%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% File : bench.hrl %%% Author : Hakan Mattsson <hakan@cslab.ericsson.se> %%% Purpose : Implement the Canadian database benchmark (LMC/UU-01:025) %%% Created : 21 Jun 2001 by Hakan Mattsson <hakan@cslab.ericsson.se> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -module(bench). -author('hakan@cslab.ericsson.se'). -include("bench.hrl"). -export([ run/0, run/1, start_all/0, start_all/1, populate/0, populate/1, generate/0, generate/1, args_to_config/1, verify_config/2, start/0, start/1, stop_slave_nodes/1, bind_schedulers/0 ]). bind_schedulers() -> try %% Avoid first core and bind schedules to the remaining ones Topo = erlang:system_info(cpu_topology), erlang:system_flag(cpu_topology,lists:reverse(Topo)), %% N = erlang:system_info(schedulers), %% erlang:system_flag(schedulers_online, lists:max([N - 1, 1])), erlang:system_flag(scheduler_bind_type, default_bind), timer:sleep(timer:seconds(1)), % Wait for Rickard erlang:system_info(scheduler_bindings) catch _:_ -> %% Ancient systems ignore end. %% Run the benchmark: %% %% - Start all necessary Erlang nodes %% - Populate the database %% - Start the traffic generators %% - Calculate benchmark statistics %% - Stop the temporary Erlang nodes run() -> FileName = "bench.config", run([FileName]). run(Args) -> C = args_to_config(Args), SlaveNodes = start_all(C), bench_populate:start(C), Result = bench_generate:start(C), stop_slave_nodes(SlaveNodes), Result. %% Start Mnesia on the local node start() -> FileName = 'bench.config', start([FileName]). start(Args) -> C = args_to_config(Args), erlang:set_cookie(node(), C#config.cookie), Nodes = [node() | (((C#config.table_nodes -- C#config.generator_nodes) ++ C#config.generator_nodes) -- [node()])], Extra = [{extra_db_nodes, Nodes}], ?d("Starting Mnesia on node ~p...", [node()]), case mnesia:start(Extra) of ok -> Tables = mnesia:system_info(tables), io:format(" ok.~n" , []), ?d("Waiting for ~p tables...", [length(Tables)]), wait(Tables); {error, Reason} -> io:format(" FAILED: ~p~n", [Reason]), {error, Reason} end. wait(Tables) -> case mnesia:wait_for_tables(Tables, timer:seconds(10)) of ok -> io:format(" loaded.~n", []), ok; {timeout, More} -> io:format(" ~p...", [length(More)]), wait(More) end. %% Populate the database populate() -> FileName = 'bench.config', populate([FileName]). populate(Args) -> C = args_to_config(Args), bench_populate:start(C). %% Start the traffic generators generate() -> FileName = 'bench.config', generate([FileName]). generate(Args) -> C = args_to_config(Args), bench_generate:start(C). start_all() -> FileName = 'bench.config', start_all([FileName]). start_all(Args) -> C = args_to_config(Args), Nodes = [node() | (((C#config.table_nodes -- C#config.generator_nodes) ++ C#config.generator_nodes) -- [node()])], erlang:set_cookie(node(), C#config.cookie), ?d("Starting Erlang nodes...~n", []), ?d("~n", []), SlaveNodes = do_start_all(Nodes, [], C#config.cookie), Extra = [{extra_db_nodes, Nodes}], ?d("~n", []), ?d("Starting Mnesia...", []), case rpc:multicall(Nodes, mnesia, start, [Extra]) of {Replies, []} -> case [R || R <- Replies, R /= ok] of [] -> io:format(" ok~n", []), SlaveNodes; Bad -> io:format(" FAILED: ~p~n", [Bad]), exit({mnesia_start, Bad}) end; Bad -> io:format(" FAILED: ~p~n", [Bad]), exit({mnesia_start, Bad}) end. do_start_all([Node | Nodes], Acc, Cookie) when is_atom(Node) -> case string:tokens(atom_to_list(Node), [$@]) of [Name, Host] -> Arg = lists:concat(["-setcookie ", Cookie]), ?d(" ~s", [left(Node)]), case slave:start_link(Host, Name, Arg) of {ok, Node} -> load_modules(Node), rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, bind_schedulers, []), io:format(" started~n", []), do_start_all(Nodes, [Node | Acc], Cookie); {error, {already_running, Node}} -> rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, bind_schedulers, []), io:format(" already started~n", []), do_start_all(Nodes, Acc, Cookie); {error, Reason} -> io:format(" FAILED:~p~n", [Reason]), stop_slave_nodes(Acc), exit({slave_start_failed, Reason}) end; _ -> ?d(" ~s FAILED: " "Not valid as node name. Must be 'name@host'.~n", [left(Node)]), stop_slave_nodes(Acc), exit({bad_node_name, Node}) end; do_start_all([], StartedNodes, _Cookie) -> StartedNodes. load_modules(Node) -> Fun = fun(Mod) -> case code:get_object_code(Mod) of {_Module, Bin, Fname} -> rpc:call(Node, code,load_binary,[Mod,Fname,Bin]); Other -> Other end end, lists:foreach(Fun, [bench, bench_generate, bench_populate, bench_trans]). stop_slave_nodes([]) -> ok; stop_slave_nodes(Nodes) -> ?d("~n", []), ?d("Stopping Erlang nodes...~n", []), ?d("~n", []), do_stop_slave_nodes(Nodes). do_stop_slave_nodes([Node | Nodes]) -> ?d(" ~s", [left(Node)]), Res = slave:stop(Node), io:format(" ~p~n", [Res]), do_stop_slave_nodes(Nodes); do_stop_slave_nodes([]) -> ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The configuration %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% args_to_config(C) when is_record(C, config) -> C; args_to_config(Args) when is_list(Args) -> do_args_to_config(Args, []). do_args_to_config([{Key, Val} | Rest], Acc) when is_list(Acc) -> do_args_to_config(Rest, Acc ++ [{Key, Val}]); do_args_to_config([FileName | Rest], Acc) when is_list(Acc) -> io:nl(), ?d("Reading configuration file ~p...", [FileName]), case file:consult(FileName) of {ok, Config} -> io:format(" ok~n", []), do_args_to_config(Rest, Acc ++ Config); {error, Reason} -> io:format(" FAILED: ~s~n", [[lists:flatten(file:format_error( Reason))]]), {error, {args_to_config, FileName, Reason}} end; do_args_to_config([], Acc) when is_list(Acc) -> verify_config(Acc, #config{}). verify_config([{Tag, Val} | T], C) -> case Tag of cookie when is_atom(Val) -> verify_config(T, C#config{cookie = Val}); generator_profile when Val == random -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_profile = Val}); generator_profile when Val == t1 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_profile = Val}); generator_profile when Val == t2 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_profile = Val}); generator_profile when Val == t3 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_profile = Val}); generator_profile when Val == t4 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_profile = Val}); generator_profile when Val == t5 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_profile = Val}); generator_profile when Val == ping -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_profile = Val}); generator_nodes when is_list(Val) -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_nodes = Val}); n_generators_per_node when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{n_generators_per_node = Val}); generator_warmup when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_warmup = Val}); generator_duration when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_duration = Val}); generator_cooldown when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{generator_cooldown = Val}); statistics_detail when Val == debug -> verify_config(T, C#config{statistics_detail = Val}); statistics_detail when Val == debug2 -> verify_config(T, C#config{statistics_detail = Val}); statistics_detail when Val == normal -> verify_config(T, C#config{statistics_detail = Val}); table_nodes when is_list(Val) -> verify_config(T, C#config{table_nodes = Val}); use_binary_subscriber_key when Val == true -> verify_config(T, C#config{use_binary_subscriber_key = Val}); use_binary_subscriber_key when Val == false -> verify_config(T, C#config{use_binary_subscriber_key = Val}); storage_type when is_atom(Val) -> verify_config(T, C#config{storage_type = Val}); write_lock_type when Val == sticky_write -> verify_config(T, C#config{write_lock_type = Val}); write_lock_type when Val == write -> verify_config(T, C#config{write_lock_type = Val}); n_replicas when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{n_replicas = Val}); n_fragments when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{n_fragments = Val}); n_subscribers when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{n_subscribers = Val}); n_groups when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{n_groups = Val}); n_servers when is_integer(Val), Val >= 0 -> verify_config(T, C#config{n_servers = Val}); always_try_nearest_node when Val == true; Val == false -> verify_config(T, C#config{always_try_nearest_node = Val}); _ -> ?e("Bad config value: ~p~n", [Tag, Val]), exit({bad_config_value, {Tag, Val}}) end; verify_config([], C) -> display_config(C), C; verify_config(Config, _) -> ?e("Bad config: ~p~n", [Config]), exit({bad_config, Config}). display_config(C) when is_record(C, config) -> ?d("~n", []), ?d("Actual configuration...~n", []), ?d("~n", []), Fields = record_info(fields, config), [config | Values] = tuple_to_list(C), display_config(Fields, Values). display_config([F | Fields], [V | Values]) -> ?d(" ~s ~p~n", [left(F), V]), display_config(Fields, Values); display_config([], []) -> ?d("~n", []), ok. left(Term) -> string:left(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Term])), 27, $.).