%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(logger_h_common). -behaviour(gen_server). -include("logger_h_common.hrl"). -include("logger_internal.hrl"). %% API -export([start_link/1, info/2, filesync/2, reset/2]). %% gen_server and proc_lib callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% logger callbacks -export([log/2, adding_handler/1, removing_handler/1, changing_config/3, filter_config/1]). %% Library functions for handlers -export([error_notify/1]). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- -define(CONFIG_KEYS,[sync_mode_qlen, drop_mode_qlen, flush_qlen, burst_limit_enable, burst_limit_max_count, burst_limit_window_time, overload_kill_enable, overload_kill_qlen, overload_kill_mem_size, overload_kill_restart_after, filesync_repeat_interval]). -define(READ_ONLY_KEYS,[handler_pid,mode_tab]). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %% This function is called by the logger_sup supervisor start_link(Args) -> proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE,init,[Args]). filesync(Module, Name) -> call(Module, Name, filesync). info(Module, Name) -> call(Module, Name, info). reset(Module, Name) -> call(Module, Name, reset). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Handler being added adding_handler(#{id:=Name,module:=Module}=Config) -> HConfig0 = maps:get(config, Config, #{}), HandlerConfig0 = maps:without(?CONFIG_KEYS,HConfig0), case Module:check_config(Name,set,undefined,HandlerConfig0) of {ok,HandlerConfig} -> ModifiedCommon = maps:with(?CONFIG_KEYS,HandlerConfig), CommonConfig0 = maps:with(?CONFIG_KEYS,HConfig0), CommonConfig = maps:merge( maps:merge(get_default_config(), CommonConfig0), ModifiedCommon), case check_config(CommonConfig) of ok -> HConfig = maps:merge(CommonConfig,HandlerConfig), start(Config#{config => HConfig}); {error,Faulty} -> {error,{invalid_config,Module,Faulty}} end; Error -> Error end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Handler being removed removing_handler(#{id:=Name, module:=Module}) -> case whereis(?name_to_reg_name(Module,Name)) of undefined -> ok; Pid -> %% We don't want to do supervisor:terminate_child here %% since we need to distinguish this explicit stop from a %% system termination in order to avoid circular attempts %% at removing the handler (implying deadlocks and %% timeouts). %% And we don't need to do supervisor:delete_child, since %% the restart type is temporary, which means that the %% child specification is automatically removed from the %% supervisor when the process dies. _ = gen_server:call(Pid, stop), ok end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Updating handler config changing_config(SetOrUpdate, #{id:=Name,config:=OldHConfig,module:=Module}, NewConfig0) -> NewHConfig0 = maps:get(config, NewConfig0, #{}), OldHandlerConfig = maps:without(?CONFIG_KEYS++?READ_ONLY_KEYS,OldHConfig), NewHandlerConfig0 = maps:without(?CONFIG_KEYS++?READ_ONLY_KEYS,NewHConfig0), case Module:check_config(Name, SetOrUpdate, OldHandlerConfig,NewHandlerConfig0) of {ok, NewHandlerConfig} -> ModifiedCommon = maps:with(?CONFIG_KEYS,NewHandlerConfig), NewCommonConfig0 = maps:with(?CONFIG_KEYS,NewHConfig0), CommonDefault = case SetOrUpdate of set -> get_default_config(); update -> maps:with(?CONFIG_KEYS,OldHConfig) end, NewCommonConfig = maps:merge( maps:merge(CommonDefault,NewCommonConfig0), ModifiedCommon), case check_config(NewCommonConfig) of ok -> ReadOnly = maps:with(?READ_ONLY_KEYS,OldHConfig), NewHConfig = maps:merge( maps:merge(NewCommonConfig,NewHandlerConfig), ReadOnly), NewConfig = NewConfig0#{config=>NewHConfig}, HPid = maps:get(handler_pid,OldHConfig), case call(HPid, {change_config,NewConfig}) of ok -> {ok,NewConfig}; Error -> Error end; {error,Faulty} -> {error,{invalid_config,Module,Faulty}} end; Error -> Error end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Log a string or report -spec log(LogEvent, Config) -> ok when LogEvent :: logger:log_event(), Config :: logger:handler_config(). log(LogEvent, Config = #{id := Name, config := #{handler_pid := HPid, mode_tab := ModeTab}}) -> %% if the handler has crashed, we must drop this event %% and hope the handler restarts so we can try again true = is_process_alive(HPid), Bin = log_to_binary(LogEvent, Config), call_cast_or_drop(Name, HPid, ModeTab, Bin). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Remove internal fields from configuration filter_config(#{config:=HConfig}=Config) -> Config#{config=>maps:without(?READ_ONLY_KEYS,HConfig)}. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Start the handler process %%% %%% The process must always exist if the handler is registered with %%% logger (and must not exist if the handler is not registered). %%% %%% The handler process is linked to logger_sup, which is part of the %%% kernel application's supervision tree. start(#{id := Name} = Config0) -> ChildSpec = #{id => Name, start => {?MODULE, start_link, [Config0]}, restart => temporary, shutdown => 2000, type => worker, modules => [?MODULE]}, case supervisor:start_child(logger_sup, ChildSpec) of {ok,Pid,Config} -> ok = logger_handler_watcher:register_handler(Name,Pid), {ok,Config}; Error -> Error end. %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_server callbacks %%%=================================================================== init(#{id := Name, module := Module, formatter := Formatter, config := HConfig0} = Config0) -> RegName = ?name_to_reg_name(Module,Name), register(RegName, self()), process_flag(trap_exit, true), process_flag(message_queue_data, off_heap), ?init_test_hooks(), ?start_observation(Name), case Module:init(Name, HConfig0) of {ok,HState} -> try ets:new(Name, [public]) of ModeTab -> ?set_mode(ModeTab, async), T0 = ?timestamp(), HConfig = HConfig0#{handler_pid => self(), mode_tab => ModeTab}, Config = Config0#{config => HConfig}, proc_lib:init_ack({ok,self(),Config}), %% Storing common config in state to avoid copying %% (sending) the config data for each log message CommonConfig = maps:with(?CONFIG_KEYS,HConfig), State = ?merge_with_stats( CommonConfig#{id => Name, module => Module, mode_tab => ModeTab, mode => async, ctrl_sync_count => ?CONTROLLER_SYNC_INTERVAL, last_qlen => 0, last_log_ts => T0, last_op => sync, burst_win_ts => T0, burst_msg_count => 0, formatter => Formatter, handler_state => HState}), State1 = set_repeated_filesync(State), unset_restart_flag(State1), gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], State1) catch _:Error -> unregister(RegName), error_notify({init_handler,Name,Error}), proc_lib:init_ack(Error) end; Error -> unregister(RegName), error_notify({init_handler,Name,Error}), proc_lib:init_ack(Error) end. %% This is the synchronous log event. handle_call({log, Bin}, _From, State) -> {Result,State1} = do_log(Bin, call, State), %% Result == ok | dropped {reply,Result, State1}; handle_call(filesync, _From, State = #{id := Name, module := Module, handler_state := HandlerState}) -> {Result,HandlerState1} = Module:filesync(Name,sync,HandlerState), {reply, Result, State#{handler_state=>HandlerState1, last_op=>sync}}; handle_call({change_config, #{formatter:=Formatter, config:=NewHConfig}}, _From, State = #{filesync_repeat_interval := FSyncInt0}) -> %% In the future, if handler_state must be updated due to config %% change, then we need to add a callback to Module here. CommonConfig = maps:with(?CONFIG_KEYS,NewHConfig), State1 = maps:merge(State, CommonConfig), State2 = case maps:get(filesync_repeat_interval, NewHConfig) of FSyncInt0 -> State1; _FSyncInt1 -> set_repeated_filesync(cancel_repeated_filesync(State1)) end, {reply, ok, State2#{formatter:=Formatter}}; handle_call(info, _From, State) -> {reply, State, State}; handle_call(reset, _From, #{id:=Name,module:=Module,handler_state:=HandlerState}=State) -> State1 = ?merge_with_stats(State), {reply, ok, State1#{last_qlen => 0, last_log_ts => ?timestamp(), handler_state => Module:reset_state(Name,HandlerState)}}; handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> {stop, {shutdown,stopped}, ok, State}. %% This is the asynchronous log event. handle_cast({log, Bin}, State) -> {_,State1} = do_log(Bin, cast, State), {noreply, State1}; %% If FILESYNC_REPEAT_INTERVAL is set to a millisec value, this %% clause gets called repeatedly by the handler. In order to %% guarantee that a filesync *always* happens after the last log %% event, the repeat operation must be active! handle_cast(repeated_filesync,State = #{filesync_repeat_interval := no_repeat}) -> %% This clause handles a race condition which may occur when %% config changes filesync_repeat_interval from an integer value %% to no_repeat. {noreply,State}; handle_cast(repeated_filesync, State = #{id := Name, module := Module, handler_state := HandlerState, last_op := LastOp}) -> State1 = if LastOp == sync -> State; true -> {_,HS} = Module:filesync(Name, async, HandlerState), State#{handler_state => HS, last_op => sync} end, {noreply,set_repeated_filesync(State1)}. handle_info(Info, #{id := Name, module := Module, handler_state := HandlerState} = State) -> {noreply,State#{handler_state => Module:handle_info(Name,Info,HandlerState)}}. terminate(Reason, State = #{id := Name, module := Module, handler_state := HandlerState}) -> _ = cancel_repeated_filesync(State), _ = Module:terminate(Name, Reason, HandlerState), ok = stop_or_restart(Name, Reason, State), unregister(?name_to_reg_name(Module, Name)), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions call(Module, Name, Op) when is_atom(Name) -> call(?name_to_reg_name(Module,Name), Op); call(_, Name, Op) -> {error,{badarg,{Op,[Name]}}}. call(Server, Msg) -> try gen_server:call(Server, Msg, ?DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT) catch _:{timeout,_} -> {error,handler_busy} end. %% check for overload between every event (and set Mode to async, %% sync or drop accordingly), but never flush the whole mailbox %% before LogWindowSize events have been handled do_log(Bin, CallOrCast, State = #{id:=Name, mode:=Mode0}) -> T1 = ?timestamp(), %% check if the handler is getting overloaded, or if it's %% recovering from overload (the check must be done for each %% event to react quickly to large bursts of events and %% to ensure that the handler can never end up in drop mode %% with an empty mailbox, which would stop operation) {Mode1,QLen,Mem,State1} = check_load(State), if (Mode1 == drop) andalso (Mode0 =/= drop) -> log_handler_info(Name, "Handler ~p switched to drop mode", [Name], State); (Mode0 == drop) andalso ((Mode1 == async) orelse (Mode1 == sync)) -> log_handler_info(Name, "Handler ~p switched to ~w mode", [Name,Mode1], State); true -> ok end, %% kill the handler if it can't keep up with the load kill_if_choked(Name, QLen, Mem, State), if Mode1 == flush -> flush(Name, QLen, T1, State1); true -> write(Name, Mode1, T1, Bin, CallOrCast, State1) end. %% this clause is called by do_log/3 after an overload check %% has been performed, where QLen > FlushQLen flush(Name, _QLen0, T1, State=#{last_log_ts := _T0, mode_tab := ModeTab}) -> %% flush messages in the mailbox (a limited number in %% order to not cause long delays) NewFlushed = flush_log_events(?FLUSH_MAX_N), %% write info in log about flushed messages log_handler_info(Name, "Handler ~p flushed ~w log events", [Name,NewFlushed], State), %% because of the receive loop when flushing messages, the %% handler will be scheduled out often and the mailbox could %% grow very large, so we'd better check the queue again here {_,_QLen1} = process_info(self(), message_queue_len), ?observe(Name,{max_qlen,_QLen1}), %% Add 1 for the current log event ?observe(Name,{flushed,NewFlushed+1}), State1 = ?update_max_time(?diff_time(T1,_T0),State), State2 = ?update_max_qlen(_QLen1,State1), {dropped,?update_other(flushed,FLUSHED,NewFlushed, State2#{mode => ?set_mode(ModeTab,async), last_qlen => 0, last_log_ts => T1})}. %% this clause is called to write to file write(Name, Mode, T1, Bin, _CallOrCast, State = #{module := Module, handler_state := HandlerState, mode_tab := ModeTab, ctrl_sync_count := CtrlSync, last_qlen := LastQLen, last_log_ts := T0}) -> %% check if we need to limit the number of writes %% during a burst of log events {DoWrite,BurstWinT,BurstMsgCount} = limit_burst(State), %% only log synhrounously every ?CONTROLLER_SYNC_INTERVAL time, to %% give the handler time between writes so it can keep up with %% incoming messages {Result,LastQLen1,HandlerState1} = if DoWrite, CtrlSync == 0 -> ?observe(Name,{_CallOrCast,1}), {_,HS1} = Module:write(Name, sync, Bin, HandlerState), {ok,element(2, process_info(self(), message_queue_len)),HS1}; DoWrite -> ?observe(Name,{_CallOrCast,1}), {_,HS1} = Module:write(Name, async, Bin, HandlerState), {ok,LastQLen,HS1}; not DoWrite -> ?observe(Name,{flushed,1}), {dropped,LastQLen,HandlerState} end, %% Check if the time since the previous log event is long enough - %% and the queue length small enough - to assume the mailbox has %% been emptied, and if so, do filesync operation and reset mode to %% async. Note that this is the best we can do to detect an idle %% handler without setting a timer after each log call/cast. If the %% time between two consecutive log events is fast and no new %% event comes in after the last one, idle state won't be detected! Time = ?diff_time(T1,T0), {Mode1,BurstMsgCount1,HandlerState2} = if (LastQLen1 < ?FILESYNC_OK_QLEN) andalso (Time > ?IDLE_DETECT_TIME_USEC) -> {_,HS2} = Module:filesync(Name,async,HandlerState), {?change_mode(ModeTab, Mode, async),0,HS2}; true -> {Mode,BurstMsgCount,HandlerState1} end, State1 = ?update_calls_or_casts(_CallOrCast,1,State), State2 = ?update_max_qlen(LastQLen1,State1), State3 = ?update_max_time(Time, State2#{mode => Mode1, last_qlen := LastQLen1, last_log_ts => T1, last_op => write, burst_win_ts => BurstWinT, burst_msg_count => BurstMsgCount1, ctrl_sync_count => if CtrlSync==0 -> ?CONTROLLER_SYNC_INTERVAL; true -> CtrlSync-1 end, handler_state => HandlerState2}), {Result,State3}. log_handler_info(Name, Format, Args, #{module:=Module, formatter:=Formatter, handler_state:=HandlerState}) -> Config = #{formatter=>Formatter}, Meta = #{time=>erlang:system_time(microsecond)}, Bin = log_to_binary(#{level => notice, msg => {Format,Args}, meta => Meta}, Config), _ = Module:write(Name, async, Bin, HandlerState), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Convert log data on any form to binary -spec log_to_binary(LogEvent,Config) -> LogString when LogEvent :: logger:log_event(), Config :: logger:handler_config(), LogString :: binary(). log_to_binary(#{msg:={report,_},meta:=#{report_cb:=_}}=Log,Config) -> do_log_to_binary(Log,Config); log_to_binary(#{msg:={report,_},meta:=Meta}=Log,Config) -> DefaultReportCb = fun logger:format_otp_report/1, do_log_to_binary(Log#{meta=>Meta#{report_cb=>DefaultReportCb}},Config); log_to_binary(Log,Config) -> do_log_to_binary(Log,Config). do_log_to_binary(Log,Config) -> {Formatter,FormatterConfig} = maps:get(formatter,Config,{?DEFAULT_FORMATTER,?DEFAULT_FORMAT_CONFIG}), String = try_format(Log,Formatter,FormatterConfig), try string_to_binary(String) catch C2:R2:S2 -> ?LOG_INTERNAL(debug,[{formatter_error,Formatter}, {config,FormatterConfig}, {log_event,Log}, {bad_return_value,String}, {catched,{C2,R2,S2}}]), <<"FORMATTER ERROR: bad return value">> end. try_format(Log,Formatter,FormatterConfig) -> try Formatter:format(Log,FormatterConfig) catch C:R:S -> ?LOG_INTERNAL(debug,[{formatter_crashed,Formatter}, {config,FormatterConfig}, {log_event,Log}, {reason, {C,R,logger:filter_stacktrace(?MODULE,S)}}]), case {?DEFAULT_FORMATTER,#{}} of {Formatter,FormatterConfig} -> "DEFAULT FORMATTER CRASHED"; {DefaultFormatter,DefaultConfig} -> try_format(Log#{msg=>{"FORMATTER CRASH: ~tp", [maps:get(msg,Log)]}}, DefaultFormatter,DefaultConfig) end end. string_to_binary(String) -> case unicode:characters_to_binary(String) of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> Binary; Error -> throw(Error) end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Check that the configuration term is valid check_config(Config) when is_map(Config) -> case check_common_config(maps:to_list(Config)) of ok -> case overload_levels_ok(Config) of true -> ok; false -> Faulty = maps:with([sync_mode_qlen, drop_mode_qlen, flush_qlen],Config), {error,{invalid_levels,Faulty}} end; Error -> Error end. check_common_config([{sync_mode_qlen,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{drop_mode_qlen,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{flush_qlen,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{burst_limit_enable,Bool}|Config]) when is_boolean(Bool) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{burst_limit_max_count,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{burst_limit_window_time,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{overload_kill_enable,Bool}|Config]) when is_boolean(Bool) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{overload_kill_qlen,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{overload_kill_mem_size,N}|Config]) when is_integer(N) -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{overload_kill_restart_after,NorA}|Config]) when is_integer(NorA); NorA == infinity -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{filesync_repeat_interval,NorA}|Config]) when is_integer(NorA); NorA == no_repeat -> check_common_config(Config); check_common_config([{Key,Value}|_]) -> {error,#{Key=>Value}}; check_common_config([]) -> ok. get_default_config() -> #{sync_mode_qlen => ?SYNC_MODE_QLEN, drop_mode_qlen => ?DROP_MODE_QLEN, flush_qlen => ?FLUSH_QLEN, burst_limit_enable => ?BURST_LIMIT_ENABLE, burst_limit_max_count => ?BURST_LIMIT_MAX_COUNT, burst_limit_window_time => ?BURST_LIMIT_WINDOW_TIME, overload_kill_enable => ?OVERLOAD_KILL_ENABLE, overload_kill_qlen => ?OVERLOAD_KILL_QLEN, overload_kill_mem_size => ?OVERLOAD_KILL_MEM_SIZE, overload_kill_restart_after => ?OVERLOAD_KILL_RESTART_AFTER, filesync_repeat_interval => ?FILESYNC_REPEAT_INTERVAL}. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Overload Protection call_cast_or_drop(_Name, HandlerPid, ModeTab, Bin) -> %% If the handler process is getting overloaded, the log event %% will be synchronous instead of asynchronous (slows down the %% logging tempo of a process doing lots of logging. If the %% handler is choked, drop mode is set and no event will be sent. try ?get_mode(ModeTab) of async -> gen_server:cast(HandlerPid, {log,Bin}); sync -> case call(HandlerPid, {log,Bin}) of ok -> ok; _Other -> %% dropped or {error,handler_busy} ?observe(_Name,{dropped,1}), ok end; drop -> ?observe(_Name,{dropped,1}) catch %% if the ETS table doesn't exist (maybe because of a %% handler restart), we can only drop the event _:_ -> ?observe(_Name,{dropped,1}) end, ok. set_restart_flag(#{id := Name, module := Module} = State) -> log_handler_info(Name, "Handler ~p overloaded and stopping", [Name], State), Flag = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Module,"_",Name,"_restarting"])), spawn(fun() -> register(Flag, self()), timer:sleep(infinity) end), ok. unset_restart_flag(#{id := Name, module := Module} = State) -> Flag = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Module,"_",Name,"_restarting"])), case whereis(Flag) of undefined -> ok; Pid -> exit(Pid, kill), log_handler_info(Name, "Handler ~p restarted", [Name], State) end. check_load(State = #{id:=_Name, mode_tab := ModeTab, mode := Mode, sync_mode_qlen := SyncModeQLen, drop_mode_qlen := DropModeQLen, flush_qlen := FlushQLen}) -> {_,Mem} = process_info(self(), memory), ?observe(_Name,{max_mem,Mem}), {_,QLen} = process_info(self(), message_queue_len), ?observe(_Name,{max_qlen,QLen}), %% When the handler process gets scheduled in, it's impossible %% to predict the QLen. We could jump "up" arbitrarily from say %% async to sync, async to drop, sync to flush, etc. However, when %% the handler process manages the log events (without flushing), %% one after the other, we will move "down" from drop to sync and %% from sync to async. This way we don't risk getting stuck in %% drop or sync mode with an empty mailbox. {Mode1,_NewDrops,_NewFlushes} = if QLen >= FlushQLen -> {flush, 0,1}; QLen >= DropModeQLen -> %% Note that drop mode will force log events to %% be dropped on the client side (never sent get to %% the handler). IncDrops = if Mode == drop -> 0; true -> 1 end, {?change_mode(ModeTab, Mode, drop), IncDrops,0}; QLen >= SyncModeQLen -> {?change_mode(ModeTab, Mode, sync), 0,0}; true -> {?change_mode(ModeTab, Mode, async), 0,0} end, State1 = ?update_other(drops,DROPS,_NewDrops,State), {Mode1, QLen, Mem, ?update_other(flushes,FLUSHES,_NewFlushes, State1#{last_qlen => QLen})}. limit_burst(#{burst_limit_enable := false}) -> {true,0,0}; limit_burst(#{burst_win_ts := BurstWinT0, burst_msg_count := BurstMsgCount, burst_limit_window_time := BurstLimitWinTime, burst_limit_max_count := BurstLimitMaxCnt}) -> if (BurstMsgCount >= BurstLimitMaxCnt) -> %% the limit for allowed messages has been reached BurstWinT1 = ?timestamp(), case ?diff_time(BurstWinT1,BurstWinT0) of BurstCheckTime when BurstCheckTime < (BurstLimitWinTime*1000) -> %% we're still within the burst time frame {false,BurstWinT0,BurstMsgCount}; _BurstCheckTime -> %% burst time frame passed, reset counters {true,BurstWinT1,0} end; true -> %% the limit for allowed messages not yet reached {true,BurstWinT0,BurstMsgCount+1} end. kill_if_choked(Name, QLen, Mem, State = #{overload_kill_enable := KillIfOL, overload_kill_qlen := OLKillQLen, overload_kill_mem_size := OLKillMem}) -> if KillIfOL andalso ((QLen > OLKillQLen) orelse (Mem > OLKillMem)) -> set_restart_flag(State), exit({shutdown,{overloaded,Name,QLen,Mem}}); true -> ok end. flush_log_events(Limit) -> process_flag(priority, high), Flushed = flush_log_events(0, Limit), process_flag(priority, normal), Flushed. flush_log_events(Limit, Limit) -> Limit; flush_log_events(N, Limit) -> %% flush log events but leave other events, such as %% filesync, info and change_config, so that these %% have a chance to be processed even under heavy load receive {'$gen_cast',{log,_}} -> flush_log_events(N+1, Limit); {'$gen_call',{Pid,MRef},{log,_}} -> Pid ! {MRef, dropped}, flush_log_events(N+1, Limit) after 0 -> N end. set_repeated_filesync(#{filesync_repeat_interval:=FSyncInt} = State) when is_integer(FSyncInt) -> {ok,TRef} = timer:apply_after(FSyncInt, gen_server, cast, [self(),repeated_filesync]), State#{rep_sync_tref=>TRef}; set_repeated_filesync(State) -> State. cancel_repeated_filesync(State) -> case maps:take(rep_sync_tref,State) of {TRef,State1} -> _ = timer:cancel(TRef), State1; error -> State end. stop_or_restart(Name, {shutdown,Reason={overloaded,_Name,_QLen,_Mem}}, #{overload_kill_restart_after := RestartAfter}) -> %% If we're terminating because of an overload situation (see %% kill_if_choked/4), we need to remove the handler and set a %% restart timer. A separate process must perform this in order to %% avoid deadlock. HandlerPid = self(), ConfigResult = logger:get_handler_config(Name), RemoveAndRestart = fun() -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, HandlerPid), receive {'DOWN',MRef,_,_,_} -> ok after 30000 -> error_notify(Reason), exit(HandlerPid, kill) end, case ConfigResult of {ok,#{module:=HMod}=HConfig0} when is_integer(RestartAfter) -> _ = logger:remove_handler(Name), HConfig = try HMod:filter_config(HConfig0) catch _:_ -> HConfig0 end, _ = timer:apply_after(RestartAfter, logger, add_handler, [Name,HMod,HConfig]); {ok,_} -> _ = logger:remove_handler(Name); {error,CfgReason} when is_integer(RestartAfter) -> error_notify({Name,restart_impossible,CfgReason}); {error,_} -> ok end end, spawn(RemoveAndRestart), ok; stop_or_restart(_Name, _Reason, _State) -> ok. overload_levels_ok(HandlerConfig) -> SMQL = maps:get(sync_mode_qlen, HandlerConfig, ?SYNC_MODE_QLEN), DMQL = maps:get(drop_mode_qlen, HandlerConfig, ?DROP_MODE_QLEN), FQL = maps:get(flush_qlen, HandlerConfig, ?FLUSH_QLEN), (DMQL > 1) andalso (SMQL =< DMQL) andalso (DMQL =< FQL). error_notify(Term) -> ?internal_log(error, Term).