%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(cdv_wx). -behaviour(wx_object). -export([start/1]). -export([get_attrib/1, set_status/1, create_txt_dialog/4]). -export([init/1, handle_event/2, handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, check_page_title/1]). %% Includes -include_lib("wx/include/wx.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include("observer_defs.hrl"). %% Defines -define(SERVER, cdv_wx). -define(ID_UG, 1). -define(ID_HOWTO, 2). -define(ID_NOTEBOOK, 3). -define(GEN_STR, "General"). -define(PRO_STR, "Processes"). -define(PORT_STR, "Ports"). -define(ETS_STR, "ETS Tables"). -define(TIMER_STR, "Timers"). -define(SCHEDULER_STR, "Schedulers"). -define(FUN_STR, "Funs"). -define(ATOM_STR, "Atoms"). -define(DIST_STR, "Nodes"). -define(MOD_STR, "Modules"). -define(MEM_STR, "Memory"). -define(INT_STR, "Internal Tables"). %% Records -record(state, {server, file, frame, menubar, menus = [], status_bar, notebook, main_panel, gen_panel, pro_panel, port_panel, ets_panel, timer_panel, sched_panel, fun_panel, atom_panel, dist_panel, mod_panel, mem_panel, int_panel, active_tab }). start(File) -> case wx_object:start(?MODULE, File, []) of Err = {error, _} -> Err; _Obj -> ok end. get_attrib(What) -> wx_object:call(?SERVER, {get_attrib, What}). set_status(What) -> wx_object:cast(?SERVER, {status_bar, What}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% init(File0) -> register(?SERVER, self()), wx:new(), {ok,CdvServer} = crashdump_viewer:start_link(), catch wxSystemOptions:setOption("mac.listctrl.always_use_generic", 1), Frame = wxFrame:new(wx:null(), ?wxID_ANY, "Crashdump Viewer", [{size, {850, 600}}, {style, ?wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE}]), IconFile = filename:join(code:priv_dir(observer), "erlang_observer.png"), Icon = wxIcon:new(IconFile, [{type,?wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG}]), wxFrame:setIcon(Frame, Icon), wxIcon:destroy(Icon), %% Setup panels Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []), Notebook = wxNotebook:new(Panel, ?ID_NOTEBOOK, [{style, ?wxBK_DEFAULT}]), %% Setup "statusbar" to show warnings StatusBar = observer_lib:create_status_bar(Panel), %% Setup sizer create early to get it when window shows MainSizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), wxSizer:add(MainSizer, Notebook, [{proportion, 1}, {flag, ?wxEXPAND}]), wxSizer:add(MainSizer, StatusBar, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL}, {proportion, 0}, {border,4}]), wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, MainSizer), wxNotebook:connect(Notebook, command_notebook_page_changing), wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window, [{skip, true}]), wxMenu:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected), case load_dump(Frame,File0) of {ok,File} -> %% Set window title T1 = "Crashdump Viewer: ", Title = if length(File) > 70 -> T1 ++ filename:basename(File); true -> T1 ++ File end, wxFrame:setTitle(Frame, Title), setup(#state{server=CdvServer, file=File, frame=Frame, status_bar=StatusBar, notebook=Notebook, main_panel=Panel}); error -> wxFrame:destroy(Frame), wx:destroy(), crashdump_viewer:stop(), ignore end. setup(#state{frame=Frame, notebook=Notebook}=State) -> %% Setup Menubar & Menus MenuBar = wxMenuBar:new(), DefMenus = default_menus(), observer_lib:create_menus(DefMenus, MenuBar, default), wxFrame:setMenuBar(Frame, MenuBar), %% General information Panel GenPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?GEN_STR, cdv_info_wx, cdv_gen_cb), %% Process Panel ProPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?PRO_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_proc_cb), %% Port Panel PortPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?PORT_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_port_cb), %% Table Panel EtsPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?ETS_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_ets_cb), %% Timer Panel TimerPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?TIMER_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx,cdv_timer_cb), %% Scheduler Panel SchedPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?SCHEDULER_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_sched_cb), %% Fun Panel FunPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?FUN_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_fun_cb), %% Atom Panel AtomPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?ATOM_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_atom_cb), %% Distribution Panel DistPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?DIST_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_dist_cb), %% Loaded Modules Panel ModPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?MOD_STR, cdv_virtual_list_wx, cdv_mod_cb), %% Memory Panel MemPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?MEM_STR, cdv_multi_wx, cdv_mem_cb), %% Memory Panel IntPanel = add_page(Notebook, ?INT_STR, cdv_multi_wx, cdv_int_tab_cb), %% Show the window wxFrame:show(Frame), GenPid = wx_object:get_pid(GenPanel), GenPid ! active, observer_lib:destroy_progress_dialog(), process_flag(trap_exit, true), {Frame, State#state{menubar = MenuBar, gen_panel = GenPanel, pro_panel = ProPanel, port_panel = PortPanel, ets_panel = EtsPanel, timer_panel = TimerPanel, sched_panel = SchedPanel, fun_panel = FunPanel, atom_panel = AtomPanel, dist_panel = DistPanel, mod_panel = ModPanel, mem_panel = MemPanel, int_panel = IntPanel, active_tab = GenPid }}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%Callbacks handle_event(#wx{event=#wxNotebook{type=command_notebook_page_changing}}, #state{active_tab=Previous} = State) -> case get_active_pid(State) of Previous -> {noreply, State}; Pid -> Pid ! active, {noreply, State#state{active_tab=Pid}} end; handle_event(#wx{event = #wxClose{}}, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_event(#wx{id = ?wxID_OPEN, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}}, State) -> NewState = case load_dump(State#state.frame,undefined) of {ok,File} -> Panels = [State#state.gen_panel, State#state.pro_panel, State#state.port_panel, State#state.ets_panel, State#state.timer_panel, State#state.fun_panel, State#state.atom_panel, State#state.dist_panel, State#state.mod_panel, State#state.mem_panel, State#state.int_panel], _ = [wx_object:call(Panel,new_dump) || Panel<-Panels], wxNotebook:setSelection(State#state.notebook,0), observer_lib:destroy_progress_dialog(), State#state{file=File}; error -> State end, {noreply,NewState}; handle_event(#wx{id = ?wxID_EXIT, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}}, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_event(#wx{id = HelpId, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}}, State) when HelpId==?wxID_HELP; HelpId==?ID_UG; HelpId==?ID_HOWTO -> Help = get_help_doc(HelpId), wx_misc:launchDefaultBrowser(Help) orelse create_txt_dialog(State#state.frame, "Could not launch browser: ~n " ++ Help, "Error", ?wxICON_ERROR), {noreply, State}; handle_event(#wx{id = ?wxID_ABOUT, event = #wxCommand{type = command_menu_selected}}, State = #state{frame=Frame}) -> AboutString = "Display information from an erlang crash dump", Style = [{style, ?wxOK bor ?wxSTAY_ON_TOP}, {caption, "About"}], wxMessageDialog:showModal(wxMessageDialog:new(Frame, AboutString, Style)), {noreply, State}; handle_event(Event, State) -> Pid = get_active_pid(State), Pid ! Event, {noreply, State}. handle_cast({status_bar, Msg}, State=#state{status_bar=SB}) -> wxTextCtrl:clear(SB), wxTextCtrl:writeText(SB, Msg), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(_Cast, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_call({get_attrib, Attrib}, _From, State) -> {reply, get(Attrib), State}; handle_call(_Msg, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State}. handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, #state{server=Pid}=State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason}, State) -> io:format("Child (~s) crashed exiting: ~p ~tp~n", [pid2panel(Pid, State), Pid,_Reason]), {stop, normal, State}; handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, #state{frame = Frame}) -> wxFrame:destroy(Frame), wx:destroy(), crashdump_viewer:stop(), ok. code_change(_, _, State) -> {ok, State}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% add_page(Notebook,Title,Callback,Extra) -> Panel = Callback:start_link(Notebook, Extra), wxNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Panel, Title, []), Panel. create_txt_dialog(Frame, Msg, Title, Style) -> MD = wxMessageDialog:new(Frame, Msg, [{style, Style}]), wxMessageDialog:setTitle(MD, Title), wxDialog:showModal(MD), wxDialog:destroy(MD). check_page_title(Notebook) -> Selection = wxNotebook:getSelection(Notebook), wxNotebook:getPageText(Notebook, Selection). get_active_pid(#state{notebook=Notebook, gen_panel=Gen, pro_panel=Pro, port_panel=Ports, ets_panel=Ets, timer_panel=Timers, fun_panel=Funs, atom_panel=Atoms, dist_panel=Dist, mod_panel=Mods, mem_panel=Mem, int_panel=Int, sched_panel=Sched }) -> Panel = case check_page_title(Notebook) of ?GEN_STR -> Gen; ?PRO_STR -> Pro; ?PORT_STR -> Ports; ?ETS_STR -> Ets; ?TIMER_STR -> Timers; ?SCHEDULER_STR -> Sched; ?FUN_STR -> Funs; ?ATOM_STR -> Atoms; ?DIST_STR -> Dist; ?MOD_STR -> Mods; ?MEM_STR -> Mem; ?INT_STR -> Int end, wx_object:get_pid(Panel). pid2panel(Pid, #state{gen_panel=Gen, pro_panel=Pro, port_panel=Ports, ets_panel=Ets, timer_panel=Timers, fun_panel=Funs, atom_panel=Atoms, dist_panel=Dist, mod_panel=Mods, mem_panel=Mem, int_panel=Int}) -> case Pid of Gen -> ?GEN_STR; Pro -> ?PRO_STR; Ports -> ?PORT_STR; Ets -> ?ETS_STR; Timers -> ?TIMER_STR; Funs -> ?FUN_STR; Atoms -> ?ATOM_STR; Dist -> ?DIST_STR; Mods -> ?MOD_STR; Mem -> ?MEM_STR; Int -> ?INT_STR; _ -> "unknown" end. default_menus() -> Open = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_OPEN, text = "Open new crash dump"}, Quit = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_EXIT, text = "Quit"}, About = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_ABOUT, text = "About"}, Help = #create_menu{id = ?wxID_HELP}, UG = #create_menu{id = ?ID_UG, text = "Crashdump viewer user's guide"}, Howto = #create_menu{id = ?ID_HOWTO, text = "How to interpret crash dump"}, case os:type() =:= {unix, darwin} of false -> FileMenu = {"File", [Open,Quit]}, HelpMenu = {"Help", [About,Help,UG,Howto]}, [FileMenu, HelpMenu]; true -> %% On Mac quit and about will be moved to the "default' place %% automagicly, so just add them to a menu that always exist. [{"File", [Open, About,Quit]}, {"&Help", [Help,UG,Howto]}] end. load_dump(Frame,undefined) -> FD = wxFileDialog:new(wx:null(), [{style,?wxFD_OPEN bor ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST}]), case wxFileDialog:showModal(FD) of ?wxID_OK -> Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(FD), wxDialog:destroy(FD), load_dump(Frame,Path); _ -> wxDialog:destroy(FD), error end; load_dump(Frame,FileName) -> ok = observer_lib:display_progress_dialog(wx:null(), "Crashdump Viewer", "Loading crashdump"), crashdump_viewer:read_file(FileName), case observer_lib:wait_for_progress() of ok -> %% Set window title T1 = "Crashdump Viewer: ", Title = if length(FileName) > 70 -> T1 ++ filename:basename(FileName); true -> T1 ++ FileName end, wxFrame:setTitle(Frame, Title), {ok,FileName}; error -> error end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Find help document (HTML files) get_help_doc(HelpId) -> Internal = get_internal_help_doc(HelpId), case filelib:is_file(Internal) of true -> Internal; false -> get_external_help_doc(HelpId) end. get_internal_help_doc(?ID_HOWTO) -> filename:join(erts_doc_dir(),help_file(?ID_HOWTO)); get_internal_help_doc(HelpId) -> filename:join(observer_doc_dir(),help_file(HelpId)). get_external_help_doc(?ID_HOWTO) -> filename:join("http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/erts",help_file(?ID_HOWTO)); get_external_help_doc(HelpId) -> filename:join("http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/observer",help_file(HelpId)). observer_doc_dir() -> filename:join([code:lib_dir(observer),"doc","html"]). erts_doc_dir() -> ErtsVsn = erlang:system_info(version), RootDir = code:root_dir(), VsnErtsDir = filename:join(RootDir,"erts-"++ErtsVsn), DocDir = filename:join(["doc","html"]), case filelib:is_dir(VsnErtsDir) of true -> filename:join(VsnErtsDir,DocDir); false -> %% So this can be run in source tree filename:join([RootDir,"erts",DocDir]) end. help_file(?wxID_HELP) -> "crashdump_help.html"; help_file(?ID_UG) -> "crashdump_ug.html"; help_file(?ID_HOWTO) -> "crash_dump.html".