%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2014. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(observer_html_lib). %% %% This module implements the HTML generation for the crashdump %% viewer. No logic or states are kept by this module. %% -export([plain_page/1, expandable_term/3, warning/1]). -include("crashdump_viewer.hrl"). -include("observer_defs.hrl"). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Display the given information as is, no heading %%% Empty body if no info exists. warning(Info) -> header(body(warning_body(Info))). warning_body(Info) -> [warn(Info)]. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Display the given information as is, no heading %%% Empty body if no info exists. plain_page(Info) -> header(body(plain_body(Info))). plain_body(Info) -> [pre(href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Info)))]. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Expanded memory expandable_term(Heading,Expanded,Tab) -> header(Heading,body(expandable_term_body(Heading,Expanded,Tab))). expandable_term_body(Heading,[],_Tab) -> [case Heading of "MsgQueue" -> "No messages were found"; "Message Queue" -> "No messages were found"; "StackDump" -> "No stack dump was found"; "Dictionary" -> "No dictionary was found"; "ProcState" -> "Information could not be retrieved," " system messages may not be handled by this process." end]; expandable_term_body(Heading,Expanded,Tab) -> Attr = "BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=1 WIDTH=100%", [case Heading of "MsgQueue" -> table(Attr, [tr( [th("WIDTH=70%","Message"), th("WIDTH=30%","SeqTraceToken")]) | element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Msg, Even) -> {msgq_table(Tab, Msg, Even), not Even} end, true, Expanded))]); "Message Queue" -> table(Attr, [tr( [th("WIDTH=10%","Id"), th("WIDTH=90%","Message")]) | element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Msg, {Even,N}) -> {msgq_table(Tab, Msg, N, Even), {not Even, N+1}} end, {true,1}, Expanded))]); "StackDump" -> table(Attr, [tr( [th("WIDTH=20%","Label"), th("WIDTH=80%","Term")]) | element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Entry, Even) -> {stackdump_table(Tab, Entry, Even), not Even} end, true, Expanded))]); "ProcState" -> table(Attr, [tr( [th("WIDTH=20%","Label"), th("WIDTH=80%","Information")]) | element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Entry, Even) -> {proc_state(Tab, Entry,Even), not Even} end, true, Expanded))]); _ -> table(Attr, [tr( [th("WIDTH=30%","Key"), th("WIDTH=70%","Value")]) | element(1, lists:mapfoldl(fun(Entry, Even) -> {dict_table(Tab, Entry,Even), not Even} end, true, Expanded))]) end]. msgq_table(Tab,{Msg0,Token0}, Even) -> Token = case Token0 of [] -> ""; _ -> io_lib:fwrite("~w",[Token0]) end, Msg = all_or_expand(Tab,Msg0), tr(color(Even),[td(pre(Msg)), td(Token)]). msgq_table(Tab,Msg0, Id, Even) -> Msg = all_or_expand(Tab,Msg0), tr(color(Even),[td(integer_to_list(Id)), td(pre(Msg))]). stackdump_table(Tab,{Label0,Term0},Even) -> Label = io_lib:format("~w",[Label0]), Term = all_or_expand(Tab,Term0), tr(color(Even), [td("VALIGN=center",pre(Label)), td(pre(Term))]). dict_table(Tab,{Key0,Value0}, Even) -> Key = all_or_expand(Tab,Key0), Value = all_or_expand(Tab,Value0), tr(color(Even), [td("VALIGN=center",pre(Key)), td(pre(Value))]). proc_state(Tab,{Key0,Value0}, Even) -> Key = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s",[Key0])), Value = all_or_expand(Tab,Value0), tr(color(Even), [td("VALIGN=center",Key), td(pre(Value))]). all_or_expand(Tab,Term) -> Preview = io_lib:format("~P",[Term,8]), Check = io_lib:format("~P",[Term,100]), Exp = Preview=/=Check, all_or_expand(Tab,Term,Preview,Exp). all_or_expand(_Tab,Term,Str,false) when not is_binary(Term) -> href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Str)); all_or_expand(Tab,Term,Preview,true) when not is_binary(Term) -> Key = {Key1,Key2,Key3} = {erlang:unique_integer([positive]),1,2}, ets:insert(Tab,{Key,Term}), [href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Preview), false), $\n, href("TARGET=\"expanded\"", ["#Term?key1="++integer_to_list(Key1)++ "&key2="++integer_to_list(Key2)++ "&key3="++integer_to_list(Key3)], "Click to expand above term")]; all_or_expand(Tab,Bin,_PreviewStr,_Expand) when is_binary(Bin) -> Size = byte_size(Bin), PrevSize = min(Size, 10) * 8, <> = Bin, Hash = erlang:phash2(Bin), Key = {Preview, Size, Hash}, ets:insert(Tab,{Key,Bin}), Term = io_lib:format("~p", [['#OBSBin',Preview,Size,Hash]]), href_proc_port(lists:flatten(Term), true). color(true) -> io_lib:format("BGCOLOR=\"#~2.16.0B~2.16.0B~2.16.0B\"", tuple_to_list(?BG_EVEN)); color(false) -> io_lib:format("BGCOLOR=\"#~2.16.0B~2.16.0B~2.16.0B\"", tuple_to_list(?BG_ODD)). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal library start_html() -> "\n". stop_html() -> "". start_html_body() -> "\n". stop_html_body() -> "\n". header(Body) -> header("","",Body). header(Title,Body) -> header(Title,"",Body). header(Title,JavaScript,Body) -> [%only_http_header(), html_header(Title,JavaScript,Body)]. html_header(Title,JavaScript,Body) -> [start_html(), only_html_header(Title,JavaScript), Body, stop_html()]. only_html_header(Title,JavaScript) -> ["\n", "", Title, "\n", JavaScript, "\n"]. body(Text) -> [start_html_body(), Text, stop_html_body()]. start_table(Args) -> ["\n"]. stop_table() -> "
\n". table(Args,Text) -> [start_table(Args), Text, stop_table()]. tr(Text) -> ["\n", Text, "\n\n"]. tr(Args,Text) -> ["\n", Text, "\n\n"]. th(Args,Text) -> ["\n", Text, "\n\n"]. td(Text) -> ["", Text, ""]. td(Args,Text) -> ["", Text, ""]. start_pre() -> "
stop_pre() ->
". pre(Text) -> [start_pre(),Text,stop_pre()]. href(Link,Text) -> ["",Text,""]. href(Args,Link,Text) -> ["",Text,""]. font(Args,Text) -> ["\n",Text,"\n\n"]. p(Text) -> ["


\n"]. br() -> "
\n". %% In all the following, "<" is changed to "<" and ">" is changed to ">" href_proc_port(Text) -> href_proc_port(Text,true). href_proc_port(Text,LinkToBin) -> href_proc_port(Text,[],LinkToBin). href_proc_port("#Ref<"++T,Acc,LTB) -> %% No links to refs href_proc_port(T,["#Ref<"|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port("#Fun<"++T,Acc,LTB) -> %% No links to funs href_proc_port(T,["#Fun<"|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port("#Port<"++T,Acc,LTB) -> {Port0,Rest} = split($>,T), Port = "#Port<"++Port0 ++ ">", href_proc_port(Rest,[href(Port,Port)|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port("<<"++T,Acc,LTB) -> %% No links to binaries href_proc_port(T,["<<"|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port("<"++([C|_]=T),Acc,LTB) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 -> %% Pid {Pid0,Rest} = split($>,T), Pid = "<" ++ Pid0 ++ ">", href_proc_port(Rest,[href(Pid,Pid)|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port("['#CDVBin'"++T,Acc,LTB) -> %% Binary written by crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...) href_proc_bin(cdv, T, Acc, LTB); href_proc_port("['#OBSBin'"++T,Acc,LTB) -> %% Binary written by crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...) href_proc_bin(obs, T, Acc, LTB); href_proc_port("['#CDVPort'"++T,Acc,LTB) -> %% Port written by crashdump_viewer:parse_term(...) {Port0,Rest} = split($],T), PortStr= case string:tokens(Port0,",.|") of [X,Y] -> Port = "#Port<"++X++"."++Y++">", href(Port,Port); Ns -> "#Port<" ++ string:join(Ns,".") ++"...>" end, href_proc_port(Rest,[PortStr|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port("['#CDVPid'"++T,Acc,LTB) -> %% Pid written by crashdump_viewer:parse_term(...) {Pid0,Rest} = split($],T), PidStr = case string:tokens(Pid0,",.|") of [X,Y,Z] -> Pid = "<"++X++"."++Y++"."++Z++">", href(Pid,Pid); Ns -> "<" ++ string:join(Ns,".") ++ "...>" end, href_proc_port(Rest,[PidStr|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port("'#CDVIncompleteHeap'"++T,Acc,LTB)-> %% The heap is incomplete! Written by crashdump_viewer:deref_pts(...) IH = lists:reverse( lists:flatten( "...(Incomplete Heap)")), href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc,LTB); href_proc_port("'#CDVTruncatedBinary'"++T,Acc,LTB)-> %% A binary which is truncated! Written by %% crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...) IH = lists:reverse( lists:flatten( "<<...(Truncated Binary)>>" "")), href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc,LTB); href_proc_port("'#CDVNonexistingBinary'"++T,Acc,LTB)-> %% A binary which could not be found in the dump! Written by %% crashdump_viewer:parse_heap_term(...) IH = lists:reverse( lists:flatten( "<<...(Nonexisting Binary)>>" "")), href_proc_port(T,IH++Acc,LTB); href_proc_port("<"++T,Acc,LTB) -> href_proc_port(T,["<"|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port(">"++T,Acc,LTB) -> href_proc_port(T,[">"|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port([H|T],Acc,LTB) -> href_proc_port(T,[H|Acc],LTB); href_proc_port([],Acc,_) -> lists:reverse(Acc). href_proc_bin(From, T, Acc, LTB) -> {OffsetSizePos,Rest} = split($],T), BinStr = case string:tokens(OffsetSizePos,",.| \n") of [Offset,SizeStr,Pos] when From =:= cdv -> Id = {list_to_integer(Offset),10,list_to_integer(Pos)}, {ok,PreviewBin} = crashdump_viewer:expand_binary(Id), PreviewStr = preview_string(list_to_integer(SizeStr), PreviewBin), if LTB -> href("TARGET=\"expanded\"", ["#Binary?offset="++Offset++ "&size="++SizeStr++ "&pos="++Pos], PreviewStr); true -> PreviewStr end; [Preview,SizeStr,Md5] when From =:= obs -> Size = list_to_integer(SizeStr), PrevSize = min(Size, 10) * 8, PreviewStr = preview_string(Size, <<(list_to_integer(Preview)):PrevSize>>), if LTB -> href("TARGET=\"expanded\"", ["#OBSBinary?key1="++Preview++ "&key2="++SizeStr++ "&key3="++Md5], PreviewStr); true -> PreviewStr end; _ -> "<< ... >>" end, href_proc_port(Rest,[BinStr|Acc],LTB). preview_string(Size, PreviewBin) when Size > 10 -> ["<<", remove_lgt(io_lib:format("~p",[PreviewBin])), "...(", observer_lib:to_str({bytes,Size}), ")", ">>"]; preview_string(_, PreviewBin) -> ["<<", remove_lgt(io_lib:format("~p",[PreviewBin])), ">>"]. remove_lgt(Deep) -> remove_lgt_1(lists:flatten(Deep)). remove_lgt_1([$<,$<|Rest]) -> [$>,$>|BinStr] = lists:reverse(Rest), replace_lgt(lists:reverse(BinStr)). replace_lgt([$<|R]) -> ["<"|replace_lgt(R)]; replace_lgt([$>|R]) -> [">"|replace_lgt(R)]; replace_lgt([L=[_|_]|R]) -> [replace_lgt(L)|replace_lgt(R)]; replace_lgt([A|R]) -> [A|replace_lgt(R)]; replace_lgt([]) -> []. split(Char,Str) -> split(Char,Str,[]). split(Char,[Char|Str],Acc) -> % match Char {lists:reverse(Acc),Str}; split(Char,[H|T],Acc) -> split(Char,T,[H|Acc]). warn([]) -> []; warn(Warning) -> font("COLOR=\"#FF0000\"",p([Warning,br(),br()])).