%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(cdv_detail_wx). -behaviour(wx_object). -export([start_link/4]). -export([init/1, handle_event/2, handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_info/2]). -include_lib("wx/include/wx.hrl"). -include("crashdump_viewer.hrl"). -include("observer_defs.hrl"). -record(state, {parent, frame, id, pages=[] }). %% Defines -define(ID_NOTEBOOK, 604). %% Detail view start_link(Id, Data, ParentFrame, Callback) -> wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Id, Data, ParentFrame, Callback, self()], []). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% init([Id, Data, ParentFrame, Callback, Parent]) -> case Callback:get_details(Id, Data) of {ok,Details} -> init(Id,ParentFrame,Callback,Parent,Details); {yes_no, Info, Fun} -> case observer_lib:display_yes_no_dialog(Info) of ?wxID_YES -> Fun(); ?wxID_NO -> ok end, {stop,normal}; {info,Info} -> observer_lib:display_info_dialog(Info), {stop,normal} end. init(Id,ParentFrame,Callback,Parent,{Title,Info,TW}) -> Frame=wxFrame:new(ParentFrame, ?wxID_ANY, [Title], [{style, ?wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE}, {size, {850,600}}]), MenuBar = wxMenuBar:new(), create_menus(MenuBar), wxFrame:setMenuBar(Frame, MenuBar), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []), Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), {InfoPanel,Pages} = create_pages(Panel,Callback:detail_pages(),[Info]), wxSizer:add(Sizer, InfoPanel, [{proportion, 1}, {flag, ?wxEXPAND}]), case TW of [] -> undefined; _ -> StatusBar = observer_lib:create_status_bar(Panel), wxSizer:add(Sizer, StatusBar, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL}, {proportion, 0}, {border,4}]), wxTextCtrl:writeText(StatusBar, TW), StatusBar end, wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, Sizer), wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window), wxMenu:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected), wxFrame:show(Frame), {Frame, #state{parent=Parent, id=Id, frame=Frame, pages=Pages }}. create_pages(Panel,[{_PageTitle,Fun}],FunArgs) -> %% Only one page - don't create notebook Page = init_panel(Panel, Fun, FunArgs), {Page,[Page]}; create_pages(Panel,PageSpecs,FunArgs) -> Notebook = wxNotebook:new(Panel, ?ID_NOTEBOOK, [{style, ?wxBK_DEFAULT}]), Pages = [init_tab(Notebook, PageTitle, Fun, FunArgs) || {PageTitle,Fun} <- PageSpecs], {Notebook, Pages}. init_tab(Notebook,Title,Fun,FunArgs) -> Panel = init_panel(Notebook,Fun,FunArgs), true = wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Panel, Title), Panel. init_panel(ParentWin, Fun, FunArgs) -> Panel = wxScrolledWindow:new(ParentWin), wxScrolledWindow:enableScrolling(Panel,true,true), wxScrolledWindow:setScrollbars(Panel,1,1,0,0), Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL), Window = apply(Fun, [Panel | FunArgs]), wxSizer:add(Sizer, Window, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL}, {proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]), wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, Sizer), Panel. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Callbacks%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% handle_event(#wx{event=#wxClose{type=close_window}}, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_event(#wx{id=?wxID_CLOSE, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}}, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_event(Event, _State) -> error({unhandled_event, Event}). handle_info(_Info, State) -> %% io:format("~p: ~p, Handle info: ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, _Info]), {noreply, State}. handle_call(Call, From, _State) -> error({unhandled_call, Call, From}). handle_cast(Cast, _State) -> error({unhandled_cast, Cast}). terminate(_Reason, #state{parent=Parent,id=Id,frame=Frame}) -> wx_object:cast(Parent,{detail_win_closed, Id}), case Frame of undefined -> ok; _ -> wxFrame:destroy(Frame) end, ok. code_change(_, _, State) -> {ok, State}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create_menus(MenuBar) -> Menus = [{"File", [#create_menu{id=?wxID_CLOSE, text="Close"}]}], observer_lib:create_menus(Menus, MenuBar, new_window).