%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(crashdump_viewer). %% %% This module is the main module in the crashdump viewer. It implements %% the server backend for the crashdump viewer tool. %% %% Tables %% ------ %% cdv_dump_index_table: This table holds all tags read from the %% crashdump, except the 'binary' tag. Each tag indicates where the %% information about a specific item starts. The table entry for a %% tag includes the start position for this item-information. In a %% crash dump file, all tags start with a "=" at the beginning of a %% line. %% %% cdv_binary_index_table: This table holds all 'binary' tags. The hex %% address for each binary is converted to its integer value before %% storing Address -> Start Position in this table. The hex value of %% the address is never used for lookup. %% %% cdv_reg_proc_table: This table holds mappings between pid and %% registered name. This is used for timers and monitors. %% %% cdv_heap_file_chars: For each 'proc_heap' and 'literals' tag, this %% table contains the number of characters to read from the crash dump %% file. This is used for giving an indication in percent of the %% progress when parsing this data. %% %% %% Process state %% ------------- %% file: The name of the crashdump currently viewed. %% dump_vsn: The version number of the crashdump %% wordsize: 4 | 8, the number of bytes in a word. %% %% User API -export([start/0,start/1,stop/0,script_start/0,script_start/1]). %% GUI API -export([start_link/0]). -export([read_file/1, general_info/0, processes/0, proc_details/1, port/1, ports/0, ets_tables/1, internal_ets_tables/0, timers/1, funs/0, atoms/0, dist_info/0, node_info/1, loaded_modules/0, loaded_mod_details/1, memory/0, allocated_areas/0, allocator_info/0, hash_tables/0, index_tables/0, schedulers/0, expand_binary/1]). %% Library function -export([to_proplist/2, to_value_list/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% Test support -export([get_dump_versions/0]). %% Debug support -export([debug/1,stop_debug/0]). -include("crashdump_viewer.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -define(SERVER, crashdump_viewer_server). -define(call_timeout,3600000). -define(chunk_size,1000). % number of bytes read from crashdump at a time -define(max_line_size,100). % max number of bytes (i.e. characters) the % line_head/1 function can return -define(not_available,"N/A"). -define(binary_size_progress_limit,10000). -define(max_dump_version,[0,5]). %% The value of the next define must be divisible by 4. -define(base64_chunk_size, (4*256)). %% All possible tags - use macros in order to avoid misspelling in the code -define(abort,abort). -define(allocated_areas,allocated_areas). -define(allocator,allocator). -define(atoms,atoms). -define(binary,binary). -define(dirty_cpu_scheduler,dirty_cpu_scheduler). -define(dirty_cpu_run_queue,dirty_cpu_run_queue). -define(dirty_io_scheduler,dirty_io_scheduler). -define(dirty_io_run_queue,dirty_io_run_queue). -define(ende,ende). -define(erl_crash_dump,erl_crash_dump). -define(ets,ets). -define(fu,fu). -define(hash_table,hash_table). -define(hidden_node,hidden_node). -define(index_table,index_table). -define(instr_data,instr_data). -define(internal_ets,internal_ets). -define(literals,literals). -define(loaded_modules,loaded_modules). -define(memory,memory). -define(memory_map,memory_map). -define(memory_status,memory_status). -define(mod,mod). -define(no_distribution,no_distribution). -define(node,node). -define(not_connected,not_connected). -define(old_instr_data,old_instr_data). -define(port,port). -define(proc,proc). -define(proc_dictionary,proc_dictionary). -define(proc_heap,proc_heap). -define(proc_messages,proc_messages). -define(proc_stack,proc_stack). -define(scheduler,scheduler). -define(timer,timer). -define(visible_node,visible_node). -record(state,{file,dump_vsn,wordsize=4,num_atoms="unknown"}). -record(dec_opts, {bin_addr_adj=0,base64=true}). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Debugging %% Start tracing with %% debug(Functions). %% Functions = local | global | FunctionList %% FunctionList = [Function] %% Function = {FunctionName,Arity} | FunctionName debug(F) -> ttb:tracer(all,[{file,"cdv"}]), % tracing all nodes ttb:p(all,[call,timestamp]), MS = [{'_',[],[{return_trace},{message,{caller}}]}], tp(F,MS), ttb:ctp(?MODULE,stop_debug), % don't want tracing of the stop_debug func ok. tp([{M,F,A}|T],MS) -> % mod:func/arity ttb:tpl(M,F,A,MS), tp(T,MS); tp([{M,F}|T],MS) -> % mod:func ttb:tpl(M,F,MS), tp(T,MS); tp([M|T],MS) -> % mod ttb:tp(M,MS), % only exported tp(T,MS); tp([],_MS) -> ok. stop_debug() -> ttb:stop([format]). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% User API start() -> start(undefined). start(File) -> cdv_wx:start(File). stop() -> case whereis(?SERVER) of undefined -> ok; Pid -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process,Pid), cast(stop), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _} -> ok end end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Start crashdump_viewer via the cdv script located in %%% $OBSERVER_PRIV_DIR/bin script_start() -> do_script_start(fun() -> start() end), erlang:halt(). script_start([FileAtom]) -> File = atom_to_list(FileAtom), case filelib:is_regular(File) of true -> do_script_start(fun() -> start(File) end); false -> io:format("cdv error: the given file does not exist\n"), usage() end, erlang:halt(); script_start(_) -> usage(), erlang:halt(). do_script_start(StartFun) -> process_flag(trap_exit,true), case StartFun() of ok -> case whereis(cdv_wx) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> link(Pid), receive {'EXIT', Pid, normal} -> ok; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> io:format("\ncdv crash: ~tp\n",[Reason]) end; _ -> %io:format("\ncdv crash: ~p\n",[unknown_reason]) ok end; Error -> io:format("\ncdv start failed: ~tp\n",[Error]) end. usage() -> io:format( "usage: cdv [file]\n" "\tThe \'file\' must be an existing erlang crash dump.\n" "\tIf omitted a file dialog will be opened.\n", []). %%==================================================================== %% External functions %%==================================================================== %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Start the server - called by cdv_wx start_link() -> case whereis(?SERVER) of undefined -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []); Pid -> {ok,Pid} end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Called by cdv_wx read_file(File) -> cast({read_file,File}). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% The following functions are called when the different tabs are %%% created general_info() -> call(general_info). processes() -> call(procs_summary). ports() -> call(ports). ets_tables(Owner) -> call({ets_tables,Owner}). internal_ets_tables() -> call(internal_ets_tables). timers(Owner) -> call({timers,Owner}). funs() -> call(funs). atoms() -> call(atoms). dist_info() -> call(dist_info). node_info(Channel) -> call({node_info,Channel}). loaded_modules() -> call(loaded_mods). loaded_mod_details(Mod) -> call({loaded_mod_details,Mod}). memory() -> call(memory). allocated_areas() -> call(allocated_areas). allocator_info() -> call(allocator_info). hash_tables() -> call(hash_tables). index_tables() -> call(index_tables). schedulers() -> call(schedulers). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Called when a link to a process (Pid) is clicked. proc_details(Pid) -> call({proc_details,Pid}). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Called when a link to a port is clicked. port(Id) -> call({port,Id}). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Called when "<< xxx bytes>>" link is clicket to open a new window %%% displaying the whole binary. expand_binary(Pos) -> call({expand_binary,Pos}). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% For testing only - called from crashdump_viewer_SUITE get_dump_versions() -> call(get_dump_versions). %%==================================================================== %% Server functions %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: init/1 %% Description: Initiates the server %% Returns: {ok, State} | %% {ok, State, Timeout} | %% ignore | %% {stop, Reason} %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init([]) -> ets:new(cdv_dump_index_table,[ordered_set,named_table,public]), ets:new(cdv_reg_proc_table,[ordered_set,named_table,public]), ets:new(cdv_binary_index_table,[ordered_set,named_table,public]), ets:new(cdv_heap_file_chars,[ordered_set,named_table,public]), {ok, #state{}}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_call/3 %% Description: Handling call messages %% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} | %% {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call(general_info,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> GenInfo = general_info(File), NumAtoms = GenInfo#general_info.num_atoms, WS = parse_vsn_str(GenInfo#general_info.system_vsn,4), TW = case get(truncated) of true -> case get(truncated_reason) of undefined -> ["WARNING: The crash dump is truncated. " "Some information might be missing."]; Reason -> ["WARNING: The crash dump is truncated " "("++Reason++"). " "Some information might be missing."] end; false -> [] end, ets:insert(cdv_reg_proc_table, {cdv_dump_node_name,GenInfo#general_info.node_name}), {reply,{ok,GenInfo,TW},State#state{wordsize=WS, num_atoms=NumAtoms}}; handle_call({expand_binary,{Offset,Size,Pos}},_From, #state{file=File,dump_vsn=DumpVsn}=State) -> Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,Pos), DecodeOpts = get_decode_opts(DumpVsn), {Bin,_Line} = get_binary(Offset,Size,bytes(Fd),DecodeOpts), close(Fd), {reply,{ok,Bin},State}; handle_call(procs_summary,_From,State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS}) -> TW = truncated_warning([?proc]), Procs = procs_summary(File,WS), {reply,{ok,Procs,TW},State}; handle_call({proc_details,Pid},_From, State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS,dump_vsn=DumpVsn})-> Reply = case get_proc_details(File,Pid,WS,DumpVsn) of {ok,Proc,TW} -> {ok,Proc,TW}; Other -> {error,Other} end, {reply, Reply, State}; handle_call({port,Id},_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> Reply = case get_port(File,Id) of {ok,PortInfo} -> TW = truncated_warning([{?port,Id}]), {ok,PortInfo,TW}; Other -> {error,Other} end, {reply,Reply,State}; handle_call(ports,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> TW = truncated_warning([?port]), Ports = get_ports(File), {reply,{ok,Ports,TW},State}; handle_call({ets_tables,Pid0},_From,State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS}) -> Pid = case Pid0 of all -> '$2'; _ -> Pid0 end, TW = truncated_warning([?ets]), Ets = get_ets_tables(File,Pid,WS), {reply,{ok,Ets,TW},State}; handle_call(internal_ets_tables,_From,State=#state{file=File,wordsize=WS}) -> InternalEts = get_internal_ets_tables(File,WS), TW = truncated_warning([?internal_ets]), {reply,{ok,InternalEts,TW},State}; handle_call({timers,Pid0},_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> Pid = case Pid0 of all -> '$2'; _ -> Pid0 end, TW = truncated_warning([?timer]), Timers = get_timers(File,Pid), {reply,{ok,Timers,TW},State}; handle_call(dist_info,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> TW = truncated_warning([?visible_node,?hidden_node,?not_connected]), Nods=nods(File), {reply,{ok,Nods,TW},State}; handle_call({node_info,Channel},_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> Reply = case get_node(File,Channel) of {ok,Nod} -> TW = truncated_warning([?visible_node, ?hidden_node, ?not_connected]), {ok,Nod,TW}; {error,Other} -> {error,Other} end, {reply,Reply,State}; handle_call(loaded_mods,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> TW = truncated_warning([?mod]), {_CC,_OC,Mods} = loaded_mods(File), {reply,{ok,Mods,TW},State}; handle_call({loaded_mod_details,Mod},_From, #state{dump_vsn=DumpVsn,file=File}=State) -> TW = truncated_warning([{?mod,Mod}]), DecodeOpts = get_decode_opts(DumpVsn), ModInfo = get_loaded_mod_details(File,Mod,DecodeOpts), {reply,{ok,ModInfo,TW},State}; handle_call(funs,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> TW = truncated_warning([?fu]), Funs = funs(File), {reply,{ok,Funs,TW},State}; handle_call(atoms,_From,State=#state{file=File,num_atoms=NumAtoms0}) -> TW = truncated_warning([?atoms]), NumAtoms = try list_to_integer(NumAtoms0) catch error:badarg -> -1 end, Atoms = atoms(File,NumAtoms), {reply,{ok,Atoms,TW},State}; handle_call(memory,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> Memory=memory(File), TW = truncated_warning([?memory]), {reply,{ok,Memory,TW},State}; handle_call(allocated_areas,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> AllocatedAreas=allocated_areas(File), TW = truncated_warning([?allocated_areas]), {reply,{ok,AllocatedAreas,TW},State}; handle_call(allocator_info,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> SlAlloc=allocator_info(File), TW = truncated_warning([?allocator]), {reply,{ok,SlAlloc,TW},State}; handle_call(hash_tables,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> HashTables=hash_tables(File), TW = truncated_warning([?hash_table,?index_table]), {reply,{ok,HashTables,TW},State}; handle_call(index_tables,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> IndexTables=index_tables(File), TW = truncated_warning([?hash_table,?index_table]), {reply,{ok,IndexTables,TW},State}; handle_call(schedulers,_From,State=#state{file=File}) -> Schedulers=schedulers(File), TW = truncated_warning([?scheduler]), {reply,{ok,Schedulers,TW},State}; handle_call(get_dump_versions,_From,State=#state{dump_vsn=DumpVsn}) -> {reply,{ok,{?max_dump_version,DumpVsn}},State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_cast/2 %% Description: Handling cast messages %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_cast({read_file,File}, _State) -> case do_read_file(File) of {ok,DumpVsn} -> observer_lib:report_progress({ok,done}), {noreply, #state{file=File,dump_vsn=DumpVsn}}; Error -> end_progress(Error), {noreply, #state{}} end; handle_cast(stop,State) -> {stop,normal,State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: handle_info/2 %% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: terminate/2 %% Description: Shutdown the server %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: code_change/3 %% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed %% Returns: {ok, NewState} %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- call(Request) -> gen_server:call(?SERVER,Request,?call_timeout). cast(Msg) -> gen_server:cast(?SERVER,Msg). unexpected(_Fd,{eof,_LastLine},_Where) -> ok; % truncated file unexpected(Fd,{part,What},Where) -> skip_rest_of_line(Fd), io:format("WARNING: Found unexpected line in ~ts:~n~ts ...~n",[Where,What]); unexpected(_Fd,What,Where) -> io:format("WARNING: Found unexpected line in ~ts:~n~ts~n",[Where,What]). truncated_warning([]) -> []; truncated_warning([Tag|Tags]) -> case truncated_here(Tag) of true -> truncated_warning(); false -> truncated_warning(Tags) end. truncated_warning() -> case get(truncated_reason) of undefined -> ["WARNING: The crash dump is truncated here. " "Some information might be missing."]; Reason -> ["WARNING: The crash dump is truncated here " "("++Reason++"). " "Some information might be missing."] end. truncated_here(Tag) -> case get(truncated) of true -> case get(last_tag) of {Tag,_Pos} -> % Tag == {TagType,Id} true; {{Tag,_Id},_Pos} -> true; _LastTag -> truncated_earlier(Tag) end; false -> false end. %% Check if the dump was truncated with the same tag, but earlier id. %% Eg if this is {?proc,"<0.30.0>"}, we should warn if the dump was %% truncated in {?proc,"<0.29.0>"} or earlier truncated_earlier({?proc,Pid}) -> compare_pid(Pid,get(truncated_proc)); truncated_earlier(_Tag) -> false. compare_pid("<"++Id,"<"++OtherId) -> Id>=OtherId; compare_pid(_,_) -> false. open(File) -> {ok,Fd} = file:open(File,[read,read_ahead,raw,binary]), Fd. close(Fd) -> erase(chunk), file:close(Fd). %% Set position relative to beginning of file %% If position is within the already read Chunk, then adjust 'chunk' %% and 'pos' in process dictionary. Else set position in file. pos_bof(Fd,Pos) -> case get(pos) of undefined -> hard_pos_bof(Fd,Pos); OldPos when Pos>=OldPos -> case get(chunk) of undefined -> hard_pos_bof(Fd,Pos); Chunk -> ChunkSize = byte_size(Chunk), ChunkEnd = OldPos+ChunkSize, if Pos= Diff = Pos-OldPos, put(pos,Pos), put(chunk,binary:part(Chunk,Diff,ChunkEnd-Pos)); true -> hard_pos_bof(Fd,Pos) end end; _ -> hard_pos_bof(Fd,Pos) end. hard_pos_bof(Fd,Pos) -> reset_chunk(), file:position(Fd,{bof,Pos}). get_chunk(Fd) -> case erase(chunk) of undefined -> case read(Fd) of eof -> put_pos(Fd), eof; Other -> Other end; Bin -> {ok,Bin} end. %% Read and report progress progress_read(Fd) -> {R,Bytes} = case read(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> {{ok,Bin},byte_size(Bin)}; Other -> {Other,0} end, update_progress(Bytes), R. read(Fd) -> file:read(Fd,?chunk_size). put_chunk(Fd,Bin) -> {ok,Pos0} = file:position(Fd,cur), Pos = Pos0 - byte_size(Bin), put(chunk,Bin), put(pos,Pos). put_pos(Fd) -> {ok,Pos} = file:position(Fd,cur), put(pos,Pos). reset_chunk() -> erase(chunk), erase(pos). line_head(Fd) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> line_head(Fd,Bin,[],0); eof -> {eof,[]} end. line_head(Fd,Bin,Acc,?max_line_size) -> put_chunk(Fd,Bin), {part,lists:reverse(Acc)}; line_head(Fd,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,_N) -> put_chunk(Fd,Bin), lists:reverse(Acc); line_head(Fd,<<$::8,$\r:8,$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,_N) -> put_chunk(Fd,Bin), lists:reverse(Acc); line_head(Fd,<<$::8,$\r:8>>,Acc,N) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> line_head(Fd,<<$:,Bin/binary>>,Acc,N); eof -> {eof,lists:reverse(Acc)} end; line_head(Fd,<<$::8>>,Acc,N) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> line_head(Fd,<<$:,Bin/binary>>,Acc,N); eof -> {eof,lists:reverse(Acc)} end; line_head(Fd,<<$::8,Space:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,_N) when Space=:=$ ;Space=:=$\n -> put_chunk(Fd,Bin), lists:reverse(Acc); line_head(Fd,<<$::8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,_N) -> put_chunk(Fd,Bin), lists:reverse(Acc); line_head(Fd,<<$\r:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,N) -> line_head(Fd,Bin,Acc,N+1); line_head(Fd,<>,Acc,N) -> line_head(Fd,Bin,[Char|Acc],N+1); line_head(Fd,<<>>,Acc,N) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> line_head(Fd,Bin,Acc,N); eof -> {eof,lists:reverse(Acc)} end. skip_rest_of_line(Fd) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> skip(Fd,Bin); eof -> ok end. skip(Fd,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>) -> put_chunk(Fd,Bin), ok; skip(Fd,<<_Char:8,Bin/binary>>) -> skip(Fd,Bin); skip(Fd,<<>>) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> skip(Fd,Bin); eof -> ok end. string(Fd) -> string(Fd, "-1"). string(Fd,NoExist) -> case bytes(Fd,noexist) of noexist -> NoExist; Val -> byte_list_to_string(Val) end. byte_list_to_string(ByteList) -> Bin = list_to_binary(ByteList), case unicode:characters_to_list(Bin) of Str when is_list(Str) -> Str; _ -> ByteList end. bytes(Fd) -> bytes(Fd, "-1"). bytes(Fd, NoExist) -> case get_rest_of_line(Fd) of {eof,[]} -> NoExist; [] -> NoExist; {eof,Val} -> Val; "=abort:"++_ -> NoExist; Val -> Val end. get_rest_of_line(Fd) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, Bin, []); eof -> {eof,[]} end. get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, <<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>, Acc) -> put_chunk(Fd, Bin), lists:reverse(Acc); get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, <<$\r:8,Rest/binary>>, Acc) -> get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, Rest, Acc); get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, <>, Acc) -> get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, Rest, [Char|Acc]); get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, <<>>, Acc) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> get_rest_of_line_1(Fd, Bin, Acc); eof -> {eof,lists:reverse(Acc)} end. split(Str) -> split($ ,Str,[]). split(Char,Str) -> split(Char,Str,[]). split(Char,[Char|Str],Acc) -> % match Char {lists:reverse(Acc),Str}; split(_Char,[$\r,$\n|Str],Acc) -> % new line {lists:reverse(Acc),Str}; split(_Char,[$\n|Str],Acc) -> % new line {lists:reverse(Acc),Str}; split(Char,[H|T],Acc) -> split(Char,T,[H|Acc]); split(_Char,[],Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),[]}. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% parse_vsn_str([],WS) -> WS; parse_vsn_str(Str,WS) -> case Str of "[64-bit]" ++ _Rest -> 8; [_Char|Rest] -> parse_vsn_str(Rest,WS) end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Traverse crash dump and insert index in table for each heading. %%% Progress is reported during the time. do_read_file(File) -> erase(?literals), %Clear literal cache. put(truncated,false), %Not truncated (yet). erase(truncated_reason), %Not truncated (yet). case file:read_file_info(File) of {ok,#file_info{type=regular, access=FileA, size=Size}} when FileA=:=read; FileA=:=read_write -> Fd = open(File), init_progress("Reading file",Size), case progress_read(Fd) of {ok,<<$=:8,TagAndRest/binary>>} -> {Tag,Id,Rest,N1} = tag(Fd,TagAndRest,1), case Tag of ?erl_crash_dump -> case check_dump_version(Id) of {ok,DumpVsn} -> reset_tables(), insert_index(Tag,Id,Pos=N1+1), put_last_tag(Tag,"",Pos), DecodeOpts = get_decode_opts(DumpVsn), indexify(Fd,DecodeOpts,Rest,N1), end_progress(), check_if_truncated(), close(Fd), {ok,DumpVsn}; Error -> close(Fd), Error end; _Other -> R = io_lib:format( "~ts is not an Erlang crash dump~n", [File]), close(Fd), {error,R} end; {ok,<<"",_Rest/binary>>} -> %% old version - no longer supported R = io_lib:format( "The crashdump ~ts is in the pre-R10B format, " "which is no longer supported.~n", [File]), close(Fd), {error,R}; _Other -> R = io_lib:format( "~ts is not an Erlang crash dump~n", [File]), close(Fd), {error,R} end; _other -> R = io_lib:format("~ts is not an Erlang crash dump~n",[File]), {error,R} end. check_dump_version(Vsn) -> DumpVsn = [list_to_integer(L) || L<-string:lexemes(Vsn,".")], if DumpVsn > ?max_dump_version -> Info = "This Crashdump Viewer is too old for the given " "Erlang crash dump. Please use a newer version of " "Crashdump Viewer.", {error,Info}; true -> {ok,DumpVsn} end. indexify(Fd,DecodeOpts,Bin,N) -> case binary:match(Bin,<<"\n=">>) of {Start,Len} -> Pos = Start+Len, <<_:Pos/binary,TagAndRest/binary>> = Bin, {Tag,Id,Rest,N1} = tag(Fd,TagAndRest,N+Pos), NewPos = N1+1, % +1 to get past newline case Tag of ?binary -> %% Binaries are stored in a separate table in %% order to minimize lookup time. Key is the %% translated address. {HexAddr,_} = get_hex(Id), Addr = HexAddr bor DecodeOpts#dec_opts.bin_addr_adj, insert_binary_index(Addr,NewPos); _ -> insert_index(Tag,Id,NewPos) end, case put_last_tag(Tag,Id,NewPos) of {{?proc_heap,LastId},LastPos} -> ets:insert(cdv_heap_file_chars,{LastId,N+Start+1-LastPos}); {{?literals,[]},LastPos} -> ets:insert(cdv_heap_file_chars,{literals,N+Start+1-LastPos}); _ -> ok end, indexify(Fd,DecodeOpts,Rest,N1); nomatch -> case progress_read(Fd) of {ok,Chunk0} when is_binary(Chunk0) -> {Chunk,N1} = case binary:last(Bin) of $\n -> {<<$\n,Chunk0/binary>>,N+byte_size(Bin)-1}; _ -> {Chunk0,N+byte_size(Bin)} end, indexify(Fd,DecodeOpts,Chunk,N1); eof -> eof end end. tag(Fd,Bin,N) -> tag(Fd,Bin,N,[],[],tag). tag(_Fd,<<$\n:8,_/binary>>=Rest,N,Gat,Di,_Now) -> {tag_to_atom(lists:reverse(Gat)),lists:reverse(Di),Rest,N}; tag(Fd,<<$\r:8,Rest/binary>>,N,Gat,Di,Now) -> tag(Fd,Rest,N+1,Gat,Di,Now); tag(Fd,<<$::8,IdAndRest/binary>>,N,Gat,Di,tag) -> tag(Fd,IdAndRest,N+1,Gat,Di,id); tag(Fd,<>,N,Gat,Di,tag) -> tag(Fd,Rest,N+1,[Char|Gat],Di,tag); tag(Fd,<>,N,Gat,Di,id) -> tag(Fd,Rest,N+1,Gat,[Char|Di],id); tag(Fd,<<>>,N,Gat,Di,Now) -> case progress_read(Fd) of {ok,Chunk} when is_binary(Chunk) -> tag(Fd,Chunk,N,Gat,Di,Now); eof -> {tag_to_atom(lists:reverse(Gat)),lists:reverse(Di),<<>>,N} end. check_if_truncated() -> case get(last_tag) of {{?ende,_},_} -> put(truncated,false), put(truncated_proc,false); {{?literals,[]},_} -> put(truncated,true), put(truncated_proc,false), %% Literals are truncated. Make sure we never %% attempt to read in the literals. (Heaps that %% references literals will show markers for %% incomplete heaps, but will otherwise work.) delete_index(?literals, []); {TruncatedTag,_} -> put(truncated,true), find_truncated_proc(TruncatedTag) end. find_truncated_proc({Tag,_Id}) when Tag==?atoms; Tag==?binary; Tag==?instr_data; Tag==?memory_status; Tag==?memory_map -> put(truncated_proc,false); find_truncated_proc({Tag,Pid}) -> case is_proc_tag(Tag) of true -> put(truncated_proc,Pid); false -> %% This means that the dump is truncated between ?proc and %% ?proc_heap => memory info is missing for all procs. put(truncated_proc,"<0.0.0>") end. is_proc_tag(Tag) when Tag==?proc; Tag==?proc_dictionary; Tag==?proc_messages; Tag==?proc_stack; Tag==?proc_heap -> true; is_proc_tag(_) -> false. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Functions for reading information from the dump general_info(File) -> [{_Id,Start}] = lookup_index(?erl_crash_dump), Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,Start), Created = case get_rest_of_line(Fd) of {eof,SomeOfLine} -> SomeOfLine; WholeLine -> WholeLine end, {Slogan,SysVsn} = get_slogan_and_sysvsn(Fd,[]), GI = get_general_info(Fd,#general_info{created=Created, slogan=Slogan, system_vsn=SysVsn}), {MemTot,MemMax} = case lookup_index(?memory) of [{_,MemStart}] -> pos_bof(Fd,MemStart), Memory = get_meminfo(Fd,[]), Tot = case lists:keysearch(total,1,Memory) of {value,{_,T}} -> T; false -> "" end, Max = case lists:keysearch(maximum,1,Memory) of {value,{_,M}} -> M; false -> "" end, {Tot,Max}; _ -> {"",""} end, close(Fd), {NumProcs,NumEts,NumFuns,NumTimers} = count(), NodeName = case lookup_index(?node) of [{N,_Start}] -> N; [] -> case lookup_index(?no_distribution) of [_] -> "'nonode@nohost'"; [] -> "unknown" end end, InstrInfo = case lookup_index(?old_instr_data) of [] -> case lookup_index(?instr_data) of [] -> false; _ -> instr_data end; _ -> old_instr_data end, GI#general_info{node_name=NodeName, num_procs=integer_to_list(NumProcs), num_ets=integer_to_list(NumEts), num_timers=integer_to_list(NumTimers), num_fun=integer_to_list(NumFuns), mem_tot=MemTot, mem_max=MemMax, instr_info=InstrInfo}. get_slogan_and_sysvsn(Fd,Acc) -> case string(Fd,eof) of "Slogan: " ++ SloganPart when Acc==[] -> get_slogan_and_sysvsn(Fd,[SloganPart]); "System version: " ++ SystemVsn -> {lists:append(lists:reverse(Acc)),SystemVsn}; eof -> {lists:append(lists:reverse(Acc)),"-1"}; SloganPart -> get_slogan_and_sysvsn(Fd,[[$\n|SloganPart]|Acc]) end. get_general_info(Fd,GenInfo) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Compiled" -> get_general_info(Fd,GenInfo#general_info{compile_time=bytes(Fd)}); "Taints" -> Val = case string(Fd) of "-1" -> "(none)"; Line -> Line end, get_general_info(Fd,GenInfo#general_info{taints=Val}); "Atoms" -> get_general_info(Fd,GenInfo#general_info{num_atoms=bytes(Fd)}); "Calling Thread" -> get_general_info(Fd,GenInfo#general_info{thread=bytes(Fd)}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> GenInfo; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"general information"), GenInfo end. count() -> {count_index(?proc),count_index(?ets),count_index(?fu),count_index(?timer)}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with all processes procs_summary(File,WS) -> ParseFun = fun(Fd,Pid0) -> Pid = list_to_pid(Pid0), Proc = get_procinfo(Fd,fun main_procinfo/5, #proc{pid=Pid},WS), case Proc#proc.name of undefined -> true; Name -> %% Registered process - store to allow %% lookup for timers connected to %% registered name instead of pid. ets:insert(cdv_reg_proc_table,{Name,Pid}), ets:insert(cdv_reg_proc_table,{Pid0,Name}) end, case Proc#proc.memory of undefined -> Proc#proc{memory=Proc#proc.stack_heap}; _ -> Proc end end, lookup_and_parse_index(File,?proc,ParseFun,"processes"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with one process get_proc_details(File,Pid,WS,DumpVsn) -> case lookup_index(?proc,Pid) of [{_,Start}] -> Fd = open(File), {{Stack,MsgQ,Dict},TW} = case truncated_warning([{?proc,Pid}]) of [] -> expand_memory(Fd,Pid,DumpVsn); TW0 -> {{[],[],[]},TW0} end, pos_bof(Fd,Start), Proc0 = #proc{pid=Pid,stack_dump=Stack,msg_q=MsgQ,dict=Dict}, Proc = get_procinfo(Fd,fun all_procinfo/5,Proc0,WS), close(Fd), {ok,Proc,TW}; _ -> maybe_other_node(Pid) end. get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS) -> case line_head(Fd) of "State" -> State = case bytes(Fd) of "Garbing" -> "Garbing\n(limited info)"; State0 -> State0 end, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{state=State},WS); "Name" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{name=string(Fd)},WS); "Spawned as" -> IF = string(Fd), case Proc#proc.name of undefined -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{name=IF,init_func=IF},WS); _ -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{init_func=IF},WS) end; "Message queue length" -> %% stored as integer so we can sort on it get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{msg_q_len=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))},WS); "Reductions" -> %% stored as integer so we can sort on it get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{reds=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))},WS); "Stack+heap" -> %% stored as integer so we can sort on it get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_heap= list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS},WS); "Memory" -> %% stored as integer so we can sort on it get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{memory=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))},WS); {eof,_} -> Proc; % truncated file Other -> Fun(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS,Other) end. main_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS,LineHead) -> case LineHead of "=" ++ _next_tag -> Proc; "arity = " ++ _ -> %%! Temporary workaround get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS); _Other -> skip_rest_of_line(Fd), get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS) end. all_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS,LineHead) -> case LineHead of %% - START - moved from get_procinfo - "Spawned by" -> case bytes(Fd) of "[]" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS); Parent -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{parent=Parent},WS) end; "Started" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{start_time=bytes(Fd)},WS); "Last scheduled in for" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{current_func= {"Last scheduled in for", string(Fd)}},WS); "Current call" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{current_func={"Current call", string(Fd)}},WS); "Number of heap fragments" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{num_heap_frag=bytes(Fd)},WS); "Heap fragment data" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{heap_frag_data=bytes(Fd)},WS); "OldHeap" -> Bytes = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap=Bytes},WS); "Heap unused" -> Bytes = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{heap_unused=Bytes},WS); "OldHeap unused" -> Bytes = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_unused=Bytes},WS); "BinVHeap" -> Bytes = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{bin_vheap=Bytes},WS); "OldBinVHeap" -> Bytes = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_bin_vheap=Bytes},WS); "BinVHeap unused" -> Bytes = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{bin_vheap_unused=Bytes},WS); "OldBinVHeap unused" -> Bytes = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))*WS, get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_bin_vheap_unused=Bytes},WS); "New heap start" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{new_heap_start=bytes(Fd)},WS); "New heap top" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{new_heap_top=bytes(Fd)},WS); "Stack top" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_top=bytes(Fd)},WS); "Stack end" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{stack_end=bytes(Fd)},WS); "Old heap start" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_start=bytes(Fd)},WS); "Old heap top" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_top=bytes(Fd)},WS); "Old heap end" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{old_heap_end=bytes(Fd)},WS); %% - END - moved from get_procinfo - "Last calls" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{last_calls=get_last_calls(Fd)},WS); "Link list" -> {Links,Monitors,MonitoredBy} = get_link_list(Fd), get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{links=Links, monitors=Monitors, mon_by=MonitoredBy},WS); "Program counter" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{prog_count=string(Fd)},WS); "CP" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{cp=string(Fd)},WS); "arity = " ++ Arity -> %%! Temporary workaround get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{arity=Arity--"\r\n"},WS); "Run queue" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{run_queue=string(Fd)},WS); "Internal State" -> get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc#proc{int_state=string(Fd)},WS); "=" ++ _next_tag -> Proc; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"process info"), get_procinfo(Fd,Fun,Proc,WS) end. %% The end of the 'Last calls' section is meant to be an empty line, %% but in some cases this is not the case, so we also need to look for %% the next heading which currently (OTP-20.1) can be "Link list: ", %% "Dictionary: " or "Reductions: ". We do this by looking for ": " %% and when found, pushing the heading back into the saved chunk. %% %% Note that the 'Last calls' section is only present if the %% 'save_calls' process flag is set. get_last_calls(Fd) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> get_last_calls(Fd,Bin,[],[]); eof -> [] end. get_last_calls(Fd,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,[],Lines) -> %% Empty line - we're done put_chunk(Fd,Bin), lists:reverse(Lines); get_last_calls(Fd,<<$::8>>,Acc,Lines) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> %% Could be a colon followed by a space - see next function clause get_last_calls(Fd,<<$::8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,Lines); eof -> %% Truncated here - either we've got the next heading, or %% it was truncated in a last call function, in which case %% we note that it was truncated case byte_list_to_string(lists:reverse(Acc)) of NextHeading when NextHeading=="Link list"; NextHeading=="Dictionary"; NextHeading=="Reductions" -> put_chunk(Fd,list_to_binary(NextHeading++":")), lists:reverse(Lines); LastCallFunction-> lists:reverse(Lines,[LastCallFunction++":...(truncated)"]) end end; get_last_calls(Fd,<<$\::8,$\s:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,Lines) -> %% ": " - means we have the next heading in Acc - save it back %% into the chunk and return the lines we've found HeadingBin = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc,[$:])), put_chunk(Fd,<>), lists:reverse(Lines); get_last_calls(Fd,<<$\n:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,Lines) -> get_last_calls(Fd,Bin,[],[byte_list_to_string(lists:reverse(Acc))|Lines]); get_last_calls(Fd,<<$\r:8,Bin/binary>>,Acc,Lines) -> get_last_calls(Fd,Bin,Acc,Lines); get_last_calls(Fd,<<$\s:8,Bin/binary>>,[],Lines) -> get_last_calls(Fd,Bin,[],Lines); get_last_calls(Fd,<>,Acc,Lines) -> get_last_calls(Fd,Bin,[Char|Acc],Lines); get_last_calls(Fd,<<>>,Acc,Lines) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> get_last_calls(Fd,Bin,Acc,Lines); eof -> lists:reverse(Lines,[byte_list_to_string(lists:reverse(Acc))]) end. get_link_list(Fd) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,<<"[",Bin/binary>>} -> #{links:=Links, mons:=Monitors, mon_by:=MonitoredBy} = get_link_list(Fd,Bin,#{links=>[],mons=>[],mon_by=>[]}), {lists:reverse(Links), lists:reverse(Monitors), lists:reverse(MonitoredBy)}; eof -> {[],[],[]} end. get_link_list(Fd,<>=Bin,Acc) when NL=:=$\r; NL=:=$\n-> skip(Fd,Bin), Acc; get_link_list(Fd,Bin,Acc) -> case binary:split(Bin,[<<", ">>,<<"]">>]) of [Link,Rest] -> get_link_list(Fd,Rest,get_link(Link,Acc)); [Incomplete] -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,More} -> get_link_list(Fd,<>,Acc); eof -> Acc end end. get_link(<<"#Port",_/binary>>=PortBin,#{links:=Links}=Acc) -> PortStr = binary_to_list(PortBin), Acc#{links=>[{PortStr,PortStr}|Links]}; get_link(<<"<",_/binary>>=PidBin,#{links:=Links}=Acc) -> PidStr = binary_to_list(PidBin), Acc#{links=>[{PidStr,PidStr}|Links]}; get_link(<<"{to,",Bin/binary>>,#{mons:=Monitors}=Acc) -> Acc#{mons=>[parse_monitor(Bin)|Monitors]}; get_link(<<"{from,",Bin/binary>>,#{mon_by:=MonitoredBy}=Acc) -> Acc#{mon_by=>[parse_monitor(Bin)|MonitoredBy]}; get_link(Unexpected,Acc) -> io:format("WARNING: found unexpected data in link list:~n~ts~n",[Unexpected]), Acc. parse_monitor(MonBin) -> case binary:split(MonBin,[<<",">>,<<"{">>,<<"}">>],[global]) of [PidBin,RefBin,<<>>] -> PidStr = binary_to_list(PidBin), RefStr = binary_to_list(RefBin), {PidStr,PidStr++" ("++RefStr++")"}; [<<>>,NameBin,NodeBin,<<>>,RefBin,<<>>] -> %% Named process NameStr = binary_to_list(NameBin), NodeStr = binary_to_list(NodeBin), PidStr = get_pid_from_name(NameStr,NodeStr), RefStr = binary_to_list(RefBin), {PidStr,"{"++NameStr++","++NodeStr++"} ("++RefStr++")"} end. get_pid_from_name(Name,Node) -> case ets:lookup(cdv_reg_proc_table,cdv_dump_node_name) of [{_,Node}] -> case ets:lookup(cdv_reg_proc_table,Name) of [{_,Pid}] when is_pid(Pid) -> pid_to_list(Pid); _ -> "" end; _ -> "" end. maybe_other_node(Id) -> Channel = case split($.,Id) of {"<" ++ N, _Rest} -> N; {"#Port<" ++ N, _Rest} -> N; {_, []} -> not_found end, maybe_other_node2(Channel). maybe_other_node2(not_found) -> not_found; maybe_other_node2(Channel) -> Ms = ets:fun2ms( fun({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?visible_node, Ch=:=Channel -> {"Visible Node",Start}; ({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?hidden_node, Ch=:=Channel -> {"Hidden Node",Start}; ({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?not_connected, Ch=:=Channel -> {"Not Connected Node",Start} end), case ets:select(cdv_dump_index_table,Ms) of [] -> not_found; [_] -> {other_node,Channel} end. expand_memory(Fd,Pid,DumpVsn) -> DecodeOpts = get_decode_opts(DumpVsn), put(fd,Fd), Dict0 = case get(?literals) of undefined -> Literals = read_literals(Fd,DecodeOpts), put(?literals,Literals), put(fd,Fd), Literals; Literals -> Literals end, Dict = read_heap(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict0), Expanded = {read_stack_dump(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict), read_messages(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict), read_dictionary(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict)}, erase(fd), IncompleteWarning = case erase(incomplete_heap) of undefined -> []; true -> ["WARNING: This process has an incomplete heap. " "Some information might be missing."] end, {Expanded,IncompleteWarning}. read_literals(Fd,DecodeOpts) -> case lookup_index(?literals,[]) of [{_,Start}] -> [{_,Chars}] = ets:lookup(cdv_heap_file_chars,literals), init_progress("Reading literals",Chars), pos_bof(Fd,Start), read_heap(DecodeOpts,gb_trees:empty()); [] -> gb_trees:empty() end. get_decode_opts(DumpVsn) -> BinAddrAdj = if DumpVsn < [0,3] -> %% This is a workaround for a bug in dump %% versions prior to 0.3: Addresses were %% truncated to 32 bits. This could cause %% binaries to get the same address as heap %% terms in the dump. To work around it we %% always store binaries on very high %% addresses in the gb_tree. 16#f bsl 64; true -> 0 end, Base64 = DumpVsn >= [0,5], #dec_opts{bin_addr_adj=BinAddrAdj,base64=Base64}. %%% %%% Read top level section. %%% read_stack_dump(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict) -> case lookup_index(?proc_stack,Pid) of [{_,Start}] -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), read_stack_dump1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,[]); [] -> [] end. read_stack_dump1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,Acc) -> %% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in {?proc_heap,Pid} case bytes(Fd) of "=" ++ _next_tag -> lists:reverse(Acc); Line -> Stack = parse_top(Line,DecodeOpts,Dict), read_stack_dump1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,[Stack|Acc]) end. parse_top(Line0, DecodeOpts, D) -> {Label,Line1} = get_label(Line0), {Term,Line,D} = parse_term(Line1, DecodeOpts, D), [] = skip_blanks(Line), {Label,Term}. %%% %%% Read message queue. %%% read_messages(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict) -> case lookup_index(?proc_messages,Pid) of [{_,Start}] -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), read_messages1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,[]); [] -> [] end. read_messages1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,Acc) -> %% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in {?proc_heap,Pid} case bytes(Fd) of "=" ++ _next_tag -> lists:reverse(Acc); Line -> Msg = parse_message(Line,DecodeOpts,Dict), read_messages1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,[Msg|Acc]) end. parse_message(Line0, DecodeOpts, D) -> {Msg,":"++Line1,_} = parse_term(Line0, DecodeOpts, D), {Token,Line,_} = parse_term(Line1, DecodeOpts, D), [] = skip_blanks(Line), {Msg,Token}. %%% %%% Read process dictionary %%% read_dictionary(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict) -> case lookup_index(?proc_dictionary,Pid) of [{_,Start}] -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), read_dictionary1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,[]); [] -> [] end. read_dictionary1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,Acc) -> %% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in {?proc_heap,Pid} case bytes(Fd) of "=" ++ _next_tag -> lists:reverse(Acc); Line -> Msg = parse_dictionary(Line,DecodeOpts,Dict), read_dictionary1(Fd,DecodeOpts,Dict,[Msg|Acc]) end. parse_dictionary(Line0, DecodeOpts, D) -> {Entry,Line,_} = parse_term(Line0, DecodeOpts, D), [] = skip_blanks(Line), Entry. %%% %%% Read heap data. %%% read_heap(Fd,Pid,DecodeOpts,Dict0) -> case lookup_index(?proc_heap,Pid) of [{_,Pos}] -> [{_,Chars}] = ets:lookup(cdv_heap_file_chars,Pid), init_progress("Reading process heap",Chars), pos_bof(Fd,Pos), read_heap(DecodeOpts,Dict0); [] -> Dict0 end. read_heap(DecodeOpts, Dict0) -> %% This function is never called if the dump is truncated in %% {?proc_heap,Pid}. %% %% It is not always possible to reconstruct the heap terms %% in a single pass, especially if maps are involved. %% See crashdump_helper:literal_map/0 for an example. %% %% Therefore, we need two passes. In the first pass %% we collect all lines without parsing them, and in the %% second pass we parse them. %% %% The first pass follows. Lines0 = read_heap_lines(), %% Save a map of all unprocessed lines so that deref_ptr() can %% access any line when there are references to terms not yet %% built. LineMap = maps:from_list(Lines0), put(line_map, LineMap), %% Refc binaries (tag "Yc") must be processed before any sub %% binaries (tag "Ys") referencing them, so we make sure to %% process all the refc binaries first. %% %% The other lines can be processed in any order, but processing %% them in the reverse order compared to how they are printed in %% the crash dump seems to minimize the number of references to %% terms that have not yet been built. That happens to be the %% order of the line list as returned by read_heap_lines/0. RefcBins = [Refc || {_,<<"Yc",_/binary>>}=Refc <- Lines0], Lines = RefcBins ++ Lines0, %% Second pass. init_progress("Processing terms", map_size(LineMap)), Dict = parse_heap_terms(Lines, DecodeOpts, Dict0), erase(line_map), end_progress(), Dict. read_heap_lines() -> read_heap_lines_1(get(fd), []). read_heap_lines_1(Fd, Acc) -> case bytes(Fd) of "=" ++ _next_tag -> end_progress(), put(fd, end_of_heap), Acc; Line0 -> update_progress(length(Line0)+1), {Addr,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), %% Reduce the memory consumption by converting the %% line to a binary. Measurements show that it may also %% be benefical for performance, too, because it makes the %% garbage collections cheaper. Line = list_to_binary(Line1), read_heap_lines_1(Fd, [{Addr,Line}|Acc]) end. parse_heap_terms([{Addr,Line0}|T], DecodeOpts, Dict0) -> case gb_trees:is_defined(Addr, Dict0) of true -> %% Already parsed (by a recursive call from do_deref_ptr() %% to parse_line()). Nothing to do. parse_heap_terms(T, DecodeOpts, Dict0); false -> %% Parse this previously unparsed term. Dict = parse_line(Addr, Line0, DecodeOpts, Dict0), parse_heap_terms(T, DecodeOpts, Dict) end; parse_heap_terms([], _DecodeOpts, Dict) -> Dict. parse_line(Addr, Line0, DecodeOpts, Dict0) -> update_progress(1), Line1 = binary_to_list(Line0), {_Term,Line,Dict} = parse_heap_term(Line1, Addr, DecodeOpts, Dict0), [] = skip_blanks(Line), %Assertion. Dict. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with one port get_port(File,Port) -> case lookup_index(?port,Port) of [{_,Start}] -> Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,Start), R = get_portinfo(Fd,#port{id=Port}), close(Fd), {ok,R}; [] -> maybe_other_node(Port) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with all ports get_ports(File) -> ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_portinfo(Fd,#port{id=port_to_tuple(Id)}) end, lookup_and_parse_index(File,?port,ParseFun,"ports"). %% Converting port string to tuple to secure correct sorting. This is %% converted back in cdv_port_cb:format/1. port_to_tuple("#Port<"++Port) -> [I1,I2] = string:lexemes(Port,".>"), {list_to_integer(I1),list_to_integer(I2)}. get_portinfo(Fd,Port) -> case line_head(Fd) of "State" -> get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{state=bytes(Fd)}); "Task Flags" -> get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{task_flags=bytes(Fd)}); "Slot" -> %% stored as integer so we can sort on it get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{slot=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))}); "Connected" -> %% stored as pid so we can sort on it Connected0 = bytes(Fd), Connected = try list_to_pid(Connected0) catch error:badarg -> Connected0 end, get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{connected=Connected}); "Links" -> Pids = split_pid_list_no_space(bytes(Fd)), Links = [{Pid,Pid} || Pid <- Pids], get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{links=Links}); "Registered as" -> get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{name=string(Fd)}); "Monitors" -> Monitors0 = string:lexemes(bytes(Fd),"()"), Monitors = [begin [Pid,Ref] = string:lexemes(Mon,","), {Pid,Pid++" ("++Ref++")"} end || Mon <- Monitors0], get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{monitors=Monitors}); "Suspended" -> Pids = split_pid_list_no_space(bytes(Fd)), Suspended = [{Pid,Pid} || Pid <- Pids], get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{suspended=Suspended}); "Port controls linked-in driver" -> Str = lists:flatten(["Linked in driver: " | string(Fd)]), get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str}); "Port controls forker process" -> Str = lists:flatten(["Forker process: " | string(Fd)]), get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str}); "Port controls external process" -> Str = lists:flatten(["External proc: " | string(Fd)]), get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str}); "Port is a file" -> Str = lists:flatten(["File: "| string(Fd)]), get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str}); "Port is UNIX fd not opened by emulator" -> Str = lists:flatten(["UNIX fd not opened by emulator: "| string(Fd)]), get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{controls=Str}); "Input" -> get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{input=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))}); "Output" -> get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{output=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))}); "Queue" -> get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{queue=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))}); "Port Data" -> get_portinfo(Fd,Port#port{port_data=string(Fd)}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> Port; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"port info"), Port end. split_pid_list_no_space(String) -> split_pid_list_no_space(String,[],[]). split_pid_list_no_space([$>|Rest],Acc,Pids) -> split_pid_list_no_space(Rest,[],[lists:reverse(Acc,[$>])|Pids]); split_pid_list_no_space([H|T],Acc,Pids) -> split_pid_list_no_space(T,[H|Acc],Pids); split_pid_list_no_space([],[],Pids) -> lists:reverse(Pids). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with external ets tables get_ets_tables(File,Pid,WS) -> ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> ET = get_etsinfo(Fd,#ets_table{pid=list_to_pid(Id)},WS), ET#ets_table{is_named=tab_is_named(ET)} end, lookup_and_parse_index(File,{?ets,Pid},ParseFun,"ets"). tab_is_named(#ets_table{id=Name,name=Name}) -> "yes"; tab_is_named(#ets_table{}) -> "no". get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable = #ets_table{details=Ds},WS) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Slot" -> get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{slot=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))},WS); "Table" -> get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{id=string(Fd)},WS); "Name" -> get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{name=string(Fd)},WS); "Ordered set (AVL tree), Elements" -> skip_rest_of_line(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{data_type="tree"},WS); "Buckets" -> %% A bug in erl_db_hash.c prints a space after the buckets %% - need to strip the string to make list_to_integer/1 happy. Buckets = list_to_integer(string:trim(bytes(Fd),both,"\s")), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{buckets=Buckets},WS); "Objects" -> get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{size=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))},WS); "Words" -> Words = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), Bytes = case Words of -1 -> -1; % probably truncated _ -> Words * WS end, get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{memory={bytes,Bytes}},WS); "=" ++ _next_tag -> EtsTable; "Chain Length Min" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{chain_min=>Val}},WS); "Chain Length Avg" -> Val = try list_to_float(string:trim(bytes(Fd),both,"\s")) catch _:_ -> "-" end, get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{chain_avg=>Val}},WS); "Chain Length Max" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{chain_max=>Val}},WS); "Chain Length Std Dev" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{chain_stddev=>Val}},WS); "Chain Length Expected Std Dev" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{chain_exp_stddev=>Val}},WS); "Fixed" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{fixed=>Val}},WS); "Type" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{data_type=Val},WS); "Protection" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{protection=>Val}},WS); "Compressed" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{compressed=>Val}},WS); "Write Concurrency" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{write_c=>Val}},WS); "Read Concurrency" -> Val = bytes(Fd), get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable#ets_table{details=Ds#{read_c=>Val}},WS); Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"ETS info"), EtsTable end. %% Internal ets table page get_internal_ets_tables(File,WS) -> InternalEts = lookup_index(?internal_ets), Fd = open(File), R = lists:map( fun({Descr,Start}) -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), {Descr,get_etsinfo(Fd,#ets_table{},WS)} end, InternalEts), close(Fd), R. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with list of all timers get_timers(File,Pid) -> ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_timerinfo(Fd,Id) end, T1 = lookup_and_parse_index(File,{?timer,Pid},ParseFun,"timers"), T2 = case ets:lookup(cdv_reg_proc_table,Pid) of [{_,Name}] -> lookup_and_parse_index(File,{?timer,Name},ParseFun,"timers"); _ -> [] end, T1 ++ T2. get_timerinfo(Fd,Id) -> case catch list_to_pid(Id) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> get_timerinfo_1(Fd,#timer{pid=Pid}); _ -> case ets:lookup(cdv_reg_proc_table,Id) of [{_,Pid}] when is_pid(Pid) -> get_timerinfo_1(Fd,#timer{pid=Pid,name=Id}); [] -> get_timerinfo_1(Fd,#timer{name=Id}) end end. get_timerinfo_1(Fd,Timer) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Message" -> get_timerinfo_1(Fd,Timer#timer{msg=string(Fd)}); "Time left" -> TimeLeft = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd) -- " ms"), get_timerinfo_1(Fd,Timer#timer{time=TimeLeft}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> Timer; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"timer info"), Timer end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with information about a node in the distribution get_node(File,Channel) -> Ms = ets:fun2ms( fun({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?visible_node, Ch=:=Channel -> {visible,Start}; ({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?hidden_node, Ch=:=Channel -> {hidden,Start}; ({{Tag,Start},Ch}) when Tag=:=?not_connected, Ch=:=Channel -> {not_connected,Start} end), case ets:select(cdv_dump_index_table,Ms) of [] -> {error,not_found}; [{Type,Pos}] -> Fd = open(File), NodeInfo = get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Type,Pos), close(Fd), {ok,NodeInfo} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with information about the erlang distribution nods(File) -> case lookup_index(?no_distribution) of [] -> V = lookup_index(?visible_node), H = lookup_index(?hidden_node), N = lookup_index(?not_connected), Fd = open(File), Visible = lists:map( fun({Channel,Start}) -> get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,visible,Start) end, V), Hidden = lists:map( fun({Channel,Start}) -> get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,hidden,Start) end, H), NotConnected = lists:map( fun({Channel,Start}) -> get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,not_connected,Start) end, N), close(Fd), Visible++Hidden++NotConnected; [_] -> %% no_distribution [] end. get_nodeinfo(Fd,Channel,Type,Start) -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), get_nodeinfo(Fd,#nod{channel=list_to_integer(Channel),conn_type=Type}). get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Name" -> get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{name=bytes(Fd)}); "Controller" -> get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{controller=bytes(Fd)}); "Creation" -> %% Throwing away elements like "(refc=1)", which might be %% printed from a debug compiled emulator. Creations = lists:flatmap(fun(C) -> try [list_to_integer(C)] catch error:badarg -> [] end end, string:lexemes(bytes(Fd)," ")), get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{creation={creations,Creations}}); "Remote link" -> Procs = bytes(Fd), % e.g. "<0.31.0> <4322.54.0>" {Local,Remote} = split(Procs), Str = Local++" <-> "++Remote, NewRemLinks = [{Local,Str} | Nod#nod.remote_links], get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_links=NewRemLinks}); "Remote monitoring" -> Procs = bytes(Fd), % e.g. "<0.31.0> <4322.54.0>" {Local,Remote} = split(Procs), Str = Local++" -> "++Remote, NewRemMon = [{Local,Str} | Nod#nod.remote_mon], get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_mon=NewRemMon}); "Remotely monitored by" -> Procs = bytes(Fd), % e.g. "<0.31.0> <4322.54.0>" {Local,Remote} = split(Procs), Str = Local++" <- "++Remote, NewRemMonBy = [{Local,Str} | Nod#nod.remote_mon_by], get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{remote_mon_by=NewRemMonBy}); "Error" -> get_nodeinfo(Fd,Nod#nod{error="ERROR: "++string(Fd)}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> Nod; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"node info"), Nod end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with details about one loaded modules get_loaded_mod_details(File,Mod,DecodeOpts) -> [{_,Start}] = lookup_index(?mod,Mod), Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,Start), InitLM = #loaded_mod{mod=Mod,old_size="No old code exists"}, Fun = fun(F, LM, LineHead) -> all_modinfo(F, LM, LineHead, DecodeOpts) end, ModInfo = get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,InitLM,Fun), close(Fd), ModInfo. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with list of all loaded modules loaded_mods(File) -> ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) -> get_loaded_mod_info(Fd, #loaded_mod{mod=get_atom(list_to_binary(Id))}, fun main_modinfo/3) end, {CC,OC} = case lookup_index(?loaded_modules) of [{_,StartTotal}] -> Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,StartTotal), R = get_loaded_mod_totals(Fd,{"unknown","unknown"}), close(Fd), R; [] -> {"unknown","unknown"} end, {CC,OC,lookup_and_parse_index(File,?mod,ParseFun,"modules")}. get_loaded_mod_totals(Fd,{CC,OC}) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Current code" -> get_loaded_mod_totals(Fd,{bytes(Fd),OC}); "Old code" -> get_loaded_mod_totals(Fd,{CC,bytes(Fd)}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> {CC,OC}; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"loaded modules info"), {CC,OC} % truncated file end. get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM,Fun) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Current size" -> CS = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM#loaded_mod{current_size=CS},Fun); "Old size" -> OS = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM#loaded_mod{old_size=OS},Fun); "=" ++ _next_tag -> LM; {eof,_} -> LM; % truncated file Other -> LM1 = Fun(Fd,LM,Other), get_loaded_mod_info(Fd,LM1,Fun) end. main_modinfo(_Fd,LM,_LineHead) -> LM. all_modinfo(Fd,LM,LineHead,DecodeOpts) -> case LineHead of "Current attributes" -> Str = get_attribute(Fd, DecodeOpts), LM#loaded_mod{current_attrib=Str}; "Current compilation info" -> Str = get_attribute(Fd, DecodeOpts), LM#loaded_mod{current_comp_info=Str}; "Old attributes" -> Str = get_attribute(Fd, DecodeOpts), LM#loaded_mod{old_attrib=Str}; "Old compilation info" -> Str = get_attribute(Fd, DecodeOpts), LM#loaded_mod{old_comp_info=Str}; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"loaded modules info"), LM end. get_attribute(Fd, DecodeOpts) -> Term = do_get_attribute(Fd, DecodeOpts), io_lib:format("~tp~n",[Term]). do_get_attribute(Fd, DecodeOpts) -> Bytes = bytes(Fd, ""), try get_binary(Bytes, DecodeOpts) of {Bin,_} -> try binary_to_term(Bin) of Term -> Term catch _:_ -> {"WARNING: The term is probably truncated!", "I cannot do binary_to_term/1.", Bin} end catch _:_ -> {"WARNING: The term is probably truncated!", "I cannot convert to binary.", Bytes} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with list of all funs funs(File) -> ParseFun = fun(Fd,_Id) -> get_funinfo(Fd,#fu{}) end, lookup_and_parse_index(File,?fu,ParseFun,"funs"). get_funinfo(Fd,Fu) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Module" -> get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{module=bytes(Fd)}); "Uniq" -> get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{uniq=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))}); "Index" -> get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{index=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))}); "Address" -> get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{address=bytes(Fd)}); "Native_address" -> get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{native_address=bytes(Fd)}); "Refc" -> get_funinfo(Fd,Fu#fu{refc=list_to_integer(bytes(Fd))}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> Fu; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"fun info"), Fu end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with list of all atoms atoms(File,NumAtoms) -> case lookup_index(?atoms) of [{_Id,Start}] -> Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,Start), get_atoms(Fd,NumAtoms); _ -> [] end. get_atoms(Fd,NumAtoms) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin} -> init_progress("Processing atoms",NumAtoms), get_atoms(Fd,Bin,NumAtoms,[]); eof -> [] end. %% Atoms are written one per line in the crash dump, in creation order %% from last to first. get_atoms(Fd,Bin,NumAtoms,Atoms) -> Bins = binary:split(Bin,<<"\n">>,[global]), get_atoms1(Fd,Bins,NumAtoms,Atoms). get_atoms1(_Fd,[<<"=",_/binary>>|_],_N,Atoms) -> end_progress(), Atoms; get_atoms1(Fd,[LastBin],N,Atoms) -> case get_chunk(Fd) of {ok,Bin0} -> get_atoms(Fd,<>,N,Atoms); eof -> end_progress(), [{N,get_atom(LastBin)}|Atoms] end; get_atoms1(Fd,[Bin|Bins],N,Atoms) -> update_progress(), get_atoms1(Fd,Bins,N-1,[{N,get_atom(Bin)}|Atoms]). %% This ensures sorting according to first actual letter in the atom, %% disregarding possible single quote. It is formatted back to correct %% syntax in cdv_atom_cb:format/1 get_atom(<<"\'",Atom/binary>>) -> {Atom,q}; % quoted get_atom(Atom) when is_binary(Atom) -> {Atom,nq}. % not quoted %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with memory information memory(File) -> case lookup_index(?memory) of [{_,Start}] -> Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,Start), R = get_meminfo(Fd,[]), close(Fd), R; _ -> [] end. get_meminfo(Fd,Acc) -> case line_head(Fd) of "=" ++ _next_tag -> lists:reverse(Acc); {eof,_last_line} -> lists:reverse(Acc); Key -> get_meminfo(Fd,[{list_to_atom(Key),bytes(Fd)}|Acc]) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with information about allocated areas allocated_areas(File) -> case lookup_index(?allocated_areas) of [{_,Start}] -> Fd = open(File), pos_bof(Fd,Start), R = get_allocareainfo(Fd,[]), close(Fd), R; _ -> [] end. get_allocareainfo(Fd,Acc) -> case line_head(Fd) of "=" ++ _next_tag -> lists:reverse(Acc); {eof,_last_line} -> lists:reverse(Acc); Key -> Val = bytes(Fd), AllocInfo = case split(Val) of {Alloc,[]} -> {Key,Alloc,""}; {Alloc,Used} -> {Key,Alloc,Used} end, get_allocareainfo(Fd,[AllocInfo|Acc]) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with information about allocators allocator_info(File) -> case lookup_index(?allocator) of [] -> []; AllAllocators -> Fd = open(File), R = lists:map(fun({Heading,Start}) -> {Heading,get_allocatorinfo(Fd,Start)} end, AllAllocators), close(Fd), [allocator_summary(R) | R] end. get_allocatorinfo(Fd,Start) -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,[],0). get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,Acc,Max) -> case line_head(Fd) of "=" ++ _next_tag -> pad_and_reverse(Acc,Max,[]); {eof,_last_line} -> pad_and_reverse(Acc,Max,[]); Key -> Values = get_all_vals(bytes(Fd),[]), L = length(Values), Max1 = if L > Max -> L; true -> Max end, get_allocatorinfo1(Fd,[{Key,Values}|Acc],Max1) end. get_all_vals([$ |Rest],Acc) -> [lists:reverse(Acc)|get_all_vals(Rest,[])]; get_all_vals([],Acc) -> [lists:reverse(Acc)]; get_all_vals([Char|Rest],Acc) -> get_all_vals(Rest,[Char|Acc]). %% Make sure all V have the same length by padding with "". pad_and_reverse([{K,V}|T],Len,Rev) -> VLen = length(V), V1 = if VLen == Len -> V; true -> V ++ lists:duplicate(Len-VLen,"") end, pad_and_reverse(T,Len,[{K,V1}|Rev]); pad_and_reverse([],_,Rev) -> Rev. %% Calculate allocator summary: %% %% System totals: %% blocks size = sum of mbcs, mbcs_pool and sbcs blocks size over %% all allocator instances of all types %% carriers size = sum of mbcs, mbcs_pool and sbcs carriers size over %% all allocator instances of all types %% %% I any allocator except sbmbc_alloc has "option e: false" then don't %% present system totals. %% %% For each allocator type: %% blocks size = sum of sbmbcs, mbcs, mbcs_pool and sbcs blocks %% size over all allocator instances of this type %% carriers size = sum of sbmbcs, mbcs, mbcs_pool and sbcs carriers %% size over all allocator instances of this type %% mseg carriers size = sum of mbcs and sbcs mseg carriers size over all %% allocator instances of this type %% -define(sbmbcs_blocks_size,"sbmbcs blocks size"). -define(mbcs_blocks_size,"mbcs blocks size"). -define(sbcs_blocks_size,"sbcs blocks size"). -define(sbmbcs_carriers_size,"sbmbcs carriers size"). -define(mbcs_carriers_size,"mbcs carriers size"). -define(sbcs_carriers_size,"sbcs carriers size"). -define(mbcs_mseg_carriers_size,"mbcs mseg carriers size"). -define(sbcs_mseg_carriers_size,"sbcs mseg carriers size"). -define(segments_size,"segments_size"). -define(mbcs_pool_blocks_size,"mbcs_pool blocks size"). -define(mbcs_pool_carriers_size,"mbcs_pool carriers size"). -define(type_blocks_size,[?sbmbcs_blocks_size, ?mbcs_blocks_size, ?mbcs_pool_blocks_size, ?sbcs_blocks_size]). -define(type_carriers_size,[?sbmbcs_carriers_size, ?mbcs_carriers_size, ?mbcs_pool_carriers_size, ?sbcs_carriers_size]). -define(type_mseg_carriers_size,[?mbcs_mseg_carriers_size, ?sbcs_mseg_carriers_size]). -define(total_blocks_size,[?mbcs_blocks_size, ?mbcs_pool_blocks_size, ?sbcs_blocks_size]). -define(total_carriers_size,[?mbcs_carriers_size, ?mbcs_pool_carriers_size, ?sbcs_carriers_size]). -define(total_mseg_carriers_size,[?mbcs_mseg_carriers_size, ?sbcs_mseg_carriers_size]). -define(interesting_allocator_info, [?sbmbcs_blocks_size, ?mbcs_blocks_size, ?mbcs_pool_blocks_size, ?sbcs_blocks_size, ?sbmbcs_carriers_size, ?mbcs_carriers_size, ?sbcs_carriers_size, ?mbcs_mseg_carriers_size, ?mbcs_pool_carriers_size, ?sbcs_mseg_carriers_size, ?segments_size]). -define(mseg_alloc,"mseg_alloc"). -define(seg_size,"segments_size"). -define(sbmbc_alloc,"sbmbc_alloc"). -define(opt_e_false,{"option e","false"}). allocator_summary(Allocators) -> {Sorted,DoTotal} = sort_allocator_types(Allocators,[],true), {TypeTotals0,Totals} = sum_allocator_data(Sorted,DoTotal), {TotalMCS,TypeTotals} = case lists:keytake(?mseg_alloc,1,TypeTotals0) of {value,{_,[{?seg_size,SegSize}]},Rest} -> {integer_to_list(SegSize),Rest}; false -> {?not_available,TypeTotals0} end, {TotalBS,TotalCS} = case Totals of false -> {?not_available,?not_available}; {TBS,TCS} -> {integer_to_list(TBS),integer_to_list(TCS)} end, {"Allocator Summary", ["blocks size","carriers size","mseg carriers size"], [{"total",[TotalBS,TotalCS,TotalMCS]} | format_allocator_summary(lists:reverse(TypeTotals))]}. format_allocator_summary([{Type,Data}|Rest]) -> [format_allocator_summary(Type,Data) | format_allocator_summary(Rest)]; format_allocator_summary([]) -> []. format_allocator_summary(Type,Data) -> BS = get_size_value(blocks_size,Data), CS = get_size_value(carriers_size,Data), MCS = get_size_value(mseg_carriers_size,Data), {Type,[BS,CS,MCS]}. get_size_value(Key,Data) -> case proplists:get_value(Key,Data) of undefined -> ?not_available; Int -> integer_to_list(Int) end. %% Sort allocator data per type %% Input = [{Instance,[{Key,Data}]}] %% Output = [{Type,[{Key,Value}]}] %% where Key in Output is one of ?interesting_allocator_info %% and Value is the sum over all allocator instances of each type. sort_allocator_types([{Name,Data}|Allocators],Acc,DoTotal) -> Type = case string:lexemes(Name,"[]") of [T,_Id] -> T; [Name] -> Name; Other -> Other end, TypeData = proplists:get_value(Type,Acc,[]), {NewTypeData,NewDoTotal} = sort_type_data(Type,Data,TypeData,DoTotal), NewAcc = lists:keystore(Type,1,Acc,{Type,NewTypeData}), sort_allocator_types(Allocators,NewAcc,NewDoTotal); sort_allocator_types([],Acc,DoTotal) -> {Acc,DoTotal}. sort_type_data(Type,[?opt_e_false|Data],Acc,_) when Type=/=?sbmbc_alloc-> sort_type_data(Type,Data,Acc,false); sort_type_data(Type,[{Key,Val0}|Data],Acc,DoTotal) -> case lists:member(Key,?interesting_allocator_info) of true -> Val = list_to_integer(hd(Val0)), sort_type_data(Type,Data,update_value(Key,Val,Acc),DoTotal); false -> sort_type_data(Type,Data,Acc,DoTotal) end; sort_type_data(_Type,[],Acc,DoTotal) -> {Acc,DoTotal}. %% Sum up allocator data in total blocks- and carriers size for all %% allocators and per type of allocator. %% Input = Output from sort_allocator_types/3 %% Output = {[{"mseg_alloc",[{"segments_size",Value}]}, %% {Type,[{blocks_size,Value}, %% {carriers_size,Value}, %% {mseg_carriers_size,Value}]}, %% ...], %% {TotalBlocksSize,TotalCarriersSize}} sum_allocator_data(AllocData,false) -> sum_allocator_data(AllocData,[],false); sum_allocator_data(AllocData,true) -> sum_allocator_data(AllocData,[],{0,0}). sum_allocator_data([{_Type,[]}|AllocData],TypeAcc,Total) -> sum_allocator_data(AllocData,TypeAcc,Total); sum_allocator_data([{Type,Data}|AllocData],TypeAcc,Total) -> {TypeSum,NewTotal} = sum_type_data(Data,[],Total), sum_allocator_data(AllocData,[{Type,TypeSum}|TypeAcc],NewTotal); sum_allocator_data([],TypeAcc,Total) -> {TypeAcc,Total}. sum_type_data([{Key,Value}|Data],TypeAcc,Total) -> NewTotal = case Total of false -> false; {TotalBS,TotalCS} -> case lists:member(Key,?total_blocks_size) of true -> {TotalBS+Value,TotalCS}; false -> case lists:member(Key,?total_carriers_size) of true -> {TotalBS,TotalCS+Value}; false -> {TotalBS,TotalCS} end end end, NewTypeAcc = case lists:member(Key,?type_blocks_size) of true -> update_value(blocks_size,Value,TypeAcc); false -> case lists:member(Key,?type_carriers_size) of true -> update_value(carriers_size,Value,TypeAcc); false -> case lists:member(Key,?type_mseg_carriers_size) of true -> update_value(mseg_carriers_size,Value,TypeAcc); false -> %% "segments_size" for "mseg_alloc" update_value(Key,Value,TypeAcc) end end end, sum_type_data(Data,NewTypeAcc,NewTotal); sum_type_data([],TypeAcc,Total) -> {TypeAcc,Total}. update_value(Key,Value,Acc) -> case lists:keytake(Key,1,Acc) of false -> [{Key,Value}|Acc]; {value,{Key,Old},Acc1} -> [{Key,Old+Value}|Acc1] end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with hash table information hash_tables(File) -> case lookup_index(?hash_table) of [] -> []; AllHashTables -> Fd = open(File), R = lists:map(fun({Name,Start}) -> get_hashtableinfo(Fd,Name,Start) end, AllHashTables), close(Fd), R end. get_hashtableinfo(Fd,Name,Start) -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), get_hashtableinfo1(Fd,#hash_table{name=Name}). get_hashtableinfo1(Fd,HashTable) -> case line_head(Fd) of "size" -> get_hashtableinfo1(Fd,HashTable#hash_table{size=bytes(Fd)}); "used" -> get_hashtableinfo1(Fd,HashTable#hash_table{used=bytes(Fd)}); "objs" -> get_hashtableinfo1(Fd,HashTable#hash_table{objs=bytes(Fd)}); "depth" -> get_hashtableinfo1(Fd,HashTable#hash_table{depth=bytes(Fd)}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> HashTable; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"hash table information"), HashTable end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with index table information index_tables(File) -> case lookup_index(?index_table) of [] -> []; AllIndexTables -> Fd = open(File), R = lists:map(fun({Name,Start}) -> get_indextableinfo(Fd,Name,Start) end, AllIndexTables), close(Fd), R end. get_indextableinfo(Fd,Name,Start) -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), get_indextableinfo1(Fd,#index_table{name=Name}). get_indextableinfo1(Fd,IndexTable) -> case line_head(Fd) of "size" -> get_indextableinfo1(Fd,IndexTable#index_table{size=bytes(Fd)}); "used" -> get_indextableinfo1(Fd,IndexTable#index_table{used=bytes(Fd)}); "limit" -> get_indextableinfo1(Fd,IndexTable#index_table{limit=bytes(Fd)}); "rate" -> get_indextableinfo1(Fd,IndexTable#index_table{rate=bytes(Fd)}); "entries" -> get_indextableinfo1(Fd,IndexTable#index_table{entries=bytes(Fd)}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> IndexTable; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"index table information"), IndexTable end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Page with scheduler table information schedulers(File) -> Fd = open(File), Schds0 = case lookup_index(?scheduler) of [] -> []; Normals -> [{Normals, #sched{type=normal}}] end, Schds1 = case lookup_index(?dirty_cpu_scheduler) of [] -> Schds0; DirtyCpus -> [{DirtyCpus, get_dirty_runqueue(Fd, ?dirty_cpu_run_queue)} | Schds0] end, Schds2 = case lookup_index(?dirty_io_scheduler) of [] -> Schds1; DirtyIos -> [{DirtyIos, get_dirty_runqueue(Fd, ?dirty_io_run_queue)} | Schds1] end, R = schedulers1(Fd, Schds2, []), close(Fd), R. schedulers1(_Fd, [], Acc) -> Acc; schedulers1(Fd, [{Scheds,Sched0} | Tail], Acc0) -> Acc1 = lists:foldl(fun({Name,Start}, AccIn) -> [get_schedulerinfo(Fd,Name,Start,Sched0) | AccIn] end, Acc0, Scheds), schedulers1(Fd, Tail, Acc1). get_schedulerinfo(Fd,Name,Start,Sched0) -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), get_schedulerinfo1(Fd,Sched0#sched{name=list_to_integer(Name)}). sched_type(?dirty_cpu_run_queue) -> dirty_cpu; sched_type(?dirty_io_run_queue) -> dirty_io. get_schedulerinfo1(Fd, Sched) -> case get_schedulerinfo2(Fd, Sched) of {more, Sched2} -> get_schedulerinfo1(Fd, Sched2); {done, Sched2} -> Sched2 end. get_schedulerinfo2(Fd, Sched=#sched{details=Ds}) -> case line_head(Fd) of "Current Process" -> {more, Sched#sched{process=bytes(Fd, "None")}}; "Current Port" -> {more, Sched#sched{port=bytes(Fd, "None")}}; "Scheduler Sleep Info Flags" -> {more, Sched#sched{details=Ds#{sleep_info=>bytes(Fd, "None")}}}; "Scheduler Sleep Info Aux Work" -> {more, Sched#sched{details=Ds#{sleep_aux=>bytes(Fd, "None")}}}; "Current Process State" -> {more, Sched#sched{details=Ds#{currp_state=>bytes(Fd)}}}; "Current Process Internal State" -> {more, Sched#sched{details=Ds#{currp_int_state=>bytes(Fd)}}}; "Current Process Program counter" -> {more, Sched#sched{details=Ds#{currp_prg_cnt=>string(Fd)}}}; "Current Process CP" -> {more, Sched#sched{details=Ds#{currp_cp=>string(Fd)}}}; "Current Process Limited Stack Trace" -> %% If there shall be last in scheduler information block {done, Sched#sched{details=get_limited_stack(Fd, 0, Ds)}}; "=" ++ _next_tag -> {done, Sched}; Other -> case Sched#sched.type of normal -> get_runqueue_info2(Fd, Other, Sched); _ -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"dirty scheduler information"), {done, Sched} end end. get_dirty_runqueue(Fd, Tag) -> case lookup_index(Tag) of [{_, Start}] -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), get_runqueue_info1(Fd,#sched{type=sched_type(Tag)}); [] -> #sched{} end. get_runqueue_info1(Fd, Sched) -> case get_runqueue_info2(Fd, line_head(Fd), Sched) of {more, Sched2} -> get_runqueue_info1(Fd, Sched2); {done, Sched2} -> Sched2 end. get_runqueue_info2(Fd, LineHead, Sched=#sched{details=Ds}) -> case LineHead of "Run Queue Max Length" -> RQMax = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), RQ = RQMax + Sched#sched.run_q, {more, Sched#sched{run_q=RQ, details=Ds#{runq_max=>RQMax}}}; "Run Queue High Length" -> RQHigh = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), RQ = RQHigh + Sched#sched.run_q, {more, Sched#sched{run_q=RQ, details=Ds#{runq_high=>RQHigh}}}; "Run Queue Normal Length" -> RQNorm = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), RQ = RQNorm + Sched#sched.run_q, {more, Sched#sched{run_q=RQ, details=Ds#{runq_norm=>RQNorm}}}; "Run Queue Low Length" -> RQLow = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), RQ = RQLow + Sched#sched.run_q, {more, Sched#sched{run_q=RQ, details=Ds#{runq_low=>RQLow}}}; "Run Queue Port Length" -> RQ = list_to_integer(bytes(Fd)), {more, Sched#sched{port_q=RQ}}; "Run Queue Flags" -> {more, Sched#sched{details=Ds#{runq_flags=>bytes(Fd, "None")}}}; "=" ++ _next_tag -> {done, Sched}; Other -> unexpected(Fd,Other,"scheduler information"), {done, Sched} end. get_limited_stack(Fd, N, Ds) -> case string(Fd) of Addr = "0x" ++ _ -> get_limited_stack(Fd, N+1, Ds#{{currp_stack, N} => Addr}); "=" ++ _next_tag -> Ds; Line -> get_limited_stack(Fd, N+1, Ds#{{currp_stack, N} => Line}) end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Parse memory in crashdump version 0.1 and newer %%% parse_heap_term([$l|Line0], Addr, DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Cons cell. {H,"|"++Line1,D1} = parse_term(Line0, DecodeOpts, D0), {T,Line,D2} = parse_term(Line1, DecodeOpts, D1), Term = [H|T], D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D2), {Term,Line,D}; parse_heap_term([$t|Line0], Addr, DecodeOpts, D) -> %Tuple {N,":"++Line} = get_hex(Line0), parse_tuple(N, Line, Addr, DecodeOpts, D, []); parse_heap_term([$F|Line0], Addr, _DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Float {N,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), {Chars,Line} = get_chars(N, Line1), Term = list_to_float(Chars), D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0), {Term,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("B16#"++Line0, Addr, _DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Positive big number. {Term,Line} = get_hex(Line0), D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0), {Term,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("B-16#"++Line0, Addr, _DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Negative big number {Term0,Line} = get_hex(Line0), Term = -Term0, D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0), {Term,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("B"++Line0, Addr, _DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Decimal big num case string:to_integer(Line0) of {Int,Line} when is_integer(Int) -> D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Int, D0), {Int,Line,D} end; parse_heap_term([$P|Line0], Addr, _DecodeOpts, D0) -> % External Pid. {Pid0,Line} = get_id(Line0), Pid = ['#CDVPid'|Pid0], D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Pid, D0), {Pid,Line,D}; parse_heap_term([$p|Line0], Addr, _DecodeOpts, D0) -> % External Port. {Port0,Line} = get_id(Line0), Port = ['#CDVPort'|Port0], D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Port, D0), {Port,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("E"++Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Term encoded in external format. {Bin,Line} = get_binary(Line0, DecodeOpts), Term = binary_to_term(Bin), D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0), {Term,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("Yh"++Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Heap binary. {Term,Line} = get_binary(Line0, DecodeOpts), D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0), {Term,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("Yc"++Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Reference-counted binary. {Binp0,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), {Offset,":"++Line2} = get_hex(Line1), {Sz,Line} = get_hex(Line2), Binp = Binp0 bor DecodeOpts#dec_opts.bin_addr_adj, case lookup_binary_index(Binp) of [{_,Start}] -> SymbolicBin = {'#CDVBin',Start}, Term = cdvbin(Offset, Sz, SymbolicBin), D1 = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0), D = gb_trees:enter(Binp, SymbolicBin, D1), {Term,Line,D}; [] -> Term = '#CDVNonexistingBinary', D1 = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D0), D = gb_trees:enter(Binp, Term, D1), {Term,Line,D} end; parse_heap_term("Ys"++Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Sub binary. {Binp0,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), {Offset,":"++Line2} = get_hex(Line1), {Sz,Line3} = get_hex(Line2), {Term,Line,D1} = deref_bin(Binp0, Offset, Sz, Line3, DecodeOpts, D0), D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Term, D1), {Term,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("Mf"++Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Flatmap. {Size,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), case parse_term(Line1, DecodeOpts, D0) of {Keys,":"++Line2,D1} when is_tuple(Keys) -> {Values,Line,D2} = parse_tuple(Size, Line2, Addr,DecodeOpts, D1, []), Pairs = zip_tuples(tuple_size(Keys), Keys, Values, []), Map = maps:from_list(Pairs), D = gb_trees:update(Addr, Map, D2), {Map,Line,D}; {Incomplete,_Line,D1} -> D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Incomplete, D1), {Incomplete,"",D} end; parse_heap_term("Mh"++Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0) -> %Head node in a hashmap. {MapSize,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), {N,":"++Line2} = get_hex(Line1), {Nodes,Line,D1} = parse_tuple(N, Line2, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0, []), Map = maps:from_list(flatten_hashmap_nodes(Nodes)), MapSize = maps:size(Map), %Assertion. D = gb_trees:update(Addr, Map, D1), {Map,Line,D}; parse_heap_term("Mn"++Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D) -> %Interior node in a hashmap. {N,":"++Line} = get_hex(Line0), parse_tuple(N, Line, Addr, DecodeOpts, D, []). parse_tuple(0, Line, Addr, _, D0, Acc) -> Tuple = list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(Acc)), D = gb_trees:insert(Addr, Tuple, D0), {Tuple,Line,D}; parse_tuple(N, Line0, Addr, DecodeOpts, D0, Acc) -> case parse_term(Line0, DecodeOpts, D0) of {Term,[$,|Line],D} when N > 1 -> parse_tuple(N-1, Line, Addr, DecodeOpts, D, [Term|Acc]); {Term,Line,D}-> parse_tuple(N-1, Line, Addr, DecodeOpts, D, [Term|Acc]) end. zip_tuples(0, _T1, _T2, Acc) -> Acc; zip_tuples(N, T1, T2, Acc) when N =< tuple_size(T1) -> zip_tuples(N-1, T1, T2, [{element(N, T1),element(N, T2)}|Acc]). flatten_hashmap_nodes(Tuple) -> flatten_hashmap_nodes_1(tuple_size(Tuple), Tuple, []). flatten_hashmap_nodes_1(0, _Tuple, Acc) -> Acc; flatten_hashmap_nodes_1(N, Tuple0, Acc0) -> case element(N, Tuple0) of [K|V] -> flatten_hashmap_nodes_1(N-1, Tuple0, [{K,V}|Acc0]); Tuple when is_tuple(Tuple) -> Acc = flatten_hashmap_nodes_1(N-1, Tuple0, Acc0), flatten_hashmap_nodes_1(tuple_size(Tuple), Tuple, Acc) end. parse_term([$H|Line0], DecodeOpts, D) -> %Pointer to heap term. {Ptr,Line} = get_hex(Line0), deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, DecodeOpts, D); parse_term([$N|Line], _, D) -> %[] (nil). {[],Line,D}; parse_term([$I|Line0], _, D) -> %Small. {Int,Line} = string:to_integer(Line0), {Int,Line,D}; parse_term([$A|_]=Line, _, D) -> %Atom. parse_atom(Line, D); parse_term([$P|Line0], _, D) -> %Pid. {Pid,Line} = get_id(Line0), {['#CDVPid'|Pid],Line,D}; parse_term([$p|Line0], _, D) -> %Port. {Port,Line} = get_id(Line0), {['#CDVPort'|Port],Line,D}; parse_term([$S|Str0], _, D) -> %Information string. Str = lists:reverse(skip_blanks(lists:reverse(Str0))), {Str,[],D}; parse_term([$D|Line0], DecodeOpts, D) -> %DistExternal try {AttabSize,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), {Attab, "E"++Line2} = parse_atom_translation_table(AttabSize, Line1, []), {Bin,Line3} = get_binary(Line2, DecodeOpts), {try erts_debug:dist_ext_to_term(Attab, Bin) catch error:_ -> '' end, Line3, D} catch error:_ -> {'#CDVBadDistExt', skip_dist_ext(Line0), D} end. skip_dist_ext(Line) -> skip_dist_ext(lists:reverse(Line), []). skip_dist_ext([], SeqTraceToken) -> SeqTraceToken; skip_dist_ext([$:| _], SeqTraceToken) -> [$:|SeqTraceToken]; skip_dist_ext([C|Cs], KeptCs) -> skip_dist_ext(Cs, [C|KeptCs]). parse_atom([$A|Line0], D) -> {N,":"++Line1} = get_hex(Line0), {Chars, Line} = get_chars(N, Line1), {binary_to_atom(list_to_binary(Chars),utf8), Line, D}. parse_atom_translation_table(0, Line0, As) -> {list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(As)), Line0}; parse_atom_translation_table(N, Line0, As) -> {A, Line1, _} = parse_atom(Line0, []), parse_atom_translation_table(N-1, Line1, [A|As]). deref_ptr(Ptr, Line, DecodeOpts, D) -> Lookup0 = fun(D0) -> gb_trees:lookup(Ptr, D0) end, Lookup = wrap_line_map(Ptr, Lookup0), do_deref_ptr(Lookup, Line, DecodeOpts, D). deref_bin(Binp0, Offset, Sz, Line, DecodeOpts, D) -> Binp = Binp0 bor DecodeOpts#dec_opts.bin_addr_adj, Lookup0 = fun(D0) -> lookup_binary(Binp, Offset, Sz, D0) end, Lookup = wrap_line_map(Binp, Lookup0), do_deref_ptr(Lookup, Line, DecodeOpts, D). lookup_binary(Binp, Offset, Sz, D) -> case lookup_binary_index(Binp) of [{_,Start}] -> Term = cdvbin(Offset, Sz, {'#CDVBin',Start}), {value,Term}; [] -> case gb_trees:lookup(Binp, D) of {value,<<_:Offset/bytes,Sub:Sz/bytes,_/bytes>>} -> {value,Sub}; {value,SymbolicBin} -> {value,cdvbin(Offset, Sz, SymbolicBin)}; none -> none end end. wrap_line_map(Ptr, Lookup) -> wrap_line_map_1(get(line_map), Ptr, Lookup). wrap_line_map_1(#{}=LineMap, Ptr, Lookup) -> fun(D) -> case Lookup(D) of {value,_}=Res -> Res; none -> case LineMap of #{Ptr:=Line} -> {line,Ptr,Line}; #{} -> none end end end; wrap_line_map_1(undefined, _Ptr, Lookup) -> Lookup. do_deref_ptr(Lookup, Line, DecodeOpts, D0) -> case Lookup(D0) of {value,Term} -> {Term,Line,D0}; none -> put(incomplete_heap, true), {'#CDVIncompleteHeap',Line,D0}; {line,Addr,NewLine} -> D = parse_line(Addr, NewLine, DecodeOpts, D0), do_deref_ptr(Lookup, Line, DecodeOpts, D) end. get_hex(L) -> get_hex_1(L, 0). get_hex_1([H|T]=L, Acc) -> case get_hex_digit(H) of none -> {Acc,L}; Digit -> get_hex_1(T, (Acc bsl 4) bor Digit) end; get_hex_1([], Acc) -> {Acc,[]}. get_hex_digit(C) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 -> C-$0; get_hex_digit(C) when $a =< C, C =< $f -> C-$a+10; get_hex_digit(C) when $A =< C, C =< $F -> C-$A+10; get_hex_digit(_) -> none. skip_blanks([$\s|T]) -> skip_blanks(T); skip_blanks([$\r|T]) -> skip_blanks(T); skip_blanks([$\n|T]) -> skip_blanks(T); skip_blanks([$\t|T]) -> skip_blanks(T); skip_blanks(T) -> T. get_chars(N, Line) -> get_chars(N, Line, []). get_chars(0, Line, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),Line}; get_chars(N, [H|T], Acc) -> get_chars(N-1, T, [H|Acc]). get_id(Line0) -> [$<|Line] = lists:dropwhile(fun($<) -> false; (_) -> true end,Line0), get_id(Line, [], []). get_id([$>|Line], Acc, Id) -> {lists:reverse(Id,[list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc))]),Line}; get_id([$.|Line], Acc, Id) -> get_id(Line,[],[list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc))|Id]); get_id([H|T], Acc, Id) -> get_id(T, [H|Acc], Id). get_label(L) -> get_label(L, []). get_label([$:|Line], Acc) -> Label = lists:reverse(Acc), case get_hex(Label) of {Int,[]} -> {Int,Line}; _ -> {list_to_atom(Label),Line} end; get_label([H|T], Acc) -> get_label(T, [H|Acc]). get_binary(Line0,DecodeOpts) -> case get_hex(Line0) of {N,":"++Line} -> get_binary_1(N, Line, DecodeOpts); _ -> {'#CDVTruncatedBinary',[]} end. get_binary_1(N,Line,#dec_opts{base64=false}) -> get_binary_hex(N, Line, [], false); get_binary_1(N,Line0,#dec_opts{base64=true}) -> NumBytes = ((N+2) div 3) * 4, {Base64,Line} = lists:split(NumBytes, Line0), Bin = get_binary_base64(list_to_binary(Base64), <<>>, false), {Bin,Line}. get_binary(Offset,Size,Line0,DecodeOpts) -> case get_hex(Line0) of {_N,":"++Line} -> get_binary_1(Offset,Size,Line,DecodeOpts); _ -> {'#CDVTruncatedBinary',[]} end. get_binary_1(Offset,Size,Line,#dec_opts{base64=false}) -> Progress = Size > ?binary_size_progress_limit, Progress andalso init_progress("Reading binary",Size), get_binary_hex(Size, lists:sublist(Line,(Offset*2)+1,Size*2), [], Progress); get_binary_1(StartOffset,Size,Line,#dec_opts{base64=true}) -> Progress = Size > ?binary_size_progress_limit, Progress andalso init_progress("Reading binary",Size), EndOffset = StartOffset + Size, StartByte = (StartOffset div 3) * 4, EndByte = ((EndOffset + 2) div 3) * 4, NumBytes = EndByte - StartByte, case list_to_binary(Line) of <<_:StartByte/bytes,Base64:NumBytes/bytes,_/bytes>> -> Bin0 = get_binary_base64(Base64, <<>>, Progress), Skip = StartOffset - (StartOffset div 3) * 3, <<_:Skip/bytes,Bin:Size/bytes,_/bytes>> = Bin0, {Bin,[]}; _ -> {'#CDVTruncatedBinary',[]} end. get_binary_hex(0, Line, Acc, Progress) -> Progress andalso end_progress(), {list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)),Line}; get_binary_hex(N, [A,B|Line], Acc, Progress) -> Byte = (get_hex_digit(A) bsl 4) bor get_hex_digit(B), Progress andalso update_progress(), get_binary_hex(N-1, Line, [Byte|Acc], Progress); get_binary_hex(_N, [], _Acc, Progress) -> Progress andalso end_progress(), {'#CDVTruncatedBinary',[]}. get_binary_base64(<>, Acc0, Progress) -> Chunk = base64:decode(Chunk0), Acc = <>, Progress andalso update_progress(?base64_chunk_size * 3 div 4), get_binary_base64(T, Acc, Progress); get_binary_base64(Chunk0, Acc, Progress) -> case Progress of true -> update_progress(?base64_chunk_size * 3 div 4), end_progress(); false -> ok end, Chunk = base64:decode(Chunk0), <>. cdvbin(Offset,Size,{'#CDVBin',Pos}) -> ['#CDVBin',Offset,Size,Pos]; cdvbin(Offset,Size,['#CDVBin',_,_,Pos]) -> ['#CDVBin',Offset,Size,Pos]; cdvbin(_,_,'#CDVTruncatedBinary') -> '#CDVTruncatedBinary'; cdvbin(_,_,'#CDVNonexistingBinary') -> '#CDVNonexistingBinary'. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Functions for accessing tables reset_tables() -> ets:delete_all_objects(cdv_dump_index_table), ets:delete_all_objects(cdv_reg_proc_table), ets:delete_all_objects(cdv_binary_index_table), ets:delete_all_objects(cdv_heap_file_chars). insert_index(Tag,Id,Pos) -> ets:insert(cdv_dump_index_table,{{Tag,Pos},Id}). delete_index(Tag,Id) -> Ms = [{{{Tag,'$1'},Id},[],[true]}], ets:select_delete(cdv_dump_index_table, Ms). lookup_index({Tag,Id}) -> lookup_index(Tag,Id); lookup_index(Tag) -> lookup_index(Tag,'$2'). lookup_index(Tag,Id) -> ets:select(cdv_dump_index_table,[{{{Tag,'$1'},Id},[],[{{Id,'$1'}}]}]). count_index(Tag) -> ets:select_count(cdv_dump_index_table,[{{{Tag,'_'},'_'},[],[true]}]). insert_binary_index(Addr,Pos) -> ets:insert(cdv_binary_index_table,{Addr,Pos}). lookup_binary_index(Addr) -> ets:lookup(cdv_binary_index_table,Addr). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Convert tags read from crashdump to atoms used as first part of key %% in cdv_dump_index_table tag_to_atom("abort") -> ?abort; tag_to_atom("allocated_areas") -> ?allocated_areas; tag_to_atom("allocator") -> ?allocator; tag_to_atom("atoms") -> ?atoms; tag_to_atom("binary") -> ?binary; tag_to_atom("dirty_cpu_scheduler") -> ?dirty_cpu_scheduler; tag_to_atom("dirty_cpu_run_queue") -> ?dirty_cpu_run_queue; tag_to_atom("dirty_io_scheduler") -> ?dirty_io_scheduler; tag_to_atom("dirty_io_run_queue") -> ?dirty_io_run_queue; tag_to_atom("end") -> ?ende; tag_to_atom("erl_crash_dump") -> ?erl_crash_dump; tag_to_atom("ets") -> ?ets; tag_to_atom("fun") -> ?fu; tag_to_atom("hash_table") -> ?hash_table; tag_to_atom("hidden_node") -> ?hidden_node; tag_to_atom("index_table") -> ?index_table; tag_to_atom("instr_data") -> ?instr_data; tag_to_atom("internal_ets") -> ?internal_ets; tag_to_atom("literals") -> ?literals; tag_to_atom("loaded_modules") -> ?loaded_modules; tag_to_atom("memory") -> ?memory; tag_to_atom("mod") -> ?mod; tag_to_atom("no_distribution") -> ?no_distribution; tag_to_atom("node") -> ?node; tag_to_atom("not_connected") -> ?not_connected; tag_to_atom("old_instr_data") -> ?old_instr_data; tag_to_atom("port") -> ?port; tag_to_atom("proc") -> ?proc; tag_to_atom("proc_dictionary") -> ?proc_dictionary; tag_to_atom("proc_heap") -> ?proc_heap; tag_to_atom("proc_messages") -> ?proc_messages; tag_to_atom("proc_stack") -> ?proc_stack; tag_to_atom("scheduler") -> ?scheduler; tag_to_atom("timer") -> ?timer; tag_to_atom("visible_node") -> ?visible_node; tag_to_atom(UnknownTag) -> io:format("WARNING: Found unexpected tag:~ts~n",[UnknownTag]), list_to_atom(UnknownTag). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Store last tag for use when truncated, and reason if aborted put_last_tag(?abort,Reason,_Pos) -> %% Don't overwrite the real last tag, and don't return it either, %% since that would make the caller of this function believe that %% the tag was complete. put(truncated_reason,Reason); put_last_tag(Tag,Id,Pos) -> put(last_tag,{{Tag,Id},Pos}). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Fetch next chunk from crashdump file lookup_and_parse_index(File,What,ParseFun,Str) when is_list(File) -> Indices = lookup_index(What), Fun = fun(Fd,{Id,Start}) -> pos_bof(Fd,Start), ParseFun(Fd,Id) end, Report = "Processing " ++ Str, progress_pmap(Report,File,Fun,Indices). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Convert a record to a proplist to_proplist(Fields,Record) -> Values = to_value_list(Record), lists:zip(Fields,Values). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Convert a record to a simple list of field values to_value_list(Record) -> [_RecordName|Values] = tuple_to_list(Record), Values. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Map over List and report progress in percent. %%% Report is the text to be presented in the progress dialog. %%% Distribute the load over a number of processes, and File is opened %%% on each process and passed to the Fun as first argument. %%% I.e. Fun = fun(Fd,Item) -> ItemResult end. progress_pmap(Report,File,Fun,List) -> NTot = length(List), NProcs = erlang:system_info(schedulers) * 2, NPerProc = (NTot div NProcs) + 1, %% Worker processes send message to collector for each ReportInterval. ReportInterval = (NTot div 100) + 1, %% Progress reporter on collector process reports 1 percent for %% each message from worker process. init_progress(Report,99), Collector = self(), {[],Pids} = lists:foldl( fun(_,{L,Ps}) -> {L1,L2} = if length(L)>=NPerProc -> lists:split(NPerProc,L); true -> {L,[]} % last chunk end, {P,_Ref} = spawn_monitor( fun() -> progress_map(Collector,ReportInterval,File,Fun,L1) end), {L2,[P|Ps]} end, {List,[]}, lists:seq(1,NProcs)), collect(Pids,[]). progress_map(Collector,ReportInterval,File,Fun,List) -> Fd = open(File), init_progress(ReportInterval, fun(_) -> Collector ! progress end, ok), progress_map(Fd,Fun,List,[]). progress_map(Fd,Fun,[H|T],Acc) -> update_progress(), progress_map(Fd,Fun,T,[Fun(Fd,H)|Acc]); progress_map(Fd,_Fun,[],Acc) -> close(Fd), exit({pmap_done,Acc}). collect([],Acc) -> end_progress(), lists:append(Acc); collect(Pids,Acc) -> receive progress -> update_progress(), collect(Pids,Acc); {'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, {pmap_done,Result}} -> collect(lists:delete(Pid,Pids),[Result|Acc]); {'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, _Error} -> Warning = "WARNING: an error occured while parsing data.\n" ++ case get(truncated) of true -> "This might be because the dump is truncated.\n"; false -> "" end, io:format(Warning), collect(lists:delete(Pid,Pids),Acc) end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Help functions for progress reporting %% Set text in progress dialog and initialize the progress counter init_progress(Report,N) -> observer_lib:report_progress({ok,Report}), Interval = (N div 100) + 1, Fun = fun(P0) -> P=P0+1,observer_lib:report_progress({ok,P}),P end, init_progress(Interval,Fun,0). init_progress(Interval,Fun,Acc) -> put(progress,{Interval,Interval,Fun,Acc}), ok. %% Count progress and report on given interval update_progress() -> update_progress(1). update_progress(Processed) -> do_update_progress(get(progress),Processed). do_update_progress({Count,Interval,Fun,Acc},Processed) when Processed>Count -> do_update_progress({Interval,Interval,Fun,Fun(Acc)},Processed-Count); do_update_progress({Count,Interval,Fun,Acc},Processed) -> put(progress,{Count-Processed,Interval,Fun,Acc}), ok. %% End progress reporting for this item end_progress() -> end_progress({ok,100}). end_progress(Report) -> observer_lib:report_progress(Report), erase(progress), ok.