%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(group). %% A group leader process for user io. -export([start/2, start/3, server/3]). -export([interfaces/1]). start(Drv, Shell) -> start(Drv, Shell, []). start(Drv, Shell, Options) -> spawn_link(group, server, [Drv, Shell, Options]). server(Drv, Shell, Options) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), edlin:init(), put(line_buffer, proplists:get_value(line_buffer, Options, [])), put(read_mode, list), put(user_drv, Drv), put(expand_fun, proplists:get_value(expand_fun, Options, fun(B) -> edlin_expand:expand(B) end)), put(echo, proplists:get_value(echo, Options, true)), start_shell(Shell), server_loop(Drv, get(shell), []). %% Return the pid of user_drv and the shell process. %% Note: We can't ask the group process for this info since it %% may be busy waiting for data from the driver. interfaces(Group) -> case process_info(Group, dictionary) of {dictionary,Dict} -> get_pids(Dict, [], false); _ -> [] end. get_pids([Drv = {user_drv,_} | Rest], Found, _) -> get_pids(Rest, [Drv | Found], true); get_pids([Sh = {shell,_} | Rest], Found, Active) -> get_pids(Rest, [Sh | Found], Active); get_pids([_ | Rest], Found, Active) -> get_pids(Rest, Found, Active); get_pids([], Found, true) -> Found; get_pids([], _Found, false) -> []. %% start_shell(Shell) %% Spawn a shell with its group_leader from the beginning set to ourselves. %% If Shell a pid the set its group_leader. start_shell({Mod,Func,Args}) -> start_shell1(Mod, Func, Args); start_shell({Node,Mod,Func,Args}) -> start_shell1(net, call, [Node,Mod,Func,Args]); start_shell(Shell) when is_atom(Shell) -> start_shell1(Shell, start, []); start_shell(Shell) when is_function(Shell) -> start_shell1(Shell); start_shell(Shell) when is_pid(Shell) -> group_leader(self(), Shell), % we are the shells group leader link(Shell), % we're linked to it. put(shell, Shell); start_shell(_Shell) -> ok. start_shell1(M, F, Args) -> G = group_leader(), group_leader(self(), self()), case catch apply(M, F, Args) of Shell when is_pid(Shell) -> group_leader(G, self()), link(Shell), % we're linked to it. put(shell, Shell); Error -> % start failure exit(Error) % let the group process crash end. start_shell1(Fun) -> G = group_leader(), group_leader(self(), self()), case catch Fun() of Shell when is_pid(Shell) -> group_leader(G, self()), link(Shell), % we're linked to it. put(shell, Shell); Error -> % start failure exit(Error) % let the group process crash end. server_loop(Drv, Shell, Buf0) -> receive {io_request,From,ReplyAs,Req} when is_pid(From) -> Buf = io_request(Req, From, ReplyAs, Drv, Buf0), server_loop(Drv, Shell, Buf); {driver_id,ReplyTo} -> ReplyTo ! {self(),driver_id,Drv}, server_loop(Drv, Shell, Buf0); {Drv, echo, Bool} -> put(echo, Bool), server_loop(Drv, Shell, Buf0); {'EXIT',Drv,interrupt} -> %% Send interrupt to the shell. exit_shell(interrupt), server_loop(Drv, Shell, Buf0); {'EXIT',Drv,R} -> exit(R); {'EXIT',Shell,R} -> exit(R); %% We want to throw away any term that we don't handle (standard %% practice in receive loops), but not any {Drv,_} tuples which are %% handled in io_request/5. NotDrvTuple when (not is_tuple(NotDrvTuple)) orelse (tuple_size(NotDrvTuple) =/= 2) orelse (element(1, NotDrvTuple) =/= Drv) -> %% Ignore this unknown message. server_loop(Drv, Shell, Buf0) end. exit_shell(Reason) -> case get(shell) of undefined -> true; Pid -> exit(Pid, Reason) end. get_tty_geometry(Drv) -> Drv ! {self(),tty_geometry}, receive {Drv,tty_geometry,Geometry} -> Geometry after 2000 -> timeout end. get_unicode_state(Drv) -> Drv ! {self(),get_unicode_state}, receive {Drv,get_unicode_state,UniState} -> UniState; {Drv,get_unicode_state,error} -> {error, internal} after 2000 -> {error,timeout} end. set_unicode_state(Drv,Bool) -> Drv ! {self(),set_unicode_state,Bool}, receive {Drv,set_unicode_state,_OldUniState} -> ok after 2000 -> timeout end. io_request(Req, From, ReplyAs, Drv, Buf0) -> case io_request(Req, Drv, Buf0) of {ok,Reply,Buf} -> io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply), Buf; {error,Reply,Buf} -> io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply), Buf; {exit,R} -> %% 'kill' instead of R, since the shell is not always in %% a state where it is ready to handle a termination %% message. exit_shell(kill), exit(R) end. %% Put_chars, unicode is the normal message, characters are always in %%standard unicode %% format. %% You might be tempted to send binaries unchecked, but the driver %% expects unicode, so that is what we should send... %% io_request({put_chars,unicode,Binary}, Drv, Buf) when is_binary(Binary) -> %% send_drv(Drv, {put_chars,Binary}), %% {ok,ok,Buf}; io_request({put_chars,unicode,Chars}, Drv, Buf) -> case catch unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,utf8) of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode, Binary}), {ok,ok,Buf}; _ -> {error,{error,{put_chars, unicode,Chars}},Buf} end; io_request({put_chars,unicode,M,F,As}, Drv, Buf) -> case catch apply(M, F, As) of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode,Binary}), {ok,ok,Buf}; Chars -> case catch unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,utf8) of B when is_binary(B) -> send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode,B}), {ok,ok,Buf}; _ -> {error,{error,F},Buf} end end; io_request({put_chars,latin1,Binary}, Drv, Buf) when is_binary(Binary) -> send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode,unicode:characters_to_binary(Binary,latin1)}), {ok,ok,Buf}; io_request({put_chars,latin1,Chars}, Drv, Buf) -> case catch unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,latin1) of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode,Binary}), {ok,ok,Buf}; _ -> {error,{error,{put_chars,Chars}},Buf} end; io_request({put_chars,latin1,M,F,As}, Drv, Buf) -> case catch apply(M, F, As) of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode,unicode:characters_to_binary(Binary,latin1)}), {ok,ok,Buf}; Chars -> case catch unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,latin1) of B when is_binary(B) -> send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode,B}), {ok,ok,Buf}; _ -> {error,{error,F},Buf} end end; io_request({get_chars,Encoding,Prompt,N}, Drv, Buf) -> get_chars(Prompt, io_lib, collect_chars, N, Drv, Buf, Encoding); io_request({get_line,Encoding,Prompt}, Drv, Buf) -> get_chars(Prompt, io_lib, collect_line, [], Drv, Buf, Encoding); io_request({get_until,Encoding, Prompt,M,F,As}, Drv, Buf) -> get_chars(Prompt, io_lib, get_until, {M,F,As}, Drv, Buf, Encoding); io_request({get_password,_Encoding},Drv,Buf) -> get_password_chars(Drv, Buf); io_request({setopts,Opts}, Drv, Buf) when is_list(Opts) -> setopts(Opts, Drv, Buf); io_request(getopts, Drv, Buf) -> getopts(Drv, Buf); io_request({requests,Reqs}, Drv, Buf) -> io_requests(Reqs, {ok,ok,Buf}, Drv); %% New in R12 io_request({get_geometry,columns},Drv,Buf) -> case get_tty_geometry(Drv) of {W,_H} -> {ok,W,Buf}; _ -> {error,{error,enotsup},Buf} end; io_request({get_geometry,rows},Drv,Buf) -> case get_tty_geometry(Drv) of {_W,H} -> {ok,H,Buf}; _ -> {error,{error,enotsup},Buf} end; %% BC with pre-R13 io_request({put_chars,Chars}, Drv, Buf) -> io_request({put_chars,latin1,Chars}, Drv, Buf); io_request({put_chars,M,F,As}, Drv, Buf) -> io_request({put_chars,latin1,M,F,As}, Drv, Buf); io_request({get_chars,Prompt,N}, Drv, Buf) -> io_request({get_chars,latin1,Prompt,N}, Drv, Buf); io_request({get_line,Prompt}, Drv, Buf) -> io_request({get_line,latin1,Prompt}, Drv, Buf); io_request({get_until, Prompt,M,F,As}, Drv, Buf) -> io_request({get_until,latin1, Prompt,M,F,As}, Drv, Buf); io_request(get_password,Drv,Buf) -> io_request({get_password,latin1},Drv,Buf); io_request(_, _Drv, Buf) -> {error,{error,request},Buf}. %% Status = io_requests(RequestList, PrevStat, Drv) %% Process a list of output requests as long as the previous status is 'ok'. io_requests([R|Rs], {ok,ok,Buf}, Drv) -> io_requests(Rs, io_request(R, Drv, Buf), Drv); io_requests([_|_], Error, _Drv) -> Error; io_requests([], Stat, _) -> Stat. %% io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) %% The function for sending i/o command acknowledgement. %% The ACK contains the return value. io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) -> From ! {io_reply,ReplyAs,Reply}. %% send_drv(Drv, Message) %% send_drv_reqs(Drv, Requests) send_drv(Drv, Msg) -> Drv ! {self(),Msg}. send_drv_reqs(_Drv, []) -> []; send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs) -> send_drv(Drv, {requests,Rs}). expand_encoding([]) -> []; expand_encoding([latin1 | T]) -> [{encoding,latin1} | expand_encoding(T)]; expand_encoding([unicode | T]) -> [{encoding,unicode} | expand_encoding(T)]; expand_encoding([H|T]) -> [H|expand_encoding(T)]. %% setopts setopts(Opts0,Drv,Buf) -> Opts = proplists:unfold( proplists:substitute_negations( [{list,binary}], expand_encoding(Opts0))), case check_valid_opts(Opts) of true -> do_setopts(Opts,Drv,Buf); false -> {error,{error,enotsup},Buf} end. check_valid_opts([]) -> true; check_valid_opts([{binary,_}|T]) -> check_valid_opts(T); check_valid_opts([{encoding,Valid}|T]) when Valid =:= unicode; Valid =:= utf8; Valid =:= latin1 -> check_valid_opts(T); check_valid_opts([{echo,_}|T]) -> check_valid_opts(T); check_valid_opts([{expand_fun,_}|T]) -> check_valid_opts(T); check_valid_opts(_) -> false. do_setopts(Opts, Drv, Buf) -> put(expand_fun, proplists:get_value(expand_fun, Opts, get(expand_fun))), put(echo, proplists:get_value(echo, Opts, get(echo))), case proplists:get_value(encoding,Opts) of Valid when Valid =:= unicode; Valid =:= utf8 -> set_unicode_state(Drv,true); latin1 -> set_unicode_state(Drv,false); _ -> ok end, case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts, case get(read_mode) of binary -> true; _ -> false end) of true -> put(read_mode, binary), {ok,ok,Buf}; false -> put(read_mode, list), {ok,ok,Buf}; _ -> {ok,ok,Buf} end. getopts(Drv,Buf) -> Exp = {expand_fun, case get(expand_fun) of Func when is_function(Func) -> Func; _ -> false end}, Echo = {echo, case get(echo) of Bool when Bool =:= true; Bool =:= false -> Bool; _ -> false end}, Bin = {binary, case get(read_mode) of binary -> true; _ -> false end}, Uni = {encoding, case get_unicode_state(Drv) of true -> unicode; _ -> latin1 end}, {ok,[Exp,Echo,Bin,Uni],Buf}. %% get_chars(Prompt, Module, Function, XtraArgument, Drv, Buffer) %% Gets characters from the input Drv until as the applied function %% returns {stop,Result,Rest}. Does not block output until input has been %% received. %% Returns: %% {Result,NewSaveBuffer} %% {error,What,NewSaveBuffer} get_password_chars(Drv,Buf) -> case get_password_line(Buf, Drv) of {done, Line, Buf1} -> {ok, Line, Buf1}; interrupted -> {error, {error, interrupted}, []}; terminated -> {exit, terminated} end. get_chars(Prompt, M, F, Xa, Drv, Buf, Encoding) -> Pbs = prompt_bytes(Prompt), get_chars_loop(Pbs, M, F, Xa, Drv, Buf, start, Encoding). get_chars_loop(Pbs, M, F, Xa, Drv, Buf0, State, Encoding) -> Result = case get(echo) of true -> get_line(Buf0, Pbs, Drv, Encoding); false -> % get_line_echo_off only deals with lists % and does not need encoding... get_line_echo_off(Buf0, Pbs, Drv) end, case Result of {done,Line,Buf1} -> get_chars_apply(Pbs, M, F, Xa, Drv, Buf1, State, Line, Encoding); interrupted -> {error,{error,interrupted},[]}; terminated -> {exit,terminated} end. get_chars_apply(Pbs, M, F, Xa, Drv, Buf, State0, Line, Encoding) -> id(M,F), case catch M:F(State0, cast(Line,get(read_mode), Encoding), Encoding, Xa) of {stop,Result,Rest} -> {ok,Result,append(Rest, Buf, Encoding)}; {'EXIT',_} -> {error,{error,err_func(M, F, Xa)},[]}; State1 -> get_chars_loop(Pbs, M, F, Xa, Drv, Buf, State1, Encoding) end. id(M,F) -> {M,F}. %% Convert error code to make it look as before err_func(io_lib, get_until, {_,F,_}) -> F; err_func(_, F, _) -> F. %% get_line(Chars, PromptBytes, Drv) %% Get a line with eventual line editing. Handle other io requests %% while getting line. %% Returns: %% {done,LineChars,RestChars} %% interrupted get_line(Chars, Pbs, Drv, Encoding) -> {more_chars,Cont,Rs} = edlin:start(Pbs), send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs), get_line1(edlin:edit_line(Chars, Cont), Drv, new_stack(get(line_buffer)), Encoding). get_line1({done,Line,Rest,Rs}, Drv, Ls, _Encoding) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs), save_line_buffer(Line, get_lines(Ls)), {done,Line,Rest}; get_line1({undefined,{_A,Mode,Char},Cs,Cont,Rs}, Drv, Ls0, Encoding) when ((Mode =:= none) and (Char =:= $\^P)) or ((Mode =:= meta_left_sq_bracket) and (Char =:= $A)) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs), case up_stack(save_line(Ls0, edlin:current_line(Cont))) of {none,_Ls} -> send_drv(Drv, beep), get_line1(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont), Drv, Ls0, Encoding); {Lcs,Ls} -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, edlin:erase_line(Cont)), {more_chars,Ncont,Nrs} = edlin:start(edlin:prompt(Cont)), send_drv_reqs(Drv, Nrs), get_line1(edlin:edit_line1(lists:sublist(Lcs, 1, length(Lcs)-1), Ncont), Drv, Ls, Encoding) end; get_line1({undefined,{_A,Mode,Char},Cs,Cont,Rs}, Drv, Ls0, Encoding) when ((Mode =:= none) and (Char =:= $\^N)) or ((Mode =:= meta_left_sq_bracket) and (Char =:= $B)) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs), case down_stack(save_line(Ls0, edlin:current_line(Cont))) of {none,_Ls} -> send_drv(Drv, beep), get_line1(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont), Drv, Ls0, Encoding); {Lcs,Ls} -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, edlin:erase_line(Cont)), {more_chars,Ncont,Nrs} = edlin:start(edlin:prompt(Cont)), send_drv_reqs(Drv, Nrs), get_line1(edlin:edit_line1(lists:sublist(Lcs, 1, length(Lcs)-1), Ncont), Drv, Ls, Encoding) end; get_line1({expand, Before, Cs0, Cont,Rs}, Drv, Ls0, Encoding) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs), ExpandFun = get(expand_fun), {Found, Add, Matches} = ExpandFun(Before), case Found of no -> send_drv(Drv, beep); yes -> ok end, Cs1 = append(Add, Cs0, Encoding), %%XXX:PaN should this always be unicode? Cs = case Matches of [] -> Cs1; _ -> MatchStr = edlin_expand:format_matches(Matches), send_drv(Drv, {put_chars, unicode, unicode:characters_to_binary(MatchStr,unicode)}), [$\^L | Cs1] end, get_line1(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont), Drv, Ls0, Encoding); get_line1({undefined,_Char,Cs,Cont,Rs}, Drv, Ls, Encoding) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs), send_drv(Drv, beep), get_line1(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont), Drv, Ls, Encoding); get_line1({What,Cont0,Rs}, Drv, Ls, Encoding) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, Rs), receive {Drv,{data,Cs}} -> get_line1(edlin:edit_line(Cs, Cont0), Drv, Ls, Encoding); {Drv,eof} -> get_line1(edlin:edit_line(eof, Cont0), Drv, Ls, Encoding); {io_request,From,ReplyAs,Req} when is_pid(From) -> {more_chars,Cont,_More} = edlin:edit_line([], Cont0), send_drv_reqs(Drv, edlin:erase_line(Cont)), io_request(Req, From, ReplyAs, Drv, []), %WRONG!!! send_drv_reqs(Drv, edlin:redraw_line(Cont)), get_line1({more_chars,Cont,[]}, Drv, Ls, Encoding); {'EXIT',Drv,interrupt} -> interrupted; {'EXIT',Drv,_} -> terminated after get_line_timeout(What)-> get_line1(edlin:edit_line([], Cont0), Drv, Ls, Encoding) end. get_line_echo_off(Chars, Pbs, Drv) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv, [{put_chars, unicode,Pbs}]), get_line_echo_off1(edit_line(Chars,[]), Drv). get_line_echo_off1({Chars,[]}, Drv) -> receive {Drv,{data,Cs}} -> get_line_echo_off1(edit_line(Cs, Chars), Drv); {Drv,eof} -> get_line_echo_off1(edit_line(eof, Chars), Drv); {io_request,From,ReplyAs,Req} when is_pid(From) -> io_request(Req, From, ReplyAs, Drv, []), get_line_echo_off1({Chars,[]}, Drv); {'EXIT',Drv,interrupt} -> interrupted; {'EXIT',Drv,_} -> terminated end; get_line_echo_off1({Chars,Rest}, _Drv) -> {done,lists:reverse(Chars),case Rest of done -> []; _ -> Rest end}. %% We support line editing for the ICANON mode except the following %% line editing characters, which already has another meaning in %% echo-on mode (See Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, 2nd ed, %% Stevens, page 638): %% - ^u in posix/icanon mode: erase-line, prefix-arg in edlin %% - ^t in posix/icanon mode: status, transpose-char in edlin %% - ^d in posix/icanon mode: eof, delete-forward in edlin %% - ^r in posix/icanon mode: reprint (silly in echo-off mode :-)) %% - ^w in posix/icanon mode: word-erase (produces a beep in edlin) edit_line(eof, Chars) -> {Chars,done}; edit_line([],Chars) -> {Chars,[]}; edit_line([$\r,$\n|Cs],Chars) -> {[$\n | Chars], remainder_after_nl(Cs)}; edit_line([NL|Cs],Chars) when NL =:= $\r; NL =:= $\n -> {[$\n | Chars], remainder_after_nl(Cs)}; edit_line([Erase|Cs],[]) when Erase =:= $\177; Erase =:= $\^H -> edit_line(Cs,[]); edit_line([Erase|Cs],[_|Chars]) when Erase =:= $\177; Erase =:= $\^H -> edit_line(Cs,Chars); edit_line([Char|Cs],Chars) -> edit_line(Cs,[Char|Chars]). remainder_after_nl("") -> done; remainder_after_nl(Cs) -> Cs. get_line_timeout(blink) -> 1000; get_line_timeout(more_chars) -> infinity. new_stack(Ls) -> {stack,Ls,{},[]}. up_stack({stack,[L|U],{},D}) -> {L,{stack,U,L,D}}; up_stack({stack,[],{},D}) -> {none,{stack,[],{},D}}; up_stack({stack,U,C,D}) -> up_stack({stack,U,{},[C|D]}). down_stack({stack,U,{},[L|D]}) -> {L,{stack,U,L,D}}; down_stack({stack,U,{},[]}) -> {none,{stack,U,{},[]}}; down_stack({stack,U,C,D}) -> down_stack({stack,[C|U],{},D}). save_line({stack, U, {}, []}, Line) -> {stack, U, {}, [Line]}; save_line({stack, U, _L, D}, Line) -> {stack, U, Line, D}. get_lines({stack, U, {}, []}) -> U; get_lines({stack, U, {}, D}) -> tl(lists:reverse(D, U)); get_lines({stack, U, L, D}) -> get_lines({stack, U, {}, [L|D]}). save_line_buffer("\n", Lines) -> save_line_buffer(Lines); save_line_buffer(Line, [Line|_Lines]=Lines) -> save_line_buffer(Lines); save_line_buffer(Line, Lines) -> save_line_buffer([Line|Lines]). save_line_buffer(Lines) -> put(line_buffer, Lines). %% This is get_line without line editing (except for backspace) and %% without echo. get_password_line(Chars, Drv) -> get_password1(edit_password(Chars,[]),Drv). get_password1({Chars,[]}, Drv) -> receive {Drv,{data,Cs}} -> get_password1(edit_password(Cs,Chars),Drv); {io_request,From,ReplyAs,Req} when is_pid(From) -> %send_drv_reqs(Drv, [{delete_chars, -length(Pbs)}]), io_request(Req, From, ReplyAs, Drv, []), %WRONG!!! %% I guess the reason the above line is wrong is that Buf is %% set to []. But do we expect anything but plain output? get_password1({Chars, []}, Drv); {'EXIT',Drv,interrupt} -> interrupted; {'EXIT',Drv,_} -> terminated end; get_password1({Chars,Rest},Drv) -> send_drv_reqs(Drv,[{put_chars, unicode, "\n"}]), {done,lists:reverse(Chars),case Rest of done -> []; _ -> Rest end}. edit_password([],Chars) -> {Chars,[]}; edit_password([$\r],Chars) -> {Chars,done}; edit_password([$\r|Cs],Chars) -> {Chars,Cs}; edit_password([$\177|Cs],[]) -> %% Being able to erase characters is edit_password(Cs,[]); %% the least we should offer, but edit_password([$\177|Cs],[_|Chars]) ->%% is backspace enough? edit_password(Cs,Chars); edit_password([Char|Cs],Chars) -> edit_password(Cs,[Char|Chars]). %% prompt_bytes(Prompt) %% Return a flat list of bytes for the Prompt. prompt_bytes(Prompt) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format_prompt(Prompt)). cast(L, binary,latin1) when is_list(L) -> list_to_binary(L); cast(L, list, latin1) when is_list(L) -> binary_to_list(list_to_binary(L)); %% Exception if not bytes cast(L, binary,unicode) when is_list(L) -> unicode:characters_to_binary(L,utf8); cast(Other, _, _) -> Other. append(B, L, latin1) when is_binary(B) -> binary_to_list(B)++L; append(B, L, unicode) when is_binary(B) -> unicode:characters_to_list(B,utf8)++L; append(L1, L2, _) when is_list(L1) -> L1++L2; append(_Eof, L, _) -> L.