%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(socket_client). -export([ start/1, start_tcp/1, start_tcp/2, start_tcp6/1, start_udp/1, start_udp/2, start_udp6/1 ]). -define(LIB, socket_lib). -record(client, {socket, type, dest, msg_id = 1}). start(Port) -> start_tcp(Port). start_tcp(Port) -> start(inet, stream, tcp, Port). start_tcp6(Port) -> start(inet6, stream, tcp, Port). start_tcp(Addr, Port) when (size(Addr) =:= 4) -> start(inet, stream, tcp, Addr, Port); start_tcp(Addr, Port) when (size(Addr) =:= 8) -> start(inet6, stream, tcp, Addr, Port). start_udp(Port) -> start(inet, dgram, udp, Port). start_udp6(Port) -> start(inet6, dgram, udp, Port). start_udp(Addr, Port) when (size(Addr) =:= 4) -> start(inet, dgram, udp, Addr, Port); start_udp(Addr, Port) when (size(Addr) =:= 8) -> start(inet6, dgram, udp, Addr, Port). start(Domain, Type, Proto, Port) -> start(Domain, Type, Proto, which_addr(Domain), Port). start(Domain, Type, Proto, Addr, Port) -> put(sname, "starter"), SA = #{family => Domain, addr => Addr, port => Port}, do_start(Domain, Type, Proto, SA). do_start(Domain, stream = Type, Proto, SA) -> try do_init(Domain, Type, Proto) of Sock -> connect(Sock, SA), {ok, Name} = socket:sockname(Sock), {ok, Peer} = socket:peername(Sock), {ok, Domain} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, domain), {ok, Type} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, type), {ok, Proto} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, protocol), {ok, OOBI} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, oobinline), {ok, SndBuf} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf), {ok, RcvBuf} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf), {ok, Linger} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, linger), {ok, MTU} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, mtu), {ok, MTUDisc} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, mtu_discover), {ok, MIF} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, multicast_if), {ok, MLoop} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, multicast_loop), {ok, MTTL} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, multicast_ttl), i("connected: " "~n From: ~p" "~n To: ~p" "~nwhen" "~n (socket) Domain: ~p" "~n (socket) Type: ~p" "~n (socket) Protocol: ~p" "~n (socket) OOBInline: ~p" "~n (socket) SndBuf: ~p" "~n (socket) RcvBuf: ~p" "~n (socket) Linger: ~p" "~n (ip) MTU: ~p" "~n (ip) MTU Discovery: ~p" "~n (ip) Multicast IF: ~p" "~n (ip) Multicast Loop: ~p" "~n (ip) Multicast TTL: ~p" "~n => wait some", [Name, Peer, Domain, Type, Proto, OOBI, SndBuf, RcvBuf, Linger, MTU, MTUDisc, MIF, MLoop, MTTL]), %% Give the server some time... ?LIB:sleep(5000), %% ok = socket:close(Sock), send_loop(#client{socket = Sock, type = Type}) catch throw:E -> e("Failed initiate: " "~n Error: ~p", [E]) end; do_start(Domain, dgram = Type, Proto, SA) -> try do_init(Domain, Type, Proto) of Sock -> %% Give the server some time... {ok, Domain} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, domain), {ok, Type} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, type), {ok, Proto} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, protocol), {ok, OOBI} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, oobinline), {ok, SndBuf} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, sndbuf), {ok, RcvBuf} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, rcvbuf), {ok, Linger} = socket:getopt(Sock, socket, linger), {ok, MIF} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, multicast_if), {ok, MLoop} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, multicast_loop), {ok, MTTL} = socket:getopt(Sock, ip, multicast_ttl), i("initiated when: " "~n (socket) Domain: ~p" "~n (socket) Type: ~p" "~n (socket) Protocol: ~p" "~n (socket) OOBInline: ~p" "~n (socket) SndBuf: ~p" "~n (socket) RcvBuf: ~p" "~n (socket) Linger: ~p" "~n (ip) Multicast IF: ~p" "~n (ip) Multicast Loop: ~p" "~n (ip) Multicast TTL: ~p" "~n => wait some", [Domain, Type, Proto, OOBI, SndBuf, RcvBuf, Linger, MIF, MLoop, MTTL]), ?LIB:sleep(5000), %% ok = socket:close(Sock), send_loop(#client{socket = Sock, type = Type, dest = SA}) catch throw:E -> e("Failed initiate: " "~n Error: ~p", [E]) end. do_init(Domain, stream = Type, Proto) -> i("try (socket) open"), Sock = case socket:open(Domain, Type, Proto) of {ok, S} -> S; {error, OReason} -> throw({open, OReason}) end, i("try (socket) bind"), case socket:bind(Sock, any) of {ok, _P} -> Sock; {error, BReason} -> throw({bind, BReason}) end; do_init(Domain, dgram = Type, Proto) -> i("try (socket) open"), Sock = case socket:open(Domain, Type, Proto) of {ok, S} -> S; {error, OReason} -> throw({open, OReason}) end, case socket:bind(Sock, any) of {ok, _} -> Sock; {error, BReason} -> throw({bind, BReason}) end. which_addr(Domain) -> Iflist = case inet:getifaddrs() of {ok, IFL} -> IFL; {error, Reason} -> throw({inet,getifaddrs,Reason}) end, which_addr(Domain, Iflist). connect(Sock, SA) -> i("try (socket) connect to:" "~n ~p", [SA]), case socket:connect(Sock, SA) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> e("connect failure: " "~n ~p", [Reason]), exit({connect, Reason}) end. send_loop(#client{msg_id = N} = C) when (N =< 10) -> i("try send request ~w", [N]), Req = ?LIB:enc_req_msg(N, "hejsan"), case send(C, Req) of ok -> i("request ~w sent - now try read answer", [N]), case recv(C) of {ok, {Source, Msg}} -> i("received ~w bytes of data~s", [size(Msg), case Source of undefined -> ""; _ -> ?LIB:f(" from:~n ~p", [Source]) end]), case ?LIB:dec_msg(Msg) of {reply, N, Reply} -> i("received reply ~w: ~p", [N, Reply]), send_loop(C#client{msg_id = N+1}) end; {error, RReason} -> e("Failed recv response for request ~w: " "~n ~p", [N, RReason]), exit({failed_recv, RReason}) end; {error, SReason} -> e("Failed send request ~w: " "~n ~p", [N, SReason]), exit({failed_send, SReason}) end; send_loop(#client{socket = Sock}) -> i("we are done - close the socket when: " "~n ~p", [socket:info()]), ok = socket:close(Sock), i("we are done - socket closed when: " "~n ~p", [socket:info()]). send(#client{socket = Sock, type = stream}, Msg) -> socket:send(Sock, Msg); send(#client{socket = Sock, type = dgram, dest = Dest}, Msg) -> %% i("try send to: " %% "~n ~p", [Dest]), %% ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, true), socket:sendto(Sock, Msg, Dest). recv(#client{socket = Sock, type = stream}) -> case socket:recv(Sock) of {ok, Msg} -> {ok, {undefined, Msg}}; {error, _} = ERROR -> ERROR end; recv(#client{socket = Sock, type = dgram}) -> socket:recvfrom(Sock). which_addr(_Domain, []) -> throw(no_address); which_addr(Domain, [{Name, IFO}|_IFL]) when (Name =/= "lo") -> which_addr2(Domain, IFO); which_addr(Domain, [_|IFL]) -> which_addr(Domain, IFL). which_addr2(inet = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 4) -> Addr; which_addr2(inet6 = _Domain, [{addr, Addr}|_IFO]) when (size(Addr) =:= 8) -> Addr; which_addr2(Domain, [_|IFO]) -> which_addr2(Domain, IFO). %% --- %% enc_req_msg(N, Data) -> %% enc_msg(?REQ, N, Data). %% enc_rep_msg(N, Data) -> %% enc_msg(?REP, N, Data). %% enc_msg(Type, N, Data) when is_list(Data) -> %% enc_msg(Type, N, list_to_binary(Data)); %% enc_msg(Type, N, Data) %% when is_integer(Type) andalso is_integer(N) andalso is_binary(Data) -> %% <>. %% dec_msg(<>) -> %% {request, N, Data}; %% dec_msg(<>) -> %% {reply, N, Data}. %% --- %% sleep(T) -> %% receive after T -> ok end. %% --- %% formated_timestamp() -> %% format_timestamp(os:timestamp()). %% format_timestamp(Now) -> %% N2T = fun(N) -> calendar:now_to_local_time(N) end, %% format_timestamp(Now, N2T, true). %% format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, N3} = N, N2T, true) -> %% FormatExtra = ".~.2.0w", %% ArgsExtra = [N3 div 10000], %% format_timestamp(N, N2T, FormatExtra, ArgsExtra); %% format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, _N3} = N, N2T, false) -> %% FormatExtra = "", %% ArgsExtra = [], %% format_timestamp(N, N2T, FormatExtra, ArgsExtra). %% format_timestamp(N, N2T, FormatExtra, ArgsExtra) -> %% {Date, Time} = N2T(N), %% {YYYY,MM,DD} = Date, %% {Hour,Min,Sec} = Time, %% FormatDate = %% io_lib:format("~.4w-~.2.0w-~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w" ++ FormatExtra, %% [YYYY, MM, DD, Hour, Min, Sec] ++ ArgsExtra), %% lists:flatten(FormatDate). %% --- e(F, A) -> ?LIB:e(F, A). i(F) -> ?LIB:i(F). i(F, A) -> ?LIB:i(F, A).