<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin1" ?> <!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd"> <erlref> <header> <copyright> <year>1996</year><year>2009</year> <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. </legalnotice> <title>disksup</title> <prepared></prepared> <docno></docno> <date></date> <rev></rev> </header> <module>disksup</module> <modulesummary>A Disk Supervisor Process</modulesummary> <description> <p><c>disksup</c> is a process which supervises the available disk space in the system. It is part of the OS_Mon application, see <seealso marker="os_mon_app">os_mon(6)</seealso>. Available for Unix and Windows.</p> <p>Periodically checks the disks. For each disk or partition which uses more than a certain amount of the available space, the alarm <c>{{disk_almost_full, MountedOn}, []}</c> is set.</p> <taglist> <tag>On Unix</tag> <item> <p>All (locally) mounted disks are checked, including the swap disk if it is present.</p> </item> <tag>On WIN32</tag> <item> <p>All logical drives of type "FIXED_DISK" are checked.</p> </item> </taglist> <p>Alarms are reported to the SASL alarm handler, see <seealso marker="sasl:alarm_handler">alarm_handler(3)</seealso>. To set an alarm, <c>alarm_handler:set_alarm(Alarm)</c> is called where <c>Alarm</c> is the alarm specified above.</p> <p>The alarms are cleared automatically when the alarm cause is no longer valid.</p> </description> <section> <marker id="config"></marker> <title>Configuration</title> <p>The following configuration parameters can be used to change the default values for time interval and threshold:</p> <taglist> <tag><c>disk_space_check_interval = int()>0</c></tag> <item> <p>The time interval, in minutes, for the periodic disk space check. The default is 30 minutes.</p> </item> <tag><c>disk_almost_full_threshold = float()</c></tag> <item> <p>The threshold, as percentage of total disk space, for how much disk can be utilized before the <c>disk_almost_full</c> alarm is set. The default is 0.80 (80%).</p> </item> </taglist> <p>See <seealso marker="kernel:config">config(4)</seealso> for information about how to change the value of configuration parameters.</p> </section> <funcs> <func> <name>get_disk_data() -> [DiskData]</name> <fsummary>Get data for the disks in the system</fsummary> <type> <v>DiskData = {Id, KByte, Capacity}</v> <v> Id = string()</v> <v> KByte = int()</v> <v> Capacity = int()</v> </type> <desc> <p>Returns the result of the latest disk check. <c>Id</c> is a string that identifies the disk or partition. <c>KByte</c> is the total size of the disk or partition in kbytes. <c>Capacity</c> is the percentage of disk space used.</p> <p>The function is asynchronous in the sense that it does not invoke a disk check, but returns the latest available value.</p> <p>Returns <c>[{"none",0,0}]</c> if <c>disksup</c> is not available.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name>get_check_interval() -> MS</name> <fsummary>Get time interval, in milliseconds, for the periodic disk space check</fsummary> <type> <v>MS = int()</v> </type> <desc> <p>Returns the time interval, in milliseconds, for the periodic disk space check.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name>set_check_interval(Minutes) -> ok</name> <fsummary>Set time interval, in minutes, for the periodic disk space check</fsummary> <type> <v>Minutes = int()>=1</v> </type> <desc> <p>Changes the time interval, given in minutes, for the periodic disk space check.</p> <p>The change will take effect after the next disk space check and is non-persist. That is, in case of a process restart, this value is forgotten and the default value will be used. See <seealso marker="#config">Configuration</seealso> above.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name>get_almost_full_threshold() -> Percent</name> <fsummary>Get threshold, in percent, for disk space utilization</fsummary> <type> <v>Percent = int()</v> </type> <desc> <p>Returns the threshold, in percent, for disk space utilization.</p> </desc> </func> <func> <name>set_almost_full_threshold(Float) -> ok</name> <fsummary>Set threshold, as percentage represented by a float, for disk space utilization</fsummary> <type> <v>Float = float(), 0=<Float=<1</v> </type> <desc> <p>Changes the threshold, given as a float, for disk space utilization.</p> <p>The change will take effect during the next disk space check and is non-persist. That is, in case of a process restart, this value is forgotten and the default value will be used. See <seealso marker="#config">Configuration</seealso> above.</p> </desc> </func> </funcs> <section> <title>See Also</title> <p><seealso marker="sasl:alarm_handler">alarm_handler(3)</seealso>, <seealso marker="os_mon_app">os_mon(3)</seealso></p> </section> </erlref>