%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(inet_dns). %% Dns record encode/decode %% %% RFC 1035: Domain Names - Implementation and Specification %% RFC 2181: Clarifications to the DNS Specification %% RFC 2671: Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0) %% RFC 2782: A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV) %% RFC 2915: The Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) DNS Resource Rec -export([decode/1, encode/1]). -import(lists, [reverse/1, reverse/2, nthtail/2]). -include("inet_int.hrl"). -include("inet_dns.hrl"). -export([record_type/1, rr/1, rr/2]). -export([make_rr/0, make_rr/1, make_rr/2, make_rr/3]). %% ADTs exports. The make_* functions are undocumented. -export([msg/1, msg/2, make_msg/0, make_msg/1, make_msg/2, make_msg/3]). -export([header/1, header/2, make_header/0, make_header/1, make_header/2, make_header/3]). -export([dns_query/1, dns_query/2, make_dns_query/0, make_dns_query/1, make_dns_query/2, make_dns_query/3]). -include("inet_dns_record_adts.hrl"). %% Function merge of #dns_rr{} and #dns_rr_opt{} %% record_type(#dns_rr{}) -> rr; record_type(#dns_rr_opt{}) -> rr; record_type(Rec) -> record_adts(Rec). rr(#dns_rr{}=RR) -> dns_rr(RR); rr(#dns_rr_opt{}=RR) -> dns_rr_opt(RR). rr(#dns_rr{}=RR, L) -> dns_rr(RR, L); rr(#dns_rr_opt{}=RR, L) -> dns_rr_opt(RR, L). make_rr() -> make_dns_rr(). make_rr(L) when is_list(L) -> case rr_type(L, any) of opt -> make_dns_rr_opt(L); _ -> make_dns_rr(L) end. make_rr(type, opt) -> make_dns_rr_opt(); make_rr(F, V) when is_atom(F) -> make_dns_rr(F, V); make_rr(#dns_rr{}=RR, L) when is_list(L) -> case rr_type(L, RR#dns_rr.type) of opt -> Ts = common_fields__rr__rr_opt(), make_dns_rr_opt([Opt || {T,_}=Opt <- dns_rr(RR), lists_member(T, Ts)] ++ L); _ -> make_dns_rr(RR, L) end; make_rr(#dns_rr_opt{}=RR, L) when is_list(L) -> case rr_type(L, RR#dns_rr_opt.type) of opt -> make_dns_rr_opt(RR, L); _ -> Ts = common_fields__rr__rr_opt(), make_dns_rr([Opt || {T,_}=Opt <- dns_rr_opt(RR), lists_member(T, Ts)] ++ L) end. make_rr(#dns_rr{}=RR, type, opt) -> make_rr(RR, [{type,opt}]); make_rr(#dns_rr{}=RR, F, V) -> make_dns_rr(RR, F, V); make_rr(#dns_rr_opt{}=RR, type, opt) -> RR; make_rr(#dns_rr_opt{}=RR, type, T) -> make_rr(RR, [{type,T}]); make_rr(#dns_rr_opt{}=RR, F, V) -> make_dns_rr_opt(RR, F, V). -compile({inline, [rr_type/2]}). rr_type([], T) -> T; rr_type([{type,T}|Opts], _) -> rr_type(Opts, T); rr_type([_|Opts], T) -> rr_type(Opts, T). common_fields__rr__rr_opt() -> [T || T <- record_info(fields, dns_rr_opt), lists_member(T, record_info(fields, dns_rr))]. -compile({inline, [lists_member/2]}). lists_member(_, []) -> false; lists_member(H, [H|_]) -> true; lists_member(H, [_|T]) -> lists_member(H, T). -define(DECODE_ERROR, fmt). % must match a clause in inet_res:query_nss_e?dns %% %% Decode a dns buffer. %% decode(Buffer) when is_binary(Buffer) -> try do_decode(Buffer) of DnsRec -> {ok,DnsRec} catch Reason -> {error,Reason} end. do_decode(<<Id:16, QR:1,Opcode:4,AA:1,TC:1,RD:1, RA:1,PR:1,_:2,Rcode:4, QdCount:16,AnCount:16,NsCount:16,ArCount:16, QdBuf/binary>>=Buffer) -> {AnBuf,QdList,QdTC} = decode_query_section(QdBuf,QdCount,Buffer), {NsBuf,AnList,AnTC} = decode_rr_section(AnBuf,AnCount,Buffer), {ArBuf,NsList,NsTC} = decode_rr_section(NsBuf,NsCount,Buffer), {Rest,ArList,ArTC} = decode_rr_section(ArBuf,ArCount,Buffer), case Rest of <<>> -> HdrTC = decode_boolean(TC), DnsHdr = #dns_header{id=Id, qr=decode_boolean(QR), opcode=decode_opcode(Opcode), aa=decode_boolean(AA), tc=HdrTC, rd=decode_boolean(RD), ra=decode_boolean(RA), pr=decode_boolean(PR), rcode=Rcode}, case QdTC or AnTC or NsTC or ArTC of true when not HdrTC -> throw(?DECODE_ERROR); _ -> #dns_rec{header=DnsHdr, qdlist=QdList, anlist=AnList, nslist=NsList, arlist=ArList} end; _ -> %% Garbage data after DNS message throw(?DECODE_ERROR) end; do_decode(_) -> %% DNS message does not even match header throw(?DECODE_ERROR). decode_query_section(Bin, N, Buffer) -> decode_query_section(Bin, N, Buffer, []). decode_query_section(<<>>=Rest, N, _Buffer, Qs) -> {Rest,reverse(Qs),N =/= 0}; decode_query_section(Rest, 0, _Buffer, Qs) -> {Rest,reverse(Qs),false}; decode_query_section(Bin, N, Buffer, Qs) -> case decode_name(Bin, Buffer) of {<<Type:16,Class:16,Rest/binary>>,Name} -> DnsQuery = #dns_query{domain=Name, type=decode_type(Type), class=decode_class(Class)}, decode_query_section(Rest, N-1, Buffer, [DnsQuery|Qs]); _ -> %% Broken question throw(?DECODE_ERROR) end. decode_rr_section(Bin, N, Buffer) -> decode_rr_section(Bin, N, Buffer, []). decode_rr_section(<<>>=Rest, N, _Buffer, RRs) -> {Rest,reverse(RRs),N =/= 0}; decode_rr_section(Rest, 0, _Buffer, RRs) -> {Rest,reverse(RRs),false}; decode_rr_section(Bin, N, Buffer, RRs) -> case decode_name(Bin, Buffer) of {<<T:16/unsigned,C:16/unsigned,TTL:4/binary, Len:16,D:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>, Name} -> Type = decode_type(T), Class = decode_class(C), Data = decode_data(D, Class, Type, Buffer), RR = case Type of opt -> <<ExtRcode,Version,Z:16>> = TTL, #dns_rr_opt{domain=Name, type=Type, udp_payload_size=C, ext_rcode=ExtRcode, version=Version, z=Z, data=Data}; _ -> <<TimeToLive:32/signed>> = TTL, #dns_rr{domain=Name, type=Type, class=Class, ttl=if TimeToLive < 0 -> 0; true -> TimeToLive end, data=Data} end, decode_rr_section(Rest, N-1, Buffer, [RR|RRs]); _ -> %% Broken RR throw(?DECODE_ERROR) end. %% %% Encode a user query %% encode(Q) -> QdCount = length(Q#dns_rec.qdlist), AnCount = length(Q#dns_rec.anlist), NsCount = length(Q#dns_rec.nslist), ArCount = length(Q#dns_rec.arlist), B0 = encode_header(Q#dns_rec.header, QdCount, AnCount, NsCount, ArCount), C0 = gb_trees:empty(), {B1,C1} = encode_query_section(B0, C0, Q#dns_rec.qdlist), {B2,C2} = encode_res_section(B1, C1, Q#dns_rec.anlist), {B3,C3} = encode_res_section(B2, C2, Q#dns_rec.nslist), {B,_} = encode_res_section(B3, C3, Q#dns_rec.arlist), B. %% RFC 1035: 4.1.1. Header section format %% encode_header(#dns_header{id=Id}=H, QdCount, AnCount, NsCount, ArCount) -> QR = encode_boolean(H#dns_header.qr), Opcode = encode_opcode(H#dns_header.opcode), AA = encode_boolean(H#dns_header.aa), TC = encode_boolean(H#dns_header.tc), RD = encode_boolean(H#dns_header.rd), RA = encode_boolean(H#dns_header.ra), PR = encode_boolean(H#dns_header.pr), Rcode = H#dns_header.rcode, <<Id:16, QR:1,Opcode:4,AA:1,TC:1,RD:1, RA:1,PR:1,0:2,Rcode:4, QdCount:16,AnCount:16,NsCount:16,ArCount:16>>. %% RFC 1035: 4.1.2. Question section format %% encode_query_section(Bin, Comp, []) -> {Bin,Comp}; encode_query_section(Bin0, Comp0, [#dns_query{domain=DName}=Q | Qs]) -> Type = encode_type(Q#dns_query.type), Class = encode_class(Q#dns_query.class), {Bin,Comp} = encode_name(Bin0, Comp0, byte_size(Bin0), DName), encode_query_section(<<Bin/binary,Type:16,Class:16>>, Comp, Qs). %% RFC 1035: 4.1.3. Resource record format %% RFC 2671: 4.3, 4.4, 4.6 OPT RR format %% encode_res_section(Bin, Comp, []) -> {Bin,Comp}; encode_res_section(Bin, Comp, [#dns_rr {domain = DName, type = Type, class = Class, ttl = TTL, data = Data} | Rs]) -> encode_res_section_rr(Bin, Comp, Rs, DName, Type, Class, <<TTL:32/signed>>, Data); encode_res_section(Bin, Comp, [#dns_rr_opt {domain = DName, udp_payload_size = UdpPayloadSize, ext_rcode = ExtRCode, version = Version, z = Z, data = Data} | Rs]) -> encode_res_section_rr(Bin, Comp, Rs, DName, ?S_OPT, UdpPayloadSize, <<ExtRCode,Version,Z:16>>, Data). encode_res_section_rr(Bin0, Comp0, Rs, DName, Type, Class, TTL, Data) -> T = encode_type(Type), C = encode_class(Class), {Bin,Comp1} = encode_name(Bin0, Comp0, byte_size(Bin0), DName), {DataBin,Comp} = encode_data(Comp1, byte_size(Bin)+2+2+byte_size(TTL)+2, Type, Class, Data), DataSize = byte_size(DataBin), encode_res_section(<<Bin/binary,T:16,C:16, TTL/binary,DataSize:16,DataBin/binary>>, Comp, Rs). %% %% Resource types %% decode_type(Type) -> case Type of ?T_A -> ?S_A; ?T_NS -> ?S_NS; ?T_MD -> ?S_MD; ?T_MF -> ?S_MF; ?T_CNAME -> ?S_CNAME; ?T_SOA -> ?S_SOA; ?T_MB -> ?S_MB; ?T_MG -> ?S_MG; ?T_MR -> ?S_MR; ?T_NULL -> ?S_NULL; ?T_WKS -> ?S_WKS; ?T_PTR -> ?S_PTR; ?T_HINFO -> ?S_HINFO; ?T_MINFO -> ?S_MINFO; ?T_MX -> ?S_MX; ?T_TXT -> ?S_TXT; ?T_AAAA -> ?S_AAAA; ?T_SRV -> ?S_SRV; ?T_NAPTR -> ?S_NAPTR; ?T_OPT -> ?S_OPT; ?T_SPF -> ?S_SPF; %% non standard ?T_UINFO -> ?S_UINFO; ?T_UID -> ?S_UID; ?T_GID -> ?S_GID; ?T_UNSPEC -> ?S_UNSPEC; %% Query type values which do not appear in resource records ?T_AXFR -> ?S_AXFR; ?T_MAILB -> ?S_MAILB; ?T_MAILA -> ?S_MAILA; ?T_ANY -> ?S_ANY; _ -> Type %% raw unknown type end. %% %% Resource types %% encode_type(Type) -> case Type of ?S_A -> ?T_A; ?S_NS -> ?T_NS; ?S_MD -> ?T_MD; ?S_MF -> ?T_MF; ?S_CNAME -> ?T_CNAME; ?S_SOA -> ?T_SOA; ?S_MB -> ?T_MB; ?S_MG -> ?T_MG; ?S_MR -> ?T_MR; ?S_NULL -> ?T_NULL; ?S_WKS -> ?T_WKS; ?S_PTR -> ?T_PTR; ?S_HINFO -> ?T_HINFO; ?S_MINFO -> ?T_MINFO; ?S_MX -> ?T_MX; ?S_TXT -> ?T_TXT; ?S_AAAA -> ?T_AAAA; ?S_SRV -> ?T_SRV; ?S_NAPTR -> ?T_NAPTR; ?S_OPT -> ?T_OPT; ?S_SPF -> ?T_SPF; %% non standard ?S_UINFO -> ?T_UINFO; ?S_UID -> ?T_UID; ?S_GID -> ?T_GID; ?S_UNSPEC -> ?T_UNSPEC; %% Query type values which do not appear in resource records ?S_AXFR -> ?T_AXFR; ?S_MAILB -> ?T_MAILB; ?S_MAILA -> ?T_MAILA; ?S_ANY -> ?T_ANY; Type when is_integer(Type) -> Type %% raw unknown type end. %% %% Resource clases %% decode_class(Class) -> case Class of ?C_IN -> in; ?C_CHAOS -> chaos; ?C_HS -> hs; ?C_ANY -> any; _ -> Class %% raw unknown class end. encode_class(Class) -> case Class of in -> ?C_IN; chaos -> ?C_CHAOS; hs -> ?C_HS; any -> ?C_ANY; Class when is_integer(Class) -> Class %% raw unknown class end. decode_opcode(Opcode) -> case Opcode of ?QUERY -> 'query'; ?IQUERY -> iquery; ?STATUS -> status; _ when is_integer(Opcode) -> Opcode %% non-standard opcode end. encode_opcode(Opcode) -> case Opcode of 'query' -> ?QUERY; iquery -> ?IQUERY; status -> ?STATUS; _ when is_integer(Opcode) -> Opcode %% non-standard opcode end. encode_boolean(true) -> 1; encode_boolean(false) -> 0; encode_boolean(B) when is_integer(B) -> B. decode_boolean(0) -> false; decode_boolean(I) when is_integer(I) -> true. %% %% Data field -> term() content representation %% decode_data(<<A,B,C,D>>, in, ?S_A, _) -> {A,B,C,D}; decode_data(<<A:16,B:16,C:16,D:16,E:16,F:16,G:16,H:16>>, in, ?S_AAAA, _) -> {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}; decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_NS, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MD, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MF, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_CNAME, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(Data0, _, ?S_SOA, Buffer) -> {Data1,MName} = decode_name(Data0, Buffer), {Data,RName} = decode_name(Data1, Buffer), case Data of <<Serial:32,Refresh:32/signed,Retry:32/signed, Expiry:32/signed,Minimum:32>> -> {MName,RName,Serial,Refresh,Retry,Expiry,Minimum}; _ -> %% Broken SOA RR data throw(?DECODE_ERROR) end; decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MB, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MG, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_MR, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(Data, _, ?S_NULL, _) -> Data; decode_data(<<A,B,C,D,Proto,BitMap/binary>>, in, ?S_WKS, _Buffer) -> {{A,B,C,D},Proto,BitMap}; decode_data(Dom, _, ?S_PTR, Buffer) -> decode_domain(Dom, Buffer); decode_data(<<CpuLen,CPU:CpuLen/binary, OsLen,OS:OsLen/binary>>, _, ?S_HINFO, _) -> {binary_to_list(CPU),binary_to_list(OS)}; decode_data(Data0, _, ?S_MINFO, Buffer) -> {Data1,RM} = decode_name(Data0, Buffer), {Data,EM} = decode_name(Data1, Buffer), case Data of <<>> -> {RM,EM}; _ -> %% Broken MINFO data throw(?DECODE_ERROR) end; decode_data(<<Prio:16,Dom/binary>>, _, ?S_MX, Buffer) -> {Prio,decode_domain(Dom, Buffer)}; decode_data(<<Prio:16,Weight:16,Port:16,Dom/binary>>, _, ?S_SRV, Buffer) -> {Prio,Weight,Port,decode_domain(Dom, Buffer)}; decode_data(<<Order:16,Preference:16,Data0/binary>>, _, ?S_NAPTR, Buffer) -> {Data1,Flags} = decode_string(Data0), {Data2,Services} = decode_string(Data1), {Data,Regexp} = decode_characters(Data2, utf8), Replacement = decode_domain(Data, Buffer), {Order,Preference,string:to_lower(Flags),string:to_lower(Services), Regexp,Replacement}; %% ?S_OPT falls through to default decode_data(Data, _, ?S_TXT, _) -> decode_txt(Data); decode_data(Data, _, ?S_SPF, _) -> decode_txt(Data); %% sofar unknown or non standard decode_data(Data, _, _, _) -> Data. %% Array of strings %% decode_txt(<<>>) -> []; decode_txt(Bin) -> {Rest,String} = decode_string(Bin), [String|decode_txt(Rest)]. decode_string(<<Len,Bin:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>) -> {Rest,binary_to_list(Bin)}; decode_string(_) -> %% Broken string throw(?DECODE_ERROR). decode_characters(<<Len,Bin:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>, Encoding) -> {Rest,unicode:characters_to_list(Bin, Encoding)}; decode_characters(_, _) -> %% Broken encoded string throw(?DECODE_ERROR). %% One domain name only, there must be nothing after %% decode_domain(Bin, Buffer) -> case decode_name(Bin, Buffer) of {<<>>,Name} -> Name; _ -> %% Garbage after domain name throw(?DECODE_ERROR) end. %% Domain name -> {RestBin,Name} %% decode_name(Bin, Buffer) -> decode_name(Bin, Buffer, [], Bin, 0). %% Tail advances with Rest until the first indirection is followed %% then it stays put at that Rest. decode_name(_, Buffer, _Labels, _Tail, Cnt) when Cnt > byte_size(Buffer) -> throw(?DECODE_ERROR); %% Insantiy bailout - this must be a decode loop decode_name(<<0,Rest/binary>>, _Buffer, Labels, Tail, Cnt) -> %% Root domain, we have all labels for the domain name {if Cnt =/= 0 -> Tail; true -> Rest end, decode_name_labels(Labels)}; decode_name(<<0:2,Len:6,Label:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>, Buffer, Labels, Tail, Cnt) -> %% One plain label here decode_name(Rest, Buffer, [Label|Labels], if Cnt =/= 0 -> Tail; true -> Rest end, Cnt); decode_name(<<3:2,Ptr:14,Rest/binary>>, Buffer, Labels, Tail, Cnt) -> %% Indirection - reposition in buffer and recurse case Buffer of <<_:Ptr/binary,Bin/binary>> -> decode_name(Bin, Buffer, Labels, if Cnt =/= 0 -> Tail; true -> Rest end, Cnt+2); % size of indirection pointer _ -> %% Indirection pointer outside buffer throw(?DECODE_ERROR) end; decode_name(_, _, _, _, _) -> throw(?DECODE_ERROR). %% Reverse list of labels (binaries) -> domain name (string) decode_name_labels([]) -> "."; decode_name_labels(Labels) -> decode_name_labels(Labels, ""). decode_name_labels([Label], Name) -> decode_name_label(Label, Name); decode_name_labels([Label|Labels], Name) -> decode_name_labels(Labels, "."++decode_name_label(Label, Name)). decode_name_label(<<>>, _Name) -> %% Empty label is only allowed for the root domain, %% and that is handled above. throw(?DECODE_ERROR); decode_name_label(Label, Name) -> decode_name_label(Label, Name, byte_size(Label)). %% Decode $. and $\\ to become $\\ escaped characters %% in the string representation. -compile({inline, [decode_name_label/3]}). decode_name_label(_, Name, 0) -> Name; decode_name_label(Label, Name, N) -> M = N-1, case Label of <<_:M/binary,($\\),_/binary>> -> decode_name_label(Label, "\\\\"++Name, M); <<_:M/binary,($.),_/binary>> -> decode_name_label(Label, "\\."++Name, M); <<_:M/binary,C,_/binary>> -> decode_name_label(Label, [C|Name], M); _ -> %% This should not happen but makes surrounding %% programming errors easier to locate. erlang:error(badarg, [Label,Name,N]) end. %% %% Data field -> {binary(),NewCompressionTable} %% encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_A, in, {A,B,C,D}) -> {<<A,B,C,D>>,Comp}; encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_AAAA, in, {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}) -> {<<A:16,B:16,C:16,D:16,E:16,F:16,G:16,H:16>>,Comp}; encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_NS, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MD, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MF, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_CNAME, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp0, Pos, ?S_SOA, in, {MName,RName,Serial,Refresh,Retry,Expiry,Minimum}) -> {B1,Comp1} = encode_name(Comp0, Pos, MName), {B,Comp} = encode_name(B1, Comp1, Pos+byte_size(B1), RName), {<<B/binary,Serial:32,Refresh:32/signed,Retry:32/signed, Expiry:32/signed,Minimum:32>>, Comp}; encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MB, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MG, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MR, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_NULL, in, Data) -> {iolist_to_binary(Data),Comp}; encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_WKS, in, {{A,B,C,D},Proto,BitMap}) -> BitMapBin = iolist_to_binary(BitMap), {<<A,B,C,D,Proto,BitMapBin/binary>>,Comp}; encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_PTR, in, Domain) -> encode_name(Comp, Pos, Domain); encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_HINFO, in, {CPU,OS}) -> Bin = encode_string(iolist_to_binary(CPU)), {encode_string(Bin, iolist_to_binary(OS)),Comp}; encode_data(Comp0, Pos, ?S_MINFO, in, {RM,EM}) -> {Bin,Comp} = encode_name(Comp0, Pos, RM), encode_name(Bin, Comp, Pos+byte_size(Bin), EM); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_MX, in, {Pref,Exch}) -> encode_name(<<Pref:16>>, Comp, Pos+2, Exch); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_SRV, in, {Prio,Weight,Port,Target}) -> encode_name(<<Prio:16,Weight:16,Port:16>>, Comp, Pos+2+2+2, Target); encode_data(Comp, Pos, ?S_NAPTR, in, {Order,Preference,Flags,Services,Regexp,Replacement}) -> B0 = <<Order:16,Preference:16>>, B1 = encode_string(B0, iolist_to_binary(Flags)), B2 = encode_string(B1, iolist_to_binary(Services)), B3 = encode_string(B2, unicode:characters_to_binary(Regexp, unicode, utf8)), %% Bypass name compression (RFC 2915: section 2) {B,_} = encode_name(B3, gb_trees:empty(), Pos+byte_size(B3), Replacement), {B,Comp}; %% ?S_OPT falls through to default encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_TXT, in, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp}; encode_data(Comp, _, ?S_SPF, in, Data) -> {encode_txt(Data),Comp}; encode_data(Comp, _Pos, _Type, _Class, Data) -> {iolist_to_binary(Data),Comp}. %% Array of strings %% encode_txt(Strings) -> encode_txt(<<>>, Strings). %% encode_txt(Bin, []) -> Bin; encode_txt(Bin, [S|Ss]) -> encode_txt(encode_string(Bin, iolist_to_binary(S)), Ss). %% Singular string %% encode_string(StringBin) -> encode_string(<<>>, StringBin). %% encode_string(Bin, StringBin) -> Size = byte_size(StringBin), if Size =< 255 -> <<Bin/binary,Size,StringBin/binary>> end. %% Domain name %% encode_name(Comp, Pos, Name) -> encode_name(<<>>, Comp, Pos, Name). %% %% Bin = target binary %% Comp = compression lookup table; label list -> buffer position %% Pos = position in DNS message %% Name = domain name to encode %% %% The name compression does not make the case conversions %% it could. This means case will be preserved at the cost %% of missed compression opportunities. But if the encoded %% message use the same case for different instances of %% the same domain name there is no problem, and if not it is %% only compression that suffers. Furthermore encode+decode %% this way becomes an identity operation for any decoded %% DNS message which is nice for testing encode. %% encode_name(Bin0, Comp0, Pos, Name) -> case encode_labels(Bin0, Comp0, Pos, name2labels(Name)) of {Bin,_}=Result when byte_size(Bin) - byte_size(Bin0) =< 255 -> Result; _ -> %% Fail on too long name erlang:error(badarg, [Bin0,Comp0,Pos,Name]) end. name2labels("") -> []; name2labels(".") -> []; name2labels(Cs) -> name2labels(<<>>, Cs). %% -compile({inline, [name2labels/2]}). name2labels(Label, "") -> [Label]; name2labels(Label, ".") -> [Label]; name2labels(Label, "."++Cs) -> [Label|name2labels(<<>>, Cs)]; name2labels(Label, "\\"++[C|Cs]) -> name2labels(<<Label/binary,C>>, Cs); name2labels(Label, [C|Cs]) -> name2labels(<<Label/binary,C>>, Cs). %% Fail on empty or too long labels. encode_labels(Bin, Comp, _Pos, []) -> {<<Bin/binary,0>>,Comp}; encode_labels(Bin, Comp0, Pos, [L|Ls]=Labels) when 1 =< byte_size(L), byte_size(L) =< 63 -> case gb_trees:lookup(Labels, Comp0) of none -> Comp = if Pos < (3 bsl 14) -> %% Just in case - compression %% pointers can not reach further gb_trees:insert(Labels, Pos, Comp0); true -> Comp0 end, Size = byte_size(L), encode_labels(<<Bin/binary,Size,L/binary>>, Comp, Pos+1+Size, Ls); {value,Ptr} -> %% Name compression - point to already encoded name {<<Bin/binary,3:2,Ptr:14>>,Comp0} end.