%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% RFC 1035, 2671, 2782, 2915. %% -module(inet_res). %-compile(export_all). -export([gethostbyname/1, gethostbyname/2, gethostbyname/3, gethostbyname_tm/3]). -export([gethostbyaddr/1, gethostbyaddr/2, gethostbyaddr_tm/2]). -export([getbyname/2, getbyname/3, getbyname_tm/3]). -export([resolve/3, resolve/4, resolve/5]). -export([lookup/3, lookup/4, lookup/5]). -export([dns_msg/1]). -export([nslookup/3, nslookup/4]). -export([nnslookup/4, nnslookup/5]). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). -include("inet_res.hrl"). -include("inet_dns.hrl"). -include("inet_int.hrl"). -define(verbose(Cond, Format, Args), case begin Cond end of true -> io:format(begin Format end, begin Args end); false -> ok end). %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% resolve: %% %% Nameserver query %% resolve(Name, Class, Type) -> resolve(Name, Class, Type, [], infinity). resolve(Name, Class, Type, Opts) -> resolve(Name, Class, Type, Opts, infinity). resolve(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timeout) -> case nsdname(Name) of {ok, Nm} -> Timer = inet:start_timer(Timeout), Res = res_query(Nm, Class, Type, Opts, Timer), inet:stop_timer(Timer), Res; Error -> Error end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% lookup: %% %% Convenience wrapper to resolve/3,4,5 that filters out all answer data %% fields of the class and type asked for. lookup(Name, Class, Type) -> lookup(Name, Class, Type, []). lookup(Name, Class, Type, Opts) -> lookup(Name, Class, Type, Opts, infinity). lookup(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timeout) -> lookup_filter(resolve(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timeout), Class, Type). lookup_filter({ok,#dns_rec{anlist=Answers}}, Class, Type) -> [A#dns_rr.data || A <- Answers, A#dns_rr.class =:= Class, A#dns_rr.type =:= Type]; lookup_filter({error,_}, _, _) -> []. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% nslookup: %% %% Do a general nameserver lookup %% %% Perform nslookup on standard config !! %% %% To be deprecated nslookup(Name, Class, Type) -> do_nslookup(Name, Class, Type, [], infinity). nslookup(Name, Class, Type, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 -> do_nslookup(Name, Class, Type, [], Timeout); nslookup(Name, Class, Type, NSs) -> % For backwards compatibility nnslookup(Name, Class, Type, NSs). % with OTP R6B only nnslookup(Name, Class, Type, NSs) -> nnslookup(Name, Class, Type, NSs, infinity). nnslookup(Name, Class, Type, NSs, Timeout) -> do_nslookup(Name, Class, Type, [{nameservers,NSs}], Timeout). do_nslookup(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timeout) -> case resolve(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timeout) of {error,{qfmterror,_}} -> {error,einval}; {error,{Reason,_}} -> {error,Reason}; Result -> Result end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% options record %% -record(options, { % These must be sorted! alt_nameservers,edns,inet6,nameservers,recurse, retry,timeout,udp_payload_size,usevc, verbose}). % this is a local option, not in inet_db %% %% Opts when is_list(Opts) -> #options{} make_options(Opts0) -> Opts = [if is_atom(Opt) -> case atom_to_list(Opt) of "no"++X -> {list_to_atom(X),false}; _ -> {Opt,true} end; true -> Opt end || Opt <- Opts0], %% If the caller gives the nameservers option, the inet_db %% alt_nameservers option should be regarded as empty, i.e %% use only the nameservers the caller supplies. SortedOpts = lists:ukeysort(1, case lists:keymember(nameservers, 1, Opts) of true -> case lists:keymember(alt_nameservers, 1, Opts) of false -> [{alt_nameservers,[]}|Opts]; true -> Opts end; false -> Opts end), SortedNames = record_info(fields, options), inet_db:res_update_conf(), list_to_tuple([options|make_options(SortedOpts, SortedNames)]). make_options([_|_]=Opts0, []=Names0) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Opts0,Names0]); make_options([], []) -> []; make_options([{verbose,Val}|Opts]=Opts0, [verbose|Names]=Names0) -> if is_boolean(Val) -> [Val|make_options(Opts, Names)]; true -> erlang:error(badarg, [Opts0,Names0]) end; make_options([{Opt,Val}|Opts]=Opts0, [Opt|Names]=Names0) -> case inet_db:res_check_option(Opt, Val) of true -> [Val|make_options(Opts, Names)]; false -> erlang:error(badarg, [Opts0,Names0]) end; make_options(Opts, [verbose|Names]) -> [false|make_options(Opts, Names)]; make_options(Opts, [Name|Names]) -> [inet_db:res_option(Name)|make_options(Opts, Names)]. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% gethostbyaddr(ip_address()) => {ok, hostent()} | {error, Reason} %% %% where ip_address() is {A,B,C,D} ipv4 address %% | {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H} ipv6 address %% | string versions of the above %% | atom version %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- gethostbyaddr(IP) -> gethostbyaddr_tm(IP,false). gethostbyaddr(IP,Timeout) -> Timer = inet:start_timer(Timeout), Res = gethostbyaddr_tm(IP,Timer), inet:stop_timer(Timer), Res. gethostbyaddr_tm({A,B,C,D} = IP, Timer) when ?ip(A,B,C,D) -> inet_db:res_update_conf(), case inet_db:gethostbyaddr(IP) of {ok, HEnt} -> {ok, HEnt}; _ -> res_gethostbyaddr(dn_in_addr_arpa(A,B,C,D), IP, Timer) end; %% ipv4 only ipv6 address gethostbyaddr_tm({0,0,0,0,0,16#ffff,G,H},Timer) when is_integer(G+H) -> gethostbyaddr_tm({G div 256, G rem 256, H div 256, H rem 256},Timer); gethostbyaddr_tm({A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H} = IP, Timer) when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) -> inet_db:res_update_conf(), case inet_db:gethostbyaddr(IP) of {ok, HEnt} -> {ok, HEnt}; _ -> res_gethostbyaddr(dn_ip6_int(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), IP, Timer) end; gethostbyaddr_tm(Addr,Timer) when is_list(Addr) -> case inet_parse:address(Addr) of {ok, IP} -> gethostbyaddr_tm(IP,Timer); _Error -> {error, formerr} end; gethostbyaddr_tm(Addr,Timer) when is_atom(Addr) -> gethostbyaddr_tm(atom_to_list(Addr),Timer); gethostbyaddr_tm(_,_) -> {error, formerr}. %% %% Send the gethostbyaddr query to: %% 1. the list of normal names servers %% 2. the list of alternative name servers %% res_gethostbyaddr(Addr, IP, Timer) -> case res_query(Addr, in, ptr, [], Timer) of {ok, Rec} -> inet_db:res_gethostbyaddr(IP, Rec); {error,{qfmterror,_}} -> {error,einval}; {error,{Reason,_}} -> {error,Reason}; Error -> Error end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% gethostbyname(domain_name()[,family [,Timer]) %% => {ok, hostent()} | {error, Reason} %% %% where domain_name() is domain string or atom %% %% Caches the answer. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- gethostbyname(Name) -> case inet_db:res_option(inet6) of true -> gethostbyname_tm(Name, inet6, false); false -> gethostbyname_tm(Name, inet, false) end. gethostbyname(Name,Family) -> gethostbyname_tm(Name,Family,false). gethostbyname(Name,Family,Timeout) -> Timer = inet:start_timer(Timeout), Res = gethostbyname_tm(Name,Family,Timer), inet:stop_timer(Timer), Res. gethostbyname_tm(Name,inet,Timer) -> getbyname_tm(Name,?S_A,Timer); gethostbyname_tm(Name,inet6,Timer) -> case getbyname_tm(Name,?S_AAAA,Timer) of {ok,HEnt} -> {ok,HEnt}; {error,nxdomain} -> case getbyname_tm(Name, ?S_A,Timer) of {ok, HEnt} -> %% rewrite to a ipv4 only ipv6 address {ok, HEnt#hostent { h_addrtype = inet6, h_length = 16, h_addr_list = lists:map( fun({A,B,C,D}) -> {0,0,0,0,0,16#ffff,A*256+B,C*256+D} end, HEnt#hostent.h_addr_list) }}; Error -> Error end; Error -> Error end; gethostbyname_tm(_Name, _Family, _Timer) -> {error, einval}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% getbyname(domain_name(), Type) => {ok, hostent()} | {error, Reason} %% %% where domain_name() is domain string or atom and Type is ?S_A, ?S_MX ... %% %% Caches the answer. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- getbyname(Name, Type) -> getbyname_tm(Name,Type,false). getbyname(Name, Type, Timeout) -> Timer = inet:start_timer(Timeout), Res = getbyname_tm(Name, Type, Timer), inet:stop_timer(Timer), Res. getbyname_tm(Name, Type, Timer) when is_list(Name) -> case type_p(Type) of true -> case inet_parse:visible_string(Name) of false -> {error, formerr}; true -> inet_db:res_update_conf(), case inet_db:getbyname(Name, Type) of {ok, HEnt} -> {ok, HEnt}; _ -> res_getbyname(Name, Type, Timer) end end; false -> {error, formerr} end; getbyname_tm(Name,Type,Timer) when is_atom(Name) -> getbyname_tm(atom_to_list(Name), Type,Timer); getbyname_tm(_, _, _) -> {error, formerr}. type_p(Type) -> lists:member(Type, [?S_A, ?S_AAAA, ?S_MX, ?S_NS, ?S_MD, ?S_MF, ?S_CNAME, ?S_SOA, ?S_MB, ?S_MG, ?S_MR, ?S_NULL, ?S_WKS, ?S_HINFO, ?S_TXT, ?S_SRV, ?S_NAPTR, ?S_SPF, ?S_UINFO, ?S_UID, ?S_GID]). %% This function and inet_db:getbyname/2 must look up names %% in the same manner, but not from the same places. %% %% Assuming search path, i.e return value from inet_db:get_searchlist() %% to be ["dom1", "dom2"]: %% %% Old behaviour (not this code but the previous version): %% * For Name = "foo" %% Name = "foo." try "foo.dom1", "foo.dom2" at normal nameservers %% * For Name = "foo.bar" %% Name = "foo.bar." try "foo.bar" at normal then alt. nameservers %% then try "foo.bar.dom1", "foo.bar.dom2" %% at normal nameservers %% %% New behaviour (this code), honoring the old behaviour but %% doing better for absolute names: %% * For Name = "foo" try "foo.dom1", "foo.dom2" at normal nameservers %% * For Name = "foo.bar" try "foo.bar" at normal then alt. nameservers %% then try "foo.bar.dom1", "foo.bar.dom2" %% at normal nameservers %% * For Name = "foo." try "foo" at normal then alt. nameservers %% * For Name = "foo.bar." try "foo.bar" at normal then alt. nameservers %% %% %% FIXME This is probably how it should be done: %% Common behaviour (Solaris resolver) is: %% * For Name = "foo." try "foo" %% * For Name = "foo.bar." try "foo.bar" %% * For Name = "foo" try "foo.dom1", "foo.dom2", "foo" %% * For Name = "foo.bar" try "foo.bar.dom1", "foo.bar.dom2", "foo.bar" %% That is to try Name as it is as a last resort if it is not absolute. %% res_getbyname(Name, Type, Timer) -> {EmbeddedDots, TrailingDot} = inet_parse:dots(Name), Dot = if TrailingDot -> ""; true -> "." end, if TrailingDot -> res_getby_query(Name, Type, Timer); EmbeddedDots =:= 0 -> res_getby_search(Name, Dot, inet_db:get_searchlist(), nxdomain, Type, Timer); true -> case res_getby_query(Name, Type, Timer) of {error,_Reason}=Error -> res_getby_search(Name, Dot, inet_db:get_searchlist(), Error, Type, Timer); Other -> Other end end. res_getby_search(Name, Dot, [Dom | Ds], _Reason, Type, Timer) -> case res_getby_query(Name++Dot++Dom, Type, Timer, inet_db:res_option(nameservers)) of {ok, HEnt} -> {ok, HEnt}; {error, NewReason} -> res_getby_search(Name, Dot, Ds, NewReason, Type, Timer) end; res_getby_search(_Name, _, [], Reason,_,_) -> {error, Reason}. res_getby_query(Name, Type, Timer) -> case res_query(Name, in, Type, [], Timer) of {ok, Rec} -> inet_db:res_hostent_by_domain(Name, Type, Rec); {error,{qfmterror,_}} -> {error,einval}; {error,{Reason,_}} -> {error,Reason}; Error -> Error end. res_getby_query(Name, Type, Timer, NSs) -> case res_query(Name, in, Type, [], Timer, NSs) of {ok, Rec} -> inet_db:res_hostent_by_domain(Name, Type, Rec); {error,{qfmterror,_}} -> {error,einval}; {error,{Reason,_}} -> {error,Reason}; Error -> Error end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% query record %% -record(q, {options,edns,dns}). %% Query first nameservers list then alt_nameservers list res_query(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timer) -> #q{options=#options{nameservers=NSs}}=Q = make_query(Name, Class, Type, Opts), case do_query(Q, NSs, Timer) of {error,nxdomain}=Error -> res_query_alt(Q, Error, Timer); {error,{nxdomain,_}}=Error -> res_query_alt(Q, Error, Timer); {ok,#dns_rec{anlist=[]}}=Reply -> res_query_alt(Q, Reply, Timer); Reply -> Reply end. %% Query just the argument nameservers list res_query(Name, Class, Type, Opts, Timer, NSs) -> Q = make_query(Name, Class, Type, Opts), do_query(Q, NSs, Timer). res_query_alt(#q{options=#options{alt_nameservers=NSs}}=Q, Reply, Timer) -> case NSs of [] -> Reply; _ -> do_query(Q, NSs, Timer) end. make_query(Dname, Class, Type, Opts) -> Options = make_options(Opts), case Options#options.edns of false -> #q{options=Options, edns=undefined, dns=make_query(Dname, Class, Type, Options, false)}; Edns -> #q{options=Options, edns=make_query(Dname, Class, Type, Options, Edns), dns=fun () -> make_query(Dname, Class, Type, Options, false) end} end. %% XXX smarter would be to always construct both queries, %% but make the EDNS query point into the DNS query binary. %% It is only the header ARList length that need to be changed, %% and the OPT record appended. make_query(Dname, Class, Type, Options, Edns) -> Id = inet_db:res_option(next_id), Recurse = Options#options.recurse, ARList = case Edns of false -> []; _ -> PSz = Options#options.udp_payload_size, [#dns_rr_opt{udp_payload_size=PSz, version=Edns}] end, Msg = #dns_rec{header=#dns_header{id=Id, opcode='query', rd=Recurse, rcode=?NOERROR}, qdlist=[#dns_query{domain=Dname, type=Type, class=Class}], arlist=ARList}, ?verbose(Options#options.verbose, "Query: ~p~n", [dns_msg(Msg)]), Buffer = inet_dns:encode(Msg), {Id, Buffer}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% socket helpers %% -record(sock, {inet=undefined, inet6=undefined}). udp_open(#sock{inet6=I}=S, {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}) when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) -> case I of undefined -> case gen_udp:open(0, [{active,false},binary,inet6]) of {ok,J} -> {ok,S#sock{inet6=J}}; Error -> Error end; _ -> {ok,S} end; udp_open(#sock{inet=I}=S, {A,B,C,D}) when ?ip(A,B,C,D) -> case I of undefined -> case gen_udp:open(0, [{active,false},binary,inet]) of {ok,J} -> {ok,S#sock{inet=J}}; Error -> Error end; _ -> {ok,S} end. udp_connect(#sock{inet6=I}, {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}=IP, Port) when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), ?port(Port) -> gen_udp:connect(I, IP, Port); udp_connect(#sock{inet=I}, {A,B,C,D}=IP, Port) when ?ip(A,B,C,D) -> gen_udp:connect(I, IP, Port). udp_send(#sock{inet6=I}, {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}=IP, Port, Buffer) when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), ?port(Port) -> gen_udp:send(I, IP, Port, Buffer); udp_send(#sock{inet=I}, {A,B,C,D}=IP, Port, Buffer) when ?ip(A,B,C,D), ?port(Port) -> gen_udp:send(I, IP, Port, Buffer). udp_recv(#sock{inet6=I}, {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}=IP, Port, Timeout) when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), ?port(Port) -> do_udp_recv(fun(T) -> gen_udp:recv(I, 0, T) end, IP, Port, Timeout); udp_recv(#sock{inet=I}, {A,B,C,D}=IP, Port, Timeout) when ?ip(A,B,C,D), ?port(Port) -> do_udp_recv(fun(T) -> gen_udp:recv(I, 0, T) end, IP, Port, Timeout). do_udp_recv(Recv, IP, Port, Timeout) -> do_udp_recv(Recv, IP, Port, Timeout, if Timeout =/= 0 -> erlang:now(); true -> undefined end). do_udp_recv(Recv, IP, Port, Timeout, Then) -> case Recv(Timeout) of {ok,{IP,Port,Answer}} -> {ok,Answer,erlang:max(0, Timeout - now_ms(erlang:now(), Then))}; {ok,_} when Timeout =:= 0 -> {error,timeout}; {ok,_} -> Now = erlang:now(), T = erlang:max(0, Timeout - now_ms(Now, Then)), do_udp_recv(Recv, IP, Port, T, Now); Error -> Error end. udp_close(#sock{inet=I,inet6=I6}) -> if I =/= undefined -> gen_udp:close(I); true -> ok end, if I6 =/= undefined -> gen_udp:close(I6); true -> ok end, ok. %% %% Send a query to the nameserver and return a reply %% We first use socket server then we add the udp version %% %% Algorithm: (from manual page for dig) %% for i = 0 to retry - 1 %% for j = 1 to num_servers %% send_query %% wait((time * (2**i)) / num_servers) %% end %% end %% do_query(_Q, [], _Timer) -> {error,nxdomain}; do_query(#q{options=#options{retry=Retry}}=Q, NSs, Timer) -> query_retries(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, 0, #sock{}). query_retries(_Q, _NSs, _Timer, Retry, Retry, S) -> udp_close(S), {error,timeout}; query_retries(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S0) -> Num = length(NSs), if Num =:= 0 -> udp_close(S0), {error,timeout}; true -> case query_nss(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S0, []) of {S,{noanswer,ErrNSs}} -> %% remove unreachable nameservers query_retries(Q, NSs--ErrNSs, Timer, Retry, I+1, S); {S,Result} -> udp_close(S), Result end end. query_nss(_Q, [], _Timer, _Retry, _I, S, ErrNSs) -> {S,{noanswer,ErrNSs}}; query_nss(#q{edns=undefined}=Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, ErrNSs) -> query_nss_dns(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, ErrNSs); query_nss(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, ErrNSs) -> query_nss_edns(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, ErrNSs). query_nss_edns(#q{options=#options{udp_payload_size=PSz}=Options, edns={Id,Buffer}}=Q, [{IP,Port}=NS|NSs]=NSs0, Timer, Retry, I, S0, ErrNSs) -> {S,Res}=Reply = query_ns(S0, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Retry, I, Options, PSz), case Res of timeout -> {S,{error,timeout}}; {ok,_} -> Reply; {error,{nxdomain,_}} -> Reply; {error,{E,_}} when E =:= qfmterror; E =:= notimp; E =:= servfail; E =:= badvers -> query_nss_dns(Q, NSs0, Timer, Retry, I, S, ErrNSs); {error,E} when E =:= fmt; E =:= enetunreach; E =:= econnrefused -> query_nss(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, [NS|ErrNSs]); _Error -> query_nss(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, ErrNSs) end. query_nss_dns(#q{dns=Qdns}=Q0, [{IP,Port}=NS|NSs], Timer, Retry, I, S0, ErrNSs) -> #q{options=Options,dns={Id,Buffer}}=Q = if is_function(Qdns, 0) -> Q0#q{dns=Qdns()}; true -> Q0 end, {S,Res}=Reply = query_ns(S0, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Retry, I, Options, ?PACKETSZ), case Res of timeout -> {S,{error,timeout}}; {ok,_} -> Reply; {error,{E,_}} when E =:= nxdomain; E =:= qfmterror -> Reply; {error,E} when E =:= fmt; E =:= enetunreach; E =:= econnrefused -> query_nss(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, [NS|ErrNSs]); _Error -> query_nss(Q, NSs, Timer, Retry, I, S, ErrNSs) end. query_ns(S0, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Retry, I, #options{timeout=Tm,usevc=UseVC,verbose=Verbose}, PSz) -> case UseVC orelse iolist_size(Buffer) > PSz of true -> {S0,query_tcp(Tm, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Verbose)}; false -> case udp_open(S0, IP) of {ok,S} -> {S,case query_udp(S, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Retry, I, Tm, Verbose) of {ok,#dns_rec{header=H}} when H#dns_header.tc -> query_tcp(Tm, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Verbose); Reply -> Reply end}; Error -> {S0,Error} end end. query_udp(S, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Retry, I, Tm, Verbose) -> Timeout = inet:timeout( (Tm * (1 bsl I)) div Retry, Timer), ?verbose(Verbose, "Try UDP server : ~p:~p (timeout=~w)\n", [IP, Port, Timeout]), udp_connect(S, IP, Port), udp_send(S, IP, Port, Buffer), query_udp_recv(S, IP, Port, Id, Timeout, Verbose). query_udp_recv(S, IP, Port, Id, Timeout, Verbose) -> case udp_recv(S, IP, Port, Timeout) of {ok,Answer,T} -> case decode_answer(Answer, Id, Verbose) of {error, badid} -> query_udp_recv(S, IP, Port, Id, T, Verbose); Reply -> Reply end; {error, timeout} when Timeout =:= 0 -> ?verbose(Verbose, "UDP server timeout\n", []), timeout; Error -> ?verbose(Verbose, "UDP server error: ~p\n", [Error]), Error end. query_tcp(Tm, Id, Buffer, IP, Port, Timer, Verbose) -> Timeout = inet:timeout(Tm*5, Timer), ?verbose(Verbose, "Try TCP server : ~p:~p (timeout=~w)\n", [IP, Port, Timeout]), Family = case IP of {A,B,C,D} when ?ip(A,B,C,D) -> inet; {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H} when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) -> inet6 end, try gen_tcp:connect(IP, Port, [{active,false},{packet,2},binary,Family], Timeout) of {ok, S} -> gen_tcp:send(S, Buffer), case gen_tcp:recv(S, 0, Timeout) of {ok, Answer} -> gen_tcp:close(S), case decode_answer(Answer, Id, Verbose) of {ok, _} = OK -> OK; {error, badid} -> {error, servfail}; Error -> Error end; Error -> gen_tcp:close(S), case Error of {error, timeout} when Timeout =:= 0 -> ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP server recv timeout\n", []), timeout; _ -> ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP server recv error: ~p\n", [Error]), Error end end; {error, timeout} when Timeout =:= 0 -> ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP server connect timeout\n", []), timeout; Error -> ?verbose(Verbose, "TCP server error: ~p\n", [Error]), Error catch _:_ -> {error, einval} end. decode_answer(Answer, Id, Verbose) -> case inet_dns:decode(Answer) of {ok, Msg} -> ?verbose(Verbose, "Got reply: ~p~n", [dns_msg(Msg)]), E = case lists:keyfind(dns_rr_opt, 1, Msg#dns_rec.arlist) of false -> 0; #dns_rr_opt{ext_rcode=ExtRCode} -> ExtRCode end, H = Msg#dns_rec.header, RCode = (E bsl 4) bor H#dns_header.rcode, case RCode of ?NOERROR -> if H#dns_header.id =/= Id -> {error,badid}; length(Msg#dns_rec.qdlist) =/= 1 -> {error,{noquery,Msg}}; true -> {ok, Msg} end; ?FORMERR -> {error,{qfmterror,Msg}}; ?SERVFAIL -> {error,{servfail,Msg}}; ?NXDOMAIN -> {error,{nxdomain,Msg}}; ?NOTIMP -> {error,{notimp,Msg}}; ?REFUSED -> {error,{refused,Msg}}; ?BADVERS -> {error,{badvers,Msg}}; _ -> {error,{unknown,Msg}} end; Error -> ?verbose(Verbose, "Got reply: ~p~n", [Error]), Error end. %% %% Transform domain name or address %% 1. "a.b.c" => %% "a.b.c" %% 2. "" => %% "" %% 3. "4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab" => %% "b.a." %% 4. {1,2,3,4} => as 2. %% 5. {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} => as 3. %% nsdname({A,B,C,D}) -> {ok, dn_in_addr_arpa(A,B,C,D)}; nsdname({A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}) -> {ok, dn_ip6_int(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)}; nsdname(Name) when is_list(Name) -> case inet_parse:visible_string(Name) of true -> case inet_parse:address(Name) of {ok, Addr} -> nsdname(Addr); _ -> {ok, Name} end; _ -> {error, formerr} end; nsdname(Name) when is_atom(Name) -> nsdname(atom_to_list(Name)); nsdname(_) -> {error, formerr}. dn_in_addr_arpa(A,B,C,D) -> integer_to_list(D) ++ ("." ++ integer_to_list(C) ++ ("." ++ integer_to_list(B) ++ ("." ++ integer_to_list(A) ++ ".IN-ADDR.ARPA"))). dn_ip6_int(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) -> dnib(H) ++ (dnib(G) ++ (dnib(F) ++ (dnib(E) ++ (dnib(D) ++ (dnib(C) ++ (dnib(B) ++ (dnib(A) ++ "IP6.ARPA"))))))). -compile({inline, [dnib/1, dnib/3]}). dnib(X) -> L = erlang:integer_to_list(X, 16), dnib(4-length(L), L, []). %% dnib(0, [], Acc) -> Acc; dnib(0, [C|Cs], Acc) -> dnib(0, Cs, [C,$.|Acc]); dnib(N, Cs, Acc) -> dnib(N-1, Cs, [$0,$.|Acc]). dns_msg([]) -> []; dns_msg([{Field,Msg}|Fields]) -> [{Field,dns_msg(Msg)}|dns_msg(Fields)]; dns_msg([Msg|Msgs]) -> [dns_msg(Msg)|dns_msg(Msgs)]; dns_msg(Msg) -> case inet_dns:record_type(Msg) of undefined -> Msg; Type -> Fields = inet_dns:Type(Msg), {Type,dns_msg(Fields)} end. -compile({inline, [now_ms/2]}). now_ms({Meg1,Sec1,Mic1}, {Meg0,Sec0,Mic0}) -> ((Meg1-Meg0)*1000000 + (Sec1-Sec0))*1000 + ((Mic1-Mic0) div 1000).