%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(disk_log_1). %% Efficient file based log - implementation part -export([int_open/4, ext_open/4, logl/1, close/3, truncate/3, chunk/5, sync/2, write_cache/2]). -export([mf_int_open/7, mf_int_log/3, mf_int_close/2, mf_int_inc/2, mf_ext_inc/2, mf_int_chunk/4, mf_int_chunk_step/3, mf_sync/1, mf_write_cache/1]). -export([mf_ext_open/7, mf_ext_log/3, mf_ext_close/2]). -export([print_index_file/1]). -export([read_index_file/1]). -export([read_size_file/1, read_size_file_version/1]). -export([chunk_read_only/5]). -export([mf_int_chunk_read_only/4]). -export([change_size_wrap/3]). -export([get_wrap_size/1]). -export([is_head/1]). -export([position/3, truncate_at/3, fwrite/4, fclose/2]). -compile({inline,[{scan_f2,7}]}). -import(lists, [concat/1, reverse/1, sum/1]). -include("disk_log.hrl"). %%% At the head of a LOG file we have [?LOGMAGIC, ?OPENED | ?CLOSED]. %%% Otherwise it's not a LOG file. Following that, the head, come the %%% logged items. %%% %%% There are four formats of wrap log files (so far). Only the size %%% file and the index file differ between versions between the first %%% three version. The fourth version 2(a), has some protection %%% against damaged item sizes. %%% Version 0: no "siz" file %%% Version 1: "siz" file, 4 byte sizes %%% Version 2: 8 byte sizes (support for large files) %%% Version 2(a): Change of the format of logged items: %%% if the size of a term binary is greater than or equal to %%% ?MIN_MD5_TERM, a logged item looks like %%% <<Size:32, ?BIGMAGICHEAD:32, MD5:128, Term/binary>>, %%% otherwise <<Size:32, ?BIGMAGICHEAD:32, Term/binary>>. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% -> {ok, NoBytes, NewFdC} | {Error, NewFdC} log(FdC, FileName, X) -> {Bs, Size} = logl(X, [], 0), case fwrite(FdC, FileName, Bs, Size) of {ok, NewFdC} -> {ok, Size, NewFdC}; Error -> Error end. -spec logl([binary()]) -> {iolist(), non_neg_integer()}. logl(X) -> logl(X, [], 0). logl([X | T], Bs, Size) -> Sz = byte_size(X), BSz = <<Sz:?SIZESZ/unit:8>>, NBs = case Sz < ?MIN_MD5_TERM of true -> [Bs, BSz, ?BIGMAGICHEAD | X]; false -> MD5 = erlang:md5(BSz), [Bs, BSz, ?BIGMAGICHEAD, MD5 | X] end, logl(T, NBs, Size + ?HEADERSZ + Sz); logl([], Bs, Size) -> {Bs, Size}. %% -> {ok, NewFdC} | {Error, NewFdC} write_cache(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FName) -> erase(write_cache_timer_is_running), write_cache(Fd, FName, C). %% -> {Reply, NewFdC}; Reply = ok | Error sync(FdC, FName) -> fsync(FdC, FName). %% -> {Reply, NewFdC}; Reply = ok | Error truncate(FdC, FileName, Head) -> Reply = truncate_at(FdC, FileName, ?HEADSZ), case Reply of {ok, _} when Head =:= none -> Reply; {ok, FdC1} -> {ok, B} = Head, case log(FdC1, FileName, [B]) of {ok, _NoBytes, NewFdC} -> {ok, NewFdC}; Reply2 -> Reply2 end; _ -> Reply end. %% -> {NewFdC, Reply}, Reply = {Cont, Binaries} | {error, Reason} | eof chunk(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N) when is_binary(B) -> true = byte_size(B) >= ?HEADERSZ, do_handle_chunk(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N); chunk(FdC, FileName, Pos, NoBytes, N) -> MaxNoBytes = case NoBytes of [] -> ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; _ -> erlang:max(NoBytes, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) end, case read_chunk(FdC, FileName, Pos, MaxNoBytes) of {NewFdC, {ok, Bin}} when byte_size(Bin) < ?HEADERSZ -> {NewFdC, {error, {corrupt_log_file, FileName}}}; {NewFdC, {ok, Bin}} when NoBytes =:= []; byte_size(Bin) >= NoBytes -> NewPos = Pos + byte_size(Bin), do_handle_chunk(NewFdC, FileName, NewPos, Bin, N); {NewFdC, {ok, _Bin}} -> {NewFdC, {error, {corrupt_log_file, FileName}}}; {NewFdC, eof} when is_integer(NoBytes) -> % "cannot happen" {NewFdC, {error, {corrupt_log_file, FileName}}}; Other -> % eof or error Other end. do_handle_chunk(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N) -> case handle_chunk(B, Pos, N, []) of corrupt -> {FdC, {error, {corrupt_log_file, FileName}}}; {C, []} -> chunk(FdC, FileName, C#continuation.pos, C#continuation.b, N); C_Ack -> {FdC, C_Ack} end. handle_chunk(B, Pos, 0, Ack) when byte_size(B) >= ?HEADERSZ -> {#continuation{pos = Pos, b = B}, Ack}; handle_chunk(B= <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?BIGMAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, Pos, N, Ack) when Size < ?MIN_MD5_TERM -> case Tail of <<BinTerm:Size/binary, Tail2/binary>> -> %% The client calls binary_to_term/1. handle_chunk(Tail2, Pos, N-1, [BinTerm | Ack]); _ -> BytesToRead = Size + ?HEADERSZ, {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = BytesToRead}, Ack} end; handle_chunk(B= <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?BIGMAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, Pos, _N, Ack) -> % when Size >= ?MIN_MD5_TERM MD5 = erlang:md5(<<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8>>), case Tail of %% The requested object is always bigger than a chunk. <<MD5:16/binary, Bin:Size/binary>> -> {#continuation{pos = Pos, b = []}, [Bin | Ack]}; <<MD5:16/binary, _/binary>> -> BytesToRead = Size + ?HEADERSZ + 16, {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = BytesToRead}, Ack}; _ when byte_size(Tail) >= 16 -> corrupt; _ -> {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = []}, Ack} end; handle_chunk(B= <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?MAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, Pos, N, Ack) -> %% Version 2, before 2(a). case Tail of <<BinTerm:Size/binary, Tail2/binary>> -> handle_chunk(Tail2, Pos, N-1, [BinTerm | Ack]); _ -> %% We read the whole thing into one binary, even if Size is huge. BytesToRead = Size + ?HEADERSZ, {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = BytesToRead}, Ack} end; handle_chunk(B, _Pos, _N, _Ack) when byte_size(B) >= ?HEADERSZ -> corrupt; handle_chunk(B, Pos, _N, Ack) -> {#continuation{pos = Pos-byte_size(B), b = []}, Ack}. read_chunk(FdC, FileName, Pos, MaxBytes) -> {FdC1, R} = pread(FdC, FileName, Pos + ?HEADSZ, MaxBytes), case position(FdC1, FileName, eof) of {ok, NewFdC, _Pos} -> {NewFdC, R}; {Error, NewFdC} -> {NewFdC, Error} end. %% Used by wrap_log_reader. %% -> {NewFdC, Reply}, %% Reply = {Cont, Binaries, Bad} (Bad >= 0) | {error, Reason} | eof chunk_read_only(FdC = #cache{}, FileName, Pos, B, N) -> do_chunk_read_only(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N); chunk_read_only(Fd, FileName, Pos, B, N) -> %% wrap_log_reader calling... FdC = #cache{fd = Fd}, {_NFdC, Reply} = do_chunk_read_only(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N), Reply. do_chunk_read_only(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N) when is_binary(B) -> true = byte_size(B) >= ?HEADERSZ, do_handle_chunk_ro(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N); do_chunk_read_only(FdC, FileName, Pos, NoBytes, N) -> MaxNoBytes = case NoBytes of [] -> ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; _ -> erlang:max(NoBytes, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) end, case read_chunk_ro(FdC, FileName, Pos, MaxNoBytes) of {NewFdC, {ok, Bin}} when byte_size(Bin) < ?HEADERSZ -> NewCont = #continuation{pos = Pos+byte_size(Bin), b = []}, {NewFdC, {NewCont, [], byte_size(Bin)}}; {NewFdC, {ok, Bin}} when NoBytes =:= []; byte_size(Bin) >= NoBytes -> NewPos = Pos + byte_size(Bin), do_handle_chunk_ro(NewFdC, FileName, NewPos, Bin, N); {NewFdC, {ok, Bin}} -> NewCont = #continuation{pos = Pos+byte_size(Bin), b = []}, {NewFdC, {NewCont, [], byte_size(Bin)-?HEADERSZ}}; {NewFdC, eof} when is_integer(NoBytes) -> % "cannot happen" {NewFdC, eof}; % what else? Other -> Other end. do_handle_chunk_ro(FdC, FileName, Pos, B, N) -> case handle_chunk_ro(B, Pos, N, [], 0) of {C, [], 0} -> #continuation{pos = NewPos, b = NoBytes} = C, do_chunk_read_only(FdC, FileName, NewPos, NoBytes, N); C_Ack_Bad -> {FdC, C_Ack_Bad} end. handle_chunk_ro(B, Pos, 0, Ack, Bad) when byte_size(B) >= ?HEADERSZ -> {#continuation{pos = Pos, b = B}, Ack, Bad}; handle_chunk_ro(B= <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?BIGMAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, Pos, N, Ack, Bad) when Size < ?MIN_MD5_TERM -> case Tail of <<BinTerm:Size/binary, Tail2/binary>> -> handle_chunk_ro(Tail2, Pos, N-1, [BinTerm | Ack], Bad); _ -> BytesToRead = Size + ?HEADERSZ, {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = BytesToRead}, Ack, Bad} end; handle_chunk_ro(B= <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?BIGMAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, Pos, N, Ack, Bad) -> % when Size>=?MIN_MD5_TERM MD5 = erlang:md5(<<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8>>), case Tail of <<MD5:16/binary, Bin:Size/binary>> -> %% The requested object is always bigger than a chunk. {#continuation{pos = Pos, b = []}, [Bin | Ack], Bad}; <<MD5:16/binary, _/binary>> -> BytesToRead = Size + ?HEADERSZ + 16, {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = BytesToRead}, Ack, Bad}; <<_BadMD5:16/binary, _:1/unit:8, Tail2/binary>> -> handle_chunk_ro(Tail2, Pos, N-1, Ack, Bad+1); _ -> {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = []}, Ack, Bad} end; handle_chunk_ro(B= <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?MAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, Pos, N, Ack, Bad) -> %% Version 2, before 2(a). case Tail of <<BinTerm:Size/binary, Tail2/binary>> -> handle_chunk_ro(Tail2, Pos, N-1, [BinTerm | Ack], Bad); _ -> %% We read the whole thing into one binary, even if Size is huge. BytesToRead = Size + ?HEADERSZ, {#continuation{pos = Pos - byte_size(B), b = BytesToRead}, Ack, Bad} end; handle_chunk_ro(B, Pos, N, Ack, Bad) when byte_size(B) >= ?HEADERSZ -> <<_:1/unit:8, B2/binary>> = B, handle_chunk_ro(B2, Pos, N-1, Ack, Bad+1); handle_chunk_ro(B, Pos, _N, Ack, Bad) -> {#continuation{pos = Pos-byte_size(B), b = []}, Ack, Bad}. read_chunk_ro(FdC, FileName, Pos, MaxBytes) -> pread(FdC, FileName, Pos + ?HEADSZ, MaxBytes). %% -> ok | throw(Error) close(#cache{fd = Fd, c = []}, FileName, read_only) -> case file:close(Fd) of ok -> ok; Error -> file_error(FileName, Error) end; close(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FileName, read_write) -> {Reply, _NewFdC} = write_cache(Fd, FileName, C), mark(Fd, FileName, ?CLOSED), case file:close(Fd) of ok -> ok; Error -> file_error(FileName, Error) end, if Reply =:= ok -> ok; true -> throw(Reply) end. %% Open an internal file. Head is ignored if Mode is read_only. %% int_open(FileName, Repair, Mode, Head) -> %% {ok, {Alloc, FdC, HeadSize, FileSize}} %% | {repaired, FdC, Terms, BadBytes, FileSize} %% | throw(Error) %% Alloc = new | existed %% HeadSize = {NumberOfItemsWritten, NumberOfBytesWritten} %% (HeadSize is equal {0, 0} if Alloc =:= existed, or no header written.) int_open(FName, truncate, read_write, Head) -> new_int_file(FName, Head); int_open(FName, Repair, read_write, Head) -> case open_read(FName) of {ok, Fd} -> %% File exists case file:read(Fd, ?HEADSZ) of {ok, FileHead} -> case is_head(FileHead) of yes -> case file:close(Fd) of ok -> ok; Error2 -> file_error(FName, Error2) end, case open_update(FName) of {ok, Fd2} -> mark(Fd2, FName, ?OPENED), FdC1 = #cache{fd = Fd2}, {FdC, P} = position_close(FdC1, FName,eof), {ok, {existed, FdC, {0, 0}, P}}; Error -> file_error(FName, Error) end; yes_not_closed when Repair -> repair(Fd, FName); yes_not_closed when not Repair -> _ = file:close(Fd), throw({error, {need_repair, FName}}); no -> _ = file:close(Fd), throw({error, {not_a_log_file, FName}}) end; eof -> _= file:close(Fd), throw({error, {not_a_log_file, FName}}); Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FName, Error) end; _Other -> new_int_file(FName, Head) end; int_open(FName, _Repair, read_only, _Head) -> case open_read(FName) of {ok, Fd} -> %% File exists case file:read(Fd, ?HEADSZ) of {ok, Head} -> case is_head(Head) of yes -> {ok, P} = position_close2(Fd, FName, eof), FdC = #cache{fd = Fd}, {ok, {existed, FdC, {0, 0}, P}}; yes_not_closed -> {ok, P} = position_close2(Fd, FName, eof), FdC = #cache{fd = Fd}, {ok, {existed, FdC, {0, 0}, P}}; no -> _= file:close(Fd), throw({error, {not_a_log_file, FName}}) end; eof -> _ = file:close(Fd), throw({error, {not_a_log_file, FName}}); Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FName, Error) end; Error -> file_error(FName, Error) end. new_int_file(FName, Head) -> case open_update(FName) of {ok, Fd} -> ok = truncate_at_close2(Fd, FName, bof), fwrite_close2(Fd, FName, [?LOGMAGIC, ?OPENED]), {FdC1, Nh, HeadSz} = int_log_head(Fd, Head), {FdC, FileSize} = position_close(FdC1, FName, cur), {ok, {new, FdC, {Nh, ?HEADERSZ + HeadSz}, FileSize}}; Error -> file_error(FName, Error) end. %% -> {FdC, NoItemsWritten, NoBytesWritten} | throw(Error) int_log_head(Fd, Head) -> case lh(Head, internal) of {ok, BinHead} -> {Bs, Size} = logl([BinHead]), {ok, FdC} = fwrite_header(Fd, Bs, Size), {FdC, 1, Size}; none -> {#cache{fd = Fd}, 0, 0}; Error -> _= file:close(Fd), throw(Error) end. %% Open an external file. %% -> {ok, {Alloc, FdC, HeadSize}, FileSize} | throw(Error) ext_open(FName, truncate, read_write, Head) -> new_ext_file(FName, Head); ext_open(FName, _Repair, read_write, Head) -> case file:read_file_info(FName) of {ok, _FileInfo} -> case open_update(FName) of {ok, Fd} -> {ok, P} = position_close2(Fd, FName, eof), FdC = #cache{fd = Fd}, {ok, {existed, FdC, {0, 0}, P}}; Error -> file_error(FName, Error) end; _Other -> new_ext_file(FName, Head) end; ext_open(FName, _Repair, read_only, _Head) -> case open_read(FName) of {ok, Fd} -> {ok, P} = position_close2(Fd, FName, eof), FdC = #cache{fd = Fd}, {ok, {existed, FdC, {0, 0}, P}}; Error -> file_error(FName, Error) end. new_ext_file(FName, Head) -> case open_truncate(FName) of {ok, Fd} -> {FdC1, HeadSize} = ext_log_head(Fd, Head), {FdC, FileSize} = position_close(FdC1, FName, cur), {ok, {new, FdC, HeadSize, FileSize}}; Error -> file_error(FName, Error) end. %% -> {FdC, {NoItemsWritten, NoBytesWritten}} | throw(Error) ext_log_head(Fd, Head) -> case lh(Head, external) of {ok, BinHead} -> Size = byte_size(BinHead), {ok, FdC} = fwrite_header(Fd, BinHead, Size), {FdC, {1, Size}}; none -> {#cache{fd = Fd}, {0, 0}}; Error -> _= file:close(Fd), throw(Error) end. %% -> _Any | throw() mark(Fd, FileName, What) -> {ok, _} = position_close2(Fd, FileName, 4), fwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, What). %% -> {ok, Bin} | Error lh({ok, Bin}, _Format) -> {ok, Bin}; lh({M, F, A}, Format) when is_list(A) -> case catch apply(M, F, A) of {ok, Head} when Format =:= internal -> {ok, term_to_binary(Head)}; {ok, Bin} when is_binary(Bin) -> {ok, Bin}; {ok, Bytes} -> case catch list_to_binary(Bytes) of {'EXIT', _} -> {error, {invalid_header, {{M,F,A}, {ok, Bytes}}}}; Bin -> {ok, Bin} end; {'EXIT', Error} -> {error, {invalid_header, {{M,F,A}, Error}}}; Error -> {error, {invalid_header, {{M,F,A}, Error}}} end; lh({M, F, A}, _Format) -> % cannot happen {error, {invalid_header, {M, F, A}}}; lh(none, _Format) -> none; lh(H, _F) -> % cannot happen {error, {invalid_header, H}}. repair(In, File) -> FSz = file_size(File), error_logger:info_msg("disk_log: repairing ~tp ...\n", [File]), Tmp = add_ext(File, "TMP"), {ok, {_Alloc, Out, {0, _}, _FileSize}} = new_int_file(Tmp, none), scan_f_read(<<>>, In, Out, File, FSz, Tmp, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, 0, 0). scan_f_read(B, In, Out, File, FSz, Tmp, MaxBytes, No, Bad) -> case file:read(In, MaxBytes) of eof -> done_scan(In, Out, Tmp, File, No, Bad+byte_size(B)); {ok, Bin} -> NewBin = list_to_binary([B, Bin]), {NB, NMax, Ack, NNo, NBad} = scan_f(NewBin, FSz, [], No, Bad), case log(Out, Tmp, lists:reverse(Ack)) of {ok, _Size, NewOut} -> scan_f_read(NB, In, NewOut, File, FSz, Tmp, NMax,NNo,NBad); {{error, {file_error, _Filename, Error}}, NewOut} -> repair_err(In, NewOut, Tmp, File, {error, Error}) end; Error -> repair_err(In, Out, Tmp, File, Error) end. scan_f(B = <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?BIGMAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, FSz, Ack, No, Bad) when Size < ?MIN_MD5_TERM -> scan_f2(B, FSz, Ack, No, Bad, Size, Tail); scan_f(B = <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?BIGMAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, FSz, Ack, No, Bad) -> % when Size >= ?MIN_MD5_TERM MD5 = erlang:md5(<<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8>>), case Tail of <<MD5:16/binary, BinTerm:Size/binary, Tail2/binary>> -> case catch binary_to_term(BinTerm) of {'EXIT', _} -> scan_f(Tail2, FSz, Ack, No, Bad+Size); _Term -> scan_f(Tail2, FSz, [BinTerm | Ack], No+1, Bad) end; <<MD5:16/binary, _/binary>> -> {B, Size-byte_size(Tail)+16, Ack, No, Bad}; _ when byte_size(Tail) < 16 -> {B, Size-byte_size(Tail)+16, Ack, No, Bad}; _ -> <<_:8, B2/binary>> = B, scan_f(B2, FSz, Ack, No, Bad+1) end; scan_f(B = <<Size:?SIZESZ/unit:8, ?MAGICINT:?MAGICSZ/unit:8, Tail/binary>>, FSz, Ack, No, Bad) when Size =< FSz -> %% Since the file is not compressed, the item size cannot exceed %% the file size. scan_f2(B, FSz, Ack, No, Bad, Size, Tail); scan_f(B = <<_:?HEADERSZ/unit:8, _/binary>>, FSz, Ack, No, Bad) -> <<_:8, B2/binary>> = B, scan_f(B2, FSz, Ack, No, Bad + 1); scan_f(B, _FSz, Ack, No, Bad) -> {B, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, Ack, No, Bad}. scan_f2(B, FSz, Ack, No, Bad, Size, Tail) -> case Tail of <<BinTerm:Size/binary, Tail2/binary>> -> case catch binary_to_term(BinTerm) of {'EXIT', _} -> <<_:8, B2/binary>> = B, scan_f(B2, FSz, Ack, No, Bad+1); _Term -> scan_f(Tail2, FSz, [BinTerm | Ack], No+1, Bad) end; _ -> {B, Size-byte_size(Tail), Ack, No, Bad} end. done_scan(In, Out, OutName, FName, RecoveredTerms, BadChars) -> _ = file:close(In), case catch fclose(Out, OutName) of ok -> case file:rename(OutName, FName) of ok -> case open_update(FName) of {ok, New} -> {ok, P} = position_close2(New, FName, eof), FdC = #cache{fd = New}, {repaired, FdC, RecoveredTerms, BadChars, P}; Error -> file_error(FName, Error) end; Error -> _ = file:delete(OutName), file_error(FName, Error) end; Error -> _ = file:delete(OutName), throw(Error) end. -spec repair_err(file:io_device(), #cache{}, file:filename(), file:filename(), {'error', file:posix()}) -> no_return(). repair_err(In, Out, OutName, ErrFileName, Error) -> _= file:close(In), catch fclose(Out, OutName), %% OutName is often the culprit, try to remove it anyway... _ = file:delete(OutName), file_error(ErrFileName, Error). %% Used by wrap_log_reader. -spec is_head(binary()) -> 'yes' | 'yes_not_closed' | 'no'. is_head(<<M:4/binary, S:4/binary>>) when ?LOGMAGIC =:= M, ?CLOSED =:= S -> yes; is_head(<<M:4/binary, S:4/binary>>) when ?LOGMAGIC =:= M, ?OPENED =:= S -> yes_not_closed; is_head(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> no. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: mf_int_open/7, mf_ext_open/7 %% Args: FName = file:filename() %% MaxB = integer() %% MaxF = integer() %% Repair = truncate | true | false %% Mode = read_write | read_only %% Head = none | {ok, Bin} | {M, F, A} %% Version = integer() %% Purpose: An ADT for wrapping logs. mf_int_ writes binaries (mf_ext_ %% writes bytes) %% to files called FName.1, FName.2, ..., FName.MaxF. %% Writes MaxB bytes on each file. %% Creates a file called Name.idx in the Dir. This %% file contains the last written FileName as one byte, and %% follwing that, the sizes of each file (size 0 number of items). %% On startup, this file is read, and the next available %% filename is used as first log file. %% Reports can be browsed with Report Browser Tool (rb), or %% read with disk_log. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec mf_int_open(FName :: file:filename(), MaxB :: integer(), MaxF :: integer(), Repair :: dlog_repair(), Mode :: dlog_mode(), Head :: dlog_head(), Version :: integer()) -> {'ok', #handle{}, integer()} | {'repaired', #handle{}, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}. %% | throw(FileError) mf_int_open(FName, MaxB, MaxF, Repair, Mode, Head, Version) -> {First, Sz, TotSz, NFiles} = read_index_file(Repair, FName, MaxF), write_size_file(Mode, FName, MaxB, MaxF, Version), NewMaxF = if NFiles > MaxF -> {MaxF, NFiles}; true -> MaxF end, case int_file_open(FName, First, 0, 0, Head, Repair, Mode) of {ok, FdC, FileName, Lost, {NoItems, NoBytes}, FSz} -> % firstPos = NoBytes is not always correct when the file % existed, but it will have to do since we don't know % where the header ends. CurCnt = Sz + NoItems - Lost, {ok, #handle{filename = FName, maxB = MaxB, maxF = NewMaxF, curF = First, cur_fdc = FdC, cur_name = FileName, cur_cnt = CurCnt, acc_cnt = -Sz, curB = FSz, firstPos = NoBytes, noFull = 0, accFull = 0}, TotSz + CurCnt}; {repaired, FdC, FileName, Rec, Bad, FSz} -> {repaired, #handle{filename = FName, maxB = MaxB, cur_name = FileName, maxF = NewMaxF, curF = First, cur_fdc = FdC, cur_cnt = Rec, acc_cnt = -Rec, curB = FSz, firstPos = 0, noFull = 0, accFull = 0}, Rec, Bad, TotSz + Rec} end. %% -> {ok, handle(), Lost} | {error, Error, handle()} mf_int_inc(Handle, Head) -> #handle{filename = FName, cur_cnt = CurCnt, acc_cnt = AccCnt, cur_name = FileName, curF = CurF, maxF = MaxF, cur_fdc = CurFdC, noFull = NoFull} = Handle, case catch wrap_int_log(FName, CurF, MaxF, CurCnt, Head) of {NewF, NewMaxF, NewFdC, NewFileName, Nh, FirstPos, Lost} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC, curF = NewF, cur_name = NewFileName, cur_cnt = Nh, acc_cnt = AccCnt + CurCnt, maxF = NewMaxF, firstPos = FirstPos, curB = FirstPos, noFull = NoFull + 1}, case catch close(CurFdC, FileName, read_write) of ok -> {ok, Handle1, Lost}; Error -> % Error in the last file, new file opened. {error, Error, Handle1} end; Error -> {error, Error, Handle} end. %% -> {ok, handle(), Logged, Lost, NoWraps} | {ok, handle(), Logged} %% | {error, Error, handle(), Logged, Lost} %% The returned handle is not always valid - something may %% have been written before things went wrong. mf_int_log(Handle, Bins, Head) -> mf_int_log(Handle, Bins, Head, 0, []). mf_int_log(Handle, [], _Head, No, []) -> {ok, Handle, No}; mf_int_log(Handle, [], _Head, No, Wraps0) -> Wraps = reverse(Wraps0), {ok, Handle, No, sum(Wraps), Wraps}; mf_int_log(Handle, Bins, Head, No0, Wraps) -> #handle{curB = CurB, maxB = MaxB, cur_name = FileName, cur_fdc = CurFdC, firstPos = FirstPos0, cur_cnt = CurCnt} = Handle, {FirstBins, LastBins, NoBytes, N} = int_split_bins(CurB, MaxB, FirstPos0, Bins), case FirstBins of [] -> #handle{filename = FName, curF = CurF, maxF = MaxF, acc_cnt = AccCnt, noFull = NoFull} = Handle, case catch wrap_int_log(FName, CurF, MaxF, CurCnt, Head) of {NewF, NewMaxF, NewFdC, NewFileName, Nh, FirstPos, Lost} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC, curF = NewF, cur_cnt = Nh, cur_name = NewFileName, acc_cnt = AccCnt + CurCnt, maxF = NewMaxF, curB = FirstPos, firstPos = FirstPos, noFull = NoFull + 1}, case catch close(CurFdC, FileName, read_write) of ok -> mf_int_log(Handle1, Bins, Head, No0 + Nh, [Lost | Wraps]); Error -> Lost1 = Lost + sum(Wraps), {error, Error, Handle1, No0 + Nh, Lost1} end; Error -> {error, Error, Handle, No0, sum(Wraps)} end; _ -> case fwrite(CurFdC, FileName, FirstBins, NoBytes) of {ok, NewCurFdC} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewCurFdC, curB = CurB + NoBytes, cur_cnt = CurCnt + N}, mf_int_log(Handle1, LastBins, Head, No0 + N, Wraps); {Error, NewCurFdC} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewCurFdC}, {error, Error, Handle1, No0, sum(Wraps)} end end. wrap_int_log(FName, CurF, MaxF, CurCnt, Head) -> {NewF, NewMaxF} = inc_wrap(FName, CurF, MaxF), {ok, NewFdC, NewFileName, Lost, {Nh, FirstPos}, _FileSize} = int_file_open(FName, NewF, CurF, CurCnt, Head), {NewF, NewMaxF, NewFdC, NewFileName, Nh, FirstPos, Lost}. %% -> {NewHandle, Reply}, Reply = {Cont, Binaries} | {error, Reason} | eof mf_int_chunk(Handle, 0, Bin, N) -> FirstF = find_first_file(Handle), mf_int_chunk(Handle, {FirstF, 0}, Bin, N); mf_int_chunk(#handle{curF = FileNo, cur_fdc = FdC, cur_name = FileName} = Handle, {FileNo, Pos}, Bin, N) -> {NewFdC, Reply} = chunk(FdC, FileName, Pos, Bin, N), {Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC}, conv(Reply, FileNo)}; mf_int_chunk(Handle, {FileNo, Pos}, Bin, N) -> FName = add_ext(Handle#handle.filename, FileNo), NFileNo = inc(FileNo, Handle#handle.maxF), case catch int_open(FName, true, read_only, any) of {error, _Reason} -> error_logger:info_msg("disk_log: chunk error. File ~tp missing.\n\n", [FName]), mf_int_chunk(Handle, {NFileNo, 0}, [], N); {ok, {_Alloc, FdC, _HeadSize, _FileSize}} -> case chunk(FdC, FName, Pos, Bin, N) of {NewFdC, eof} -> _ = file:close(NewFdC#cache.fd), mf_int_chunk(Handle, {NFileNo, 0}, [], N); {NewFdC, Other} -> _ = file:close(NewFdC#cache.fd), {Handle, conv(Other, FileNo)} end end. %% -> {NewHandle, Reply}, %% Reply = {Cont, Binaries, Bad} (Bad >= 0) | {error, Reason} | eof mf_int_chunk_read_only(Handle, 0, Bin, N) -> FirstF = find_first_file(Handle), mf_int_chunk_read_only(Handle, {FirstF, 0}, Bin, N); mf_int_chunk_read_only(#handle{curF = FileNo, cur_fdc = FdC, cur_name=FileName} = Handle, {FileNo, Pos}, Bin, N) -> {NewFdC, Reply} = do_chunk_read_only(FdC, FileName, Pos, Bin, N), {Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC}, conv(Reply, FileNo)}; mf_int_chunk_read_only(Handle, {FileNo, Pos}, Bin, N) -> FName = add_ext(Handle#handle.filename, FileNo), NFileNo = inc(FileNo, Handle#handle.maxF), case catch int_open(FName, true, read_only, any) of {error, _Reason} -> error_logger:info_msg("disk_log: chunk error. File ~tp missing.\n\n", [FName]), mf_int_chunk_read_only(Handle, {NFileNo, 0}, [], N); {ok, {_Alloc, FdC, _HeadSize, _FileSize}} -> case do_chunk_read_only(FdC, FName, Pos, Bin, N) of {NewFdC, eof} -> _ = file:close(NewFdC#cache.fd), mf_int_chunk_read_only(Handle, {NFileNo,0}, [], N); {NewFdC, Other} -> _ = file:close(NewFdC#cache.fd), {Handle, conv(Other, FileNo)} end end. %% -> {ok, Cont} | Error mf_int_chunk_step(Handle, 0, Step) -> FirstF = find_first_file(Handle), mf_int_chunk_step(Handle, {FirstF, 0}, Step); mf_int_chunk_step(Handle, {FileNo, _Pos}, Step) -> NFileNo = inc(FileNo, Handle#handle.maxF, Step), FileName = add_ext(Handle#handle.filename, NFileNo), case file:read_file_info(FileName) of {ok, _FileInfo} -> {ok, #continuation{pos = {NFileNo, 0}, b = []}}; _Error -> {error, end_of_log} end. %% -> {Reply, handle()}; Reply = ok | Error mf_write_cache(#handle{filename = FName, cur_fdc = FdC} = Handle) -> erase(write_cache_timer_is_running), #cache{fd = Fd, c = C} = FdC, {Reply, NewFdC} = write_cache(Fd, FName, C), {Reply, Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC}}. %% -> {Reply, handle()}; Reply = ok | Error mf_sync(#handle{filename = FName, cur_fdc = FdC} = Handle) -> {Reply, NewFdC} = fsync(FdC, FName), {Reply, Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC}}. %% -> ok | throw(FileError) mf_int_close(#handle{filename = FName, curF = CurF, cur_name = FileName, cur_fdc = CurFdC, cur_cnt = CurCnt}, Mode) -> close(CurFdC, FileName, Mode), write_index_file(Mode, FName, CurF, CurF, CurCnt), ok. %% -> {ok, handle(), Cnt} | throw(FileError) mf_ext_open(FName, MaxB, MaxF, Repair, Mode, Head, Version) -> {First, Sz, TotSz, NFiles} = read_index_file(Repair, FName, MaxF), write_size_file(Mode, FName, MaxB, MaxF, Version), NewMaxF = if NFiles > MaxF -> {MaxF, NFiles}; true -> MaxF end, {ok, FdC, FileName, Lost, {NoItems, NoBytes}, CurB} = ext_file_open(FName, First, 0, 0, Head, Repair, Mode), CurCnt = Sz + NoItems - Lost, {ok, #handle{filename = FName, maxB = MaxB, cur_name = FileName, maxF = NewMaxF, cur_cnt = CurCnt, acc_cnt = -Sz, curF = First, cur_fdc = FdC, firstPos = NoBytes, curB = CurB, noFull = 0, accFull = 0}, TotSz + CurCnt}. %% -> {ok, handle(), Lost} %% | {error, Error, handle()} %% | throw(FatalError) %% Fatal errors should always terminate the log. mf_ext_inc(Handle, Head) -> #handle{filename = FName, cur_cnt = CurCnt, cur_name = FileName, acc_cnt = AccCnt, curF = CurF, maxF = MaxF, cur_fdc = CurFdC, noFull = NoFull} = Handle, case catch wrap_ext_log(FName, CurF, MaxF, CurCnt, Head) of {NewF, NewMaxF, NewFdC, NewFileName, Nh, FirstPos, Lost} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC, curF = NewF, cur_name = NewFileName, cur_cnt = Nh, acc_cnt = AccCnt + CurCnt, maxF = NewMaxF, firstPos = FirstPos, curB = FirstPos, noFull = NoFull + 1}, case catch fclose(CurFdC, FileName) of ok -> {ok, Handle1, Lost}; Error -> % Error in the last file, new file opened. {error, Error, Handle1} end; Error -> {error, Error, Handle} end. %% -> {ok, handle(), Logged, Lost, NoWraps} | {ok, handle(), Logged} %% | {error, Error, handle(), Logged, Lost} %% The returned handle is not always valid - %% something may have been written before things went wrong. mf_ext_log(Handle, Bins, Head) -> mf_ext_log(Handle, Bins, Head, 0, []). mf_ext_log(Handle, [], _Head, No, []) -> {ok, Handle, No}; mf_ext_log(Handle, [], _Head, No, Wraps0) -> Wraps = reverse(Wraps0), {ok, Handle, No, sum(Wraps), Wraps}; mf_ext_log(Handle, Bins, Head, No0, Wraps) -> #handle{curB = CurB, maxB = MaxB, cur_name = FileName, cur_fdc = CurFdC, firstPos = FirstPos0, cur_cnt = CurCnt} = Handle, {FirstBins, LastBins, NoBytes, N} = ext_split_bins(CurB, MaxB, FirstPos0, Bins), case FirstBins of [] -> #handle{filename = FName, curF = CurF, maxF = MaxF, acc_cnt = AccCnt, noFull = NoFull} = Handle, case catch wrap_ext_log(FName, CurF, MaxF, CurCnt, Head) of {NewF, NewMaxF, NewFdC, NewFileName, Nh, FirstPos, Lost} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewFdC, curF = NewF, cur_cnt = Nh, cur_name = NewFileName, acc_cnt = AccCnt + CurCnt, maxF = NewMaxF, curB = FirstPos, firstPos = FirstPos, noFull = NoFull + 1}, case catch fclose(CurFdC, FileName) of ok -> mf_ext_log(Handle1, Bins, Head, No0 + Nh, [Lost | Wraps]); Error -> Lost1 = Lost + sum(Wraps), {error, Error, Handle1, No0 + Nh, Lost1} end; Error -> {error, Error, Handle, No0, sum(Wraps)} end; _ -> case fwrite(CurFdC, FileName, FirstBins, NoBytes) of {ok, NewCurFdC} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewCurFdC, curB = CurB + NoBytes, cur_cnt = CurCnt + N}, mf_ext_log(Handle1, LastBins, Head, No0 + N, Wraps); {Error, NewCurFdC} -> Handle1 = Handle#handle{cur_fdc = NewCurFdC}, {error, Error, Handle1, No0, sum(Wraps)} end end. wrap_ext_log(FName, CurF, MaxF, CurCnt, Head) -> {NewF, NewMaxF} = inc_wrap(FName, CurF, MaxF), {ok, NewFdC, NewFileName, Lost, {Nh, FirstPos}, _FileSize} = ext_file_open(FName, NewF, CurF, CurCnt, Head), {NewF, NewMaxF, NewFdC, NewFileName, Nh, FirstPos, Lost}. %% -> ok | throw(FileError) mf_ext_close(#handle{filename = FName, curF = CurF, cur_fdc = CurFdC, cur_cnt = CurCnt}, Mode) -> Res = (catch fclose(CurFdC, FName)), write_index_file(Mode, FName, CurF, CurF, CurCnt), Res. %% -> {ok, handle()} | throw(FileError) change_size_wrap(Handle, {NewMaxB, NewMaxF}, Version) -> FName = Handle#handle.filename, {_MaxB, MaxF} = get_wrap_size(Handle), write_size_file(read_write, FName, NewMaxB, NewMaxF, Version), if NewMaxF > MaxF -> remove_files(FName, MaxF + 1, NewMaxF), {ok, Handle#handle{maxB = NewMaxB, maxF = NewMaxF}}; NewMaxF < MaxF -> {ok, Handle#handle{maxB = NewMaxB, maxF = {NewMaxF, MaxF}}}; true -> {ok, Handle#handle{maxB = NewMaxB, maxF = NewMaxF}} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Misc functions %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% -> {ok, FdC, FileName, Lost, HeadSize, FileSize} | throw(Error) int_file_open(FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt, Head) -> Repair = truncate, Mode = read_write, int_file_open(FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt, Head, Repair, Mode). %% -> {ok, FdC, FileName, Lost, HeadSize, FileSize} %% | {repaired, FdC, FileName, Rec, Bad, FileSize} %% | throw(Error) int_file_open(FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt, Head, Repair, Mode) -> N = add_ext(FName, NewFile), case int_open(N, Repair, Mode, Head) of {ok, {_Alloc, FdC, HeadSize, FileSize}} -> Lost = write_index_file(Mode, FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt), {ok, FdC, N, Lost, HeadSize, FileSize}; {repaired, FdC, Recovered, BadBytes, FileSize} -> write_index_file(Mode, FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt), {repaired, FdC, N, Recovered, BadBytes, FileSize} end. %% -> {ok, FdC, FileName, Lost, HeadSize, FileSize} | throw(Error) ext_file_open(FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt, Head) -> Repair = truncate, Mode = read_write, ext_file_open(FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt, Head, Repair, Mode). ext_file_open(FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt, Head, Repair, Mode) -> FileName = add_ext(FName, NewFile), {ok, {_Alloc, FdC, HeadSize, FileSize}} = ext_open(FileName, Repair, Mode, Head), Lost = write_index_file(Mode, FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt), {ok, FdC, FileName, Lost, HeadSize, FileSize}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% The old file format for index file (CurFileNo > 0), Version 0: %% %% CurFileNo SizeFile1 SizeFile2 ... SizeFileN %% 1 byte 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes %% %% The new file format for index file (NewFormat = 0), version 1: %% %% NewFormat CurFileNo SizeFile1 SizeFile2 ... SizeFileN %% 1 byte 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes %% %% The current file format for index file (sizes in bytes), version 2: %% %% 0 (1) 0 (4) FileFormatVersion (1) CurFileNo (4) SizeFile1 (8) ... %% %% (SizeFileI refers to number of items on the log file.) %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -define(index_file_name(F), add_ext(F, "idx")). read_index_file(truncate, FName, MaxF) -> remove_files(FName, 2, MaxF), _ = file:delete(?index_file_name(FName)), {1, 0, 0, 0}; read_index_file(_, FName, _MaxF) -> read_index_file(FName). %% Used by wrap_log_reader. %% -> {CurFileNo, CurFileSz, TotSz, NoFiles} | throw(FileError) %% where TotSz does not include CurFileSz. read_index_file(FName) -> FileName = ?index_file_name(FName), case open_read(FileName) of {ok, Fd} -> R = case file:read(Fd, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) of {ok, <<0, 0:32, Version, CurF:32, Tail/binary>>} when Version =:= ?VERSION, 0 < CurF, CurF < ?MAX_FILES -> parse_index(CurF, Version, 1, Tail, Fd, 0, 0, 0); {ok, <<0, CurF:32, Tail/binary>>} when 0 < CurF, CurF < ?MAX_FILES -> parse_index(CurF, 1, 1, Tail, Fd, 0, 0, 0); {ok, <<CurF, Tail/binary>>} when 0 < CurF -> parse_index(CurF, 1, 1, Tail, Fd, 0, 0, 0); _ErrorOrEof -> {1, 0, 0, 0} end, _ = file:close(Fd), R; _Error -> {1, 0, 0, 0} end. parse_index(CurF, V, CurF, <<CurSz:64, Tail/binary>>, Fd, _, TotSz, NFiles) when V =:= ?VERSION -> parse_index(CurF, V, CurF+1, Tail, Fd, CurSz, TotSz, NFiles+1); parse_index(CurF, V, N, <<Sz:64, Tail/binary>>, Fd, CurSz, TotSz, NFiles) when V =:= ?VERSION -> parse_index(CurF, V, N+1, Tail, Fd, CurSz, TotSz + Sz, NFiles+1); parse_index(CurF, V, CurF, <<CurSz:32, Tail/binary>>, Fd, _, TotSz, NFiles) when V < ?VERSION -> parse_index(CurF, V, CurF+1, Tail, Fd, CurSz, TotSz, NFiles+1); parse_index(CurF, V, N, <<Sz:32, Tail/binary>>, Fd, CurSz, TotSz, NFiles) when V < ?VERSION -> parse_index(CurF, V, N+1, Tail, Fd, CurSz, TotSz + Sz, NFiles+1); parse_index(CurF, V, N, B, Fd, CurSz, TotSz, NFiles) -> case file:read(Fd, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) of eof when 0 =:= byte_size(B) -> {CurF, CurSz, TotSz, NFiles}; {ok, Bin} -> NewB = list_to_binary([B, Bin]), parse_index(CurF, V, N, NewB, Fd, CurSz, TotSz, NFiles); _ErrorOrEof -> {1, 0, 0, 0} end. %% Returns: Number of lost items (if an old file was truncated) %% -> integer() | throw(FileError) write_index_file(read_only, _FName, _NewFile, _OldFile, _OldCnt) -> 0; write_index_file(read_write, FName, NewFile, OldFile, OldCnt) -> FileName = ?index_file_name(FName), case open_update(FileName) of {ok, Fd} -> {Offset, SzSz} = case file:read(Fd, 6) of eof -> Bin = <<0, 0:32, ?VERSION, NewFile:32>>, fwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, Bin), {10, 8}; {ok, <<0, 0:32, _Version>>} -> pwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, 6, <<NewFile:32>>), {10, 8}; {ok, <<0, _/binary>>} -> pwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, 1, <<NewFile:32>>), {5, 4}; {ok, <<_,_/binary>>} -> %% Very old format, convert to the latest format! case file:read_file(FileName) of {ok, <<_CurF, Tail/binary>>} -> {ok, _} = position_close2(Fd, FileName, bof), Bin = <<0, 0:32, ?VERSION, NewFile:32>>, NewTail = to_8_bytes(Tail, [], FileName, Fd), fwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, [Bin | NewTail]), {10, 8}; Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FileName, Error) end; Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FileName, Error) end, NewPos = Offset + (NewFile - 1)*SzSz, OldCntBin = <<OldCnt:SzSz/unit:8>>, if OldFile > 0 -> R = file:pread(Fd, NewPos, SzSz), OldPos = Offset + (OldFile - 1)*SzSz, pwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, OldPos, OldCntBin), _ = file:close(Fd), case R of {ok, <<Lost:SzSz/unit:8>>} -> Lost; {ok, _} -> throw({error, {invalid_index_file, FileName}}); eof -> 0; Error2 -> file_error(FileName, Error2) end; true -> pwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, NewPos, OldCntBin), _ = file:close(Fd), 0 end; E -> file_error(FileName, E) end. to_8_bytes(<<N:32,T/binary>>, NT, FileName, Fd) -> to_8_bytes(T, [NT | <<N:64>>], FileName, Fd); to_8_bytes(B, NT, _FileName, _Fd) when byte_size(B) =:= 0 -> NT; to_8_bytes(_B, _NT, FileName, Fd) -> _ = file:close(Fd), throw({error, {invalid_index_file, FileName}}). %% -> ok | throw(FileError) index_file_trunc(FName, N) -> FileName = ?index_file_name(FName), case open_update(FileName) of {ok, Fd} -> case file:read(Fd, 6) of eof -> _ = file:close(Fd), ok; {ok, <<0, 0:32, Version>>} when Version =:= ?VERSION -> truncate_index_file(Fd, FileName, 10, 8, N); {ok, <<0, _/binary>>} -> truncate_index_file(Fd, FileName, 5, 4, N); {ok, <<_, _/binary>>} -> % cannot happen truncate_index_file(Fd, FileName, 1, 4, N); Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FileName, Error) end; Error -> file_error(FileName, Error) end. truncate_index_file(Fd, FileName, Offset, N, SzSz) -> Pos = Offset + N*SzSz, case Pos > file_size(FileName) of true -> ok = file:close(Fd); false -> truncate_at_close2(Fd, FileName, {bof, Pos}), ok = file:close(Fd) end, ok. print_index_file(File) -> io:format("-- Index begin --~n"), case file:read_file(File) of {ok, <<0, 0:32, Version, CurF:32, Tail/binary>>} when Version =:= ?VERSION, 0 < CurF, CurF < ?MAX_FILES -> io:format("cur file: ~w~n", [CurF]), loop_index(1, Version, Tail); {ok, <<0, CurF:32, Tail/binary>>} when 0 < CurF, CurF < ?MAX_FILES -> io:format("cur file: ~w~n", [CurF]), loop_index(1, 1, Tail); {ok, <<CurF, Tail/binary>>} when 0 < CurF -> io:format("cur file: ~w~n", [CurF]), loop_index(1, 1, Tail); _Else -> ok end, io:format("-- end --~n"). loop_index(N, V, <<Sz:64, Tail/binary>>) when V =:= ?VERSION -> io:format(" ~p items: ~w~n", [N, Sz]), loop_index(N+1, V, Tail); loop_index(N, V, <<Sz:32, Tail/binary>>) when V < ?VERSION -> io:format(" ~p items: ~w~n", [N, Sz]), loop_index(N+1, V, Tail); loop_index(_, _, _) -> ok. -define(size_file_name(F), add_ext(F, "siz")). %% Version 0: no size file %% Version 1: <<MaxSize:32, MaxFiles:32>> %% Version 2: <<Version:8, MaxSize:64, MaxFiles:32>> %% -> ok | throw(FileError) write_size_file(read_only, _FName, _NewSize, _NewMaxFiles, _Version) -> ok; write_size_file(read_write, FName, NewSize, NewMaxFiles, Version) -> FileName = ?size_file_name(FName), Bin = if Version =:= ?VERSION -> <<Version, NewSize:64, NewMaxFiles:32>>; true -> <<NewSize:32, NewMaxFiles:32>> end, case file:write_file(FileName, Bin) of ok -> ok; E -> file_error(FileName, E) end. %% -> {NoBytes, NoFiles}. read_size_file(FName) -> {Size,_Version} = read_size_file_version(FName), Size. %% -> {{NoBytes, NoFiles}, Version}, Version = integer() | undefined read_size_file_version(FName) -> case file:read_file(?size_file_name(FName)) of {ok, <<Version, Size:64, MaxFiles:32>>} when Version =:= ?VERSION -> {{Size, MaxFiles}, Version}; {ok, <<Size:32, MaxFiles:32>>} -> {{Size, MaxFiles}, 1}; _ -> %% The oldest version too... {{0, 0}, ?VERSION} end. conv({More, Terms}, FileNo) when is_record(More, continuation) -> Cont = More#continuation{pos = {FileNo, More#continuation.pos}}, {Cont, Terms}; conv({More, Terms, Bad}, FileNo) when is_record(More, continuation) -> Cont = More#continuation{pos = {FileNo, More#continuation.pos}}, {Cont, Terms, Bad}; conv(Other, _) -> Other. find_first_file(#handle{filename = FName, curF = CurF, maxF = MaxF}) -> fff(FName, inc(CurF, MaxF), CurF, MaxF). fff(_FName, CurF, CurF, _MaxF) -> CurF; fff(FName, MaybeFirstF, CurF, MaxF) -> N = add_ext(FName, MaybeFirstF), case file:read_file_info(N) of {ok, _} -> MaybeFirstF; _ -> fff(FName, inc(MaybeFirstF, MaxF), CurF, MaxF) end. %% -> {iolist(), LastBins, NoBytes, NoTerms} ext_split_bins(CurB, MaxB, FirstPos, Bins) -> MaxBs = MaxB - CurB, IsFirst = CurB =:= FirstPos, ext_split_bins(MaxBs, IsFirst, [], Bins, 0, 0). ext_split_bins(MaxBs, IsFirst, First, [X | Last], Bs, N) -> NBs = Bs + byte_size(X), if NBs =< MaxBs -> ext_split_bins(MaxBs, IsFirst, [First | X], Last, NBs, N+1); IsFirst, First =:= [] -> % To avoid infinite loop - we allow the file to be % too big if it's just one item on the file. {[X], Last, NBs, N+1}; true -> {First, [X | Last], Bs, N} end; ext_split_bins(_, _, First, [], Bs, N) -> {First, [], Bs, N}. %% -> {iolist(), LastBins, NoBytes, NoTerms} int_split_bins(CurB, MaxB, FirstPos, Bins) -> MaxBs = MaxB - CurB, IsFirst = CurB =:= FirstPos, int_split_bins(MaxBs, IsFirst, [], Bins, 0, 0). int_split_bins(MaxBs, IsFirst, First, [X | Last], Bs, N) -> Sz = byte_size(X), NBs = Bs + Sz + ?HEADERSZ, BSz = <<Sz:?SIZESZ/unit:8>>, XB = case Sz < ?MIN_MD5_TERM of true -> [BSz, ?BIGMAGICHEAD | X]; false -> MD5 = erlang:md5(BSz), [BSz, ?BIGMAGICHEAD, MD5 | X] end, if NBs =< MaxBs -> int_split_bins(MaxBs, IsFirst, [First | XB], Last, NBs, N+1); IsFirst, First =:= [] -> % To avoid infinite loop - we allow the file to be % too big if it's just one item on the file. {[XB], Last, NBs, N+1}; true -> {First, [X | Last], Bs, N} end; int_split_bins(_, _, First, [], Bs, N) -> {First, [], Bs, N}. %% -> {NewCurrentFileNo, MaxFilesToBe} | throw(FileError) inc_wrap(FName, CurF, MaxF) -> case MaxF of %% Number of max files has changed {NewMaxF, OldMaxF} -> if CurF >= NewMaxF -> %% We are at or above the new number of files remove_files(FName, CurF + 1, OldMaxF), if CurF > NewMaxF -> %% The change was done while the current file was %% greater than the new number of files. %% The index file is not trunctated here, since %% writing the index file while opening the file %% with index 1 will write the value for the file %% with extension CurF as well. Next time the %% limit is reached, the index file will be %% truncated. {1, {NewMaxF, CurF}}; true -> %% The change was done while the current file was %% less than the new number of files. %% Remove the files from the index file too index_file_trunc(FName, NewMaxF), {1, NewMaxF} end; true -> %% We haven't reached the new limit yet NewFt = inc(CurF, NewMaxF), {NewFt, MaxF} end; MaxF -> %% Normal case. NewFt = inc(CurF, MaxF), {NewFt, MaxF} end. inc(N, {_NewMax, OldMax}) -> inc(N, OldMax, 1); inc(N, Max) -> inc(N, Max, 1). inc(N, Max, Step) -> Nx = (N + Step) rem Max, if Nx > 0 -> Nx; true -> Nx + Max end. file_size(Fname) -> {ok, Fi} = file:read_file_info(Fname), Fi#file_info.size. %% -> ok | throw(FileError) %% Tries to remove each file with name FName.I, N<=I<=Max. remove_files(FName, N, Max) -> remove_files(FName, N, Max, ok). remove_files(_FName, N, Max, ok) when N > Max -> ok; remove_files(_FName, N, Max, {FileName, Error}) when N > Max -> file_error(FileName, Error); remove_files(FName, N, Max, Reply) -> FileName = add_ext(FName, N), NewReply = case file:delete(FileName) of ok -> Reply; {error, enoent} -> Reply; Error -> {FileName, Error} end, remove_files(FName, N + 1, Max, NewReply). %% -> {MaxBytes, MaxFiles} get_wrap_size(#handle{maxB = MaxB, maxF = MaxF}) -> case MaxF of {NewMaxF,_} -> {MaxB, NewMaxF}; MaxF -> {MaxB, MaxF} end. add_ext(Name, Ext) -> concat([Name, ".", Ext]). open_read(FileName) -> file:open(FileName, [raw, binary, read]). open_update(FileName) -> file:open(FileName, [raw, binary, read, write]). open_truncate(FileName) -> file:open(FileName, [raw, binary, write]). %%% Functions that access files, and throw on error. -define(MAX, 16384). % bytes -define(TIMEOUT, 2000). % ms %% -> {Reply, cache()}; Reply = ok | Error fwrite(#cache{c = []} = FdC, _FN, B, Size) -> case get(write_cache_timer_is_running) of true -> ok; _ -> put(write_cache_timer_is_running, true), erlang:send_after(?TIMEOUT, self(), {self(), write_cache}), ok end, {ok, FdC#cache{sz = Size, c = B}}; fwrite(#cache{sz = Sz, c = C} = FdC, _FN, B, Size) when Sz < ?MAX -> {ok, FdC#cache{sz = Sz+Size, c = [C | B]}}; fwrite(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FileName, B, _Size) -> write_cache(Fd, FileName, [C | B]). fwrite_header(Fd, B, Size) -> {ok, #cache{fd = Fd, sz = Size, c = B}}. %% -> {NewFdC, Reply}; Reply = ok | Error pread(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FileName, Position, MaxBytes) -> Reply = write_cache(Fd, FileName, C), case Reply of {ok, NewFdC} -> case file:pread(Fd, Position, MaxBytes) of {error, Error} -> {NewFdC, catch file_error(FileName, {error, Error})}; R -> {NewFdC, R} end; {Error, NewFdC} -> {NewFdC, Error} end. %% -> {ok, cache(), Pos} | {Error, cache()} position(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FileName, Pos) -> Reply = write_cache(Fd, FileName, C), case Reply of {ok, NewFdC} -> case position2(Fd, FileName, Pos) of {ok, Loc} -> {ok, NewFdC, Loc}; Error -> {Error, NewFdC} end; _Error -> Reply end. position_close(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FileName, Pos) -> NewFdC = write_cache_close(Fd, FileName, C), {ok, Loc} = position_close2(Fd, FileName, Pos), {NewFdC, Loc}. fsync(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FileName) -> Reply = write_cache(Fd, FileName, C), case Reply of {ok, NewFdC} -> case file:sync(Fd) of ok -> Reply; Error -> {catch file_error(FileName, Error), NewFdC} end; _Error -> Reply end. %% -> {Reply, NewFdC}; Reply = ok | Error truncate_at(FdC, FileName, Pos) -> case position(FdC, FileName, Pos) of {ok, NewFdC, _Pos} -> case file:truncate(NewFdC#cache.fd) of ok -> {ok, NewFdC}; Error -> {catch file_error(FileName, Error), NewFdC} end; Reply -> Reply end. fwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, B) -> case file:write(Fd, B) of ok -> ok; Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FileName, Error) end. pwrite_close2(Fd, FileName, Position, B) -> case file:pwrite(Fd, Position, B) of ok -> ok; {error,Error} -> file_error(FileName, {error, Error}) end. position2(Fd, FileName, Pos) -> case file:position(Fd, Pos) of {error, Error} -> catch file_error(FileName, {error, Error}); OK -> OK end. position_close2(Fd, FileName, Pos) -> case file:position(Fd, Pos) of {error, Error} -> file_error_close(Fd, FileName, {error, Error}); OK -> OK end. truncate_at_close2(Fd, FileName, Pos) -> {ok, _} = position_close2(Fd, FileName, Pos), case file:truncate(Fd) of ok -> ok; Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FileName, Error) end. fclose(#cache{fd = Fd, c = C}, FileName) -> %% The cache is empty if the file was opened in read_only mode. _ = write_cache_close(Fd, FileName, C), file:close(Fd). %% -> {Reply, #cache{}}; Reply = ok | Error write_cache(Fd, _FileName, []) -> {ok, #cache{fd = Fd}}; write_cache(Fd, FileName, C) -> case file:write(Fd, C) of ok -> {ok, #cache{fd = Fd}}; Error -> {catch file_error(FileName, Error), #cache{fd = Fd}} end. -spec write_cache_close(file:fd(), file:filename(), iodata()) -> #cache{}. % | throw(Error) write_cache_close(Fd, _FileName, []) -> #cache{fd = Fd}; write_cache_close(Fd, FileName, C) -> case file:write(Fd, C) of ok -> #cache{fd = Fd}; Error -> file_error_close(Fd, FileName, Error) end. -spec file_error(file:filename(), {'error', file:posix()}) -> no_return(). file_error(FileName, {error, Error}) -> throw({error, {file_error, FileName, Error}}). -spec file_error_close(file:fd(), file:filename(), {'error', file:posix()}) -> no_return(). file_error_close(Fd, FileName, {error, Error}) -> _ = file:close(Fd), throw({error, {file_error, FileName, Error}}).