%% -*- erlang -*-
%% You can test this file using this command.
%%    file:script("kernel.dynspec", [{'Os',"Unix"}]).

case Os of
    "VxWorks" ->
	FsCantHandle     = "VxWorks filesystem can't handle this",
	FsOverload       = "VxWorks filesystem would overload",
	CantHandle       = "VxWorks can't handle this",
	SlaveMisadaption = "Test not adopted to slaves on different machine",
	        "VxWorks: requires manual testing "++
	        "(requires multiple nodes (OTP-1774))"}},
	 {skip,{bif_SUITE, spawn_link_race1, "Known bug."}},
	 {skip,{erl_distribution_SUITE, "VxWorks: More vx nodes needed"}},
		"To heavy on slavenodes for VxWorks (and more)."}},
	 {skip,{global_group_SUITE, "To heavy on slavenodes for VxWorks."}},
	 {skip,{heart_SUITE, "Not for VxWorks heart, it's special"}},
	 {skip,{init_SUITE,restart,"Uses peer nodes"}},
	 {skip,{kernel_config_SUITE, "VxWorks does not support slave nodes"}},
    _ ->
end ++
try gen_sctp:open() of
    {ok,Socket} ->
    _ ->
    error:badarg ->
	[{skip,{gen_sctp_SUITE,"SCTP not supported on this machine"}}];
    _:_ ->