# %CopyrightBegin%
# Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2010. All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
# Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
# Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
# retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# %CopyrightEnd%

include $(ERL_TOP)/make/target.mk
include $(ERL_TOP)/make/$(TARGET)/otp.mk

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Application version
# ----------------------------------------------------
include ../vsn.mk

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Release directory specification
# ----------------------------------------------------

ifeq ($(findstring win32,$(TARGET)),win32)

MAKEFILE_SRC = Makefile.win32.src


MAKEFILE_SRC = Makefile.src


ifeq ($(TT_DIR),)
TT_DIR = /tmp

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Target Specs
# ----------------------------------------------------

include modules.mk

EBIN = .

HRL_FILES = megaco_test_lib.hrl

ERL_FILES = $(MODULES:%=%.erl)



APP_CASES   = app appup

CODEC_CASES = codec1 codec2 codec3a codec3b codec3c

MISC_CASES  = tid sdp dm conf udp tcp ex timer flex

OP_CASES    = mess mib mreq pending trans actions load


EMAKEFILE  = Emakefile
MAKE_EMAKE = $(wildcard $(ERL_TOP)/make/make_emakefile)

ifeq ($(MAKE_EMAKE),)
BUILDTARGET   = emakebuild

# ----------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------

include ../src/app/megaco.mk 

ifeq ($(USE_MEGACO_TEST_CODE),true)
ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += -DMEGACO_TEST_CODE=mona_lisa_spelar_doom

ifeq ($(USE_MEGACO_HIPE),true)
ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +native -Dmegaco_hipe_special=true

	-pa $(ERL_TOP)/lib/test_server/ebin \

ERL_PATH = -pa ../../megaco/examples/simple \
           -pa ../../megaco/ebin \
           -pa ../../et/ebin

ifndef SUITE
SUITE = megaco_SUITE

ESTOP = -s init stop

ifeq ($(DONT_STOP),true)

ETVIEW = -s et_viewer
ifeq ($(USE_ET_VIEWER),true)

ifeq ($(MERL),)
MERL = erl

ARGS += -noshell

ifeq ($(DISABLE_TC_TIMEOUT),true)
ARGS += -megaco_test_timeout

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Targets
# ----------------------------------------------------

tests debug opt: $(BUILDTARGET)

targets: $(TARGET_FILES)

.PHONY: emakebuild

emakebuild: $(EMAKEFILE)

	$(MAKE_EMAKE) $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) '*_SUITE_make' | grep -v Warning > $(EMAKEFILE)
	$(MAKE_EMAKE) $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) $(MODULES) | grep -v Warning >> $(EMAKEFILE)

	rm -f $(EMAKEFILE)
	rm -f $(TARGET_FILES) 
	rm -f errs core *~


	@echo "MAKE_EMAKE        = $(MAKE_EMAKE)"
	@echo "EMAKEFILE         = $(EMAKEFILE)"
	@echo ""
	@echo "ERL  = $(ERL)"
	@echo "MERL = $(MERL)"
	@echo ""
	@echo "ARGS = $(ARGS)"
	@echo ""
	@echo "HRL_FILES    = $(HRL_FILES)"
	@echo "ERL_FILES    = $(ERL_FILES)"
	@echo ""

	@echo ""
	@echo "This Makefile controls the test of the $(APPLICATION) application. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "There are two separate ways to perform the test of $(APPLICATION)."
	@echo ""
	@echo "  a) Run the official OTP test-server (which we do not describe here)"
	@echo ""
	@echo "  b) Run the test-server provided with this application. "
	@echo "     There are a number of targets to run the entire or parts"
	@echo "     of this applications ($(APPLICATION)) test-suite"
	@echo ""
	@echo "Targets:"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    help"
	@echo "      Print this info"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    info"
	@echo "      Prints various environment variables. "
	@echo "      May be useful when debugging the Makefile. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    tests | debug | opt "
	@echo "      Compile all test-code. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    clean "
	@echo "      Remove all targets. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    test"
	@echo "      Run the entire $(APPLICATION) test-suite. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    app"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) application sub-test-suite. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    appup"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) application upgrade (appup) sub-test-suite. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    conf"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) config sub-test-suite. "
	@echo "      Checks various aspects of the megaco configuration. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    codec"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) codec sub-test-suite(s). "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    flex"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) flex-scanner sub-test-suite. "
	@echo "      This sub-test-suite does not test the function of the scanner itself"
	@echo "      (that is done by the codec sub-test-suite(s)), instead, this"
	@echo "      sub-test-suite tests the *handling* of the flex-scanner linked-in driver."
	@echo ""
	@echo "    dm"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) digit-map sub-test-suite. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    tid"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) binary term-id sub-test-suite. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    sdp"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) SDP sub-test-suite. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    action"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) actions sub-test-suite. "
	@echo "      Actions are building blocks of a $(APPLICATION) message. "
	@echo "      This sub-test-suite attempts to perform tests related to this, "
	@echo "      using all the supported codecs. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    mess"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) message sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      This is basic message processing test-cases"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    trans"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) transaction sender sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      This is basic message processing for a megaco application "
	@echo "      configured to be using the transaction sender. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    mib"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) $(APPLICATION)-mib sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      Tests related to the basic support for the $(APPLICATION) mib"
	@echo "      primarily counters"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    mreq"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) mreq sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      This is yet another sub-test-suite with message processing "
	@echo "      test-cases. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    pending"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) pending-limit sub-test-suite"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    udp"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) UDP transport component sub-test-suite"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    tcp"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) TCP transport component sub-test-suite"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    load"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) load sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      This sub-test-suite performs load test test-cases using "
	@echo "      \"high\" message traffic. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    segment"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) message segmentation sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      If using the UDP transport protocol, it is possible to send "
	@echo "      and receive segmented megaco replies (in version 3 of the protocol) "
	@echo "      This sub-test-suite tests this feature. "
	@echo ""
	@echo "    timer"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) timer sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      Basic test-suite for the megaco-timers"
	@echo ""
	@echo "    ex"
	@echo "      Run the $(APPLICATION) example sub-test-suite"
	@echo "      The $(APPLICATION) application contains one example,"
	@echo "      this is a sub-test-suite based on the code,"
	@echo ""

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Special Targets
# ----------------------------------------------------

aall: make
	@echo "make sure epmd is new"
	@epmd -kill > /dev/null
	@echo "Running all app sub-suites separatelly"
	@for i in $(APP_CASES); do \
            echo "SUITE: $$i"; \
            clearmake -V $$i > $$i.log; \
	echo "done"

call: make
	@echo "make sure epmd is new"
	@epmd -kill > /dev/null
	@echo "Running all codec sub-suites separatelly"
	@for i in $(CODEC_CASES); do \
            echo "SUITE: $$i"; \
            clearmake -V $$i > $$i.log; \

mall: make
	@echo "make sure epmd is new"
	@epmd -kill > /dev/null
	@echo "Running all misc sub-suites separatelly"
	@for i in $(MISC_CASES); do \
            echo "SUITE: $$i"; \
            clearmake -V $$i > $$i.log; \

oall: make
	@echo "make sure epmd is new"
	@epmd -kill > /dev/null
	@echo "Running all operation sub-suites separatelly"
	@for i in $(OP_CASES); do \
            echo "SUITE: $$i"; \
            clearmake -V $$i > $$i.log; \

all: make
	@echo "make sure epmd is new"
	@epmd -kill > /dev/null
	@echo "Running all sub-suites separatelly"
	@for i in $(ALL_CASES); do \
            echo "SUITE: $$i"; \
            clearmake -V $$i > $$i.log; \

make: targets

test: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_test $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t $(SUITE) \

utest: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_utest $(ERL_PATH) \
            $(MAYBE_ETVIEW) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t $(SUITE) \

ftest: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_ftest $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_filter \
            -s megaco_test_lib t $(SUITE) \

decode_compact_prof1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_compact $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test profile_decode_compact_text_messages \

decode_compact_flex_prof1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_compact_flex $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test profile_decode_compact_flex_text_messages \

decode_compact_prof2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_compact $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test profile_decode_compact_text_messages \

decode_compact_flex_prof2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_compact_flex $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test profile_decode_compact_flex_text_messages \

decode_pretty_prof1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_pretty $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test profile_decode_pretty_text_messages \

decode_pretty_flex_prof1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_pretty_flex $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test profile_decode_pretty_flex_text_messages \

decode_pretty_prof2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_pretty $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test profile_decode_pretty_text_messages \

decode_pretty_flex_prof2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_decode_pretty_flex $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test profile_decode_pretty_flex_text_messages \

encode_compact_prof1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_encode_compact $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test profile_encode_compact_text_messages \

encode_compact_prof2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_encode_compact $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test profile_encode_compact_text_messages \

encode_pretty_prof1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_encode_pretty $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test profile_encode_pretty_text_messages \

encode_pretty_prof2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_profile_encode_pretty $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test profile_encode_pretty_text_messages \


tickets: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_tickets $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib tickets $(SUITE) \

app: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_app $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_app_test \

appup: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_appup $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_appup_test \

conf: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_config $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_config_test \


codec: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_test \

codec1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_v1_test \

codec1_tickets: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec1_tickets $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test tickets \

codec2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec2 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_v2_test \

codec2_tickets: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec2_tickets $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test tickets \

codec3a: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3a $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_prev3a_test \

codec3a_tickets: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3a_tickets $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3a_test tickets \

codec3b: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3b $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_prev3b_test \

codec3b_tickets: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3b_tickets $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3b_test tickets \

codec3c: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3c $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_prev3c_test \

codec3c_tickets: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3c_tickets $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3c_test tickets \

codec3: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_v3_test \

codec3_tickets: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec3_tickets $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v3_test tickets \

codecm: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_codec1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_codec_mini_test \


time1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_time1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v1_test tt $(TT_DIR) \

time2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_time2 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v2_test tt $(TT_DIR) \

timeo1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timeo1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v1_test tt_official $(TT_DIR) \

timeo2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timeo2 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v2_test tt_official $(TT_DIR) \

timeo3: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timeo3 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v3_test tt_official $(TT_DIR) \

timet1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timet1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v1_test tt_texts $(TT_DIR) \

timet2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timet2 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v2_test tt_texts $(TT_DIR) \

timet3: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timet3 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v3_test tt_texts $(TT_DIR) \

timeb1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timeb1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v1_test tt_bins $(TT_DIR) \

timeb2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timeb2 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v2_test tt_bins $(TT_DIR) \

timeb3: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timeb3 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -run megaco_codec_v3_test tt_bins $(TT_DIR) \


flex: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_flex $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_flex_test \

dm: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_dm $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_digit_map_test \

tid: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_tid $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_binary_term_id_test \

sdp: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_sdp $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_sdp_test \

actions: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_actions $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_actions_test \

mess: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_mess $(ERL_PATH) \
            $(MAYBE_ETVIEW) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_mess_test \

trans: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_trans $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_trans_test \

mib: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_mib $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_mib_test \

mreq: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_mreq $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_mreq_test \

pending: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_pending $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_pending_limit_test \

pl: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_pl $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_pending_limit_test \

udp: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_pl $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_udp_test \

tcp: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_pl $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_tcp_test \

load: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_load $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_load_test \

ex: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_ex $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_examples_test \

segment: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_segment $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_segment_test \

timer: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_timer $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_test_lib t megaco_timer_test \


gnuplot_gif: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_gnuplot_gif $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_call_flow_test gnuplot_gif \

display_v1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_display_text_msgs_v1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test display_text_messages \

generate_v1: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_generate_text_msgs_v1 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test generate_text_messages \

display_v2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_display_text_msgs_v2 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test display_text_messages \

generate_v2: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_generate_text_msgs_v2 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test generate_text_messages \

display_prev3a: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_display_text_msgs_prev3a $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3a_test display_text_messages \

display_prev3b: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_display_text_msgs_prev3b $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3b_test display_text_messages \

generate_prev3b: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_generate_text_msgs_prev3b $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3b_test generate_text_messages \

display_prev3c: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_display_text_msgs_prev3c $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3c_test display_text_messages \

generate_prev3c: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_generate_text_msgs_prev3c $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_prev3c_test generate_text_messages \

display_v3: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_display_text_msgs_v3 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v3_test display_text_messages \

generate_v3: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_generate_text_msgs_v3 $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v3_test generate_text_messages \

generate: make
	$(MERL) $(ARGS) -sname megaco_generate_text_msgs $(ERL_PATH) \
            -s megaco_codec_v1_test generate_text_messages \
            -s megaco_codec_v2_test generate_text_messages \
            -s megaco_codec_v3_test generate_text_messages \

	$(MERL) -sname megaco $(ERL_PATH)

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Release Targets
# ---------------------------------------------------- 

include $(ERL_TOP)/make/otp_release_targets.mk



release_tests_spec: tests
#                        $(HRL_FILES) $(ERL_FILES) \
#                        $(RELSYSDIR)
	chmod -f -R u+w $(RELSYSDIR)