%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(odbc_query_SUITE). %% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites. -compile(export_all). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include("odbc_test.hrl"). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% all(Arg) -> [Doc] | [Case] | {skip, Comment} %% Arg - doc | suite %% Doc - string() %% Case - atom() %% Name of a test case function. %% Comment - string() %% Description: Returns documentation/test cases in this test suite %% or a skip tuple if the platform is not supported. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> case odbc_test_lib:odbc_check() of ok -> [stored_proc, sql_query, next, {group, scrollable_cursors}, select_count, select_next, select_relative, select_absolute, create_table_twice, delete_table_twice, duplicate_key, not_connection_owner, no_result_set, query_error, {group, multiple_result_sets}, {group, parameterized_queries}, {group, describe_table}, delete_nonexisting_row]; Other -> {skip, Other} end. groups() -> [{multiple_result_sets, [], [multiple_select_result_sets, multiple_mix_result_sets, multiple_result_sets_error]}, {scrollable_cursors, [], [first, last, prev]}, {parameterized_queries, [], [{group, param_integers}, param_insert_decimal, param_insert_numeric, {group, param_insert_string}, param_insert_float, param_insert_real, param_insert_double, param_insert_mix, param_update, param_delete, param_select, param_select_empty_params, param_delete_empty_params]}, {param_integers, [], [param_insert_tiny_int, param_insert_small_int, param_insert_int, param_insert_integer]}, {param_insert_string, [], [param_insert_char, param_insert_character, param_insert_char_varying, param_insert_character_varying]}, {describe_table, [], [describe_integer, describe_string, describe_floating, describe_dec_num, describe_no_such_table]}]. init_per_group(multiple_result_sets, Config) -> case is_supported_multiple_resultsets(?RDBMS) of true -> Config; false -> {skip, "Not supported by " ++ atom_to_list(?RDBMS) ++ "driver"} end; init_per_group(scrollable_cursors, Config) -> case proplists:get_value(scrollable_cursors, odbc_test_lib:platform_options()) of off -> {skip, "Not supported by driver"}; _ -> Config end; init_per_group(_,Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: init_per_suite(Config) -> Config %% Config - [tuple()] %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration. %% Description: Initiation before the whole suite %% %% Note: This function is free to add any key/value pairs to the Config %% variable, but should NOT alter/remove any existing entries. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case odbc_test_lib:skip() of true -> {skip, "ODBC not supported"}; false -> case (catch odbc:start()) of ok -> ct:timetrap(?default_timeout), [{tableName, odbc_test_lib:unique_table_name()}| Config]; _ -> {skip, "ODBC not startable"} end end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: end_per_suite(Config) -> _ %% Config - [tuple()] %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration. %% Description: Cleanup after the whole suite %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- end_per_suite(_Config) -> application:stop(odbc), ok. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: init_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> Config %% Case - atom() %% Name of the test case that is about to be run. %% Config - [tuple()] %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration. %% %% Description: Initiation before each test case %% %% Note: This function is free to add any key/value pairs to the Config %% variable, but should NOT alter/remove any existing entries. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> {ok, Ref} = odbc:connect(?RDBMS:connection_string(), odbc_test_lib:platform_options()), odbc_test_lib:strict(Ref, ?RDBMS), NewConfig = lists:keydelete(connection_ref, 1, Config), [{connection_ref, Ref} | NewConfig]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Function: end_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> _ %% Case - atom() %% Name of the test case that is about to be run. %% Config - [tuple()] %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration. %% Description: Cleanup after each test case %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), ok = odbc:disconnect(Ref), %% Clean up if needed Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {ok, NewRef} = odbc:connect(?RDBMS:connection_string(), odbc_test_lib:platform_options()), odbc:sql_query(NewRef, "DROP TABLE " ++ Table), odbc:disconnect(NewRef). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test cases starts here. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- stored_proc(doc)-> ["Test stored proc with OUT param"]; stored_proc(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case ?RDBMS of X when X == oracle; X == postgres-> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, ?RDBMS:stored_proc_integer_out()), Result = ?RDBMS:query_result(), Result = ?RDBMS:param_query(Ref), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, ?RDBMS:drop_proc()), ok; _ -> {skip, "stored proc not yet supported"} end. sql_query(doc)-> ["Test the common cases"]; sql_query(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA varchar(10))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:insert_result(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "UPDATE " ++ Table ++ " SET DATA = 'foo' WHERE ID = 1"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount), UpdateResult = ?RDBMS:update_result(), UpdateResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {updated, NewCount1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "DELETE FROM " ++ Table ++ " WHERE ID = 1"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount1), {selected, Fields, []} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["ID","DATA"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fields), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_count(doc) -> ["Tests select_count/[2,3]'s timeout, " " select_count's functionality will be better tested by other tests " " such as first."]; select_count(sute) -> []; select_count(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, Count), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT', {function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM ", -1)), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- first(doc) -> ["Tests first/[1,2]"]; first(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), FirstResult = ?RDBMS:selected_ID(1, first), FirstResult = odbc:first(Ref), FirstResult = odbc:first(Ref, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT', {function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:first(Ref, -1)), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- last(doc) -> ["Tests last/[1,2]"]; last(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), LastResult = ?RDBMS:selected_ID(2, last), LastResult = odbc:last(Ref), LastResult = odbc:last(Ref, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT', {function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:last(Ref, -1)), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- next(doc) -> ["Tests next/[1,2]"]; next(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), NextResult = ?RDBMS:selected_ID(1, next), NextResult = odbc:next(Ref), NextResult2 = ?RDBMS:selected_ID(2, next), NextResult2 = odbc:next(Ref, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT', {function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:next(Ref, -1)), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- prev(doc) -> ["Tests prev/[1,2]"]; prev(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2)"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), odbc:last(Ref), % Position cursor last so there will be a prev PrevResult = ?RDBMS:selected_ID(1, prev), PrevResult = odbc:prev(Ref), odbc:last(Ref), % Position cursor last so there will be a prev PrevResult = odbc:prev(Ref, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT', {function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:prev(Ref, -1)), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_next(doc) -> ["Tests select/[4,5] with CursorRelation = next "]; select_next(suit) -> []; select_next(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(3)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(4)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(5)"), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), SelectResult1 = ?RDBMS:selected_next_N(1), SelectResult1 = odbc:select(Ref, next, 3), %% Test that selecting stops at the end of the result set SelectResult2 = ?RDBMS:selected_next_N(2), SelectResult2 = odbc:select(Ref, next, 3, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT',{function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:select(Ref, next, 2, -1)), %% If you try fetching data beyond the the end of result set, %% you get an empty list. {selected, Fields, []} = odbc:select(Ref, next, 1), ["ID"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fields), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_relative(doc) -> ["Tests select/[4,5] with CursorRelation = relative "]; select_relative(suit) -> []; select_relative(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(3)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(4)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(5)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(6)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(7)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(8)"), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), SelectResult1 = ?RDBMS:selected_relative_N(1), SelectResult1 = odbc:select(Ref, {relative, 2}, 3), %% Test that selecting stops at the end of the result set SelectResult2 = ?RDBMS:selected_relative_N(2), SelectResult2 = odbc:select(Ref, {relative, 3}, 3, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT',{function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:select(Ref, {relative, 3} , 2, -1)), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- select_absolute(doc) -> ["Tests select/[4,5] with CursorRelation = absolute "]; select_absolute(suit) -> []; select_absolute(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(3)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(4)"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(5)"), {ok, _} = odbc:select_count(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), SelectResult1 = ?RDBMS:selected_absolute_N(1), SelectResult1 = odbc:select(Ref, {absolute, 1}, 3), %% Test that selecting stops at the end of the result set SelectResult2 = ?RDBMS:selected_absolute_N(2), SelectResult2 = odbc:select(Ref, {absolute, 1}, 6, ?TIMEOUT), {'EXIT',{function_clause, _}} = (catch odbc:select(Ref, {absolute, 1}, 2, -1)), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- create_table_twice(doc) -> ["Test what happens if you try to create the same table twice."]; create_table_twice(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA varchar(10))"), {error, Error} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA varchar(10))"), is_driver_error(Error), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete_table_twice(doc) -> ["Test what happens if you try to delete the same table twice."]; delete_table_twice(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA varchar(10))"), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "DROP TABLE " ++ Table), {error, Error} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "DROP TABLE " ++ Table), is_driver_error(Error), ok. %------------------------------------------------------------------------- duplicate_key(doc) -> ["Test what happens if you try to use the same key twice"]; duplicate_key(suit) -> []; duplicate_key(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA char(10), PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), {error, Error} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'foo')"), is_driver_error(Error), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- not_connection_owner(doc) -> ["Test what happens if a process that did not start the connection" " tries to acess it."]; not_connection_owner(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), spawn_link(?MODULE, not_owner, [self(), Ref, Table]), receive continue -> ok end. not_owner(Pid, Ref, Table) -> {error, process_not_owner_of_odbc_connection} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer)"), {error, process_not_owner_of_odbc_connection} = odbc:disconnect(Ref), Pid ! continue. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- no_result_set(doc) -> ["Tests what happens if you try to use a function that needs an " "associated result set when there is none."]; no_result_set(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), {error, result_set_does_not_exist} = odbc:first(Ref), {error, result_set_does_not_exist} = odbc:last(Ref), {error, result_set_does_not_exist} = odbc:next(Ref), {error, result_set_does_not_exist} = odbc:prev(Ref), {error, result_set_does_not_exist} = odbc:select(Ref, next, 1), {error, result_set_does_not_exist} = odbc:select(Ref, {absolute, 2}, 1), {error, result_set_does_not_exist} = odbc:select(Ref, {relative, 2}, 1), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- query_error(doc) -> ["Test what happens if there is an error in the query."]; query_error(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA char(10), PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), {error, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), {error, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT ONTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- multiple_select_result_sets(doc) -> ["Test what happens if you have a batch of select queries."]; multiple_select_result_sets(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case ?RDBMS of sqlserver -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA varchar(10), " "PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2, 'foo')"), MultipleResult = ?RDBMS:multiple_select(), MultipleResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table ++ "; SELECT DATA FROM "++ Table ++ " WHERE ID=2"), ok; _ -> {skip, "multiple result_set not supported"} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- multiple_mix_result_sets(doc) -> ["Test what happens if you have a batch of select and other type of" " queries."]; multiple_mix_result_sets(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case ?RDBMS of sqlserver -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA varchar(10), " "PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), MultipleResult = ?RDBMS:multiple_mix(), MultipleResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(2,'foo'); UPDATE " ++ Table ++ " SET DATA = 'foobar' WHERE ID =1;SELECT " "* FROM " ++ Table ++ ";DELETE FROM " ++ Table ++ " WHERE ID =1; SELECT DATA FROM " ++ Table), ok; _ -> {skip, "multiple result_set not supported"} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- multiple_result_sets_error(doc) -> ["Test what happens if one of the batched queries fails."]; multiple_result_sets_error(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case ?RDBMS of sqlserver -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID integer, DATA varchar(10), " "PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, 1} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'bar')"), {error, Error} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'foo'); SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), is_driver_error(Error), {error, NewError} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table ++ ";INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ " VALUES(1,'foo')"), is_driver_error(NewError), ok; _ -> {skip, "multiple result_set not supported"} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_tiny_int(doc)-> ["Test insertion of tiny ints by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_tiny_int(Config) when is_list(Config) -> case ?RDBMS of sqlserver -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD TINYINT)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_tinyint, [1, 2]}], ?TIMEOUT),%Make sure to test timeout clause true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_tiny_int(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_tinyint, [1, "2"]}])), ok; _ -> {skip, "Type tiniyint not supported"} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_small_int(doc)-> ["Test insertion of small ints by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_small_int(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD SMALLINT)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_smallint, [1, 2]}], ?TIMEOUT), %% Make sure to test timeout clause true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_small_int(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_smallint, [1, "2"]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_int(doc)-> ["Test insertion of ints by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_int(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD INT)"), Int = ?RDBMS:small_int_max() + 1, {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_integer, [1, Int]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_int(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_integer, [1, "2"]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_integer(doc)-> ["Test insertion of integers by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_integer(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD INTEGER)"), Int = ?RDBMS:small_int_max() + 1, {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_integer, [1, Int]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_int(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2.3]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_decimal(doc)-> ["Test insertion of decimal numbers by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_decimal(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD DECIMAL (3,0))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_decimal, 3, 0}, [1, 2]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_decimal(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_decimal, 3, 0}, [1, "2"]}])), odbc:sql_query(Ref, "DROP TABLE " ++ Table), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD DECIMAL (3,1))"), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_decimal, 3, 1}, [0.25]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount), {selected, Fields, [{Value}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fields), odbc_test_lib:match_float(Value, 0.3, 0.01), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_numeric(doc)-> ["Test insertion of numeric numbers by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_numeric(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD NUMERIC (3,0))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_numeric,3,0}, [1, 2]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_numeric(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_decimal, 3, 0}, [1, "2"]}])), odbc:sql_query(Ref, "DROP TABLE " ++ Table), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD NUMERIC (3,1))"), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_numeric, 3, 1}, [0.25]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(1, NewCount), {selected, Fileds, [{Value}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), odbc_test_lib:match_float(Value, 0.3, 0.01), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_char(doc)-> ["Test insertion of fixed length string by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_char(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD CHAR (10))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_char, 10}, ["foofoofoof", "0123456789"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), {selected,Fileds,[{"foofoofoof"}, {"0123456789"}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), {error, _} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_char, 10}, ["foo", "01234567890"]}]), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_char, 10}, ["1", 2.3]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_character(doc)-> ["Test insertion of fixed length string by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_character(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD CHARACTER (10))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_char, 10}, ["foofoofoof", "0123456789"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), {selected, Fileds, [{"foofoofoof"}, {"0123456789"}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), {error, _} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_char, 10}, ["foo", "01234567890"]}]), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_char, 10}, ["1", 2]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ param_insert_char_varying(doc)-> ["Test insertion of variable length strings by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_char_varying(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD CHAR VARYING(10))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "0123456789"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), {selected, Fileds, [{"foo"}, {"0123456789"}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), {error, _} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "01234567890"]}]), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_varchar, 10}, ["1", 2.3]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_character_varying(doc)-> ["Test insertion of variable length strings by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_character_varying(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD CHARACTER VARYING(10))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "0123456789"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), {selected, Fileds, [{"foo"}, {"0123456789"}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), {error, _} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "01234567890"]}]), {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_varchar, 10}, ["1", 2]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_float(doc)-> ["Test insertion of floats by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_float(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD FLOAT(5))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_float,5}, [1.3, 1.2]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), {selected, Fileds, [{Float1},{Float2}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), case (odbc_test_lib:match_float(Float1, 1.3, 0.000001) and odbc_test_lib:match_float(Float2, 1.2, 0.000001)) of true -> ok; false -> ct:fail(float_numbers_do_not_match) end, {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{{sql_float, 5}, [1.0, "2"]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_real(doc)-> ["Test insertion of real numbers by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_real(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD REAL)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_real, [1.3, 1.2]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), %_InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_real(), {selected, Fileds, [{Real1},{Real2}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), case (odbc_test_lib:match_float(Real1, 1.3, 0.000001) and odbc_test_lib:match_float(Real2, 1.2, 0.000001)) of true -> ok; false -> ct:fail(real_numbers_do_not_match) end, {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_real,[1.0, "2"]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_double(doc)-> ["Test insertion of doubles by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_double(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (FIELD DOUBLE PRECISION)"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_double, [1.3, 1.2]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), {selected, Fileds, [{Double1},{Double2}]} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ["FIELD"] = odbc_test_lib:to_upper(Fileds), case (odbc_test_lib:match_float(Double1, 1.3, 0.000001) and odbc_test_lib:match_float(Double2, 1.2, 0.000001)) of true -> ok; false -> ct:fail(double_numbers_do_not_match) end, {'EXIT',{badarg,odbc,param_query,'Params'}} = (catch odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(FIELD) VALUES(?)", [{sql_double, [1.0, "2"]}])), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_insert_mix(doc)-> ["Test insertion of a mixture of datatypes by parameterized queries."]; param_insert_mix(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID INTEGER, DATA CHARACTER VARYING(10)," " PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(ID, DATA) VALUES(?, ?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2]}, {{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "bar"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, Count), InsertResult = ?RDBMS:param_select_mix(), InsertResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_update(doc)-> ["Test parameterized update query."]; param_update(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID INTEGER, DATA CHARACTER VARYING(10)," " PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(ID, DATA) VALUES(?, ?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2, 3]}, {{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(3, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "UPDATE " ++ Table ++ " SET DATA = 'foobar' WHERE ID = ?", [{sql_integer, [1, 2]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, NewCount), UpdateResult = ?RDBMS:param_update(), UpdateResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete_nonexisting_row(doc) -> % OTP-5759 ["Make a delete...where with false conditions (0 rows deleted). ", "This used to give an error message (see ticket OTP-5759)."]; delete_nonexisting_row(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID INTEGER, DATA CHARACTER VARYING(10))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(ID, DATA) VALUES(?, ?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2, 3]}, {{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(3, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "DELETE FROM " ++ Table ++ " WHERE ID = 8"), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(0, NewCount), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "DROP TABLE "++ Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_delete(doc) -> ["Test parameterized delete query."]; param_delete(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID INTEGER, DATA CHARACTER VARYING(10)," " PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(ID, DATA) VALUES(?, ?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2, 3]}, {{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(3, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "DELETE FROM " ++ Table ++ " WHERE ID = ?", [{sql_integer, [1, 2]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, NewCount), UpdateResult = ?RDBMS:param_delete(), UpdateResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_select(doc) -> ["Test parameterized select query."]; param_select(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID INTEGER, DATA CHARACTER VARYING(10)," " PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(ID, DATA) VALUES(?, ?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2, 3]}, {{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "bar", "foo"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(3, Count), SelectResult = ?RDBMS:param_select(), SelectResult = odbc:param_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table ++ " WHERE DATA = ?", [{{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo"]}]), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_select_empty_params(doc) -> ["Test parameterized select query with no parameters."]; param_select_empty_params(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID INTEGER, DATA CHARACTER VARYING(10)," " PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(ID, DATA) VALUES(?, ?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2, 3]}, {{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "bar", "foo"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(3, Count), SelectResult = ?RDBMS:param_select(), SelectResult = odbc:param_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table ++ " WHERE DATA = \'foo\'", []), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- param_delete_empty_params(doc) -> ["Test parameterized delete query with no parameters."]; param_delete_empty_params(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (ID INTEGER, DATA CHARACTER VARYING(10)," " PRIMARY KEY(ID))"), {updated, Count} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "INSERT INTO " ++ Table ++ "(ID, DATA) VALUES(?, ?)", [{sql_integer, [1, 2, 3]}, {{sql_varchar, 10}, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}]), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(3, Count), {updated, NewCount} = odbc:param_query(Ref, "DELETE FROM " ++ Table ++ " WHERE ID = 1 OR ID = 2", []), true = odbc_test_lib:check_row_count(2, NewCount), UpdateResult = ?RDBMS:param_delete(), UpdateResult = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "SELECT * FROM " ++ Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe_integer(doc) -> ["Test describe_table/[2,3] for integer columns."]; describe_integer(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (myint1 SMALLINT, myint2 INT, myint3 INTEGER)"), Decs = ?RDBMS:describe_integer(), %% Make sure to test timeout clause Decs = odbc:describe_table(Ref, Table, ?TIMEOUT), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe_string(doc) -> ["Test describe_table/[2,3] for string columns."]; describe_string(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (str1 char(10), str2 character(10), " "str3 CHAR VARYING(10), str4 " "CHARACTER VARYING(10))"), Decs = ?RDBMS:describe_string(), Decs = odbc:describe_table(Ref, Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe_floating(doc) -> ["Test describe_table/[2,3] for floting columns."]; describe_floating(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (f FLOAT(5), r REAL, " "d DOUBLE PRECISION)"), Decs = ?RDBMS:describe_floating(), Decs = odbc:describe_table(Ref, Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe_dec_num(doc) -> ["Test describe_table/[2,3] for decimal and numerical columns"]; describe_dec_num(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ " (mydec DECIMAL(9,3), mynum NUMERIC(9,2))"), Decs = ?RDBMS:describe_dec_num(), Decs = odbc:describe_table(Ref, Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe_timestamp(doc) -> ["Test describe_table/[2,3] for tinmestap columns"]; describe_timestamp(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {updated, _} = % Value == 0 || -1 driver dependent! odbc:sql_query(Ref, "CREATE TABLE " ++ Table ++ ?RDBMS:create_timestamp_table()), Decs = ?RDBMS:describe_timestamp(), Decs = odbc:describe_table(Ref, Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe_no_such_table(doc) -> ["Test what happens if you try to describe a table that does not exist."]; describe_no_such_table(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Ref = proplists:get_value(connection_ref, Config), Table = proplists:get_value(tableName, Config), {error, _ } = odbc:describe_table(Ref, Table), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_driver_error(Error) -> case is_list(Error) of true -> ct:pal("Driver error ~p~n", [Error]), ok; false -> ct:fail(Error) end. is_supported_multiple_resultsets(sqlserver) -> true; is_supported_multiple_resultsets(_) -> false.