%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2014. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(mnesia_recover). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([ allow_garb/0, call/1, connect_nodes/1, disconnect/1, dump_decision_tab/0, get_master_node_info/0, get_master_node_tables/0, get_master_nodes/1, get_mnesia_downs/0, has_mnesia_down/1, incr_trans_tid_serial/0, init/0, log_decision/1, log_dump_overload/1, log_master_nodes/3, log_mnesia_down/1, log_mnesia_up/1, mnesia_down/1, note_decision/2, note_log_decision/2, outcome/2, start/0, next_garb/0, next_check_overload/0, still_pending/1, sync_trans_tid_serial/1, sync/0, wait_for_decision/2, what_happened/3 ]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3 ]). -compile({no_auto_import,[error/2]}). -include("mnesia.hrl"). -import(mnesia_lib, [set/2, verbose/2, error/2, fatal/2]). -record(state, {supervisor, unclear_pid, unclear_decision, unclear_waitfor, tm_queue_len = 0, log_dump_overload = false, initiated = false, early_msgs = [] }). %%-define(DBG(F, A), mnesia:report_event(list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A))))). %%-define(DBG(F, A), io:format("DBG: " ++ F, A)). -record(transient_decision, {tid, outcome}). start() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [self()], [{timeout, infinity} %%, {debug, [trace]} ]). init() -> call(init). next_garb() -> Pid = whereis(mnesia_recover), erlang:send_after(timer:minutes(2), Pid, garb_decisions). next_check_overload() -> Pid = whereis(mnesia_recover), erlang:send_after(timer:seconds(10), Pid, check_overload). do_check_overload(S) -> %% Time to check if mnesia_tm is overloaded case whereis(mnesia_tm) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> Threshold = 100, Prev = S#state.tm_queue_len, {message_queue_len, Len} = process_info(Pid, message_queue_len), if Len > Threshold, Prev > Threshold -> What = {mnesia_tm, message_queue_len, [Prev, Len]}, mnesia_lib:report_system_event({mnesia_overload, What}), mnesia_lib:overload_set(mnesia_tm, true), S#state{tm_queue_len = 0}; Len > Threshold -> S#state{tm_queue_len = Len}; true -> mnesia_lib:overload_set(mnesia_tm, false), S#state{tm_queue_len = 0} end; undefined -> S end. allow_garb() -> cast(allow_garb). %% The transaction log has either been swiched (latest -> previous) or %% there is nothing to be dumped. This means that the previous %% transaction log only may contain commit records which refers to %% transactions noted in the last two of the 'Prev' tables. All other %% tables may now be garbed by 'garb_decisions' (after 2 minutes). %% Max 10 tables are kept. do_allow_garb() -> %% The order of the following stuff is important! Curr = val(latest_transient_decision), %% Don't garb small tables, they are created on every %% dump_log and may be small (empty) for schema transactions %% which are dumped twice case ets:info(Curr, size) > 20 of true -> Old = val(previous_transient_decisions), Next = create_transient_decision(), {Prev, ReallyOld} = sublist([Curr | Old], 10, []), [?ets_delete_table(Tab) || Tab <- ReallyOld], set(previous_transient_decisions, Prev), set(latest_transient_decision, Next); false -> ignore end. sublist([H|R], N, Acc) when N > 0 -> sublist(R, N-1, [H| Acc]); sublist(List, _N, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), List}. do_garb_decisions() -> case val(previous_transient_decisions) of [First, Second | Rest] -> set(previous_transient_decisions, [First, Second]), [?ets_delete_table(Tab) || Tab <- Rest]; _ -> ignore end. connect_nodes(Ns) -> call({connect_nodes, Ns}). disconnect(Node) -> call({disconnect, Node}). log_decision(D) -> cast({log_decision, D}). val(Var) -> case ?catch_val(Var) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> mnesia_lib:other_val(Var); Value -> Value end. call(Msg) -> Pid = whereis(?MODULE), case Pid of undefined -> {error, {node_not_running, node()}}; Pid -> link(Pid), Res = gen_server:call(Pid, Msg, infinity), unlink(Pid), %% We get an exit signal if server dies receive {'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} -> {error, {node_not_running, node()}} after 0 -> Res end end. multicall(Nodes, Msg) -> rpc:multicall(Nodes, ?MODULE, call, [Msg]). cast(Msg) -> case whereis(?MODULE) of undefined -> ignore; Pid -> gen_server:cast(Pid, Msg) end. abcast(Nodes, Msg) -> gen_server:abcast(Nodes, ?MODULE, Msg). note_decision(Tid, Outcome) -> Tab = val(latest_transient_decision), ?ets_insert(Tab, #transient_decision{tid = Tid, outcome = Outcome}). note_up(Node, _Date, _Time) -> ?ets_delete(mnesia_decision, Node). note_down(Node, Date, Time) -> ?ets_insert(mnesia_decision, {mnesia_down, Node, Date, Time}). note_master_nodes(Tab, []) -> ?ets_delete(mnesia_decision, Tab); note_master_nodes(Tab, Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) -> Master = {master_nodes, Tab, Nodes}, ?ets_insert(mnesia_decision, Master). note_outcome(D) when D#decision.disc_nodes == [] -> %% ?DBG("~w: note_tmp_decision: ~w~n", [node(), D]), note_decision(D#decision.tid, filter_outcome(D#decision.outcome)), ?ets_delete(mnesia_decision, D#decision.tid); note_outcome(D) when D#decision.disc_nodes /= [] -> %% ?DBG("~w: note_decision: ~w~n", [node(), D]), ?ets_insert(mnesia_decision, D). do_log_decision(D) when D#decision.outcome /= unclear -> OldD = decision(D#decision.tid), MergedD = merge_decisions(node(), OldD, D), do_log_decision(MergedD, true, D); do_log_decision(D) -> do_log_decision(D, false, undefined). do_log_decision(D, DoTell, NodeD) -> DiscNs = D#decision.disc_nodes -- [node()], Outcome = D#decision.outcome, D2 = case Outcome of aborted -> D#decision{disc_nodes = DiscNs}; committed -> D#decision{disc_nodes = DiscNs}; _ -> D end, note_outcome(D2), case mnesia_monitor:use_dir() of true -> if DoTell == true, Outcome /= unclear -> tell_im_certain(NodeD#decision.disc_nodes--[node()],D2), tell_im_certain(NodeD#decision.ram_nodes--[node()], D2), mnesia_log:log(D2); Outcome /= unclear -> mnesia_log:log(D2); true -> ignore end; false -> ignore end. tell_im_certain([], _D) -> ignore; tell_im_certain(Nodes, D) -> Msg = {im_certain, node(), D}, %% mnesia_lib:verbose("~w: tell: ~w~n", [Msg, Nodes]), abcast(Nodes, Msg). sync() -> call(sync). log_mnesia_up(Node) -> call({log_mnesia_up, Node}). log_mnesia_down(Node) -> call({log_mnesia_down, Node}). get_mnesia_downs() -> Tab = mnesia_decision, Pat = {mnesia_down, '_', '_', '_'}, Downs = ?ets_match_object(Tab, Pat), [Node || {mnesia_down, Node, _Date, _Time} <- Downs]. %% Check if we have got a mnesia_down from Node has_mnesia_down(Node) -> case ?ets_lookup(mnesia_decision, Node) of [{mnesia_down, Node, _Date, _Time}] -> true; [] -> false end. mnesia_down(Node) -> case ?catch_val(recover_nodes) of {'EXIT', _} -> %% Not started yet ignore; _ -> mnesia_lib:del(recover_nodes, Node), cast({mnesia_down, Node}) end. log_dump_overload(Flag) when is_boolean(Flag) -> cast({log_dump_overload, Flag}). log_master_nodes(Args, UseDir, IsRunning) -> if IsRunning == yes -> log_master_nodes2(Args, UseDir, IsRunning, ok); UseDir == false -> ok; true -> Name = latest_log, Fname = mnesia_log:latest_log_file(), Exists = mnesia_lib:exists(Fname), Repair = mnesia:system_info(auto_repair), OpenArgs = [{file, Fname}, {name, Name}, {repair, Repair}], case disk_log:open(OpenArgs) of {ok, Name} -> log_master_nodes2(Args, UseDir, IsRunning, ok); {repaired, Name, {recovered, _R}, {badbytes, _B}} when Exists == true -> log_master_nodes2(Args, UseDir, IsRunning, ok); {repaired, Name, {recovered, _R}, {badbytes, _B}} when Exists == false -> mnesia_log:write_trans_log_header(), log_master_nodes2(Args, UseDir, IsRunning, ok); {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end end. log_master_nodes2([{Tab, Nodes} | Tail], UseDir, IsRunning, WorstRes) -> Res = case IsRunning of yes -> R = call({log_master_nodes, Tab, Nodes, UseDir, IsRunning}), mnesia_controller:master_nodes_updated(Tab, Nodes), R; _ -> do_log_master_nodes(Tab, Nodes, UseDir, IsRunning) end, case Res of ok -> log_master_nodes2(Tail, UseDir, IsRunning, WorstRes); {error, Reason} -> log_master_nodes2(Tail, UseDir, IsRunning, {error, Reason}) end; log_master_nodes2([], _UseDir, IsRunning, WorstRes) -> case IsRunning of yes -> WorstRes; _ -> disk_log:close(latest_log), WorstRes end. get_master_node_info() -> Tab = mnesia_decision, Pat = {master_nodes, '_', '_'}, try mnesia_lib:db_match_object(ram_copies,Tab, Pat) catch error:_ -> [] end. get_master_node_tables() -> Masters = get_master_node_info(), [Tab || {master_nodes, Tab, _Nodes} <- Masters]. get_master_nodes(Tab) -> try ?ets_lookup_element(mnesia_decision, Tab, 3) catch error:_ -> [] end. %% Determine what has happened to the transaction what_happened(Tid, Protocol, Nodes) -> Default = case Protocol of asym_trans -> aborted; _ -> unclear %% sym_trans and sync_sym_trans end, This = node(), case lists:member(This, Nodes) of true -> {ok, Outcome} = call({what_happened, Default, Tid}), Others = Nodes -- [This], case filter_outcome(Outcome) of unclear -> what_happened_remotely(Tid, Default, Others); aborted -> aborted; committed -> committed end; false -> what_happened_remotely(Tid, Default, Nodes) end. what_happened_remotely(Tid, Default, Nodes) -> {Replies, _} = multicall(Nodes, {what_happened, Default, Tid}), check_what_happened(Replies, 0, 0). check_what_happened([H | T], Aborts, Commits) -> case H of {ok, R} -> case filter_outcome(R) of committed -> check_what_happened(T, Aborts, Commits + 1); aborted -> check_what_happened(T, Aborts + 1, Commits); unclear -> check_what_happened(T, Aborts, Commits) end; {error, _} -> check_what_happened(T, Aborts, Commits); {badrpc, _} -> check_what_happened(T, Aborts, Commits) end; check_what_happened([], Aborts, Commits) -> if Aborts == 0, Commits == 0 -> aborted; % None of the active nodes knows Aborts > 0 -> aborted; % Someody has aborted Aborts == 0, Commits > 0 -> committed % All has committed end. %% Determine what has happened to the transaction %% and possibly wait forever for the decision. wait_for_decision(presume_commit, _InitBy) -> %% sym_trans {{presume_commit, self()}, committed}; wait_for_decision(D, InitBy) when D#decision.outcome == presume_abort -> wait_for_decision(D, InitBy, 0). wait_for_decision(D, InitBy, N) -> %% asym_trans Tid = D#decision.tid, Max = 10, Outcome = outcome(Tid, D#decision.outcome), if Outcome =:= committed -> {Tid, committed}; Outcome =:= aborted -> {Tid, aborted}; Outcome =:= presume_abort -> case N > Max of true -> {Tid, aborted}; false -> % busy loop for ets decision moving timer:sleep(10), wait_for_decision(D, InitBy, N+1) end; InitBy /= startup -> %% Wait a while for active transactions %% to end and try again timer:sleep(100), wait_for_decision(D, InitBy, N); InitBy == startup -> {ok, Res} = call({wait_for_decision, D}), {Tid, Res} end. still_pending([Tid | Pending]) -> case filter_outcome(outcome(Tid, unclear)) of unclear -> [Tid | still_pending(Pending)]; _ -> still_pending(Pending) end; still_pending([]) -> []. load_decision_tab() -> Cont = mnesia_log:open_decision_tab(), load_decision_tab(Cont, load_decision_tab), mnesia_log:close_decision_tab(). load_decision_tab(Cont, InitBy) -> case mnesia_log:chunk_decision_tab(Cont) of {Cont2, Decisions} -> note_log_decisions(Decisions, InitBy), load_decision_tab(Cont2, InitBy); eof -> ok end. %% Dumps DECISION.LOG and PDECISION.LOG and removes them. %% From now on all decisions are logged in the transaction log file convert_old() -> HasOldStuff = mnesia_lib:exists(mnesia_log:previous_decision_log_file()) or mnesia_lib:exists(mnesia_log:decision_log_file()), case HasOldStuff of true -> mnesia_log:open_decision_log(), dump_decision_log(startup), dump_decision_log(startup), mnesia_log:close_decision_log(), Latest = mnesia_log:decision_log_file(), ok = file:delete(Latest); false -> ignore end. dump_decision_log(InitBy) -> %% Assumed to be run in transaction log dumper process Cont = mnesia_log:prepare_decision_log_dump(), perform_dump_decision_log(Cont, InitBy). perform_dump_decision_log(Cont, InitBy) when InitBy == startup -> case mnesia_log:chunk_decision_log(Cont) of {Cont2, Decisions} -> note_log_decisions(Decisions, InitBy), perform_dump_decision_log(Cont2, InitBy); eof -> confirm_decision_log_dump() end; perform_dump_decision_log(_Cont, _InitBy) -> confirm_decision_log_dump(). confirm_decision_log_dump() -> dump_decision_tab(), mnesia_log:confirm_decision_log_dump(). dump_decision_tab() -> Tab = mnesia_decision, All = mnesia_lib:db_match_object(ram_copies,Tab, '_'), mnesia_log:save_decision_tab({decision_list, All}). note_log_decisions([What | Tail], InitBy) -> note_log_decision(What, InitBy), note_log_decisions(Tail, InitBy); note_log_decisions([], _InitBy) -> ok. note_log_decision(NewD, InitBy) when NewD#decision.outcome == pre_commit -> note_log_decision(NewD#decision{outcome = unclear}, InitBy); note_log_decision(NewD, _InitBy) when is_record(NewD, decision) -> Tid = NewD#decision.tid, sync_trans_tid_serial(Tid), note_outcome(NewD); note_log_decision({trans_tid, serial, _Serial}, startup) -> ignore; note_log_decision({trans_tid, serial, Serial}, _InitBy) -> sync_trans_tid_serial(Serial); note_log_decision({mnesia_up, Node, Date, Time}, _InitBy) -> note_up(Node, Date, Time); note_log_decision({mnesia_down, Node, Date, Time}, _InitBy) -> note_down(Node, Date, Time); note_log_decision({master_nodes, Tab, Nodes}, _InitBy) -> note_master_nodes(Tab, Nodes); note_log_decision(H, _InitBy) when H#log_header.log_kind == decision_log -> V = mnesia_log:decision_log_version(), if H#log_header.log_version == V-> ok; H#log_header.log_version == "2.0" -> verbose("Accepting an old version format of decision log: ~p~n", [V]), ok; true -> fatal("Bad version of decision log: ~p~n", [H]) end; note_log_decision(H, _InitBy) when H#log_header.log_kind == decision_tab -> V = mnesia_log:decision_tab_version(), if V == H#log_header.log_version -> ok; true -> fatal("Bad version of decision tab: ~p~n", [H]) end; note_log_decision({decision_list, ItemList}, InitBy) -> note_log_decisions(ItemList, InitBy); note_log_decision(BadItem, InitBy) -> exit({"Bad decision log item", BadItem, InitBy}). trans_tid_serial() -> ?ets_lookup_element(mnesia_decision, serial, 3). set_trans_tid_serial(Val) -> ?ets_insert(mnesia_decision, {trans_tid, serial, Val}). incr_trans_tid_serial() -> ?ets_update_counter(mnesia_decision, serial, 1). sync_trans_tid_serial(ThatCounter) when is_integer(ThatCounter) -> ThisCounter = trans_tid_serial(), if ThatCounter > ThisCounter -> set_trans_tid_serial(ThatCounter + 1); true -> ignore end; sync_trans_tid_serial(Tid) -> sync_trans_tid_serial(Tid#tid.counter). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Callback functions from gen_server %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: init/1 %% Returns: {ok, State} | %% {ok, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Parent]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), mnesia_lib:verbose("~p starting: ~p~n", [?MODULE, self()]), set(latest_transient_decision, create_transient_decision()), set(previous_transient_decisions, []), set(recover_nodes, []), State = #state{supervisor = Parent}, {ok, State}. create_transient_decision() -> ?ets_new_table(mnesia_transient_decision, [{keypos, 2}, set, public]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_call/3 %% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} | %% {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call(init, From, State) when State#state.initiated == false -> Args = [{keypos, 2}, set, public, named_table], case mnesia_monitor:use_dir() of true -> ?ets_new_table(mnesia_decision, Args), set_trans_tid_serial(0), TabFile = mnesia_log:decision_tab_file(), case mnesia_lib:exists(TabFile) of true -> load_decision_tab(); false -> ignore end, convert_old(), mnesia_dumper:opt_dump_log(scan_decisions); false -> ?ets_new_table(mnesia_decision, Args), set_trans_tid_serial(0) end, handle_early_msgs(State, From); handle_call(Msg, From, State) when State#state.initiated == false -> %% Buffer early messages Msgs = State#state.early_msgs, {noreply, State#state{early_msgs = [{call, Msg, From} | Msgs]}}; handle_call({disconnect, Node}, _From, State) -> mnesia_monitor:disconnect(Node), mnesia_lib:del(recover_nodes, Node), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({connect_nodes, Ns}, From, State) -> %% Determine which nodes we should try to connect AlreadyConnected = val(recover_nodes), {_, Nodes} = mnesia_lib:search_delete(node(), Ns), Check = Nodes -- AlreadyConnected, case mnesia_monitor:negotiate_protocol(Check) of busy -> %% monitor is disconnecting some nodes retry %% the req (to avoid deadlock). erlang:send_after(2, self(), {connect_nodes,Ns,From}), {noreply, State}; [] -> %% No good noodes to connect to! %% We can't use reply here because this function can be %% called from handle_info gen_server:reply(From, {[], AlreadyConnected}), {noreply, State}; GoodNodes -> %% Now we have agreed upon a protocol with some new nodes %% and we may use them when we recover transactions mnesia_lib:add_list(recover_nodes, GoodNodes), cast({announce_all, GoodNodes}), case get_master_nodes(schema) of [] -> Context = starting_partitioned_network, mnesia_monitor:detect_inconcistency(GoodNodes, Context); _ -> %% If master_nodes is set ignore old inconsistencies ignore end, gen_server:reply(From, {GoodNodes, AlreadyConnected}), {noreply,State} end; handle_call({what_happened, Default, Tid}, _From, State) -> sync_trans_tid_serial(Tid), Outcome = outcome(Tid, Default), {reply, {ok, Outcome}, State}; handle_call({wait_for_decision, D}, From, State) -> Recov = val(recover_nodes), AliveRam = (mnesia_lib:intersect(D#decision.ram_nodes, Recov) -- [node()]), RemoteDisc = D#decision.disc_nodes -- [node()], if AliveRam == [], RemoteDisc == [] -> %% No more else to wait for and we may safely abort {reply, {ok, aborted}, State}; true -> verbose("Transaction ~p is unclear. " "Wait for disc nodes: ~w ram: ~w~n", [D#decision.tid, RemoteDisc, AliveRam]), AliveDisc = mnesia_lib:intersect(RemoteDisc, Recov), Msg = {what_decision, node(), D}, abcast(AliveRam, Msg), abcast(AliveDisc, Msg), case val(max_wait_for_decision) of infinity -> ignore; MaxWait -> ForceMsg = {force_decision, D#decision.tid}, {ok, _} = timer:send_after(MaxWait, ForceMsg) end, State2 = State#state{unclear_pid = From, unclear_decision = D, unclear_waitfor = (RemoteDisc ++ AliveRam)}, {noreply, State2} end; handle_call({log_mnesia_up, Node}, _From, State) -> do_log_mnesia_up(Node), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({log_mnesia_down, Node}, _From, State) -> do_log_mnesia_down(Node), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({log_master_nodes, Tab, Nodes, UseDir, IsRunning}, _From, State) -> do_log_master_nodes(Tab, Nodes, UseDir, IsRunning), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call(sync, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State}; handle_call(Msg, _From, State) -> error("~p got unexpected call: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Msg]), {noreply, State}. do_log_mnesia_up(Node) -> Yoyo = {mnesia_up, Node, Date = date(), Time = time()}, case mnesia_monitor:use_dir() of true -> mnesia_log:append(latest_log, Yoyo), disk_log:sync(latest_log); false -> ignore end, note_up(Node, Date, Time). do_log_mnesia_down(Node) -> Yoyo = {mnesia_down, Node, Date = date(), Time = time()}, case mnesia_monitor:use_dir() of true -> mnesia_log:append(latest_log, Yoyo), disk_log:sync(latest_log); false -> ignore end, note_down(Node, Date, Time). do_log_master_nodes(Tab, Nodes, UseDir, IsRunning) -> Master = {master_nodes, Tab, Nodes}, Res = case UseDir of true -> LogRes = mnesia_log:append(latest_log, Master), disk_log:sync(latest_log), LogRes; false -> ok end, case IsRunning of yes -> note_master_nodes(Tab, Nodes); _NotRunning -> ignore end, Res. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_cast/2 %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_cast(Msg, State) when State#state.initiated == false -> %% Buffer early messages Msgs = State#state.early_msgs, {noreply, State#state{early_msgs = [{cast, Msg} | Msgs]}}; handle_cast({im_certain, Node, NewD}, State) -> OldD = decision(NewD#decision.tid), MergedD = merge_decisions(Node, OldD, NewD), do_log_decision(MergedD, false, undefined), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({log_decision, D}, State) -> do_log_decision(D), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(allow_garb, State) -> do_allow_garb(), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({decisions, Node, Decisions}, State) -> mnesia_lib:add(recover_nodes, Node), State2 = add_remote_decisions(Node, Decisions, State), {noreply, State2}; handle_cast({what_decision, Node, OtherD}, State) -> Tid = OtherD#decision.tid, sync_trans_tid_serial(Tid), Decision = case decision(Tid) of no_decision -> OtherD; MyD when is_record(MyD, decision) -> MyD end, announce([Node], [Decision], [], true), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({mnesia_down, Node}, State) -> case State#state.unclear_decision of undefined -> {noreply, State}; D -> case lists:member(Node, D#decision.ram_nodes) of false -> {noreply, State}; true -> State2 = add_remote_decision(Node, D, State), {noreply, State2} end end; handle_cast({announce_all, Nodes}, State) -> announce_all(Nodes), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({log_dump_overload, Flag}, State) when is_boolean(Flag) -> Prev = State#state.log_dump_overload, Overload = Prev orelse Flag, mnesia_lib:overload_set(mnesia_dump_log, Overload), {noreply, State#state{log_dump_overload = Flag}}; handle_cast(Msg, State) -> error("~p got unexpected cast: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Msg]), {noreply, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_info/2 %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% No need for buffering %% handle_info(Msg, State) when State#state.initiated == false -> %% %% Buffer early messages %% Msgs = State#state.early_msgs, %% {noreply, State#state{early_msgs = [{info, Msg} | Msgs]}}; handle_info({connect_nodes, Ns, From}, State) -> handle_call({connect_nodes,Ns},From,State); handle_info(check_overload, S) -> State2 = do_check_overload(S), next_check_overload(), {noreply, State2}; handle_info(garb_decisions, State) -> do_garb_decisions(), next_garb(), {noreply, State}; handle_info({force_decision, Tid}, State) -> %% Enforce a transaction recovery decision, %% if we still are waiting for the outcome case State#state.unclear_decision of U when U#decision.tid == Tid -> verbose("Decided to abort transaction ~p since " "max_wait_for_decision has been exceeded~n", [Tid]), D = U#decision{outcome = aborted}, State2 = add_remote_decision(node(), D, State), {noreply, State2}; _ -> {noreply, State} end; handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, R}, State) when Pid == State#state.supervisor -> mnesia_lib:dbg_out("~p was ~p~n",[?MODULE, R]), {stop, shutdown, State}; handle_info(Msg, State) -> error("~p got unexpected info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Msg]), {noreply, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: terminate/2 %% Purpose: Shutdown the server %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(Reason, State) -> mnesia_monitor:terminate_proc(?MODULE, Reason, State). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: code_change/3 %% Purpose: Upgrade process when its code is to be changed %% Returns: {ok, NewState} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_OldVsn, {state, Supervisor, Unclear_pid, Unclear_decision, Unclear_waitfor, Tm_queue_len, Initiated, Early_msgs }, _Extra) -> {ok, #state{supervisor = Supervisor, unclear_pid = Unclear_pid, unclear_decision = Unclear_decision, unclear_waitfor = Unclear_waitfor, tm_queue_len = Tm_queue_len, initiated = Initiated, early_msgs = Early_msgs}}; code_change(_OldVsn, #state{} = State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_early_msgs(State, From) -> Res = do_handle_early_msgs(State#state.early_msgs, State#state{early_msgs = [], initiated = true}), gen_server:reply(From, ok), Res. do_handle_early_msgs([Msg | Msgs], State) -> %% The messages are in reverted order case do_handle_early_msgs(Msgs, State) of %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State2} -> %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State2}; {stop, Reason, State2} -> {stop, Reason, State2}; {noreply, State2} -> handle_early_msg(Msg, State2) end; do_handle_early_msgs([], State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_early_msg({call, Msg, From}, State) -> case handle_call(Msg, From, State) of {reply, R, S} -> gen_server:reply(From, R), {noreply, S}; Other -> Other end; handle_early_msg({cast, Msg}, State) -> handle_cast(Msg, State); handle_early_msg({info, Msg}, State) -> handle_info(Msg, State). tabs() -> Curr = val(latest_transient_decision), % Do not miss any trans even Prev = val(previous_transient_decisions), % if the tabs are switched [Curr, mnesia_decision | Prev]. % Ordered by hit probability decision(Tid) -> decision(Tid, tabs()). decision(Tid, [Tab | Tabs]) -> try ?ets_lookup(Tab, Tid) of [D] when is_record(D, decision) -> D; [C] when is_record(C, transient_decision) -> #decision{tid = C#transient_decision.tid, outcome = C#transient_decision.outcome, disc_nodes = [], ram_nodes = [] }; [] -> decision(Tid, Tabs) catch error:_ -> %% Recently switched transient decision table decision(Tid, Tabs) end; decision(_Tid, []) -> no_decision. outcome(Tid, Default) -> outcome(Tid, Default, tabs()). outcome(Tid, Default, [Tab | Tabs]) -> try ?ets_lookup_element(Tab, Tid, 3) catch error:_ -> outcome(Tid, Default, Tabs) end; outcome(_Tid, Default, []) -> Default. filter_outcome(Val) -> case Val of unclear -> unclear; aborted -> aborted; presume_abort -> aborted; committed -> committed; pre_commit -> unclear end. filter_aborted(D) when D#decision.outcome == presume_abort -> D#decision{outcome = aborted}; filter_aborted(D) -> D. %% Merge old decision D with new (probably remote) decision merge_decisions(Node, D, NewD0) -> NewD = filter_aborted(NewD0), if D == no_decision, node() /= Node -> %% We did not know anything about this txn NewD#decision{disc_nodes = []}; D == no_decision -> NewD; is_record(D, decision) -> DiscNs = D#decision.disc_nodes -- ([node(), Node]), OldD = filter_aborted(D#decision{disc_nodes = DiscNs}), %% mnesia_lib:dbg_out("merge ~w: NewD = ~w~n D = ~w~n OldD = ~w~n", %% [Node, NewD, D, OldD]), if OldD#decision.outcome == unclear, NewD#decision.outcome == unclear -> D; OldD#decision.outcome == NewD#decision.outcome -> %% We have come to the same decision OldD; OldD#decision.outcome == committed, NewD#decision.outcome == aborted -> %% Interesting! We have already committed, %% but someone else has aborted. Now we %% have a nice little inconcistency. The %% other guy (or some one else) has %% enforced a recovery decision when %% max_wait_for_decision was exceeded. %% We will pretend that we have obeyed %% the forced recovery decision, but we %% will also generate an event in case the %% application wants to do something clever. Msg = {inconsistent_database, bad_decision, Node}, mnesia_lib:report_system_event(Msg), OldD#decision{outcome = aborted}; OldD#decision.outcome == aborted -> %% aborted overrrides anything OldD#decision{outcome = aborted}; NewD#decision.outcome == aborted -> %% aborted overrrides anything OldD#decision{outcome = aborted}; OldD#decision.outcome == committed, NewD#decision.outcome == unclear -> %% committed overrides unclear OldD#decision{outcome = committed}; OldD#decision.outcome == unclear, NewD#decision.outcome == committed -> %% committed overrides unclear OldD#decision{outcome = committed} end end. add_remote_decisions(Node, [D | Tail], State) when is_record(D, decision) -> State2 = add_remote_decision(Node, D, State), add_remote_decisions(Node, Tail, State2); add_remote_decisions(Node, [C | Tail], State) when is_record(C, transient_decision) -> D = #decision{tid = C#transient_decision.tid, outcome = C#transient_decision.outcome, disc_nodes = [], ram_nodes = []}, State2 = add_remote_decision(Node, D, State), add_remote_decisions(Node, Tail, State2); add_remote_decisions(Node, [{mnesia_down, _, _, _} | Tail], State) -> add_remote_decisions(Node, Tail, State); add_remote_decisions(Node, [{trans_tid, serial, Serial} | Tail], State) -> sync_trans_tid_serial(Serial), case State#state.unclear_decision of undefined -> ignored; D -> case lists:member(Node, D#decision.ram_nodes) of true -> ignore; false -> abcast([Node], {what_decision, node(), D}) end end, add_remote_decisions(Node, Tail, State); add_remote_decisions(_Node, [], State) -> State. add_remote_decision(Node, NewD, State) -> Tid = NewD#decision.tid, OldD = decision(Tid), D = merge_decisions(Node, OldD, NewD), do_log_decision(D, false, undefined), Outcome = D#decision.outcome, if OldD == no_decision -> ignore; Outcome == unclear -> ignore; true -> case lists:member(node(), NewD#decision.disc_nodes) or lists:member(node(), NewD#decision.ram_nodes) of true -> tell_im_certain([Node], D); false -> ignore end end, case State#state.unclear_decision of U when U#decision.tid == Tid -> WaitFor = State#state.unclear_waitfor -- [Node], if Outcome == unclear, WaitFor == [] -> %% Everybody are uncertain, lets abort NewOutcome = aborted, CertainD = D#decision{outcome = NewOutcome, disc_nodes = [], ram_nodes = []}, tell_im_certain(D#decision.disc_nodes, CertainD), tell_im_certain(D#decision.ram_nodes, CertainD), do_log_decision(CertainD, false, undefined), verbose("Decided to abort transaction ~p " "since everybody are uncertain ~p~n", [Tid, CertainD]), gen_server:reply(State#state.unclear_pid, {ok, NewOutcome}), State#state{unclear_pid = undefined, unclear_decision = undefined, unclear_waitfor = undefined}; Outcome /= unclear -> verbose("~p told us that transaction ~p was ~p~n", [Node, Tid, Outcome]), gen_server:reply(State#state.unclear_pid, {ok, Outcome}), State#state{unclear_pid = undefined, unclear_decision = undefined, unclear_waitfor = undefined}; Outcome == unclear -> State#state{unclear_waitfor = WaitFor} end; _ -> State end. announce_all([]) -> ok; announce_all(ToNodes) -> Tid = trans_tid_serial(), announce(ToNodes, [{trans_tid,serial,Tid}], [], false). announce(ToNodes, [Head | Tail], Acc, ForceSend) -> Acc2 = arrange(ToNodes, Head, Acc, ForceSend), announce(ToNodes, Tail, Acc2, ForceSend); announce(_ToNodes, [], Acc, _ForceSend) -> send_decisions(Acc). send_decisions([{Node, Decisions} | Tail]) -> abcast([Node], {decisions, node(), Decisions}), send_decisions(Tail); send_decisions([]) -> ok. arrange([To | ToNodes], D, Acc, ForceSend) when is_record(D, decision) -> NeedsAdd = (ForceSend or lists:member(To, D#decision.disc_nodes) or lists:member(To, D#decision.ram_nodes)), case NeedsAdd of true -> Acc2 = add_decision(To, D, Acc), arrange(ToNodes, D, Acc2, ForceSend); false -> arrange(ToNodes, D, Acc, ForceSend) end; arrange([To | ToNodes], {trans_tid, serial, Serial}, Acc, ForceSend) -> %% Do the lamport thing plus release the others %% from uncertainity. Acc2 = add_decision(To, {trans_tid, serial, Serial}, Acc), arrange(ToNodes, {trans_tid, serial, Serial}, Acc2, ForceSend); arrange([], _Decision, Acc, _ForceSend) -> Acc. add_decision(Node, Decision, [{Node, Decisions} | Tail]) -> [{Node, [Decision | Decisions]} | Tail]; add_decision(Node, Decision, [Head | Tail]) -> [Head | add_decision(Node, Decision, Tail)]; add_decision(Node, Decision, []) -> [{Node, [Decision]}].