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      <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
      The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
      Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
      compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
      Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
      retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.

      Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
      basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
      the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
      under the License.


    <title>Megaco Release Notes</title>
    <prepared>Lars Thors&eacute;n, H&aring;kan Mattsson, Micael Karlberg</prepared>
  <p>This document describes the changes made to the Megaco system
    from version to version. The intention of this document is to
    list all incompatibilities as well as all enhancements and
    bugfixes for every release of Megaco. Each release of Megaco
    thus constitutes one section in this document. The title of each
    section is the version number of Megaco.</p>


    <section><title>Improvements and New Features</title>
	    <p>Where necessary a comment stating encoding has been
	    added to Erlang files. The comment is meant to be removed
	    in Erlang/OTP R17B when UTF-8 becomes the default
	    encoding. </p>
	    Own Id: OTP-10630</p>



    <p>Version supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version, 3.16,, 3.15.1 and 3.15.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Allow whitespaces in installation path. </p>
          <p>It is now possible to give configure and make an 
	  installation/release path with whitespaces in it. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-10107</p>

          <p>Fix parallel make for behaviours. </p>

          <p>Removed use of deprecated system flag, 
	  <c>global_haeps_size</c>, in the measurement tool 
	  <c>mstone1</c>. </p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>
      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Fixing miscellaneous things detected by dialyzer. </p>
	  <p>Own Id: OTP-9075</p>


      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Due to the change in the flex driver API, 
	  we may no longer be able to build and/or use 
	  the flex driver without reentrant support. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9795</p>



  </section> <!-- -->


    <p>Version supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.16,, 3.15.1 and 3.15.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Fixed some faulty test cases. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9795</p>

          <p>Removed use of deprecated system flag, 
	  <c>scheduler_bind_type</c>, in the measurement tool 
	  <c>mstone1</c>. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9949</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>
      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Fixing miscellaneous things detected by dialyzer. </p>
	  <p>Own Id: OTP-9075</p>


      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Due to the change in the flex driver API, 
	  we may no longer be able to build and/or use 
	  the flex driver without reentrant support. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9795</p>



  </section> <!-- -->

  <section><title>Megaco 3.16</title>

    <p>Version 3.16 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version, 3.15.1 and 3.15.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Minor improvements to the measurement tool <c>mstone1</c>. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9604</p>

	  <p>ASN.1 no longer makes use of a driver to accelerate encode/decode, 
	  instead it uses NIFs. The encoding config option is <em>still</em> 
	  the same, i.e. <c>driver</c>. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9672</p>

	  <p>The profiling test tool has been rewritten. </p>
	  <p>H&aring;kan Mattsson</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9679</p>

	  <p>The flex driver has been updated to support the new driver format
	  (changed to enable 64-bit aware drivers). </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9795</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>
      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Fixing miscellaneous things detected by dialyzer. </p>
	  <p>Own Id: OTP-9075</p>


      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Due to the change in the flex driver API, 
	  we may no longer be able to build and/or use 
	  the flex driver without reentrant support. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9795</p>



  </section> <!-- 3.16 -->


    <p>Version supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.15.1 and 3.15.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Correct various XML errors. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9550</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>
      <list type="bulleted">
	  <p>Fixing miscellaneous things detected by dialyzer. </p>
	  <p>Own Id: OTP-9075</p>

  </section> <!-- -->

  <section><title>Megaco 3.15.1</title>

    <p>Version 3.15.1 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.15,, 3.14.1 and 3.14.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Updated the 
            <seealso marker="megaco_performance">performance</seealso> 
            chapter. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8696</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Fixing miscellaneous things detected by dialyzer. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-9075</p>
	  <!-- <p>Aux Id: Seq 11579</p> -->



  </section> <!-- 3.15.1 -->

  <section><title>Megaco 3.15</title>

    <section><title>Improvements and New Features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Fixing auto-import issues.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8842</p>

      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Eliminated a possible race condition while creating 
            pending counters. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8634</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11579</p>



  </section> <!-- 3.15 -->


    <p>Version supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.14.1, 3.14, 3.13, 3.12 and 3.11.3.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Updated the 
            <seealso marker="megaco_performance">performance</seealso> 
            chapter. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8696</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>A race condition when, during high load, processing
            both the original and a resent message and delivering
            this as two separate messages to the user. </p>
          <p>Note that this solution only protects against multiple
            reply deliveries! </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8529</p>
          <p>Aux Id: Seq 10915</p>

          <p>Fix shared libraries installation. </p>
          <p>The flex shared lib(s) were incorrectly installed as data 
            files. </p>
          <p>Peter Lemenkov</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8627</p>

          <p>Eliminated a possible race condition while creating 
            pending counters. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8634</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11579</p>



  </section> <!-- -->

    <title>Megaco 3.14.1</title>

    <p>Version 3.14.1 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.14, 3.13, 3.12 and 3.11.3.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>A minor compiler related performance improvement. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8561</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>A race condition when, during high load, processing
            both the original and a resent message and delivering
            this as two separate messages to the user. </p>
          <p>Note that this solution only protects against multiple
            reply deliveries! </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8529</p>
          <p>Aux Id: Seq 10915</p>

          <p>Fix shared libraries installation. </p>
          <p>The flex shared lib(s) were incorrectly installed as data 
            files. </p>
          <p>Peter Lemenkov</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8627</p>

          <p>Eliminated a possible race condition while creating 
            pending counters. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8634</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11579</p>



  </section> <!-- 3.14.1 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.14</title>

    <p>Version 3.14 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.13, 3.12 and 3.11.3.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>


      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Various changes to configure and makefile(s) to facilitate cross 
            compilation (and other build system improvements). </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8323</p>

          <p>Added a help target in the test Makefile to explain 
            the most useful make targets, used when testing the 
            application using the test-server provided with megaco.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8362</p>
          <p>Adapted megaco_filter to the new internal format.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8403</p>


      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Callbacks, when the callback module is unknown (undefined), 
            results in warning messages. </p>
          <p>A race condition scenario. As part of a cancelation operation,
            replies with waiting acknowledgements is cancelled. This includes
            informing the user (via a call to the handle_trans_ack callback 
            function). It is possible that at this point the connection data 
            has been removed, which makes it impossible for megaco to 
            perform this operation, resulting in the warning message. The 
            solution is to also store the callback module with the other 
            reply information, to be used when cleaning up after a 
            cancelation. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8328</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11384</p>



  </section> <!-- 3.14 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.13</title>

    <p>Version 3.13 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.12 and 3.11.3.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>A minor optimization by using ets:update_element
            instead of ets:insert for some table updates.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8239</p>
	  <!-- <p>Aux Id: Seq 11332</p> -->

          <p>The documentation is now built with open source tools 
            (<em>xsltproc</em> and <em>fop</em>) that exists on most 
            platforms. One visible change is that the frames are removed.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8249</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Replacing obsolete guard tests.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8164</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11332</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>For those implementing their own codec's, the new megaco_encoder
            behaviour will require three more functions. See above for more
            info. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7168</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 10867</p>


  </section> <!-- 3.13 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.12</title>

    <p>Version 3.12 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.11.3.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Improve handling of async transaction reply. </p>
          <p>For asynchronous requests, issued using 
            <seealso marker="megaco#cast">megaco:cast/3</seealso>, 
            the reply will be delivered using the 
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#trans_reply">handle_trans_reply/4,5</seealso> 
            callback function. </p>
          <p>If a receiver of a request, issued using 
            <seealso marker="megaco#cast">megaco:cast/3</seealso>, 
            does not reply in time, megaco re-sends the request. 
            If the receiver of the request sends the reply at the same 
            time as megaco re-sends, it may also send a reply to the 
            resent request (thinking the first reply got lost). These 
            two replies may arrive more or less at the same time, 
            causing confusion. </p>
          <p>In order to improve this situation, a number of 
            improvements have been done: </p>
          <list type="bulleted">
              <p>When the first reply arrives, a timer, request-keep-alive, 
                is started. This timer is used to decide when to stop 
                accepting replies as legitimate. </p>
              <p>The timeout time for the timer is specified by the
                config option <em>request_keep_alive_timout</em>, 
                which can be set per 
                <seealso marker="megaco#ui_request_keep_alive_timeout">user</seealso> 
                or per 
                <seealso marker="megaco#ci_request_keep_alive_timeout">connection</seealso>. </p>
              <p>We also keep track of how many replies has been received
                (we do this as long as the request-keep-alive timer is 
                running). </p>
              <p>Each reply that arrives while the request-keep-alive timer 
                is running (including the first) will be delivered using the 
                <seealso marker="megaco_user#trans_reply">handle_trans_reply/4,5</seealso> 
                callback function, but with the UserReply augmented to
                include a serial number indicating which reply number this
                The <em>first</em> reply to arrive, 
                will be numbered <em>one (1)</em>. </p>
              <p>Replies arriving after the timer has expired will be delivered
                in the same way as before, using the 
                <seealso marker="megaco_user#unexpected_trans">handle_unexpected_trans/3,4</seealso> 
                callback function. </p>
              <p>Note that if the timer was <em>not</em> configured, 
                megaco will act exactly as before! </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8183</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11393</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>If the megaco app received a transaction reply, for a request 
            issued using the
	    <seealso marker="megaco#call">call/3</seealso> function, from 
            the wrong remote entity (wrong MId)), megaco would still deliver 
            the reply (<seealso marker="megaco#call">call/3</seealso> 
            returnes) as if from the correct remote entity (right MId). </p>
          <p>This has been changed so that the function now returns with
            an error reason. </p>
          <p>See <seealso marker="megaco#call">call/3</seealso> for more 
            info. </p>
          <p>*** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY ***</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8212</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11305</p>



  </section> <!-- 3.12 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.11.3</title>

    <p>Version 3.11.3 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.11.2, 3.11.1 and 3.11.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Replacing obsolete guard tests.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8164</p>
	  <!-- <p>Aux Id: Seq 11332</p> -->

          <p>Added the config option 
            <seealso marker="megaco#ui_call_proxy_gc_timeout">call_proxy_gc_timeout</seealso>
            to be able to control the way unexpected replies (when requests issued 
            via calls to <seealso marker="megaco#call">call/3</seealso>)
            are handled. </p>
            <seealso marker="megaco#user_info">user_info/2</seealso>, 
            <seealso marker="megaco#conn_info">conn_info/2</seealso> and
            <seealso marker="megaco#call">call/3</seealso> for more info. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8167</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11393</p>

          <p>Make flex scanner c89 compiler compliant.</p>
	  <p>Akira Kitada</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8191</p>
	  <!-- <p>Aux Id: Seq 11332</p> -->



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Replacing obsolete guard tests.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8164</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11332</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>For those implementing their own codec's, the new megaco_encoder
            behaviour will require three more functions. See above for more
            info. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7168</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 10867</p>


  </section> <!-- 3.11.3 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.11.2</title>

    <p>Version 3.11.2 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.11.1 and 3.11.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Megaco was unnecessarily strict when parsing the SDP 
            attribute <c>maxptime</c> (leading or trailing spaces
            cased the value parse to fail). </p>
          <p>This has been improved so that leading and trailing 
            spaces are stripped before parsing the value. 
            The same has been done for the attribute <c>ptime</c>.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8123</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11364</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>[text] The <em>unquoted</em> string BOTH was interpreted as the 
            <c>'BothToken'</c> token. This was a version 3 (prev3a, prev3b, 
            prev3c and v3) only. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8114</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11353</p>

          <p>The reply proxy could crash if the timeout time calculation
            results in a negative number. This will result in a function 
            clause with resulting error report.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8081</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11332</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>For those implementing their own codec's, the new megaco_encoder
            behaviour will require three more functions. See above for more
            info. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7168</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 10867</p>


  </section> <!-- 3.11.2 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.11.1</title>

    <p>Version 3.11.1 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.11.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>In order to better utilize multi-core procs, the 
            <c>flex</c> (text) scanner has been improved. </p>
          <p>The <c>flex</c> (text) scanner has been made reentrant,
            <em>if</em> the flex utility supports this. Note that the version
            of <c>flex</c> supplied with some OS/distros (Solaris 10, 
            FreeBSD and OpenBSD to mention a few) may not support this, in which
            case the flex scanner will be non-reentrant, just as before. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7302</p>



      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>[text] The <em>unquoted</em> string BOTH was interpreted as the 
            <c>'BothToken'</c> token. This was a version 3 (prev3a, prev3b, 
            prev3c and v3) only. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8114</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11353</p>

          <p>The reply proxy could crash if the timeout time calculation
            results in a negative number. This will result in a function 
            clause with resulting error report.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-8081</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11332</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>For those implementing their own codec's, the new megaco_encoder
            behaviour will require three more functions. See above for more
            info. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7168</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 10867</p>


  </section> <!-- 3.11.1 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.11</title>

    <p>Version 3.11 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.10.1 and</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>In order to better utilize multi-core procs, the 
            <c>flex</c> (text) scanner has been improved. </p>
          <p>The <c>flex</c> (text) scanner has been made reentrant,
            <em>if</em> the flex utility supports this. Note that the version
            of <c>flex</c> supplied with some OS/distros (Solaris 10, 
            FreeBSD and OpenBSD to mention a few) may not support this, in which
            case the flex scanner will be non-reentrant, just as before. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7302</p>


      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>The (plain) text scanner could incorrectly identify
            character strings (any 17 char long string with the
            char t in the middle) as a TimeStampToken.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7249</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 10917</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>For those implementing their own codec's, the new megaco_encoder
            behaviour will require three more functions. See above for more
            info. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7168</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 10867</p>


  </section> <!-- 3.11 -->

    <title>Megaco 3.10.1</title>

    <p>Version 3.10.1 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version, 3.10 and 3.9.4.</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Updated file headers.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7851</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11140</p>


      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#unexpected_trans">handle_unexpected_reply</seealso> 
            callbacks. </p>
          <p>The <seealso marker="megaco_user">megaco_user</seealso> callback 
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#unexpected_trans">handle_unexpected_reply</seealso> 
            could during high load be called with unexpected values for the Trans
            argument, such as an <c>TransactionReply</c> where 
            <c>transactionResult</c> had the value <c>{error, timeout}</c>. 
            This was a result of a race condition and has now been fixed. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7926</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11255</p>

          <p>[text] PropertyParm values cannot be quoted. </p>
          <p>It was not possible to encode a PropertyParm value as a quoted string 
            (unless it *had* to (has at least one RestChar)). The megaco text codec's 
            now also accepts quoted strings as PropertyParm values. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7936</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11258</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>If the transport module calls the 
            <seealso marker="megaco#process_received_message">process_received_message/5</seealso> 
            <seealso marker="megaco#receive_message">receive_message/5</seealso> 
            function(s) for the initial message, then the 
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/3</seealso> 
            function will now be called and not the
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/2</seealso> 
            function. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7713</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11140</p>


  </section> <!-- 3.10.1 -->


    <p>Version supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.10 and 3.9.4 except 
      when using any of the drivers (flex for text or asn1 for binary).</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Updated file headers.</p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7851</p>
	  <!-- <p>Aux Id: Seq 11140</p> -->


      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Memory leak in the flex scanner. There was a memory
            leak in the flex scanner function handling 
            Property Parameters. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7700</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11126</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>If the transport module calls the 
            <seealso marker="megaco#process_received_message">process_received_message/5</seealso> 
            <seealso marker="megaco#receive_message">receive_message/5</seealso> 
            function(s) for the initial message, then the 
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/3</seealso> 
            function will now be called and not the
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/2</seealso> 
            function. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7713</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11140</p>


  </section> <!-- -->

    <title>Megaco 3.10</title>

    <p>Version 3.10 supports code replacement in runtime from/to
      version 3.9.4, 3.9.3, 3.9.2,, 3.9.1, 3.9, 3.8.2, 3.8.1 and 3.8 except 
      when using any of the drivers (flex for text or asn1 for binary).</p>

      <title>Improvements and new features</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Added new API function 
            <seealso marker="megaco#connect">megaco:connect/5</seealso> and
            the corresponding new <c>megaco_user</c> callback function 
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/3</seealso>. 
            The purpose of this is to be able to pass information to the
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/3</seealso> 
            function by calling the 
            <seealso marker="megaco#connect">megaco:connect/5</seealso> 
            function. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7713</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11140</p>

          <p>Update file headers with new copyright notice. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7743</p>


      <title>Fixed bugs and malfunctions</title>

      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>Memory leak in the flex scanner. There was a memory
            leak in the flex scanner function handling 
            Property Parameters. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7700</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11126</p>




      <list type="bulleted">
          <p>If the transport module calls the 
            <seealso marker="megaco#process_received_message">process_received_message/5</seealso> 
            <seealso marker="megaco#receive_message">receive_message/5</seealso> 
            function(s) for the initial message, then the 
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/3</seealso> 
            function will now be called and not the
            <seealso marker="megaco_user#connect">handle_connect/2</seealso> 
            function. </p>
          <p>Own Id: OTP-7713</p>
	  <p>Aux Id: Seq 11140</p>


  </section> <!-- 3.10 -->

  <!-- section>
    <title>Release notes history</title>
    <p>For information about older versions see
      <url href="part_notes_history_frame.html">release notes history</url>.</p 
  </section> -->