%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(global_SUITE). %-define(line_trace, 1). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, names/1, names_hidden/1, locks/1, locks_hidden/1, bad_input/1, names_and_locks/1, lock_die/1, name_die/1, basic_partition/1, basic_name_partition/1, advanced_partition/1, stress_partition/1, ring/1, simple_ring/1, line/1, simple_line/1, global_lost_nodes/1, otp_1849/1, otp_3162/1, otp_5640/1, otp_5737/1, otp_6931/1, simple_disconnect/1, simple_resolve/1, simple_resolve2/1, simple_resolve3/1, leftover_name/1, re_register_name/1, name_exit/1, external_nodes/1, many_nodes/1, sync_0/1, global_groups_change/1, register_1/1, both_known_1/1, lost_unregister/1, mass_death/1, garbage_messages/1]). -export([global_load/3, lock_global/2, lock_global2/2]). -export([]). -export([mass_spawn/1]). -export([start_tracer/0, stop_tracer/0, get_trace/0]). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -define(NODES, [node()|nodes()]). -define(UNTIL(Seq), loop_until_true(fun() -> Seq end, Config)). %% The resource used by the global module. -define(GLOBAL_LOCK, global). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> case init:get_argument(ring_line) of {ok, _} -> [ring_line]; _ -> [names, names_hidden, locks, locks_hidden, bad_input, names_and_locks, lock_die, name_die, basic_partition, advanced_partition, basic_name_partition, stress_partition, simple_ring, simple_line, ring, line, global_lost_nodes, otp_1849, otp_3162, otp_5640, otp_5737, otp_6931, simple_disconnect, simple_resolve, simple_resolve2, simple_resolve3, leftover_name, re_register_name, name_exit, external_nodes, many_nodes, sync_0, global_groups_change, register_1, both_known_1, lost_unregister, mass_death, garbage_messages] end. groups() -> [{ttt, [], [names, names_hidden, locks, locks_hidden, bad_input, names_and_locks, lock_die, name_die, basic_partition, ring]}]. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. -define(TESTCASE, testcase_name). -define(testcase, proplists:get_value(?TESTCASE, Config)). -define(nodes_tag, '$global_nodes'). -define(registered, proplists:get_value(registered, Config)). init_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_atom(Case), is_list(Config) -> ok = gen_server:call(global_name_server, high_level_trace_start,infinity), %% Make sure that everything is dead and done. Otherwise there are problems %% on platforms on which it takes a long time to shut down a node. stop_nodes(nodes()), timer:sleep(1000), [{?TESTCASE, Case}, {registered, registered()} | Config]. end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> ct:log("Calling end_per_testcase!",[]), ?line write_high_level_trace(Config), ?line _ = gen_server:call(global_name_server, high_level_trace_stop, infinity), [global:unregister_name(N) || N <- global:registered_names()], ?line InitRegistered = ?registered, ?line Registered = registered(), ?line [io:format("~s local names: ~p~n", [What, N]) || {What, N} <- [{"Added", Registered -- InitRegistered}, {"Removed", InitRegistered -- Registered}], N =/= []], ok. %%% General comments: %%% One source of problems with failing tests can be that the nodes from the %%% previous test haven't died yet. %%% So, when stressing a particular test by running it in a loop, it may %%% fail already when starting the help nodes, even if the nodes have been %%% monitored and the nodedowns picked up at the previous round. Waiting %%% a few seconds between rounds seems to solve the problem. Possibly the %%% timeout of 7 seconds for connections can also be a problem. This problem %%% is the same with old (vsn 3) and new global (vsn 4). %%% Test that register_name/2 registers the name on all nodes, even if %%% a new node appears in the middle of the operation (OTP-3552). %%% %%% Test scenario: process p2 is spawned, locks global, starts a slave node, %%% and tells the parent to do register_name. Then p2 sleeps for five seconds %%% and releases the lock. Now the name should exist on both our own node %%% and on the slave node (we wait until that is true; it seems that we %%% can do rpc calls to another node before the connection is really up). register_1(suite) -> []; register_1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 15, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), P = spawn_link(?MODULE, lock_global, [self(), Config]), receive {P, ok} -> io:format("p1: received ok~n"), ok end, P ! step2, io:format("p1: sent step2~n"), ?line yes = global:register_name(foo, self()), io:format("p1: registered~n"), P ! step3, receive {P, I, I2} -> ok end, if I =:= I2 -> ok; true -> ct:fail({notsync, I, I2}) end, ?line _ = global:unregister_name(foo), write_high_level_trace(Config), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. lock_global(Parent, Config) -> Id = {global, self()}, io:format("p2: setting lock~n"), global:set_lock(Id, [node()]), Parent ! {self(), ok}, io:format("p2: sent ok~n"), receive step2 -> io:format("p2: received step2"), ok end, io:format("p2: starting slave~n"), {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(), {ok, N1} = slave:start(Host, node1), io:format("p2: deleting lock~n"), global:del_lock(Id, [node()]), io:format("p2: deleted lock~n"), receive step3 -> ok end, io:format("p2: received step3~n"), I = global:whereis_name(foo), io:format("p2: name ~p~n", [I]), ?line ?UNTIL(I =:= rpc:call(N1, global, whereis_name, [foo])), I2 = I, slave:stop(N1), io:format("p2: name2 ~p~n", [I2]), Parent ! {self(), I, I2}, ok. %%% Test for the OTP-3576 problem: if nodes 1 and 2 are separated and %%% brought together again, while keeping connection with 3, it could %%% happen that if someone temporarily held the 'global' lock, %%% 'try_again_locker' would be called, and this time cause both 1 and 2 %%% to obtain a lock for 'global' on node 3, which would keep the %%% name registry from ever becoming consistent again. both_known_1(suite) -> []; both_known_1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] = start_nodes([cp1, cp2, cp3], slave, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), ?line rpc_disconnect_node(Cp1, Cp2, Config), ?line {_Pid1, yes} = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, [p1]), ?line {_Pid2, yes} = rpc:call(Cp2, ?MODULE, start_proc, [p2]), ?line Names10 = rpc:call(Cp1, global, registered_names, []), ?line Names20 = rpc:call(Cp2, global, registered_names, []), ?line Names30 = rpc:call(Cp3, global, registered_names, []), Names1 = Names10 -- OrigNames, Names2 = Names20 -- OrigNames, Names3 = Names30 -- OrigNames, ?line [p1] = lists:sort(Names1), ?line [p2] = lists:sort(Names2), ?line [p1, p2] = lists:sort(Names3), ?line Locker = spawn(Cp3, ?MODULE, lock_global2, [{global, l3}, self()]), ?line receive {locked, S} -> true = S end, ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp1, net_adm, ping, [Cp2]), %% Bring cp1 and cp2 together, while someone has locked global. %% They will now loop in 'loop_locker'. ?line Names10_2 = rpc:call(Cp1, global, registered_names, []), ?line Names20_2 = rpc:call(Cp2, global, registered_names, []), ?line Names30_2 = rpc:call(Cp3, global, registered_names, []), Names1_2 = Names10_2 -- OrigNames, Names2_2 = Names20_2 -- OrigNames, Names3_2 = Names30_2 -- OrigNames, ?line [p1] = lists:sort(Names1_2), ?line [p2] = lists:sort(Names2_2), ?line [p1, p2] = lists:sort(Names3_2), %% Let go of the lock, and expect the lockers to resolve the name %% registry. Locker ! {ok, self()}, ?line ?UNTIL(begin ?line Names10_3 = rpc:call(Cp1, global, registered_names, []), ?line Names20_3 = rpc:call(Cp2, global, registered_names, []), ?line Names30_3 = rpc:call(Cp3, global, registered_names, []), Names1_3 = Names10_3 -- OrigNames, Names2_3 = Names20_3 -- OrigNames, Names3_3 = Names30_3 -- OrigNames, N1 = lists:sort(Names1_3), N2 = lists:sort(Names2_3), N3 = lists:sort(Names3_3), (N1 =:= [p1, p2]) and (N2 =:= [p1, p2]) and (N3 =:= [p1, p2]) end), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. lost_unregister(suite) -> []; lost_unregister(doc) -> ["OTP-6428. An unregistered name reappears."]; lost_unregister(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line {ok, B} = start_node(b, Config), ?line {ok, C} = start_node(c, Config), Nodes = [node(), B, C], ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % start a proc and register it ?line {Pid, yes} = start_proc(test), ?line ?UNTIL(Pid =:= global:whereis_name(test)), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test, Config), ?line rpc_disconnect_node(B, C, Config), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test, Config), ?line _ = rpc:call(B, global, unregister_name, [test]), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)), ?line Pid = rpc:call(C, global, whereis_name, [test]), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes--[C], test, Config), ?line pong = rpc:call(B, net_adm, ping, [C]), %% Now the name has reappeared on node B. ?line ?UNTIL(Pid =:= global:whereis_name(test)), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test, Config), exit_p(Pid), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test, Config), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(B), stop_node(C), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. -define(UNTIL_LOOP, 300). -define(end_tag, 'end at'). init_high_level_trace(Time) -> Mul = try test_server:timetrap_scale_factor() catch _:_ -> 1 end, put(?end_tag, msec() + Time * Mul * 1000), %% Assures that started nodes start the high level trace automatically. ok = gen_server:call(global_name_server, high_level_trace_start,infinity), os:putenv("GLOBAL_HIGH_LEVEL_TRACE", "TRUE"), put(?nodes_tag, []). loop_until_true(Fun, Config) -> case Fun() of true -> true; _ -> case get(?end_tag) of undefined -> timer:sleep(?UNTIL_LOOP), loop_until_true(Fun, Config); EndAt -> Left = EndAt - msec(), case Left < 6000 of true -> write_high_level_trace(Config), Ref = make_ref(), receive Ref -> ok end; false -> timer:sleep(?UNTIL_LOOP), loop_until_true(Fun, Config) end end end. write_high_level_trace(Config) -> case erase(?nodes_tag) of undefined -> ok; Nodes0 -> Nodes = lists:usort([node() | Nodes0]), write_high_level_trace(Nodes, Config) end. write_high_level_trace(Nodes, Config) -> When = now(), %% 'info' returns more than the trace, which is nice. Data = [{Node, {info, rpc:call(Node, global, info, [])}} || Node <- Nodes], Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), DataFile = filename:join([Dir, lists:concat(["global_", ?testcase])]), file:write_file(DataFile, term_to_binary({high_level_trace, When, Data})). lock_global2(Id, Parent) -> S = global:set_lock(Id), Parent ! {locked, S}, receive {ok, Parent} -> ok end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test suite for global names and locks. %% Should be started in a CC view with: %% erl -sname XXX -rsh ctrsh where XX not in [cp1, cp2, cp3] %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %cp1 - cp3 are started, and the name 'test' registered for a process on %test_server. Then it is checked that the name is registered on all %nodes, using whereis_name. Check that the same %name can't be registered with another value. Exit the registered %process and check that the name disappears. Register a new process %(Pid2) under the name 'test'. Let another new process (Pid3) %reregister itself under the same name. Test global:send/2. Test %unregister. Kill Pid3. Start a process (Pid6) on cp3, %register it as 'test', stop cp1 - cp3 and check that 'test' disappeared. %Kill Pid2 and check that 'test' isn't registered. names(suite) -> []; names(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), ?line {ok, Cp3} = start_node(cp3, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % start a proc and register it ?line {Pid, yes} = start_proc(test), % test that it is registered at all nodes ?line ?UNTIL(begin (Pid =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (Pid =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (Pid =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (Pid =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test])) and ([test] =:= global:registered_names() -- OrigNames) end), % try to register the same name ?line no = global:register_name(test, self()), ?line no = rpc:call(Cp1, global, register_name, [test, self()]), % let process exit, check that it is unregistered automatically exit_p(Pid), ?line ?UNTIL((undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test]))), % test re_register ?line {Pid2, yes} = start_proc(test), ?line ?UNTIL(Pid2 =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test])), Pid3 = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc2, [test]), ?line ?UNTIL(Pid3 =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test])), Pid3 = global:whereis_name(test), % test sending global:send(test, {ping, self()}), receive {pong, Cp3} -> ok after 2000 -> ct:fail(timeout1) end, rpc:call(Cp1, global, send, [test, {ping, self()}]), receive {pong, Cp3} -> ok after 2000 -> ct:fail(timeout2) end, ?line _ = global:unregister_name(test), ?line ?UNTIL((undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test]))), exit_p(Pid3), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)), % register a proc ?line {_Pid6, yes} = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc, [test]), write_high_level_trace(Config), % stop the nodes, and make sure names are released. stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)), exit_p(Pid2), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. names_hidden(suite) -> []; names_hidden(doc) -> ["Tests that names on a hidden node doesn't interfere with names on " "visible nodes."]; names_hidden(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line OrigNodes = nodes(), ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), ?line {ok, Cp3} = start_hidden_node(cp3, Config), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp1, net_adm, ping, [Cp3]), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp3, net_adm, ping, [Cp2]), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp3, net_adm, ping, [node()]), ?line [] = [Cp1, Cp2 | OrigNodes] -- nodes(), % start a proc on hidden node and register it ?line {HPid, yes} = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc, [test]), ?line Cp3 = node(HPid), % Check that it didn't get registered on visible nodes ?line ?UNTIL((undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test]))), % start a proc on visible node and register it ?line {Pid, yes} = start_proc(test), ?line true = (Pid =/= HPid), % test that it is registered at all nodes ?line ?UNTIL((Pid =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (Pid =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (Pid =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (HPid =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test])) and ([test] =:= global:registered_names() -- OrigNames)), % try to register the same name ?line no = global:register_name(test, self()), ?line no = rpc:call(Cp1, global, register_name, [test, self()]), % let process exit, check that it is unregistered automatically exit_p(Pid), ?line ?UNTIL((undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (HPid =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test]))), % test re_register ?line {Pid2, yes} = start_proc(test), ?line ?UNTIL(Pid2 =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])), Pid3 = rpc:call(Cp2, ?MODULE, start_proc2, [test]), ?line ?UNTIL(Pid3 =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])), ?line Pid3 = global:whereis_name(test), % test sending ?line Pid3 = global:send(test, {ping, self()}), receive {pong, Cp2} -> ok after 2000 -> ct:fail(timeout1) end, rpc:call(Cp1, global, send, [test, {ping, self()}]), receive {pong, Cp2} -> ok after 2000 -> ct:fail(timeout2) end, ?line _ = rpc:call(Cp3, global, unregister_name, [test]), ?line ?UNTIL((Pid3 =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (Pid3 =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (Pid3 =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test]))), ?line _ = global:unregister_name(test), ?line ?UNTIL((undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])) and (undefined =:= rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test]))), exit_p(Pid3), exit_p(HPid), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test)), write_high_level_trace(Config), % stop the nodes, and make sure names are released. stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. locks(suite) -> []; locks(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), ?line {ok, Cp3} = start_node(cp3, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % start two procs ?line Pid = start_proc(), ?line Pid2 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), % set a lock, and make sure noone else can set the same lock ?line true = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES, 1), ?line false = req(Pid, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line false = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), % delete, and let another proc set the lock global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}), ?line true = req(Pid, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line false = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line false = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES,1), % kill lock-holding proc, make sure the lock is released exit_p(Pid), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES,1)), Pid2 ! {set_lock_loop, test_lock, self()}, % make sure we don't have the msg receive {got_lock, Pid2} -> ct:fail(got_lock) after 1000 -> ok end, global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}), % make sure pid2 got the lock receive {got_lock, Pid2} -> ok after % 12000 >> 5000, which is the max time before a new retry for % set_lock 12000 -> ct:fail(got_lock2) end, % let proc set the same lock ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), % let proc set new lock ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock2, self()}), ?line false = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()},?NODES,1), ?line false = global:set_lock({test_lock2, self()}, ?NODES,1), exit_p(Pid2), % erlang:display({locks1, ets:tab2list(global_locks)}), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES, 1)), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock2, self()}, ?NODES, 1)), ?line global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}), ?line global:del_lock({test_lock2, self()}), % let proc set two locks ?line Pid3 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line true = req(Pid3, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line true = req(Pid3, {set_lock, test_lock2, self()}), % del one lock ?line Pid3 ! {del_lock, test_lock2}, ct:sleep(100), % check that one lock is still set, but not the other ?line false = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES, 1), ?line true = global:set_lock({test_lock2, self()}, ?NODES, 1), ?line global:del_lock({test_lock2, self()}), % kill lock-holder exit_p(Pid3), % erlang:display({locks2, ets:tab2list(global_locks)}), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES, 1)), ?line global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock2, self()}, ?NODES, 1)), ?line global:del_lock({test_lock2, self()}), % start one proc on each node ?line Pid4 = start_proc(), ?line Pid5 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line Pid6 = rpc:call(Cp2, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line Pid7 = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), % set lock on two nodes ?line true = req(Pid4, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [node(), Cp1]}), ?line false = req(Pid5, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [node(), Cp1]}), % set same lock on other two nodes ?line true = req(Pid6, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [Cp2, Cp3]}), ?line false = req(Pid7, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [Cp2, Cp3]}), % release lock Pid6 ! {del_lock, test_lock, [Cp2, Cp3]}, % try to set lock on a node that already has the lock ?line false = req(Pid6, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3]}), % set lock on a node exit_p(Pid4), ?UNTIL(true =:= req(Pid5, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [node(), Cp1]})), ?line Pid8 = start_proc(), ?line false = req(Pid8, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), write_high_level_trace(Config), % stop the nodes, and make sure locks are released. stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ct:sleep(100), ?line true = req(Pid8, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), exit_p(Pid8), ct:sleep(10), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. locks_hidden(suite) -> []; locks_hidden(doc) -> ["Tests that locks on a hidden node doesn't interere with locks on " "visible nodes."]; locks_hidden(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNodes = nodes(), ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), ?line {ok, Cp3} = start_hidden_node(cp3, Config), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp1, net_adm, ping, [Cp3]), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp3, net_adm, ping, [Cp2]), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp3, net_adm, ping, [node()]), ?line [] = [Cp1, Cp2 | OrigNodes] -- nodes(), % start two procs ?line Pid = start_proc(), ?line Pid2 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line HPid = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), % Make sure hidden node doesn't interfere with visible nodes lock ?line true = req(HPid, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line true = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES, 1), ?line false = req(Pid, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line true = req(HPid, {del_lock_sync, test_lock, self()}), ?line false = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), % delete, and let another proc set the lock global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}), ?line true = req(Pid, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line false = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line false = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES,1), % kill lock-holding proc, make sure the lock is released exit_p(Pid), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES, 1)), ?UNTIL(true =:= req(HPid, {set_lock, test_lock, self()})), Pid2 ! {set_lock_loop, test_lock, self()}, % make sure we don't have the msg receive {got_lock, Pid2} -> ct:fail(got_lock) after 1000 -> ok end, global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}), % make sure pid2 got the lock receive {got_lock, Pid2} -> ok after % 12000 >> 5000, which is the max time before a new retry for % set_lock 12000 -> ct:fail(got_lock2) end, ?line true = req(HPid, {del_lock_sync, test_lock, self()}), % let proc set the same lock ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), % let proc set new lock ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock2, self()}), ?line true = req(HPid, {set_lock, test_lock, self()}), ?line true = req(HPid, {set_lock, test_lock2, self()}), exit_p(HPid), ?line false = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()},?NODES,1), ?line false = global:set_lock({test_lock2, self()}, ?NODES,1), exit_p(Pid2), % erlang:display({locks1, ets:tab2list(global_locks)}), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, ?NODES, 1)), ?UNTIL(true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock2, self()}, ?NODES, 1)), ?line global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}), ?line global:del_lock({test_lock2, self()}), write_high_level_trace(Config), % stop the nodes, and make sure locks are released. stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. bad_input(suite) -> []; bad_input(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 15, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), Pid = whereis(global_name_server), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:set_lock(bad_id)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:set_lock({id, self()}, bad_nodes)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:del_lock(bad_id)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:del_lock({id, self()}, bad_nodes)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:register_name(name, bad_pid)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:reregister_name(name, bad_pid)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:trans(bad_id, {m,f})), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:trans({id, self()}, {m,f}, [node()], -1)), ?line Pid = whereis(global_name_server), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. names_and_locks(suite) -> []; names_and_locks(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), ?line {ok, Cp3} = start_node(cp3, Config), % start one proc on each node ?line PidTS = start_proc(), ?line Pid1 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line Pid2 = rpc:call(Cp2, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line Pid3 = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), % register some of them ?line yes = global:register_name(test1, Pid1), ?line yes = global:register_name(test2, Pid2), ?line yes = global:register_name(test3, Pid3), ?line no = global:register_name(test3, PidTS), ?line yes = global:register_name(test4, PidTS), % set lock on two nodes ?line true = req(PidTS, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [node(), Cp1]}), ?line false = req(Pid1, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [node(), Cp1]}), % set same lock on other two nodes ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [Cp2, Cp3]}), ?line false = req(Pid3, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [Cp2, Cp3]}), % release lock Pid2 ! {del_lock, test_lock, [Cp2, Cp3]}, ct:sleep(100), % try to set lock on a node that already has the lock ?line false = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3]}), % set two locks ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock, self(), [Cp2, Cp3]}), ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock, test_lock2, self(), [Cp2, Cp3]}), % kill some processes, make sure all locks/names are released exit_p(PidTS), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test4)), ?line true = global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, [node(), Cp1], 1), global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}, [node(), Cp1]), exit_p(Pid2), ?line ?UNTIL((undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test2)) and (true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock, self()}, [Cp2, Cp3], 1)) and (true =:= global:set_lock({test_lock2, self()}, [Cp2, Cp3], 1))), global:del_lock({test_lock, self()}, [Cp2, Cp3]), global:del_lock({test_lock2, self()}, [Cp2, Cp3]), exit_p(Pid1), exit_p(Pid3), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. lock_die(suite) -> []; lock_die(doc) -> ["OTP-6341. Remove locks using monitors."]; lock_die(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), %% First test. LockId = {id, self()}, ?line Pid2 = start_proc(), ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock2, LockId, self()}), ?line true = global:set_lock(LockId, [Cp1]), %% Id is locked on Cp1 and Cp2 (by Pid2) but not by self(): %% (there is no mon. ref) ?line _ = global:del_lock(LockId, [node(), Cp1, Cp2]), ?line exit_p(Pid2), %% Second test. ?line Pid3 = start_proc(), ?line true = req(Pid3, {set_lock, id, self(), [Cp1]}), %% The lock is removed from Cp1 thanks to monitors. ?line exit_p(Pid3), ?line true = global:set_lock(LockId, [node(), Cp1]), ?line _ = global:del_lock(LockId, [node(), Cp1]), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. name_die(suite) -> []; name_die(doc) -> ["OTP-6341. Remove names using monitors."]; name_die(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp1] = Cps = start_nodes([z], peer, Config), % z > test_server Nodes = lists:sort([node() | Cps]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Name = name_die, ?line Pid = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), %% Test 1. No resolver is called if the same pid is registered on %% both partitions. T1 = node(), Part1 = [T1], Part2 = [Cp1], ?line rpc_cast(Cp1, ?MODULE, part_2_2, [Config, Part1, Part2, []]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(Name)), ?line yes = global:register_name(Name, Pid), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(Name)), exit_p(Pid), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), %% Test 2. Register a name running outside the current partition. %% Killing the pid will not remove the name from the current %% partition, unless monitors are used. ?line Pid2 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), KillFile = filename:join([Dir, "kill.txt"]), file:delete(KillFile), ?line erlang:spawn(Cp1, fun() -> kill_pid(Pid2, KillFile, Config) end), ?line rpc_cast(Cp1, ?MODULE, part_2_2, [Config, Part1, Part2, []]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(Name)), ?line yes = global:register_name(Name, Pid2), ?line touch(KillFile, "kill"), ?line file_contents(KillFile, "done", Config), file:delete(KillFile), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. kill_pid(Pid, File, Config) -> file_contents(File, "kill", Config), exit_p(Pid), touch(File, "done"). basic_partition(suite) -> []; basic_partition(doc) -> ["Tests that two partitioned networks exchange correct info."]; basic_partition(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] = start_nodes([cp1, cp2, cp3], peer, Config), ?line [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] = lists:sort(nodes()), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % make cp2 and cp3 connected, partitioned from us and cp1 ?line rpc_cast(Cp2, ?MODULE, part1, [Config, node(), Cp1, Cp3]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), % start different processes in both partitions ?line {Pid, yes} = start_proc(test), % connect to other partition ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] = lists:sort(nodes()), % check names ?line ?UNTIL(Pid =:= rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test])), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =/= global:whereis_name(test2)), ?line Pid2 = global:whereis_name(test2), ?line Pid2 = rpc:call(Cp2, global, whereis_name, [test2]), ?line assert_pid(Pid2), ?line Pid3 = global:whereis_name(test4), ?line ?UNTIL(Pid3 =:= rpc:call(Cp1, global, whereis_name, [test4])), ?line assert_pid(Pid3), % kill all procs ?line Pid3 = global:send(test4, die), % sleep to let the proc die wait_for_exit(Pid3), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test4)), exit_p(Pid), exit_p(Pid2), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. basic_name_partition(suite) -> []; basic_name_partition(doc) -> ["Creates two partitions with two nodes in each partition.", "Tests that names are exchanged correctly, and that EXITs", "during connect phase are handled correctly."]; basic_name_partition(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] = start_nodes([cp1, cp2, cp3], peer, Config), ?line [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] = lists:sort(nodes()), Nodes = ?NODES, ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % There used to be more than one name registered for some % processes. That was a mistake; there is no support for more than % one name per process, and the manual is quite clear about that % ("equivalent to the register/2 and whereis/1 BIFs"). The % resolver procedure did not take care of such "duplicated" names, % which caused this testcase to fail every now and then. % make cp2 and cp3 connected, partitioned from us and cp1 % us: register name03 % cp1: register name12 % cp2: register name12 % cp3: register name03 ?line rpc_cast(Cp2, ?MODULE, part1_5, [Config, node(), Cp1, Cp3]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), % start different processes in both partitions ?line {_, yes} = start_proc_basic(name03), ?line {_, yes} = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc_basic, [name12]), ct:sleep(1000), % connect to other partition ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line ?UNTIL([Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] =:= lists:sort(nodes())), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % check names ?line Pid03 = global:whereis_name(name03), ?line assert_pid(Pid03), ?line true = lists:member(node(Pid03), [node(), Cp3]), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name03, Config), ?line Pid12 = global:whereis_name(name12), ?line assert_pid(Pid12), ?line true = lists:member(node(Pid12), [Cp1, Cp2]), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name12, Config), % kill all procs ?line Pid12 = global:send(name12, die), ?line Pid03 = global:send(name03, die), % sleep to let the procs die wait_for_exit(Pid12), wait_for_exit(Pid03), ?line ?UNTIL(begin Names = [name03, name12], lists:duplicate(length(Names), undefined) =:= [global:whereis_name(Name) || Name <- Names] end), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. %Peer nodes cp0 - cp6 are started. Break apart the connections from %cp3-cp6 to cp0-cp2 and test_server so we get two partitions. %In the cp3-cp6 partition, start one process on each node and register %using both erlang:register, and global:register (test1 on cp3, test2 on %cp4, test3 on cp5, test4 on cp6), using different resolution functions: %default for test1, notify_all_name for test2, random_notify_name for test3 %and one for test4 that sends a message to test_server and keeps the %process which is greater in the standard ordering. In the other partition, %do the same (test1 on test_server, test2 on cp0, test3 on cp1, test4 on cp2). %Sleep a little, then from test_server, connect to cp3-cp6 in order. %Check that the values for the registered names are the expected ones, and %that the messages from test4 arrive. advanced_partition(suite) -> []; advanced_partition(doc) -> ["Test that names are resolved correctly when two", "partitioned networks connect."]; advanced_partition(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6] = start_nodes([cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6], peer, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % make cp3-cp6 connected, partitioned from us and cp0-cp2 ?line rpc_cast(Cp3, ?MODULE, part2, [Config, self(), node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5,Cp6]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), % start different processes in this partition ?line start_procs(self(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Config), % connect to other partition ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp6), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), ?line ?UNTIL(lists:member(undefined, [rpc:call(Cp3, erlang, whereis, [test1]), rpc:call(node(), erlang, whereis, [test1])])), Nt1 = rpc:call(Cp3, erlang, whereis, [test1]), Nt2 = rpc:call(Cp4, erlang, whereis, [test2]), Nt3 = rpc:call(Cp5, erlang, whereis, [test3]), Nt4 = rpc:call(Cp6, erlang, whereis, [test4]), Mt1 = rpc:call(node(), erlang, whereis, [test1]), Mt2 = rpc:call(Cp0, erlang, whereis, [test2]), Mt3 = rpc:call(Cp1, erlang, whereis, [test3]), _Mt4 = rpc:call(Cp2, erlang, whereis, [test4]), % check names ?line Pid1 = global:whereis_name(test1), ?line Pid1 = rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test1]), ?line assert_pid(Pid1), ?line true = lists:member(Pid1, [Nt1, Mt1]), ?line true = lists:member(undefined, [Nt1, Mt1]), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test1, Config), ?line undefined = global:whereis_name(test2), ?line undefined = rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test2]), ?line yes = sreq(Nt2, {got_notify, self()}), ?line yes = sreq(Mt2, {got_notify, self()}), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test2, Config), ?line Pid3 = global:whereis_name(test3), ?line Pid3 = rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test3]), ?line assert_pid(Pid3), ?line true = lists:member(Pid3, [Nt3, Mt3]), ?line no = sreq(Pid3, {got_notify, self()}), ?line yes = sreq(other(Pid3, [Nt2, Nt3]), {got_notify, self()}), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test3, Config), ?line Pid4 = global:whereis_name(test4), ?line Pid4 = rpc:call(Cp3, global, whereis_name, [test4]), ?line assert_pid(Pid4), % ?line true = lists:member(Pid4, [Nt4, Mt4]), ?line Pid4 = Nt4, ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test4, Config), ?line 1 = collect_resolves(), ?line Pid1 = global:send(test1, die), exit_p(Pid3), exit_p(Pid4), wait_for_exit(Pid1), wait_for_exit(Pid3), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp0), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), stop_node(Cp4), stop_node(Cp5), stop_node(Cp6), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. %Peer nodes cp0 - cp6 are started, and partitioned just like in %advanced_partition. Start cp8, only connected to test_server. Let cp6 %break apart from the rest, and 12 s later, ping cp0 and cp3, and %register the name test5. After the same 12 s, let cp5 halt. %Wait for the death of cp5. Ping cp3 (at the same time as cp6 does). %Take down cp2. Start cp7, restart cp2. Ping cp4, cp6 and cp8. %Now, expect all nodes to be connected and have the same picture of all %registered names. stress_partition(suite) -> []; stress_partition(doc) -> ["Stress global, make a partitioned net, make some nodes", "go up/down a bit."]; stress_partition(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 90, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6] = start_nodes([cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6], peer, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % make cp3-cp5 connected, partitioned from us and cp0-cp2 % cp6 is alone (single node). cp6 pings cp0 and cp3 in 12 secs... ?line rpc_cast(Cp3, ?MODULE, part3, [Config, self(), node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5,Cp6]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), % start different processes in this partition ?line start_procs(self(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Config), ?line {ok, Cp8} = start_peer_node(cp8, Config), monitor_node(Cp5, true), receive {nodedown, Cp5} -> ok after 20000 -> ct:fail({no_nodedown, Cp5}) end, monitor_node(Cp5, false), % Ok, now cp6 pings us, and cp5 will go down. % connect to other partition ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line rpc_cast(Cp2, ?MODULE, crash, [0]), % Start new nodes ?line {ok, Cp7} = start_peer_node(cp7, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2_2} = start_peer_node(cp2, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2_2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp6, Cp7, Cp8]), put(?nodes_tag, Nodes), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp6), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp8), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), % Make sure that all nodes have the same picture of all names ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test1, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(test1)), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test2, Config), ?line undefined = global:whereis_name(test2), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test3, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(test3)), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test4, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(test4)), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, test5, Config), ?line ?UNTIL(undefined =:= global:whereis_name(test5)), ?line assert_pid(global:send(test1, die)), ?line assert_pid(global:send(test3, die)), ?line assert_pid(global:send(test4, die)), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp0), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2_2), stop_node(Cp3), stop_node(Cp4), stop_node(Cp5), stop_node(Cp6), stop_node(Cp7), stop_node(Cp8), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. %% Use this one to test alot of connection tests %% erl -sname ts -ring_line 10000 -s test_server run_test global_SUITE ring_line(suite) -> []; ring_line(doc) -> [""]; ring_line(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {ok, [[N]]} = init:get_argument(ring_line), loop_it(list_to_integer(N), Config). loop_it(N, Config) -> loop_it(N,N, Config). loop_it(0,_, _Config) -> ok; loop_it(N,M, Config) -> test_server:format(1, "Round: ~w", [M-N]), ring(Config), line(Config), loop_it(N-1,M, Config). ring(suite) -> []; ring(doc) -> ["Make 10 single nodes, all having the same name.", "Make all ping its predecessor, pinging in a ring.", "Make sure that there's just one winner."]; ring(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6, Cp7, Cp8] = start_nodes([cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cp8], peer, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6, Cp7, Cp8]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Time = msec() + 7000, ?line rpc_cast(Cp0, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp8, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp1, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp0, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp2, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp1, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp3, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp2, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp4, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp3, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp5, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp4, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp6, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp5, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp7, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp6, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp8, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp7, Config]), % sleep to make the partitioned net ready ct:sleep(Time - msec()), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp6), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp7), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp8), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp6), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp7), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp8), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), % Just make sure that all nodes have the same picture of all names ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, single_name, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(single_name)), ?line ?UNTIL(begin {Ns2, []} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, erlang, whereis, [single_name]), 9 =:= lists:foldl(fun(undefined, N) -> N + 1; (_, N) -> N end, 0, Ns2) end), ?line assert_pid(global:send(single_name, die)), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp0), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), stop_node(Cp4), stop_node(Cp5), stop_node(Cp6), stop_node(Cp7), stop_node(Cp8), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. simple_ring(suite) -> []; simple_ring(doc) -> ["Simpler version of the ring case. Used because there are some", "distribution problems with many nodes.", "Make 6 single nodes, all having the same name.", "Make all ping its predecessor, pinging in a ring.", "Make sure that there's just one winner."]; simple_ring(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), Names = [cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5], ?line [Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5] = start_nodes(Names, peer, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Time = msec() + 5000, ?line rpc_cast(Cp0, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp5, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp1, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp0, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp2, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp1, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp3, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp2, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp4, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp3, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp5, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp4, Config]), % sleep to make the partitioned net ready ct:sleep(Time - msec()), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), % Just make sure that all nodes have the same picture of all names ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, single_name, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(single_name)), ?line ?UNTIL(begin {Ns2, []} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, erlang, whereis, [single_name]), 6 =:= lists:foldl(fun(undefined, N) -> N + 1; (_, N) -> N end, 0, Ns2) end), ?line assert_pid(global:send(single_name, die)), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp0), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), stop_node(Cp4), stop_node(Cp5), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. line(suite) -> []; line(doc) -> ["Make 6 single nodes, all having the same name.", "Make all ping its predecessor, pinging in a line.", "Make sure that there's just one winner."]; line(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6, Cp7, Cp8] = start_nodes([cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cp8], peer, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6, Cp7, Cp8]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Time = msec() + 7000, ?line rpc_cast(Cp0, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp0, Config]), % ping ourself! ?line rpc_cast(Cp1, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp0, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp2, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp1, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp3, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp2, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp4, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp3, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp5, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp4, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp6, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp5, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp7, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp6, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp8, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp7, Config]), % sleep to make the partitioned net ready ct:sleep(Time - msec()), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp6), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp7), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp8), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp6), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp7), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp8), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), % Just make sure that all nodes have the same picture of all names ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, single_name, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(single_name)), ?line ?UNTIL(begin {Ns2, []} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, erlang, whereis, [single_name]), 9 =:= lists:foldl(fun(undefined, N) -> N + 1; (_, N) -> N end, 0, Ns2) end), ?line assert_pid(global:send(single_name, die)), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp0), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), stop_node(Cp4), stop_node(Cp5), stop_node(Cp6), stop_node(Cp7), stop_node(Cp8), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. simple_line(suite) -> []; simple_line(doc) -> ["Simpler version of the line case. Used because there are some", "distribution problems with many nodes.", "Make 6 single nodes, all having the same name.", "Make all ping its predecessor, pinging in a line.", "Make sure that there's just one winner."]; simple_line(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5] = start_nodes([cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5], peer, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node(), Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Time = msec() + 5000, ?line rpc_cast(Cp0, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp0, Config]), % ping ourself! ?line rpc_cast(Cp1, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp0, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp2, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp1, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp3, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp2, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp4, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp3, Config]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp5, ?MODULE, single_node, [Time, Cp4, Config]), % sleep to make the partitioned net ready ct:sleep(Time - msec()), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp0), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp1), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp2), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp3), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp4), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Cp5), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), % Just make sure that all nodes have the same picture of all names ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, single_name, Config), ?line assert_pid(global:whereis_name(single_name)), ?line ?UNTIL(begin {Ns2, []} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, erlang, whereis, [single_name]), 6 =:= lists:foldl(fun(undefined, N) -> N + 1; (_, N) -> N end, 0, Ns2) end), ?line assert_pid(global:send(single_name, die)), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp0), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), stop_node(Cp4), stop_node(Cp5), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. otp_1849(suite) -> []; otp_1849(doc) -> ["Test ticket: Global should keep track of all pids that set the same lock."]; otp_1849(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), ?line {ok, Cp3} = start_node(cp3, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % start procs on each node ?line Pid1 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line assert_pid(Pid1), ?line Pid2 = rpc:call(Cp2, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line assert_pid(Pid2), ?line Pid3 = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc, []), ?line assert_pid(Pid3), % set a lock on every node ?line true = req(Pid1, {set_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line true = req(Pid3, {set_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line ?UNTIL(begin [{test_lock, ?MODULE, Lock1}] = rpc:call(Cp1, ets, tab2list, [global_locks]), 3 =:= length(Lock1) end), ?line true = req(Pid3, {del_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line ?UNTIL(begin [{test_lock, ?MODULE, Lock2}] = rpc:call(Cp1, ets, tab2list, [global_locks]), 2 =:= length(Lock2) end), ?line true = req(Pid2, {del_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line ?UNTIL(begin [{test_lock, ?MODULE, Lock3}] = rpc:call(Cp1, ets, tab2list, [global_locks]), 1 =:= length(Lock3) end), ?line true = req(Pid1, {del_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line ?UNTIL([] =:= rpc:call(Cp1, ets, tab2list, [global_locks])), ?line true = req(Pid1, {set_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line true = req(Pid2, {set_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line true = req(Pid3, {set_lock2, {test_lock, ?MODULE}, self()}), ?line false = req(Pid2, {set_lock2, {test_lock, not_valid}, self()}), exit_p(Pid1), ?line ?UNTIL(begin [{test_lock, ?MODULE, Lock10}] = rpc:call(Cp1, ets, tab2list, [global_locks]), 2 =:= length(Lock10) end), ?line ?UNTIL(begin [{test_lock, ?MODULE, Lock11}] = rpc:call(Cp2, ets, tab2list, [global_locks]), 2 =:= length(Lock11) end), ?line ?UNTIL(begin [{test_lock, ?MODULE, Lock12}] = rpc:call(Cp3, ets, tab2list, [global_locks]), 2 =:= length(Lock12) end), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. otp_3162(suite) -> []; otp_3162(doc) -> ["Test ticket: Deadlock in global"]; otp_3162(Config) when is_list(Config) -> StartFun = fun() -> {ok, Cp1} = start_node(cp1, Config), {ok, Cp2} = start_node(cp2, Config), {ok, Cp3} = start_node(cp3, Config), [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] end, do_otp_3162(StartFun, Config). do_otp_3162(StartFun, Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line [Cp1, Cp2, Cp3] = StartFun(), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), % start procs on each node ?line Pid1 = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_proc4, [kalle]), ?line assert_pid(Pid1), ?line Pid2 = rpc:call(Cp2, ?MODULE, start_proc4, [stina]), ?line assert_pid(Pid2), ?line Pid3 = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc4, [vera]), ?line assert_pid(Pid3), ?line rpc_disconnect_node(Cp1, Cp2, Config), ?line ?UNTIL ([Cp3] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp1, erlang, nodes, [])) -- [node()]), ?UNTIL([kalle, vera] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp1, global, registered_names, []))), ?line ?UNTIL ([Cp3] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp2, erlang, nodes, [])) -- [node()]), ?UNTIL([stina, vera] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp2, global, registered_names, []))), ?line ?UNTIL ([Cp1, Cp2] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp3, erlang, nodes, [])) -- [node()]), ?UNTIL([kalle, stina, vera] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp3, global, registered_names, []))), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp2, net_adm, ping, [Cp1]), ?line ?UNTIL ([Cp2, Cp3] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp1, erlang, nodes, [])) -- [node()]), ?line ?UNTIL(begin NN = lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp1, global, registered_names, [])), [kalle, stina, vera] =:= NN end), ?line ?UNTIL ([Cp1, Cp3] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp2, erlang, nodes, [])) -- [node()]), ?UNTIL([kalle, stina, vera] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp2, global, registered_names, []))), ?line ?UNTIL ([Cp1, Cp2] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp3, erlang, nodes, [])) -- [node()]), ?UNTIL([kalle, stina, vera] =:= lists:sort(rpc:call(Cp3, global, registered_names, []))), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. otp_5640(suite) -> []; otp_5640(doc) -> ["OTP-5640. 'allow' multiple names for registered processes."]; otp_5640(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 25, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), init_condition(Config), ?line {ok, B} = start_node(b, Config), ?line Nodes = lists:sort([node(), B]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), Server = whereis(global_name_server), ServerB = rpc:call(B, erlang, whereis, [global_name_server]), Me = self(), Proc = spawn(fun() -> otp_5640_proc(Me) end), ?line yes = global:register_name(name1, Proc), ?line no = global:register_name(name2, Proc), ?line ok = application:set_env(kernel, global_multi_name_action, allow), ?line yes = global:register_name(name2, Proc), ct:sleep(100), ?line Proc = global:whereis_name(name1), ?line Proc = global:whereis_name(name2), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name1, Config), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name2, Config), ?line {monitors_2levels, MonBy1} = mon_by_servers(Proc), ?line [] = ([Server,Server,ServerB,ServerB] -- MonBy1), ?line {links,[]} = process_info(Proc, links), ?line _ = global:unregister_name(name1), ct:sleep(100), ?line undefined = global:whereis_name(name1), ?line Proc = global:whereis_name(name2), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name1, Config), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name2, Config), ?line {monitors_2levels, MonBy2} = mon_by_servers(Proc), ?line [] = ([Server,ServerB] -- MonBy2), TmpMonBy2 = MonBy2 -- [Server,ServerB], ?line TmpMonBy2 = TmpMonBy2 -- [Server,ServerB], ?line {links,[]} = process_info(Proc, links), ?line yes = global:register_name(name1, Proc), Proc ! die, ct:sleep(100), ?line undefined = global:whereis_name(name1), ?line undefined = global:whereis_name(name2), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name1, Config), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, name2, Config), ?line {monitors, GMonitors} = process_info(Server, monitors), ?line false = lists:member({process, Proc}, GMonitors), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_node(B), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. otp_5640_proc(_Parent) -> receive die -> exit(normal) end. otp_5737(suite) -> []; otp_5737(doc) -> ["OTP-5737. set_lock/3 and trans/4 accept Retries = 0."]; otp_5737(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 25, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), LockId = {?MODULE,self()}, Nodes = [node()], ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:set_lock(LockId, Nodes, -1)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:set_lock(LockId, Nodes, a)), ?line true = global:set_lock(LockId, Nodes, 0), Time1 = now(), ?line false = global:set_lock({?MODULE,not_me}, Nodes, 0), ?line true = timer:now_diff(now(), Time1) < 5000, ?line _ = global:del_lock(LockId, Nodes), Fun = fun() -> ok end, ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:trans(LockId, Fun, Nodes, -1)), ?line {'EXIT', _} = (catch global:trans(LockId, Fun, Nodes, a)), ?line ok = global:trans(LockId, Fun, Nodes, 0), write_high_level_trace(Config), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. otp_6931(suite) -> []; otp_6931(doc) -> ["OTP-6931. Ignore nodeup when connect_all=false."]; otp_6931(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Me = self(), ?line {ok, CAf} = start_non_connecting_node(ca_false, Config), ?line ok = rpc:call(CAf, error_logger, add_report_handler, [?MODULE, Me]), ?line info = rpc:call(CAf, error_logger, warning_map, []), ?line {global_name_server,CAf} ! {nodeup, fake_node}, timer:sleep(100), stop_node(CAf), receive {nodeup,fake_node} -> ct:fail({info_report, was, sent}) after 1000 -> ok end, ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Testing a disconnected node. Not two partitions. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- simple_disconnect(suite) -> []; simple_disconnect(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. Disconnected nodes (not partitions)"]; simple_disconnect(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), %% Three nodes (test_server, n_1, n_2). ?line [Cp1, Cp2] = Cps = start_nodes([n_1, n_2], peer, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node() | Cps]), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start_tracer, []) end,Nodes), Name = name, Resolver = {no_module, resolve_none}, % will never be called PingNode = Cp2, ?line {_Pid1, yes} = rpc:call(Cp1, ?MODULE, start_resolver, [Name, Resolver]), ct:sleep(100), %% Disconnect test_server and Cp2. ?line true = erlang:disconnect_node(Cp2), ct:sleep(500), %% _Pid is registered on Cp1. The exchange of names between Cp2 and %% test_server sees two identical pids. ?line pong = net_adm:ping(PingNode), ?line ?UNTIL(Cps =:= lists:sort(nodes())), ?line {_, Trace0} = collect_tracers(Nodes), ?line Resolvers = [P || {_Node,new_resolver,{pid,P}} <- Trace0], ?line lists:foreach(fun(P) -> P ! die end, Resolvers), ?line lists:foreach(fun(P) -> wait_for_exit(P) end, Resolvers), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, Name, Config), ?line undefined = global:whereis_name(Name), ?line {_, Trace1} = collect_tracers(Nodes), Trace = Trace0 ++ Trace1, ?line [] = [foo || {_, resolve_none, _, _} <- Trace], ?line Gs = name_servers(Nodes), ?line [_, _, _] = monitored_by_node(Trace, Gs), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, stop_tracer, []) end, Nodes), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. %% Not used right now. simple_dis(Nodes0, Name, Resolver, Config) -> Nodes = [node() | Nodes0], NN = lists:zip(Nodes, lists:seq(1, length(Nodes))), [{_Node,Other} | Dis] = [{N,[N1 || {N1,I1} <- NN, I1 > I + 1]} || {N,I} <- NN], lists:foreach( fun({Node, DisNodes}) -> Args = [Node, DisNodes, Name, Resolver], ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, simple_dis_node, Args) end, Dis), ok = simple_dis_node(node(), Other, Name, Resolver, Config). simple_dis_node(_Node, DisNodes, _Name, _Resolver, Config) -> lists:foreach( fun(OtherNode) -> _ = erlang:disconnect_node(OtherNode) end, DisNodes), ?line ?UNTIL(DisNodes -- nodes() =:= DisNodes), ok. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Testing resolve of name. Many combinations with four nodes. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- -record(cf, { link, % node expected to have registered process running ping, % node in partition 2 to be pinged n1, % node starting registered process in partition 1 n2, % node starting registered process in partition 2 nodes, % nodes expected to exist after ping n_res, % expected number of resolvers after ping config }). -define(RES(F), {F, fun ?MODULE:F/3}). simple_resolve(suite) -> []; simple_resolve(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. Partitions and names."]; simple_resolve(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 360, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [N1, A2, Z2] = Cps = start_nodes([n_1, a_2, z_2], peer, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node() | Cps]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start_tracer, []) end, Nodes), %% There used to be a link between global_name_server and the %% registered name. Now there are only monitors, but the field %% name 'link' remains... Cf = #cf{link = none, ping = A2, n1 = node(), n2 = A2, nodes = [node(), N1, A2, Z2], n_res = 2, config = Config}, %% There is no test with a resolver that deletes a pid (like %% global_exit_name does). The resulting DOWN signal just clears %% out the pid from the tables, which should be harmless. So all %% tests are done with resolvers that keep both processes. This %% should catch all cases which used to result in bogus process %% links (now: only monitors are used). %% Two partitions are created in each case below: [node(), n_1] %% and [a_2, z_2]. A name ('name') is registered in both %% partitions whereafter node() or n_1 pings a_2 or z_2. Note that %% node() = test_server, which means that node() < z_2 and node() %% > a_2. The lesser node calls the resolver. %% [The following comment does not apply now that monitors are used.] %% The resolver is run on a_2 with the process on node() %% as first argument. The process registered as 'name' on a_2 is %% removed from the tables. It is unlinked from a_2, and the new %% process (on node()) is inserted without trying to link to it %% (it it known to run on some other node, in the other %% partition). The new process is not sent to the other partition %% for update since it already exists there. res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = A2}), %% The same, but the z_2 takes the place of a_2. res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = Z2}), %% The resolver is run on test_server. res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = A2, n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = Z2, n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% Now the same tests but with n_1 taking the place of test_server. res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = N1, n1 = N1, n2 = A2}), res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = N1, n1 = N1, n2 = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = A2, n1 = N1, n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = Z2, n1 = N1, n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% [Maybe this set of tests is the same as (ismorphic to?) the last one.] %% The resolver is run on a_2 with the process on node() %% as first argument. The process registered as 'name' on a_2 is %% the one kept. The old process is unlinked on node(), and the %% new process (on a_2) is inserted without trying to link to it %% (it it known to run on some other node). res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = A2, n2 = A2}), %% The same, but the z_2 takes the place of a_2. res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = Z2, n2 = Z2}), %% The resolver is run on test_server. res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% Now the same tests but with n_1 taking the place of test_server. res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = A2, n1 = N1, n2 = A2}), res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = Z2, n1 = N1, n2 = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = N1, n1 = N1, n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = N1, n1 = N1, n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% A resolver that does not return one of the pids. res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = A2}), res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = Z2}), %% The resolver is run on test_server. res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% Now the same tests but with n_1 taking the place of test_server. res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = A2}), res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = Z2}), res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(bad_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% Both processes are unlinked (demonitored). res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = A2}), res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = A2}), res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(resolve_none), Cps, Cf#cf{n1 = N1, n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% A resolver faking badrpc. The resolver is run on a_2, and the %% process on node() is kept. res(?RES(badrpc_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = A2}), %% An exiting resolver. A kind of badrpc. res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = A2}), res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = Z2}), res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = A2, n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = Z2, n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = N1, n1 = N1, n2 = A2}), res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = N1, n1 = N1, n2 = Z2}), res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = A2, n1 = N1, n2 = A2, ping = Z2}), res(?RES(exit_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = Z2, n1 = N1, n2 = Z2, ping = Z2}), %% A locker that takes a lock. It used to be that the %% global_name_server was busy exchanging names, which caused a %% deadlock. res(?RES(lock_resolver), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node()}), %% A resolver that disconnects from the node of the first pid %% once. The nodedown message is processed (the resolver killed), %% then a new attempt (nodeup etc.) is made. This time the %% resolver does not disconnect any node. res(?RES(disconnect_first), Cps, Cf#cf{link = Z2, n2 = Z2, nodes = [node(), N1, A2, Z2]}), ?line lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, stop_tracer, []) end, Nodes), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. simple_resolve2(suite) -> []; simple_resolve2(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. Partitions and names."]; simple_resolve2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Continuation of simple_resolve. Of some reason it did not %% always work to re-start z_2. "Cannot be a global bug." Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [N1, A2, Z2] = Cps = start_nodes([n_1, a_2, z_2], peer, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node() | Cps]), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start_tracer, []) end, Nodes), Cf = #cf{link = none, ping = A2, n1 = node(), n2 = A2, nodes = [node(), N1, A2, Z2], n_res = 2, config = Config}, %% Halt z_2. res(?RES(halt_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = N1, n1 = N1, n2 = Z2, ping = A2, nodes = [node(), N1, A2], n_res = 1}), ?line lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, stop_tracer, []) end, Nodes), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), % Not all nodes may be present, but it works anyway. ?line init_condition(Config), ok. simple_resolve3(suite) -> []; simple_resolve3(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. Partitions and names."]; simple_resolve3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Continuation of simple_resolve. Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [N1, A2, Z2] = Cps = start_nodes([n_1, a_2, z_2], peer, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node() | Cps]), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start_tracer, []) end, Nodes), Cf = #cf{link = none, ping = A2, n1 = node(), n2 = A2, nodes = [node(), N1, A2, Z2], n_res = 2, config = Config}, %% Halt a_2. res(?RES(halt_second), Cps, Cf#cf{link = node(), n2 = A2, nodes = [node(), N1], n_res = 1}), ?line lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, stop_tracer, []) end, Nodes), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), % Not all nodes may be present, but it works anyway. ?line init_condition(Config), ok. res({Res,Resolver}, [N1, A2, Z2], Cf) -> %% Note: there are no links anymore, but monitors. #cf{link = LinkedNode, ping = PingNode, n1 = Res1, n2 = OtherNode, nodes = Nodes0, n_res = NRes, config = Config} = Cf, ?t:format("~n~nResolver: ~p", [Res]), ?t:format(" Registered on partition 1: ~p", [Res1]), ?t:format(" Registered on partition 2: ~p", [OtherNode]), ?t:format(" Pinged node: ~p", [PingNode]), ?t:format(" Linked node: ~p", [LinkedNode]), ?t:format(" Expected # resolvers: ~p", [NRes]), Nodes = lists:sort(Nodes0), T1 = node(), Part1 = [T1, N1], Part2 = [A2, Z2], Name = name, %% A registered name is resolved in different scenarios with just %% four nodes. In each scenario it is checked that exactly the %% expected monitors remain between registered processes and the %% global_name_server. ?line rpc_cast(OtherNode, ?MODULE, part_2_2, [Config, Part1, Part2, [{Name, Resolver}]]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), ?line {_Pid1, yes} = rpc:call(Res1, ?MODULE, start_resolver, [Name, Resolver]), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(PingNode), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, Name, Config), ?line case global:whereis_name(Name) of undefined when LinkedNode =:= none -> ok; Pid -> assert_pid(Pid) end, ?line {_, Trace0} = collect_tracers(Nodes), ?line Resolvers = [P || {_Node,new_resolver,{pid,P}} <- Trace0], ?line NRes = length(Resolvers), %% Wait for extra monitor processes to be created. %% This applies as long as global:do_monitor/1 spawns processes. %% (Some day monitor() will be truly synchronous.) ct:sleep(100), ?line lists:foreach(fun(P) -> P ! die end, Resolvers), ?line lists:foreach(fun(P) -> wait_for_exit(P) end, Resolvers), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, Name, Config), ?line undefined = global:whereis_name(Name), %% Wait for monitors to remove names. ct:sleep(100), ?line {_, Trace1} = collect_tracers(Nodes), Trace = Trace0 ++ Trace1, ?line Gs = name_servers([T1, N1, A2, Z2]), ?line MonitoredByNode = monitored_by_node(Trace, Gs), ?line MonitoredBy = [M || {_N,M} <- MonitoredByNode], X = MonitoredBy -- Gs, LengthGs = length(Gs), ?line case MonitoredBy of [] when LinkedNode =:= none -> ok; Gs -> ok; _ when LengthGs < 4, X =:= [] -> ok; _ -> ?t:format("ERROR:~nMonitoredBy ~p~n" "global_name_servers ~p~n", [MonitoredByNode, Gs]), ct:fail(monitor_mismatch) end, ok. name_servers(Nodes) -> lists:sort([rpc:call(N, erlang, whereis, [global_name_server]) || N <- Nodes, pong =:= net_adm:ping(N)]). monitored_by_node(Trace, Servers) -> lists:sort([{node(M),M} || {_Node,_P,died,{monitors_2levels,ML}} <- Trace, M <- ML, lists:member(M, Servers)]). %% Runs on a node in Part2 part_2_2(Config, Part1, Part2, NameResolvers) -> make_partition(Config, Part1, Part2), lists:foreach (fun({Name, Resolver}) -> ?line {Pid2, yes} = start_resolver(Name, Resolver), trace_message({node(), part_2_2, nodes(), {pid2,Pid2}}) end, NameResolvers). resolve_first(name, Pid1, _Pid2) -> Pid1. resolve_second(name, _Pid1, Pid2) -> Pid2. resolve_none(name, _Pid1, _Pid2) -> none. bad_resolver(name, _Pid1, _Pid2) -> bad_answer. badrpc_resolver(name, _Pid1, _Pid2) -> {badrpc, badrpc}. exit_resolver(name, _Pid1, _Pid2) -> erlang:error(bad_resolver). lock_resolver(name, Pid1, _Pid2) -> Id = {?MODULE, self()}, Nodes = [node()], ?line true = global:set_lock(Id, Nodes), _ = global:del_lock(Id, Nodes), Pid1. disconnect_first(name, Pid1, Pid2) -> Name = disconnect_first_name, case whereis(Name) of undefined -> spawn(fun() -> disconnect_first_name(Name) end), true = erlang:disconnect_node(node(Pid1)); Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid ! die end, Pid2. disconnect_first_name(Name) -> register(Name, self()), receive die -> ok end. halt_second(name, _Pid1, Pid2) -> rpc:call(node(Pid2), erlang, halt, []), Pid2. start_resolver(Name, Resolver) -> Self = self(), Pid = spawn(fun() -> init_resolver(Self, Name, Resolver) end), trace_message({node(), new_resolver, {pid, Pid}}), receive {Pid, Res} -> {Pid, Res} end. init_resolver(Parent, Name, Resolver) -> X = global:register_name(Name, self(), Resolver), Parent ! {self(), X}, loop_resolver(). loop_resolver() -> receive die -> trace_message({node(), self(), died, mon_by_servers(self())}), exit(normal) end. %% The server sometimes uses an extra process for monitoring. %% The server monitors that extra process. mon_by_servers(Proc) -> {monitored_by, ML} = process_info(Proc, monitored_by), {monitors_2levels, lists:append([ML | [begin {monitored_by, MML} = rpc:call(node(M), erlang, process_info, [M, monitored_by]), MML end || M <- ML]])}. -define(REGNAME, contact_a_2). leftover_name(suite) -> []; leftover_name(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. Bug: nodedown while synching."]; leftover_name(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [N1, A2, Z2] = Cps = start_nodes([n_1, a_2, z_2], peer, Config), Nodes = lists:sort([node() | Cps]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start_tracer, []) end, Nodes), Name = name, % registered on a_2 ResName = resolved_name, % registered on n_1 and a_2 %% ?line _Pid = ping_a_2_fun(?REGNAME, N1, A2), T1 = node(), Part1 = [T1, N1], Part2 = [A2, Z2], NoResolver = {no_module, resolve_none}, Resolver = fun contact_a_2/3, ?line rpc_cast(A2, ?MODULE, part_2_2, [Config, Part1, Part2, [{Name, NoResolver}, {ResName, Resolver}]]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), %% resolved_name is resolved to run on a_2, an insert operation is %% sent to n_1. The resolver function halts a_2, but the nodedown %% message is handled by n_1 _before_ the insert operation is run %% (at least every now and then; sometimes it seems to be %% delayed). Unless "artificial" nodedown messages are sent the %% name would linger on indefinitely. [There is no test case for %% the situation that no nodedown message at all is sent.] ?line {_Pid1, yes} = rpc:call(N1, ?MODULE, start_resolver, [ResName, fun contact_a_2/3]), ct:sleep(1000), ?line trace_message({node(), pinging, z_2}), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(Z2), ?line ?UNTIL((Nodes -- [A2]) =:= lists:sort(?NODES)), ct:sleep(1000), ?line {_,Trace0} = collect_tracers(Nodes), ?line Resolvers = [P || {_Node,new_resolver,{pid,P}} <- Trace0], ?line lists:foreach(fun(P) -> P ! die end, Resolvers), ?line lists:foreach(fun(P) -> wait_for_exit(P) end, Resolvers), ?line lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, stop_tracer, []) end, Nodes), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. %% Runs on n_1 contact_a_2(resolved_name, Pid1, Pid2) -> trace_message({node(), ?REGNAME, {pid1,Pid1}, {pid2,Pid2}, {node1,node(Pid1)}, {node2,node(Pid2)}}), ?REGNAME ! doit, Pid2. ping_a_2_fun(RegName, N1, A2) -> spawn(N1, fun() -> ping_a_2(RegName, N1, A2) end). ping_a_2(RegName, N1, A2) -> register(RegName, self()), receive doit -> trace_message({node(), ping_a_2, {a2, A2}}), monitor_node(A2, true), %% Establish contact with a_2, then take it down. rpc:call(N1, ?MODULE, halt_node, [A2]), receive {nodedown, A2} -> ok end end. halt_node(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, erlang, halt, []). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Testing re-registration of a name. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- re_register_name(suite) -> []; re_register_name(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. Name is re-registered."]; re_register_name(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% When re-registering a name the link to the old pid used to %% linger on. Don't think is was a serious bug though--some memory %% occupied by links, that's all. %% Later: now monitors are checked. Timeout = 15, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), Me = self(), Pid1 = spawn(fun() -> proc(Me) end), ?line yes = global:register_name(name, Pid1), Pid2 = spawn(fun() -> proc(Me) end), ?line _ = global:re_register_name(name, Pid2), Pid2 ! die, Pid1 ! die, receive {Pid1, MonitoredBy1} -> [] = MonitoredBy1 end, receive {Pid2, MonitoredBy2} -> [_] = MonitoredBy2 end, ?line _ = global:unregister_name(name), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. proc(Parent) -> receive die -> ok end, {monitored_by, MonitoredBy} = process_info(self(), monitored_by), Parent ! {self(), MonitoredBy}. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- name_exit(suite) -> []; name_exit(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. Registered process dies."]; name_exit(Config) when is_list(Config) -> StartFun = fun() -> {ok, N1} = start_node_rel(n_1, this, Config), {ok, N2} = start_node_rel(n_2, this, Config), [N1, N2] end, ?t:format("Test of current release~n"), do_name_exit(StartFun, current, Config). do_name_exit(StartFun, Version, Config) -> %% When a registered process dies, the node where it is registered %% removes the name from the table immediately, and then removes %% it from other nodes using a lock. %% This is perhaps not how it should work, but it is not easy to %% change. %% See also OTP-3737. %% %% The current release uses monitors so this test is not so relevant. Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), %% Three nodes (test_server, n_1, n_2). ?line Cps = StartFun(), Nodes = lists:sort([node() | Cps]), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start_tracer, []) end,Nodes), Name = name, ?line {Pid, yes} = start_proc(Name), Me = self(), LL = spawn(fun() -> long_lock(Me) end), receive long_lock_taken -> ok end, Pid ! die, wait_for_exit_fast(Pid), ct:sleep(100), %% Name has been removed from node()'s table, but nowhere else %% since there is a lock on 'global'. {R1,[]} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, global, whereis_name, [Name]), ?line case Version of old -> [_,_] = lists:usort(R1); current -> [undefined, undefined, undefined] = R1 end, ct:sleep(3000), ?line check_everywhere(Nodes, Name, Config), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, stop_tracer, []) end, Nodes), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), exit(LL, kill), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. long_lock(Parent) -> global:trans({?GLOBAL_LOCK,self()}, fun() -> Parent ! long_lock_taken, timer:sleep(3000) end). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Testing the support for external nodes (cnodes) %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- external_nodes(suite) -> []; external_nodes(doc) -> ["OTP-5563. External nodes (cnodes)."]; external_nodes(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 30, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), ?line [NodeB, NodeC] = start_nodes([b, c], peer, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), %% Nodes = ?NODES, %% lists:foreach(fun(N) -> rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, start_tracer, []) end, %% Nodes), Name = name, %% Two partitions: [test_server] and [b, c]. %% c registers an external name on b ?line rpc_cast(NodeB, ?MODULE, part_ext, [Config, node(), NodeC, Name]), ?line ?UNTIL(is_ready_partition(Config)), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(NodeB), ?line ?UNTIL([NodeB, NodeC] =:= lists:sort(nodes())), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), ?line Cpid = rpc:call(NodeC, erlang, whereis, [Name]), ExternalName = [{name,Cpid,NodeB}], ?line ExternalName = get_ext_names(), ?line ExternalName = rpc:call(NodeB, gen_server, call, [global_name_server, get_names_ext]), ?line ExternalName = rpc:call(NodeC, gen_server, call, [global_name_server, get_names_ext]), ?line [_] = cnode_links(Cpid), ?line [_,_,_] = cnode_monitored_by(Cpid), ?line no = global:register_name(Name, self()), ?line yes = global:re_register_name(Name, self()), ?line ?UNTIL([] =:= cnode_monitored_by(Cpid)), ?line ?UNTIL([] =:= cnode_links(Cpid)), ?line [] = gen_server:call(global_name_server, get_names_ext, infinity), ?line Cpid ! {register, self(), Name}, ?line receive {Cpid, Reply1} -> no = Reply1 end, ?line _ = global:unregister_name(Name), ct:sleep(1000), ?line Cpid ! {register, self(), Name}, ?line ?UNTIL(length(get_ext_names()) =:= 1), ?line receive {Cpid, Reply2} -> yes = Reply2 end, ?line Cpid ! {unregister, self(), Name}, ?line ?UNTIL(length(get_ext_names()) =:= 0), ?line receive {Cpid, Reply3} -> ok = Reply3 end, Cpid ! die, ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), ?line [] = get_ext_names(), ?line [] = rpc:call(NodeB, gen_server, call, [global_name_server, get_names_ext]), ?line [] = rpc:call(NodeC, gen_server, call, [global_name_server, get_names_ext]), ?line Cpid2 = erlang:spawn(NodeC, fun() -> cnode_proc(NodeB) end), ?line Cpid2 ! {register, self(), Name}, ?line receive {Cpid2, Reply4} -> yes = Reply4 end, %% It could be a bug that Cpid2 is linked to 'global_name_server' %% at node 'b'. The effect: Cpid2 dies when node 'b' crashes. stop_node(NodeB), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), ?line [] = get_ext_names(), ?line [] = rpc:call(NodeC, gen_server, call, [global_name_server, get_names_ext]), %% ?line {_, Trace} = collect_tracers(Nodes), %% lists:foreach(fun(M) -> erlang:display(M) end, Trace), ThisNode = node(), ?line Cpid3 = erlang:spawn(NodeC, fun() -> cnode_proc(ThisNode) end), ?line Cpid3 ! {register, self(), Name}, ?line receive {Cpid3, Reply5} -> yes = Reply5 end, ?line ?UNTIL(length(get_ext_names()) =:= 1), stop_node(NodeC), ?line ?UNTIL(length(get_ext_names()) =:= 0), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. get_ext_names() -> gen_server:call(global_name_server, get_names_ext, infinity). %% Runs at B part_ext(Config, Main, C, Name) -> make_partition(Config, [Main], [node(), C]), ThisNode = node(), Pid = erlang:spawn(C, fun() -> cnode_proc(ThisNode) end), Pid ! {register, self(), Name}, receive {Pid, Reply} -> yes = Reply end, rpc:call(C, erlang, register, [Name, Pid]). cnode_links(Pid) -> Pid ! {links, self()}, receive {links, Links} -> Links end. cnode_monitored_by(Pid) -> Pid ! {monitored_by, self()}, receive {monitored_by, MonitoredBy} -> MonitoredBy end. cnode_proc(E) -> receive {register, From, Name} -> Rep = rpc:call(E, global, register_name_external, [Name, self()]), From ! {self(), Rep}; {unregister, From, Name} -> _ = rpc:call(E, global, unregister_name_external, [Name]), From ! {self(), ok}; {links, From} -> From ! process_info(self(), links); {monitored_by, From} -> From ! process_info(self(), monitored_by); die -> exit(normal) end, cnode_proc(E). many_nodes(suite) -> []; many_nodes(doc) -> ["OTP-5770. Start many nodes. Make them connect at the same time."]; many_nodes(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 240, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), {Rels, N_cps} = case ?t:os_type() of {unix, Osname} when Osname =:= linux; Osname =:= openbsd; Osname =:= darwin -> N_nodes = quite_a_few_nodes(32), {node_rel(1, N_nodes, this), N_nodes}; {unix, _} -> {node_rel(1, 32, this), 32}; _ -> {node_rel(1, 32, this), 32} end, ?line Cps = [begin {ok, Cp} = start_node_rel(Name, Rel, Config), Cp end || {Name,Rel} <- Rels], Nodes = lists:sort(?NODES), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Nodes, Config), Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), GoFile = filename:join([Dir, "go.txt"]), file:delete(GoFile), CpsFiles = [{N, filename:join([Dir, atom_to_list(N)++".node"])} || N <- Cps], IsoFun = fun({N, File}) -> file:delete(File), rpc_cast(N, ?MODULE, isolated_node, [File, GoFile, Cps, Config]) end, ?line lists:foreach(IsoFun, CpsFiles), ?line all_nodes_files(CpsFiles, "isolated", Config), ?line Time = msec(), ?line sync_until(), erlang:display(ready_to_go), ?line touch(GoFile, "go"), ?line all_nodes_files(CpsFiles, "done", Config), ?line Time2 = msec(), ?line lists:foreach(fun(N) -> pong = net_adm:ping(N) end, Cps), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), write_high_level_trace(Config), % The test succeeded, but was it slow? ?line lists:foreach(fun({_N, File}) -> file:delete(File) end, CpsFiles), ?line file:delete(GoFile), ?line ?UNTIL(OrigNames =:= global:registered_names()), write_high_level_trace(Config), ?line stop_nodes(Cps), ?line init_condition(Config), Diff = Time2 - Time, Return = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w nodes took ~w ms", [N_cps, Diff])), erlang:display({{nodes,N_cps},{time,Diff}}), ?t:format("~s~n", [Return]), {comment, Return}. node_rel(From, To, Rel) -> [{lists:concat([cp, N]), Rel} || N <- lists:seq(From, To)]. isolated_node(File, GoFile, Nodes, Config) -> Ns = lists:sort(Nodes), exit(erlang:whereis(user), kill), touch(File, "start_isolated"), NodesList = nodes(), append_to_file(File, [{nodes,Nodes},{nodes_list,NodesList}]), Replies = lists:map(fun(N) -> _ = erlang:disconnect_node(N) end, NodesList), append_to_file(File, {replies,Replies}), ?UNTIL(begin Known = get_known(node()), append_to_file(File, {known,Known}), Known =:= [node()] end), touch(File, "isolated"), sync_until(File), file_contents(GoFile, "go", Config, File), touch(File, "got_go"), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> _ = net_adm:ping(N) end, shuffle(Nodes)), touch(File, "pinged"), ?line ?UNTIL((Ns -- get_known(node())) =:= []), touch(File, "done"). touch(File, List) -> ok = file:write_file(File, list_to_binary(List)). append_to_file(File, Term) -> {ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [raw,binary,append]), ok = file:write(Fd, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [Term])), ok = file:close(Fd). all_nodes_files(CpsFiles, ContentsList, Config) -> lists:all(fun({_N,File}) -> file_contents(File, ContentsList, Config) end, CpsFiles). file_contents(File, ContentsList, Config) -> file_contents(File, ContentsList, Config, no_log_file). file_contents(File, ContentsList, Config, LogFile) -> Contents = list_to_binary(ContentsList), Sz = size(Contents), ?UNTIL(begin case file:read_file(File) of {ok, FileContents}=Reply -> case catch split_binary(FileContents, Sz) of {Contents,_} -> true; _ -> catch append_to_file(LogFile, {File,Contents,Reply}), false end; Reply -> catch append_to_file(LogFile, {File, Contents, Reply}), false end end). sync_until() -> sync_until(no_log_file). sync_until(LogFile) -> Time = ?UNTIL_LOOP - (msec(now()) rem ?UNTIL_LOOP), catch append_to_file(LogFile, {sync_until, Time}), timer:sleep(Time). shuffle(L) -> [E || {_, E} <- lists:keysort(1, [{rand:uniform(), E} || E <- L])]. sync_0(suite) -> []; sync_0(doc) -> ["OTP-5770. sync/0."]; sync_0(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 180, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), N_cps = case ?t:os_type() of {unix, Osname} when Osname =:= linux; Osname =:= openbsd; Osname =:= darwin -> quite_a_few_nodes(30); {unix, sunos} -> 30; {unix, _} -> 16; _ -> 30 end, Names = [lists:concat([cp,N]) || N <- lists:seq(1, N_cps)], Cps = start_and_sync(Names), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), write_high_level_trace(Config), stop_nodes(Cps), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. start_and_sync([]) -> []; start_and_sync([Name | Names]) -> ?line {ok, N} = start_node(Name, slave, []), ?line {Time, _Void} = rpc:call(N, timer, tc, [global, sync, []]), ?t:format("~p: ~p~n", [Name, Time]), [N | start_and_sync(Names)]. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Testing of change of global_groups parameter. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- global_groups_change(suite) -> []; global_groups_change(doc) -> ["Test change of global_groups parameter."]; global_groups_change(Config) -> Timeout = 90, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line M = from($@, atom_to_list(node())), % Create the .app files and the boot script ?line {KernelVer, StdlibVer} = create_script_dc("dc"), ?line case is_real_system(KernelVer, StdlibVer) of true -> Options = []; false -> Options = [local] end, ?line ok = systools:make_script("dc", Options), [Ncp1,Ncp2,Ncp3,Ncp4,Ncp5,NcpA,NcpB,NcpC,NcpD,NcpE] = node_names([cp1,cp2,cp3,cp4,cp5,cpA,cpB,cpC,cpD,cpE], Config), % Write config files Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Config), ?line {ok, Fd_dc} = file:open(filename:join(Dir, "sys.config"), [write]), ?line config_dc1(Fd_dc, Ncp1, Ncp2, Ncp3, NcpA, NcpB, NcpC, NcpD, NcpE), ?line file:close(Fd_dc), ?line Config1 = filename:join(Dir, "sys"), % Test [cp1, cp2, cp3] ?line {ok, Cp1} = start_node_boot(Ncp1, Config1, dc), ?line {ok, Cp2} = start_node_boot(Ncp2, Config1, dc), ?line {ok, Cp3} = start_node_boot(Ncp3, Config1, dc), ?line {ok, CpA} = start_node_boot(NcpA, Config1, dc), ?line {ok, CpB} = start_node_boot(NcpB, Config1, dc), ?line {ok, CpC} = start_node_boot(NcpC, Config1, dc), ?line {ok, CpD} = start_node_boot(NcpD, Config1, dc), ?line {ok, CpE} = start_node_boot(NcpE, Config1, dc), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp1, net_adm, ping, [Cp2]), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp1, net_adm, ping, [Cp3]), ?line pang = rpc:call(Cp1, net_adm, ping, [list_to_atom(lists:concat(["cp5@", M]))]), ?line pong = rpc:call(Cp2, net_adm, ping, [Cp3]), ?line pang = rpc:call(Cp2, net_adm, ping, [list_to_atom(lists:concat(["cp5@", M]))]), ?line {TestGG4, yes} = rpc:call(CpB, ?MODULE, start_proc, [test]), ?line {TestGG5, yes} = rpc:call(CpE, ?MODULE, start_proc, [test]), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpA, net_adm, ping, [CpC]), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpC, net_adm, ping, [CpB]), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpD, net_adm, ping, [CpC]), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpE, net_adm, ping, [CpD]), ?line ?UNTIL(begin TestGG4_1 = rpc:call(CpA, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG4_2 = rpc:call(CpB, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG4_3 = rpc:call(CpC, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG5_1 = rpc:call(CpD, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG5_2 = rpc:call(CpE, global, whereis_name, [test]), io:format("~p~n", [[TestGG4, TestGG4_1, TestGG4_2,TestGG4_3]]), io:format("~p~n", [[TestGG5, TestGG5_1, TestGG5_2]]), (TestGG4_1 =:= TestGG4) and (TestGG4_2 =:= TestGG4) and (TestGG4_3 =:= TestGG4) and (TestGG5_1 =:= TestGG5) and (TestGG5_2 =:= TestGG5) end), ?line ?t:format( "#### nodes() ~p~n",[nodes()]), ?line XDcWa1 = rpc:call(Cp1, global_group, info, []), ?line XDcWa2 = rpc:call(Cp2, global_group, info, []), ?line XDcWa3 = rpc:call(Cp3, global_group, info, []), ?line ?t:format( "#### XDcWa1 ~p~n",[XDcWa1]), ?line ?t:format( "#### XDcWa2 ~p~n",[XDcWa2]), ?line ?t:format( "#### XDcWa3 ~p~n",[XDcWa3]), ?line stop_node(CpC), %% Read the current configuration parameters, and change them ?line OldEnv = rpc:call(Cp1, application_controller, prep_config_change, []), ?line {value, {kernel, OldKernel}} = lists:keysearch(kernel, 1, OldEnv), ?line GG1 = lists:sort([mk_node(Ncp1, M), mk_node(Ncp2, M), mk_node(Ncp5, M)]), ?line GG2 = lists:sort([mk_node(Ncp3, M)]), ?line GG3 = lists:sort([mk_node(Ncp4, M)]), ?line GG4 = lists:sort([mk_node(NcpA, M), mk_node(NcpB, M)]), ?line GG5 = lists:sort([mk_node(NcpC, M), mk_node(NcpD, M), mk_node(NcpE, M)]), ?line NewNG = {global_groups,[{gg1, normal, GG1}, {gg2, normal, GG2}, {gg3, normal, GG3}, {gg4, normal, GG4}, {gg5, hidden, GG5}]}, ?line NewKernel = [{kernel, lists:keyreplace(global_groups, 1, OldKernel, NewNG)}], ?line ok = rpc:call(Cp1, application_controller, test_change_apps, [[kernel], [NewKernel]]), ?line ok = rpc:call(Cp2, application_controller, test_change_apps, [[kernel], [NewKernel]]), ?line ok = rpc:call(Cp3, application_controller, test_change_apps, [[kernel], [NewKernel]]), ?line ok = rpc:call(CpA, application_controller, test_change_apps, [[kernel], [NewKernel]]), ?line ok = rpc:call(CpB, application_controller, test_change_apps, [[kernel], [NewKernel]]), ?line ok = rpc:call(CpD, application_controller, test_change_apps, [[kernel], [NewKernel]]), ?line ok = rpc:call(CpE, application_controller, test_change_apps, [[kernel], [NewKernel]]), ?line ?t:format("#### ~p~n",[multicall]), ?line ?t:format( "#### ~p~n",[multicall]), %% no idea to check the result from the rpc because the other %% nodes will disconnect test server, and thus the result will %% always be {badrpc, nodedown} ?line rpc:multicall([Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, CpA, CpB, CpD, CpE], application_controller, config_change, [OldEnv]), ?line {ok, Fd_dc2} = file:open(filename:join(Dir, "sys2.config"), [write]), ?line config_dc2(Fd_dc2, NewNG, Ncp1, Ncp2, Ncp3), ?line file:close(Fd_dc2), ?line Config2 = filename:join(Dir, "sys2"), ?line {ok, CpC} = start_node_boot(NcpC, Config2, dc), ?line sync_and_wait(CpA), ?line sync_and_wait(CpD), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpA, net_adm, ping, [CpC]), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpC, net_adm, ping, [CpB]), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpD, net_adm, ping, [CpC]), ?line pong = rpc:call(CpE, net_adm, ping, [CpD]), ?line GG5 = lists:sort([mk_node(NcpC, M)|rpc:call(CpC, erlang, nodes, [])]), ?line GG5 = lists:sort([mk_node(NcpD, M)|rpc:call(CpD, erlang, nodes, [])]), ?line GG5 = lists:sort([mk_node(NcpE, M)|rpc:call(CpE, erlang, nodes, [])]), ?line false = lists:member(mk_node(NcpC, M), rpc:call(CpA, erlang, nodes, [])), ?line false = lists:member(mk_node(NcpC, M), rpc:call(CpB, erlang, nodes, [])), ?line ?UNTIL(begin TestGG4a = rpc:call(CpA, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG4b = rpc:call(CpB, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG5c = rpc:call(CpC, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG5d = rpc:call(CpD, global, whereis_name, [test]), TestGG5e = rpc:call(CpE, global, whereis_name, [test]), io:format("~p~n", [[TestGG4, TestGG4a, TestGG4b]]), io:format("~p~n", [[TestGG5, TestGG5c, TestGG5d, TestGG5e]]), (TestGG4 =:= TestGG4a) and (TestGG4 =:= TestGG4b) and (TestGG5 =:= TestGG5c) and (TestGG5 =:= TestGG5d) and (TestGG5 =:= TestGG5e) end), ?line Info1 = rpc:call(Cp1, global_group, info, []), ?line Info2 = rpc:call(Cp2, global_group, info, []), ?line Info3 = rpc:call(Cp3, global_group, info, []), ?line InfoA = rpc:call(CpA, global_group, info, []), ?line InfoB = rpc:call(CpB, global_group, info, []), ?line InfoC = rpc:call(CpC, global_group, info, []), ?line InfoD = rpc:call(CpD, global_group, info, []), ?line InfoE = rpc:call(CpE, global_group, info, []), ?line ?t:format( "#### Info1 ~p~n",[Info1]), ?line ?t:format( "#### Info2 ~p~n",[Info2]), ?line ?t:format( "#### Info3 ~p~n",[Info3]), ?line ?t:format( "#### InfoA ~p~n",[InfoA]), ?line ?t:format( "#### InfoB ~p~n",[InfoB]), ?line ?t:format( "#### InfoC ~p~n",[InfoC]), ?line ?t:format( "#### InfoD ~p~n",[InfoD]), ?line ?t:format( "#### InfoE ~p~n",[InfoE]), ?line {global_groups, GGNodes} = NewNG, ?line Info1ok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg1}, {own_group_nodes, GG1}, {synced_nodes, [mk_node(Ncp2, M)]}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, [mk_node(Ncp5, M)]}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg1, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line Info2ok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg1}, {own_group_nodes, GG1}, {synced_nodes, [mk_node(Ncp1, M)]}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, [mk_node(Ncp5, M)]}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg1, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line Info3ok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg2}, {own_group_nodes, GG2}, {synced_nodes, []}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, []}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg2, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line InfoAok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg4}, {own_group_nodes, GG4}, {synced_nodes, lists:delete(mk_node(NcpA, M), GG4)}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, []}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg4, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line InfoBok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg4}, {own_group_nodes, GG4}, {synced_nodes, lists:delete(mk_node(NcpB, M), GG4)}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, []}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg4, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line InfoCok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg5}, {own_group_nodes, GG5}, {synced_nodes, lists:delete(mk_node(NcpC, M), GG5)}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, []}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg5, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line InfoDok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg5}, {own_group_nodes, GG5}, {synced_nodes, lists:delete(mk_node(NcpD, M), GG5)}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, []}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg5, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line InfoEok = [{state, synced}, {own_group_name, gg5}, {own_group_nodes, GG5}, {synced_nodes, lists:delete(mk_node(NcpE, M), GG5)}, {sync_error, []}, {no_contact, []}, {other_groups, remove_gg_pub_type(lists:keydelete (gg5, 1, GGNodes))}, {monitoring, []}], ?line case Info1 of Info1ok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", Cp1}, {Info1, Info1ok}}) end, ?line case Info2 of Info2ok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", Cp2}, {Info2, Info2ok}}) end, ?line case Info3 of Info3ok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", Cp3}, {Info3, Info3ok}}) end, ?line case InfoA of InfoAok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", CpA}, {InfoA, InfoAok}}) end, ?line case InfoB of InfoBok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", CpB}, {InfoB, InfoBok}}) end, ?line case InfoC of InfoCok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", CpC}, {InfoC, InfoCok}}) end, ?line case InfoD of InfoDok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", CpD}, {InfoD, InfoDok}}) end, ?line case InfoE of InfoEok -> ok; _ -> ct:fail({{"could not change the global groups" " in node", CpE}, {InfoE, InfoEok}}) end, write_high_level_trace(Config), % no good since CpC was restarted stop_node(Cp1), stop_node(Cp2), stop_node(Cp3), stop_node(CpA), stop_node(CpB), stop_node(CpC), stop_node(CpD), stop_node(CpE), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. sync_and_wait(Node) -> Ref = make_ref(), Self = self(), spawn(Node, fun () -> global_group:sync(), case whereis(global_group_check) of P when is_pid(P) -> Self ! {Ref, P}; _ -> Self ! {Ref, done} end end), receive {Ref, P} when is_pid(P) -> MonRef = erlang:monitor(process, P), receive {'DOWN',MonRef,process,P,_} -> ok end; {Ref, _} -> ok end. %%% Copied from init_SUITE.erl. is_real_system(KernelVsn, StdlibVsn) -> LibDir = code:lib_dir(), filelib:is_dir(filename:join(LibDir, "kernel-" ++ KernelVsn)) andalso filelib:is_dir(filename:join(LibDir, "stdlib-" ++ StdlibVsn)). create_script_dc(ScriptName) -> ?line Name = filename:join(".", ScriptName), ?line Apps = application_controller:which_applications(), ?line {value,{_,_,KernelVer}} = lists:keysearch(kernel,1,Apps), ?line {value,{_,_,StdlibVer}} = lists:keysearch(stdlib,1,Apps), ?line {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name ++ ".rel", [write]), ?line {_, Version} = init:script_id(), ?line io:format(Fd, "{release, {\"Test release 3\", \"~s\"}, \n" " {erts, \"4.4\"}, \n" " [{kernel, \"~s\"}, {stdlib, \"~s\"}]}.\n", [Version, KernelVer, StdlibVer]), ?line file:close(Fd), {KernelVer, StdlibVer}. %% Not used? config_dc(Fd, Ncp1, Ncp2, Ncp3) -> M = from($@, atom_to_list(node())), io:format(Fd, "[{kernel, [{sync_nodes_optional, ['~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s']}," "{sync_nodes_timeout, 1000}," "{global_groups, [{gg1, ['~s@~s', '~s@~s']}," " {gg2, ['~s@~s']}]}" " ]}].~n", [Ncp1, M, Ncp2, M, Ncp3, M, Ncp1, M, Ncp2, M, Ncp3, M]). config_dc1(Fd, Ncp1, Ncp2, Ncp3, NcpA, NcpB, NcpC, NcpD, NcpE) -> M = from($@, atom_to_list(node())), io:format(Fd, "[{kernel, [{sync_nodes_optional, ['~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s']}," "{sync_nodes_timeout, 1000}," "{global_groups, [{gg1, ['~s@~s', '~s@~s']}," " {gg2, ['~s@~s']}," " {gg4, normal, ['~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s']}," " {gg5, hidden, ['~s@~s','~s@~s']}]}]}].~n", [Ncp1, M, Ncp2, M, Ncp3, M, NcpA, M, NcpB, M, NcpC, M, NcpD, M, NcpE, M, Ncp1, M, Ncp2, M, Ncp3, M, NcpA, M, NcpB, M, NcpC, M, NcpD, M, NcpE, M]). config_dc2(Fd, NewGG, Ncp1, Ncp2, Ncp3) -> M = from($@, atom_to_list(node())), io:format(Fd, "[{kernel, [{sync_nodes_optional, ['~s@~s','~s@~s','~s@~s']}," "{sync_nodes_timeout, 1000}," "~p]}].~n", [Ncp1, M, Ncp2, M, Ncp3, M, NewGG]). from(H, [H | T]) -> T; from(H, [_ | T]) -> from(H, T); from(_H, []) -> []. other(A, [A, _B]) -> A; other(_, [_A, B]) -> B. %% this one runs at cp2 part1(Config, Main, Cp1, Cp3) -> case catch begin make_partition(Config, [Main, Cp1], [node(), Cp3]), ?line {_Pid, yes} = start_proc(test2), ?line {_Pid2, yes} = start_proc(test4) end of {_, yes} -> ok; % w("ok", []); {'EXIT', _R} -> ok % w("global_SUITE line:~w: ~p", [?LINE, _R]) end. %% Runs at Cp2 part1_5(Config, Main, Cp1, Cp3) -> case catch begin make_partition(Config, [Main, Cp1], [node(), Cp3]), ?line {_Pid1, yes} = start_proc_basic(name12), ?line {_Pid2, yes} = rpc:call(Cp3, ?MODULE, start_proc_basic, [name03]) end of {_, yes} -> ok; % w("ok", []); {'EXIT', _R} -> ok % w("global_SUITE line:~w: ~p", [?LINE, _R]) end. w(X,Y) -> {ok, F} = file:open("cp2.log", [write]), io:format(F, X, Y), file:close(F). %% this one runs on one node in Part2 %% The partition is ready when is_ready_partition(Config) returns (true). make_partition(Config, Part1, Part2) -> Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), Ns = [begin Name = lists:concat([atom_to_list(N),"_",msec(),".part"]), File = filename:join([Dir, Name]), file:delete(File), rpc_cast(N, ?MODULE, mk_part_node, [File, Part, Config], File), {N, File} end || Part <- [Part1, Part2], N <- Part], all_nodes_files(Ns, "done", Config), lists:foreach(fun({_N,File}) -> file:delete(File) end, Ns), PartFile = make_partition_file(Config), touch(PartFile, "done"). %% The node signals its success by touching a file. mk_part_node(File, MyPart0, Config) -> touch(File, "start"), % debug MyPart = lists:sort(MyPart0), ?UNTIL(is_node_in_part(File, MyPart)), touch(File, "done"). %% The calls to append_to_file are for debugging. is_node_in_part(File, MyPart) -> lists:foreach(fun(N) -> _ = erlang:disconnect_node(N) end, nodes() -- MyPart), case {(Known = get_known(node())) =:= MyPart, (Nodes = lists:sort([node() | nodes()])) =:= MyPart} of {true, true} -> %% Make sure the resolvers have been terminated, %% otherwise they may pop up and send some message. %% (This check is probably unnecessary.) case element(5, global:info()) of [] -> true; Rs -> erlang:display({is_node_in_part, resolvers, Rs}), trace_message({node(), is_node_in_part, Rs}), append_to_file(File, {now(), Known, Nodes, Rs}), false end; _ -> append_to_file(File, {now(), Known, Nodes}), false end. is_ready_partition(Config) -> File = make_partition_file(Config), file_contents(File, "done", Config), file:delete(File), true. make_partition_file(Config) -> Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), filename:join([Dir, atom_to_list(make_partition_done)]). %% this one runs at cp3 part2(Config, Parent, Main, Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6) -> make_partition(Config, [Main, Cp0, Cp1, Cp2], [Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6]), start_procs(Parent, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6, Config). part3(Config, Parent, Main, Cp0, Cp1, Cp2, Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6) -> make_partition(Config, [Main, Cp0, Cp1, Cp2], [Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6]), start_procs(Parent, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6, Config), % Make Cp6 alone ?line rpc_cast(Cp5, ?MODULE, crash, [12000]), ?line rpc_cast(Cp6, ?MODULE, alone, [Cp0, Cp3]). start_procs(Parent, N1, N2, N3, Config) -> S1 = lists:sort([N1, N2, N3]), ?line ?UNTIL(begin NN = lists:sort(nodes()), S1 =:= NN end), ?line Pid3 = start_proc3(test1), ?line Pid4 = rpc:call(N1, ?MODULE, start_proc3, [test2]), ?line assert_pid(Pid4), ?line Pid5 = rpc:call(N2, ?MODULE, start_proc3, [test3]), ?line assert_pid(Pid5), ?line Pid6 = rpc:call(N3, ?MODULE, start_proc3, [test4]), ?line assert_pid(Pid6), ?line yes = global:register_name(test1, Pid3), ?line yes = global:register_name(test2, Pid4, {global, notify_all_name}), ?line yes = global:register_name(test3, Pid5, {global, random_notify_name}), Resolve = fun(Name, Pid1, Pid2) -> Parent ! {resolve_called, Name, node()}, {Min, Max} = minmax(Pid1, Pid2), exit(Min, kill), Max end, ?line yes = global:register_name(test4, Pid6, Resolve). collect_resolves() -> cr(0). cr(Res) -> receive {resolve_called, Name, Node} -> io:format("resolve called: ~w ~w~n", [Name, Node]), cr(Res+1) after 0 -> Res end. minmax(P1,P2) -> if node(P1) < node(P2) -> {P1, P2}; true -> {P2, P1} end. fix_basic_name(name03, Pid1, Pid2) -> case atom_to_list(node(Pid1)) of [$c, $p, $3|_] -> exit(Pid2, kill), Pid1; _ -> exit(Pid1, kill), Pid2 end; fix_basic_name(name12, Pid1, Pid2) -> case atom_to_list(node(Pid1)) of [$c, $p, $2|_] -> exit(Pid2, kill), Pid1; _ -> exit(Pid1, kill), Pid2 end. start_proc() -> Pid = spawn(?MODULE, p_init, [self()]), receive Pid -> Pid end. start_proc(Name) -> Pid = spawn(?MODULE, p_init, [self(), Name]), receive {Pid, Res} -> {Pid, Res} end. start_proc2(Name) -> Pid = spawn(?MODULE, p_init2, [self(), Name]), receive Pid -> Pid end. start_proc3(Name) -> Pid = spawn(?MODULE, p_init, [self()]), register(Name, Pid), receive Pid -> Pid end. start_proc4(Name) -> Pid = spawn(?MODULE, p_init, [self()]), yes = global:register_name(Name, Pid), receive Pid -> Pid end. start_proc_basic(Name) -> Pid = spawn(?MODULE, init_proc_basic, [self(), Name]), receive {Pid, Res} -> {Pid, Res} end. init_proc_basic(Parent, Name) -> X = global:register_name(Name, self(), {?MODULE, fix_basic_name}), Parent ! {self(),X}, loop(). single_node(Time, Node, Config) -> exit(erlang:whereis(user), kill), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> _ = erlang:disconnect_node(N) end, nodes()), ?UNTIL(get_known(node()) =:= [node()]), spawn(?MODULE, init_2, []), ct:sleep(Time - msec()), net_adm:ping(Node). init_2() -> register(single_name, self()), yes = global:register_name(single_name, self()), loop_2(). loop_2() -> receive die -> ok end. msec() -> msec(now()). msec(T) -> element(1,T)*1000000000 + element(2,T)*1000 + element(3,T) div 1000. assert_pid(Pid) -> if is_pid(Pid) -> true; true -> exit({not_a_pid, Pid}) end. check_same([H|T]) -> check_same(T, H). check_same([H|T], H) -> check_same(T, H); check_same([], _H) -> ok. check_same_p([H|T]) -> check_same_p(T, H). check_same_p([H|T], H) -> check_same_p(T, H); check_same_p([], _H) -> true; check_same_p(_, _) -> false. p_init(Parent) -> Parent ! self(), loop(). p_init(Parent, Name) -> X = global:register_name(Name, self()), Parent ! {self(),X}, loop(). p_init2(Parent, Name) -> _ = global:re_register_name(Name, self()), Parent ! self(), loop(). req(Pid, Msg) -> Pid ! Msg, receive X -> X end. sreq(Pid, Msg) -> Ref = make_ref(), Pid ! {Msg, Ref}, receive {Ref, X} -> X end. alone(N1, N2) -> lists:foreach(fun(Node) -> true = erlang:disconnect_node(Node) end, nodes()), ct:sleep(12000), net_adm:ping(N1), net_adm:ping(N2), yes = global:register_name(test5, self()). crash(Time) -> %% ct:sleep/1 will not work because it calls a server process %% that does not run on other nodes. timer:sleep(Time), erlang:halt(). loop() -> receive {ping, From} -> From ! {pong, node()}, loop(); {del_lock, Id} -> global:del_lock({Id, self()}), loop(); {del_lock_sync, Id, From} -> global:del_lock({Id, self()}), From ! true, loop(); {del_lock, Id, Nodes} -> global:del_lock({Id, self()}, Nodes), loop(); {del_lock2, Id, From} -> global:del_lock(Id), From ! true, loop(); {del_lock2, Id, From, Nodes} -> global:del_lock(Id, Nodes), From ! true, loop(); {set_lock, Id, From} -> Res = global:set_lock({Id, self()}, ?NODES, 1), From ! Res, loop(); {set_lock, Id, From, Nodes} -> Res = global:set_lock({Id, self()}, Nodes, 1), From ! Res, loop(); {set_lock_loop, Id, From} -> true = global:set_lock({Id, self()}, ?NODES), From ! {got_lock, self()}, loop(); {set_lock2, Id, From} -> Res = global:set_lock(Id, ?NODES, 1), From ! Res, loop(); {{got_notify, From}, Ref} -> receive X when element(1, X) =:= global_name_conflict -> From ! {Ref, yes} after 0 -> From ! {Ref, no} end, loop(); die -> exit(normal); drop_dead -> exit(drop_dead) end. -ifdef(unused). pr_diff(Str, T0, T1) -> Diff = begin {_, {H,M,S}} = calendar:time_difference(T0, T1), ((H*60+M)*60)+S end, test_server:format(1,"~13s: ~w (diff: ~w)",[Str, T1, Diff]), if Diff > 100 -> test_server:format(1,"~s: ** LARGE DIFF ~w~n", [Str, Diff]); true -> ok end. -endif. now_diff({A1,B1,C1},{A2,B2,C2}) -> C1-C2 + 1000000*((B1-B2) + 1000000*(A1-A2)). start_node_boot(Name, Config, Boot) -> Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), Res = test_server:start_node(Name, peer, [{args, " -pa " ++ Pa ++ " -config " ++ Config ++ " -boot " ++ atom_to_list(Boot)}]), record_started_node(Res). %% Increase the timeout for when an upcoming connection is teared down %% again (default is 7 seconds, and can be exceeded by some tests). %% The default remains in effect for the test_server node itself, though. start_node(Name, Config) -> start_node(Name, slave, Config). start_hidden_node(Name, Config) -> start_node(Name, slave, "-hidden", Config). start_non_connecting_node(Name, Config) -> start_node(Name, slave, "-connect_all false +W i", Config). start_peer_node(Name, Config) -> start_node(Name, peer, Config). start_node(Name, How, Config) -> start_node(Name, How, "", Config). start_node(Name0, How, Args, Config) -> Name = node_name(Name0, Config), Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), R = test_server:start_node(Name, How, [{args, Args ++ " " ++ "-kernel net_setuptime 100 " % "-noshell " "-pa " ++ Pa}, {linked, false} ]), %% {linked,false} only seems to work for slave nodes. % ct:sleep(1000), record_started_node(R). start_node_rel(Name0, Rel, Config) -> Name = node_name(Name0, Config), {Release, Compat} = case Rel of this -> {[this], ""}; Rel when is_atom(Rel) -> {[{release, atom_to_list(Rel)}], ""}; RelList -> {RelList, ""} end, Env = [], Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), Res = test_server:start_node(Name, peer, [{args, Compat ++ " -kernel net_setuptime 100 " " -pa " ++ Pa}, {erl, Release}] ++ Env), record_started_node(Res). record_started_node({ok, Node}) -> case erase(?nodes_tag) of undefined -> ok; Nodes -> put(?nodes_tag, [Node | Nodes]) end, {ok, Node}; record_started_node(R) -> R. node_names(Names, Config) -> [node_name(Name, Config) || Name <- Names]. %% simple_resolve assumes that the node name comes first. node_name(Name, Config) -> U = "_", {{Y,M,D}, {H,Min,S}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(now()), Date = io_lib:format("~4w_~2..0w_~2..0w__~2..0w_~2..0w_~2..0w", [Y,M,D, H,Min,S]), L = lists:flatten(Date), lists:concat([Name,U,?testcase,U,U,L]). stop_nodes(Nodes) -> lists:foreach(fun(Node) -> stop_node(Node) end, Nodes). stop_node(Node) -> ?line ?t:stop_node(Node). stop() -> lists:foreach(fun(Node) -> ?t:stop_node(Node) end, nodes()). dbg_logs(Name) -> dbg_logs(Name, ?NODES). dbg_logs(Name, Nodes) -> lists:foreach(fun(N) -> F = lists:concat([Name, ".log.", N, ".txt"]), ?line ok = sys:log_to_file({global_name_server, N}, F) end, Nodes). global_lost_nodes(suite) -> []; global_lost_nodes(doc) -> ["Tests that locally loaded nodes do not loose contact with other nodes."]; global_lost_nodes(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 60, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line {ok, Node1} = start_node(node1, Config), ?line {ok, Node2} = start_node(node2, Config), ?line wait_for_ready_net(Config), ?line io:format("Nodes: ~p", [nodes()]), ?line io:format("Nodes at node1: ~p", [rpc:call(Node1, erlang, nodes, [])]), ?line io:format("Nodes at node2: ~p", [rpc:call(Node2, erlang, nodes, [])]), ?line rpc_cast(Node1, ?MODULE, global_load, [node_1,Node2,node_2]), ?line rpc_cast(Node2, ?MODULE, global_load, [node_2,Node1,node_1]), lost_nodes_waiter(Node1, Node2), write_high_level_trace(Config), ?line stop_node(Node1), ?line stop_node(Node2), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. global_load(MyName, OtherNode, OtherName) -> ?line yes = global:register_name(MyName, self()), io:format("Registered ~p",[MyName]), global_load1(OtherNode, OtherName, 0). global_load1(_OtherNode, _OtherName, 2) -> io:format("*** ~p giving up. No use.", [node()]), init:stop(); global_load1(OtherNode, OtherName, Fails) -> ct:sleep(1000), ?line case catch global:whereis_name(OtherName) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> io:format("~p says: ~p is still there.", [node(),OtherName]), global_load1(OtherNode, OtherName, Fails); Other -> io:format("~p says: ~p is lost (~p) Pinging.", [ node(), OtherName, Other]), case net_adm:ping(OtherNode) of pong -> io:format("Re-established contact to ~p", [OtherName]); pang -> io:format("PANIC! Other node is DEAD.", []), init:stop() end, global_load1(OtherNode, OtherName, Fails+1) end. lost_nodes_waiter(N1, N2) -> ?line net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true), receive {nodedown, Node} when Node =:= N1 ; Node =:= N2 -> io:format("~p went down!",[Node]), ct:fail("Node went down.") after 10000 -> ok end, ok. mass_death(suite) -> []; mass_death(doc) -> ["Tests the simultaneous death of many processes with registered names"]; mass_death(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 90, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line OrigNames = global:registered_names(), %% Start nodes ?line Cps = [cp1,cp2,cp3,cp4,cp5], ?line Nodes = [begin {ok, Node} = start_node(Cp, Config), Node end || Cp <- Cps], ?line io:format("Nodes: ~p~n", [Nodes]), ?line Ns = lists:seq(1, 40), %% Start processes with globally registered names on the nodes ?line {Pids,[]} = rpc:multicall(Nodes, ?MODULE, mass_spawn, [Ns]), ?line io:format("Pids: ~p~n", [Pids]), %% Wait... ct:sleep(10000), %% Check the globally registered names ?line NewNames = global:registered_names(), ?line io:format("NewNames: ~p~n", [NewNames]), ?line Ndiff = lists:sort(NewNames--OrigNames), ?line io:format("Ndiff: ~p~n", [Ndiff]), ?line Ndiff = lists:sort(mass_names(Nodes, Ns)), %% %% Kill the root pids ?line lists:foreach(fun (Pid) -> Pid ! drop_dead end, Pids), %% Start probing and wait for all registered names to disappear {YYYY,MM,DD} = date(), {H,M,S} = time(), io:format("Started probing: ~.4.0w-~.2.0w-~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w~n", [YYYY,MM,DD,H,M,S]), wait_mass_death(Nodes, OrigNames, erlang:now(), Config). wait_mass_death(Nodes, OrigNames, Then, Config) -> ?line Names = global:registered_names(), ?line case Names--OrigNames of [] -> ?line T = now_diff(erlang:now(), Then) div 1000, ?line lists:foreach( fun (Node) -> stop_node(Node) end, Nodes), ?line init_condition(Config), {comment,lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.3f s~n", [T/1000.0]))}; Ndiff -> ?line io:format("Ndiff: ~p~n", [Ndiff]), ct:sleep(1000), ?line wait_mass_death(Nodes, OrigNames, Then, Config) end. mass_spawn([]) -> ok; mass_spawn([N|T]) -> Parent = self(), Pid = spawn_link( fun () -> Name = mass_name(node(), N), yes = global:register_name(Name, self()), mass_spawn(T), Parent ! self(), loop() end), receive Pid -> Pid end. mass_names([], _) -> []; mass_names([Node|T],Ns) -> [mass_name(Node, N) || N <- Ns] ++ mass_names(T, Ns). mass_name(Node, N) -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Node)++"_"++integer_to_list(N)). start_nodes(L, How, Config) -> start_nodes2(L, How, 0, Config), Nodes = collect_nodes(0, length(L)), ?line ?UNTIL([] =:= Nodes -- nodes()), put(?nodes_tag, Nodes), %% Pinging doesn't help, we have to wait too, for nodes() to become %% correct on the other node. lists:foreach(fun(E) -> net_adm:ping(E) end, Nodes), verify_nodes(Nodes, Config), Nodes. %% Not used? start_nodes_serially([], _, _Config) -> []; start_nodes_serially([Name | Rest], How, Config) -> {ok, R} = start_node(Name, How, Config), [R | start_nodes_serially(Rest, How, Config)]. verify_nodes(Nodes, Config) -> verify_nodes(Nodes, lists:sort([node() | Nodes]), Config). verify_nodes([], _N, _Config) -> []; verify_nodes([Node | Rest], N, Config) -> ?line ?UNTIL( case rpc:call(Node, erlang, nodes, []) of Nodes when is_list(Nodes) -> case N =:= lists:sort([Node | Nodes]) of true -> true; false -> lists:foreach(fun(Nd) -> rpc:call(Nd, net_adm, ping, [Node]) end, nodes()), false end; _ -> false end ), verify_nodes(Rest, N, Config). start_nodes2([], _How, _, _Config) -> []; start_nodes2([Name | Rest], How, N, Config) -> Self = self(), spawn(fun() -> erlang:display({starting, Name}), {ok, R} = start_node(Name, How, Config), erlang:display({started, Name, R}), Self ! {N, R}, %% sleeping is necessary, or with peer nodes, they will %% go down again, despite {linked, false}. ct:sleep(100000) end), start_nodes2(Rest, How, N+1, Config). collect_nodes(N, N) -> []; collect_nodes(N, Max) -> receive {N, Node} -> [Node | collect_nodes(N+1, Max)] end. only_element(_E, []) -> true; only_element(E, [E|R]) -> only_element(E, R); only_element(_E, _) -> false. exit_p(Pid) -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), Pid ! die, receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _Reason} -> ok end. wait_for_exit(Pid) -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _Reason} -> ok end. wait_for_exit_fast(Pid) -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _Reason} -> ok end. check_everywhere(Nodes, Name, Config) -> ?UNTIL(begin case rpc:multicall(Nodes, global, whereis_name, [Name]) of {Ns1, []} -> check_same_p(Ns1); _R -> false end end). init_condition(Config) -> io:format("globally registered names: ~p~n", [global:registered_names()]), io:format("nodes: ~p~n", [nodes()]), io:format("known: ~p~n", [get_known(node()) -- [node()]]), io:format("Info ~p~n", [setelement(11, global:info(), trace)]), _ = [io:format("~s: ~p~n", [TN, ets:tab2list(T)]) || {TN, T} <- [{"Global Names (ETS)", global_names}, {"Global Names Ext (ETS)", global_names_ext}, {"Global Locks (ETS)", global_locks}, {"Global Pid Names (ETS)", global_pid_names}, {"Global Pid Ids (ETS)", global_pid_ids}]], ?UNTIL([] =:= global:registered_names()), ?UNTIL([] =:= nodes()), ?UNTIL([node()] =:= get_known(node())), ok. mk_node(N, H) when is_list(N), is_list(H) -> list_to_atom(N ++ "@" ++ H). remove_gg_pub_type([]) -> []; remove_gg_pub_type([{GG, Nodes}|Rest]) -> [{GG, Nodes}|remove_gg_pub_type(Rest)]; remove_gg_pub_type([{GG, _, Nodes}|Rest]) -> [{GG, Nodes}|remove_gg_pub_type(Rest)]. %% Send garbage message to all processes that are linked to global. %% Better do this in a slave node. %% (The transition from links to monitors does not affect this case.) garbage_messages(suite) -> []; garbage_messages(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Timeout = 25, ct:timetrap({seconds,Timeout}), init_high_level_trace(Timeout), ?line init_condition(Config), ?line [Slave] = start_nodes([garbage_messages], slave, Config), Fun = fun() -> {links,L} = process_info(whereis(global_name_server), links), lists:foreach(fun(Pid) -> Pid ! {garbage,to,you} end, L), receive _Any -> ok end end, ?line Pid = spawn_link(Slave, erlang, apply, [Fun,[]]), ct:sleep(2000), ?line Global = rpc:call(Slave, erlang, whereis, [global_name_server]), ?line {registered_name,global_name_server} = rpc:call(Slave, erlang, process_info, [Global,registered_name]), ?line true = unlink(Pid), write_high_level_trace(Config), ?line stop_node(Slave), ?line init_condition(Config), ok. wait_for_ready_net(Config) -> wait_for_ready_net(?NODES, Config). wait_for_ready_net(Nodes0, Config) -> Nodes = lists:sort(Nodes0), ?t:format("wait_for_ready_net ~p~n", [Nodes]), ?UNTIL(begin lists:all(fun(N) -> Nodes =:= get_known(N) end, Nodes) and lists:all(fun(N) -> LNs = rpc:call(N, erlang, nodes, []), Nodes =:= lists:sort([N | LNs]) end, Nodes) end). get_known(Node) -> case catch gen_server:call({global_name_server,Node},get_known,infinity) of {'EXIT', _} -> [list, without, nodenames]; Known when is_list(Known) -> lists:sort([Node | Known]) end. quite_a_few_nodes(Max) -> N = try ulimit("ulimit -u") catch _:_ -> ulimit("ulimit -p") % can fail... end, lists:min([(N - 40) div 3, Max]). ulimit(Cmd) -> N0 = os:cmd(Cmd), N1 = lists:reverse(N0), N2 = lists:dropwhile(fun($\r) -> true; ($\n) -> true; (_) -> false end, N1), case lists:reverse(N2) of "unlimited" -> 10000; N -> list_to_integer(N) end. %% To make it less probable that some low-level problem causes %% problems, the receiving node is ping:ed. rpc_cast(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> {_,pong,Node}= {node(),net_adm:ping(Node),Node}, rpc:cast(Node, Module, Function, Args). rpc_cast(Node, Module, Function, Args, File) -> case net_adm:ping(Node) of pong -> rpc:cast(Node, Module, Function, Args); Else -> append_to_file(File, {now(), {rpc_cast, Node, Module, Function, Args, Else}}) %% Maybe we should crash, but it probably doesn't matter. end. %% The emulator now ensures that the node has been removed from %% nodes(). rpc_disconnect_node(Node, DisconnectedNode, _Config) -> True = rpc:call(Node, erlang, disconnect_node, [DisconnectedNode]), False = lists:member(DisconnectedNode, rpc:call(Node, erlang, nodes, [])), {true, false} = {True, False}. %%% %%% Utility %%% %% It is a bit awkward to collect data from different nodes. One way %% of doing is to use a named tracer process on each node. Interesting %% data is banged to the tracer and when the test is finished data is %% collected on some node by sending messages to the tracers. One %% cannot do this if the net has been set up to be less than fully %% connected. One can also prepare other modules, such as 'global', by %% inserting lines like %% trace_message({node(), {at,?LINE}, {tag, message}) %% where appropriate. start_tracer() -> Pid = spawn(fun() -> tracer([]) end), case catch register(my_tracer, Pid) of {'EXIT', _} -> ct:fail(re_register_my_tracer); _ -> ok end. tracer(L) -> receive % {save, Term} -> % tracer([{now(),Term} | L]); {get, From} -> From ! {trace, lists:reverse(L)}, tracer([]); stop -> exit(normal); Term -> tracer([{now(),Term} | L]) end. stop_tracer() -> trace_message(stop). get_trace() -> trace_message({get, self()}), receive {trace, L} -> L end. collect_tracers(Nodes) -> Traces0 = [rpc:call(N, ?MODULE, get_trace, []) || N <- Nodes], Traces = [L || L <- Traces0, is_list(L)], try begin Stamped = lists:keysort(1, lists:append(Traces)), NotStamped = [T || {_, T} <- Stamped], {Stamped, NotStamped} end catch _:_ -> {[], []} end. trace_message(M) -> case catch my_tracer ! M of {'EXIT', _} -> ct:fail(my_tracer_not_registered); _ -> ok end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% The error_logger handler used for OTP-6931. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- init(Tester) -> {ok, Tester}. handle_event({_, _GL, {_Pid,_String,[{nodeup,fake_node}=Msg]}}, Tester) -> Tester ! Msg, {ok, Tester}; handle_event(_Event, State) -> {ok, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {ok, State}. handle_call(_Query, State) -> {ok, {error, bad_query}, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> State.