MEDIA-GATEWAY-CONTROL-v3 {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) h(8) h248(248) modules(0) media-gateway-control(0) version3(3)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN MegacoMessage ::= SEQUENCE { authHeader AuthenticationHeader OPTIONAL, mess Message } AuthenticationHeader ::= SEQUENCE { secParmIndex SecurityParmIndex, seqNum SequenceNum, ad AuthData } SecurityParmIndex ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) SequenceNum ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) AuthData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (12..32)) Message ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER(0..99), -- The version of the protocol defined here is equal to 3. mId MId, -- Name/address of message originator messageBody CHOICE { messageError ErrorDescriptor, transactions SEQUENCE OF Transaction }, ... } MId ::= CHOICE { ip4Address IP4Address, ip6Address IP6Address, domainName DomainName, deviceName PathName, mtpAddress OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..4)), -- Addressing structure of mtpAddress: -- 25 - 15 0 -- | PC | NI | -- 24 - 14 bits 2 bits -- Note: 14 bits are defined for international use. -- Two national options exist where the point code is 16 or 24 -- bits. -- To octet align the mtpAddress, the MSBs shall be encoded as 0s. ... } DomainName ::= SEQUENCE { name IA5String, -- The name starts with an alphanumeric digit followed by a -- sequence of alphanumeric digits, hyphens and dots. No two -- dots shall occur consecutively. portNumber INTEGER(0..65535) OPTIONAL } IP4Address ::= SEQUENCE { address OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)), portNumber INTEGER(0..65535) OPTIONAL } IP6Address ::= SEQUENCE { address OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)), portNumber INTEGER(0..65535) OPTIONAL } PathName ::= IA5String(SIZE (1..64)) -- See A.3 Transaction ::= CHOICE { transactionRequest TransactionRequest, transactionPending TransactionPending, transactionReply TransactionReply, transactionResponseAck TransactionResponseAck, -- use of response acks is dependent on underlying transport ..., segmentReply SegmentReply } TransactionId ::= INTEGER(0..4294967295) -- 32-bit unsigned integer TransactionRequest ::= SEQUENCE { transactionId TransactionId, actions SEQUENCE OF ActionRequest, ... } TransactionPending ::= SEQUENCE { transactionId TransactionId, ... } TransactionReply ::= SEQUENCE { transactionId TransactionId, immAckRequired NULL OPTIONAL, transactionResult CHOICE { transactionError ErrorDescriptor, actionReplies SEQUENCE OF ActionReply }, ..., segmentNumber SegmentNumber OPTIONAL, segmentationComplete NULL OPTIONAL } SegmentReply ::= SEQUENCE { transactionId TransactionId, segmentNumber SegmentNumber, segmentationComplete NULL OPTIONAL, ... } SegmentNumber ::= INTEGER(0..65535) TransactionResponseAck ::= SEQUENCE OF TransactionAck TransactionAck ::= SEQUENCE { firstAck TransactionId, lastAck TransactionId OPTIONAL } ErrorDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { errorCode ErrorCode, errorText ErrorText OPTIONAL } ErrorCode ::= INTEGER(0..65535) -- See clause 14 for IANA considerations with respect to error codes ErrorText ::= IA5String ContextID ::= INTEGER(0..4294967295) -- Context NULL Value: 0 -- Context CHOOSE Value: 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE) -- Context ALL Value: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) ActionRequest ::= SEQUENCE { contextId ContextID, contextRequest ContextRequest OPTIONAL, contextAttrAuditReq ContextAttrAuditRequest OPTIONAL, commandRequests SEQUENCE OF CommandRequest } ActionReply ::= SEQUENCE { contextId ContextID, errorDescriptor ErrorDescriptor OPTIONAL, contextReply ContextRequest OPTIONAL, commandReply SEQUENCE OF CommandReply } ContextRequest ::= SEQUENCE { priority INTEGER(0..15) OPTIONAL, emergency BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, topologyReq SEQUENCE OF TopologyRequest OPTIONAL, ..., iepscallind BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, contextProp SEQUENCE OF PropertyParm OPTIONAL, contextList SEQUENCE OF ContextID OPTIONAL } -- When returning a contextList, the contextId in the ActionReply -- construct will return the contextId from the associated ActionRequest. ContextAttrAuditRequest ::= SEQUENCE { topology NULL OPTIONAL, emergency NULL OPTIONAL, priority NULL OPTIONAL, ..., iepscallind NULL OPTIONAL, contextPropAud SEQUENCE OF IndAudPropertyParm OPTIONAL, selectpriority INTEGER(0..15) OPTIONAL, -- to select given priority selectemergency BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- to select if emergency set/not set (T/F) selectiepscallind BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- to select if IEPS set/not set (T/F) selectLogic SelectLogic OPTIONAL -- default is AND } SelectLogic ::= CHOICE { andAUDITSelect NULL, -- all selection conditions satisfied orAUDITSelect NULL, -- at least one selection condition satisfied ... } CommandRequest ::= SEQUENCE { command Command, optional NULL OPTIONAL, wildcardReturn NULL OPTIONAL, ... } Command ::= CHOICE { addReq AmmRequest, moveReq AmmRequest, modReq AmmRequest, -- Add, Move, Modify requests have the same parameters subtractReq SubtractRequest, auditCapRequest AuditRequest, auditValueRequest AuditRequest, notifyReq NotifyRequest, serviceChangeReq ServiceChangeRequest, ... } CommandReply ::= CHOICE { addReply AmmsReply, moveReply AmmsReply, modReply AmmsReply, subtractReply AmmsReply, -- Add, Move, Modify, Subtract replies have the same parameters auditCapReply AuditReply, auditValueReply AuditReply, notifyReply NotifyReply, serviceChangeReply ServiceChangeReply, ... } TopologyRequest ::= SEQUENCE { terminationFrom TerminationID, terminationTo TerminationID, topologyDirection ENUMERATED { bothway(0), isolate(1), oneway(2) }, ..., streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, topologyDirectionExtension ENUMERATED { onewayexternal(0), onewayboth(1), ... } OPTIONAL -- This is not according to the standard, but without it -- the TopologyRequest will be useless since topologyDirection -- and topologyDirectionExtension are contradictory. } AmmRequest ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationIDList, descriptors SEQUENCE OF AmmDescriptor, -- At most one descriptor of each type (see AmmDescriptor) -- allowed in the sequence. ... } AmmDescriptor ::= CHOICE { mediaDescriptor MediaDescriptor, modemDescriptor ModemDescriptor, muxDescriptor MuxDescriptor, eventsDescriptor EventsDescriptor, eventBufferDescriptor EventBufferDescriptor, signalsDescriptor SignalsDescriptor, digitMapDescriptor DigitMapDescriptor, auditDescriptor AuditDescriptor, ..., statisticsDescriptor StatisticsDescriptor } AmmsReply ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationIDList, terminationAudit TerminationAudit OPTIONAL, ... } SubtractRequest ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationIDList, auditDescriptor AuditDescriptor OPTIONAL, ... } AuditRequest ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationID, auditDescriptor AuditDescriptor, ..., terminationIDList TerminationIDList OPTIONAL } -- terminationID shall contain the first termination in the -- list when using the terminationIDList construct in AuditRequest AuditReply ::= CHOICE { contextAuditResult TerminationIDList, error ErrorDescriptor, auditResult AuditResult, ..., auditResultTermList TermListAuditResult } AuditResult ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationID, terminationAuditResult TerminationAudit } TermListAuditResult ::= SEQUENCE { terminationIDList TerminationIDList, terminationAuditResult TerminationAudit, ... } TerminationAudit ::= SEQUENCE OF AuditReturnParameter AuditReturnParameter ::= CHOICE { errorDescriptor ErrorDescriptor, mediaDescriptor MediaDescriptor, modemDescriptor ModemDescriptor, muxDescriptor MuxDescriptor, eventsDescriptor EventsDescriptor, eventBufferDescriptor EventBufferDescriptor, signalsDescriptor SignalsDescriptor, digitMapDescriptor DigitMapDescriptor, observedEventsDescriptor ObservedEventsDescriptor, statisticsDescriptor StatisticsDescriptor, packagesDescriptor PackagesDescriptor, emptyDescriptors AuditDescriptor, ... } AuditDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { auditToken BIT STRING { muxToken(0), modemToken(1), mediaToken(2), eventsToken(3), signalsToken(4), digitMapToken(5), statsToken(6), observedEventsToken(7), packagesToken(8), eventBufferToken(9) } OPTIONAL, ..., auditPropertyToken SEQUENCE OF IndAuditParameter OPTIONAL } IndAuditParameter ::= CHOICE { -- Note that the lower/upper case letters of the tags have -- been changed. The same changes has been made in text... indAudMediaDescriptor IndAudMediaDescriptor, indAudEventsDescriptor IndAudEventsDescriptor, indAudEventBufferDescriptor IndAudEventBufferDescriptor, indAudSignalsDescriptor IndAudSignalsDescriptor, indAudDigitMapDescriptor IndAudDigitMapDescriptor, indAudStatisticsDescriptor IndAudStatisticsDescriptor, indAudPackagesDescriptor IndAudPackagesDescriptor, ... } IndAudMediaDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { termStateDescr IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor OPTIONAL, streams CHOICE { oneStream IndAudStreamParms, multiStream SEQUENCE OF IndAudStreamDescriptor } OPTIONAL, ... } IndAudStreamDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { streamID StreamID, streamParms IndAudStreamParms } IndAudStreamParms ::= SEQUENCE { localControlDescriptor IndAudLocalControlDescriptor OPTIONAL, localDescriptor IndAudLocalRemoteDescriptor OPTIONAL, remoteDescriptor IndAudLocalRemoteDescriptor OPTIONAL, ..., statisticsDescriptor IndAudStatisticsDescriptor OPTIONAL } IndAudLocalControlDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { streamMode NULL OPTIONAL, reserveValue NULL OPTIONAL, reserveGroup NULL OPTIONAL, propertyParms SEQUENCE OF IndAudPropertyParm OPTIONAL, ..., streamModeSel StreamMode OPTIONAL -- must not have both streamMode and streamModeSel -- if both are present only streamModeSel shall be honoured } IndAudPropertyParm ::= SEQUENCE { name PkgdName, ..., propertyParms PropertyParm OPTIONAL } -- to select based on property values -- AND/OR selection logic is specified at context level IndAudLocalRemoteDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { propGroupID INTEGER(0..65535) OPTIONAL, propGrps IndAudPropertyGroup, ... } IndAudPropertyGroup ::= SEQUENCE OF IndAudPropertyParm IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { propertyParms SEQUENCE OF IndAudPropertyParm, eventBufferControl NULL OPTIONAL, serviceState NULL OPTIONAL, ..., serviceStateSel ServiceState OPTIONAL -- must not have both serviceState and serviceStateSel -- if both are present only serviceStateSel shall be honoured } IndAudEventsDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { requestID RequestID OPTIONAL, pkgdName PkgdName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, ... } IndAudEventBufferDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { eventName PkgdName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, ... } IndAudSignalsDescriptor ::=CHOICE { signal IndAudSignal, seqSigList IndAudSeqSigList, ... } IndAudSeqSigList ::= SEQUENCE { id INTEGER(0..65535), signalList IndAudSignal OPTIONAL } IndAudSignal ::= SEQUENCE { signalName PkgdName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, ..., signalRequestID RequestID OPTIONAL } IndAudDigitMapDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { digitMapName DigitMapName OPTIONAL } IndAudStatisticsDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { statName PkgdName } IndAudPackagesDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { packageName Name, packageVersion INTEGER(0..99), ... } NotifyRequest ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationIDList, observedEventsDescriptor ObservedEventsDescriptor, errorDescriptor ErrorDescriptor OPTIONAL, ... } NotifyReply ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationIDList, errorDescriptor ErrorDescriptor OPTIONAL, ... } ObservedEventsDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { requestId RequestID, observedEventLst SEQUENCE OF ObservedEvent } ObservedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { eventName EventName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, eventParList SEQUENCE OF EventParameter, timeNotation TimeNotation OPTIONAL, ... } EventName ::= PkgdName EventParameter ::= SEQUENCE { eventParameterName Name, value Value, -- For use of extraInfo see the comment related to PropertyParm extraInfo CHOICE { relation Relation, range BOOLEAN, sublist BOOLEAN } OPTIONAL, ... } ServiceChangeRequest ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationIDList, serviceChangeParms ServiceChangeParm, ... } ServiceChangeReply ::= SEQUENCE { terminationID TerminationIDList, serviceChangeResult ServiceChangeResult, ... } -- For ServiceChangeResult, no parameters are mandatory. Hence the -- distinction between ServiceChangeParm and ServiceChangeResParm. ServiceChangeResult ::= CHOICE { errorDescriptor ErrorDescriptor, serviceChangeResParms ServiceChangeResParm } WildcardField ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) TerminationID ::= SEQUENCE { wildcard SEQUENCE OF WildcardField, id OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..8)), ... } -- See A.1 for explanation of wildcarding mechanism. -- Termination ID 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF indicates the ROOT Termination. TerminationIDList ::= SEQUENCE OF TerminationID MediaDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { termStateDescr TerminationStateDescriptor OPTIONAL, streams CHOICE { oneStream StreamParms, multiStream SEQUENCE OF StreamDescriptor } OPTIONAL, ... } StreamDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { streamID StreamID, streamParms StreamParms } StreamParms ::= SEQUENCE { localControlDescriptor LocalControlDescriptor OPTIONAL, localDescriptor LocalRemoteDescriptor OPTIONAL, remoteDescriptor LocalRemoteDescriptor OPTIONAL, ..., statisticsDescriptor StatisticsDescriptor OPTIONAL } LocalControlDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { streamMode StreamMode OPTIONAL, reserveValue BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, reserveGroup BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, propertyParms SEQUENCE OF PropertyParm, ... } StreamMode ::= ENUMERATED { sendOnly(0), recvOnly(1), sendRecv(2), inactive(3), loopBack(4), ... } -- In PropertyParm, value is a SEQUENCE OF octet string. When sent -- by an MGC the interpretation is as follows: -- empty sequence means CHOOSE -- one element sequence specifies value -- If the sublist field is not selected, a longer sequence means -- "choose one of the values" (i.e. value1 OR value2 OR ...) -- If the sublist field is selected, -- a sequence with more than one element encodes the value of a -- list-valued property (i.e. value1 AND value2 AND ...). -- The relation field may only be selected if the value sequence -- has length 1. It indicates that the MG has to choose a value -- for the property. E.g. x > 3 (using the greaterThan -- value for relation) instructs the MG to choose any value larger -- than 3 for property x. -- The range field may only be selected if the value sequence -- has length 2. It indicates that the MG has to choose a value -- in the range between the first octet in the value sequence and -- the trailing octet in the value sequence, including the -- boundary values. -- When sent by the MG, only responses to an AuditCapability request -- may contain multiple values, a range, or a relation field. PropertyParm ::= SEQUENCE { name PkgdName, value SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING, extraInfo CHOICE { relation Relation, range BOOLEAN, sublist BOOLEAN } OPTIONAL, ... } Name ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(2)) PkgdName ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) -- represents Package Name (2 octets) plus Property, Event, -- Signal Names or Statistics ID. (2 octets) -- To wildcard a package use 0xFFFF for first two octets, choose -- is not allowed. To reference native property tag specified in -- Annex C, use 0x0000 as first two octets. -- To wildcard a Property, Event, Signal, or Statistics ID, use -- 0xFFFF for last two octets, choose is not allowed. -- Wildcarding of Package Name is permitted only if Property, -- Event, Signal, or Statistics ID are -- also wildcarded. Relation ::= ENUMERATED { greaterThan(0), smallerThan(1), unequalTo(2), ... } LocalRemoteDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { propGrps SEQUENCE OF PropertyGroup, ... } PropertyGroup ::= SEQUENCE OF PropertyParm TerminationStateDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { propertyParms SEQUENCE OF PropertyParm, eventBufferControl EventBufferControl OPTIONAL, serviceState ServiceState OPTIONAL, ... } EventBufferControl ::= ENUMERATED { off(0), lockStep(1), ... } ServiceState ::= ENUMERATED { test(0), outOfSvc(1), inSvc(2), ... } MuxDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { muxType MuxType, termList SEQUENCE OF TerminationID, nonStandardData NonStandardData OPTIONAL, ... } MuxType ::= ENUMERATED { h221(0), h223(1), h226(2), v76(3), ..., nx64k(4) } StreamID ::= INTEGER(0..65535) -- 16-bit unsigned integer EventsDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { requestID RequestID OPTIONAL, -- RequestID must be present if eventList -- is non empty eventList SEQUENCE OF RequestedEvent, ... } RequestedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { pkgdName PkgdName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, eventAction RequestedActions OPTIONAL, evParList SEQUENCE OF EventParameter, ... } RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { secondEvent SecondEventsDescriptor OPTIONAL, signalsDescriptor SignalsDescriptor OPTIONAL, ... } NotifyBehaviour ::= CHOICE { notifyImmediate NULL, notifyRegulated RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor, neverNotify NULL, ... } RequestedActions ::= SEQUENCE { keepActive BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, eventDM EventDM OPTIONAL, secondEvent SecondEventsDescriptor OPTIONAL, signalsDescriptor SignalsDescriptor OPTIONAL, ..., notifyBehaviour NotifyBehaviour OPTIONAL, resetEventsDescriptor NULL OPTIONAL } EventDM ::= CHOICE { digitMapName DigitMapName, digitMapValue DigitMapValue } SecondEventsDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { requestID RequestID OPTIONAL, eventList SEQUENCE OF SecondRequestedEvent, ... } SecondRequestedEvent ::= SEQUENCE { pkgdName PkgdName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, eventAction SecondRequestedActions OPTIONAL, evParList SEQUENCE OF EventParameter, ... } SecondRequestedActions ::= SEQUENCE { keepActive BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, eventDM EventDM OPTIONAL, signalsDescriptor SignalsDescriptor OPTIONAL, ..., notifyBehaviour NotifyBehaviour OPTIONAL, resetEventsDescriptor NULL OPTIONAL } EventBufferDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE OF EventSpec EventSpec ::= SEQUENCE { eventName EventName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, eventParList SEQUENCE OF EventParameter, ... } SignalsDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE OF SignalRequest SignalRequest ::= CHOICE { signal Signal, seqSigList SeqSigList, ... } SeqSigList ::= SEQUENCE { id INTEGER(0..65535), signalList SEQUENCE OF Signal } Signal ::= SEQUENCE { signalName SignalName, streamID StreamID OPTIONAL, sigType SignalType OPTIONAL, duration INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, notifyCompletion NotifyCompletion OPTIONAL, keepActive BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, sigParList SEQUENCE OF SigParameter, ..., direction SignalDirection OPTIONAL, requestID RequestID OPTIONAL, intersigDelay INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL } SignalType ::= ENUMERATED { brief(0), onOff(1), timeOut(2), ... } SignalDirection ::= ENUMERATED { internal(0), external(1), both(3), ... } SignalName ::= PkgdName NotifyCompletion ::= BIT STRING { onTimeOut(0), onInterruptByEvent(1), onInterruptByNewSignalDescr(2), otherReason(3), onIteration(4) } SigParameter ::= SEQUENCE { sigParameterName Name, value Value, -- For use of extraInfo see the comment related to PropertyParm extraInfo CHOICE { relation Relation, range BOOLEAN, sublist BOOLEAN } OPTIONAL, ... } -- For an AuditCapReply with all events, the RequestID SHALL be ALL. -- ALL is represented by 0xffffffff. RequestID ::= INTEGER(0..4294967295) -- 32-bit unsigned integer ModemDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { mtl SEQUENCE OF ModemType, mpl SEQUENCE OF PropertyParm, nonStandardData NonStandardData OPTIONAL } ModemType ::= ENUMERATED { v18(0), v22(1), v22bis(2), v32(3), v32bis(4), v34(5), v90(6), v91(7), synchISDN(8), ... } DigitMapDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { digitMapName DigitMapName OPTIONAL, digitMapValue DigitMapValue OPTIONAL } DigitMapName ::= Name DigitMapValue ::= SEQUENCE { startTimer INTEGER(0..99) OPTIONAL, shortTimer INTEGER(0..99) OPTIONAL, longTimer INTEGER(0..99) OPTIONAL, digitMapBody IA5String, -- Units are seconds for start, short and long timers, and -- hundreds of milliseconds for duration timer. Thus start, -- short, and long range from 1 to 99 seconds and duration -- from 100 ms to 9.9 s -- See A.3 for explanation of digit map syntax ..., durationTimer INTEGER (0..99) OPTIONAL } ServiceChangeParm ::= SEQUENCE { serviceChangeMethod ServiceChangeMethod, serviceChangeAddress ServiceChangeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceChangeVersion INTEGER(0..99) OPTIONAL, serviceChangeProfile ServiceChangeProfile OPTIONAL, serviceChangeReason Value, -- A serviceChangeReason consists of a numeric reason code -- and an optional text description. -- The serviceChangeReason SHALL be a string consisting of -- a decimal reason code, optionally followed by a single -- space character and a textual description string. -- This string is first BER-encoded as an IA5String. -- The result of this BER-encoding is then encoded as -- an ASN.1 OCTET STRING type, "double wrapping" the -- value -- as was done for package elements. serviceChangeDelay INTEGER(0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, -- 32-bit unsigned integer serviceChangeMgcId MId OPTIONAL, timeStamp TimeNotation OPTIONAL, nonStandardData NonStandardData OPTIONAL, ..., serviceChangeInfo AuditDescriptor OPTIONAL, serviceChangeIncompleteFlag NULL OPTIONAL } ServiceChangeAddress ::= CHOICE { portNumber INTEGER(0..65535), -- TCP/UDP port number ip4Address IP4Address, ip6Address IP6Address, domainName DomainName, deviceName PathName, mtpAddress OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..4)), ... } ServiceChangeResParm ::= SEQUENCE { serviceChangeMgcId MId OPTIONAL, serviceChangeAddress ServiceChangeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceChangeVersion INTEGER(0..99) OPTIONAL, serviceChangeProfile ServiceChangeProfile OPTIONAL, timestamp TimeNotation OPTIONAL, ... } ServiceChangeMethod ::= ENUMERATED { failover(0), forced(1), graceful(2), restart(3), disconnected(4), handOff(5), ... } ServiceChangeProfile ::= SEQUENCE { profileName IA5String(SIZE (1..67)) -- 64 characters for name, 1 for "/", 2 for version to match ABNF } PackagesDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE OF PackagesItem PackagesItem ::= SEQUENCE { packageName Name, packageVersion INTEGER(0..99), ... } StatisticsDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE OF StatisticsParameter StatisticsParameter ::= SEQUENCE { statName PkgdName, statValue Value OPTIONAL } -- If statistic consists of a sub-list there will be more than one -- octetstring in statValue. NonStandardData ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardIdentifier NonStandardIdentifier, data OCTET STRING } NonStandardIdentifier ::= CHOICE { object OBJECT IDENTIFIER, h221NonStandard H221NonStandard, experimental IA5String(SIZE(8)), -- first two characters SHOULD be "X-" or "X+" ... } H221NonStandard ::= SEQUENCE { t35CountryCode1 INTEGER(0..255), t35CountryCode2 INTEGER(0..255), -- country, as per T.35 t35Extension INTEGER(0..255), -- assigned nationally manufacturerCode INTEGER(0..65535), -- assigned nationally ... } TimeNotation ::= SEQUENCE { date IA5String(SIZE(8)), -- yyyymmdd format time IA5String(SIZE(8)) -- hhmmssss format -- per ISO 8601:1988 } Value ::= SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING END