%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% ---------------------------------------------
%% This is a supervisor bridge hiding the process
%% details of the user/group implementation.
%% ---------------------------------------------



%% Internal exports.
-export([init/1, terminate/2, relay/1]).

-spec start() -> {'error', {'already_started', pid()}} | {'ok', pid()}.

start() ->
    supervisor_bridge:start_link(user_sup, []).

-spec init([]) -> 'ignore' | {'error', 'nouser'} | {'ok', pid(), pid()}.

init([]) ->
    case get_user() of
	nouser ->
	{master, Master} ->
	    Pid = start_slave(Master),
	    {ok, Pid, Pid};
	{M, F, A} ->
	    case start_user({M, F}, A) of
		{ok, Pid} ->
		    {ok, Pid, Pid};
		Error ->

start_slave(Master) ->
    case rpc:call(Master, erlang, whereis, [user]) of
	User when is_pid(User) ->
	    spawn(?MODULE, relay, [User]);
	_ ->
	    error_logger:error_msg("Cannot get remote user", []),
	    receive after 1000 -> true end,

-spec relay(pid()) -> no_return().

relay(Pid) ->
    register(user, self()),

relay1(Pid) ->
        X ->
            Pid ! X,

%% Sleep a while in order to let user write all (some) buffered 
%% information before termination.

-spec terminate(term(), pid()) -> 'ok'.

terminate(_Reason, UserPid) ->
    receive after 1000 -> ok end,
    exit(UserPid, kill),

%% If there is a user, wait for it to register itself.  (But wait
%% no more than 10 seconds).  This is so the application_controller
%% is guaranteed that the user is started.

start_user(Func,A) ->
    apply(Func, A),

wait_for_user_p(0) ->
    {error, nouser};
wait_for_user_p(N) ->
    case whereis(user) of
	Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
	    {ok, Pid};
	_ ->
	    receive after 100 -> ok end,

get_user() ->
    Flags = init:get_arguments(),
    check_flags(Flags, {user_drv, start, []}).

%% These flags depend upon what arguments the erl script passes on
%% to erl91.
check_flags([{nouser, []} |T], _) -> check_flags(T, nouser);
check_flags([{user, [User]} | T], _) ->
    check_flags(T, {list_to_atom(User), start, []});
check_flags([{noshell, []} | T], _) -> check_flags(T, {user, start, []});
check_flags([{oldshell, []} | T], _) -> check_flags(T, {user, start, []});
check_flags([{noinput, []} | T], _) -> check_flags(T, {user, start_out, []});
check_flags([{master, [Node]} | T], _) ->
    check_flags(T, {master, list_to_atom(Node)});
check_flags([_H | T], User) -> check_flags(T, User);
check_flags([], User) -> User.