, Ext]), FileName = absname(FileName0), case erl_prim_loader:get_file(FileName) of {ok,Bin,_} -> try_load_module(FileName, Mod, Bin, Caller, St); error -> {reply,{error,nofile},St} end. try_load_module(File, Mod, Bin, {From,_}=Caller, St0) -> case pending_on_load(Mod, From, St0) of no -> try_load_module_1(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, St0); {yes,St} -> {noreply,St} end. try_load_module_1(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, #state{moddb=Db}=St) -> case is_sticky(Mod, Db) of true -> %% Sticky file reject the load error_msg("Can't load module '~w' that resides in sticky dir\n",[Mod]), {reply,{error,sticky_directory},St}; false -> Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture), try_load_module_2(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture, St) end. try_load_module_2(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, undefined, St) -> try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, undefined, St); try_load_module_2(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture, #state{moddb=Db}=St) -> case catch hipe_unified_loader:load_native_code(Mod, Bin, Architecture) of {module,Mod} = Module -> ets:insert(Db, [{{native,Mod},true},{Mod,File}]), {reply,Module,St}; no_native -> try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture, St); Error -> error_msg("Native loading of ~ts failed: ~p\n", [File,Error]), {reply,ok,St} end. try_load_module_3(File, Mod, Bin, Caller, Architecture, #state{moddb=Db}=St) -> case erlang:load_module(Mod, Bin) of {module,Mod} = Module -> ets:insert(Db, {Mod,File}), post_beam_load([Mod], Architecture, St), {reply,Module,St}; {error,on_load} -> handle_on_load(Mod, File, Caller, St); {error,What} = Error -> error_msg("Loading of ~ts failed: ~p\n", [File, What]), {reply,Error,St} end. hipe_result_to_status(Result, #state{moddb=Db}) -> case Result of {module,Mod} -> ets:insert(Db, [{{native,Mod},true}]), Result; _ -> {error,Result} end. post_beam_load(_, undefined, _) -> %% HiPE is disabled. ok; post_beam_load(Mods0, _Architecture, #state{moddb=Db}) -> %% post_beam_load/2 can potentially be very expensive because it %% blocks multi-scheduling. Therefore, we only want to call %% it with modules that are known to have native code loaded. Mods = [M || M <- Mods0, ets:member(Db, {native,M})], hipe_unified_loader:post_beam_load(Mods). int_list([H|T]) when is_integer(H) -> int_list(T); int_list([_|_]) -> false; int_list([]) -> true. load_file(Mod, {From,_}=Caller, St0) -> case pending_on_load(Mod, From, St0) of no -> load_file_1(Mod, Caller, St0); {yes,St} -> {noreply,St} end. load_file_1(Mod, Caller, #state{path=Path}=St) -> case mod_to_bin(Path, Mod) of error -> {reply,{error,nofile},St}; {Mod,Binary,File} -> try_load_module_1(File, Mod, Binary, Caller, St) end. mod_to_bin([Dir|Tail], Mod) -> File = filename:append(Dir, atom_to_list(Mod) ++ objfile_extension()), case erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) of error -> mod_to_bin(Tail, Mod); {ok,Bin,_} -> case filename:pathtype(File) of absolute -> {Mod,Bin,File}; _ -> {Mod,Bin,absname(File)} end end; mod_to_bin([], Mod) -> %% At last, try also erl_prim_loader's own method File = to_list(Mod) ++ objfile_extension(), case erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) of error -> error; % No more alternatives ! {ok,Bin,FName} -> {Mod,Bin,absname(FName)} end. absname(File) -> case erl_prim_loader:get_cwd() of {ok,Cwd} -> absname(File, Cwd); _Error -> File end. absname(Name, AbsBase) -> case filename:pathtype(Name) of relative -> filename:absname_join(AbsBase, Name); absolute -> %% We must flatten the filename before passing it into join/1, %% or we will get slashes inserted into the wrong places. filename:join([filename:flatten(Name)]); volumerelative -> absname_vr(filename:split(Name), filename:split(AbsBase), AbsBase) end. %% Handles volumerelative names (on Windows only). absname_vr(["/"|Rest1], [Volume|_], _AbsBase) -> %% Absolute path on current drive. filename:join([Volume|Rest1]); absname_vr([[X, $:]|Rest1], [[X|_]|_], AbsBase) -> %% Relative to current directory on current drive. absname(filename:join(Rest1), AbsBase); absname_vr([[X, $:]|Name], _, _AbsBase) -> %% Relative to current directory on another drive. Dcwd = case erl_prim_loader:get_cwd([X, $:]) of {ok, Dir} -> Dir; error -> [X, $:, $/] end, absname(filename:join(Name), Dcwd). is_loaded(M, Db) -> case ets:lookup(Db, M) of [{M,File}] -> {file,File}; [] -> false end. do_purge(Mod) -> {_WasOld, DidKill} = erts_code_purger:purge(Mod), DidKill. do_soft_purge(Mod) -> erts_code_purger:soft_purge(Mod). is_dir(Path) -> case erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(Path) of {ok,#file_info{type=directory}} -> true; _ -> false end. %%% %%% Loading of multiple modules in parallel. %%% finish_loading(Prepared, EnsureLoaded, #state{moddb=Db}=St) -> Ps = [fun(L) -> finish_loading_ensure(L, EnsureLoaded) end, fun(L) -> abort_if_pending_on_load(L, St) end, fun(L) -> abort_if_sticky(L, Db) end, fun(L) -> do_finish_loading(L, St) end], run(Ps, Prepared). finish_loading_ensure(Prepared, true) -> {ok,[P || {M,_}=P <- Prepared, not erlang:module_loaded(M)]}; finish_loading_ensure(Prepared, false) -> {ok,Prepared}. abort_if_pending_on_load(L, #state{on_load=[]}) -> {ok,L}; abort_if_pending_on_load(L, #state{on_load=OnLoad}) -> Pending = [{M,pending_on_load} || {M,_} <- L, lists:keymember(M, 2, OnLoad)], case Pending of [] -> {ok,L}; [_|_] -> {error,Pending} end. abort_if_sticky(L, Db) -> Sticky = [{M,sticky_directory} || {M,_} <- L, is_sticky(M, Db)], case Sticky of [] -> {ok,L}; [_|_] -> {error,Sticky} end. do_finish_loading(Prepared, #state{moddb=Db}=St) -> MagicBins = [B || {_,{B,_}} <- Prepared], case erlang:finish_loading(MagicBins) of ok -> MFs = [{M,F} || {M,{_,F}} <- Prepared], true = ets:insert(Db, MFs), Ms = [M || {M,_} <- MFs], Architecture = erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture), post_beam_load(Ms, Architecture, St), ok; {Reason,Ms} -> {error,[{M,Reason} || M <- Ms]} end. run([F], Data) -> F(Data); run([F|Fs], Data0) -> case F(Data0) of {ok,Data} -> run(Fs, Data); {error,_}=Error -> Error end. %% ------------------------------------------------------- %% The on_load functionality. %% ------------------------------------------------------- handle_on_load(Mod, File, {From,_}, #state{on_load=OnLoad0}=St0) -> Fun = fun() -> Res = erlang:call_on_load_function(Mod), exit(Res) end, {_,Ref} = spawn_monitor(Fun), OnLoad = [{Ref,Mod,File,[From]}|OnLoad0], St = St0#state{on_load=OnLoad}, {noreply,St}. pending_on_load(_, _, #state{on_load=[]}) -> no; pending_on_load(Mod, From, #state{on_load=OnLoad0}=St) -> case lists:keymember(Mod, 2, OnLoad0) of false -> no; true -> OnLoad = pending_on_load_1(Mod, From, OnLoad0), {yes,St#state{on_load=OnLoad}} end. pending_on_load_1(Mod, From, [{Ref,Mod,File,Pids}|T]) -> [{Ref,Mod,File,[From|Pids]}|T]; pending_on_load_1(Mod, From, [H|T]) -> [H|pending_on_load_1(Mod, From, T)]; pending_on_load_1(_, _, []) -> []. finish_on_load(Ref, OnLoadRes, #state{on_load=OnLoad0,moddb=Db}=State) -> case lists:keyfind(Ref, 1, OnLoad0) of false -> %% Since this process in general silently ignores messages %% it doesn't understand, it should also ignore a 'DOWN' %% message with an unknown reference. State; {Ref,Mod,File,WaitingPids} -> finish_on_load_1(Mod, File, OnLoadRes, WaitingPids, Db), OnLoad = [E || {R,_,_,_}=E <- OnLoad0, R =/= Ref], State#state{on_load=OnLoad} end. finish_on_load_1(Mod, File, OnLoadRes, WaitingPids, Db) -> Keep = OnLoadRes =:= ok, erlang:finish_after_on_load(Mod, Keep), Res = case Keep of false -> _ = finish_on_load_report(Mod, OnLoadRes), _ = erts_code_purger:purge(Mod), {error,on_load_failure}; true -> ets:insert(Db, {Mod,File}), {module,Mod} end, _ = [reply(Pid, Res) || Pid <- WaitingPids], ok. finish_on_load_report(_Mod, Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> %% No error reports for atoms. ok; finish_on_load_report(Mod, Term) -> %% Play it very safe here. The error_logger module and %% modules it depend on may not be loaded yet and there %% would be a dead-lock if we called it directly %% from the code_server process. spawn(fun() -> F = "The on_load function for module " "~s returned ~P\n", %% Express the call as an apply to simplify %% the ext_mod_dep/1 test case. E = error_logger, E:warning_msg(F, [Mod,Term,10]) end). %% ------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions. %% ------------------------------------------------------- all_loaded(Db) -> Ms = ets:fun2ms(fun({M,_}=T) when is_atom(M) -> T end), ets:select(Db, Ms). -spec error_msg(io:format(), [term()]) -> 'ok'. error_msg(Format, Args) -> Msg = {notify,{error, group_leader(), {self(), Format, Args}}}, error_logger ! Msg, ok. -spec info_msg(io:format(), [term()]) -> 'ok'. info_msg(Format, Args) -> Msg = {notify,{info_msg, group_leader(), {self(), Format, Args}}}, error_logger ! Msg, ok. objfile_extension() -> init:objfile_extension(). archive_extension() -> init:archive_extension(). to_list(X) when is_list(X) -> X; to_list(X) when is_atom(X) -> atom_to_list(X).