%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(cpu_sup). %% API -export([start_link/0, start/0, stop/0]). -export([nprocs/0, avg1/0, avg5/0, avg15/0, util/0, util/1]). -export([dummy_reply/1]). %% For testing -export([ping/0]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% Internal protocol with the port program -define(nprocs,"n"). -define(avg1,"1"). -define(avg5,"5"). -define(avg15,"f"). -define(quit,"q"). -define(ping,"p"). -define(util,"u"). -define(cu_cpu_id, 0). -define(cu_user, 1). -define(cu_nice_user, 2). -define(cu_kernel, 3). -define(cu_io_wait, 4). -define(cu_idle, 5). -define(cu_hard_irq, 6). -define(cu_soft_irq, 7). -define(cu_steal, 8). -define(INT32(D3,D2,D1,D0), (((D3) bsl 24) bor ((D2) bsl 16) bor ((D1) bsl 8) bor (D0))). -define(MAX_UINT32, ((1 bsl 32) - 1)). -record(cpu_util, {cpu, busy = [], non_busy = []}). -record(state, {server, os_type}). %-record(state, {server, port = not_used, util = [], os_type}). -record(internal, {port = not_used, util = [], os_type}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Contract specifications %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -type util_cpus() :: 'all' | integer() | [integer()]. -type util_state() :: 'user' | 'nice_user' | 'kernel' | 'wait' | 'idle'. -type util_value() :: {util_state(), float()} | float(). -type util_desc() :: {util_cpus(), util_value(), util_value(), []}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Exported functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start() -> gen_server:start({local, cpu_sup}, cpu_sup, [], []). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, cpu_sup}, cpu_sup, [], []). stop() -> gen_server:call(cpu_sup, ?quit, infinity). -spec nprocs() -> integer() | {'error', any()}. nprocs() -> os_mon:call(cpu_sup, ?nprocs, infinity). -spec avg1() -> integer() | {'error', any()}. avg1() -> os_mon:call(cpu_sup, ?avg1, infinity). -spec avg5() -> integer() | {'error', any()}. avg5() -> os_mon:call(cpu_sup, ?avg5, infinity). -spec avg15() -> integer() | {'error', any()}. avg15() -> os_mon:call(cpu_sup, ?avg15, infinity). -spec util(['detailed' | 'per_cpu']) -> util_desc() | [util_desc()] | {'error', any()}. util(Args) when is_list (Args) -> % Get arguments case lists:foldl( fun (detailed, {_ , PC}) -> {true, PC }; (per_cpu , {D , _ }) -> {D , true}; (_ , _ ) -> badarg end, {false, false}, Args) of badarg -> erlang:error(badarg); {Detailed, PerCpu} -> os_mon:call(cpu_sup, {?util, Detailed, PerCpu}, infinity) end; util(_) -> erlang:error(badarg). -spec util() -> float(). util() -> case util([]) of {all, Busy, _, _} -> Busy; Error -> Error end. dummy_reply(?nprocs) -> 0; dummy_reply(?avg1) -> 0; dummy_reply(?avg5) -> 0; dummy_reply(?avg15) -> 0; dummy_reply({?util,_,_}) -> {all, 0, 0, []}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% For testing %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- ping() -> gen_server:call(cpu_sup,?ping). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% gen_server callbacks %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% init init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), process_flag(priority, low), {ok, #state{ os_type = os:type(), server = measurement_server_start() } }. handle_call(?quit, _From, State) -> {stop, normal, ok, State}; handle_call({?util, D, PC}, {Client, _Tag}, #state{os_type = {unix, Flavor}} = State) when Flavor == sunos; Flavor == linux; Flavor == freebsd -> case measurement_server_call(State#state.server, {?util, D, PC, Client}) of {error, Reason} -> { reply, {error, Reason}, State#state{server=measurement_server_restart(State#state.server)} }; Result -> {reply, Result, State} end; handle_call({?util, Detailed, PerCpu}, _From, State) -> String = "OS_MON (cpu_sup), util/1 unavailable for this OS~n", error_logger:warning_msg(String), {reply, dummy_reply({?util, Detailed, PerCpu}), State}; handle_call(Request, _From, State) when Request==?nprocs; Request==?avg1; Request==?avg5; Request==?avg15; Request==?ping -> case measurement_server_call(State#state.server, Request) of {error, Reason} -> { reply, {error, Reason}, State#state{server=measurement_server_restart(State#state.server)} }; Result -> {reply, Result, State} end. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info({'EXIT', _Port, Reason}, State) -> {stop, {server_died, Reason}, State#state{server=not_used}}; handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> exit(State#state.server, normal). %% os_mon-2.0 %% For live downgrade to/upgrade from os_mon-1.8[.1] code_change(Vsn, PrevState, "1.8") -> case Vsn of %% Downgrade from this version {down, _Vsn} -> process_flag(trap_exit, false); %% Upgrade to this version _Vsn -> process_flag(trap_exit, true) end, {ok, PrevState}; code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- get_uint32_measurement(Request, #internal{os_type = {unix, linux}}) -> {ok,F} = file:open("/proc/loadavg",[read,raw]), {ok,D} = file:read_line(F), ok = file:close(F), {ok,[Load1,Load5,Load15,_PRun,PTotal],_} = io_lib:fread("~f ~f ~f ~d/~d", D), case Request of ?avg1 -> sunify(Load1); ?avg5 -> sunify(Load5); ?avg15 -> sunify(Load15); ?ping -> 4711; ?nprocs -> PTotal end; get_uint32_measurement(Request, #internal{port = P, os_type = {unix, Sys}}) when Sys == sunos; Sys == dragonfly; Sys == openbsd; Sys == freebsd; Sys == darwin -> port_server_call(P, Request); get_uint32_measurement(Request, #internal{os_type = {unix, Sys}}) when Sys == irix64; Sys == irix -> %% Get the load average using uptime. %% "8:01pm up 2 days, 22:12, 4 users, load average: 0.70, 0.58, 0.43" D = os:cmd("uptime") -- "\n", Avg = lists:reverse(hd(string:tokens(lists:reverse(D), ":"))), {ok, [L1, L5, L15], _} = io_lib:fread("~f, ~f, ~f", Avg), case Request of ?avg1 -> sunify(L1); ?avg5 -> sunify(L5); ?avg15 -> sunify(L15); ?ping -> 4711; ?nprocs -> {ok, ProcList} = file:list_dir("/proc/pinfo"), length(ProcList) end; get_uint32_measurement(_, _) -> throw(not_implemented). get_util_measurement(?util, #internal{port = P }) -> case port_server_call(P, ?util) of {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; NewCpuUtil -> NewCpuUtil end; get_util_measurement(_,_) -> throw(not_implemented). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% BEGIN: tainted internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- sunify(Val) -> round(Val*256). % Note that Solaris and Linux load averages are % measured quite differently anyway keysearchdelete(_, _, []) -> {false, []}; keysearchdelete(K, N, [T|Ts]) when element(N, T) == K -> {{value, T}, Ts}; keysearchdelete(K, N, [T|Ts]) -> {X, NTs} = keysearchdelete(K, N, Ts), {X, [T|NTs]}. %% Internal cpu utilization functions %% cpu_util_diff(New, Old) takes a list of new cpu_util records as first %% argument and a list of old cpu_util records as second argument. The %% two lists have to be sorted on cpu index in ascending order. %% %% The returned value is a difference list in descending order. cpu_util_diff(New, Old) -> cpu_util_diff(New, Old, []). cpu_util_diff([], [], Acc) -> Acc; cpu_util_diff([#cpu_util{cpu = Cpu, busy = NewBusy, non_busy = NewNonBusy} | NewCpuUtils], [#cpu_util{cpu = Cpu, busy = OldBusy, non_busy = OldNonBusy} | OldCpuUtils], Acc) -> {PreBusy, GotBusy} = state_list_diff(NewBusy, OldBusy), {NonBusy, GotNonBusy} = state_list_diff(NewNonBusy, OldNonBusy), Busy = case GotBusy orelse GotNonBusy of true -> PreBusy; false -> %% This can happen if cpu_sup:util/[0,1] is called %% again immediately after the previous call has %% returned. Because the user obviously is doing %% something we charge "user". lists:map(fun ({user, 0}) -> {user, 1}; ({_, 0} = StateTup) -> StateTup end, PreBusy) end, cpu_util_diff(NewCpuUtils, OldCpuUtils, [#cpu_util{cpu = Cpu, busy = Busy, non_busy = NonBusy} | Acc]); %% A new cpu appeared cpu_util_diff([#cpu_util{cpu = NC}|_] = New, [#cpu_util{cpu = OC}|_] = Old, Acc) when NC < OC -> cpu_util_diff(New, [#cpu_util{cpu = NC}|Old], Acc); cpu_util_diff([#cpu_util{cpu = NC}|_] = New, [], Acc) -> cpu_util_diff(New, [#cpu_util{cpu = NC}], Acc); %% An old cpu disappeared cpu_util_diff([#cpu_util{cpu = NC}|Ns], [#cpu_util{cpu = OC}|_] = Old, Acc) when NC > OC -> cpu_util_diff(Ns, Old, Acc); cpu_util_diff([], _Old, Acc) -> cpu_util_diff([], [], Acc). cpu_util_rel(NewCpuUtils, OldCpuUtils, Detailed, PerCpu) -> cpu_util_rel(cpu_util_diff(NewCpuUtils, OldCpuUtils), Detailed, PerCpu). %% %% cpu_util_rel/3 takes a difference list of cpu_util records as first %% argument, a boolean determining if the result should be detailed as %% second argument, and a boolean determining if the result should be %% per cpu as third argument. The first argument (the difference list) %% has to be sorted on cpu index in descending order. %% cpu_util_rel(CUDiff, false, false) -> {B, T} = lists:foldl(fun (#cpu_util{busy = BusyList, non_busy = NonBusyList}, {BusyAcc, TotAcc}) -> Busy = state_list_sum(BusyList), NonBusy = state_list_sum(NonBusyList), {BusyAcc+Busy, TotAcc+Busy+NonBusy} end, {0, 0}, CUDiff), BRel = B/T*100, {all, BRel, 100-BRel, []}; cpu_util_rel(CUDiff, true, false) -> cpu_util_rel_det(CUDiff, #cpu_util{cpu = [], busy = [], non_busy = []}); cpu_util_rel(CUDiff, false, true) -> cpu_util_rel_pcpu(CUDiff, []); cpu_util_rel(CUDiff, true, true) -> cpu_util_rel_det_pcpu(CUDiff, []). cpu_util_rel_pcpu([], Acc) -> Acc; cpu_util_rel_pcpu([#cpu_util{cpu = C, busy = BusyList, non_busy = NonBusyList} | Rest], Acc) -> Busy = state_list_sum(BusyList), NonBusy = state_list_sum(NonBusyList), Tot = Busy + NonBusy, cpu_util_rel_pcpu(Rest, [{C, Busy/Tot*100, NonBusy/Tot*100, []}|Acc]). cpu_util_rel_det([], #cpu_util{cpu = CpuAcc, busy = BusyAcc, non_busy = NonBusyAcc}) -> Total = state_list_sum(BusyAcc) + state_list_sum(NonBusyAcc), {CpuAcc, mk_rel_states(BusyAcc,Total), mk_rel_states(NonBusyAcc,Total), []}; cpu_util_rel_det([#cpu_util{cpu = Cpu, busy = Busy, non_busy = NonBusy} | Rest], #cpu_util{cpu = CpuAcc, busy = BusyAcc, non_busy = NonBusyAcc}) -> cpu_util_rel_det(Rest, #cpu_util{cpu = [Cpu|CpuAcc], busy = state_list_add(Busy, BusyAcc), non_busy = state_list_add(NonBusy, NonBusyAcc)}). cpu_util_rel_det_pcpu([], Acc) -> Acc; cpu_util_rel_det_pcpu([#cpu_util{cpu = Cpu, busy = Busy, non_busy = NonBusy}| Rest], Acc) -> Total = state_list_sum(Busy) + state_list_sum(NonBusy), cpu_util_rel_det_pcpu(Rest, [{Cpu, mk_rel_states(Busy, Total), mk_rel_states(NonBusy, Total), []} | Acc]). mk_rel_states(States, Total) -> lists:map(fun ({State, Value}) -> {State, 100*Value/Total} end, States). state_list_sum(StateList) -> lists:foldl(fun ({_, X}, Acc) -> Acc+X end, 0, StateList). state_list_diff([],[]) -> {[], false}; state_list_diff([{State,ValueNew}|RestNew], []) -> state_list_diff([{State, ValueNew} | RestNew], [{State, 0}]); state_list_diff([{State,ValueNew}|RestNew], [{State,ValueOld}|RestOld]) -> ValDiff = val_diff(State, ValueNew, ValueOld), {RestStateDiff, FoundDiff} = state_list_diff(RestNew, RestOld), {[{State, ValDiff} | RestStateDiff], FoundDiff orelse ValDiff /= 0}. state_list_add([],[]) -> []; state_list_add([{State, ValueA}|RestA], []) -> [{State, ValueA} | state_list_add(RestA, [])]; state_list_add([{State, ValueA} | RestA], [{State, ValueB} | RestB]) -> [{State, ValueA + ValueB} | state_list_add(RestA, RestB)]. one_step_backwards(State, New, Old) -> case os:type() of {unix, linux} -> %% This should never happen! But values sometimes takes a step %% backwards on linux. We'll ignore it as long as it's only %% one step... 0; _ -> val_diff2(State, New, Old) end. val_diff(State, New, Old) when New == Old - 1 -> one_step_backwards(State, New, Old); val_diff(State, ?MAX_UINT32, 0) -> one_step_backwards(State, ?MAX_UINT32, 0); val_diff(State, New, Old) -> val_diff2(State, New, Old). val_diff2(State, New, Old) when New > ?MAX_UINT32; Old > ?MAX_UINT32 -> %% We obviously got uints > 32 bits ensure_positive_diff(State, New - Old); val_diff2(State, New, Old) when New < Old -> %% 32-bit integer wrapped ensure_positive_diff(State, (?MAX_UINT32 + 1) + New - Old); val_diff2(_State, New, Old) -> New - Old. ensure_positive_diff(_State, Diff) when Diff >= 0 -> Diff; ensure_positive_diff(State, Diff) -> throw({error, {negative_diff, State, Diff}}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% END: tainted internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% cpu_sup measurement server wrapper %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- measurement_server_call(Pid, Request) -> Timeout = 5000, Pid ! {self(), Request}, receive {data, Data} -> Data after Timeout -> {error, timeout} end. measurement_server_restart(Pid) -> exit(Pid, kill), measurement_server_start(). measurement_server_start() -> spawn(fun() -> measurement_server_init() end). measurement_server_init() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), OS = os:type(), Server = case OS of {unix, Flavor} when Flavor==sunos; Flavor==linux; Flavor==darwin; Flavor==freebsd; Flavor==dragonfly; Flavor==openbsd -> {ok, Pid} = port_server_start_link(), Pid; {unix, Flavor} when Flavor==irix64; Flavor==irix -> not_used; _ -> exit({unsupported_os, OS}) end, measurement_server_loop(#internal{port=Server, os_type=OS}). measurement_server_loop(State) -> receive {_, quit} -> State#internal.port ! {self(), ?quit}, ok; {'DOWN',Monitor,process,_,_} -> measurement_server_loop(State#internal{ util = lists:keydelete( Monitor, 2, State#internal.util)}); {Pid, {?util, D, PC, Client}} -> {Monitor, OldCpuUtil, Utils2} = case keysearchdelete(Client, 1, State#internal.util) of {{value, {Client, Mon, U}}, Us} -> {Mon, U, Us}; {false, Us} -> {erlang:monitor(process, Client), [], Us} end, try get_util_measurement(?util, State) of NewCpuUtil -> Result = cpu_util_rel(NewCpuUtil, OldCpuUtil, D, PC), Pid ! {data, Result}, measurement_server_loop(State#internal{util=[{Client,Monitor,NewCpuUtil}|Utils2]}) catch Error -> Pid ! {error, Error}, measurement_server_loop(State) end; {Pid, Request} -> try get_uint32_measurement(Request, State) of Result -> Pid ! {data, Result} catch Error -> Pid ! {error, Error} end, measurement_server_loop(State); {'EXIT', OldPid, _n} when State#internal.port == OldPid -> {ok, NewPid} = port_server_start_link(), measurement_server_loop(State#internal{port = NewPid}); _Other -> measurement_server_loop(State) end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% cpu_sup port program server wrapper %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- port_server_call(Pid, Command) -> Pid ! {self(), Command}, receive {Pid, {data, Result}} -> Result; {Pid, {error, Reason}} -> {error, Reason} end. port_server_start_link() -> Timeout = 6000, Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> port_server_init(Timeout) end), Pid ! {self(), ?ping}, receive {Pid, {data,4711}} -> {ok, Pid}; {error,Reason} -> {error, Reason} after Timeout -> {error, timeout} end. port_server_init(Timeout) -> Port = start_portprogram(), port_server_loop(Port, Timeout). port_server_loop(Port, Timeout) -> receive % Adjust timeout {Pid, {timeout, Timeout}} -> Pid ! {data, Timeout}, port_server_loop(Port, Timeout); % Number of processors {Pid, ?nprocs} -> port_command(Port, ?nprocs), Result = port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout), Pid ! {self(), {data, Result}}, port_server_loop(Port, Timeout); % Average load for the past minute {Pid, ?avg1} -> port_command(Port, ?avg1), Result = port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout), Pid ! {self(), {data, Result}}, port_server_loop(Port, Timeout); % Average load for the past five minutes {Pid, ?avg5} -> port_command(Port, ?avg5), Result = port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout), Pid ! {self(), {data, Result}}, port_server_loop(Port, Timeout); % Average load for the past 15 minutes {Pid, ?avg15} -> port_command(Port, ?avg15), Result = port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout), Pid ! {self(), {data, Result}}, port_server_loop(Port, Timeout); {Pid, ?util} -> port_command(Port, ?util), Result = port_receive_util(Port, Timeout), Pid ! {self(), {data, Result}}, port_server_loop(Port, Timeout); % Port ping {Pid, ?ping} -> port_command(Port, ?ping), Result = port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout), Pid ! {self(), {data, Result}}, port_server_loop(Port, Timeout); % Close port and this server {Pid, ?quit} -> port_command(Port, ?quit), port_close(Port), Pid ! {self(), {data, quit}}, ok; % Ignore other commands _ -> port_server_loop(Port, Timeout) end. port_receive_uint32( Port, Timeout) -> port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout, []). port_receive_uint32(_Port, _Timeout, [D3,D2,D1,D0]) -> ?INT32(D3,D2,D1,D0); port_receive_uint32(_Port, _Timeout, [_,_,_,_ | G]) -> exit({port_garbage, G}); port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout, D) -> receive {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_exit, Reason}); {Port, {data, ND}} -> port_receive_uint32(Port, Timeout, D ++ ND) after Timeout -> exit(timeout_uint32) end. port_receive_util(Port, Timeout) -> receive {Port, {data, [ NP3,NP2,NP1,NP0, % Number of processors NE3,NE2,NE1,NE0 % Number of entries per processor | CpuData]}} -> port_receive_cpu_util( ?INT32(NP3,NP2,NP1,NP0), ?INT32(NE3,NE2,NE1,NE0), CpuData, []); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_exit, Reason}) after Timeout -> exit(timeout_util) end. % per processor receive loop port_receive_cpu_util(0, _NE, [], CpuList) -> % Return in ascending cpu_id order lists:reverse(CpuList); port_receive_cpu_util(0, _NE, Garbage, _) -> exit( {port_garbage, Garbage}); port_receive_cpu_util(NP, NE, CpuData, CpuList) -> {CpuUtil, Rest} = port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE, #cpu_util{}, CpuData), port_receive_cpu_util(NP - 1, NE, Rest, [ CpuUtil | CpuList]). % per entry receive loop port_receive_cpu_util_entries(0, CU, Rest) -> {CU, Rest}; port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE, CU, [ CID3, CID2, CID1, CID0, Val3, Val2, Val1, Val0 | CpuData]) -> TagId = ?INT32(CID3,CID2,CID1,CID0), Value = ?INT32(Val3,Val2,Val1,Val0), % Conversions from integers to atoms case TagId of ?cu_cpu_id -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{cpu = Value}, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_user -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ busy = [{user, Value} | CU#cpu_util.busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_nice_user -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ busy = [{nice_user, Value} | CU#cpu_util.busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_kernel -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ busy = [{kernel, Value} | CU#cpu_util.busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_io_wait -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ non_busy = [{wait, Value} | CU#cpu_util.non_busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_idle -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ non_busy = [{idle, Value} | CU#cpu_util.non_busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_hard_irq -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ busy = [{hard_irq, Value} | CU#cpu_util.busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_soft_irq -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ busy = [{soft_irq, Value} | CU#cpu_util.busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); ?cu_steal -> NewCU = CU#cpu_util{ non_busy = [{steal, Value} | CU#cpu_util.non_busy] }, port_receive_cpu_util_entries(NE - 1, NewCU, CpuData); Unhandled -> exit({unexpected_type_id, Unhandled}) end; port_receive_cpu_util_entries(_, _, Data) -> exit({data_mismatch, Data}). start_portprogram() -> Port = os_mon:open_port("cpu_sup", [stream]), port_command(Port, ?ping), 4711 = port_receive_uint32(Port, 5000), Port.