%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(mnesia_monitor). -behaviour(gen_server). %% Public exports -export([ close_dets/1, close_log/1, detect_inconcistency/2, get_env/1, init/0, mktab/2, unsafe_mktab/2, mnesia_down/2, needs_protocol_conversion/1, negotiate_protocol/1, disconnect/1, open_dets/2, unsafe_open_dets/2, open_log/1, patch_env/2, protocol_version/0, reopen_log/3, set_env/2, start/0, start_proc/4, sync_log/1, terminate_proc/3, unsafe_close_dets/1, unsafe_close_log/1, use_dir/0, do_check_type/2 ]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([ init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3 ]). %% Internal exports -export([ call/1, cast/1, detect_partitioned_network/2, has_remote_mnesia_down/1, negotiate_protocol_impl/2 ]). -compile({no_auto_import,[error/2]}). -import(mnesia_lib, [dbg_out/2, verbose/2, error/2, fatal/2, set/2]). -include("mnesia.hrl"). -record(state, {supervisor, pending_negotiators = [], going_down = [], tm_started = false, early_connects = [], connecting, mq = [], remote_node_status = []}). -define(current_protocol_version, {8,1}). -define(previous_protocol_version, {8,0}). start() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [self()], [{timeout, infinity} %% ,{debug, [trace]} ]). init() -> call(init). mnesia_down(From, Node) -> cast({mnesia_down, From, Node}). mktab(Tab, Args) -> unsafe_call({mktab, Tab, Args}). unsafe_mktab(Tab, Args) -> unsafe_call({unsafe_mktab, Tab, Args}). open_dets(Tab, Args) -> unsafe_call({open_dets, Tab, Args}). unsafe_open_dets(Tab, Args) -> unsafe_call({unsafe_open_dets, Tab, Args}). close_dets(Tab) -> unsafe_call({close_dets, Tab}). unsafe_close_dets(Name) -> unsafe_call({unsafe_close_dets, Name}). open_log(Args) -> unsafe_call({open_log, Args}). reopen_log(Name, Fname, Head) -> unsafe_call({reopen_log, Name, Fname, Head}). sync_log(Name) -> unsafe_call({sync_log, Name}). close_log(Name) -> unsafe_call({close_log, Name}). unsafe_close_log(Name) -> unsafe_call({unsafe_close_log, Name}). disconnect(Node) -> cast({disconnect, Node}). %% Returns GoodNoodes %% Creates a link to each compatible monitor and %% protocol_version to agreed version upon success negotiate_protocol([]) -> []; negotiate_protocol(Nodes) -> call({negotiate_protocol, Nodes}). negotiate_protocol_impl(Nodes, Requester) -> Version = mnesia:system_info(version), Protocols = acceptable_protocol_versions(), MonitorPid = whereis(?MODULE), Msg = {negotiate_protocol, MonitorPid, Version, Protocols}, {Replies, _BadNodes} = multicall(Nodes, Msg), Res = check_protocol(Replies, Protocols), ?MODULE ! {protocol_negotiated,Requester,Res}, unlink(whereis(?MODULE)), ok. check_protocol([{Node, {accept, Mon, Version, Protocol}} | Tail], Protocols) -> case lists:member(Protocol, Protocols) of true -> case Protocol == protocol_version() of true -> set({protocol, Node}, {Protocol, false}); false -> set({protocol, Node}, {Protocol, true}) end, [node(Mon) | check_protocol(Tail, Protocols)]; false -> verbose("Failed to connect with ~p. ~p protocols rejected. " "expected version = ~p, expected protocol = ~p~n", [Node, Protocols, Version, Protocol]), unlink(Mon), % Get rid of unneccessary link check_protocol(Tail, Protocols) end; check_protocol([{Node, {reject, _Mon, Version, Protocol}} | Tail], Protocols) -> verbose("Failed to connect with ~p. ~p protocols rejected. " "expected version = ~p, expected protocol = ~p~n", [Node, Protocols, Version, Protocol]), check_protocol(Tail, Protocols); check_protocol([{error, _Reason} | Tail], Protocols) -> dbg_out("~p connect failed error: ~p~n", [?MODULE, _Reason]), check_protocol(Tail, Protocols); check_protocol([{badrpc, _Reason} | Tail], Protocols) -> dbg_out("~p connect failed badrpc: ~p~n", [?MODULE, _Reason]), check_protocol(Tail, Protocols); check_protocol([], [Protocol | _Protocols]) -> set(protocol_version, Protocol), []. protocol_version() -> case ?catch_val(protocol_version) of {'EXIT', _} -> ?current_protocol_version; Version -> Version end. %% A sorted list of acceptable protocols the %% preferred protocols are first in the list acceptable_protocol_versions() -> [protocol_version(), ?previous_protocol_version, {7,6}]. needs_protocol_conversion(Node) -> case {?catch_val({protocol, Node}), protocol_version()} of {{'EXIT', _}, _} -> false; {{_, Bool}, ?current_protocol_version} -> Bool; {{_, Bool}, _} -> not Bool end. cast(Msg) -> case whereis(?MODULE) of undefined -> ok; Pid -> gen_server:cast(Pid, Msg) end. unsafe_call(Msg) -> case whereis(?MODULE) of undefined -> {error, {node_not_running, node()}}; Pid -> gen_server:call(Pid, Msg, infinity) end. call(Msg) -> case whereis(?MODULE) of undefined -> {error, {node_not_running, node()}}; Pid -> link(Pid), Res = gen_server:call(Pid, Msg, infinity), unlink(Pid), %% We get an exit signal if server dies receive {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} -> {error, {node_not_running, node()}} after 0 -> Res end end. multicall(Nodes, Msg) -> rpc:multicall(Nodes, ?MODULE, call, [Msg]). start_proc(Who, Mod, Fun, Args) -> Args2 = [Who, Mod, Fun, Args], proc_lib:start_link(mnesia_sp, init_proc, Args2, infinity). terminate_proc(Who, R, State) when R /= shutdown, R /= killed -> fatal("~p crashed: ~p state: ~p~n", [Who, R, State]); terminate_proc(Who, Reason, _State) -> mnesia_lib:verbose("~p terminated: ~p~n", [Who, Reason]), ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Callback functions from gen_server %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: init/1 %% Returns: {ok, State} | %% {ok, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Parent]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), ?ets_new_table(mnesia_gvar, [set, public, named_table]), ?ets_new_table(mnesia_stats, [set, public, named_table]), set(subscribers, []), set(activity_subscribers, []), mnesia_lib:verbose("~p starting: ~p~n", [?MODULE, self()]), Version = mnesia:system_info(version), set(version, Version), dbg_out("Version: ~p~n", [Version]), try process_config_args(env()) of ok -> mnesia_lib:set({'$$$_report', current_pos}, 0), Level = mnesia_lib:val(debug), mnesia_lib:verbose("Mnesia debug level set to ~p\n", [Level]), set(mnesia_status, starting), %% set start status set({current, db_nodes}, [node()]), set(use_dir, use_dir()), mnesia_lib:create_counter(trans_aborts), mnesia_lib:create_counter(trans_commits), mnesia_lib:create_counter(trans_log_writes), Left = get_env(dump_log_write_threshold), mnesia_lib:set_counter(trans_log_writes_left, Left), mnesia_lib:create_counter(trans_log_writes_prev), mnesia_lib:create_counter(trans_restarts), mnesia_lib:create_counter(trans_failures), set(checkpoints, []), set(pending_checkpoints, []), set(pending_checkpoint_pids, []), {ok, #state{supervisor = Parent}} catch _:Reason -> mnesia_lib:report_fatal("Bad configuration: ~p~n", [Reason]), {stop, {bad_config, Reason}} end. use_dir() -> case ?catch_val(use_dir) of {'EXIT', _} -> case get_env(schema_location) of disc -> true; opt_disc -> non_empty_dir(); ram -> false end; Bool -> Bool end. %% Returns true if the Mnesia directory contains %% important files non_empty_dir() -> mnesia_lib:exists(mnesia_bup:fallback_bup()) or mnesia_lib:exists(mnesia_lib:tab2dmp(schema)) or mnesia_lib:exists(mnesia_lib:tab2dat(schema)). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_call/3 %% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} | %% {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call({mktab, Tab, Args}, _From, State) -> try ?ets_new_table(Tab, Args) of Reply -> {reply, Reply, State} catch error:ExitReason -> Msg = "Cannot create ets table", Reason = {system_limit, Msg, Tab, Args, ExitReason}, fatal("~p~n", [Reason]), {noreply, State} end; handle_call({unsafe_mktab, Tab, Args}, _From, State) -> try ?ets_new_table(Tab, Args) of Reply -> {reply, Reply, State} catch error:ExitReason -> {reply, {error, ExitReason}, State} end; handle_call({open_dets, Tab, Args}, _From, State) -> case mnesia_lib:dets_sync_open(Tab, Args) of {ok, Tab} -> {reply, {ok, Tab}, State}; {error, Reason} -> Msg = "Cannot open dets table", Error = {error, {Msg, Tab, Args, Reason}}, fatal("~p~n", [Error]), {noreply, State} end; handle_call({unsafe_open_dets, Tab, Args}, _From, State) -> case mnesia_lib:dets_sync_open(Tab, Args) of {ok, Tab} -> {reply, {ok, Tab}, State}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error,Reason}, State} end; handle_call({close_dets, Tab}, _From, State) -> ok = mnesia_lib:dets_sync_close(Tab), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({unsafe_close_dets, Tab}, _From, State) -> mnesia_lib:dets_sync_close(Tab), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({open_log, Args}, _From, State) -> Res = disk_log:open([{notify, true}|Args]), {reply, Res, State}; handle_call({reopen_log, Name, Fname, Head}, _From, State) -> case disk_log:reopen(Name, Fname, Head) of ok -> {reply, ok, State}; {error, Reason} -> Msg = "Cannot rename disk_log file", Error = {error, {Msg, Name, Fname, Head, Reason}}, fatal("~p~n", [Error]), {noreply, State} end; handle_call({sync_log, Name}, _From, State) -> {reply, disk_log:sync(Name), State}; handle_call({close_log, Name}, _From, State) -> case disk_log:close(Name) of ok -> {reply, ok, State}; {error, Reason} -> Msg = "Cannot close disk_log file", Error = {error, {Msg, Name, Reason}}, fatal("~p~n", [Error]), {noreply, State} end; handle_call({unsafe_close_log, Name}, _From, State) -> _ = disk_log:close(Name), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({negotiate_protocol, Mon, _Version, _Protocols}, _From, State) when State#state.tm_started == false -> State2 = State#state{early_connects = [node(Mon) | State#state.early_connects]}, {reply, {node(), {reject, self(), uninitialized, uninitialized}}, State2}; %% From remote monitor.. handle_call({negotiate_protocol, Mon, Version, Protocols}, From, State) when node(Mon) /= node() -> Protocol = protocol_version(), MyVersion = mnesia:system_info(version), case lists:member(Protocol, Protocols) of true -> accept_protocol(Mon, MyVersion, Protocol, From, State); false -> %% in this release we should be able to handle the previous %% protocol case hd(Protocols) of ?previous_protocol_version -> accept_protocol(Mon, MyVersion, ?previous_protocol_version, From, State); {7,6} -> accept_protocol(Mon, MyVersion, {7,6}, From, State); _ -> verbose("Connection with ~p rejected. " "version = ~p, protocols = ~p, " "expected version = ~p, expected protocol = ~p~n", [node(Mon), Version, Protocols, MyVersion, Protocol]), {reply, {node(), {reject, self(), MyVersion, Protocol}}, State} end end; %% Local request to negotiate with other monitors (nodes). handle_call({negotiate_protocol, Nodes}, From, State) -> case mnesia_lib:intersect(State#state.going_down, Nodes) of [] -> spawn_link(?MODULE, negotiate_protocol_impl, [Nodes, From]), {noreply, State#state{connecting={From,Nodes}}}; _ -> %% Cannot connect now, still processing mnesia down {reply, busy, State} end; handle_call(init, _From, State) -> _ = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true), EarlyNodes = State#state.early_connects, State2 = State#state{tm_started = true}, {reply, EarlyNodes, State2}; handle_call(Msg, _From, State) -> error("~p got unexpected call: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Msg]), {noreply, State}. accept_protocol(Mon, Version, Protocol, From, State) -> Reply = {node(), {accept, self(), Version, Protocol}}, Node = node(Mon), Pending0 = State#state.pending_negotiators, Pending = lists:keydelete(Node, 1, Pending0), case lists:member(Node, State#state.going_down) of true -> %% Wait for the mnesia_down to be processed, %% before we reply P = Pending ++ [{Node, Mon, From, Reply}], {noreply, State#state{pending_negotiators = P}}; false -> %% No need for wait link(Mon), %% link to remote Monitor case Protocol == protocol_version() of true -> set({protocol, Node}, {Protocol, false}); false -> set({protocol, Node}, {Protocol, true}) end, {reply, Reply, State#state{pending_negotiators = Pending}} end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_cast/2 %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_cast({mnesia_down, mnesia_controller, Node}, State) -> mnesia_tm:mnesia_down(Node), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({mnesia_down, mnesia_tm, Node}, State) -> Down = {mnesia_down, Node}, mnesia_lib:report_system_event(Down), GoingDown = lists:delete(Node, State#state.going_down), State2 = State#state{going_down = GoingDown}, Pending = State#state.pending_negotiators, State3 = check_raise_conditon_nodeup(Node, State2), case lists:keysearch(Node, 1, Pending) of {value, {Node, Mon, ReplyTo, Reply}} -> %% Late reply to remote monitor link(Mon), %% link to remote Monitor gen_server:reply(ReplyTo, Reply), P2 = lists:keydelete(Node, 1,Pending), State4 = State3#state{pending_negotiators = P2}, process_q(State4); false -> %% No pending remote monitors process_q(State3) end; handle_cast({disconnect, Node}, State) -> case rpc:call(Node, erlang, whereis, [?MODULE]) of {badrpc, _} -> ignore; undefined -> ignore; RemoteMon when is_pid(RemoteMon) -> unlink(RemoteMon) end, {noreply, State}; handle_cast({inconsistent_database, Context, Node}, State) -> Msg = {inconsistent_database, Context, Node}, mnesia_lib:report_system_event(Msg), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(Msg, State) -> error("~p got unexpected cast: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Msg]), {noreply, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_info/2 %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, R}, State) when Pid == State#state.supervisor -> dbg_out("~p was ~p by supervisor~n",[?MODULE, R]), {stop, R, State}; handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, fatal}, State) when node(Pid) == node() -> dbg_out("~p got FATAL ERROR from: ~p~n",[?MODULE, Pid]), %% This may hang supervisor if a shutdown happens at the same time as an fatal %% is in progress %% exit(State#state.supervisor, shutdown), %% It is better to kill an innocent process ?SAFE(exit(whereis(mnesia_locker), kill)), {noreply, State}; handle_info(Msg = {'EXIT',Pid,_}, State) -> Node = node(Pid), if Node /= node(), State#state.connecting == undefined -> %% Remotly linked process died, assume that it was a mnesia_monitor mnesia_recover:mnesia_down(Node), mnesia_controller:mnesia_down(Node), {noreply, State#state{going_down = [Node | State#state.going_down]}}; Node /= node() -> {noreply, State#state{mq = State#state.mq ++ [{info, Msg}]}}; true -> %% We have probably got an exit signal from %% disk_log or dets Hint = "Hint: check that the disk still is writable", fatal("~p got unexpected info: ~p; ~p~n", [?MODULE, Msg, Hint]) end; handle_info({protocol_negotiated, From,Res}, State) -> From = element(1,State#state.connecting), gen_server:reply(From, Res), process_q(State#state{connecting = undefined}); handle_info({check_nodeup, Node}, State) -> State2 = check_mnesia_down(Node, State), {noreply, State2}; handle_info({nodeup, Node}, State) -> State2 = remote_node_status(Node, up, State), State3 = check_mnesia_down(Node, State2), {noreply, State3}; handle_info({nodedown, Node}, State) -> State2 = remote_node_status(Node, down, State), {noreply, State2}; handle_info({disk_log, _Node, Log, Info}, State) -> case Info of {truncated, _No} -> ok; _ -> mnesia_lib:important("Warning Log file ~p error reason ~s~n", [Log, disk_log:format_error(Info)]) end, {noreply, State}; handle_info(Msg, State) -> error("~p got unexpected info (~p): ~p~n", [?MODULE, State, Msg]). process_q(State = #state{mq=[]}) -> {noreply,State}; process_q(State = #state{mq=[{info,Msg}|R]}) -> handle_info(Msg, State#state{mq=R}); process_q(State = #state{mq=[{cast,Msg}|R]}) -> handle_cast(Msg, State#state{mq=R}); process_q(State = #state{mq=[{call,From,Msg}|R]}) -> handle_call(Msg, From, State#state{mq=R}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: terminate/2 %% Purpose: Shutdown the server %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(Reason, State) -> terminate_proc(?MODULE, Reason, State). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: code_change/3 %% Purpose: Upgrade process when its code is to be changed %% Returns: {ok, NewState} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_, {state, SUP, PN, GD, TMS, EC}, _) -> {ok, #state{supervisor=SUP, pending_negotiators=PN, going_down = GD, tm_started =TMS, early_connects = EC}}; code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- process_config_args([]) -> ok; process_config_args([C|T]) -> V = get_env(C), dbg_out("Env ~p: ~p~n", [C, V]), mnesia_lib:set(C, V), process_config_args(T). set_env(E,Val) -> mnesia_lib:set(E, check_type(E,Val)), ok. get_env(E) -> case ?catch_val(E) of {'EXIT', _} -> case application:get_env(mnesia, E) of {ok, Val} -> check_type(E, Val); undefined -> check_type(E, default_env(E)) end; Val -> Val end. env() -> [ access_module, auto_repair, backup_module, debug, dir, dump_log_load_regulation, dump_log_time_threshold, dump_log_update_in_place, dump_log_write_threshold, event_module, extra_db_nodes, ignore_fallback_at_startup, fallback_error_function, max_wait_for_decision, schema_location, core_dir, pid_sort_order, no_table_loaders, dc_dump_limit, send_compressed ]. default_env(access_module) -> mnesia; default_env(auto_repair) -> true; default_env(backup_module) -> mnesia_backup; default_env(debug) -> none; default_env(dir) -> Name = lists:concat(["Mnesia.", node()]), filename:absname(Name); default_env(dump_log_load_regulation) -> false; default_env(dump_log_time_threshold) -> timer:minutes(3); default_env(dump_log_update_in_place) -> true; default_env(dump_log_write_threshold) -> 1000; default_env(event_module) -> mnesia_event; default_env(extra_db_nodes) -> []; default_env(ignore_fallback_at_startup) -> false; default_env(fallback_error_function) -> {mnesia, lkill}; default_env(max_wait_for_decision) -> infinity; default_env(schema_location) -> opt_disc; default_env(core_dir) -> false; default_env(pid_sort_order) -> false; default_env(no_table_loaders) -> 2; default_env(dc_dump_limit) -> 4; default_env(send_compressed) -> 0. check_type(Env, Val) -> try do_check_type(Env, Val) catch error:_ -> exit({bad_config, Env, Val}) end. do_check_type(access_module, A) when is_atom(A) -> A; do_check_type(auto_repair, B) -> bool(B); do_check_type(backup_module, B) when is_atom(B) -> B; do_check_type(debug, debug) -> debug; do_check_type(debug, false) -> none; do_check_type(debug, none) -> none; do_check_type(debug, trace) -> trace; do_check_type(debug, true) -> debug; do_check_type(debug, verbose) -> verbose; do_check_type(dir, V) -> filename:absname(V); do_check_type(dump_log_load_regulation, B) -> bool(B); do_check_type(dump_log_time_threshold, I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I; do_check_type(dump_log_update_in_place, B) -> bool(B); do_check_type(dump_log_write_threshold, I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I; do_check_type(event_module, A) when is_atom(A) -> A; do_check_type(ignore_fallback_at_startup, B) -> bool(B); do_check_type(fallback_error_function, {Mod, Func}) when is_atom(Mod), is_atom(Func) -> {Mod, Func}; do_check_type(extra_db_nodes, L) when is_list(L) -> Fun = fun(N) when N == node() -> false; (A) when is_atom(A) -> true end, lists:filter(Fun, L); do_check_type(max_wait_for_decision, infinity) -> infinity; do_check_type(max_wait_for_decision, I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I; do_check_type(schema_location, M) -> media(M); do_check_type(core_dir, "false") -> false; do_check_type(core_dir, false) -> false; do_check_type(core_dir, Dir) when is_list(Dir) -> Dir; do_check_type(pid_sort_order, r9b_plain) -> r9b_plain; do_check_type(pid_sort_order, "r9b_plain") -> r9b_plain; do_check_type(pid_sort_order, standard) -> standard; do_check_type(pid_sort_order, "standard") -> standard; do_check_type(pid_sort_order, _) -> false; do_check_type(no_table_loaders, N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 -> N; do_check_type(dc_dump_limit,N) when is_number(N), N > 0 -> N; do_check_type(send_compressed, L) when is_integer(L), L >= 0, L =< 9 -> L. bool(true) -> true; bool(false) -> false. media(disc) -> disc; media(opt_disc) -> opt_disc; media(ram) -> ram. patch_env(Env, Val) -> try do_check_type(Env, Val) of NewVal -> application_controller:set_env(mnesia, Env, NewVal), NewVal catch error:_ -> {error, {bad_type, Env, Val}} end. detect_partitioned_network(Mon, Node) -> detect_inconcistency([Node], running_partitioned_network), unlink(Mon), exit(normal). detect_inconcistency([], _Context) -> ok; detect_inconcistency(Nodes, Context) -> Downs = [N || N <- Nodes, mnesia_recover:has_mnesia_down(N)], {Replies, _BadNodes} = rpc:multicall(Downs, ?MODULE, has_remote_mnesia_down, [node()]), report_inconsistency(Replies, Context, ok). has_remote_mnesia_down(Node) -> HasDown = mnesia_recover:has_mnesia_down(Node), Master = mnesia_recover:get_master_nodes(schema), if HasDown == true, Master == [] -> {true, node()}; true -> {false, node()} end. report_inconsistency([{true, Node} | Replies], Context, _Status) -> %% Oops, Mnesia is already running on the %% other node AND we both regard each %% other as down. The database is %% potentially inconsistent and we has to %% do tell the applications about it, so %% they may perform some clever recovery %% action. Msg = {inconsistent_database, Context, Node}, mnesia_lib:report_system_event(Msg), report_inconsistency(Replies, Context, inconsistent_database); report_inconsistency([{false, _Node} | Replies], Context, Status) -> report_inconsistency(Replies, Context, Status); report_inconsistency([{badrpc, _Reason} | Replies], Context, Status) -> report_inconsistency(Replies, Context, Status); report_inconsistency([], _Context, Status) -> Status. remote_node_status(Node, Status, State) -> {ok, Nodes} = mnesia_schema:read_nodes(), case lists:member(Node, Nodes) of true -> update_node_status({Node, Status}, State); _ -> State end. update_node_status({Node, down}, State = #state{remote_node_status = RNodeS}) -> RNodeS2 = lists:ukeymerge(1, [{Node, down}], RNodeS), State#state{remote_node_status = RNodeS2}; update_node_status({Node, up}, State = #state{remote_node_status = RNodeS}) -> case lists:keyfind(Node, 1, RNodeS) of {Node, down} -> RNodeS2 = lists:ukeymerge(1, [{Node, up}], RNodeS), State#state{remote_node_status = RNodeS2}; _ -> State end. check_raise_conditon_nodeup(Node, State = #state{remote_node_status = RNodeS}) -> case lists:keyfind(Node, 1, RNodeS) of {Node, up} -> self() ! {check_nodeup, Node}; _ -> ignore end, State#state{remote_node_status = lists:keydelete(Node, 1, RNodeS)}. check_mnesia_down(Node, State = #state{remote_node_status = RNodeS}) -> %% Check if the network has been partitioned %% due to communication failure. HasDown = mnesia_recover:has_mnesia_down(Node), ImRunning = mnesia_lib:is_running(), if %% If I'm not running the test will be made later. HasDown == true, ImRunning == yes -> spawn_link(?MODULE, detect_partitioned_network, [self(), Node]), State#state{remote_node_status = lists:keydelete(Node, 1, RNodeS)}; true -> State end.