%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2019. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Verify the application specifics of the Megaco application %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(megaco_mreq_test). -compile(export_all). -include("megaco_test_lib.hrl"). -include_lib("megaco/include/megaco.hrl"). -include_lib("megaco/include/megaco_message_v1.hrl"). -define(TEST_VERBOSITY, debug). -define(MGC_VERBOSITY, debug). -define(MG_VERBOSITY, debug). -define(LOAD_COUNTER_START, 10). -define(A4444, ["11111111", "00000000", "00000000"]). -define(A4445, ["11111111", "00000000", "11111111"]). -define(A5555, ["11111111", "11111111", "00000000"]). -define(A5556, ["11111111", "11111111", "11111111"]). -define(MGC_START(Pid, Mid, ET, Verb), megaco_test_mgc:start(Pid, Mid, ET, Verb)). -define(MGC_STOP(Pid), megaco_test_mgc:stop(Pid)). -define(MGC_GET_STATS(Pid, No), megaco_test_mgc:get_stats(Pid, No)). -define(MGC_RESET_STATS(Pid), megaco_test_mgc:reset_stats(Pid)). -define(MGC_REQ_DISC(Pid,To), megaco_test_mgc:request_discard(Pid,To)). -define(MGC_REQ_PEND(Pid,To), megaco_test_mgc:request_pending(Pid,To)). -define(MGC_REQ_HAND(Pid), megaco_test_mgc:request_handle(Pid)). -define(MG_START(Pid, Mid, Enc, Transp, Verb), megaco_test_mg:start(Pid, Mid, Enc, Transp, Verb)). -define(MG_STOP(Pid), megaco_test_mg:stop(Pid)). -define(MG_GET_STATS(Pid, No), megaco_test_mg:get_stats(Pid, No)). -define(MG_RESET_STATS(Pid), megaco_test_mg:reset_stats(Pid)). -define(MG_SERV_CHANGE(Pid), megaco_test_mg:service_change(Pid)). -define(MG_NOTIF_RAR(Pid), megaco_test_mg:notify_request_and_reply(Pid)). -define(MG_NOTIF_REQ(Pid), megaco_test_mg:notify_request(Pid)). -define(MG_NOTIF_AR(Pid), megaco_test_mg:await_notify_reply(Pid)). -define(MG_CANCEL(Pid,R), megaco_test_mg:cancel_request(Pid,R)). -define(MG_APPLY_LOAD(Pid,CntStart), megaco_test_mg:apply_load(Pid,CntStart)). t() -> megaco_test_lib:t(?MODULE). t(Case) -> megaco_test_lib:t({?MODULE, Case}). %% Test server callbacks init_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), megaco_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Case, Config). end_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> process_flag(trap_exit, false), megaco_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Case, Config). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% all() -> [req_and_rep, req_and_pending, req_and_cancel]. groups() -> []. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% req_and_rep(suite) -> []; req_and_rep(doc) -> []; req_and_rep(Config) when is_list(Config) -> put(verbosity, ?TEST_VERBOSITY), put(sname, "TEST"), i("req_and_rep -> starting"), MgcNode = make_node_name(mgc), Mg1Node = make_node_name(mg1), Mg2Node = make_node_name(mg2), Mg3Node = make_node_name(mg3), Mg4Node = make_node_name(mg4), d("req_and_rep -> Nodes: " "~n MgcNode: ~p" "~n Mg1Node: ~p" "~n Mg2Node: ~p" "~n Mg3Node: ~p" "~n Mg4Node: ~p", [MgcNode, Mg1Node, Mg2Node, Mg3Node, Mg4Node]), ok = megaco_test_lib:start_nodes([MgcNode, Mg1Node, Mg2Node, Mg3Node, Mg4Node], ?FILE, ?LINE), %% Start the MGC and MGs i("req_and_rep -> start the MGC"), ET = [{text,tcp}, {text,udp}, {binary,tcp}, {binary,udp}], {ok, Mgc} = ?MGC_START(MgcNode, {deviceName, "ctrl"}, ET, ?MGC_VERBOSITY), i("req_and_rep -> start and connect the MGs"), MgConf0 = [{Mg1Node, "mg1", text, tcp, ?MG_VERBOSITY}, {Mg2Node, "mg2", text, udp, ?MG_VERBOSITY}, {Mg3Node, "mg3", binary, tcp, ?MG_VERBOSITY}, {Mg4Node, "mg4", binary, udp, ?MG_VERBOSITY}], MgConf = req_and_rep_connect_mg(MgConf0, []), %% Collect the (initial) MGs statistics Stats1 = req_and_rep_get_mg_stats(MgConf, []), d("req_and_rep -> stats for the MGs: ~n~p", [Stats1]), %% Collect and check the MGC statistics i("req_and_rep -> collect and check the MGC stats"), {ok, MgcStats1} = ?MGC_GET_STATS(Mgc, 1), d("req_and_rep -> stats (1) for Mgc: ~n~p~n", [MgcStats1]), sleep(1000), %% And apply some load i("req_and_rep -> apply traffic load"), ok = req_and_rep_apply_load(MgConf), %% Await completion of load part and the collect traffic i("req_and_rep -> await load completion"), ok = req_and_rep_await_load_complete(MgConf), sleep(1000), i("req_and_rep -> collect the MGs statistics"), Stats2 = req_and_rep_get_mg_stats(MgConf, []), d("req_and_rep -> stats for MGs: ~n~p", [Stats2]), i("req_and_rep -> collect the MGC statistics"), {ok, MgcStats2} = ?MGC_GET_STATS(Mgc, 1), d("req_and_rep -> stats (1) for Mgc: ~n~p~n", [MgcStats2]), sleep(1000), %% Reset counters i("req_and_rep -> reset the MGs statistics"), req_and_rep_reset_mg_stats(MgConf), Stats3 = req_and_rep_get_mg_stats(MgConf, []), d("req_and_rep -> stats for the MGs: ~n~p", [Stats3]), i("req_and_rep -> reset the MGC statistics"), req_and_rep_reset_mgc_stats(Mgc), {ok, MgcStats3} = ?MGC_GET_STATS(Mgc, 1), d("req_and_rep -> stats (1) for Mgc: ~n~p~n", [MgcStats3]), sleep(1000), %% Tell MGs to stop i("req_and_rep -> stop the MGs"), req_and_rep_stop_mg(MgConf), sleep(1000), %% Collect the statistics i("req_and_rep -> collect the MGC statistics"), {ok, MgcStats4} = ?MGC_GET_STATS(Mgc, 1), d("req_and_rep -> stats (1) for Mgc: ~n~p~n", [MgcStats4]), {ok, MgcStats5} = ?MGC_GET_STATS(Mgc, 2), d("req_and_rep -> stats (2) for Mgc: ~n~p~n", [MgcStats5]), %% Tell Mgc to stop i("req_and_rep -> stop the MGC"), ?MGC_STOP(Mgc), i("req_and_rep -> done", []), ok. req_and_rep_connect_mg([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); req_and_rep_connect_mg([{Node, Name, Coding, Trans, Verb}|Mg], Acc) -> Pid = req_and_rep_connect_mg(Node, Name, Coding, Trans, Verb), req_and_rep_connect_mg(Mg, [{Name, Pid}|Acc]). req_and_rep_connect_mg(Node, Name, Coding, Trans, Verb) -> Mid = {deviceName, Name}, {ok, Pid} = ?MG_START(Node, Mid, Coding, Trans, Verb), %% Ask the MGs to do a service change Res = ?MG_SERV_CHANGE(Pid), d("req_and_rep_connect_mg -> (~s) service change result: ~p", [Name,Res]), Pid. req_and_rep_stop_mg(MGs) -> [?MG_STOP(Pid) || {_Name, Pid} <- MGs]. req_and_rep_get_mg_stats([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); req_and_rep_get_mg_stats([{Name, Pid}|Mgs], Acc) -> {ok, Stats} = ?MG_GET_STATS(Pid, 1), d("req_and_rep_get_mg_stats -> stats for ~s: ~n~p~n", [Name, Stats]), req_and_rep_get_mg_stats(Mgs, [{Name, Stats}|Acc]). req_and_rep_apply_load([]) -> ok; req_and_rep_apply_load([{_, MG}|MGs]) -> ?MG_APPLY_LOAD(MG,?LOAD_COUNTER_START), req_and_rep_apply_load(MGs). req_and_rep_reset_mg_stats([]) -> ok; req_and_rep_reset_mg_stats([{Name, Pid}|MGs]) -> d("req_and_rep_reset_mg_stats -> resetting ~s", [Name]), ?MG_RESET_STATS(Pid), req_and_rep_reset_mg_stats(MGs). req_and_rep_reset_mgc_stats(Mgc) -> d("req_and_rep_reset_mgc_stats -> resetting ~p", [Mgc]), ?MGC_RESET_STATS(Mgc). req_and_rep_await_load_complete([]) -> ok; req_and_rep_await_load_complete(MGs0) -> receive {load_complete, Pid} -> d("received load_complete from ~p", [Pid]), MGs1 = lists:keydelete(Pid, 2, MGs0), req_and_rep_await_load_complete(lists:delete(Pid, MGs1)); {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> i("exit signal from ~p: ~p", [Pid, Reason]), case lists:keymember(Pid, 2, MGs0) of true -> exit({mg_exit, Pid, Reason}); false -> MGs1 = lists:keydelete(Pid, 2, MGs0), req_and_rep_await_load_complete(lists:delete(Pid, MGs1)) end end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% req_and_pending(suite) -> []; req_and_pending(doc) -> []; req_and_pending(Config) when is_list(Config) -> put(verbosity, ?TEST_VERBOSITY), put(sname, "TEST"), i("req_and_pending -> starting"), MgcNode = make_node_name(mgc), Mg1Node = make_node_name(mg1), d("req_and_pending -> Nodes: " "~n MgcNode: ~p" "~n Mg1Node: ~p", [MgcNode, Mg1Node]), ok = megaco_test_lib:start_nodes([MgcNode, Mg1Node], ?FILE, ?LINE), %% Start the MGC and MGs i("req_and_pending -> start the MGC"), ET = [{text,tcp}, {text,udp}, {binary,tcp}, {binary,udp}], {ok, Mgc} = ?MGC_START(MgcNode, {deviceName, "ctrl"}, ET, ?MGC_VERBOSITY), i("req_and_pending -> start the MG"), {ok, Mg1} = ?MG_START(Mg1Node, {deviceName, "mg1"}, text, tcp, ?MG_VERBOSITY), i("req_and_pending -> connect the MG"), Res1 = ?MG_SERV_CHANGE(Mg1), d("req_and_pending -> service change result: ~p", [Res1]), sleep(1000), i("req_and_pending -> change request action to pending"), {ok, _} = ?MGC_REQ_PEND(Mgc,3500), i("req_and_pending -> send notify request"), {ok, Res2} = ?MG_NOTIF_RAR(Mg1), d("req_and_pending -> notify reply: ~p",[Res2]), sleep(1000), %% Tell MGs to stop i("req_and_rep -> stop the MGs"), ?MG_STOP(Mg1), %% Tell Mgc to stop i("req_and_pending -> stop the MGC"), ?MGC_STOP(Mgc), i("req_and_pending -> done", []), ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% req_and_cancel(suite) -> []; req_and_cancel(doc) -> []; req_and_cancel(Config) when is_list(Config) -> put(verbosity, ?TEST_VERBOSITY), put(sname, "TEST"), i("req_and_cancel -> starting"), MgcNode = make_node_name(mgc), Mg1Node = make_node_name(mg1), d("req_and_cancel -> Nodes: " "~n MgcNode: ~p" "~n Mg1Node: ~p", [MgcNode, Mg1Node]), ok = megaco_test_lib:start_nodes([MgcNode, Mg1Node], ?FILE, ?LINE), %% Start the MGC and MGs i("req_and_cancel -> start the MGC"), ET = [{text,tcp}, {text,udp}, {binary,tcp}, {binary,udp}], {ok, Mgc} = ?MGC_START(MgcNode, {deviceName, "ctrl"}, ET, ?MGC_VERBOSITY), i("req_and_cancel -> start the MG"), {ok, Mg1} = ?MG_START(Mg1Node, {deviceName, "mg1"}, text, tcp, ?MG_VERBOSITY), i("req_and_cancel -> connect the MG"), Res1 = ?MG_SERV_CHANGE(Mg1), d("req_and_cancel -> service change result: ~p", [Res1]), sleep(1000), i("req_and_cancel -> change request action to pending"), {ok, _} = ?MGC_REQ_DISC(Mgc,5000), i("req_and_cancel -> send notify request"), ?MG_NOTIF_REQ(Mg1), d("req_and_cancel -> wait some to get it going",[]), sleep(1000), i("req_and_cancel -> now cancel the notify request"), ok = ?MG_CANCEL(Mg1,req_and_cancel), i("req_and_cancel -> now await the notify request result"), Res2 = ?MG_NOTIF_AR(Mg1), req_and_cancel_analyze_result(Res2), %% Tell MGs to stop i("req_and_rep -> stop the MGs"), ?MG_STOP(Mg1), %% Tell Mgc to stop i("req_and_cancel -> stop the MGC"), ?MGC_STOP(Mgc), i("req_and_cancel -> done", []), ok.% ?SKIP(not_implemented_yet). req_and_cancel_analyze_result({ok,{_PV,Res}}) -> d("req_and_cancel -> notify request result: ~n ~p", [Res]), req_and_cancel_analyze_result2(Res); req_and_cancel_analyze_result(Unexpected) -> exit({unexpected_result,Unexpected}). req_and_cancel_analyze_result2([]) -> ok; req_and_cancel_analyze_result2([{error,{user_cancel,req_and_cancel}}|Res]) -> req_and_cancel_analyze_result2(Res); req_and_cancel_analyze_result2([Unknown|_Res]) -> exit({unknown_result,Unknown}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% make_node_name(Name) -> case string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), [$@]) of [_,Host] -> list_to_atom(lists:concat([atom_to_list(Name) ++ "@" ++ Host])); _ -> exit("Test node must be started with '-sname'") end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sleep(X) -> receive after X -> ok end. error_msg(F,A) -> error_logger:error_msg(F ++ "~n",A). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% i(F) -> i(F, []). i(F, A) -> print(info, get(verbosity), "", F, A). d(F) -> d(F, []). d(F, A) -> print(debug, get(verbosity), "DBG: ", F, A). printable(_, debug) -> true; printable(info, info) -> true; printable(_,_) -> false. print(Severity, Verbosity, P, F, A) -> print(printable(Severity,Verbosity), P, F, A). print(true, P, F, A) -> io:format("*** [~s] ~s ~p ~s ***" "~n " ++ F ++ "~n", [?FTS(), P, self(), get(sname) | A]); print(_, _, _, _) -> ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% random_init() -> ok. random() -> 10 * rand:uniform(50). apply_load_timer() -> erlang:send_after(random(), self(), apply_load_timeout).