%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%% Purpose : Loads tables from local disc or from remote node -module(mnesia_loader). %% Mnesia internal stuff -export([disc_load_table/2, net_load_table/4, send_table/3]). -export([spawned_receiver/8]). %% Spawned lock taking process -import(mnesia_lib, [set/2, fatal/2, verbose/2, dbg_out/2]). -include("mnesia.hrl"). val(Var) -> case ?catch_val(Var) of {'EXIT', _} -> mnesia_lib:other_val(Var); Value -> Value end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Load a table from local disc disc_load_table(Tab, Reason) -> Storage = val({Tab, storage_type}), Type = val({Tab, setorbag}), dbg_out("Getting table ~tp (~p) from disc: ~tp~n", [Tab, Storage, Reason]), ?eval_debug_fun({?MODULE, do_get_disc_copy}, [{tab, Tab}, {reason, Reason}, {storage, Storage}, {type, Type}]), do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type). do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, _Reason, Storage, _Type) when Storage == unknown -> verbose("Local table copy of ~tp has recently been deleted, ignored.~n", [Tab]), {not_loaded, storage_unknown}; do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == disc_copies -> %% NOW we create the actual table Repair = mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair), StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}), EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []), Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type | EtsOpts], case Reason of {dumper, _} -> %% Resources already allocated ignore; _ -> mnesia_monitor:mktab(Tab, Args), _Count = mnesia_log:dcd2ets(Tab, Repair), case mnesia_monitor:get_env(dump_disc_copies_at_startup) andalso mnesia_dumper:needs_dump_ets(Tab) of true -> ok = mnesia_log:ets2dcd(Tab); _ -> ignore end end, mnesia_index:init_index(Tab, Storage), snmpify(Tab, Storage), set({Tab, load_node}, node()), set({Tab, load_reason}, Reason), {loaded, ok}; do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == ram_copies -> StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}), EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []), Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Type | EtsOpts], case Reason of {dumper, _} -> %% Resources allready allocated ignore; _ -> mnesia_monitor:mktab(Tab, Args), Fname = mnesia_lib:tab2dcd(Tab), Datname = mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab), Repair = mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair), case mnesia_monitor:use_dir() of true -> case mnesia_lib:exists(Fname) of true -> mnesia_log:dcd2ets(Tab, Repair); false -> case mnesia_lib:exists(Datname) of true -> mnesia_lib:dets_to_ets(Tab, Tab, Datname, Type, Repair, no); false -> false end end; false -> false end end, mnesia_index:init_index(Tab, Storage), snmpify(Tab, Storage), set({Tab, load_node}, node()), set({Tab, load_reason}, Reason), {loaded, ok}; do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage, Type) when Storage == disc_only_copies -> StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}), DetsOpts = proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, []), Args = [{file, mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab)}, {type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)}, {keypos, 2}, {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)} | DetsOpts], case Reason of {dumper, _} -> mnesia_index:init_index(Tab, Storage), snmpify(Tab, Storage), set({Tab, load_node}, node()), set({Tab, load_reason}, Reason), {loaded, ok}; _ -> case mnesia_monitor:open_dets(Tab, Args) of {ok, _} -> mnesia_index:init_index(Tab, Storage), snmpify(Tab, Storage), set({Tab, load_node}, node()), set({Tab, load_reason}, Reason), {loaded, ok}; {error, Error} -> {not_loaded, {"Failed to create dets table", Error}} end end; do_get_disc_copy2(Tab, Reason, Storage = {ext, Alias, Mod}, _Type) -> Cs = val({Tab, cstruct}), case mnesia_monitor:unsafe_create_external(Tab, Alias, Mod, Cs) of ok -> ok = ext_load_table(Mod, Alias, Tab, Reason), mnesia_index:init_index(Tab, Storage), set({Tab, load_node}, node()), set({Tab, load_reason}, Reason), {loaded, ok}; Other -> {not_loaded, Other} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Load a table from a remote node %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Receiver Sender %% -------- ------ %% Grab schema lock on table %% Determine table size %% Create empty pre-grown table %% Grab read lock on table %% Let receiver subscribe on updates done on sender node %% Disable rehashing of table %% Release read lock on table %% Send table to receiver in chunks %% %% Grab read lock on table %% Block dirty updates %% Update wherabouts %% %% Cancel the update subscription %% Process the subscription events %% Optionally dump to disc %% Unblock dirty updates %% Release read lock on table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -define(MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE, 7500). -define(MAX_RAM_FILE_SIZE, 1000000). -define(MAX_RAM_TRANSFERS, (?MAX_RAM_FILE_SIZE div ?MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE) + 1). -define(MAX_NOPACKETS, 20). net_load_table(Tab, {dumper,{add_table_copy, _}}=Reason, Ns, Cs) -> try_net_load_table(Tab, Reason, Ns, Cs); net_load_table(Tab, Reason, Ns, _Cs) -> try_net_load_table(Tab, Reason, Ns, val({Tab, cstruct})). try_net_load_table(Tab, _Reason, [], _Cs) -> verbose("Copy failed. No active replicas of ~tp are available.~n", [Tab]), {not_loaded, none_active}; try_net_load_table(Tab, Reason, Ns, Cs) -> Storage = mnesia_lib:cs_to_storage_type(node(), Cs), do_get_network_copy(Tab, Reason, Ns, Storage, Cs). do_get_network_copy(Tab, _Reason, _Ns, unknown, _Cs) -> verbose("Local table copy of ~tp has recently been deleted, ignored.~n", [Tab]), {not_loaded, storage_unknown}; do_get_network_copy(Tab, Reason, Ns, Storage, Cs) -> [Node | Tail] = Ns, case lists:member(Node,val({current, db_nodes})) of true -> dbg_out("Getting table ~tp (~p) from node ~p: ~tp~n", [Tab, Storage, Node, Reason]), ?eval_debug_fun({?MODULE, do_get_network_copy}, [{tab, Tab}, {reason, Reason}, {nodes, Ns}, {storage, Storage}]), case init_receiver(Node, Tab, Storage, Cs, Reason) of ok -> set({Tab, load_node}, Node), set({Tab, load_reason}, Reason), mnesia_controller:i_have_tab(Tab), dbg_out("Table ~tp copied from ~p to ~p~n", [Tab, Node, node()]), {loaded, ok}; Err = {error, _} when element(1, Reason) == dumper -> {not_loaded,Err}; restart -> try_net_load_table(Tab, Reason, Tail ++ [Node], Cs); down -> try_net_load_table(Tab, Reason, Tail, Cs) end; false -> try_net_load_table(Tab, Reason, Tail, Cs) end. snmpify(Tab, Storage) -> do_snmpify(Tab, val({Tab, snmp}), Storage). do_snmpify(_Tab, [], _Storage) -> ignore; do_snmpify(Tab, Us, Storage) -> Snmp = mnesia_snmp_hook:create_table(Us, Tab, Storage), set({Tab, {index, snmp}}, Snmp). %% Start the recieiver init_receiver(Node, Tab, Storage, Cs, Reas={dumper,{add_table_copy, Tid}}) -> rpc:call(Node, mnesia_lib, set, [{?MODULE, active_trans}, Tid]), case start_remote_sender(Node, Tab, Storage) of {SenderPid, TabSize, DetsData} -> start_receiver(Tab,Storage,Cs,SenderPid,TabSize,DetsData,Reas); Else -> Else end; init_receiver(Node, Tab,Storage,Cs,Reason) -> %% Grab a schema lock to avoid deadlock between table_loader and schema_commit dumping. %% Both may grab tables-locks in different order. Load = fun() -> {_,Tid,Ts} = get(mnesia_activity_state), mnesia_locker:rlock(Tid, Ts#tidstore.store, {schema, Tab}), %% Check that table still exists Active = val({Tab, active_replicas}), %% Check that we havn't loaded it already case val({Tab,where_to_read}) == node() of true -> ok; _ -> %% And that sender still got a copy %% (something might have happend while %% we where waiting for the lock) true = lists:member(Node, Active), {SenderPid, TabSize, DetsData} = start_remote_sender(Node,Tab,Storage), Init = table_init_fun(SenderPid, Storage), Args = [self(),Tab,Storage,Cs,SenderPid, TabSize,DetsData,Init], Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, spawned_receiver, Args), put(mnesia_real_loader, Pid), wait_on_load_complete(Pid) end end, Res = case mnesia:transaction(Load, 20) of {atomic, {error,Result}} when element(1,Reason) == dumper -> {error,Result}; {atomic, {error,Result}} -> fatal("Cannot create table ~tp: ~tp~n", [[Tab, Storage], Result]); {atomic, Result} -> Result; {aborted, nomore} -> restart; {aborted, _Reas} -> verbose("Receiver failed on ~tp from ~p:~nReason: ~tp~n", [Tab,Node,_Reas]), down %% either this node or sender is dying end, unlink(whereis(mnesia_tm)), %% Avoid late unlink from tm Res. start_remote_sender(Node,Tab,Storage) -> mnesia_controller:start_remote_sender(Node, Tab, self(), Storage), put(mnesia_table_sender_node, {Tab, Node}), receive {SenderPid, {first, _} = Msg} when is_pid(SenderPid), element(1, Storage) == ext -> {ext, Alias, Mod} = Storage, {Sz, Data} = Mod:receiver_first_message(SenderPid, Msg, Alias, Tab), {SenderPid, Sz, Data}; {SenderPid, {first, TabSize}} =_M1 -> {SenderPid, TabSize, false}; {SenderPid, {first, TabSize, DetsData}} -> {SenderPid, TabSize, DetsData}; %% Protocol conversion hack {copier_done, Node} -> verbose("Sender of table ~tp crashed on node ~p ~n", [Tab, Node]), down(Tab, Storage) end. table_init_fun(SenderPid, Storage) -> fun(read) -> Receiver = self(), SenderPid ! {Receiver, more}, get_data(SenderPid, Receiver, Storage); (close) -> ok end. %% Add_table_copy get's it's own locks. start_receiver(Tab,Storage,Cs,SenderPid,TabSize,DetsData,{dumper,{add_table_copy,_}}) -> Init = table_init_fun(SenderPid, Storage), case do_init_table(Tab,Storage,Cs,SenderPid,TabSize,DetsData,self(), Init) of Err = {error, _} -> SenderPid ! {copier_done, node()}, Err; Else -> Else end. spawned_receiver(ReplyTo,Tab,Storage,Cs, SenderPid,TabSize,DetsData, Init) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Done = do_init_table(Tab,Storage,Cs, SenderPid,TabSize,DetsData, ReplyTo, Init), try ReplyTo ! {self(),Done}, unlink(ReplyTo), unlink(whereis(mnesia_controller)) catch _:_ -> ok %% avoid error reports when stopping down mnesia end, exit(normal). wait_on_load_complete(Pid) -> receive {Pid, Res} -> Res; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> error(Reason); Else -> Pid ! Else, wait_on_load_complete(Pid) end. do_init_table(Tab,Storage,Cs,SenderPid, TabSize,DetsInfo,OrigTabRec,Init) -> case create_table(Tab, TabSize, Storage, Cs) of {Storage,Tab} -> %% Debug info Node = node(SenderPid), put(mnesia_table_receiver, {Tab, Node, SenderPid}), mnesia_tm:block_tab(Tab), case init_table(Tab,Storage,Init,DetsInfo,SenderPid) of ok -> tab_receiver(Node,Tab,Storage,Cs,OrigTabRec); Reason -> Msg = "[d]ets:init table failed", verbose("~ts: ~tp: ~tp~n", [Msg, Tab, Reason]), down(Tab, Storage) end; Error -> Error end. create_table(Tab, TabSize, Storage, Cs) -> StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}), if Storage == disc_only_copies -> mnesia_lib:lock_table(Tab), Tmp = mnesia_lib:tab2tmp(Tab), Size = lists:max([TabSize, 256]), DetsOpts = lists:keydelete(estimated_no_objects, 1, proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, [])), Args = [{file, Tmp}, {keypos, 2}, %% {ram_file, true}, {estimated_no_objects, Size}, {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)}, {type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Cs#cstruct.type)} | DetsOpts], file:delete(Tmp), case mnesia_lib:dets_sync_open(Tab, Args) of {ok, _} -> mnesia_lib:unlock_table(Tab), {Storage, Tab}; Else -> mnesia_lib:unlock_table(Tab), Else end; (Storage == ram_copies) or (Storage == disc_copies) -> EtsOpts = proplists:get_value(ets, StorageProps, []), Args = [{keypos, 2}, public, named_table, Cs#cstruct.type | EtsOpts], case mnesia_monitor:unsafe_mktab(Tab, Args) of Tab -> {Storage, Tab}; Else -> Else end; element(1, Storage) == ext -> {_, Alias, Mod} = Storage, case mnesia_monitor:unsafe_create_external(Tab, Alias, Mod, Cs) of ok -> {Storage, Tab}; Else -> Else end end. tab_receiver(Node, Tab, Storage, Cs, OrigTabRec) -> receive {SenderPid, {no_more, DatBin}} -> finish_copy(Storage,Tab,Cs,SenderPid,DatBin,OrigTabRec); %% Protocol conversion hack {copier_done, Node} -> verbose("Sender of table ~tp crashed on node ~p ~n", [Tab, Node]), down(Tab, Storage); {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> handle_exit(Pid, Reason), tab_receiver(Node, Tab, Storage, Cs, OrigTabRec) end. make_table_fun(Pid, TabRec, Storage) -> fun(close) -> ok; ({read, Msg}) -> Pid ! {TabRec, Msg}, get_data(Pid, TabRec, Storage); (read) -> get_data(Pid, TabRec, Storage) end. get_data(Pid, TabRec, Storage) -> receive {Pid, {more_z, CompressedRecs}} when is_binary(CompressedRecs) -> maybe_reply(Pid, {TabRec, more}, Storage), {zlib_uncompress(CompressedRecs), make_table_fun(Pid, TabRec, Storage)}; {Pid, {more, Recs}} -> maybe_reply(Pid, {TabRec, more}, Storage), {Recs, make_table_fun(Pid, TabRec, Storage)}; {Pid, no_more} -> end_of_input; {copier_done, Node} -> case node(Pid) of Node -> {copier_done, Node}; _ -> get_data(Pid, TabRec, Storage) end; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> handle_exit(Pid, Reason), get_data(Pid, TabRec, Storage) end. maybe_reply(_, _, {ext, _, _}) -> ignore; maybe_reply(Pid, Msg, _) -> Pid ! Msg. ext_init_table(Alias, Mod, Tab, Fun, State, Sender) -> ok = ext_load_table(Mod, Alias, Tab, {net_load, node(Sender)}), ext_init_table(read, Alias, Mod, Tab, Fun, State, Sender). ext_load_table(Mod, Alias, Tab, Reason) -> CS = val({Tab, cstruct}), Mod:load_table(Alias, Tab, Reason, mnesia_schema:cs2list(CS)). ext_init_table(Action, Alias, Mod, Tab, Fun, State, Sender) -> case Fun(Action) of {copier_done, Node} -> verbose("Receiver of table ~tp crashed on ~p (more)~n", [Tab, Node]), down(Tab, {ext,Alias,Mod}); {Data, NewFun} -> case Mod:receive_data(Data, Alias, Tab, Sender, State) of {more, NewState} -> ext_init_table({read, more}, Alias, Mod, Tab, NewFun, NewState, Sender); {{more,Msg}, NewState} -> ext_init_table({read, Msg}, Alias, Mod, Tab, NewFun, NewState, Sender) end; end_of_input -> Mod:receive_done(Alias, Tab, Sender, State), ok = Fun(close) end. init_table(Tab, {ext,Alias,Mod}, Fun, State, Sender) -> ext_init_table(Alias, Mod, Tab, Fun, State, Sender); init_table(Tab, disc_only_copies, Fun, DetsInfo,Sender) -> ErtsVer = erlang:system_info(version), case DetsInfo of {ErtsVer, DetsData} -> try dets:is_compatible_bchunk_format(Tab, DetsData) of false -> Sender ! {self(), {old_protocol, Tab}}, dets:init_table(Tab, Fun); %% Old dets version true -> dets:init_table(Tab, Fun, [{format, bchunk}]) catch error:{undef,[{dets,_,_,_}|_]} -> Sender ! {self(), {old_protocol, Tab}}, dets:init_table(Tab, Fun); %% Old dets version error:What -> What end; Old when Old /= false -> Sender ! {self(), {old_protocol, Tab}}, dets:init_table(Tab, Fun); %% Old dets version _ -> dets:init_table(Tab, Fun) end; init_table(Tab, _, Fun, _DetsInfo,_) -> try true = ets:init_table(Tab, Fun), ok catch _:Else:Stacktrace -> {Else, Stacktrace} end. finish_copy(Storage,Tab,Cs,SenderPid,DatBin,OrigTabRec) -> TabRef = {Storage, Tab}, subscr_receiver(TabRef, Cs#cstruct.record_name), case handle_last(TabRef, Cs#cstruct.type, DatBin) of ok -> mnesia_index:init_index(Tab, Storage), snmpify(Tab, Storage), %% OrigTabRec must not be the spawned tab-receiver %% due to old protocol. SenderPid ! {OrigTabRec, no_more}, mnesia_tm:unblock_tab(Tab), ok; {error, Reason} -> Msg = "Failed to handle last", verbose("~ts: ~tp: ~tp~n", [Msg, Tab, Reason]), down(Tab, Storage) end. subscr_receiver(TabRef = {_, Tab}, RecName) -> receive {mnesia_table_event, {Op, Val, _Tid}} when element(1, Val) =:= Tab -> if Tab == RecName -> handle_event(TabRef, Op, Val); true -> handle_event(TabRef, Op, setelement(1, Val, RecName)) end, subscr_receiver(TabRef, RecName); {mnesia_table_event, {Op, Val, _Tid}} when element(1, Val) =:= schema -> %% clear_table is faked via two schema events %% a schema record delete and a write case Op of delete -> handle_event(TabRef, clear_table, {Tab, all}); _ -> ok end, subscr_receiver(TabRef, RecName); {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> handle_exit(Pid, Reason), subscr_receiver(TabRef, RecName) after 0 -> ok end. handle_event(TabRef, write, Rec) -> db_put(TabRef, Rec); handle_event(TabRef, delete, {_Tab, Key}) -> db_erase(TabRef, Key); handle_event(TabRef, delete_object, OldRec) -> db_match_erase(TabRef, OldRec); handle_event(TabRef, clear_table, {_Tab, _Key}) -> db_match_erase(TabRef, '_'). handle_last({disc_copies, Tab}, _Type, nobin) -> Ret = mnesia_log:ets2dcd(Tab), Fname = mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab), case mnesia_lib:exists(Fname) of true -> %% Remove old .DAT files. file:delete(Fname); false -> ok end, Ret; handle_last({disc_only_copies, Tab}, Type, nobin) -> mnesia_lib:dets_sync_close(Tab), Tmp = mnesia_lib:tab2tmp(Tab), Dat = mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab), case file:rename(Tmp, Dat) of ok -> StorageProps = val({Tab, storage_properties}), DetsOpts = proplists:get_value(dets, StorageProps, []), Args = [{file, mnesia_lib:tab2dat(Tab)}, {type, mnesia_lib:disk_type(Tab, Type)}, {keypos, 2}, {repair, mnesia_monitor:get_env(auto_repair)} | DetsOpts], mnesia_monitor:open_dets(Tab, Args), ok; {error, Reason} -> {error, {"Cannot swap tmp files", Tab, Reason}} end; handle_last({ram_copies, _Tab}, _Type, nobin) -> ok; handle_last({ram_copies, Tab}, _Type, DatBin) -> case mnesia_monitor:use_dir() of true -> mnesia_lib:lock_table(Tab), Tmp = mnesia_lib:tab2tmp(Tab), ok = file:write_file(Tmp, DatBin), ok = file:rename(Tmp, mnesia_lib:tab2dcd(Tab)), mnesia_lib:unlock_table(Tab), ok; false -> ok end; handle_last(_Storage, _Type, nobin) -> ok. down(Tab, Storage) -> case Storage of ram_copies -> ?SAFE(?ets_delete_table(Tab)); disc_copies -> ?SAFE(?ets_delete_table(Tab)); disc_only_copies -> TmpFile = mnesia_lib:tab2tmp(Tab), mnesia_lib:dets_sync_close(Tab), file:delete(TmpFile); {ext, Alias, Mod} -> catch Mod:close_table(Alias, Tab), catch Mod:delete_table(Alias, Tab) end, mnesia_checkpoint:tm_del_copy(Tab, node()), mnesia_controller:sync_del_table_copy_whereabouts(Tab, node()), mnesia_tm:unblock_tab(Tab), flush_subcrs(), down. flush_subcrs() -> receive {mnesia_table_event, _} -> flush_subcrs(); {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> handle_exit(Pid, Reason), flush_subcrs() after 0 -> done end. db_erase({ram_copies, Tab}, Key) -> true = ?ets_delete(Tab, Key); db_erase({disc_copies, Tab}, Key) -> true = ?ets_delete(Tab, Key); db_erase({disc_only_copies, Tab}, Key) -> ok = dets:delete(Tab, Key); db_erase({{ext, Alias, Mod}, Tab}, Key) -> ok = Mod:delete(Alias, Tab, Key). db_match_erase({ram_copies, Tab} , Pat) -> true = ?ets_match_delete(Tab, Pat); db_match_erase({disc_copies, Tab} , Pat) -> true = ?ets_match_delete(Tab, Pat); db_match_erase({disc_only_copies, Tab}, Pat) -> ok = dets:match_delete(Tab, Pat); db_match_erase({{ext, Alias, Mod}, Tab}, Pat) -> % "ets style" is to return true % "dets style" is to return N | { error, Reason } % or sometimes ok (?) % be nice and accept both case Mod:match_delete(Alias, Tab, Pat) of N when is_integer (N) -> ok; true -> ok; ok -> ok end. db_put({ram_copies, Tab}, Val) -> true = ?ets_insert(Tab, Val); db_put({disc_copies, Tab}, Val) -> true = ?ets_insert(Tab, Val); db_put({disc_only_copies, Tab}, Val) -> ok = dets:insert(Tab, Val); db_put({{ext, Alias, Mod}, Tab}, Val) -> ok = Mod:insert(Alias, Tab, Val). %% This code executes at the remote site where the data is %% executes in a special copier process. calc_nokeys(Storage, Tab) -> %% Calculate #keys per transfer Key = mnesia_lib:db_first(Storage, Tab), Recs = mnesia_lib:db_get(Storage, Tab, Key), BinSize = size(term_to_binary(Recs)), (?MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE div BinSize) + 1. send_table(Pid, Tab, RemoteS) -> case ?catch_val({Tab, storage_type}) of {'EXIT', _} -> {error, {no_exists, Tab}}; unknown -> {error, {no_exists, Tab}}; Storage -> do_send_table(Pid, Tab, Storage, RemoteS) end. do_send_table(Pid, Tab, Storage, RemoteS) -> {Init, Chunk} = case Storage of {ext, Alias, Mod} -> case Mod:sender_init(Alias, Tab, RemoteS, Pid) of {standard, I, C} -> Pid ! {self(), {first, Mod:info(Alias, Tab, size)}}, {I, C}; {_, _} = Res -> Res end; Storage -> %% Send first TabSize = mnesia:table_info(Tab, size), KeysPerTransfer = calc_nokeys(Storage, Tab), ChunkData = dets:info(Tab, bchunk_format), UseDetsChunk = Storage == RemoteS andalso Storage == disc_only_copies andalso ChunkData /= undefined, if UseDetsChunk == true -> DetsInfo = erlang:system_info(version), Pid ! {self(), {first, TabSize, {DetsInfo, ChunkData}}}; true -> Pid ! {self(), {first, TabSize}} end, {_I, _C} = reader_funcs(UseDetsChunk, Tab, Storage, KeysPerTransfer) end, %% Debug info put(mnesia_table_sender, {Tab, node(Pid), Pid}), SendIt = fun() -> NeedLock = need_lock(Tab), {atomic, ok} = prepare_copy(Pid, Tab, Storage, NeedLock), send_more(Pid, 1, Chunk, Init(), Tab, Storage), finish_copy(Pid, Tab, Storage, RemoteS, NeedLock) end, try SendIt() of {_, receiver_died} -> ok; {atomic, no_more} -> ok catch throw:receiver_died -> cleanup_tab_copier(Pid, Storage, Tab), ok; error:Reason:Stacktrace -> %% Prepare failed cleanup_tab_copier(Pid, Storage, Tab), {error, {tab_copier, Tab, {Reason, Stacktrace}}} after unlink(whereis(mnesia_tm)) end. prepare_copy(Pid, Tab, Storage, NeedLock) -> Trans = fun() -> NeedLock andalso mnesia:lock_table(Tab, load), mnesia_subscr:subscribe(Pid, {table, Tab}), update_where_to_write(Tab, node(Pid)), mnesia_lib:db_fixtable(Storage, Tab, true), ok end, mnesia:transaction(Trans). need_lock(Tab) -> case ?catch_val({?MODULE, active_trans}) of #tid{} = Tid -> %% move_table_copy grabs it's own table-lock %% do not deadlock with it mnesia_lib:unset({?MODULE, active_trans}), case mnesia_locker:get_held_locks(Tab) of [{write, Tid}|_] -> false; _Locks -> true end; _ -> true end. update_where_to_write(Tab, Node) -> case val({Tab, access_mode}) of read_only -> ignore; read_write -> Current = val({current, db_nodes}), Ns = case lists:member(Node, Current) of true -> Current; false -> [Node | Current] end, update_where_to_write(Ns, Tab, Node) end. update_where_to_write([], _, _) -> ok; update_where_to_write([H|T], Tab, AddNode) -> rpc:call(H, mnesia_controller, call, [{update_where_to_write, [add, Tab, AddNode], self()}]), update_where_to_write(T, Tab, AddNode). send_more(Pid, N, Chunk, DataState, Tab, Storage) -> receive {NewPid, more} -> case send_packet(N - 1, NewPid, Chunk, DataState) of New when is_integer(New) -> New - 1; NewData -> send_more(NewPid, ?MAX_NOPACKETS, Chunk, NewData, Tab, Storage) end; {NewPid, {more, Msg}} when element(1, Storage) == ext -> {ext, Alias, Mod} = Storage, {NewChunk, NewState} = Mod:sender_handle_info(Msg, Alias, Tab, NewPid, DataState), case send_packet(N - 1, NewPid, NewChunk, NewState) of New when is_integer(New) -> New -1; NewData -> send_more(NewPid, N, NewChunk, NewData, Tab, Storage) end; {_NewPid, {old_protocol, Tab}} -> Storage = val({Tab, storage_type}), {Init, NewChunk} = reader_funcs(false, Tab, Storage, calc_nokeys(Storage, Tab)), send_more(Pid, 1, NewChunk, Init(), Tab, Storage); {copier_done, Node} when Node == node(Pid)-> verbose("Receiver of table ~tp crashed on ~p (more)~n", [Tab, Node]), throw(receiver_died) end. reader_funcs(UseDetsChunk, Tab, Storage, KeysPerTransfer) -> case UseDetsChunk of false -> {fun() -> mnesia_lib:db_init_chunk(Storage, Tab, KeysPerTransfer) end, fun(Cont) -> mnesia_lib:db_chunk(Storage, Cont) end}; true -> {fun() -> dets_bchunk(Tab, start) end, fun(Cont) -> dets_bchunk(Tab, Cont) end} end. dets_bchunk(Tab, Chunk) -> %% Arrg case dets:bchunk(Tab, Chunk) of {Cont, Data} -> {Data, Cont}; Else -> Else end. zlib_compress(Data, Level) -> BinData = term_to_binary(Data), Z = zlib:open(), zlib:deflateInit(Z, Level), Bs = zlib:deflate(Z, BinData, finish), zlib:deflateEnd(Z), zlib:close(Z), list_to_binary(Bs). zlib_uncompress(Data) when is_binary(Data) -> binary_to_term(zlib:uncompress(Data)). compression_level() -> NoCompression = 0, case ?catch_val(send_compressed) of {'EXIT', _} -> mnesia_lib:set(send_compressed, NoCompression), NoCompression; Val -> Val end. send_packet(N, Pid, _Chunk, '$end_of_table') -> Pid ! {self(), no_more}, N; send_packet(N, Pid, Chunk, {[], Cont}) -> send_packet(N, Pid, Chunk, Chunk(Cont)); send_packet(N, Pid, Chunk, {Recs, Cont}) when N < ?MAX_NOPACKETS -> case compression_level() of 0 -> Pid ! {self(), {more, Recs}}; Level -> Pid ! {self(), {more_z, zlib_compress(Recs, Level)}} end, send_packet(N+1, Pid, Chunk, Chunk(Cont)); send_packet(_N, _Pid, _Chunk, DataState) -> DataState. finish_copy(Pid, Tab, Storage, RemoteS, NeedLock) -> RecNode = node(Pid), DatBin = dat2bin(Tab, Storage, RemoteS), Node = node(Pid), Trans = fun() -> NeedLock andalso mnesia:read_lock_table(Tab), %% Check that receiver is still alive receive {copier_done, Node} -> throw(receiver_died) after 0 -> ok end, A = val({Tab, access_mode}), mnesia_controller:sync_and_block_table_whereabouts(Tab, RecNode, RemoteS, A), cleanup_tab_copier(Pid, Storage, Tab), mnesia_checkpoint:tm_add_copy(Tab, RecNode), Pid ! {self(), {no_more, DatBin}}, receive {Pid, no_more} -> % Dont bother about the spurious 'more' message no_more; {copier_done, Node} -> verbose("Tab receiver ~tp crashed (more): ~p~n", [Tab, Node]), receiver_died end end, mnesia:transaction(Trans). cleanup_tab_copier(Pid, Storage, Tab) -> mnesia_lib:db_fixtable(Storage, Tab, false), mnesia_subscr:unsubscribe(Pid, {table, Tab}). dat2bin(Tab, ram_copies, ram_copies) -> mnesia_lib:lock_table(Tab), Res = file:read_file(mnesia_lib:tab2dcd(Tab)), mnesia_lib:unlock_table(Tab), case Res of {ok, DatBin} -> DatBin; _ -> nobin end; dat2bin(_Tab, _LocalS, _RemoteS) -> nobin. handle_exit(Pid, Reason) when node(Pid) == node() -> error(Reason); handle_exit(_Pid, _Reason) -> %% Not from our node, this will be handled by ignore. %% mnesia_down soon.