%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Test encoding/decoding (codec) module of Megaco/H.248 %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(megaco_codec_v3_test). %% ---- -include_lib("megaco/include/megaco.hrl"). -include_lib("megaco/include/megaco_message_v3.hrl"). -include("megaco_test_lib.hrl"). %% ---- -export([msgs/0]). -export([rfc3525_msgs_display/0, rfc3525_msgs_test/0]). -export([t/0, t/1]). -export([all/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, pretty_test_msgs/1, compact_test_msgs/1, flex_pretty_init/1, flex_pretty_finish/1, flex_pretty_test_msgs/1, flex_compact_init/1, flex_compact_finish/1, flex_compact_test_msgs/1, flex_compact_dm_timers1/1, flex_compact_dm_timers2/1, flex_compact_dm_timers3/1, flex_compact_dm_timers4/1, flex_compact_dm_timers5/1, flex_compact_dm_timers6/1, flex_compact_dm_timers7/1, flex_compact_dm_timers8/1, bin_test_msgs/1, ber_test_msgs/1, per_test_msgs/1, erl_dist_m_test_msgs/1, tickets/0, compact_otp4011_msg1/1, compact_otp4011_msg2/1, compact_otp4011_msg3/1, compact_otp4013_msg1/1, compact_otp4085_msg1/1, compact_otp4085_msg2/1, compact_otp4280_msg1/1, compact_otp4299_msg1/1, compact_otp4359_msg1/1, compact_otp4920_msg0/1, compact_otp4920_msg1/1, compact_otp4920_msg2/1, compact_otp4920_msg3/1, compact_otp4920_msg4/1, compact_otp4920_msg5/1, compact_otp4920_msg6/1, compact_otp4920_msg7/1, compact_otp4920_msg8/1, compact_otp4920_msg9/1, compact_otp4920_msg10/1, compact_otp4920_msg11/1, compact_otp4920_msg12/1, compact_otp4920_msg20/1, compact_otp4920_msg21/1, compact_otp4920_msg22/1, compact_otp4920_msg23/1, compact_otp4920_msg24/1, compact_otp4920_msg25/1, compact_otp5186_msg01/1, compact_otp5186_msg02/1, compact_otp5186_msg03/1, compact_otp5186_msg04/1, compact_otp5186_msg05/1, compact_otp5186_msg06/1, compact_otp5793_msg01/1, compact_otp5836_msg01/1, compact_otp5993_msg01/1, compact_otp5993_msg02/1, compact_otp5993_msg03/1, compact_otp6017_msg01/1, compact_otp6017_msg02/1, compact_otp6017_msg03/1, flex_compact_otp4299_msg1/1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg01/1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg02/1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg03/1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg04/1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg05/1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg06/1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg07/1, pretty_otp4632_msg1/1, pretty_otp4632_msg2/1, pretty_otp4632_msg3/1, pretty_otp4632_msg4/1, pretty_otp4710_msg1/1, pretty_otp4710_msg2/1, pretty_otp4945_msg1/1, pretty_otp4945_msg2/1, pretty_otp4945_msg3/1, pretty_otp4945_msg4/1, pretty_otp4945_msg5/1, pretty_otp4945_msg6/1, pretty_otp4949_msg1/1, pretty_otp4949_msg2/1, pretty_otp4949_msg3/1, pretty_otp5042_msg1/1, pretty_otp5068_msg1/1, pretty_otp5085_msg1/1, pretty_otp5085_msg2/1, pretty_otp5085_msg3/1, pretty_otp5085_msg4/1, pretty_otp5085_msg5/1, pretty_otp5085_msg6/1, pretty_otp5085_msg7/1, pretty_otp5085_msg8/1, pretty_otp5600_msg1/1, pretty_otp5600_msg2/1, pretty_otp5601_msg1/1, pretty_otp5793_msg01/1, pretty_otp5803_msg01/1, pretty_otp5803_msg02/1, pretty_otp5805_msg01/1, pretty_otp5836_msg01/1, pretty_otp5882_msg01/1, pretty_otp6490_msg01/1, pretty_otp6490_msg02/1, pretty_otp6490_msg03/1, pretty_otp6490_msg04/1, pretty_otp6490_msg05/1, pretty_otp6490_msg06/1, pretty_otp7671_msg01/1, pretty_otp7671_msg02/1, pretty_otp7671_msg03/1, pretty_otp7671_msg04/1, pretty_otp7671_msg05/1, pretty_otp8114_msg01/1, flex_pretty_otp5042_msg1/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg1/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg2/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg3/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg4/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg5/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg6/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg7/1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg8/1, flex_pretty_otp5600_msg1/1, flex_pretty_otp5600_msg2/1, flex_pretty_otp5601_msg1/1, flex_pretty_otp5793_msg01/1, flex_pretty_otp5803_msg01/1, flex_pretty_otp5803_msg02/1, flex_pretty_otp5805_msg01/1, flex_pretty_otp5836_msg01/1, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg01/1, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg02/1, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg03/1, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg04/1, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg05/1, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg06/1, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg07/1, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]). -export([display_text_messages/0, generate_text_messages/0]). %% ---- -define(V3, v3). -define(EC_V3, {version3,?V3}). -define(EC, [?EC_V3]). -define(VERSION, 3). -define(VERSION_STR, "3"). -define(MSG_LIB, megaco_test_msg_v3_lib). -define(DEFAULT_PORT, 55555). -define(MG1_MID_NO_PORT, {ip4Address, #'IP4Address'{address = [124, 124, 124, 222]}}). -define(MG1_MID, {ip4Address, #'IP4Address'{address = [124, 124, 124, 222], portNumber = ?DEFAULT_PORT}}). -define(MG2_MID, {ip4Address, #'IP4Address'{address = [125, 125, 125, 111], portNumber = ?DEFAULT_PORT}}). -define(MG3_MID, {ip4Address, #'IP4Address'{address = [125, 124, 123, 122], portNumber = ?DEFAULT_PORT}}). -define(MGC_MID, {ip4Address, #'IP4Address'{address = [123, 123, 123, 4], portNumber = ?DEFAULT_PORT}}). -define(A4444, ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]). -define(A4445, ["11111111", "00000000", "11111111"]). -define(A5555, ["11111111", "11111111", "00000000"]). -define(A5556, ["11111111", "11111111", "11111111"]). %% ---- display_text_messages() -> Msgs = msgs7(text) ++ msgs8(text), megaco_codec_test_lib:display_text_messages(?VERSION, ?EC, Msgs). generate_text_messages() -> Msgs = msgs7(text) ++ msgs8(text), megaco_codec_test_lib:generate_text_messages(?V3, ?VERSION, ?EC, Msgs). %% ---- expand(RootCase) -> expand([RootCase], []). expand([], Acc) -> lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)); expand([Case|Cases], Acc) -> case (catch apply(?MODULE,Case,[suite])) of [] -> expand(Cases, [Case|Acc]); C when is_list(C) -> expand(Cases, [expand(C, [])|Acc]); _ -> expand(Cases, [Case|Acc]) end. %% ---- t() -> megaco_test_lib:t(?MODULE). t(Case) -> megaco_test_lib:t({?MODULE, Case}). init_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> %% CaseString = io_lib:format("~p", [Case]), C = case lists:suffix("time_test", atom_to_list(Case)) of true -> [{tc_timeout, timer:minutes(10)}|Config]; false -> put(verbosity,trc), Config end, megaco_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Case, C). end_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> erase(verbosity), megaco_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Case, Config). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Top test case all() -> [{group, text}, {group, binary}, {group, erl_dist}, {group, tickets}]. groups() -> [{text, [], [{group, pretty}, {group, flex_pretty}, {group, compact}, {group, flex_compact}]}, {binary, [], [{group, bin}, {group, ber}, {group, per}]}, {erl_dist, [], [{group, erl_dist_m}]}, {pretty, [], [pretty_test_msgs]}, {compact, [], [compact_test_msgs]}, {flex_pretty, [], flex_pretty_cases()}, {flex_compact, [], flex_compact_cases()}, {bin, [], [bin_test_msgs]}, {ber, [], [ber_test_msgs]}, {per, [], [per_test_msgs]}, {erl_dist_m, [], [erl_dist_m_test_msgs]}, {tickets, [], [{group, compact_tickets}, {group, flex_compact_tickets}, {group, pretty_tickets}, {group, flex_pretty_tickets}]}, {compact_tickets, [], [compact_otp4011_msg1, compact_otp4011_msg2, compact_otp4011_msg3, compact_otp4013_msg1, compact_otp4085_msg1, compact_otp4085_msg2, compact_otp4280_msg1, compact_otp4299_msg1, compact_otp4359_msg1, compact_otp4920_msg0, compact_otp4920_msg1, compact_otp4920_msg2, compact_otp4920_msg3, compact_otp4920_msg4, compact_otp4920_msg5, compact_otp4920_msg6, compact_otp4920_msg7, compact_otp4920_msg8, compact_otp4920_msg9, compact_otp4920_msg10, compact_otp4920_msg11, compact_otp4920_msg12, compact_otp4920_msg20, compact_otp4920_msg21, compact_otp4920_msg22, compact_otp4920_msg23, compact_otp4920_msg24, compact_otp4920_msg25, compact_otp5186_msg01, compact_otp5186_msg02, compact_otp5186_msg03, compact_otp5186_msg04, compact_otp5186_msg05, compact_otp5186_msg06, compact_otp5793_msg01, compact_otp5836_msg01, compact_otp5993_msg01, compact_otp5993_msg02, compact_otp5993_msg03, compact_otp6017_msg01, compact_otp6017_msg02, compact_otp6017_msg03]}, {flex_compact_tickets, [], flex_compact_tickets_cases()}, {pretty_tickets, [], [pretty_otp4632_msg1, pretty_otp4632_msg2, pretty_otp4632_msg3, pretty_otp4632_msg4, pretty_otp4710_msg1, pretty_otp4710_msg2, pretty_otp4945_msg1, pretty_otp4945_msg2, pretty_otp4945_msg3, pretty_otp4945_msg4, pretty_otp4945_msg5, pretty_otp4945_msg6, pretty_otp4949_msg1, pretty_otp4949_msg2, pretty_otp4949_msg3, pretty_otp5042_msg1, pretty_otp5068_msg1, pretty_otp5085_msg1, pretty_otp5085_msg2, pretty_otp5085_msg3, pretty_otp5085_msg4, pretty_otp5085_msg5, pretty_otp5085_msg6, pretty_otp5085_msg7, pretty_otp5085_msg8, pretty_otp5600_msg1, pretty_otp5600_msg2, pretty_otp5601_msg1, pretty_otp5793_msg01, pretty_otp5803_msg01, pretty_otp5803_msg02, pretty_otp5805_msg01, pretty_otp5836_msg01, pretty_otp5882_msg01, pretty_otp6490_msg01, pretty_otp6490_msg02, pretty_otp6490_msg03, pretty_otp6490_msg04, pretty_otp6490_msg05, pretty_otp6490_msg06, pretty_otp7671_msg01, pretty_otp7671_msg02, pretty_otp7671_msg03, pretty_otp7671_msg04, pretty_otp7671_msg05, pretty_otp8114_msg01]}, {flex_pretty_tickets, [], flex_pretty_tickets_cases()}]. init_per_group(flex_pretty_tickets, Config) -> flex_pretty_init(Config); init_per_group(flex_compact_tickets, Config) -> flex_compact_init(Config); init_per_group(flex_compact, Config) -> flex_compact_init(Config); init_per_group(flex_pretty, Config) -> flex_pretty_init(Config); init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(flex_pretty_tickets, Config) -> flex_pretty_finish(Config); end_per_group(flex_compact_tickets, Config) -> flex_compact_finish(Config); end_per_group(flex_compact, Config) -> flex_compact_finish(Config); end_per_group(flex_pretty, Config) -> flex_pretty_finish(Config); end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. flex_pretty_cases() -> [flex_pretty_test_msgs]. flex_compact_cases() -> [flex_compact_test_msgs, flex_compact_dm_timers1, flex_compact_dm_timers2, flex_compact_dm_timers3, flex_compact_dm_timers4, flex_compact_dm_timers5, flex_compact_dm_timers6, flex_compact_dm_timers7, flex_compact_dm_timers8]. %% Support for per_bin was added to ASN.1 as of version %% 1.3.2 (R8). And later merged into (R7). These %% releases are identical (as far as I know). %% flex_compact_tickets_cases() -> [flex_compact_otp4299_msg1, flex_compact_otp7431_msg01, flex_compact_otp7431_msg02, flex_compact_otp7431_msg03, flex_compact_otp7431_msg04, flex_compact_otp7431_msg05, flex_compact_otp7431_msg06, flex_compact_otp7431_msg07]. flex_pretty_tickets_cases() -> [flex_pretty_otp5042_msg1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg1, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg2, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg3, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg4, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg5, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg6, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg7, flex_pretty_otp5085_msg8, flex_pretty_otp5600_msg1, flex_pretty_otp5600_msg2, flex_pretty_otp5601_msg1, flex_pretty_otp5793_msg01, flex_pretty_otp5803_msg01, flex_pretty_otp5803_msg02, flex_pretty_otp5805_msg01, flex_pretty_otp5836_msg01, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg01, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg02, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg03, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg04, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg05, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg06, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg07]. %% ---- tickets() -> Flag = process_flag(trap_exit, true), Cases = expand(tickets), Fun = fun(Case) -> C = init_per_testcase(Case, [{tc_timeout, timer:minutes(10)}]), io:format("Eval ~w~n", [Case]), Result = case (catch apply(?MODULE, Case, [C])) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> io:format("~n~p exited:~n ~p~n", [Case, Reason]), {error, {Case, Reason}}; Res -> Res end, end_per_testcase(Case, C), Result end, process_flag(trap_exit, Flag), lists:map(Fun, Cases). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pretty_test_msgs(suite) -> []; pretty_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(text) ++ msgs1b(text) ++ msgs3525(text) ++ msgs5(text) ++ msgs6(text) ++ msgs7(text) ++ msgs8(text), %% Msgs = msgs1a(text), %% Msgs = msgs1b(text), %% Msgs = msgs35525(text), %% Msgs = msgs5(text), %% Msgs = msgs6(text), %% Msgs = msgs7(text), DynamicDecode = false, test_msgs(megaco_pretty_text_encoder, DynamicDecode, ?EC, Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% flex_pretty_init(Config) -> flex_init(Config). flex_pretty_finish(Config) -> flex_finish(Config). flex_pretty_test_msgs(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(text) ++ msgs1b(text) ++ msgs3525(text) ++ msgs5(text) ++ msgs6(text) ++ msgs7(text) ++ msgs8(text), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), DynamicDecode = false, test_msgs(megaco_pretty_text_encoder, DynamicDecode, [?EC_V3,Conf], Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% compact_test_msgs(suite) -> []; compact_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(text) ++ msgs1b(text) ++ msgs3525(text) ++ msgs5(text) ++ msgs6(text) ++ msgs7(text) ++ msgs8(text), %% Msgs = msgs7(text), DynamicDecode = false, test_msgs(megaco_compact_text_encoder, DynamicDecode, ?EC, Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% flex_compact_init(Config) -> flex_init(Config). flex_compact_finish(Config) -> flex_finish(Config). flex_compact_test_msgs(suite) -> []; flex_compact_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(text) ++ msgs1b(text) ++ msgs3525(text) ++ msgs5(text) ++ msgs6(text) ++ msgs7(text) ++ msgs8(text), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), DynamicDecode = true, test_msgs(megaco_compact_text_encoder, DynamicDecode, [?EC_V3,Conf], Msgs). flex_compact_dm_timers1(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("1", "2", "3"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers1 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({1,2,3}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. flex_compact_dm_timers2(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("02", "03", "04"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers2 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({2,3,4}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. flex_compact_dm_timers3(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("1", "02", "31"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers3 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({1,2,31}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. flex_compact_dm_timers4(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("10", "21", "99"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers4 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({10,21,99}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. flex_compact_dm_timers5(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers5(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("99", "23", "11"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers5 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({99,23,11}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. flex_compact_dm_timers6(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers6(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("77", "09", "1"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers6 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({77,9,1}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. flex_compact_dm_timers7(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers7(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("77", "09", "1", "99"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers7 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({77,9,1,99}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. flex_compact_dm_timers8(suite) -> []; flex_compact_dm_timers8(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = build_dm_timers_message("01", "09", "01", "02"), B = list_to_binary(M), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, [?EC_V3,Conf], B) of {ok, M1} when is_record(M1,'MegacoMessage') -> t("flex_compact_dm_timers8 -> " "~n M: ~s" "~n M1: ~p", [M, M1]), verify_dm_timers({1,9,1,2}, M1); Else -> exit({decode_failed, M, Else}) end. build_dm_timers_message(T, S, L) -> TMRs = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("T:~s,S:~s,L:~s", [T, S, L])), build_dm_timers_message(TMRs). build_dm_timers_message(T, S, L, Z) -> TMRs = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("T:~s,S:~s,L:~s,Z:~s", [T, S, L,Z])), build_dm_timers_message(TMRs). build_dm_timers_message(TMRs) -> M = io_lib:format("!/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555\nT=10001{C=-{MF=11111111/00000000/00000000{E=2223{al/on,dd/ce{DM=dialplan00}},SG{cg/rt},DM=dialplan00{~s,(0s| 00s|[1-7]xlxx|8lxxxxxxx|#xxxxxxx|*xx|9l1xxxxxxxxxx|9l011x.s)}}}}", [TMRs]), lists:flatten(M). verify_dm_timers(TMRs, #'MegacoMessage'{mess = Mess}) -> #'Message'{messageBody = Body} = Mess, case get_dm_timers(Body) of TMRs -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit({invalid_timer, {TMRs, Reason}}); TMRs1 -> exit({invalid_timer_values, {TMRs, TMRs1}}) end. get_dm_timers({transactions, T}) when is_list(T) -> get_dm_timers1(T); get_dm_timers(Other) -> {error, {invalid_transactions, Other}}. get_dm_timers1([{transactionRequest,T}|Ts]) when is_record(T,'TransactionRequest') -> case get_dm_timers2(T) of {ok, Timers} -> Timers; _ -> get_dm_timers1(Ts) end; get_dm_timers1([_|Ts]) -> get_dm_timers1(Ts); get_dm_timers1([]) -> {error, {no_timers, 'TransactionRequest'}}. get_dm_timers2(#'TransactionRequest'{actions = Actions}) when is_list(Actions) -> get_dm_timers3(Actions). get_dm_timers3([#'ActionRequest'{commandRequests = Cmds}|Ars]) when is_list(Cmds) -> case get_dm_timers4(Cmds) of {ok, Timers} -> {ok, Timers}; _ -> get_dm_timers3(Ars) end; get_dm_timers3([_|Ars]) -> get_dm_timers3(Ars); get_dm_timers3([]) -> {error, {no_timers, 'ActionRequest'}}. get_dm_timers4([#'CommandRequest'{command = Cmd}|Cmds]) -> case get_dm_timers5(Cmd) of {ok, Timers} -> {ok, Timers}; _ -> get_dm_timers4(Cmds) end; get_dm_timers4([_|Cmds]) -> get_dm_timers4(Cmds); get_dm_timers4([]) -> {error, {no_timers, 'CommandRequest'}}. get_dm_timers5({modReq, #'AmmRequest'{descriptors = Descriptors}}) -> get_dm_timers6(Descriptors); get_dm_timers5(R) -> {error, {no_modReq, R}}. get_dm_timers6([{digitMapDescriptor, #'DigitMapDescriptor'{digitMapValue = Val}}|_]) -> case Val of #'DigitMapValue'{startTimer = T, shortTimer = S, longTimer = L, durationTimer = asn1_NOVALUE} -> {ok, {T, S, L}}; #'DigitMapValue'{startTimer = T, shortTimer = S, longTimer = L, durationTimer = Z} -> {ok, {T, S, L, Z}}; _ -> {error, no_value_in_dm} end; get_dm_timers6([_|Descs]) -> get_dm_timers6(Descs); get_dm_timers6([]) -> {error, {no_timers, descriptors}}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bin_test_msgs(suite) -> []; bin_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(binary) ++ msgs5(binary) ++ msgs6(binary) ++ msgs7(binary) ++ msgs8(binary), %% Msgs = msgs6(binary), DynamicDecode = false, test_msgs(megaco_binary_encoder, DynamicDecode, ?EC, Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ber_test_msgs(suite) -> []; ber_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(binary) ++ msgs5(binary) ++ msgs6(binary) ++ msgs7(binary) ++ msgs8(binary), %% Msgs = msgs7(binary), DynamicDecode = false, test_msgs(megaco_ber_encoder, DynamicDecode, ?EC, Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% per_test_msgs(suite) -> []; per_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(binary) ++ msgs5(binary) ++ msgs6(binary) ++ msgs7(binary) ++ msgs8(binary), DynamicDecode = false, test_msgs(megaco_per_encoder, DynamicDecode, ?EC, Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% erl_dist_m_test_msgs(suite) -> []; erl_dist_m_test_msgs(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msgs = msgs1a(erlang) ++ msgs1b(erlang) ++ msgs3525(erlang) ++ msgs5(erlang) ++ msgs6(erlang) ++ msgs7(erlang) ++ msgs8(erlang), DynamicDecode = false, Conf = [megaco_compressed], test_msgs(megaco_erl_dist_encoder, DynamicDecode, Conf, Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # %% Ticket test cases: %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% Observe that this decode SHALL fail compact_otp4011_msg1(suite) -> []; compact_otp4011_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4011_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " ML T=233350{C=${A=stedevice/01{M{O{MO=SR,RV=OFF,RG=OFF,tdmc/ec=OFF,MO=SR}}}}}", ok = compact_otp4011(M), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% Observe that this decode SHALL fail compact_otp4011_msg2(suite) -> []; compact_otp4011_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4011_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " ML T=233350{C=${A=stedevice/01{M{O{MO=SO,RV=OFF,RG=OFF,tdmc/ec=OFF,MO=SR}}}}}", ok = compact_otp4011(M), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% Observe that this decode SHALL fail %% compact_otp4011_msg3(suite) -> []; compact_otp4011_msg3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4011_msg3 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " ML T=233350{C=${A=stedevice/01{M{O{MO=SR,RV=OFF,RG=OFF,tdmc/ec=OFF,MO=SO}}}}}", ok = compact_otp4011(M), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4011(Msg) -> compact_otp4011(Msg, ?EC). compact_otp4011(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(Reason) when is_list(Reason) -> compact_otp4011_chk1(Reason); (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode(Msg, Decode, Check). compact_otp4011_chk1(R1) -> case lists:keysearch(reason, 1, R1) of {value, {reason, R2}} -> compact_otp4011_chk2(R2); false -> {error, {unexpected_result, R1}} end. compact_otp4011_chk2({0, ParserMod, {ParserFunc, [A, B]}}) when (ParserMod =:= megaco_text_parser_v3) andalso (ParserFunc =:= do_merge_control_streamParms) andalso is_list(A) andalso is_record(B, 'LocalControlDescriptor') -> SM = B#'LocalControlDescriptor'.streamMode, case lists:keysearch(mode, 1, A) of {value, {mode, _Mode}} when SM /= asn1_NOVALUE -> ok; {value, {mode, _Mode}} -> {error, {unexpected_streamMode_reason, {A, B}}}; false -> {error, {unexpected_mode_reason, {A, B}}} end; compact_otp4011_chk2(Bad) -> {error, {unexpected_reason, Bad}}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% Note that this decode SHALL fail, because of the misspelled %% MEGCAO instead of the correct MEGACO. compact_otp4013_msg1(suite) -> []; compact_otp4013_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4013_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = "MEGCAO/3 MG1 T=12345678{C=-{SC=root{SV{MT=RS,RE=901}}}}", ok = compact_otp4013(M), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4013(Msg) -> compact_otp4013(Msg, ?EC). compact_otp4013(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(Reason) when is_list(Reason) -> compact_otp4013_chk1(Reason); (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode(Msg, Decode, Check). compact_otp4013_chk1(Reason) -> case lists:keysearch(reason, 1, Reason) of {value, {reason, no_version_found, _}} -> case lists:keysearch(token, 1, Reason) of {value, {token, [{'SafeChars',_,"megcao/3"}|_]}} -> ok; {value, {token, Tokens}} -> {error, {unexpected_tokens, Tokens}}; false -> {error, {tokens_not_found, Reason}} end; {value, {reason, BadReason, _}} -> {error, {unexpected_reason, BadReason}}; false -> {error, {reason_not_found, Reason}} end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% compact_otp4085_msg1(suite) -> []; compact_otp4085_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4085_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = compact_otp4085_erroneous_msg(), ok = compact_otp4085_1(M), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4085_1(Msg) -> compact_otp4085_1(Msg, ?EC). compact_otp4085_1(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(Reason) when is_list(Reason) -> compact_otp4085_1_chk1(Reason); (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode(Msg, Decode, Check). compact_otp4085_1_chk1(Reason) -> case lists:keysearch(reason, 1, Reason) of {value, {reason, {Line, Module, Crap}}} when is_integer(Line) and is_atom(Module) -> Crap2 = case (catch lists:flatten(Crap)) of L when is_list(L) -> L; _ -> Crap end, t("compact_otp4085_1_chk1 -> Expected: " "~n Line: ~p" "~n Module: ~p" "~n Crap2: ~p", [Line, Module, Crap2]), ok; {value, BadReason} -> e("compact_otp4085_1_chk1 -> error: " "~n BadReason: ~p", [BadReason]), {error, {unexpected_reason, Reason}}; false -> {error, {reason_not_found, Reason}} end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% This test case is just to show that the message used in %% compact_otp4085_msg1 is actually ok when you add '}' at the end. compact_otp4085_msg2(suite) -> []; compact_otp4085_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4085_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = compact_otp4085_erroneous_msg() ++ "}", ok = compact_otp4085_2(M), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4085_2(Msg) -> compact_otp4085_2(Msg, ?EC). compact_otp4085_2(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(M) when is_record(M, 'MegacoMessage') -> ok; (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode_only(Msg, Decode, Check). %% This message lack the ending parentesis (}). compact_otp4085_erroneous_msg() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " ML T=11223342{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RV=OFF,RG=OFF},L{v=0," "c=ATM NSAP $ ," "a=eecid:$ ," "m=audio - AAL1/ATMF -," "}}},A=stee1181/01{M{O{MO=SR,RV=OFF,RG=OFF,tdmc/ec=off}}}}", M. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% compact_otp4280_msg1(suite) -> []; compact_otp4280_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4280_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), M = compact_otp4280_msg(), ok = compact_otp4280(M), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4280(Msg) -> compact_otp4280(Msg, ?EC). compact_otp4280(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(M) when is_record(M, 'MegacoMessage') -> ok; (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode_only(Msg, Decode, Check). compact_otp4280_msg() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " mgw1 P=71853646{C=-{AV=root{M{TS{root/maxnumberofcontexts=49500," "root/maxterminationspercontext=2,root/normalmgexecutiontime=200," "root/normalmgcexecutiontime=150," "root/provisionalresponsetimervalue=2000,BF=OFF,SI=IV}}}}}", M. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% This ticket is about comments in a message %% compact_otp4299_msg1(suite) -> []; compact_otp4299_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4299_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msg = compact_otp4299_msg(), ok = compact_otp4299(Msg), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4299(Msg) -> compact_otp4299(Msg, ?EC). compact_otp4299(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(M) when is_record(M, 'MegacoMessage') -> ok; (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode_only(Msg, Decode, Check). compact_otp4299_msg() -> M = ";KALLE\n" "!/" ?VERSION_STR " mg58_1 P=005197711{; YET ANOTHER COMMENT\n" "C=035146207{A=mg58_1_1_4_1_23/19; BEFORE COMMA\n" ",; AFTER COMMA\n" "A=eph58_1/0xA4023371{M{L{\n" "v=0\n" "c=ATM NSAP 39.0102.0304.0506.0708.090a.0b58.0100.0000.0000.00\n" "m=audio - AAL1/ATMF -\n" "a=eecid:A4023371\n" "}}; HOBBE\n}; KALLE \"HOBBE \n}}" ";KALLE\n\n", M. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% compact_otp4359_msg1(suite) -> []; compact_otp4359_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4359_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msg = compact_otp4359_msg(), ok = compact_otp4359(Msg), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4359_msg() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " ml2 T={C=${A=${M{O {MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4359(Msg) -> compact_otp4359(Msg, ?EC). compact_otp4359(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(M) when is_record(M, 'MegacoMessage') -> compact_otp4359_chk(M); (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode_only(Msg, Decode, Check). compact_otp4359_chk(#'MegacoMessage'{mess = Mess}) -> case Mess#'Message'.messageBody of {transactions, Trans} -> case Trans of [{transactionRequest, TR}] -> case TR of #'TransactionRequest'{transactionId = asn1_NOVALUE} -> ok; _ -> {error, {unexpected_trans_req, TR}} end; _ -> {error, {unexpected_trans, Trans}} end; Body -> {error, {unexpected_messageBody, Body}} end. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% compact_otp4920_msg0(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg0(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg0 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg0() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg1(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg2(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg2() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg3(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg3 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg3() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg4(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg4 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg4() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg5(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg5(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg5 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg5() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg6(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg6(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg6 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg6() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg7(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg7(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg7 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg7() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg8(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg8(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg8 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg8() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg9(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg9(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg9 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg9() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg10(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg10(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg10 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg10() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg11(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg11(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg11 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg11() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920_msg12(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg12(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg12 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp4920_msg12() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% Duplicate padding compact_otp4920_msg20(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg20(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg20 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp4920(compact_otp4920_msg20(), bad_mid_duplicate_padding), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% Length compact_otp4920_msg21(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg21(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg21 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp4920(compact_otp4920_msg21(), bad_mid_ip6addr_length), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% Length compact_otp4920_msg22(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg22(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg22 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp4920(compact_otp4920_msg22(), bad_mid_ip6addr_length), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% Length compact_otp4920_msg23(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg23(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg23 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp4920(compact_otp4920_msg23(), bad_mid_ip6addr_length), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% Length compact_otp4920_msg24(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg24(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg24 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp4920(compact_otp4920_msg24(), bad_mid_ip6addr_length), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% Length compact_otp4920_msg25(suite) -> []; compact_otp4920_msg25(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp4920_msg25 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp4920(compact_otp4920_msg25(), bad_mid_ip6addr_length), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp4920(Msg, ExpectedReason) -> compact_otp4920(Msg, ?EC, ExpectedReason). compact_otp4920(Msg, Conf, ExpectedReason) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(Reason) when is_list(Reason) -> compact_otp4920_chk(Reason, ExpectedReason); (Crap) -> {error, {unexpected_decode_result, Crap}} end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode(Msg, Decode, Check). compact_otp4920_chk(Reason, ExpectedReason) -> case lists:keysearch(reason, 1, Reason) of {value, {reason, {__Line, _Mod, ActualReason}}} -> case element(1, ActualReason) of ExpectedReason -> ok; _ -> {error, {unexpected_decode_reason, {ActualReason, ExpectedReason}}} end; {value, {reason, {_Mod, ActualReason}}} -> case element(1, ActualReason) of ExpectedReason -> ok; _ -> {error, {unexpected_decode_reason, {ActualReason, ExpectedReason}}} end; {value, UnknownReason} -> {error, {unexpected_decode_reason, UnknownReason}}; false -> {error, {reason_not_found, Reason}} end. compact_otp4920_msg0() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " []\nT=100{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg1() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B]\nT=101{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg2() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:0:130F:0:0:9C0:876A:130B]\nT=102{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg3() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:0:130F::9C0:876A:130B]\nT=103{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg4() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [::1]\nT=104{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg5() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [::]\nT=105{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg6() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [1::]\nT=106{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg7() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [FEDC:1::]\nT=107{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg8() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:0:130F:0:0:9C0:]\nT=108{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg9() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:0:130F::9C0:]\nT=109{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg10() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [::FFFF:]\nT=110{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg11() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [::]\nT=111{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. compact_otp4920_msg12() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [::C0A8:1E01]\nT=112{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. %% Illegal: only one :: allowed compact_otp4920_msg20() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031::130F::9C0]\nT=120{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. %% Illegal: length compact_otp4920_msg21() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:FFEE:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B]\nT=121{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. %% Illegal: length compact_otp4920_msg22() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:FFEE:0:130F:0:0:9C0:]\nT=122{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. %% Illegal: length compact_otp4920_msg23() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:FFEE:0000:130F:2132:4354::09C0:876A:130B]\nT=123{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. %% Illegal: length compact_otp4920_msg24() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [::2031:FFEE:0000:130F:2132:4354:09C0:876A:130B]\nT=124{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. %% Illegal: length compact_otp4920_msg25() -> M = "!/" ?VERSION_STR " [2031:FFEE:0000:130F:2132:4354:09C0:876A:130B::]\nT=125{C=${A=${M{O{MO=SR,RG=OFF,RV=OFF}}}}}", M. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% compact_otp5186_msg01(suite) -> []; compact_otp5186_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5186_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_error( compact_otp5186_msg01() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5186_msg02(suite) -> []; compact_otp5186_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5186_msg02 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok( compact_otp5186_msg02() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5186_msg03(suite) -> []; compact_otp5186_msg03(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5186_msg03 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), %% ok = compact_otp5186_msg_2(compact_otp5186_msg03(), ok, ok), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5186_msg03() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5186_msg04(suite) -> []; compact_otp5186_msg04(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5186_msg04 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), %% ok = compact_otp5186_msg_2(compact_otp5186_msg04(), ok, ok), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5186_msg04() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5186_msg05(suite) -> []; compact_otp5186_msg05(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5186_msg05 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), %% ok = compact_otp5186_msg_2(compact_otp5186_msg05(), ok, ok), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5186_msg05() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5186_msg06(suite) -> []; compact_otp5186_msg06(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5186_msg06 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), %% ok = compact_otp5186_msg_2(compact_otp5186_msg06(), ok, ok), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5186_msg06() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -- compact_otp5186_msg01() -> "!/" ?VERSION_STR " <mg5>\nP=67111298{C=2699{AV=mg5_ipeph/0x0f0001{}}}". compact_otp5186_msg02() -> "!/" ?VERSION_STR " <mg5>\nP=67111298{C=2699{AV=mg5_ipeph/0x0f0001}}". compact_otp5186_msg03() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {domainName,{'DomainName',"mg5",asn1_NOVALUE}}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply',67111298,asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies,[ {'ActionReply',2699,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE, [ {auditValueReply, {auditResult, {'AuditResult', {megaco_term_id,false,["mg5_ipeph","0x0f0001"]}, [ ] } } } ] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. compact_otp5186_msg04() -> {'MegacoMessage',asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message',?VERSION,{domainName,{'DomainName',"mg5",asn1_NOVALUE}}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply',67111298,asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies,[ {'ActionReply',2699,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE, [ {auditValueReply, {auditResult, {'AuditResult', {megaco_term_id,false,["mg5_ipeph","0x0f0001"]}, [ {emptyDescriptors, {'AuditDescriptor',asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE} } ] } } } ] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. compact_otp5186_msg05() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {domainName,{'DomainName',"mg5",asn1_NOVALUE}}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply',67111298,asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies,[ {'ActionReply',2699,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE, [ {addReply, {'AmmsReply', [ {megaco_term_id,false,["mg5_ipeph","0x0f0001"]} ], [ ] } } ] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. compact_otp5186_msg06() -> {'MegacoMessage',asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message',?VERSION,{domainName,{'DomainName',"mg5",asn1_NOVALUE}}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply',67111298,asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies,[ {'ActionReply',2699,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE, [ {addReply, {'AmmsReply', [ {megaco_term_id,false,["mg5_ipeph","0x0f0001"]} ], [ {emptyDescriptors, {'AuditDescriptor',asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE} } ] } } ] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- compact_otp5793_msg01(suite) -> []; compact_otp5793_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5793_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok(pretty_otp5793_msg1()), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- compact_otp5836_msg01(suite) -> []; compact_otp5836_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5836_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok(compact_otp5836_msg1()), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5836_msg1() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"bs_sbg_4/34"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 12, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 4294967295, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, [{auditValueReply, {error, {'ErrorDescriptor', 431, asn1_NOVALUE}}} ] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- compact_otp5993_msg01(suite) -> []; compact_otp5993_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5993_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5993_msg01() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5993_msg01() -> MT = h221, T = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}, TL = [T], MD = #'MuxDescriptor'{muxType = MT, termList = TL}, compact_otp5993_msg(MD). compact_otp5993_msg02(suite) -> []; compact_otp5993_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5993_msg02 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5993_msg02() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5993_msg02() -> MT = h223, T1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}, T2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}, TL = [T1, T2], MD = #'MuxDescriptor'{muxType = MT, termList = TL}, compact_otp5993_msg(MD). compact_otp5993_msg03(suite) -> []; compact_otp5993_msg03(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp5993_msg03 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5993_msg03() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp5993_msg03() -> T1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}, T2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}, TIDs = [T1, T2], AudRep = {contextAuditResult, TIDs}, CmdRep = {auditValueReply, AudRep}, ActRep = #'ActionReply'{contextId = 5993, commandReply = [CmdRep]}, TransRes = {actionReplies, [ActRep]}, TransRep = #'TransactionReply'{transactionId = 3995, transactionResult = TransRes}, Trans = {transactionReply, TransRep}, Body = {transactions, [Trans]}, Msg = #'Message'{version = ?VERSION, mId = ?MG1_MID, messageBody = Body}, #'MegacoMessage'{mess = Msg}. compact_otp5993_msg(MD) when is_record(MD, 'MuxDescriptor') -> AmmDesc = {muxDescriptor, MD}, AmmReq = #'AmmRequest'{terminationID = [hd(MD#'MuxDescriptor'.termList)], descriptors = [AmmDesc]}, Cmd = {addReq, AmmReq}, CmdReq = #'CommandRequest'{command = Cmd}, ActReq = #'ActionRequest'{contextId = 5993, commandRequests = [CmdReq]}, TransReq = #'TransactionRequest'{transactionId = 3995, actions = [ActReq]}, Trans = {transactionRequest, TransReq}, Body = {transactions, [Trans]}, Msg = #'Message'{version = ?VERSION, mId = ?MG1_MID, messageBody = Body}, #'MegacoMessage'{mess = Msg}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- compact_otp6017_msg01(suite) -> []; compact_otp6017_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp6017_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp6017(0), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp6017_msg02(suite) -> []; compact_otp6017_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp6017_msg02 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp6017(16#FFFFFFFE), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp6017_msg03(suite) -> []; compact_otp6017_msg03(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("compact_otp6017_msg03 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = compact_otp6017(16#FFFFFFFF), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. compact_otp6017(BadCID) -> d("compact_otp6017 -> entry with" "~n BadCID: ~p", [BadCID]), Conf = ?EC, M = compact_otp6017_msg(BadCID), Bin = list_to_binary(M), case decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, false, Conf, Bin) of {ok, Msg} -> d("compact_otp6017 -> Msg: ~n~p", [Msg]), exit({unexpected_decode_success, {Msg, M}}); {error, Reason} when is_list(Reason) -> % Expected result case lists:keysearch(reason, 1, Reason) of {value, {reason, {_Line, _Mod, {bad_ContextID, BadCID}}}} -> io:format(" ~w", [BadCID]), ok; {value, {reason, ActualReason}} -> d("compact_otp6017 -> wrong reason: ~n~p", [ActualReason]), exit({unexpected_reason, ActualReason}); false -> d("compact_otp6017 -> no reason: ~n~p", [Reason]), exit({reason_not_found, Reason}) end; Crap -> d("compact_otp6017 -> unexpected decode result: ~n~p", [Crap]), exit({unexpected_decode_result, Crap}) end. compact_otp6017_msg(CID) when is_integer(CID) -> "!/" ?VERSION_STR " MG1 T=12345678{C=" ++ integer_to_list(CID) ++ "{SC=root{SV{MT=RS,RE=901}}}}". %% ============================================================== %% %% F l e x C o m p a c t T e s t c a s e s %% flex_compact_otp4299_msg1(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp4299_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp4299_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Msg = compact_otp4299_msg(), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = compact_otp4299(Msg, [?EC_V3,Conf]), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_compact_otp7431_msg01(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp7431_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp7431_msg01 -> entry", []), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_compact_otp7431(ok, flex_compact_otp7431_msg1(), [Conf]). flex_compact_otp7431_msg02(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp7431_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp7431_msg02 -> entry", []), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_compact_otp7431(error, flex_compact_otp7431_msg2(), [Conf]). flex_compact_otp7431_msg03(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp7431_msg03(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp7431_msg03 -> entry", []), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_compact_otp7431(error, flex_compact_otp7431_msg3(), [Conf]). flex_compact_otp7431_msg04(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp7431_msg04(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp7431_msg04 -> entry", []), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_compact_otp7431(error, flex_compact_otp7431_msg4(), [Conf]). flex_compact_otp7431_msg05(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp7431_msg05(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp7431_msg05 -> entry", []), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_compact_otp7431(error, flex_compact_otp7431_msg5(), [Conf]). flex_compact_otp7431_msg06(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp7431_msg06(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp7431_msg06 -> entry", []), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_compact_otp7431(error, flex_compact_otp7431_msg6(), [Conf]). flex_compact_otp7431_msg07(suite) -> []; flex_compact_otp7431_msg07(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_comppact_otp7431_msg07 -> entry", []), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_compact_otp7431(error, flex_compact_otp7431_msg7(), [Conf]). flex_compact_otp7431(Expected, Msg, Conf) -> otp7431(Expected, megaco_compact_text_encoder, Msg, Conf). flex_compact_otp7431_msg1() -> "!/1 []:55555 P=10003{C=2000{A=a4444,A=a4445{M{ST=1{L{ v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a=recvonly }}}}}}". flex_compact_otp7431_msg2() -> "!/1 []:55555 P=10003{C=2000{A=a4444,A=a4445{M{ST=1{L{ v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a= } }}}}}". flex_compact_otp7431_msg3() -> "!/1 []:55555 P=10003{C=2000{A=a4444,A=a4445{M{ST=1{L{ v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a } }}}}}". flex_compact_otp7431_msg4() -> "!/1 []:55555 P=10003{C=2000{A=a4444,A=a4445{M{ST=1{L{ v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a} }}}}}". flex_compact_otp7431_msg5() -> "!/1 []:55555 P=10003{C=2000{A=a4444,A=a4445{M{ST=1{L{ v= } }}}}}". flex_compact_otp7431_msg6() -> "!/1 []:55555 P=10003{C=2000{A=a4444,A=a4445{M{ST=1{L{ v } }}}}}". flex_compact_otp7431_msg7() -> "!/1 []:55555 P=10003{C=2000{A=a4444,A=a4445{M{ST=1{L{ v} }}}}}". %% ============================================================== %% %% P r e t t y T e s t c a s e s %% pretty_otp4632_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4632_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4632_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp4632_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4632_msg1() -> msg4(?MG1_MID_NO_PORT, "901 mg col boot"). pretty_otp4632_msg2(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4632_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4632_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp4632_msg2() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4632_msg2() -> msg4(?MG1_MID_NO_PORT, "901"). pretty_otp4632_msg3(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4632_msg3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4632_msg3 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok( pretty_otp4632_msg3() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4632_msg3() -> M = "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []\nTransaction = 9998 {\n\tContext = - {\n\t\tServiceChange = root {\n\t\t\tServices {\n\t\t\t\tMethod = Restart,\n\t\t\t\tServiceChangeAddress = 55555,\n\t\t\t\tProfile = resgw/1,\n\t\t\t\tReason = \"901\"\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}", M. pretty_otp4632_msg4(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4632_msg4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4632_msg4 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(B2, B1) -> pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk(B1, B2) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_encode_only(pretty_otp4632_msg4(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4632_msg4() -> M = "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []\nTransaction = 9998 {\n\tContext = - {\n\t\tServiceChange = root {\n\t\t\tServices {\n\t\t\t\tMethod = Restart,\n\t\t\t\tServiceChangeAddress = 55555,\n\t\t\t\tProfile = resgw/1,\n\t\t\t\tReason = 901\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}", M. pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk(B1, B2) when is_binary(B1) and is_binary(B2) -> S1 = binary_to_list(B1), S2 = binary_to_list(B2), %% io:format("~n" %% "S1: ~s~n" %% "S2: ~s~n", [S1, S2]), pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk(S1, S2); pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk([], []) -> messages_not_eq; pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk([], Rest2) -> {messages_not_eq2, Rest2}; pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk(Rest1, []) -> {messages_not_eq1, Rest1}; pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk([$R,$e,$a,$s,$o,$n,$ ,$=,$ ,$",$9,$0,$1,$"|_Rest1], [$R,$e,$a,$s,$o,$n,$ ,$=,$ ,$9,$0,$1|_Rest2]) -> ok; pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk([_H1|Rest1], [_H2|Rest2]) -> pretty_otp4632_msg4_chk(Rest1, Rest2). %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp4710_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4710_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4710_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp4710_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4710_msg1() -> msg40(). pretty_otp4710_msg2(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4710_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4710_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(B1, B2) -> pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk(B1, B2) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_encode_only(pretty_otp4710_msg2(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4710_msg2() -> "Authentication = 0xEFCDAB89:0x12345678:0x1234567889ABCDEF76543210\nMEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []\nTransaction = 9998 {\n\tContext = - {\n\t\tServiceChange = root {\n\t\t\tServices {\n\t\t\t\tMethod = Restart,\n\t\t\t\tServiceChangeAddress = 55555,\n\t\t\t\tProfile = resgw/1,\n\t\t\t\tReason = \"901 mg col boot\"\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}". pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk(B1, B2) when is_binary(B1) and is_binary(B2) -> S1 = binary_to_list(B1), S2 = binary_to_list(B2), pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk(S1, S2); pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk(Msg, Msg) -> ok; pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk( [$A,$u,$t,$h,$e,$n,$t,$i,$c,$a,$t,$i,$o,$n,$=,$ |Msg0], [$A,$u,$t,$h,$e,$n,$t,$i,$c,$a,$t,$i,$o,$n,$=,$ |Msg1]) -> {AH0, Rest0} = pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk_ah(Msg0, []), {AH1, Rest1} = pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk_ah(Msg1, []), case AH0 == AH1 of true -> exit({message_not_equal, Rest0, Rest1}); false -> exit({auth_header_not_equal, AH0, AH1}) end. pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk_ah([], _Acc) -> exit(no_auth_header_found); pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk_ah([$M,$E,$G,$A,$C,$O,$/,_|Rest], Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}; pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk_ah([C|R], Acc) -> pretty_otp4710_msg2_chk_ah(R, [C|Acc]). %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp4945_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4945_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4945_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp4945_msg1_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error(pretty_otp4945_msg1(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4945_msg1() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Transaction = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { Method = Restart, ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". pretty_otp4945_msg1_chk(R) when is_list(R) -> ExpMissing = [serviceChangeReason], Check = fun(Reason) -> pretty_otp4945_chk(Reason, ExpMissing) end, ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check). pretty_otp4945_msg2(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4945_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4945_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp4945_msg2_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error(pretty_otp4945_msg2(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4945_msg2() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Transaction = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { Reason = 901, ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". pretty_otp4945_msg2_chk(R) when is_list(R) -> ExpMissing = [serviceChangeMethod], Check = fun(Reason) -> pretty_otp4945_chk(Reason, ExpMissing) end, ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check). pretty_otp4945_msg3(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4945_msg3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4945_msg3 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp4945_msg3_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error(pretty_otp4945_msg3(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4945_msg3() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Transaction = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". pretty_otp4945_msg3_chk(R) when is_list(R) -> ExpMissing = [serviceChangeReason, serviceChangeMethod], Check = fun(Reason) -> pretty_otp4945_chk(Reason, ExpMissing) end, ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check). pretty_otp4945_msg4(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4945_msg4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4945_msg4 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_only( pretty_otp4945_msg4() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4945_msg4() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Transaction = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { Method = Restart, Reason = 901, ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". pretty_otp4945_msg5(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4945_msg5(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4945_msg5 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp4945_msg5_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error(pretty_otp4945_msg5(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4945_msg5() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Transaction = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { Method = Restart, Reason = 901, Profile = ResGW/1, ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/2 } } } }". pretty_otp4945_msg5_chk(R) when is_list(R) -> Check = fun({at_most_once_serviceChangeParm, {profile, _, _}}) -> ok; (Reason) -> {error, {unexpected_reason, Reason}} end, ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check). pretty_otp4945_msg6(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4945_msg6(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4945_msg6 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp4945_msg6_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error(pretty_otp4945_msg6(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4945_msg6() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Transaction = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { Method = Restart, Reason = 901, ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, MgcIdToTry = kalle, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". pretty_otp4945_msg6_chk(R) when is_list(R) -> Check = fun({not_both_address_mgcid_serviceChangeParm, _, _}) -> ok; (Reason) -> {error, {unexpected_reason, Reason}} end, ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check). pretty_otp4945_chk({missing_required_serviceChangeParm, Missing}, ExpMissing) when is_list(Missing) -> case ExpMissing -- Missing of [] -> ok; Diff -> {error, {unexpected_missing_serviceChangeParm, Diff}} end; pretty_otp4945_chk(Reason, _ExpMissing) -> {error, {unexpected_reason, Reason}}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp4949_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4949_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4949_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_only( pretty_otp4949_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4949_msg1() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Reply = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". pretty_otp4949_msg2(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4949_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4949_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp4949_msg2_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error( pretty_otp4949_msg2(), Check), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4949_msg2() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Reply = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { Profile = ResGW/1, ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/2 } } } }". pretty_otp4949_msg2_chk(R) when is_list(R) -> Check = fun({at_most_once_servChgReplyParm, {profile, _, _}}) -> ok; (Reason) -> {error, {unexpected_reason, Reason}} end, ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check). pretty_otp4949_msg3(suite) -> []; pretty_otp4949_msg3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp4949_msg3 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp4949_msg3_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error( pretty_otp4949_msg3(), Check ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp4949_msg3() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Reply = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, MgcIdToTry = kalle, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". pretty_otp4949_msg3_chk(R) when is_list(R) -> Check = fun({not_both_address_mgcid_servChgReplyParm, _, _}) -> ok; (Reason) -> {error, {unexpected_reason, Reason}} end, ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check). %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5042_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5042_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5042_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_only( pretty_otp5042_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5042_msg1() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " <CATAPULT>:2944 Transaction = 102 { Context = 5 { Notify = MUX/1 { ObservedEvents = 1 { h245bh/h245msgin { Stream = 1 , h245enc = 0270020600088175000653401004100403E802E00180018001780680000034301160000700088175010101007A0100020001800001320000C0000219D005027F0070500100040100021080000319D005027F00504001008000041C001250000700088175010000400280010003000880000518AA027F400006850130008011020100000001030002000300040005000006 } } } } }". %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5068_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5068_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5068_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_only( pretty_otp5068_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5068_msg1() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,[109,103,51,51]}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 190, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', %% Comments: This is repeated many times. 0, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, [{auditValueReply, {auditResult, {'AuditResult', {megaco_term_id,false, [[99,101,100,101,118,49,47,52,47,49,47,49],[51,49]]}, [{mediaDescriptor, {'MediaDescriptor', {'TerminationStateDescriptor', [], asn1_NOVALUE, inSvc}, asn1_NOVALUE} } ] } } } ] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5085_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg1() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"mg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, {'ErrorDescriptor',504,asn1_NOVALUE}, asn1_NOVALUE, [] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. pretty_otp5085_msg2(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg2() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg2() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"mg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, [] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. pretty_otp5085_msg3(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg3 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg3() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg3() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"mg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, asn1_NOVALUE, #'ContextRequest'{priority = 3}, [] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. pretty_otp5085_msg4(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg4 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg4() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg4() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"mg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, [{addReply, cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}])}, {notifyReply, cre_NotifyRep([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}])}] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. pretty_otp5085_msg5(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg5(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg5 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg5() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg5() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"mg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, asn1_NOVALUE, #'ContextRequest'{priority = 5}, [{addReply, cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}])}, {notifyReply, cre_NotifyRep([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}])}] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. pretty_otp5085_msg6(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg6(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg6 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg6() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg6() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"msg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, {'ErrorDescriptor',504,asn1_NOVALUE}, #'ContextRequest'{priority = 6}, [{addReply, cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}])}, {notifyReply, cre_NotifyRep([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}])}] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. pretty_otp5085_msg7(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg7(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg7 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg7() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg7() -> {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"msg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, {'ErrorDescriptor',504,asn1_NOVALUE}, #'ContextRequest'{priority = 7}, [{notifyReply, cre_NotifyRep([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}])}] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. pretty_otp5085_msg8(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5085_msg8(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5085_msg8 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg8() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5085_msg8() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, {'MegacoMessage', asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message', ?VERSION, {deviceName,"msg36"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 230, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 400, {'ErrorDescriptor',504,asn1_NOVALUE}, #'ContextRequest'{priority = 8, emergency = true, topologyReq = [#'TopologyRequest'{terminationFrom = From1, terminationTo = To1, topologyDirection = bothway}, #'TopologyRequest'{terminationFrom = From2, terminationTo = To2, topologyDirection = oneway} ], iepscallind = true, contextProp = [cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2")]}, [{notifyReply, cre_NotifyRep([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}])}] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5600_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5600_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5600_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5600_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5600_msg1() -> SRE = #'SecondRequestedEvent'{ pkgdName = "al/on", evParList = [] }, SED = #'SecondEventsDescriptor'{ requestID = 2, eventList = [ SRE ] }, SIG = { signal, #'Signal'{ signalName = "cg/dt", sigParList = [] } }, RA = #'RequestedActions'{ secondEvent = SED, signalsDescriptor = [ SIG ] }, RE = #'RequestedEvent'{ pkgdName = "al/of", eventAction = RA, evParList = [] }, EV = #'EventsDescriptor'{ requestID = 1, eventList = [ RE ] }, TermID = {megaco_term_id, true, [[$*]] }, AMMR = #'AmmRequest'{ terminationID = [ TermID ], descriptors = [ { eventsDescriptor, EV } ] }, CR = #'CommandRequest'{command = {modReq, AMMR}}, AR = #'ActionRequest'{contextId = ?megaco_null_context_id, commandRequests = [CR]}, ARs = [AR], TR = #'TransactionRequest'{transactionId = 5600, actions = ARs}, TRs = [{transactionRequest, TR}], Mess = #'Message'{version = ?VERSION, mId = ?MGC_MID, messageBody = {transactions, TRs}}, #'MegacoMessage'{mess = Mess}. pretty_otp5600_msg2(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5600_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5600_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5600_msg2() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5600_msg2() -> SIG = { signal, #'Signal'{ signalName = "cg/dt", sigParList = [] } }, SRA = #'SecondRequestedActions'{ signalsDescriptor = [ SIG ] }, SRE = #'SecondRequestedEvent'{ pkgdName = "al/on", eventAction = SRA, evParList = [] }, SED = #'SecondEventsDescriptor'{ requestID = 2, eventList = [ SRE ] }, RA = #'RequestedActions'{ secondEvent = SED }, RE = #'RequestedEvent'{ pkgdName = "al/of", eventAction = RA, evParList = [] }, EV = #'EventsDescriptor'{ requestID = 1, eventList = [ RE ] }, TermID = {megaco_term_id, true, [[$*]] }, AMMR = #'AmmRequest'{ terminationID = [ TermID ], descriptors = [ { eventsDescriptor, EV } ] }, CR = #'CommandRequest'{command = {modReq, AMMR}}, AR = #'ActionRequest'{contextId = ?megaco_null_context_id, commandRequests = [CR]}, ARs = [AR], TR = #'TransactionRequest'{transactionId = 5600, actions = ARs}, TRs = [{transactionRequest, TR}], Mess = #'Message'{version = ?VERSION, mId = ?MGC_MID, messageBody = {transactions, TRs}}, #'MegacoMessage'{mess = Mess}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5601_msg1(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5601_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5601_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5601_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5601_msg1() -> SRE1 = #'SecondRequestedEvent'{ pkgdName = "al/on", evParList = [] }, SRA = #'SecondRequestedActions'{ eventDM = { digitMapName, "dialllan0" }}, SRE2 = #'SecondRequestedEvent'{ pkgdName = "dd/ce", eventAction = SRA, evParList = [] }, SED = #'SecondEventsDescriptor'{ requestID = 2, eventList = [ SRE1, SRE2 ] }, RA = #'RequestedActions'{ secondEvent = SED }, RE = #'RequestedEvent'{ pkgdName = "al/of", eventAction = RA, evParList = [] }, EV = #'EventsDescriptor'{ requestID = 1, eventList = [ RE ] }, TermID = {megaco_term_id, true, [[$*]] }, AMMR = #'AmmRequest'{ terminationID = [ TermID ], descriptors = [ { eventsDescriptor, EV } ] }, CR = #'CommandRequest'{command = {modReq, AMMR}}, AR = #'ActionRequest'{contextId = ?megaco_null_context_id, commandRequests = [CR]}, ARs = [AR], TR = #'TransactionRequest'{transactionId = 5600, actions = ARs}, TRs = [{transactionRequest, TR}], Mess = #'Message'{version = ?VERSION, mId = ?MGC_MID, messageBody = {transactions, TRs}}, #'MegacoMessage'{mess = Mess}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5793_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5793_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5793_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5793_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5793_msg1() -> {'MegacoMessage',asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message',3, {deviceName,"bs_sbg_4/99"}, {transactions, [{transactionReply, {'TransactionReply', 370, asn1_NOVALUE, {actionReplies, [{'ActionReply', 3, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, [{auditValueReply, {contextAuditResult, [{megaco_term_id, false, ["ip", "104", "1", "18"]}]}}, {auditValueReply, {contextAuditResult, [{megaco_term_id, false, ["ip", "104", "2", "19"] } ] } } ] } ] },asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE } } ] } } }. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5803_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5803_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5803_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok( pretty_otp5803_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5803_msg1() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []Transaction=384{ Context=27{ Modify=ip/104/1/76{ Media{ Stream=1{ Local{}, Remote{} }, Stream=2{ Local{}, Remote{} } }, Audit{ Media{ Stream=1{ Statistics{*/*} }, Stream=2{ Statistics{*/*} } } } }, Modify=ip/104/2/77{ Media{ Stream=1{ Local{}, Remote{} }, Stream=2{ Local{}, Remote{} } } } } }". pretty_otp5803_msg02(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5803_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5803_msg02 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok( pretty_otp5803_msg2() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5803_msg2() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []Transaction=384{ Context=27{ Modify=ip/104/1/76{ Media{ Stream=1{ Local{}, Remote{} }, Stream=2{ Local{}, Remote{} } }, Audit{ Media{ Stream=1{ Statistics{*/*} } } } }, Modify=ip/104/2/77{ Media{ Stream=1{ Local{}, Remote{} }, Stream=2{ Local{}, Remote{} } } } } }". %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5805_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5805_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5805_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error( pretty_otp5805_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5805_msg1() -> "MEGACO/4 [] Transaction=1{ Context=*{ AuditValue=ip/0/*{ Audit{} } } }". %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5836_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5836_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5836_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5836_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp5882_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp5882_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("pretty_otp5882_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Check = fun(R) -> pretty_otp5882_msg01_chk(R) end, ok = ticket_pretty_encode_error( pretty_otp5882_msg01(), Check ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp5882_msg01_chk({message_encode_failed, {error, {Reason, _}}, _}) -> case Reason of {invalid_LocalControlDescriptor, empty} -> ok; _ -> {error, {unexpected_error_actual_reason, Reason}} end; pretty_otp5882_msg01_chk(Reason) -> {error, {unexpected_reason, Reason}}. pretty_otp5882_msg01() -> LCD = #'LocalControlDescriptor'{}, % Create illegal LCD Parms = cre_StreamParms(LCD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1, Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), CID = cre_CtxID(7301), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CmdReq]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7302), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp6490_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp6490_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp6490_msg01 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp6490_msg01(), [] ), %% erase(dbg), erase(severity), ok. pretty_otp6490_msg02(suite) -> []; pretty_otp6490_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp6490_msg02 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp6490_msg02(), [] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp6490_msg03(suite) -> []; pretty_otp6490_msg03(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp6490_msg03 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp6490_msg03(), [] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp6490_msg04(suite) -> []; pretty_otp6490_msg04(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp6490_msg04 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp6490_msg04(), [] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp6490_msg05(suite) -> []; pretty_otp6490_msg05(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp6490_msg05 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp6490_msg05(), [] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp6490_msg06(suite) -> []; pretty_otp6490_msg06(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp6490_msg06 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp6490_msg06(), [] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. pretty_otp6490_msg(EBD) -> AmmDesc = ?MSG_LIB:cre_AmmDescriptor(EBD), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}], [AmmDesc]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), CID = cre_CtxID(64901), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CmdReq]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(64902), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). pretty_otp6490_msg01() -> EvSpecs = [], % This will result in an error EBD = EvSpecs, % This is because the lib checks that the size is valid pretty_otp6490_msg(EBD). pretty_otp6490_msg02() -> EvPar = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("sune", ["mangs"]), PkgdName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_PkgdName("foo", "a"), EvName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventName(PkgdName), EvSpec = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventSpec(EvName, [EvPar]), EvSpecs = [EvSpec], EBD = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventBufferDescriptor(EvSpecs), pretty_otp6490_msg(EBD). pretty_otp6490_msg03() -> EvPar1 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("sune", ["mangs"]), EvPar2 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("kalle", ["anka"]), EvPar3 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("flippa", ["ur"]), PkgdName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_PkgdName("foo", "a"), EvName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventName(PkgdName), EvSpec = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventSpec(EvName, [EvPar1,EvPar2,EvPar3]), EvSpecs = [EvSpec], EBD = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventBufferDescriptor(EvSpecs), pretty_otp6490_msg(EBD). pretty_otp6490_msg04() -> EvPar1 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("sune", ["mangs"]), EvPar2 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("kalle", ["anka"]), EvPar3 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("flippa", ["ur"]), PkgdName1 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_PkgdName("foo", "a"), EvName1 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventName(PkgdName1), EvSpec1 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventSpec(EvName1, [EvPar1,EvPar2,EvPar3]), EvPar4 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("hej", ["hopp"]), PkgdName2 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_PkgdName("bar", "b"), EvName2 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventName(PkgdName2), EvSpec2 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventSpec(EvName2, [EvPar4]), EvSpecs = [EvSpec1,EvSpec2], EBD = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventBufferDescriptor(EvSpecs), pretty_otp6490_msg(EBD). pretty_otp6490_msg05() -> EvPar = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("sune", ["mangs"]), PkgdName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_PkgdName("foo", root), EvName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventName(PkgdName), EvSpec = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventSpec(EvName, [EvPar]), EvSpecs = [EvSpec], EBD = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventBufferDescriptor(EvSpecs), pretty_otp6490_msg(EBD). pretty_otp6490_msg06() -> EvPar = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter("sune", ["mangs"]), PkgdName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_PkgdName(root, root), EvName = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventName(PkgdName), EvSpec = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventSpec(EvName, [EvPar]), EvSpecs = [EvSpec], EBD = ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventBufferDescriptor(EvSpecs), pretty_otp6490_msg(EBD). %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp7671_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp7671_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp7671_msg01 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = pretty_otp7671( pretty_otp7671_msg01(), [] ), %% erase(dbg), %% erase(severity), ok. pretty_otp7671_msg02(suite) -> []; pretty_otp7671_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp7671_msg02 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = pretty_otp7671( pretty_otp7671_msg02(), [] ), %% erase(dbg), %% erase(severity), ok. pretty_otp7671_msg03(suite) -> []; pretty_otp7671_msg03(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp7671_msg03 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = pretty_otp7671( pretty_otp7671_msg03(), [] ), %% erase(dbg), %% erase(severity), ok. pretty_otp7671_msg04(suite) -> []; pretty_otp7671_msg04(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp7671_msg04 -> entry", []), %% ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = pretty_otp7671( pretty_otp7671_msg04(), [] , error, ignore), %% erase(dbg), %% erase(severity), ok. pretty_otp7671_msg05(suite) -> []; pretty_otp7671_msg05(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity, trc), %% put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp7671_msg05 -> entry", []), Check = fun(M1, M2) -> cmp_otp7671_msg05(M1, M2) end, ok = pretty_otp7671( pretty_otp7671_msg05(), [] , ok, ok, Check), %% erase(dbg), %% erase(severity), ok. pretty_otp7671(Msg, Conf) -> pretty_otp7671(Msg, Conf, ok). pretty_otp7671(Msg, Conf, ExpectedEncode) -> pretty_otp7671(Msg, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ok). pretty_otp7671(Msg, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ExpectedDecode) -> otp7671(Msg, megaco_pretty_text_encoder, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ExpectedDecode). pretty_otp7671(Msg, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ExpectedDecode, Check) -> otp7671(Msg, megaco_pretty_text_encoder, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ExpectedDecode, Check). otp7671(Msg, Codec, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ExpectedDecode) -> Check = fun(M1, M2) -> exit({unexpected_decode_result, M1, M2}) end, otp7671(Msg, Codec, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ExpectedDecode, Check). otp7671(Msg, Codec, Conf, ExpectedEncode, ExpectedDecode, Check) -> case (catch encode_message(Codec, Conf, Msg)) of {error, _Reason} when ExpectedEncode =:= error -> ok; {error, Reason} when ExpectedEncode =:= ok -> exit({unexpected_encode_failure, Reason}); {ok, Bin} when ExpectedEncode =:= error -> exit({unexpected_encode_success, Msg, binary_to_list(Bin)}); {ok, Bin} when ExpectedEncode =:= ok -> case decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, Bin) of {ok, Msg} when ExpectedDecode =:= ok -> ok; {ok, Msg2} when ExpectedDecode =:= ok -> Check(Msg, Msg2); {ok, Msg} when ExpectedDecode =:= error -> exit({unexpected_decode_success, Msg}); {ok, Msg2} when ExpectedDecode =:= error -> exit({unexpected_decode_success, Msg, Msg2}); {error, _Reason} when ExpectedDecode =:= error -> ok; {error, Reason} when ExpectedDecode == ok -> exit({unexpected_decode_failure, Msg, Reason}) end end. pretty_otp7671_msg(DigitMapDesc) -> AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], [{digitMapDescriptor, DigitMapDesc}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), msg_request(?MGC_MID, 10001, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). pretty_otp7671_msg01() -> Name = "dialplan01", DigitMapDesc = cre_DigitMapDesc(Name), pretty_otp7671_msg(DigitMapDesc). pretty_otp7671_msg02() -> Name = "dialplan02", Body = "(0s| 00s|[1-7]xlxx|8lxxxxxxx|#xxxxxxx|*xx|9l1xxxxxxxxxx|9l011x.s)", Value = cre_DigitMapValue(Body), DigitMapDesc = cre_DigitMapDesc(Name, Value), pretty_otp7671_msg(DigitMapDesc). pretty_otp7671_msg03() -> Body = "(0s| 00s|[1-7]xlxx|8lxxxxxxx|#xxxxxxx|*xx|9l1xxxxxxxxxx|9l011x.s)", Value = cre_DigitMapValue(Body), DigitMapDesc = cre_DigitMapDesc(Value), pretty_otp7671_msg(DigitMapDesc). pretty_otp7671_msg04() -> DigitMapDesc = cre_DigitMapDesc(), pretty_otp7671_msg(DigitMapDesc). pretty_otp7671_msg05() -> {'MegacoMessage',asn1_NOVALUE, {'Message',?VERSION, {domainName,{'DomainName',"tgc",asn1_NOVALUE}}, {transactions, [{transactionRequest, {'TransactionRequest',12582952, [{'ActionRequest',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE, [{'CommandRequest', {modReq, {'AmmRequest', [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}], [{digitMapDescriptor, {'DigitMapDescriptor',"dialplan1", {'DigitMapValue',asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,[], asn1_NOVALUE}}}]}}, asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE}]}]}}]}}}. cmp_otp7671_msg05(#'MegacoMessage'{authHeader = asn1_NOVALUE, mess = M1}, #'MegacoMessage'{authHeader = asn1_NOVALUE, mess = M2}) -> #'Message'{messageBody = Body1} = M1, #'Message'{messageBody = Body2} = M2, {transactions, Trans1} = Body1, {transactions, Trans2} = Body2, [{transactionRequest, TR1}] = Trans1, [{transactionRequest, TR2}] = Trans2, #'TransactionRequest'{actions = Acts1} = TR1, #'TransactionRequest'{actions = Acts2} = TR2, [#'ActionRequest'{commandRequests = CR1}] = Acts1, [#'ActionRequest'{commandRequests = CR2}] = Acts2, [#'CommandRequest'{command = Cmd1}] = CR1, [#'CommandRequest'{command = Cmd2}] = CR2, {modReq, #'AmmRequest'{descriptors = Descs1}} = Cmd1, {modReq, #'AmmRequest'{descriptors = Descs2}} = Cmd2, [{digitMapDescriptor, #'DigitMapDescriptor'{digitMapName = Name, digitMapValue = Value1}}] = Descs1, [{digitMapDescriptor, #'DigitMapDescriptor'{digitMapName = Name, digitMapValue = Value2}}] = Descs2, #'DigitMapValue'{startTimer = asn1_NOVALUE, shortTimer = asn1_NOVALUE, longTimer = asn1_NOVALUE, digitMapBody = [], durationTimer = asn1_NOVALUE} = Value1, asn1_NOVALUE = Value2, ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% pretty_otp8114_msg01(suite) -> []; pretty_otp8114_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> put(severity, trc), put(dbg, true), d("pretty_otp8114_msg01 -> entry", []), ok = otp8114( pretty_otp8114_msg01(), megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ?EC), erase(dbg), erase(severity), ok. pretty_otp8114_msg01() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:1234\nTransaction = 1 {\n\tContext =\n1 {\n\t\tModify = ip/1/1/1 {\n\t\t\tMedia {\n\t\t\t\tStream = 1\n{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLocalControl {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tMode =\nSendReceive\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tEvents = 1\n{\n\t\t\t\tadid/ipstop\n{\n\t\t\t\t\tdt=30,\n\t\t\t\t\tdir=\"BOTH\"\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tg/cause\n\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}". otp8114(InitialMessage, Codec, Conf) -> Decode = fun(M) -> Codec:decode_message(Conf, M) end, Encode = fun(B) -> Codec:encode_message(Conf, B) end, InitialData = InitialMessage, Instructions = [ %% List to binary megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_instruction( "Convert (initial) message to a binary", fun(Msg) when is_list(Msg) -> %% io:format("~s~n", [Msg]), {ok, list_to_binary(Msg)}; (Bad) -> {error, {invalid_data, Bad}} end, fun({ok, Bin}, _Msg) when is_binary(Bin) -> {ok, Bin}; (Bad, _Msg) -> {error, {failed_to_binary, Bad}} end), %% Initial decode megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_instruction( "Decode (initial) message", fun(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> (catch Decode(Bin)); (Bad) -> {error, {invalid_data, Bad}} end, fun({ok, Msg}, _Bin) when is_record(Msg, 'MegacoMessage') -> %% io:format("~p~n", [Msg]), {ok, Msg}; (Bad, _) -> {error, {initial_decode_failed, Bad}} end), %% Encode megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_instruction( "Encode message", fun(Msg) when is_record(Msg, 'MegacoMessage') -> (catch Encode(Msg)); (Bad) -> {error, {invalid_data, Bad}} end, fun({ok, Bin}, _Msg) when is_binary(Bin) -> %% io:format("~s~n", [binary_to_list(Bin)]), {ok, Bin}; (Bad, _) -> {error, {encode_failed, Bad}} end), %% Decode megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_instruction( "(final) Decode message", fun(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> (catch Decode(Bin)); (Bad) -> {error, {invalid_data, Bad}} end, fun({ok, Msg}, _Bin) when is_record(Msg, 'MegacoMessage') -> %% io:format("~p~n", [Msg]), {ok, Msg}; (Bad, _) -> {error, {decode_failed, Bad}} end) ], megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_exec(Instructions, InitialData). %% ============================================================== %% %% F l e x P r e t t y T e s t c a s e s %% flex_pretty_otp5042_msg1(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5042_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5042_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_only( pretty_otp5042_msg1() ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% flex_pretty_otp5085_msg1(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5085_msg2(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5085_msg3(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg3 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5085_msg4(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg4 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5085_msg5(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg5(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg5 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5085_msg6(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg6(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg6 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5085_msg7(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg7(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg7 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5085_msg8(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5085_msg8(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5085_msg8 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5085_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% flex_pretty_otp5600_msg1(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5600_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5600_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5600_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5600_msg2(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5600_msg2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5600_msg2 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5600_msg2(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% flex_pretty_otp5601_msg1(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5601_msg1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5601_msg1 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5601_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% flex_pretty_otp5793_msg01(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5793_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5793_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( pretty_otp5793_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% flex_pretty_otp5803_msg01(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5803_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5803_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok( pretty_otp5803_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp5803_msg02(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5803_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5803_msg02 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok( pretty_otp5803_msg2(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% flex_pretty_otp5805_msg01(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5805_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5805_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_decode_error( pretty_otp5805_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------- %% flex_pretty_otp5836_msg01(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp5836_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp5836_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), ok = ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok( compact_otp5836_msg1(), [Conf] ), %% erase(severity), %% erase(dbg), ok. flex_pretty_otp7431_msg01(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp7431_msg01(Config) when is_list(Config) -> d("flex_pretty_otp7431_msg01 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_pretty_otp7431(ok, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg1(), [Conf]). flex_pretty_otp7431_msg02(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp7431_msg02(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp7431_msg02 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_pretty_otp7431(error, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg2(), [Conf]). flex_pretty_otp7431_msg03(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp7431_msg03(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% put(severity,trc), %% put(dbg,true), d("flex_pretty_otp7431_msg03 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_pretty_otp7431(error, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg3(), [Conf]). flex_pretty_otp7431_msg04(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp7431_msg04(Config) when is_list(Config) -> d("flex_pretty_otp7431_msg04 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_pretty_otp7431(error, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg4(), [Conf]). flex_pretty_otp7431_msg05(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp7431_msg05(Config) when is_list(Config) -> d("flex_pretty_otp7431_msg05 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_pretty_otp7431(error, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg5(), [Conf]). flex_pretty_otp7431_msg06(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp7431_msg06(Config) when is_list(Config) -> d("flex_pretty_otp7431_msg06 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_pretty_otp7431(error, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg6(), [Conf]). flex_pretty_otp7431_msg07(suite) -> []; flex_pretty_otp7431_msg07(Config) when is_list(Config) -> d("flex_pretty_otp7431_msg07 -> entry", []), ?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config), Conf = flex_scanner_conf(Config), flex_pretty_otp7431(error, flex_pretty_otp7431_msg7(), [Conf]). flex_pretty_otp7431(Expected, Msg, Conf) -> otp7431(Expected, megaco_pretty_text_encoder, Msg, Conf). otp7431(Expected, Codec, Msg0, Conf0) -> Bin0 = list_to_binary(Msg0), Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], case decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, Bin0) of {ok, _Msg1} when Expected =:= ok -> io:format(" decoded", []); {error, {bad_property_parm, Reason}} when (Expected =:= error) andalso is_list(Reason) -> io:format("expected result: ~s", [Reason]), ok; Else -> io:format("unexpected result", []), exit({unexpected_decode_result, Else}) end. flex_pretty_otp7431_msg1() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a=recvonly } ; RTP profile for G.723.1 is 4 } } } } }". flex_pretty_otp7431_msg2() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a= } } } } } }". flex_pretty_otp7431_msg3() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a } } } } } }". flex_pretty_otp7431_msg4() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a} } } } } }". flex_pretty_otp7431_msg5() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v= } } } } } }". flex_pretty_otp7431_msg6() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v } } } } } }". flex_pretty_otp7431_msg7() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v} } } } } }". %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% msgs() -> [M || {_, M, _, _} <- msgs(text)]. msgs(Encoding) -> msgs1a(Encoding) ++ msgs1b(Encoding) ++ msgs3525(Encoding) ++ msgs5(Encoding) ++ msgs6(Encoding) ++ msgs7(Encoding) ++ msgs8(Encoding). msgs1a(_) -> Plain = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:plain_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, [ {msg01a, msg1a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg01b, msg1b(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg02, msg2(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg03, msg3(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg04, msg4(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg05, msg5(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg06a, msg6a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg06b, msg6b(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg07, msg7(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg08a, msg8a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg08b, msg8b(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg09, msg9(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg10, msg10(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg11, msg11(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg12, msg12(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg13, msg13(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg14, msg14(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg15, msg15(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg16, msg16(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg17, msg17(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg18, msg18(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg19, msg19(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg20, msg20(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg21, msg21(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg22a, msg22a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg22b, msg22b(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg22c, msg22c(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg22d, msg22d(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg22e, msg22e(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg22f, msg22f(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg23a, msg23a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg23b, msg23b(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg23c, msg23c(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg23d, msg23d(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg24, msg24(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg25, msg25(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg30a, msg30a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg30b, msg30b(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg30c, msg30c(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg30d, msg30d(), Plain, [{dbg,false}]} ]. msgs1b(_) -> TransFirst = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:trans_first_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, ActionsFirst = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:actions_first_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, ActionFirst = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:action_first_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, [ {msg01a_tf, msg1a(), TransFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg02_tf, msg2(), TransFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg10_tf, msg10(), TransFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg11_tf, msg11(), TransFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg23d_tf, msg23d(), TransFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg30b_tf, msg30b(), TransFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg30c_tf, msg30c(), TransFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg01a_asf, msg1a(), ActionsFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg02_asf, msg2(), ActionsFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg10_asf, msg10(), ActionsFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg23d_asf, msg23d(), ActionsFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg01a_af, msg1a(), ActionFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg02_af, msg2(), ActionFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg10_af, msg10(), ActionFirst, [{dbg,false}]}, {msg23d_af, msg23d(), ActionFirst, [{dbg,false}]} ]. msgs3525(_) -> Plain = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:plain_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, [{msgs3_name(Name), rfc3525_decode(M), Plain, [{dbg, false}]} || {Name, M} <- rfc3525_msgs()]. msgs3_name(N) -> list_to_atom("rfc3525_" ++ atom_to_list(N)). rfc3525_decode(M) when is_list(M) -> rfc3525_decode(list_to_binary(M)); rfc3525_decode(M) when is_binary(M) -> case (catch decode_message(megaco_pretty_text_encoder, false, ?EC, M)) of {ok, Msg} -> Msg; Error -> {error, {rfc3525_decode_error, Error}} end. msgs5(_) -> Plain = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:plain_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, [ {msg51a, msg51a(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51b, msg51b(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51c, msg51c(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51d, msg51d(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51e, msg51e(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51f, msg51f(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51g, msg51g(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51h, msg51h(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg51i, msg51i(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg52, msg52(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg53, msg53(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg54a, msg54a(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg54b, msg54b(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg54c, msg54c(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg55, msg55(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg56, msg56(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg57, msg57(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg58a, msg58a(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]}, {msg58b, msg58b(), Plain, [{dbg, false}]} ]. msgs6(Encoding) -> Plain = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:plain_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, PlainEDFail = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> Res = megaco_codec_test_lib:plain_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M), case Res of {error, {message_encode_failed, Reason, _M}} -> case Reason of {error, {{deprecated, _}, _}} -> ok; _ -> Res end; _ -> Res end end, PlainDE = fun(Codec, _DD, Ver, EC, B) -> Res = megaco_codec_test_lib:decode_message(Codec, false, Ver, EC, B), case Res of {ok, M} -> #'MegacoMessage'{mess = Mess} = M, #'Message'{messageBody = {transactions, TRs}} = Mess, [{transactionRequest, TR}] = TRs, #'TransactionRequest'{actions = Actions} = TR, [Action] = Actions, #'ActionRequest'{commandRequests = CmdReqs} = Action, [CmdReq] = CmdReqs, #'CommandRequest'{command = Cmd} = CmdReq, {addReq,AmmReq} = Cmd, #'AmmRequest'{descriptors = []} = AmmReq, ok; _ -> Res end end, Msgs = [ {msg61a, msg61a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg61b, msg61b(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg61c, msg61c(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg62a, msg62a(), PlainEDFail, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg62b, msg62b(), PlainDE, [{dbg,false}],[text]} ], [{N,M,F,C}||{N,M,F,C,E} <- Msgs,lists:member(Encoding,E)]. msgs7(Encoding) -> Plain = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:plain_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, Msgs = [ {msg71a, msg71a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b01, msg71b01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b02, msg71b02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b03, msg71b03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b04, msg71b04(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b05, msg71b05(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b06, msg71b06(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b07, msg71b07(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b08, msg71b08(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b09, msg71b09(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b10, msg71b10(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b11, msg71b11(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b12, msg71b12(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b13, msg71b13(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b14, msg71b14(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b15, msg71b15(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b16, msg71b16(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b17, msg71b17(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b18, msg71b18(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b19, msg71b19(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b20, msg71b20(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b21, msg71b21(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71b22, msg71b22(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c01, msg71c01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c02, msg71c02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c03, msg71c03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c04, msg71c04(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c05, msg71c05(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c06, msg71c06(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c07, msg71c07(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c08, msg71c08(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c09, msg71c09(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c10, msg71c10(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c11, msg71c11(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c12, msg71c12(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c13, msg71c13(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c14, msg71c14(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71c15, msg71c15(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71d01, msg71d01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71d02, msg71d02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71d03, msg71d03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg71d04, msg71d04(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72a01, msg72a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72a02, msg72a02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72a03, msg72a03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72b01, msg72b01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72b02, msg72b02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72b03, msg72b03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72b04, msg72b04(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72c01, msg72c01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72c02, msg72c02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72c03, msg72c03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg72c04, msg72c04(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg73a, msg73a(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg73b01, msg73b01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg73b02, msg73b02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg73c01, msg73c01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg73c02, msg73c02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg74a01, msg74a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg74a02, msg74a02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg74a03, msg74a03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg74a04, msg74a04(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg74a05, msg74a05(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg74a06, msg74a06(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg75a01, msg75a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg75a02, msg75a02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg76a01, msg76a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg76a02, msg76a02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg76b01, msg76b01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, %% {msg76b02, msg76b02(), Plain, [{dbg,true}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg77a01, msg77a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a01, msg78a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a02, msg78a02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a03, msg78a03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a04, msg78a04(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a05, msg78a05(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a06, msg78a06(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a07, msg78a07(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a08, msg78a08(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg78a09, msg78a09(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg79a01, msg79a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]} ], [{N,M,F,C}||{N,M,F,C,E} <- Msgs,lists:member(Encoding,E)]. msgs8(Encoding) -> Plain = fun(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:plain_encode_decode(Codec, DD, Ver, EC, M) end, Msgs = [ {msg80a01, msg80a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg80a02, msg80a02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg80a03, msg80a03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg80b01, msg80b01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg80b02, msg80b02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg80b03, msg80b03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg81a01, msg81a01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg81a02, msg81a02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg81a03, msg81a03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg81b01, msg81b01(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg81b02, msg81b02(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]}, {msg81b03, msg81b03(), Plain, [{dbg,false}],[text,binary,erlang]} ], [{N,M,F,C}||{N,M,F,C,E} <- Msgs,lists:member(Encoding,E)]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% msg_actions([], Actions) -> lists:reverse(Actions); msg_actions([{CtxId, CmdReqs}|ActionInfo], Actions) -> Action = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionRequest(CtxId,CmdReqs), msg_actions(ActionInfo, [Action|Actions]). megaco_trans_req([], Transactions) -> {transactions, lists:reverse(Transactions)}; megaco_trans_req([{TransId, ActionInfo}|TransInfo], Transactions) -> Actions = msg_actions(ActionInfo, []), TR = ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionRequest(TransId, Actions), Trans = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(TR), megaco_trans_req(TransInfo, [Trans|Transactions]). megaco_message(Version, Mid, Body) -> Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(Version, Mid, Body), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg_request(Mid, TransInfo) -> TransReq = megaco_trans_req(TransInfo, []), megaco_message(?VERSION, Mid, TransReq). msg_request(Mid, TransId, ContextId, CmdReq) -> Action = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionRequest(ContextId, CmdReq), Actions = [Action], TR = ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionRequest(TransId, Actions), Trans = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(TR), Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(?VERSION, Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg_request(Auth, Mid, TransId, ContextId, CmdReq) -> Action = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionRequest(ContextId, CmdReq), Actions = [Action], TR = ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionRequest(TransId, Actions), Trans = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(TR), Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(?VERSION, Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Auth, Mess). msg_reply(Mid, TransId, Actions) -> TR = cre_TransRep(TransId, Actions), Trans = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(TR), Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(?VERSION, Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg_reply(Mid, TransId, ContextId, CmdReply) -> Action = cre_ActRep(ContextId, CmdReply), Actions = [Action], msg_reply(Mid, TransId, Actions). msg_ack(Mid, [Range|_] = Ranges) when is_tuple(Range) -> msg_ack(Mid, [Ranges]); msg_ack(Mid, Ranges) -> %% TRAs = make_tras(Ranges, []), TRAs = make_tras(Ranges), Req = {transactions, TRAs}, cre_MegacoMessage(?VERSION, Mid, Req). make_tras(TRARanges) -> F = fun(R) -> {transactionResponseAck, make_tra(R)} end, lists:map(F, TRARanges). make_tra(Ranges) -> F = fun({F,L}) -> cre_TransAck(F,L) end, lists:map(F, Ranges). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- msg1(Mid, Tid) -> Gain = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2"), Ec = cre_PropParm("tdmc/ec", "g165"), LCD = cre_LocalControlDesc(sendRecv,[Gain, Ec]), V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), %% C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4 $ "), C = cre_PropParm("c", [$I,$N,$ ,$I,$P,$4,$ ,$$,$ ]), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio $ RTP/AVP 0"), A = cre_PropParm("a", "fmtp:PCMU VAD=X-NNVAD"), LD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M, A]]), Parms = cre_StreamParms(LCD,LD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), ReqEvent = cre_ReqEv("al/of"), EventsDesc = cre_EvsDesc(2222,[ReqEvent]), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = Tid}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}, {eventsDescriptor, EventsDesc}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), Msg = msg_request(Mid, 9999, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]), Msg. msg1a() -> msg1a(?MGC_MID). msg1a(Mid) -> msg1(Mid, ?A4444). msg1b() -> msg1b(?MGC_MID). msg1b(Mid) -> msg1(Mid, ?A4445). %% -------------------------- msg2() -> msg2(?MGC_MID). msg2(Mid) -> msg2(Mid, ?A4444). msg2(Mid, Tid) -> Gain = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2"), Ec = cre_PropParm("tdmc/ec", "g165"), LCD = cre_LocalControlDesc(sendRecv,[Gain, Ec]), V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), %% C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4 $ "), C = cre_PropParm("c", [$I,$N,$ ,$I,$P,$4,$ ,$$,$ ]), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio $ RTP/AVP 0"), A = cre_PropParm("a", "fmtp:PCMU VAD=X-NNVAD"), LD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M, A]]), Parms = cre_StreamParms(LCD,LD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), EventParm = cre_EvParm("strict",["exact"]), ReqEvent = cre_ReqEv("al/of", [EventParm]), EventsDesc = cre_EvsDesc(2222,[ReqEvent]), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = Tid}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}, {eventsDescriptor, EventsDesc}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), msg_request(Mid, 9999, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). %% -------------------------- msg3() -> msg3(?MG1_MID). msg3(Mid) -> TimeStamp = cre_TimeNot("19990729", "22000000"), Event = cre_ObsEv("al/of",TimeStamp), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(2222,[Event]), NotifyReq = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}],Desc), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq}), msg_request(Mid, 10000, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). %% -------------------------- msg4() -> msg4(?MG1_MID_NO_PORT, "901 mg col boot"). msg4(Mid, Reason) when is_list(Reason) -> Address = {portNumber, ?DEFAULT_PORT}, Profile = cre_SvcChProf("resgw",1), Parm = cre_SvcChParm(restart,Address,[Reason],Profile), Req = cre_SvcChReq([?megaco_root_termination_id],Parm), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({serviceChangeReq, Req}), msg_request(Mid, 9998, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). %% -------------------------- msg5() -> msg5(?MGC_MID). msg5(Mid) -> Address = {portNumber, ?DEFAULT_PORT}, Profile = cre_SvcChProf("resgw",1), Parm = cre_SvcChResParm(Address,Profile), Reply = cre_SvcChRep([?megaco_root_termination_id], {serviceChangeResParms,Parm}), msg_reply(Mid, 9998, ?megaco_null_context_id, [{serviceChangeReply, Reply}]). %% -------------------------- msg6(Mid, Tid) -> Reply = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = Tid}]), msg_reply(Mid, 9999, ?megaco_null_context_id, [{modReply, Reply}]). msg6a() -> msg6a(?MG1_MID). msg6a(Mid) -> msg6(Mid, ?A4444). msg6b() -> msg6b(?MG2_MID). msg6b(Mid) -> msg6(Mid, ?A5555). %% -------------------------- msg7() -> msg7(?MGC_MID). msg7(Mid) -> Reply = cre_NotifyRep([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}]), msg_reply(Mid, 10000, ?megaco_null_context_id, [{notifyReply, Reply}]). %% -------------------------- msg8(Mid, DigitMapValue) -> Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), On = cre_ReqEv("al/on", [Strict]), Name = "dialplan00", EDM = cre_EvDM(Name), Action = cre_ReqActs(EDM), Ce = cre_ReqEv("dd/ce", Action), EventsDesc = cre_EvsDesc(2223, [On, Ce]), Signal = cre_Sig("cg/rt"), DigMapDesc = cre_DigitMapDesc(Name, DigitMapValue), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], [{eventsDescriptor, EventsDesc}, {signalsDescriptor, [{signal, Signal}]}, {digitMapDescriptor, DigMapDesc}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), msg_request(Mid, 10001, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). msg8a() -> msg8a(?MGC_MID). msg8a(Mid) -> Body = "(0s| 00s|[1-7]xlxx|8lxxxxxxx|#xxxxxxx|*xx|9l1xxxxxxxxxx|9l011x.s)", Value = cre_DigitMapValue(Body), msg8(Mid, Value). msg8b() -> msg8b(?MGC_MID). msg8b(Mid) -> Body = "(0s| 00s|[1-7]xlxx|8lxxxxxxx|#xxxxxxx|*xx|9l1xxxxxxxxxx|9l011x.s)", Value = cre_DigitMapValue(Body, 1, 23, 99), msg8(Mid, Value). %% -------------------------- msg9() -> msg9(?MG1_MID). msg9(Mid) -> TimeStamp = cre_TimeNot("19990729","22010001"), Parm = cre_EvParm("ds",["916135551212"]), Event = cre_ObsEv("dd/ce",TimeStamp,[Parm]), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(2223,[Event]), NotifyReq = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], Desc), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq}), msg_request(Mid, 10002, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). %% -------------------------- msg10() -> msg10(?MGC_MID). msg10(Mid) -> AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}],[]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({addReq, AmmReq}), Jit = cre_PropParm("nt/jit", "40"), LCD = cre_LocalControlDesc(recvOnly,[Jit]), V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4 $ "), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio $ RTP/AVP 4"), A = cre_PropParm("a", "ptime:30"), V2 = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C2 = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4 $ "), M2 = cre_PropParm("m", "audio $ RTP/AVP 0"), LD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M, A], [V2, C2, M2]]), Parms = cre_StreamParms(LCD, LD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), ChooseTid = #megaco_term_id{contains_wildcards = true, id = [[?megaco_choose]]}, AmmReq2 = cre_AmmReq([ChooseTid],[{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}]), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({addReq, AmmReq2}), msg_request(Mid, 10003, ?megaco_choose_context_id, [CmdReq, CmdReq2]). msg11() -> msg11(?MG1_MID). msg11(Mid) -> V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4"), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4"), A = cre_PropParm("a", "ptime:30"), A2 = cre_PropParm("a", "recvonly"), LD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M, A, A2]]), Parms = cre_StreamParmsL(LD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1, Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), Reply = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}]), Reply2 = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}]), msg_reply(Mid, 10003, 2000, [{addReply, Reply}, {addReply, Reply2}]). %% -------------------------- msg12() -> msg12(?MGC_MID). msg12(Mid) -> LCD = cre_LocalControlDesc(sendRecv), Parms = cre_StreamParms(LCD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), Signal = cre_Sig("al/ri"), Descs = [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}, {signalsDescriptor, [{signal, Signal}]}], AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}], Descs), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({addReq, AmmReq}), Jit = cre_PropParm("nt/jit", "40"), LCD2 = cre_LocalControlDesc(sendRecv, [Jit]), V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4 $ "), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio $ RTP/AVP 4"), A = cre_PropParm("a", "ptime:30"), LD2 = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M, A]]), V2 = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C2 = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4"), M2 = cre_PropParm("m", "audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4"), RD2 = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V2, C2, M2]]), Parms2 = cre_StreamParms(LCD2,LD2,RD2), StreamDesc2 = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms2), MediaDesc2 = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc2), ChooseTid = #megaco_term_id{contains_wildcards = true, id = [[?megaco_choose]]}, AmmReq2 = cre_AmmReq([ChooseTid],[{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc2}]), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({addReq, AmmReq2}), msg_request(Mid, 50003, ?megaco_choose_context_id, [CmdReq, CmdReq2]). %% -------------------------- msg13() -> msg13(?MG2_MID). msg13(Mid) -> V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4"), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio 1111 RTP/AVP 4"), LD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M]]), Parms = cre_StreamParmsL(LD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), Reply = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}]), msg_reply(Mid, 50003, 5000, [{addReply, Reply}]). %% -------------------------- msg14() -> msg14(?MGC_MID). msg14(Mid) -> Signal = cre_Sig("cg/rt"), AmmReq1 = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], [{signalsDescriptor, [{signal, Signal}]}]), CmdReq1 = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq1}), Gain = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2"), Ec = cre_PropParm("tdmc/ec", "g165"), LCD = cre_LocalControlDesc(sendRecv, [Gain, Ec]), Parms2 = cre_StreamParms(LCD), StreamDesc2 = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms2), MediaDesc2 = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc2), AmmReq2 = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc2}]), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq2}), V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4"), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio 1111 RTP/AVP 4"), RD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M]]), Parms3 = cre_StreamParmsR(RD), StreamDesc3 = cre_StreamDesc(2,Parms3), MediaDesc3 = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc3), AmmReq3 = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc3}]), CmdReq3 = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq3}), msg_request(Mid, 10005, 2000, [CmdReq1, CmdReq2, CmdReq3]). %% -------------------------- msg15() -> msg15(?MG1_MID). msg15(Mid) -> Reply = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}]), Reply2 = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}]), msg_reply(Mid, 10005, 2000, [{modReply, Reply}, {modReply, Reply2}]). %% -------------------------- msg16() -> msg16(?MG2_MID). msg16(Mid) -> TimeStamp = cre_TimeNot("19990729","22020002"), Event = cre_ObsEv("al/of",TimeStamp), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(1234,[Event]), NotifyReq = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}],Desc), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq}), msg_request(Mid, 50005, 5000, [CmdReq]). %% -------------------------- msg17() -> msg17(?MGC_MID). msg17(Mid) -> Reply = cre_NotifyRep([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}]), msg_reply(Mid, 50005, ?megaco_null_context_id, [{notifyReply, Reply}]). %% -------------------------- msg18() -> msg18(?MGC_MID). msg18(Mid) -> On = cre_ReqEv("al/on"), EventsDesc = cre_EvsDesc(1235,[On]), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}], [{eventsDescriptor, EventsDesc}, {signalsDescriptor, []}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), msg_request(Mid, 50006, 5000, [CmdReq]). %% -------------------------- msg19() -> msg19(?MG2_MID). msg19(Mid) -> Reply = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}]), msg_reply(Mid, 50006, 5000, [{modReply, Reply}]). %% -------------------------- msg20() -> msg20(?MGC_MID). msg20(Mid) -> LCD = cre_LocalControlDesc(sendRecv), Parms = cre_StreamParms(LCD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1,Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), AmmReq2 = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], [{signalsDescriptor, []}]), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq2}), msg_request(Mid, 10006, 2000, [CmdReq, CmdReq2]). %% -------------------------- msg21() -> msg21(?MGC_MID). msg21(Mid) -> Tokens = [mediaToken, eventsToken, signalsToken, digitMapToken, statsToken, packagesToken], AuditDesc = cre_AuditDesc(Tokens), Req = cre_AuditReq(#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556},AuditDesc), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({auditValueRequest, Req}), msg_request(Mid, 50007, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). %% -------------------------- msg22a() -> msg22(1). msg22b() -> msg22(10). msg22c() -> msg22(25). msg22d() -> msg22(50). msg22e() -> msg22(75). msg22f() -> msg22(100). msg22(N) -> msg22(?MG2_MID, N). msg22(Mid, N) -> Jit = cre_PropParm("nt/jit", "40"), LCD = cre_LocalControlDesc(sendRecv,[Jit]), LDV = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), LDC = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4"), LDM = cre_PropParm("m", "audio 1111 RTP/AVP 4"), LDA = cre_PropParm("a", "ptime:30"), LD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[LDV, LDC, LDM, LDA]]), RDV = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), RDC = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4"), RDM = cre_PropParm("m", "audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4"), RDA = cre_PropParm("a", "ptime:30"), RD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[RDV, RDC, RDM, RDA]]), StreamParms = cre_StreamParms(LCD,LD,RD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1,StreamParms), Media = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), PackagesItem = cre_PkgsItem("nt",1), PackagesItem2 = cre_PkgsItem("rtp",1), Stat = cre_StatsParm("rtp/ps","1200"), Stat2 = cre_StatsParm("nt/os","62300"), Stat3 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/pr","700"), Stat4 = cre_StatsParm("nt/or","45100"), Stat5 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/pl","0.2"), Stat6 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/jit","20"), Stat7 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/delay","40"), Statistics = [Stat, Stat2, Stat3, Stat4, Stat5, Stat6, Stat7], Audits = [{mediaDescriptor, Media}, {packagesDescriptor, [PackagesItem, PackagesItem2]}, {statisticsDescriptor, Statistics}], Reply = {auditResult, cre_AuditRes(#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556},Audits)}, msg_reply(Mid, 50007, ?megaco_null_context_id, lists:duplicate(N,{auditValueReply, Reply})). %% msg_reply(Mid, 50007, ?megaco_null_context_id, %% lists.duplicate([{auditValueReply, Reply}]). %% -------------------------- msg23a() -> msg23a(?MG2_MID). msg23a(Mid) -> TimeStamp = cre_TimeNot("19990729","24020002"), Event = cre_ObsEv("al/on",TimeStamp), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(1235,[Event]), NotifyReq = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}],Desc), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq}), msg_request(Mid, 50008, 5000, [CmdReq]). msg23b() -> msg23b(?MG2_MID). msg23b(Mid) -> TimeStamp = cre_TimeNot("19990729","24020002"), Event = cre_ObsEv("al/on",TimeStamp), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(1235,[Event]), NotifyReq1 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}],Desc), CmdReq1 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq1}), NotifyReq2 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}],Desc), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq2}), ActionInfo = [{5000, [CmdReq1]}, {5001, [CmdReq2]}], TransInfo = [{50008, ActionInfo}], msg_request(Mid, TransInfo). msg23c() -> msg23c(?MG2_MID). msg23c(Mid) -> TimeStamp = cre_TimeNot("19990729","24020002"), Event = cre_ObsEv("al/on",TimeStamp), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(1235,[Event]), NotifyReq1 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}],Desc), CmdReq1 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq1}), NotifyReq2 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}],Desc), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq2}), ActionInfo1 = [{5000, [CmdReq1]}], ActionInfo2 = [{5001, [CmdReq2]}], TransInfo = [{50008, ActionInfo1}, {50009, ActionInfo2}], msg_request(Mid, TransInfo). msg23d() -> msg23d(?MG2_MID). msg23d(Mid) -> TimeStamp = cre_TimeNot("19990729","24020002"), Event = cre_ObsEv("al/on",TimeStamp), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(1235,[Event]), NotifyReq1 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}],Desc), CmdReq1 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq1}), NotifyReq2 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}],Desc), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq2}), NotifyReq3 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}],Desc), CmdReq3 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq3}), NotifyReq4 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}],Desc), CmdReq4 = cre_CmdReq({notifyReq, NotifyReq4}), ActionInfo1 = [{5000, [CmdReq1]}, {5001, [CmdReq2]}], ActionInfo2 = [{5003, [CmdReq3]}, {5004, [CmdReq4]}], TransInfo = [{50008, ActionInfo1}, {50009, ActionInfo2}], msg_request(Mid, TransInfo). %% -------------------------- msg24() -> msg24(?MGC_MID). msg24(Mid) -> AuditDesc = cre_AuditDesc([statsToken]), SubReq = cre_SubReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}], AuditDesc), SubReq2 = cre_SubReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}], AuditDesc), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({subtractReq, SubReq}), CmdReq2 = cre_CmdReq({subtractReq, SubReq2}), msg_request(Mid, 50009, 5000, [CmdReq, CmdReq2]). %% -------------------------- msg25() -> msg25(?MG2_MID). msg25(Mid) -> Stat11 = cre_StatsParm("nt/os","45123"), Stat12 = cre_StatsParm("nt/dur", "40"), Stats1 = [Stat11, Stat12], Reply1 = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}], [{statisticsDescriptor, Stats1}]), Stat21 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/ps","1245"), Stat22 = cre_StatsParm("nt/os", "62345"), Stat23 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/pr", "780"), Stat24 = cre_StatsParm("nt/or", "45123"), Stat25 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/pl", "10"), Stat26 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/jit", "27"), Stat27 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/delay","48"), Stats2 = [Stat21, Stat22, Stat23, Stat24, Stat25, Stat26, Stat27], Reply2 = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}], [{statisticsDescriptor, Stats2}]), msg_reply(Mid, 50009, 5000, [{subtractReply, Reply1}, {subtractReply, Reply2}]). msg30a() -> msg_ack(?MG2_MID, [{9,9}]). msg30b() -> msg_ack(?MG2_MID, [{9,13}]). msg30c() -> msg_ack(?MG2_MID, [{9,13}, {15,15}, {33,40}, {50,60}, {70,80}, {85,90}, {101,105},{109,119},{121,130},{140,160},{170,175},{180,189}, {201,205},{209,219},{221,230},{240,260},{270,275},{280,289}, {301,305},{309,319},{321,330},{340,360},{370,375},{380,389}, {401,405},{409,419},{421,430},{440,460},{470,475},{480,489}, {501,505},{509,519},{521,530},{540,560},{570,575},{580,589} ]). %% Don't think this will be used by the megaco stack, but since it %% seem's to be a valid construction... msg30d() -> msg_ack(?MG2_MID, [[{9,13}, {15,15}, {33,40}, {50,60}, {70,80}, {85,90}], [{101,105},{109,119},{121,130},{140,160},{170,175},{180,189}], [{201,205},{209,219},{221,230},{240,260},{270,275},{280,289}], [{301,305},{309,319},{321,330},{340,360},{370,375},{380,389}], [{401,405},{409,419},{421,430},{440,460},{470,475},{480,489}], [{501,505},{509,519},{521,530},{540,560},{570,575},{580,589}] ]). msg40() -> msg40(?MG1_MID_NO_PORT, "901 mg col boot"). msg40(Mid, Reason) when is_list(Reason) -> Address = {portNumber, ?DEFAULT_PORT}, Profile = cre_SvcChProf("resgw",1), Parm = cre_SvcChParm(restart,Address,[Reason],Profile), Req = cre_SvcChReq([?megaco_root_termination_id],Parm), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({serviceChangeReq, Req}), Auth = cre_AuthHeader(), msg_request(Auth, Mid, 9998, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). msg50(Mid, APT) -> AD = cre_AuditDesc(asn1_NOVALUE, APT), Req = cre_AuditReq(#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556},AD), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({auditValueRequest, Req}), msg_request(Mid, 50007, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). %% IndAudMediaDescriptor: msg51(Mid, IATSDorStream) -> IAMD = cre_IndAudMediaDesc(IATSDorStream), IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IAMD), APT = [IAP], msg50(Mid, APT). msg51a() -> msg51a(?MG2_MID). msg51a(Mid) -> PP = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), PPs = [PP], IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc(PPs), msg51(Mid, IATSD). msg51b() -> msg51b(?MG2_MID). msg51b(Mid) -> PP = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), PPs = [PP], IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc(PPs), msg51(Mid, IATSD). msg51c() -> msg51c(?MG2_MID). msg51c(Mid) -> IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc([], asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL'), msg51(Mid, IATSD). msg51d() -> msg51d(?MG2_MID). msg51d(Mid) -> IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc([], 'NULL', asn1_NOVALUE), msg51(Mid, IATSD). msg51e() -> msg51e(?MG2_MID). msg51e(Mid) -> IALCD = cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc('NULL', asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE), IASP = cre_IndAudStreamParms(IALCD), msg51(Mid, IASP). msg51f() -> msg51f(?MG2_MID). msg51f(Mid) -> IALCD = cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc(asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL', asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE), IASP = cre_IndAudStreamParms(IALCD), msg51(Mid, IASP). msg51g() -> msg51g(?MG2_MID). msg51g(Mid) -> IALCD = cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc(asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL', asn1_NOVALUE), IASP = cre_IndAudStreamParms(IALCD), msg51(Mid, IASP). msg51h() -> msg51h(?MG2_MID). msg51h(Mid) -> Name = "nt/jit", IAPP = cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name), IALCD = cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc(asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, [IAPP]), IASP = cre_IndAudStreamParms(IALCD), SID = 123, IASD = cre_IndAudStreamDesc(SID, IASP), msg51(Mid, [IASD]). msg51i() -> msg51i(?MG2_MID). msg51i(Mid) -> Name = "nt/jit", Name2 = "tdmc/ec", IAPP = cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name2), IALCD = cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc('NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', [IAPP, IAPP2]), IASP = cre_IndAudStreamParms(IALCD), SID = 123, IASD = cre_IndAudStreamDesc(SID, IASP), msg51(Mid, [IASD]). %% IndAudEventsDescriptor: msg52() -> msg52(?MG2_MID). msg52(Mid) -> RequestID = 1235, PkgdName = "tonedet/std", IAED = cre_IndAudEvsDesc(RequestID, PkgdName), IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IAED), APT = [IAP], msg50(Mid, APT). %% IndAudEventBufferDescriptor: msg53() -> msg53(?MG2_MID). msg53(Mid) -> EN = "tonedet/std", SID = 1, IAEBD = cre_IndAudEvBufDesc(EN, SID), IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IAEBD), APT = [IAP], msg50(Mid, APT). %% IndAudSignalsDescriptor: msg54(Mid, Sig) -> IASD = cre_IndAudSigsDesc(Sig), IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IASD), APT = [IAP], msg50(Mid, APT). msg54a() -> msg54a(?MG2_MID). msg54a(Mid) -> SN = "tonegen/pt", Sig = cre_IndAudSig(SN), msg54(Mid, Sig). msg54b() -> msg54b(?MG2_MID). msg54b(Mid) -> SN = "dg/d0", Sig = cre_IndAudSig(SN), msg54(Mid, Sig). msg54c() -> msg54c(?MG2_MID). msg54c(Mid) -> SN = "ct/ct", Sig = cre_IndAudSig(SN), ID = 4321, SSL = cre_IndAudSeqSigList(ID, Sig), msg54(Mid, SSL). %% IndAudDigitMapDescriptor: msg55() -> msg55(?MG2_MID). msg55(Mid) -> DMN = "dialplan00", IADMD = cre_IndAudDigitMapDesc(DMN), IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IADMD), APT = [IAP], msg50(Mid, APT). %% IndAudStatisticsDescriptor: msg56() -> msg56(?MG2_MID). msg56(Mid) -> SN = "nt/dur", IASD = cre_IndAudStatsDesc(SN), IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IASD), APT = [IAP], msg50(Mid, APT). %% IndAudPackagesDescriptor: msg57() -> msg57(?MG2_MID). msg57(Mid) -> PN = "al", PV = 1, IAPD = cre_IndAudPkgsDesc(PN, PV), IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IAPD), APT = [IAP], msg50(Mid, APT). %% Sum it up: msg58_iaMediaDesc_iap(IATSD) -> IAMD = cre_IndAudMediaDesc(IATSD), cre_IndAudParam(IAMD). msg58_iaMediaDesc_iap_a() -> PP = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), PPs = [PP], IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc(PPs), msg58_iaMediaDesc_iap(IATSD). msg58_iaMediaDesc_iap_b() -> IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc([], 'NULL', asn1_NOVALUE), msg58_iaMediaDesc_iap(IATSD). msg58_iaEvsDesc_iap() -> RequestID = 1235, PkgdName = "tonedet/std", IAED = cre_IndAudEvsDesc(RequestID, PkgdName), cre_IndAudParam(IAED). msg58_iaEvBufDesc_iap() -> EN = "tonedet/std", SID = 1, IAEBD = cre_IndAudEvBufDesc(EN, SID), cre_IndAudParam(IAEBD). msg58_iaSigsDesc_iap(S) -> IASD = cre_IndAudSigsDesc(S), cre_IndAudParam(IASD). msg58_iaSigsDesc_iap_a() -> SN = "tonegen/pt", Sig = cre_IndAudSig(SN), msg58_iaSigsDesc_iap(Sig). msg58_iaSigsDesc_iap_b() -> SN = "ct/ct", Sig = cre_IndAudSig(SN), ID = 4321, SSL = cre_IndAudSeqSigList(ID, Sig), msg58_iaSigsDesc_iap(SSL). msg58_iaDigMapDesc_iap() -> DMN = "dialplan00", IADMD = cre_IndAudDigitMapDesc(DMN), cre_IndAudParam(IADMD). msg58_iaStatsDesc_iap() -> SN = "nt/dur", IASD = cre_IndAudStatsDesc(SN), cre_IndAudParam(IASD). msg58_iaPacksDesc_iap() -> PN = "al", PV = 1, IAPD = cre_IndAudPkgsDesc(PN, PV), cre_IndAudParam(IAPD). msg58a() -> msg58a(?MG2_MID). msg58a(Mid) -> IAMD = msg58_iaMediaDesc_iap_a(), IAED = msg58_iaEvsDesc_iap(), IAEBD = msg58_iaEvBufDesc_iap(), IASiD = msg58_iaSigsDesc_iap_a(), IADMD = msg58_iaDigMapDesc_iap(), IAStD = msg58_iaStatsDesc_iap(), IAPD = msg58_iaPacksDesc_iap(), APT = [IAMD, IAED, IAEBD, IASiD, IADMD, IAStD, IAPD], msg50(Mid, APT). msg58b() -> msg58b(?MG2_MID). msg58b(Mid) -> IAMD = msg58_iaMediaDesc_iap_b(), IAED = msg58_iaEvsDesc_iap(), IAEBD = msg58_iaEvBufDesc_iap(), IASiD = msg58_iaSigsDesc_iap_b(), IADMD = msg58_iaDigMapDesc_iap(), IAStD = msg58_iaStatsDesc_iap(), IAPD = msg58_iaPacksDesc_iap(), APT = [IAMD, IAED, IAEBD, IASiD, IADMD, IAStD, IAPD], msg50(Mid, APT). %% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %% Tests some of the changes in the v2 corr 1 (EmergencyOff and ModemDesc) %% Emergency On/Off (optional) tests msg61(EM) -> TS = cre_TimeNot("19990729", "22000000"), Event = cre_ObsEv("al/of",TS), Desc = cre_ObsEvsDesc(2222,[Event]), NotReq = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}],Desc), Cmd = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Command(notifyReq, NotReq), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq(Cmd), CtxReq = cre_CtxReq(15, EM), ActReq = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionRequest(1, CtxReq, [CmdReq]), Acts = [ActReq], TR = ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionRequest(9898, Acts), Trans = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(TR), Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(?VERSION, ?MG1_MID, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg61a() -> msg61(false). msg61b() -> msg61(true). msg61c() -> msg61(asn1_NOVALUE). msg62a() -> MT = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ModemType(v18), PP = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4 $ "), MD = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ModemDescriptor([MT], [PP]), AmmDesc = ?MSG_LIB:cre_AmmDescriptor(MD), TermIDs = [#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], AmmReq = ?MSG_LIB:cre_AmmRequest(TermIDs, [AmmDesc]), Cmd = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Command(addReq, AmmReq), CmdReq = ?MSG_LIB:cre_CommandRequest(Cmd), ActReq = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionRequest(2, [CmdReq]), Acts = [ActReq], TR = ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionRequest(9898, Acts), Trans = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(TR), Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(?VERSION, ?MG1_MID, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg62b() -> MP = "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 9898 { Context = 2 { Add = 11111111/00000000/00000000 { Modem[V18] { tdmc/gain=2 } } } }", % MC = % "!/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555\nT=9898{C=2{A=11111111/00000000/00000000{MD[V18]{tdmc/gain=2}}}}", list_to_binary(MP). %% ActionRequest with various combinations of ContextRequest and %% ContextAttrAuditRequest msg71(CR, CAAR) -> TS1 = cre_TimeNot("19990729", "22000000"), TS2 = cre_TimeNot("19990729", "22000111"), Event1 = cre_ObsEv("al/of",TS1), Event2 = cre_ObsEv("al/on",TS2), Desc1 = cre_ObsEvsDesc(2222,[Event1]), Desc2 = cre_ObsEvsDesc(2222,[Event2]), NR1 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}],Desc1), NR2 = cre_NotifyReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}],Desc2), Cmd1 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Command(notifyReq, NR1), Cmd2 = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Command(notifyReq, NR2), CR1 = cre_CmdReq(Cmd1), CR2 = cre_CmdReq(Cmd2), ActReq = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionRequest(1, CR, CAAR, [CR1, CR2]), Acts = [ActReq], TR = ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionRequest(9898, Acts), Trans = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(TR), Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(?VERSION, ?MG1_MID, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg71a() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(), CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(), msg71(CR, CAAR). msg71b(CR) -> CAAR = asn1_NOVALUE, msg71(CR, CAAR). msg71b01() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(15), msg71b(CR). msg71b02() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(true), msg71b(CR). msg71b03() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(false), msg71b(CR). msg71b04() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(Top), msg71b(CR). msg71b05() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true), msg71b(CR). msg71b06() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(15, false), msg71b(CR). msg71b07() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, Top), msg71b(CR). msg71b08() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top), msg71b(CR). msg71b09() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = isolate, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, false, Top), msg71b(CR). msg71b10() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = isolate, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = onewayboth, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, false, Top), msg71b(CR). msg71b11() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = isolate, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = onewayexternal, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, false, Top), msg71b(CR). msg71b12() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, true), msg71b(CR). msg71b13() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false), msg71b(CR). msg71b14() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2"), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, Props), msg71b(CR). msg71b15() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = isolate, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2"], relation, greaterThan), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, Props), msg71b(CR). msg71b16() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = isolate, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2","10"], range, true), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, Props), msg71b(CR). msg71b17() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("nt/jit", ["40","50","50"], sublist, true), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, Props), msg71b(CR). msg71b18() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2","4","8"], sublist, false), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, true, Props), msg71b(CR). msg71b19() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false), msg71b(CR). msg71b20() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2","4","8"], sublist, false), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false, Props), msg71b(CR). msg71b21() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CID1 = cre_CtxID(10191), CID2 = cre_CtxID(10192), CIDs = [CID1, CID2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false, CIDs), msg71b(CR). msg71b22() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2","4","8"], sublist, false), Props = [PP], CID1 = cre_CtxID(10191), CID2 = cre_CtxID(10192), CIDs = [CID1, CID2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false, Props, CIDs), msg71b(CR). msg71c(CAAR) -> CR = asn1_NOVALUE, msg71(CR, CAAR). msg71c01() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq('NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL'), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c02() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq('NULL', 'NULL', asn1_NOVALUE), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c03() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq('NULL', asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL'), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c04() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL', 'NULL'), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c05() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL'), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c06() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL', asn1_NOVALUE), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c07() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq('NULL', asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c08() -> CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq('NULL', asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL', 'NULL'), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c09() -> Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c10() -> Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], SPrio = 10, CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA, SPrio), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c11() -> Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], SPrio = 10, SEm = true, CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA, SPrio, SEm, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c12() -> Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], SPrio = 10, SEm = true, SIeps = false, CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA, SPrio, SEm, SIeps), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c13() -> Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], SPrio = 10, SEm = false, SIeps = true, SLog = cre_SelectLogic(andAUDITSelect), CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA, SPrio, SEm, SIeps, SLog), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c14() -> Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], SPrio = 10, SEm = true, SIeps = true, SLog = cre_SelectLogic(orAUDITSelect), CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA, SPrio, SEm, SIeps, SLog), msg71c(CAAR). msg71c15() -> Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], SPrio = 10, SLog = cre_SelectLogic(orAUDITSelect), CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA, SPrio, SLog), msg71c(CAAR). msg71d01() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true), CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq('NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL'), msg71(CR, CAAR). msg71d02() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2"], relation, unequalTo), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, true, Props), CAAR_Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(CAAR_Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA), msg71(CR, CAAR). msg71d03() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2"], relation, unequalTo), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false, Props), CAAR_Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(CAAR_Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA), msg71(CR, CAAR). msg71d04() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2"], relation, unequalTo), Props = [PP], CID1 = cre_CtxID(10191), CID2 = cre_CtxID(10192), CIDs = [CID1, CID2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false, Props, CIDs), CAAR_Top = 'NULL', Em = 'NULL', Prio = 'NULL', Ieps = 'NULL', IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("tdmc/gain"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit"), CPA = [IAPP1, IAPP2], SPrio = 10, SEm = true, SIeps = true, SLog = cre_SelectLogic(orAUDITSelect), CAAR = cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(CAAR_Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, CPA, SPrio, SEm, SIeps, SLog), msg71(CR, CAAR). msg72(ED, CR) -> V = cre_PropParm("v", "0"), C = cre_PropParm("c", "IN IP4"), M = cre_PropParm("m", "audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4"), A = cre_PropParm("a", "a=ptime:30"), A2 = cre_PropParm("a", "recvonly"), LD = cre_LocalRemoteDesc([[V, C, M, A, A2]]), Parms = cre_StreamParmsL(LD), StreamDesc = cre_StreamDesc(1, Parms), MediaDesc = cre_MediaDesc(StreamDesc), Reply = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}]), Reply2 = cre_AmmsReply([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}], [{mediaDescriptor, MediaDesc}]), CmdRep = [{addReply, Reply}, {addReply, Reply2}], Action = cre_ActRep(2000, ED, CR, CmdRep), msg_reply(?MGC_MID, 10003, [Action]). msg72a(CR) -> ED = asn1_NOVALUE, msg72(ED, CR). msg72a01() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(false), msg72a(CR). msg72a02() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(Top), msg72a(CR). msg72a03() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = bothway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, Top), msg72a(CR). msg72b(CR) -> EC = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ErrorCode(?megaco_not_ready), ED = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ErrorDescriptor(EC), msg72(ED, CR). msg72b01() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(15, false), msg72b(CR). msg72b02() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = isolate, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, false, Top), msg72b(CR). msg72b03() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, true), msg72b(CR). msg72b04() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = bothway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false), msg72b(CR). msg72c(CR) -> EC = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ErrorCode(?megaco_not_ready), ET = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ErrorText("Just another error string"), ED = ?MSG_LIB:cre_ErrorDescriptor(EC, ET), msg72(ED, CR). msg72c01() -> CR = cre_CtxReq(15), msg72c(CR). msg72c02() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = oneway, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2"), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, Props), msg72c(CR). msg72c03() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2","4","8"], sublist, false), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, true, Props), msg72c(CR). msg72c04() -> From1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]}, To1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00000000", "00001111"]}, Dir1 = oneway, Top1 = cre_TopologyRequest(From1, To1, Dir1), From2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, To2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00001111"]}, Dir2 = isolate, Top2 = cre_TopologyRequest(From2, To2, Dir2), Top = [Top1, Top2], PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", ["2","4","8"], sublist, false), Props = [PP], CR = cre_CtxReq(15, true, Top, false, Props), msg72c(CR). msg73() -> Stat1 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/ps"), Stat2 = cre_StatsParm("nt/os","62300"), Stat3 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/pr","700"), Stat4 = cre_StatsParm("nt/or","45100"), Stat5 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/pl","0.2"), Stat6 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/jit","20"), Stat7 = cre_StatsParm("rtp/delay","40"), Stats = [Stat1, Stat2, Stat3, Stat4, Stat5, Stat6, Stat7], cre_StatsDesc(Stats). %% StatisticsDescriptor in AmmDescriptor msg73a() -> StatDesc = msg73(), AmmDesc = cre_AmmDesc(StatDesc), TermIDs = [#megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}], AmmReq = cre_AmmReq(TermIDs, [AmmDesc]), Cmd = cre_Cmd(addReq, AmmReq), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq(Cmd), CID = cre_CtxID(7301), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CmdReq]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7302), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). %% StatisticsDescriptor in IndAudStreamParms msg73b1() -> IASD = cre_IndAudStatsDesc("nt/dur"), cre_IndAudStreamParms(IASD). msg73b2(IAMD) -> IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IAMD), AD = cre_AuditDesc([IAP]), TermID = #megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}, AudReq = cre_AuditReq(TermID, AD), Cmd = cre_Cmd(auditValueRequest, AudReq), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq(Cmd), CID = cre_CtxID(7311), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CmdReq]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7312), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg73b01() -> IASP = msg73b1(), IAMD = cre_IndAudMediaDesc(IASP), msg73b2(IAMD). msg73b02() -> IASP = msg73b1(), SID = cre_StreamID(303), IASD = cre_IndAudStreamDesc(SID, IASP), IAMD = cre_IndAudMediaDesc([IASD]), msg73b2(IAMD). %% StatisticsDescriptor in StreamParms msg73c1() -> StatDesc = msg73(), SP = cre_StreamParms(StatDesc), SID = cre_StreamID(505), cre_StreamDesc(SID, SP). msg73c2(MD) -> ARP = cre_AuditRetParam(MD), TA = cre_TermAudit([ARP]), TermIDs = [#megaco_term_id{id = ["11111111", "00001111", "00000000"]}], AmmsRep = cre_AmmsReply(TermIDs, TA), CmdRep = cre_CmdRep(moveReply, AmmsRep), CID = cre_CtxID(606), ActRep = cre_ActRep(CID, [CmdRep]), TransId = cre_TransId(8899), TransRep = cre_TransRep(TransId, [ActRep]), Trans = cre_Trans(TransRep), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg73c01() -> SD = msg73c1(), MD = cre_MediaDesc(SD), msg73c2(MD). msg73c02() -> SD = msg73c1(), MD = cre_MediaDesc([SD]), msg73c2(MD). %% New Signal (direction and requestID); msg74 msg74a1(D) -> Dir = cre_SigDir(D), cre_Sig("cg/rt", Dir, asn1_NOVALUE). msg74a2(D, RID) -> Dir = cre_SigDir(D), cre_Sig("cg/rt", Dir, RID). msg74a3(D, RID) -> Name = "al/ri", SID = cre_StreamID(7401), ST = cre_SigType(brief), Dur = 7499, NC = cre_NotifCompl([onTimeOut,otherReason]), KA = cre_BOOLEAN(true), SPL = [], Dir = cre_SigDir(D), cre_Sig(Name, SID, ST, Dur, NC, KA, SPL, Dir, RID). msg74a4(Sig) -> SR = cre_SigReq(Sig), SD = cre_SigsDesc([SR]), AD = cre_AmmDesc(SD), TermIDs = [#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], AR = cre_AmmReq(TermIDs, [AD]), Cmd = cre_Cmd(modReq, AR), cre_CmdReq(Cmd). msg74a01() -> Sig = msg74a1(internal), CR = msg74a4(Sig), CID = cre_CtxID(7411), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CR]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7421), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg74a02() -> Sig = msg74a1(both), CR = msg74a4(Sig), CID = cre_CtxID(7412), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CR]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7422), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg74a03() -> RID = cre_ReqID(7433), Sig = msg74a2(external, RID), CR = msg74a4(Sig), CID = cre_CtxID(7413), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CR]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7423), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg74a04() -> RID = cre_ReqID(7434), Sig = msg74a2(both, RID), CR = msg74a4(Sig), CID = cre_CtxID(7414), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CR]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7424), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg74a05() -> RID = cre_ReqID(7435), Sig = msg74a3(both, RID), CR = msg74a4(Sig), CID = cre_CtxID(7415), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CR]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7425), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg74a06() -> RID = cre_ReqID(7436), Sig = msg74a3(internal, RID), CR = msg74a4(Sig), CID = cre_CtxID(7416), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CR]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7426), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). %% New ServiceChangeParm (serviceChangeIncompleteFlag); msg75 msg75a(IncFlag) -> Method = cre_SvcChMethod(restart), Address = cre_SvcChAddr(portNumber, ?DEFAULT_PORT), Reason = "901 mg col boot", Profile = cre_SvcChProf("resgw",1), Parm = cre_SvcChParm(Method, Address, [Reason], Profile, IncFlag), TermIDs = [?megaco_root_termination_id], Req = cre_SvcChReq(TermIDs, Parm), Cmd = cre_Cmd(serviceChangeReq, Req), CR = cre_CmdReq(Cmd), CID = cre_CtxID(7501), ActReq = cre_ActReq(CID, [CR]), Actions = [ActReq], TransId = cre_TransId(7502), TransReq = cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions), Trans = cre_Trans(TransReq), Mid = ?MG1_MID, Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg75a01() -> msg75a(asn1_NOVALUE). msg75a02() -> msg75a('NULL'). msg76(IAMD) -> IAP = cre_IndAudParam(IAMD), AD = cre_AuditDesc(asn1_NOVALUE, [IAP]), AR = cre_AuditReq(#megaco_term_id{id = ?A5556}, AD), CR = cre_CmdReq({auditValueRequest, AR}), msg_request(?MG2_MID, 50076, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CR]). %% IndAudLocalControlDescriptor and IndAudPropertyParm msg76a(IALCD) when is_record(IALCD, 'IndAudLocalControlDescriptor') -> IASP = cre_IndAudStreamParms(IALCD), SID = 123, IASD = cre_IndAudStreamDesc(SID, IASP), IAMD = cre_IndAudMediaDesc([IASD]), msg76(IAMD). msg76a01() -> Name1 = "nt/jit", IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name1), Name2 = "tdmc/ec", IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name2), SMS = cre_StreamMode(recvOnly), IALCD = cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc(asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL', 'NULL', [IAPP1, IAPP2], SMS), msg76a(IALCD). msg76a02() -> Name1 = "tdmc/gain", PP1 = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2"), IAPP1 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name1, PP1), Name2 = "tdmc/gain", PP2 = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "3"), IAPP2 = cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name2, PP2), SMS = cre_StreamMode(recvOnly), IALCD = cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc(asn1_NOVALUE, 'NULL', 'NULL', [IAPP1, IAPP2], SMS), msg76a(IALCD). %% IndAudTerminationStateDescription + ServiceState msg76b(IATSD) -> IAMD = cre_IndAudMediaDesc(IATSD), msg76(IAMD). msg76b01() -> SSS = cre_ServiceState(outOfSvc), IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc([], asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, SSS), msg76b(IATSD). %% msg76b02() -> %% PP = cre_PropParm("tdmc/gain", "2"), %% IAPP = cre_IndAudPropertyParm("nt/jit", PP), %% IAPPs = [IAPP], %% SSS = cre_ServiceState(outOfSvc), %% IATSD = cre_IndAudTermStateDesc(IAPPs, 'NULL', asn1_NOVALUE, SSS), %% msg76b(IATSD). msg77a01() -> SN = "tonegen/pt", Sig = cre_IndAudSig(SN, 7701), msg54(?MG2_MID, Sig). msg78a(Events) -> EventsDesc = cre_EvsDesc(2223, Events), Signal = cre_Sig("cg/rt"), Name = "dialplan00", Body = "(0s| 00s|[1-7]xlxx|8lxxxxxxx|#xxxxxxx|*xx|9l1xxxxxxxxxx|9l011x.s)", DigitMapValue = cre_DigitMapValue(Body), DigMapDesc = cre_DigitMapDesc(Name, DigitMapValue), AmmReq = cre_AmmReq([#megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}], [{eventsDescriptor, EventsDesc}, {signalsDescriptor, [{signal, Signal}]}, {digitMapDescriptor, DigMapDesc}]), CmdReq = cre_CmdReq({modReq, AmmReq}), msg_request(?MG2_MID, 10001, ?megaco_null_context_id, [CmdReq]). msg78a01() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict", ["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", SID2 = 7801, KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), NB2 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyImmediate, 'NULL'), RED2 = asn1_NOVALUE, RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB2, RED2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, SID2, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a02() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", SID2 = 7802, KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), NB2 = cre_NotifBehav(neverNotify, 'NULL'), RED2 = asn1_NOVALUE, RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB2, RED2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, SID2, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a03() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", SID2 = 7803, KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), RED2 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(), NB2 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED2), REvD2 = asn1_NOVALUE, RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB2, REvD2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, SID2, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a04() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), SRE2 = cre_SecReqEv("al/on"), SED2 = cre_SecEvsDesc(7814, [SRE2]), RED2 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SED2), NB2 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED2), REvD2 = asn1_NOVALUE, RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB2, REvD2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, 7824, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a05() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", SID2 = 7805, KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), SD2 = cre_SigsDesc(), RED2 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SD2), NB2 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED2), REvD2 = asn1_NOVALUE, RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB2, REvD2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, SID2, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a06() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), SRE2 = cre_SecReqEv("al/on"), SED2 = cre_SecEvsDesc(7816, [SRE2]), Sig2 = cre_Sig("cg/rt", external, asn1_NOVALUE), SR2 = cre_SigReq(Sig2), SRs2 = [SR2], SD2 = cre_SigsDesc(SRs2), RED2 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SED2, SD2), NB2 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED2), REvD2 = asn1_NOVALUE, RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB2, REvD2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, 7826, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a07() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), SRE2 = cre_SecReqEv("al/on"), SED2 = cre_SecEvsDesc(7817, [SRE2]), Sig2 = cre_Sig("cg/rt", external, asn1_NOVALUE), SR2 = cre_SigReq(Sig2), SRs2 = [SR2], SD2 = cre_SigsDesc(SRs2), RED2 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SED2, SD2), NB2 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED2), REvD2 = 'NULL', RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB2, REvD2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, 7827, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a08() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), Sig21 = cre_Sig("al/ri", both, asn1_NOVALUE), SR21 = cre_SigReq(Sig21), SRs21 = [SR21], SD21 = cre_SigsDesc(SRs21), RED21 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SD21), NB21 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED21), SRA2 = cre_SecReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, NB21, 'NULL'), SRE2 = cre_SecReqEv("al/of", 7816, SRA2), SED2 = cre_SecEvsDesc(7826, [SRE2]), Sig22 = cre_Sig("cg/rt", external, asn1_NOVALUE), SR22 = cre_SigReq(Sig22), SRs22 = [SR22], SD22 = cre_SigsDesc(SRs22), RED22 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SED2, SD22), NB22 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED22), REvD2 = 'NULL', RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB22, REvD2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, 7836, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg78a09() -> Name1 = "al/on", Strict = cre_EvParm("strict",["state"]), EPL1 = [Strict], RE1 = cre_ReqEv(Name1, EPL1), Name2 = "al/on", KA2 = true, EDM2 = cre_EvDM("dialplan00"), SID21 = cre_StreamID(7819), ST21 = cre_SigType(timeOut), Dur21 = 7898, NC21 = cre_NotifCompl([onTimeOut, onInterruptByEvent, otherReason]), KA21 = cre_BOOLEAN(false), SPL21 = [], Dir21 = cre_SigDir(both), RID21 = cre_ReqID(7829), Sig21 = cre_Sig("cg/rt", SID21, ST21, Dur21, NC21, KA21, SPL21, Dir21, RID21, 7839), SR21 = cre_SigReq(Sig21), SRs21 = [SR21], SD21 = cre_SigsDesc(SRs21), RED21 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SD21), NB21 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED21), SRA2 = cre_SecReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, NB21, 'NULL'), SRE2 = cre_SecReqEv("al/of", 7849, SRA2), SED2 = cre_SecEvsDesc(7859, [SRE2]), SID22 = cre_StreamID(7869), ST22 = cre_SigType(brief), Dur22 = 17809, NC22 = cre_NotifCompl([onTimeOut, otherReason]), KA22 = cre_BOOLEAN(true), SPL22 = [], Dir22 = cre_SigDir(external), RID22 = cre_ReqID(7879), Sig22 = cre_Sig("cg/rt", SID22, ST22, Dur22, NC22, KA22, SPL22, Dir22, RID22, 7889), SR22 = cre_SigReq(Sig22), SRs22 = [SR22], SD22 = cre_SigsDesc(SRs22), RED22 = cre_RegEmbedDesc(SED2, SD22), NB22 = cre_NotifBehav(notifyRegulated, RED22), REvD2 = 'NULL', RA2 = cre_ReqActs(KA2, EDM2, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, NB22, REvD2), EPL2 = EPL1, RE2 = cre_ReqEv(Name2, 7899, RA2, EPL2), msg78a([RE1, RE2]). msg79a01() -> TID1 = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A4444}, TID2 = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A4445}, TID3 = #megaco_term_id{id = ?A5555}, TIDs = cre_TermIDList([TID1, TID2, TID3]), ErC = cre_ErrCode(?megaco_not_ready), ErD = cre_ErrDesc(ErC), ARP1 = cre_AuditRetParam(ErD), RE = cre_ReqEv("al/of"), EvD = cre_EvsDesc(7911,[RE]), ARP2 = cre_AuditRetParam(EvD), Tks = [mediaToken, digitMapToken, statsToken, packagesToken], AD = cre_AuditDesc(Tks), ARP3 = cre_AuditRetParam(AD), TAR = cre_TermAudit([ARP1, ARP2, ARP3]), TLAR = cre_TermListAuditRes(TIDs, TAR), AudR = cre_AuditRep(TLAR), CR = cre_CmdRep(auditValueReply, AudR), ActR = cre_ActRep(7921, [CR]), Acts = [ActR], msg_reply(?MG2_MID, 7931, Acts). %% -- msg80() -> Address = {portNumber, ?DEFAULT_PORT}, Profile = cre_SvcChProf("resgw", 1), Parm = cre_SvcChResParm(Address, Profile), Reply = cre_SvcChRep([?megaco_root_termination_id], {serviceChangeResParms, Parm}), CmdRep = cre_CmdRep(serviceChangeReply, Reply), cre_ActRep(80, [CmdRep]). msg80a(Mid, SN) -> TransId = 8000, ActRep = msg80(), TransRep = cre_TransRep(TransId, [ActRep], SN), Trans = cre_Trans(TransRep), Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg80a01() -> msg80a(?MG1_MID, 1). msg80a02() -> msg80a(?MG2_MID, 1000). msg80a03() -> msg80a(?MG3_MID, 65535). msg80b(Mid, SN) -> TransId = 8989, ActRep = msg80(), TransRep = cre_TransRep(TransId, [ActRep], SN, 'NULL'), Trans = cre_Trans(TransRep), Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg80b01() -> msg80b(?MG1_MID, 1). msg80b02() -> msg80b(?MG2_MID, 1000). msg80b03() -> msg80b(?MG3_MID, 65535). msg81a(Mid, SN) -> TransId = 8101, SegReply = cre_SegRep(TransId, SN), Trans = cre_Trans(SegReply), Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg81a01() -> msg81a(?MG1_MID, 1). msg81a02() -> msg81a(?MG2_MID, 1000). msg81a03() -> msg81a(?MG3_MID, 65535). msg81b(Mid, SN) -> TransId = 8102, SegReply = cre_SegRep(TransId, SN, 'NULL'), Trans = cre_Trans(SegReply), Mess = cre_Msg(Mid, [Trans]), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). msg81b01() -> msg81b(?MG1_MID, 1). msg81b02() -> msg81b(?MG2_MID, 1000). msg81b03() -> msg81b(?MG3_MID, 65535). %% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %% Pretty RFC 3525 messages: %% Added Reason rfc3525_msg1() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " [] Transaction = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { Method = Restart, Reason = 901, ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". rfc3525_msg2() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 9998 { Context = - { ServiceChange = ROOT { Services { ServiceChangeAddress = 55555, Profile = ResGW/1 } } } }". %% Removed "," after LocalControl ending "}" rfc3525_msg3() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 9999 { Context = - { Modify = A4444 { Media { Stream = 1 { LocalControl { Mode = SendReceive, tdmc/gain=2, ; in dB, tdmc/ec=on } } }, Events = 2222 { al/of {strict=state} } } } }". %% Removed the outermost "{}" pair (before the Reply token) rfc3525_msg4() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 9999 { Context = - { Modify = A4444 } }". rfc3525_msg6() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 10000 { Context = - { Notify = A4444 { ObservedEvents =2222 { 19990729T22000000:al/of{init=false} } } } }". rfc3525_msg7() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10000 { Context = - { Notify = A4444 } }". rfc3525_msg8() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 10001 { Context = - { Modify = A4444 { Events = 2223 { al/on {strict=state}, dd/ce {DigitMap=Dialplan0} }, Signals {cg/dt}, DigitMap = Dialplan0 { (0| 00|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|fxxxxxxx|exx|91xxxxxxxxxx|9011x.) } } } }". rfc3525_msg9() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10001 { Context = - { Modify = A4444 } }". rfc3525_msg10() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 10002 { Context = - { Notify = A4444 { ObservedEvents =2223 { 19990729T22010001:dd/ce { ds=\"916135551212\", Meth=UM } } } } }". rfc3525_msg11() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10002 { Context = - { Notify = A4444 } }". %% Added ? rfc3525_msg12() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 10003 { Context = $ { Add = A4444, Add = $ { Media { Stream = 1 { LocalControl { Mode = ReceiveOnly, nt/jit=40 ; in ms }, Local { v=0 c=IN IP4 $ m=audio $ RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 v=0 c=IN IP4 $ m=audio $ RTP/AVP 0 } } } } } }". %% Added ? rfc3525_msg13() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10003 { Context = 2000 { Add = A4444, Add = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 a=recvonly } ; RTP profile for G.723.1 is 4 } } } } }". %% %% Added ? rfc3525_msg14() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 50003 { Context = $ { Add = A5555 { Media { Stream = 1 { LocalControl { Mode = SendReceive } } }, Events = 1234 { al/of {strict=state} }, Signals {al/ri} }, Add = $ { Media { Stream = 1 { LocalControl { Mode = SendReceive, nt/jit=40 ; in ms }, Local { v=0 c=IN IP4 $ m=audio $ RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 }, Remote { v=0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 } ; RTP profile for G.723.1 is 4 } } } } }". %% Added ? rfc3525_msg15() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 50003 { Context = 5000 { Add = A5555, Add = A5556 { Media { Stream = 1 { Local { v=0 o=- 7736844526 7736842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 1111 RTP/AVP 4 } ; RTP profile for G723.1 is 4 } } } } }". %% Added ? rfc3525_msg16a() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 10005 { Context = 2000 { Modify = A4444 { Signals {cg/rt} }, Modify = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { Remote { v=0 o=- 7736844526 7736842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 1111 RTP/AVP 4 } ; RTP profile for G723.1 is 4 } } } } }". rfc3525_msg16b() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10005 { Context = 2000 { Modify = A4444, Modify = A4445 } }". rfc3525_msg17a() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 50005 { Context = 5000 { Notify = A5555 { ObservedEvents = 1234 { 19990729T22020002:al/of{init=false} } } } }". rfc3525_msg17b() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 50005 { Context = - { Notify = A5555 } }". %% Removed "{ }" after Signals rfc3525_msg17c() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 50006 { Context = 5000 { Modify = A5555 { Events = 1235 { al/on{strict=state} }, Signals ; to turn off ringing } } }". rfc3525_msg17d() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 50006 { Context = 5000 { Modify = A4445 } }". %% Removed "{ }" after Signals rfc3525_msg18a() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 10006 { Context = 2000 { Modify = A4445 { Media { Stream = 1 { LocalControl { Mode = SendReceive } } } }, Modify = A4444 { Signals } } }". rfc3525_msg18b() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 10006 { Context = 2000 { Modify = A4445, Modify = A4444 } }". rfc3525_msg19() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 50007 { Context = - { AuditValue = A5556 { Audit { Media, DigitMap, Events, Signals, Packages, Statistics } } } }". %% Added ? rfc3525_msg20() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 50007 { Context = - { AuditValue = A5556 { Media { TerminationState { ServiceStates = InService, Buffer = OFF }, Stream = 1 { LocalControl { Mode = SendReceive, nt/jit=40 }, Local { v=0 o=- 7736844526 7736842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 1111 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 }, Remote { v=0 o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4 s=- t= 0 0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 2222 RTP/AVP 4 a=ptime:30 } } }, Events, Signals, DigitMap, Packages {nt-1, rtp-1}, Statistics { rtp/ps=1200, ; packets sent nt/os=62300, ; octets sent rtp/pr=700, ; packets received nt/or=45100, ; octets received rtp/pl=0.2, ; % packet loss rtp/jit=20, rtp/delay=40 ; avg latency } } } }". rfc3525_msg21a() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 50008 { Context = 5000 { Notify = A5555 { ObservedEvents =1235 { 19990729T24020002:al/on {init=false} } } } }". rfc3525_msg21b() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 50008 { Context = - { Notify = A5555 } }". rfc3525_msg22a() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Transaction = 50009 { Context = 5000 { Subtract = A5555 { Audit { Statistics } }, Subtract = A5556 { Audit { Statistics } } } }". %% Added ? rfc3525_msg22b() -> "MEGACO/" ?VERSION_STR " []:55555 Reply = 50009 { Context = 5000 { Subtract = A5555 { Statistics { nt/os=45123, ; Octets Sent nt/dur=40 ; in seconds } }, Subtract = A5556 { Statistics { rtp/ps=1245, ; packets sent nt/os=62345, ; octets sent rtp/pr=780, ; packets received nt/or=45123, ; octets received rtp/pl=10, ; % packets lost rtp/jit=27, rtp/delay=48 ; average latency } } } }". rfc3525_msgs() -> [ {msg1, rfc3525_msg1()}, {msg2, rfc3525_msg2()}, {msg3, rfc3525_msg3()}, {msg4, rfc3525_msg4()}, {msg6, rfc3525_msg6()}, {msg7, rfc3525_msg7()}, {msg8, rfc3525_msg8()}, {msg9, rfc3525_msg9()}, {msg10, rfc3525_msg10()}, {msg11, rfc3525_msg11()}, {msg12, rfc3525_msg12()}, {msg13, rfc3525_msg13()}, {msg14, rfc3525_msg14()}, {msg15, rfc3525_msg15()}, {msg16a, rfc3525_msg16a()}, {msg16b, rfc3525_msg16b()}, {msg17a, rfc3525_msg17a()}, {msg17b, rfc3525_msg17b()}, {msg17c, rfc3525_msg17c()}, {msg17d, rfc3525_msg17d()}, {msg18a, rfc3525_msg18a()}, {msg18b, rfc3525_msg18b()}, {msg19, rfc3525_msg19()}, {msg20, rfc3525_msg20()}, {msg21a, rfc3525_msg21a()}, {msg21b, rfc3525_msg21b()}, {msg22a, rfc3525_msg22a()}, {msg22b, rfc3525_msg22b()} ]. rfc3525_msgs_display() -> Msgs = rfc3525_msgs(), Fun = fun({Name, Msg}) -> io:format("~w: ~n~s~n~n", [Name, Msg]) end, lists:foreach(Fun, Msgs). rfc3525_msgs_test() -> put(dbg,true), Res = rfc3525_msgs_test(megaco_pretty_text_encoder, [], 2), erase(dbg), io:format("~w~n", [Res]). rfc3525_msgs_test(Codec, Config, Ver) -> io:format("-----------------------------------------" "~ntesting with" "~n Codec: ~w" "~n Config: ~w" "~n Version: ~w" "~n", [Codec, Config, Ver]), Msgs = rfc3525_msgs(), Test = fun({N,M1}) -> %% io:format("testing ~w: ", [N]), io:format("~n*** testing ~w *** ~n~s~n", [N,M1]), Bin1 = erlang:list_to_binary(M1), case (catch Codec:decode_message(Config, Ver, Bin1)) of {ok, M2} -> %% io:format("d", []), io:format("decoded:~n~p~n", [M2]), case (catch Codec:encode_message(Config, Ver, M2)) of {ok, Bin2} when is_binary(Bin2) -> %% io:format("e~n", []), io:format("encode: ~n~s~n", [erlang:binary_to_list(Bin2)]), {N,ok}; {ok, M3} -> %% io:format("e~n", []), io:format("encode: ~n~s~n", [M3]), {N,ok}; E -> io:format("~n~p~n", [E]), {N,encode_error} end; E -> io:format("~n~p~n", [E]), {N,decode_error} end end, [Test(M) || M <- Msgs]. %% -------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% skip(Reason) -> %% megaco_codec_test_lib:skip(Reason). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok(Msg) -> ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok(Msg, []). ticket_compact_encode_decode_ok(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, ticket_encode_decode_ok(Msg, Codec, Conf). ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok(Msg) -> ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok(Msg, []). ticket_pretty_encode_decode_ok(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_encode_decode_ok(Msg, Codec, Conf). ticket_encode_decode_ok(Msg, Codec, Conf0) -> Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], Encode = fun(M) -> encode_message(Codec, Conf, M) end, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Check = fun(M1, M2) -> chk_MegacoMessage(M1, M2) end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_encode_decode(Msg, Encode, Decode, Check). %% -- %% ticket_compact_encode_error(Msg) -> %% ticket_compact_encode_error(Msg, []). %% ticket_compact_encode_error(Msg, Conf) -> %% Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, %% ticket_encode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf). %% ticket_pretty_encode_error(Msg) -> %% ticket_pretty_encode_error(Msg, []). ticket_pretty_encode_error(Msg, Conf) when is_list(Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_encode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf); ticket_pretty_encode_error(Msg, Check) when is_function(Check) -> ticket_pretty_encode_error(Msg, [], Check). ticket_pretty_encode_error(Msg, Conf, Check) when is_function(Check) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_encode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf, Check). ticket_encode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf) when is_list(Conf) -> Check = fun(_) -> ok end, % Only called when encode failes ticket_encode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf, Check). ticket_encode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf0, Check) -> Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], Encode = fun(M) -> encode_message(Codec, Conf, M) end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_encode(Msg, Encode, Check). %% -- ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok(Msg) -> ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok(Msg, []). ticket_compact_decode_encode_ok(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, ticket_decode_encode_ok(Msg, Codec, Conf). ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok(Msg) -> ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok(Msg, []). ticket_pretty_decode_encode_ok(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_decode_encode_ok(Msg, Codec, Conf). ticket_decode_encode_ok(Msg, Codec, Conf0) -> Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Encode = fun(M) -> encode_message(Codec, Conf, M) end, Check = fun(M1, M2) -> chk_MegacoMessage(M1, M2) end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode_encode(Msg, Decode, Encode, Check). %% -- ticket_pretty_decode_encode_only(Msg, Check) -> ticket_pretty_decode_encode_only(Msg, Check, []). ticket_pretty_decode_encode_only(Msg, Check, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_decode_encode_only(Msg, Codec, Check, Conf). ticket_decode_encode_only(Msg, Codec, Check, Conf0) -> Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, Encode = fun(M) -> encode_message(Codec, Conf, M) end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode_encode_only(Msg, Decode, Encode, Check). %% -- ticket_pretty_encode_decode_only(Msg) -> ticket_pretty_encode_decode_only(Msg, []). ticket_pretty_encode_decode_only(Msg, Conf) when is_list(Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_encode_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Conf); ticket_pretty_encode_decode_only(Msg, Check) when is_function(Check) -> ticket_pretty_encode_decode_only(Msg, Check, []). ticket_pretty_encode_decode_only(Msg, Check, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_encode_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Check, Conf). ticket_encode_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Conf) -> Check = fun(_) -> ok end, ticket_encode_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Check, Conf). ticket_encode_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Check, Conf0) -> Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], Encode = fun(M) -> encode_message(Codec, Conf, M) end, Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_encode_decode_only(Msg, Encode, Decode, Check). %% -- ticket_pretty_decode_only(Msg) -> ticket_pretty_decode_only(Msg, []). ticket_pretty_decode_only(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Conf). ticket_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Conf) -> Check = fun(_) -> ok end, ticket_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Check, Conf). ticket_decode_only(Msg, Codec, Check, Conf0) -> Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode_only(Msg, Decode, Check). ticket_check_decode_only_error_reason(R, Check) when is_list(R) and is_function(Check) -> case lists:keysearch(reason, 1, R) of {value, {reason, Reason}} -> Check(Reason); false -> {error, {reason_not_found, R}} end. %% -- ticket_compact_decode_error(Msg) -> ticket_compact_decode_error(Msg, []). ticket_compact_decode_error(Msg, Conf) -> Codec = megaco_compact_text_encoder, ticket_decode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf). ticket_pretty_decode_error(Msg) -> ticket_pretty_decode_error(Msg, []). ticket_pretty_decode_error(Msg, Conf) when is_list(Conf) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_decode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf); ticket_pretty_decode_error(Msg, Check) when is_function(Check) -> ticket_pretty_decode_error(Msg, [], Check). ticket_pretty_decode_error(Msg, Conf, Check) -> Codec = megaco_pretty_text_encoder, ticket_decode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf, Check). ticket_decode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf) -> Check = fun(X) -> d("decode error reason: ~n~p~n", [X]), ok end, % Only called when decode failes ticket_decode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf, Check). ticket_decode_error(Msg, Codec, Conf0, Check) -> Conf = [?EC_V3|Conf0], Decode = fun(B) -> decode_message(Codec, false, Conf, B) end, megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_decode(Msg, Decode, Check). %% -- %% ticket_expect_exec(Instructions, Msg) -> %% megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_exec(Instructions, Msg). %% ticket_expect_instruction(Desc, Cmd, Verify) -> %% megaco_codec_test_lib:expect_instruction(Desc, Cmd, Verify). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% pretty_decode_message(DynamicDecode, Conf, Bin) -> %% decode_message(megaco_pretty_text_encoder, DynamicDecode, Conf, Bin). %% compact_decode_message(DynamicDecode, Conf, Bin) -> %% decode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, DynamicDecode, Conf, Bin). decode_message(Codec, DynamicDecode, Conf, Bin) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:decode_message(Codec, DynamicDecode, ?VERSION, Conf, Bin). %% pretty_encode_message(Conf, Msg) -> %% encode_message(megaco_pretty_text_encoder, Conf, Msg). %% compact_encode_message(Conf, Msg) -> %% encode_message(megaco_compact_text_encoder, Conf, Msg). encode_message(Codec, Conf, Msg) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:encode_message(Codec, ?VERSION, Conf, Msg). test_msgs(Codec, DynamicDecode, Conf, Msgs) -> megaco_codec_test_lib:test_msgs(Codec, DynamicDecode, ?VERSION, Conf, fun chk_MegacoMessage/2, Msgs). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% chk_MegacoMessage(M1, M2) -> ?MSG_LIB:chk_MegacoMessage(M1, M2). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cre_MegacoMessage(Mess) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). cre_MegacoMessage(Auth, Mess) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_MegacoMessage(Auth, Mess). cre_MegacoMessage(V, Mid, Body) -> Mess = ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(V, Mid, Body), cre_MegacoMessage(Mess). cre_AuthHeader() -> SecParmIdx = [239, 205, 171, 137], SeqNum = [18, 52, 86, 120], AD = [18, 52, 86, 120, 137, 171, 205, 239, 118, 84, 50, 16], cre_AuthHeader(SecParmIdx, SeqNum, AD). cre_AuthHeader(Idx, Num, D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AuthenticationHeader(Idx, Num, D). cre_Msg(Mid, Body) -> cre_Msg(?VERSION, Mid, Body). cre_Msg(V, Mid, Body) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_Message(V, Mid, Body). cre_TransId(TransId) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionId(TransId). cre_Trans(Trans) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_Transaction(Trans). cre_TransReq(TransId, Actions) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionRequest(TransId, Actions). cre_TransRep(TransId, Actions) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionReply(TransId, Actions). cre_TransRep(TransId, Actions, SN) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionReply(TransId, Actions, SN). cre_TransRep(TransId, Actions, SN, SC) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionReply(TransId, Actions, SN, SC). cre_SegRep(TransId, SN) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SegmentReply(TransId, SN). cre_SegRep(TransId, SN, SC) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SegmentReply(TransId, SN, SC). cre_TransAck(First, Last) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TransactionAck(First, Last). cre_ActReq(CtxId, CmdReqs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionRequest(CtxId, CmdReqs). cre_ActRep(CtxId, CmdReps) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionReply(CtxId, CmdReps). cre_ActRep(CtxId, ED, CR, CmdReps) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ActionReply(CtxId, ED, CR, CmdReps). cre_CtxReq() -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextRequest(). cre_CtxReq(A) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextRequest(A). cre_CtxReq(A, B) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextRequest(A, B). cre_CtxReq(A, B, C) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextRequest(A, B, C). cre_CtxReq(A, B, C, D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextRequest(A, B, C, D). cre_CtxReq(A, B, C, D, E) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextRequest(A, B, C, D, E). cre_CtxReq(Prio, Em, Top, Ieps, CtxProp, CtxList) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextRequest(Prio, Em, Top, Ieps, CtxProp, CtxList). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq() -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(). % cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(A) -> % ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(A). % cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(A, B) -> % ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(A, B). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(A, B, C) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(A, B, C). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(A, B, C, D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(A, B, C, D). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(A, B, C, D, E) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(A, B, C, D, E). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, Ctx, SPrio) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, Ctx, SPrio). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(A, B, C, D, E, F, G). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, Ctx, SPrio, SEm, SIeps) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, Ctx, SPrio, SEm, SIeps). cre_CtxAttrAuditReq(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, Ctx, SPrio, SEm, SIeps, SLog) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextAttrAuditRequest(Top, Em, Prio, Ieps, Ctx, SPrio, SEm, SIeps, SLog). cre_TopologyRequest(From, To, Dir) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TopologyRequest(From, To, Dir). %% Ind Aud related: cre_IndAudParam(IAP) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAuditParameter(IAP). cre_IndAudMediaDesc(D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudMediaDescriptor(D). cre_IndAudStreamDesc(SID, SP) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudStreamDescriptor(SID, SP). cre_IndAudStreamParms(LCD) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudStreamParms(LCD). cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc(A, B, C, D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudLocalControlDescriptor(A, B, C, D). cre_IndAudLocalControlDesc(SM, RV, RG, PP, SMS) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudLocalControlDescriptor(SM, RV, RG, PP, SMS). cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name). cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name, PP) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudPropertyParm(Name, PP). cre_IndAudTermStateDesc(PP) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor(PP). cre_IndAudTermStateDesc(PP, EBC, SS) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor(PP, EBC, SS). cre_IndAudTermStateDesc(PP, EBC, SS, SSS) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudTerminationStateDescriptor(PP, EBC, SS, SSS). cre_IndAudEvsDesc(RID, PN) when is_integer(RID) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudEventsDescriptor(RID, PN). cre_IndAudEvBufDesc(EN, SID) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudEventBufferDescriptor(EN, SID). cre_IndAudSigsDesc(D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudSignalsDescriptor(D). cre_IndAudSig(SN) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudSignal(SN). cre_IndAudSig(SN, SigRID) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudSignal(SN, SigRID). cre_IndAudSeqSigList(ID, SL) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudSeqSigList(ID, SL). cre_IndAudDigitMapDesc(DMN) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudDigitMapDescriptor(DMN). cre_IndAudStatsDesc(SN) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudStatisticsDescriptor(SN). cre_IndAudPkgsDesc(PN, PV) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_IndAudPackagesDescriptor(PN, PV). %% Parameter related cre_PropParm(Name, Val) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_PropertyParm(Name, [Val]). cre_PropParm(Name, Vals, Tag, EI) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_PropertyParm(Name, Vals, Tag, EI). %% Statistics related cre_StatsDesc(SPs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StatisticsDescriptor(SPs). cre_StatsParm(Name) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StatisticsParameter(Name). cre_StatsParm(Name, Val) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StatisticsParameter(Name, [Val]). % Event related cre_EvParm(Name, Val) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventParameter(Name, Val). cre_ObsEv(Name, Not) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ObservedEvent(Name, Not). cre_ObsEv(Name, Not, Par) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ObservedEvent(Name, Par, Not). cre_ReqEv(Name) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RequestedEvent(Name). cre_ReqEv(Name, EPL) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RequestedEvent(Name, EPL). cre_ReqEv(Name, SID, RA, EPL) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RequestedEvent(Name, SID, RA, EPL). cre_ObsEvsDesc(Id, EvList) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ObservedEventsDescriptor(Id, EvList). cre_EvsDesc(Id, EvList) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventsDescriptor(Id, EvList). %% Service change related cre_SvcChParm(M, A, R, P) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeParm(M, A, P, R). cre_SvcChParm(M, A, R, P, IF) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeParm(M, A, asn1_NOVALUE, P, R, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, IF). cre_SvcChResParm(A, P) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeResParm(A, P). cre_SvcChReq(Tids, P) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeRequest(Tids, P). cre_SvcChProf(Name, Ver) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeProfile(Name, Ver). cre_SvcChAddr(Tag, Val) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeAddress(Tag, Val). cre_SvcChMethod(M) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeMethod(M). cre_SvcChRep(Tids, Res) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceChangeReply(Tids, Res). %% Stream related cre_StreamID(Id) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamID(Id). cre_StreamParms(Lcd) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamParms(Lcd). cre_StreamParms(Lcd, Ld) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamParms(Lcd, Ld). cre_StreamParms(Lcd, Ld, Rd) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamParms(Lcd, Ld, Rd). cre_StreamParmsL(Ld) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamParms(asn1_NOVALUE, Ld, asn1_NOVALUE). cre_StreamParmsR(Rd) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamParms(asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, Rd). cre_StreamDesc(Id, P) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamDescriptor(Id, P). %% "Local" related cre_LocalControlDesc(Mode) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_LocalControlDescriptor(Mode). cre_LocalControlDesc(Mode, Parms) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_LocalControlDescriptor(Mode, Parms). cre_LocalRemoteDesc(Grps) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_LocalRemoteDescriptor(Grps). %% DigitMap related cre_DigitMapDesc() -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_DigitMapDescriptor(). cre_DigitMapDesc(NameOrVal) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_DigitMapDescriptor(NameOrVal). cre_DigitMapDesc(Name, Val) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_DigitMapDescriptor(Name, Val). cre_DigitMapValue(Body) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_DigitMapValue(Body). cre_DigitMapValue(Body, Start, Short, Long) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_DigitMapValue(Start, Short, Long, Body). %% Media related cre_MediaDesc(SD) when is_record(SD, 'StreamDescriptor') -> cre_MediaDesc([SD]); cre_MediaDesc(SDs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_MediaDescriptor(SDs). %% Notify related cre_NotifyReq(Tids, EvsDesc) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_NotifyRequest(Tids, EvsDesc). cre_NotifyRep(Tids) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_NotifyReply(Tids). %% Subtract related cre_SubReq(Tids, Desc) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SubtractRequest(Tids, Desc). %% Audit related cre_AuditDesc(Tokens) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AuditDescriptor(Tokens). cre_AuditDesc(Tokens, PropertTokens) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AuditDescriptor(Tokens, PropertTokens). cre_AuditReq(Tid, Desc) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AuditRequest(Tid, Desc). cre_AuditRep(AR) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AuditReply(AR). cre_AuditRes(Tid, Res) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AuditResult(Tid, Res). cre_TermAudit(ARP) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TerminationAudit(ARP). cre_AuditRetParam(D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AuditReturnParameter(D). cre_TermListAuditRes(TIDs, TA) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TermListAuditResult(TIDs, TA). %% AMM/AMMS related cre_AmmDesc(D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AmmDescriptor(D). cre_AmmReq(Tids, Descs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AmmRequest(Tids, Descs). cre_AmmsReply(Tids) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AmmsReply(Tids). cre_AmmsReply(Tids, Descs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_AmmsReply(Tids, Descs). %% Command related cre_Cmd(Tag, Req) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_Command(Tag, Req). cre_CmdReq(Cmd) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_CommandRequest(Cmd). cre_CmdRep(Tag, Rep) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_CommandReply(Tag, Rep). %% Actions related cre_ReqActs(A) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RequestedActions(A). cre_ReqActs(KA, EDM, SE, SD, NB, RED) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RequestedActions(KA, EDM, SE, SD, NB, RED). %% cre_SecReqActs() -> %% ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondRequestedActions(). %% cre_SecReqActs(A) -> %% ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondRequestedActions(A). cre_SecReqActs(KA, EDM, SD, NB, RED) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondRequestedActions(KA, EDM, SD, NB, RED). cre_EvDM(Name) when is_list(Name) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_EventDM(Name). cre_RegEmbedDesc() -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor(). cre_RegEmbedDesc(D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor(D). cre_RegEmbedDesc(SED, SD) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RegulatedEmbeddedDescriptor(SED, SD). %% cre_SecEvsDesc(REDs) -> %% ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondEventsDescriptor(REDs). cre_SecEvsDesc(RID, REDs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondEventsDescriptor(RID, REDs). cre_SecReqEv(N) -> cre_SecReqEv(N, []). cre_SecReqEv(N, EPL) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondRequestedEvent(N, EPL). cre_SecReqEv(N, SID, EA) when is_list(N) and is_integer(SID) and is_record(EA, 'SecondRequestedActions') -> cre_SecReqEv(N, SID, EA, []); cre_SecReqEv(A, B, C) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondRequestedEvent(A, B, C). cre_SecReqEv(N, SID, EA, EPL) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SecondRequestedEvent(N, SID, EA, EPL). %% Signal related cre_SigsDesc() -> cre_SigsDesc([]). cre_SigsDesc(SRs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SignalsDescriptor(SRs). cre_SigDir(D) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SignalDirection(D). cre_Sig(Name) -> cre_Sig(Name, []). cre_Sig(Name, SPL) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_Signal(Name, SPL). cre_Sig(Name, Dir, RID) -> cre_Sig(Name, [], Dir, RID). cre_Sig(Name, SPL, Dir, RID) -> cre_Sig(Name, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, asn1_NOVALUE, SPL, Dir, RID). cre_Sig(Name, SID, ST, Dur, NC, KA, SPL, Dir, RID) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_Signal(Name, SID, ST, Dur, NC, KA, SPL, Dir, RID). cre_Sig(Name, SID, ST, Dur, NC, KA, SPL, Dir, RID, ISD) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_Signal(Name, SID, ST, Dur, NC, KA, SPL, Dir, RID, ISD). cre_SigReq(S) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SignalRequest(S). cre_NotifBehav(Tag, Val) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_NotifyBehaviour(Tag, Val). cre_NotifCompl(NC) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_NotifyCompletion(NC). cre_SigType(ST) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SignalType(ST). %% Others cre_ErrCode(EC) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ErrorCode(EC). cre_ErrDesc(EC) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ErrorDescriptor(EC). cre_TermIDList(TIDs) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TerminationIDList(TIDs). cre_ServiceState(SS) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ServiceState(SS). cre_StreamMode(SS) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_StreamMode(SS). cre_SelectLogic(Tag) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_SelectLogic(Tag). cre_CtxID(CID) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_ContextID(CID). cre_ReqID(RID) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_RequestID(RID). cre_TimeNot(D,T) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_TimeNotation(D, T). cre_PkgsItem(Name, Ver) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_PackagesItem(Name, Ver). cre_BOOLEAN(B) -> ?MSG_LIB:cre_BOOLEAN(B). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% flex_init(Config) -> megaco_codec_flex_lib:init(Config). flex_finish(Config) -> megaco_codec_flex_lib:finish(Config). flex_scanner_conf(Config) -> megaco_codec_flex_lib:scanner_conf(Config). %% start_flex_scanner() -> %% megaco_codec_flex_lib:start(). %% stop_flex_scanner(Pid) -> %% megaco_codec_flex_lib:stop(Pid). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% t(F,A) -> p(printable(get(severity),trc),trc,F,A). d(F,A) -> p(printable(get(severity),dbg),dbg,F,A). %% l(F,A) -> %% p(printable(get(severity),log),log,F,A). e(F,A) -> p(printable(get(severity),err),err,F,A). printable(trc,_) -> true; printable(dbg,trc) -> false; printable(dbg,_) -> true; printable(log,log) -> true; printable(log,err) -> true; printable(err,err) -> true; printable(_,_) -> false. p(true,L,F,A) -> io:format("~s:" ++ F ++ "~n", [image_of(L)|A]); p(_,_,_,_) -> ok. image_of(trc) -> "TRC"; image_of(dbg) -> "DBG"; image_of(log) -> "LOG"; image_of(err) -> "ERR"; image_of(L) -> io_lib:format("~p",[L]).