%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(error_logger). -include("logger_internal.hrl"). -export([start/0,start_link/0,stop/0, format/2,error_msg/1,error_msg/2,error_report/1, error_report/2,info_report/1,info_report/2,warning_report/1, warning_report/2,error_info/1, info_msg/1,info_msg/2,warning_msg/1,warning_msg/2, logfile/1,tty/1, add_report_handler/1,add_report_handler/2, delete_report_handler/1, which_report_handlers/0]). %% logger callbacks -export([adding_handler/1, removing_handler/1, log/2]). -export([get_format_depth/0, limit_term/1]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Types used in this file %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -type msg_tag() :: 'error' | 'error_report' | 'info' | 'info_msg' | 'info_report' | 'warning_msg' | 'warning_report'. %%% BIF -export([warning_map/0]). -spec warning_map() -> Tag when Tag :: error | warning | info. warning_map() -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %%% End of BIF %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Start the event manager process under logger_sup, which is part of %%% the kernel application's supervision tree. -spec start() -> 'ok' | {'error', any()}. start() -> case whereis(?MODULE) of undefined -> ErrorLogger = #{id => ?MODULE, start => {?MODULE, start_link, []}, restart => transient, shutdown => 2000, type => worker, modules => dynamic}, case supervisor:start_child(logger_sup, ErrorLogger) of {ok,_} -> ok; Error -> Error end; _ -> ok end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Start callback specified in child specification to supervisor, see start/0 -spec start_link() -> {'ok', pid()} | {'error', any()}. start_link() -> gen_event:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, [{spawn_opt,[{message_queue_data, off_heap}]}]). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Stop the event manager -spec stop() -> ok. stop() -> _ = supervisor:terminate_child(logger_sup,?MODULE), _ = supervisor:delete_child(logger_sup,?MODULE), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Callbacks for logger -spec adding_handler(logger:config()) -> {ok,logger:config()} | {error,term()}. adding_handler(#{id:=?MODULE}=Config) -> case start() of ok -> {ok,Config}; Error -> Error end. -spec removing_handler(logger:config()) -> ok. removing_handler(#{id:=?MODULE}) -> stop(), ok. -spec log(logger:log_event(),logger:config()) -> ok. log(#{level:=Level,msg:=Msg,meta:=Meta},_Config) -> do_log(Level,Msg,Meta). do_log(Level,{report,Msg},#{?MODULE:=#{tag:=Tag,type:=Type}}=Meta) -> %% From error_logger:*_report/1,2, or logger call which added %% error_logger data to obtain backwards compatibility with %% error_logger:*_report/1,2 Report = case Msg of #{label:=_,report:=R} -> R; _ -> Msg end, notify(Level,Tag,Type,Report,Meta); do_log(Level,{report,Msg},#{?MODULE:=#{tag:=Tag}}=Meta) -> {Format,Args} = case Msg of #{label:=_,format:=F,args:=A} -> %% From error_logger:*_msg/1,2. %% In order to be backwards compatible with handling %% of faulty parameters to error_logger:*_msg/1,2, %% don't use report_cb here. {F,A}; _ -> %% From logger call which added error_logger data to %% obtain backwards compatibility with error_logger:*_msg/1,2 RCBFun=maps:get(report_cb,Meta,fun logger:format_report/1), try RCBFun(Msg) of {F,A} when is_list(F), is_list(A) -> {F,A}; Other -> {"REPORT_CB ERROR: ~tp; Returned: ~tp",[Msg,Other]} catch C:R -> {"REPORT_CB CRASH: ~tp; Reason: ~tp",[Msg,{C,R}]} end end, notify(Level,Tag,Format,Args,Meta); do_log(Level,{Format,Args},#{?MODULE:=#{tag:=Tag}}=Meta) when is_list(Format), is_list(Args) -> %% From logger call which added error_logger data to obtain %% backwards compatibility with error_logger:*_msg/1,2 notify(Level,Tag,Format,Args,Meta); do_log(_Level,_Msg,_Meta) -> %% Ignore the rest - i.e. to get backwards compatibility with %% error_logger, you must use the error_logger API for logging. %% Some modules within OTP go around this by adding an %% error_logger field to its metadata. This is done only to allow %% complete backwards compatibility for log events originating %% from within OTP, while still using the new logger interface. ok. -spec notify(logger:level(), msg_tag(), any(), any(), map()) -> 'ok'. notify(Level,Tag0,FormatOrType0,ArgsOrReport,#{pid:=Pid0,gl:=GL,?MODULE:=My}) -> Tag = fix_warning_tag(Level,Tag0), Pid = case maps:get(emulator,My,false) of true -> emulator; _ -> Pid0 end, FormatOrType = fix_warning_type(Level,FormatOrType0), gen_event:notify(?MODULE,{Tag,GL,{Pid,FormatOrType,ArgsOrReport}}). %% This is to fix the case when the client has explicitly added the %% error logger tag and type in metadata, and not checked the warning map. fix_warning_tag(error,warning_msg) -> error; fix_warning_tag(error,warning_report) -> error_report; fix_warning_tag(info,warning_msg) -> info_msg; fix_warning_tag(info,warning_report) -> info_report; fix_warning_tag(_,Tag) -> Tag. fix_warning_type(error,std_warning) -> std_error; fix_warning_type(info,std_warning) -> std_info; fix_warning_type(_,Type) -> Type. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% These two simple old functions generate events tagged 'error' %% Used for simple messages; error or information. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec error_msg(Format) -> 'ok' when Format :: string(). error_msg(Format) -> error_msg(Format,[]). -spec error_msg(Format, Data) -> 'ok' when Format :: string(), Data :: list(). error_msg(Format, Args) -> logger:log(error, #{label=>{?MODULE,error_msg}, format=>Format, args=>Args}, meta(error)). -spec format(Format, Data) -> 'ok' when Format :: string(), Data :: list(). format(Format, Args) -> error_msg(Format, Args). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% This functions should be used for error reports. Events %% are tagged 'error_report'. %% The 'std_error' error_report type can always be used. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -type report() :: [{Tag :: term(), Data :: term()} | term()] | string() | term(). -spec error_report(Report) -> 'ok' when Report :: report(). error_report(Report) -> error_report(std_error, Report). -spec error_report(Type, Report) -> 'ok' when Type :: term(), Report :: report(). error_report(Type, Report) -> logger:log(error, #{label=>{?MODULE,error_report}, report=>Report}, meta(error_report,Type)). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% This function should be used for warning reports. %% These might be mapped to error reports or info reports, %% depending on emulator flags. Events that ore not mapped %% are tagged 'info_report'. %% The 'std_warning' info_report type can always be used and is %% mapped to std_info or std_error accordingly. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec warning_report(Report) -> 'ok' when Report :: report(). warning_report(Report) -> warning_report(std_warning, Report). -spec warning_report(Type, Report) -> 'ok' when Type :: any(), Report :: report(). warning_report(Type, Report) -> Level = error_logger:warning_map(), {Tag, NType} = case Level of info -> if Type =:= std_warning -> {info_report, std_info}; true -> {info_report, Type} end; warning -> {warning_report, Type}; error -> if Type =:= std_warning -> {error_report, std_error}; true -> {error_report, Type} end end, logger:log(Level, #{label=>{?MODULE,warning_report}, report=>Report}, meta(Tag,NType)). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% This function provides similar functions as error_msg for %% warning messages, like warning report it might get mapped to %% other types of reports. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec warning_msg(Format) -> 'ok' when Format :: string(). warning_msg(Format) -> warning_msg(Format,[]). -spec warning_msg(Format, Data) -> 'ok' when Format :: string(), Data :: list(). warning_msg(Format, Args) -> Level = error_logger:warning_map(), Tag = case Level of warning -> warning_msg; info -> info_msg; error -> error end, logger:log(Level, #{label=>{?MODULE,warning_msg}, format=>Format, args=>Args}, meta(Tag)). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% This function should be used for information reports. Events %% are tagged 'info_report'. %% The 'std_info' info_report type can always be used. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec info_report(Report) -> 'ok' when Report :: report(). info_report(Report) -> info_report(std_info, Report). -spec info_report(Type, Report) -> 'ok' when Type :: any(), Report :: report(). info_report(Type, Report) -> logger:log(info, #{label=>{?MODULE,info_report}, report=>Report}, meta(info_report,Type)). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% This function provides similar functions as error_msg for %% information messages. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec info_msg(Format) -> 'ok' when Format :: string(). info_msg(Format) -> info_msg(Format,[]). -spec info_msg(Format, Data) -> 'ok' when Format :: string(), Data :: list(). info_msg(Format, Args) -> logger:log(info, #{label=>{?MODULE,info_msg}, format=>Format, args=>Args}, meta(info_msg)). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Used by the init process. Events are tagged 'info'. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec error_info(Error :: any()) -> 'ok'. %% unused? error_info(Error) -> {Format,Args} = case string_p(Error) of true -> {Error,[]}; false -> {"~p",[Error]} end, MyMeta = #{tag=>info,type=>Error}, logger:log(info, Format, Args, #{?MODULE=>MyMeta,domain=>[Error]}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Create metadata meta(Tag) -> meta(Tag,undefined). meta(Tag,Type) -> meta(Tag,Type,#{report_cb=>fun report_to_format/1}). meta(Tag,undefined,Meta0) -> Meta0#{?MODULE=>#{tag=>Tag}}; meta(Tag,Type,Meta0) -> maybe_add_domain(Tag,Type,Meta0#{?MODULE=>#{tag=>Tag,type=>Type}}). %% This is to prevent events of non standard type from being printed %% with the standard logger. Similar to how error_logger_tty_h %% discards events of non standard type. maybe_add_domain(error_report,std_error,Meta) -> Meta; maybe_add_domain(info_report,std_info,Meta) -> Meta; maybe_add_domain(warning_report,std_warning,Meta) -> Meta; maybe_add_domain(_,Type,Meta) -> Meta#{domain=>[Type]}. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Report formatting - i.e. Term => {Format,Args} %% This was earlier done in the event handler (error_logger_tty_h, etc) %% ----------------------------------------------------------------- report_to_format(#{label:={?MODULE,_}, report:=Report}) when is_map(Report) -> %% logger:format_otp_report does maps:to_list, and for backwards %% compatibility reasons we don't want that. {"~tp\n",[Report]}; report_to_format(#{label:={?MODULE,_}, format:=Format, args:=Args}) -> %% This is not efficient, but needed for backwards compatibility %% in giving faulty arguments to the *_msg functions. try io_lib:scan_format(Format,Args) of _ -> {Format,Args} catch _:_ -> {"ERROR: ~tp - ~tp",[Format,Args]} end; report_to_format(Term) -> logger:format_otp_report(Term). string_p(List) when is_list(List) -> string_p1(lists:flatten(List)); string_p(_) -> false. string_p1([]) -> false; string_p1(FlatList) -> io_lib:printable_list(FlatList). %% ----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Stuff directly related to the event manager %% ----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec add_report_handler(Handler) -> any() when Handler :: module(). add_report_handler(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> add_report_handler(Module, []). -spec add_report_handler(Handler, Args) -> Result when Handler :: module(), Args :: gen_event:handler_args(), Result :: gen_event:add_handler_ret(). add_report_handler(Module, Args) when is_atom(Module) -> _ = logger:add_handler(?MODULE,?MODULE,#{level=>info,filter_default=>log}), gen_event:add_handler(?MODULE, Module, Args). -spec delete_report_handler(Handler) -> Result when Handler :: module(), Result :: gen_event:del_handler_ret(). delete_report_handler(Module) when is_atom(Module) -> case whereis(?MODULE) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> Return = gen_event:delete_handler(?MODULE, Module, []), case gen_event:which_handlers(?MODULE) of [] -> %% Don't want a lot of logs here if it's not needed _ = logger:remove_handler(?MODULE), ok; _ -> ok end, Return; _ -> ok end. which_report_handlers() -> case whereis(?MODULE) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> gen_event:which_handlers(?MODULE); undefined -> [] end. %% Log all errors to File for all eternity -type open_error() :: file:posix() | badarg | system_limit. -spec logfile(Request :: {open, Filename}) -> ok | {error, OpenReason} when Filename ::file:name(), OpenReason :: allready_have_logfile | open_error() ; (Request :: close) -> ok | {error, CloseReason} when CloseReason :: module_not_found ; (Request :: filename) -> Filename | {error, FilenameReason} when Filename :: file:name(), FilenameReason :: no_log_file. logfile({open, File}) -> case lists:member(error_logger_file_h,which_report_handlers()) of true -> {error, allready_have_logfile}; _ -> add_report_handler(error_logger_file_h, File) end; logfile(close) -> case whereis(?MODULE) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> case gen_event:delete_handler(?MODULE, error_logger_file_h, normal) of {error,Reason} -> {error,Reason}; _ -> ok end; _ -> {error,module_not_found} end; logfile(filename) -> case whereis(?MODULE) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> case gen_event:call(?MODULE, error_logger_file_h, filename) of {error,_} -> {error, no_log_file}; Val -> Val end; _ -> {error, no_log_file} end. %% Possibly turn off all tty printouts, maybe we only want the errors %% to go to a file -spec tty(Flag) -> 'ok' when Flag :: boolean(). tty(true) -> _ = case lists:member(error_logger_tty_h, which_report_handlers()) of false -> case logger:get_handler_config(default) of {ok,{logger_std_h,#{logger_std_h:=#{type:=standard_io}}}} -> logger:remove_handler_filter(default, error_logger_tty_false); _ -> logger:add_handler(error_logger_tty_true,logger_std_h, #{filter_default=>stop, filters=>?DEFAULT_HANDLER_FILTERS( [otp]), formatter=>{?DEFAULT_FORMATTER, ?DEFAULT_FORMAT_CONFIG}, logger_std_h=>#{type=>standard_io}}) end; true -> ok end, ok; tty(false) -> delete_report_handler(error_logger_tty_h), _ = logger:remove_handler(error_logger_tty_true), _ = case logger:get_handler_config(default) of {ok,{logger_std_h,#{logger_std_h:=#{type:=standard_io}}}} -> logger:add_handler_filter(default,error_logger_tty_false, {fun(_,_) -> stop end, ok}); _ -> ok end, ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- -spec limit_term(term()) -> term(). limit_term(Term) -> case get_format_depth() of unlimited -> Term; D -> io_lib:limit_term(Term, D) end. -spec get_format_depth() -> 'unlimited' | pos_integer(). get_format_depth() -> case application:get_env(kernel, error_logger_format_depth) of {ok, Depth} when is_integer(Depth) -> max(10, Depth); {ok, unlimited} -> unlimited; undefined -> unlimited end.